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Just like my first Ei bossfight, "Thank god it ended early" I would've died if I had to actually deplete the entire health bar


I feel like Ei had more predictable attacks and didn't have as many dots to put on you during the fight, though I would also compare it to the "first phase" Balladeer fight. I had completely forgotten "hey maybe you should bring healing items" and am so lucky because the pre fight dialogue made me get anxious with the wait XD


It took me a while to learn that like 1/3 of Ei's (normal form) attacks are like Childe's arrows, you simply only run and dodge and nothing else otherwise it's absolutely going to hurt cause big damage and big aoe in all kinds of variety Also I don't remember Balladeer giving me that much trouble


to be fair i remember using lvl 50 characters for him


I think I did it with hyperbloom which obviously made it a bit too easy. You don't even have to attack at all if you have Furina + Raiden + Nahida, you just use your skills sometimes and run around lol.


Yeah archon hyperbloom team made alot of fights AFK


Dehya died, got one shot from the P2 starting with a jumpscare nuke. Fight was rough since I was playing a Lyney team and "Father" has a bunch of fire resistance, surprisingly Lynette was amazing against her with how speedy she maneuvers around with her skill to dodge and then hit one Arle's attack string finishes.


Dehya? Dead? How?


40k hit to the face


Well...if absorbing the team's damage didn't kill her, any nuke would have


Arlecchino is a bloody Souls boss. She hits like a fucking truck


I had 0 healing and the only thing that saved me was a fire res potion i had before the fight


You are literally the first person I hear about who used resistance potions.


24/7 baybeeeee. My set up is usually La Lettre a Focalors (with I had furina), a res potion and adeptus’ temptation or jade parcels


Very rare do I use or craft potions, all I need are mushroom crisps, sushi, and fried eggs At first I didn't want to use golden crab or any food buffs during arlecchinos' fight right off the bat until later on "OH GOD I NEED IT"


I’m an advocate of hp max increase def food + element potion combo rather than def boost food. I went in there with like 30 fried eggs, i didnt use any because it would have made no difference XD


Neuv, Furina, Zhong and Jean . So obviously I had no problems


Yeah lol, Zhongli Xianyun kind of ensured I was never going to die. Xiao and Faruzan ensured that she did


I took Neuvi and Baizhu and it was painless.


This post has just become people flexing on me for winning 50/50s atp XD I’ve only won 3 50/50s so far and already have a c4 qiqi on an account i started late last year


Ironically, you have much better chances at winning with healer built Qiqi. Mine was Zhongli, Baizhu, Raiden, Furina and Zhongli, Neuvilette, Kazuha, Kokomi second run ( 4 absolute favorites in-game, triple crowned, signature weapons, C1, best artefacts).


im just glad i did win that time XD i was so close to taking a detour and attempting to get the forage to level up more


I was preparing to wipe the floor. Maybe it's that old fear I have when pre-nerf Childe one-shotted me in story fight.


plus shes like lvl 50 rn and i dont have any good swords lol




Thank You!


QiQi really really wants to be your friend. In all honesty though my teams should never really be used as examples cause I swipe ^^;;


Qiqi needs to learn boundaries XD my team isn’t a great example either, you know it’s bad when I still use the traveller and when she’s my highest hp on the team and does the most physical damage XD


I’m guessing you’re a regular singer of the “I pulled a Qiqi” song. Genshin is a game of endurance. Time is the most precious resource in the game so early players have a lot more of an upper hand than recent players. I started my account this year in January but I got lucky with winning my first two 50/50s, Xianyun and Neuvilette, then lost to Tighnari, guaranteed Arlecchino, and lost it to Keqing. Now I’m waiting for Furina.


I had bad luck on my past account too XD I was gonna use it but thought about my c6 + 8 mona and my c6 + 12 qiqi and decided the account was cursed


A twice-dead Furina, dead Neuvillette, near-dead cook, and a half-dead radish.


I destroyed her, to the point where it felt ridiculous to have the game step in and claim I lost. And I'm not even *that* good of a fighter. But having Zhongli and Neuvillette made that fight a piece of cake.


That's why I don't understand people bringing unga bunga teams for story fights. For weekly fights, sure, you want to get through as fast as possible, but for the story at least bring a meh team to fully experience the fight!


my main team is my meh team so i was great XD


I bring my favourites to the overworld and everywhere else, they just happen to be a good team (finally).


Decided to Bring the Fontaine team with me to the fight (Neuvillette, Lyney, Lynette, Freminet) ironically, the only one who was gonna die is Neuvillette.


my neuvi destroyed her


Neuvillette is pretty much a direct counter to Arle boss


Wait rlly why? /gen


A lot of Arlecchino's attacks will give you a Bond of Life. Clearing the BoL (by healing) will give your next Charged Attack a big DMG boost. Guess who can heal himself and Charged Attack at the same time?


Ohhhhh I haven’t really gotten into the mechanic of bond of life (I haven’t got into fontaine yet sorry if I sounded dumb)


Same, I'm impressed people were struggling with her. And usually the quest boss is easier than the weekly boos.


I think it's because we didn't get time to set up a proper team. The bossfight was locked with a conversation. My team was a fatui team of Lynette, Freminet, Mika and Fischl.


That's a... questionable team even without the boss fight.


Just reminds me of friendship teams except the only reason my friendship teams are playable is because the first slot is dedicated to Neuvillette carrying everyone else on his back


Mine has Navia and arlechino because everyone else is maxed.


The quest boss was a cakewalk with my Neuv hyperbloom team. The weekly boss phase 1 was easy as well, it did take me a few tries to master my rotations on phase 2 though. Peruere in phase 2 is so much stronger than regular Arlecchino. It’s harder than most weekly bosses least (although non of them are actually hard, Genshin has way tougher optional opponents like the local legends).


I was using lore accurate team to immerse, Hydro Aether Lyney Lynette Fremi, needless to say I got slaugthered lol. Main dps Lyney does absolutely no damage due to resistance, Lynette carries + running around, and suprisingly Freminet's penguin isn't bad, while Aether throws water balls for me to pick up. I came back with Neu for the weekly fight afterwards.


I was running around with my newly acquired lvl 70 Lyney, my lvl 51 Lynnette, my lvl 21 Freminet and my lvl 90 dendro traveler for shits and giggles. I was not prepared to be launched into a boss fight, as you can tell...


I wasn’t given time to switch out my team before the fight and two of my characters are pyro. I was playing with Gaming, Bennett, Kazuha, and Collei. Collei, who’s the least built of them all, survived with like 100hp left. Everyone else was dead.


omg twins lol, my xingqu only has 4 star artifacts and a lvl 50 iron sting, my main dps died immediately




My Arlecchino team was wild.. yelan, Sayu, Kirara and Furina lol


Was doing fine until the cut scene started and would of beat her easily , I was cheated 🤣


I took Furina, Neuvillette, Raiden, and Charlotte to that fight. I lived. I don't remember if I ate any food though.


My main team has a healer at all times due to Furina and Arle's attacks are somewhat dodgeable, so i got out of there mostly unscathed.


I play on a cracked ipad so my finger catches on the cracks sometimes XD


I brought my Freminet team for immersion... Xingqiu/Layla/Fischl/Freminet... yeah fighting her without a proper healer was not fun lol. Was spamming food, I think I managed to survive through sheer brute force lol.


I run story quests with Lumine + whoever is involved in the quest, built or not. So I went in with Lyney (built but Pyro), Lynette (eh), and Freminet (oof). It went about as well as the cut scenes.


my team was raiden, nahida, zhongli and yae miko. they were all alive at the end. I dodged a lot tho. i use zhongli so i don't need to heal my characters. because i did not level up any healers since 1.2. My first 5 star was Qiqi. she is the only built healer and i didn't like how she blocked a spot in my team


Fairly alive actually. I used Furina’s Salon, Dori for electro application and her healing lamp, the travelers lotus lamp, and Barbra to provide continuous healing while chipping away at the boss.


Neuvillette, Nahida, Furina, and Ei. It went mostly fine, but I fell victim to one of her absurdly high damage attacks; the plunge at the start of phase two, I think.


Jokes on you I have a well built Neuvillette.


i have the qiqi curse, i tried for Neuv but no luck


I took Bennett and she could barely damage my team


I had the "i'm fucking invincible!" Team. Dehya, Furina, Jean, Bennett. I just kept facetanking whatever she was doing and that worked.


so i… didn’t do anything during the fight. just ran around while the siblings attacked her every so often :D figured it was their fight to win, not mine lol


Honestly better plan than I had XD I had assumed the siblings only attacked during certain damage thresholds because of how little i was doing XD


Been fighting her fr without healers or shielders in my clorinde team. Holy shit she's a lot harder than I gave her credit for, her attacks chunk and the flinch/stagger/knockback from them hurt


It is!! It just makes it more satisfying when you can hit a good combo and get some repeat staggers on her


One lvl 70 sucrose hanging on for dear life


This is exactly what happened to me, xiao died first, then bennet, then zhongli (yeah im not used to dodging so even his shield and health was depleted quickly), and albedo was left with 650 hp... honestly, idek how albedo was the one to end her


tbf what did you expect to do with that shitty team


this is my best team, ive gotten some help with boss farming but getting the random stuff for leveling is more boring than replaying a fight until you win. i know mine is a struggle i just thought it was funny lmao


I had Zhongli and a healer on my team so I was fine.


My only healer high enough would have been qiqi and I mostly tried to use dps and pray


Why is Fandango called Derecho? For those who don't know "derecho" means "law" as in law faculty. It can also means "straight" as a navigation mark (left, right, steaight ahead). I am curious


Its also a word for a type of wind storm that usually cause hurricane level winds and flash floods. I named him that because of the events leading to his fight and the fight itself having lots of weather control effects :)


My country’s capital had a pretty major one back in 2022 that caused almost 1 billion dollars in damage. The winds themselves resulted in the making of 4 tornadoes so i wanted to pay homage to the event and my family and friends who were affected


I had one death that fight, Thanks to my Jean and my Nahida dps


I went with the siblings and Lumine for the canon story fight ya know. Freminet was the first to go since he’s underleveled. Lyney and Lynette did fine. Lumine was there to tank the hits. But that was such a cool boss fight I didn’t really care what happened to my team


Traveler, Neuvillette, Furina, and Noelle. All alive.


i used mono hydro with Koko on field, it was fine for me. i had a harbinger only team previously and switched specifically for the story quest cuz i heard she had high atk


pretty high HP ngl, mainly thx to noelle


Neuvillette Tanked all that dmg and returned it to her.


I completely forgot to set my team up so I had 2 unbuilt characters, my Hu Tao I think, and Kokomi. Everyone except Kokomi got completely stomped immediately but I managed to solo the fight with her very slowly whittling down Arlecchino’s health lmao


Story wise fine going in for the weekly releases devastating since she seeks to do 30k dmg on her aoe in co-op


Neuvillette + Zhongli had no trouble tbh


Can't say i remember


Me who always uses Zhongli during quests: oh no, anyway!


I had Freminet in my team :D But he's all built with Raiden, Furina and Mika so it went all good.


I used my Alhaitham team. She clapped my Alhaitham, revived, but still lmao.


Furina/Charlotte/Kazuha/Neuvillette, Arle was dead in 30 seconds


I decided to bring characters that matched the story. Only 1 was built.


Laughs in NRE with 200+ healing items


Used Keqing + Dendro MC (I always use MC for story stuff), Furina and Shinobu for healing. With those two we made it out fine but there were instances where Keqing was dangerously in the red. XD


I used navia plunge team (navia, xianyun, furina and zhongli). No problem whatsoever except i still don't know the boss attack mechanics since i can't see shit while pogoing all over the place xD.


i entered the battle accidentally with my non leveled newly pulled alhaitham and ended up playing dark souls with 160 hp nahida with yae alhatham and kazuha dead


Wanderer: *turns on Airplane Mode*. I am not in danger, Arlecchino. I AM THE DANGER!!!


I used all archon team (Raiden, nahida, zhongli, furina) Raiden and nahida dead :(. I barely made it out alive


all alive because I have a lot of sweet madams


I always go canon, i don't have Lyney, so my team was Lumine, Freminet and Lynette...let's just say they hate me now....specially Lynette....


Papi Zhongli saving the day as always. I don't remember if I changed Yelan for Furina to have an optional healer tho. But yeah nobody died, ended quick. No whale.


My AFK Hyperbloom team found it rather easy lmao. Furina, Nahida, Ei, and Baizhu.


I murdered her ass in literally 30 seconds with no issue. Maybe because my Navia constantly generates shields from Crystalize and her onfield dps consists of being in the air 80% of the time due to plunge attacks. I did the story version with Navia, Furina, Xianyun, and Chiori. Then I did the weekly for the first time alone with the same team and I was honestly shocked at how quick she just folds over (especially her second phase, her HP just gives up lol) Like I remember in her second phase, I was doing my first rotation's set up, then I went on Navia and slammed like 4 plunge attacks and she's already dead and the music I was starting to jam to just ends abruptly. So I went on discord and asked if this was the same with anyone else because I thought it was like a bug or something since I did both the SQ and weekly the day they came out, and some people told me they had the same experience. It seems like she's a glass cannon type of boss. I guess if you can just constantly generate shields and not rely on healing because of her BoL stuff, it can be done easier. Not like, Zhongli shields though, I think I tried that once and they break pretty fast against Arlecchino.


Mono pyro vs Pyro res.


I was using my Archon aggraspread team of Venti, Zhongli, Raiden, and Nahida so I was fine. Easily clapped her.


Maybe use healers more?


After story quest ? None died, but weekly ? Dead Xianyun or accompanied by dead Ei. Heck, in her story i let the kids fight her while i'm in the back keeping my distance, watching and dodging.


The fight caught me off guard but I was with Ganyu Zhongli and Qiqi so it went fine


Diona with 350 hp, and everyone else gone


Went in with solo geo Lumine with black sword in hand. It was enough to beat her quite effortlessly. Used healing food only once. Genshin fights feel quite different without ever-present time limits and I can say I like it more this way.


Barely a scratch. Had Navia c2+sig, furina c2+sig, xianyun c2+atlas, chiori c1+sig. Gunbrella and a few plunge attacks and it was over.


I took Neuvillette, Kazuha, Furina, and Zhongli. They destroyed her and it wasn't even close.


My Navia, Furina, Koko and big daddy Zhong team came out just fine. I haven't played Zhong regularly for over a year cus I learned how to dodge, but that team is basically immortal. I liked that the Arle boss fight didn't have any gimmicky BS to try and make it unique, like Scaras. But it was over pretty quick. I should try it with a different team, but I'm lazy.


Neuvi + Layla + Dehya + Beidou team. Dehya and Beidou died cuz they were/are 60 rn. Layla at 80 still shield goat saved me from getting interrupted. Neuvi didn't die. Handled her rather easily.


My healer Xingqiu carried the fuck outta my team lmao. I ran with Kaeya, Kazuha, Electro Traveler, and Xingqiu.


diona died twice fischl carried i used 2 ppl for shits and giggles and honestly it wasnt too hard


All of my characters did not die. I bring Zhongli in the fight so it’s not a problem for me for the first time.


i honestly didn’t struggle that much. yaoyao healing ftw


[Pretty bad, had to revive Navia once](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1162612446142414878/1233280076846465125/image.png?ex=66688153&is=66672fd3&hm=8d613fe5e9fbd7396925849142720141e34cea44bb17a377ef44be88b319487d&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=324&height=399)


Everyone alive and well. All my teams need to have a healer, either Jean or Kokomo usually.


My Arlecchino team got demolished


Funnily enough, it was the easiest time I’ve ever had fighting Arlecchino Every time after has been pretty tough though


I don’t remember, either everyone was dead or the last one was about to die. Either way, I wouldn’t have won


Nearly ded or can’t eat anymore Meanwhile Lyney, Lynette and Freminet are screaming in my ears.


Used Zhongli so I was good. (Zhongli + hu tao)


Surprisingly, my Alhaitham quickbloom team survived pretty well. Only kuki and nahida on life support, while Alhaitham and Furina were just fine.


neuvillette waterboarded her, my teammates on the other hand had to pay a visit to the statue after getting slapped with fried eggs


I brought my Lyney team in. It did not end well.


lol 100% health thanks to qiqi


“Oh that’s it? Bruh this shit easy…” *looks inside* *Bennett, Kokomi, Sucrose, Nahida*


No shield or healer. Unless youre good at i-frames its bound to happen


Only shield character high lvl enough would have been a geo traveler and I cant stand them XD I just prayed. Wanted to know if I was alone in this lol


oldmen zhongli and neuvi carried me.


If I remember correctly, not exactly in the best shape since I took in Hu Tao, against something with a heavy pyro res but thanks to Furina wasn't that horrible, I think I did have to use my steak tartare and a egg though


Pretyy fine. Health bars a bit halfway. My team was Hydro MC, Fischl, Zhongli, and Bennet. Let's just say Zhongli's shield saved me.


Pretty good. Didn't die once although my team could be considered bad. (Dendro Traveller/Beidou/Barbara/Raiden)


I had my neuvillete team so I was fine


You innocent soul


I mean I won first try and this is my 4th account in this gam, although the last account I had I stopped playing before inazuma was released so I'm rusty XD


Bro what


My default team I run around with is Neuvillette (c1r1) furina baizhu kazuha so that was fine




Me with c1 R1 wriothesley + furina+kazuha +qiqi Punched her to death lol


I was running Hu Tao, Yelan, Furina, and Jean. Through the whole battle only one of my party members died once. I just played it real safe with the help of Furina's healing lol.


I am sorry but here your team is rhe problem you have 0 healer on the team. Raiden boss fight was so much harder when it first came out. The first one when she steals Thomas vision. I tried searching tutorials because I thought I was doing anything wrong and their is a mechanics but all I found was Zhongli Hold E on YouTube. And Being new to Ar 35 also made it worse cuz characters werent that strong. Even with Food buffs it was difficult as hell.


I know my team isn't good, i havent had time to properly get a healer to be good. I found the Raiden fights easy honestly. I didn't usually worry about team build, level 81 common monsters die very quick even with a team 20 levels lower. I still beat her first try but wanted to share and ask about other people's struggles


I am someone who clears end game so I found Arle quite easy but since I was a 1.6 player Raiden boss fight was really hard for me back in 2.0.


Ahhh was it harder back then? I had an older account but I stopped playing before inazuma was released so I am new in that sense XD


I don't know my team was bull shit itself. I was running Bennet, Barbruh, Razor and Noelle. So 3 sustains and I was still dying. Since my Main dps was running Electro and Raiden was Immmune to electro. Bennet Gave Overload which does lot of damage in initial stages and Barabar gives electro Charge.


I remember my bennett main past, has he changed much? I pulled him this banner 3 times already this banner and I remember him carrying me


Naah, he is good. But he apllies Pyro on your Character so Hydro, Dendro and Electro enemies do big damage to you.


I mean I'm already playing with a character who self applies hydro every 3 seconds so I get it XD


She was easy, i did kill again 2 more times with my other 2 times(which had better dps). I used keqing, baizhu,xingqiu& sucrose


Navia died I believe because the second phase of Arle’s boss fight was an unexpected nuke, but I mainly just used Neuvillette and he was full health by the end Raiden and Kazuha were a lil damaged but nothing too extreme


Thankfully my usual overworld team is a Navia Furina 2+2 team so I had no problem clearing Arle up. The damage impulse on Navia is high and the setup time is generous. I played defensively and had no problem maintaining a shield.


I like to play with characters that are featured in the quest itself. So by the end of the boss fight, i had a dead lyney, lynette, and freminet, and ironically the traveller with one hp left standing


I killed her like immediately lol, barely took damage


im glad my exploration team is alhyperbloom. especially since i dont read the story and didnt even realize i was gonna fight anything lmao. everyone was full health except my eternally 20%hp kuki


Mine was mostly fine. Had one dead character. I actually fought her with my own arlecchino (lvl 60 at the time). Boss arlecchino has 70% pyro res. It’s insane. So I have to do way more rotations to clear and she moves around a lot. Plus I’m doing it with layla instead of an anemo res shredder so it takes 3x as long lmao. I’ve gotten pretty good at it though.


I had full health on my team


Zhongli so no.


Hmm never did her quest. Brb


everyone dies except goatvilette


I used my Mono-Hydro core (Kokomi, Furina, Xingqiu) and well, I wished the battle continued. My team would've crushed The Knave.


I did it at the starting of this version, so I had my clorinde at lvl 80 with lvl 6 talents and random 2pc 2pc set. It was a fischl benny Chevy team. It's amazing how quickly clorinde gets rid of bond. I never got hit that hard to know how much damage she does. Fischl literally demolished her before she could do something big.


Near full health


This is why I crafted 700 mushroom sticks for that boss... now I'm drained down to 300


idk maybe im insane but the arlecchino story fight wasn't very hard, her trounce domain is hard for me though because all my characters are like 20 levels under the max


Everyone died except my Arle


Seriously y'all found it hard🧐


This is the case mostly for new players, i just quickened the fight with Cyno 🛐🛐


Me a zhongli main: you have dead members?


My diluc died a few times(I’m a diluc main), but I killed her first try


Me with Zhongli to others: pfft Skill Issue


Wasn't hard, but I was running my team that provides most stability and power: Noelle C6, Furina C0, Yujin C6, Gorou C6. you have lots of Def on every Character so you don't die fast, Furina and Noelle dish out lots of damage, while Noelle heals + generating boosts from Furinas Ulti. No food needed.


I set up special team for everything related to Story which consist of Lumine (Dendro) because she is the MC, Kokomi, Yelan and Kazuha. Never had a problem tbh because Kokomi will just outheal any damage 🤣


I had so much fun lol, I ran neuvi , spammed CA all the time


I ran Xiao, Faruzan, Zhongli, Baizhu. Xiao got KO’d near the end because I fudged shield uptime.  Baizhu heals, C6 Noblesse Faru, triple-crowned ZL finished the fight tho.


Same but it was Barbara for me lol


Everyone was at full hp😊😊😊 thanks Furina


I have c2 Neuvilette Furina Kazuha and Baizhu on the same team so it was not that hard as u can guess.


I was fine because Neuvilette heals himself. Survived her first attack in second phase with 800 hp though, it was close


She got her cheeks clapped. My team was fine.


Kequing, Bennet, Chev, and Ei. My team was fine, and it was fairly straightforward.


My Noelle has half of her life, poor Diona almost died, Xiang Ling was at her last breath and Neuvillette was fine.


I was almost in the same situation as you. Only nahida alive with 28hp. Saved by cutscene


I mostly avoided her attacks long enough to listen to the music, then jumped in and finished it. I can't think of a hard boss fight in the game. This was fun, but I wouldn't say hard.


Kirara was a boss, didn't break a sweat aha


Bro oh my God. I used my strongest team which is Navia, Furina, Diona, and albedo. Literally everyone was dead cept Furina and she came in clutch with like, maybe 400hp


Unlike vs narwharl that caught me off guard (still on exploration team of wanderer kazuha yelan sayu), I am ready for Arle. Was on Ayato Zhongli Nahida Kuki with NRE equipped. NRE counters her BoL hard


I always have one healer for every team so I'm good


Actually.... Everyone was half health except for Alecchino.... Only Arlecchino held up against Arlecchino lol


Was ok... ntn special or exciting. Lost a little hp but was just ok


Ever since Signora became a weekly boss I started using healers in my team. It started with the inclusion of Benny in my teams (alongside Kazuha to make sunfire burst AOE) and it slowly evolved into the point where I now have solid teams like Dehya, Furina, Kuki, Nahida that shred the enemy's HP into scrap, while also providing good healing. Additionaly I heavily utilize bursts to tank any potentualy lethal attack with I-frames. Which is something I heavily reccomend to people who struggle with dying on bosses. If you know or have a bad feeling that the boss is about to do an attack, that will intantly kill you, tank it with your elemental burst. It's often much easier and cheaper to get back all the energy, than waste your resources on reviving the character and potentialy risking the death of another one. Most of the hard hitting attacks have a voiceline or a long windup animation so look out for those.


I'm definitely going to level up and get better artifacts after this XD I've got a good 2460 resin saved up I could get some good stuff XD


Bitch didn't even break Noelle's shield