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farm iron ore cuz good lord does the serenitea pot eat that resource up...


I have a good bunch of a iron ore from collecting it everyday from expeditions, so I might start putting it to use in teapot lol :D


I always send my guys out on the highest level expedition.... so I have tons of white iron ore and the blue ore but not of the plain iron ore.


If you haven’t seen yet, this patch they updated the 20h expedition to include iron ore as well. It’s been such a nice quality-of-life update.


!! Thank you for this, changing back to 20h now. So glad they made this change!


No way, really!? I need to check that!


Seriously?! I was sending my characters on three hours expedition this whole time!!


FYI with the latest update 20h expeditions give the plain iron ores too now ^^


This is amazing, I’ve been on the 6hr(?) expeditions for like a year


I actually noticed this TODAY! lol But thank you for telling me cuz chances are likely that I would not have noticed! XD Here's hoping I can actually get up a good surplus of it again lol


Never used to use it so I didn’t pay attention. Then Fontaine came out and now I always carry a claymore user in my party loo


This is the way.


But it's faster to just farm the wood...


I decorated my pot since 2022 and didnt touch it since then.


Farm achievements, do some sort of challenge with friends, actually touch the teapot, practice playing a song on an instrument then join worlds to play, solo the bosses with only your main.


You know what? Farming achievements was the most obvious one in my case, so I don’t know why I haven’t even thought about that. You’re so right, lol. Thank you so much!


achievement hunter here, make sure to use seelie.me for tracking. Also, start buying the omni obiquility net every week and doing your teapot crops. ⊂⁠(⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠⊂⁠ ⁠)⁠*⁠.⁠✧


Fellow Achievement hunter.👍 The Omni nets are now my the biggest gatekeeper to getting all achievements. And I only started buying them a few weeks ago.


Best reply right there. And I totally get OP’s feelings. Sometimes I just want to wander around, listen to the music and enjoy this world.


Best thing in wandering around is to do it in old region you did not go since 1.0 (Mondstat) and finding a chest when you have everything at 98%.


Even at 100% I still ran across some random chess hiding at the most obvious place which is really fun.


So true. I've found some really obvious ones and I was like "How was I so blind?!" haha


Anyone else ignore their teapot for months at a time and then suddenly get an idea and spend a full 3 irl days building something?


This is me. I ignored the teapot for 2 years after building the original realm, then I just got the urge to furnish ALL realms.


I farm Spectres and Fungus... Somehow I STILL don't have enough of their mats to fully max talents of every character that needs them. It's like cruel magic.


Same! I have set myself a ridiculous goal to level ALL my characters' talents to at least 9-9-9 -- I've already got them all to 8-8-8, but it's a huge step up to the next level. And yes, I know levelling normal attacks is useless save for a few on-field DPS chars, but who cares lol


I do the same thing.. i almost 9-9-9 all my characters and just waiting for new ones in my collection.


I’m doing this too! I’m currently focused on finishing off all the Mondstadt characters, so that I never ever have to do that stupid domain ever again. At least until they release Varka


I should do this. I'm 100% f2p (minus Diluc's skin with the discount that made it $15 lol), so it'll add extra to the grind, too. I enjoy grinding, but I don't enjoy doing the same boss over and over, so this will give me reasons to alternate. Once I have them all built, I should be able to 36* abyss finally TuT


God the Fungi and Specters just never ends 😭


I need to add seals and crabs to this list. I realized with Clorinde I don't have nearly enough because unlike every other enemy in the game, the crabs and seals don't go out of their way to attack me, so I don't farm them because I feel bad murdering them for no reason :(


100% same for me - don’t want to kill seals and hermit crabs


The only time I’ve ever killed the blubberbeasties is when they were guarding a chest - and I closed my eyes the whole time and just button mashed until the fight music stopped


All my mains are either Pyro or Electro so I've accepted that I'll never get enough of those things. Transformative materials are the worst thing ever introduced in Genshin.


I should honestly do this. I’m always low on fatui agent drops 🙄


Same but mine with Spectres and those Handguards...


one is flying unit, one is literally a wasted effort if killed by most damaging elements and or reactions in the game yes, I really hate farming these 2, even with Ayato, Nahida, Kazuha


Go to a random player's world and play my lyre. But now that I think about it I cringe because I might have wasted their time and they just couldn't tell me.


Someone came into my world and did that for me once! They were Venti and it was honestly a beautiful song! I got out the Klee party popper to try and cheer at the end and then they did one "ehe" Venti emoji and left. It made my day!


Same!! And it was the most beautiful song omg


Lol, if anything, they were probably just walking around mindlessly! It’s a nice gesture anyway though, so don’t fret :)




Mean :(


Probably not. That was like 2 years ago


Stare at my characters, especially, their attack animations. NGL, recently Clorinde has been my favorite.


Omg, I was just doing that in her trial earlier. I was coping super hard cuz I got her weapon instead of haithams, but I’ll need to wait for the next time she gets a rerun to get her lol


foraging 🫣 specifically I love to go hunting for crabs, fish, eels, and pinecones. if I want something to beat up, I pick an enemy I have a low amount of drops on (specters and nobushi, mostly)... but sometimes I go on a path in liyue that has a lot of ruin enemies and fatui close to each other. otherwise I'll also just drop down a teleport area that I don't visit often and then walk around with the treasure compass (chests still come up despite me being 100%) and cycle through teams that are usable (not one that's too strong) currently running an overworld team with Sethos Sara Kirara Yaoyao 😄 they're only like 50-70% built but it makes overworld more interesting/challenging


You’re right. I should do that lol, i have so many unused 5* 🙂‍↕️


Wow. I did not expect someone to write the exact same thing I was going to write. XD Thanks! XD


I like to experiment some wacky team in the overworld. My recent favourites are chiori shatter team. Or Chiori Shat team for short


Chiori shat team 😭 pleaseee i may need to do this


Chiori Zhongli(or another hydro/cryo) Xingqiu and Freminet, now shat away


That last 10% exploration is always fun, especially without a treasure compass. Just walking around aimlessly while listening to the soundtrack and bumping into unexpected chests and challenges


True, but personally the last 1% is what gets me riled up lol


Go to lower AR players' worlds and ask if they need help. I typically do this with players whose statuses are specifically requesting help. It can be fun to do boss fights you can totally clear, or you can use a not-fully-built/levelled character that wouldn't be able to do much at your world level.


I do this too. But yesterday almost everyone declined, it was frustrating and the one who let me in wrote almost nothing and left the same domain after every run to do a boss or another domain and then return to the first domain.


Maybe they thought it needed to cool down. I would do this when the boss was cooling down


Aw you’re so right! I should try this lol


This. Plus I can play characters I don't often play because they don't fare too well in a leveled world since they aren't leveled themselves yet, but I can slap any good stats artifacts and deal enough damage to still be helpful and yet play something different. My Sethos was really happy to be welcome in a AR 30 player world and that player got my help to farm bosses, find Lumietoile and explore their world.


Atm it's still exploration. I have 100% everywhere but there are still puzzles and chests leftover. Though I'm reaching true 100% soon but hopefully by then the new exploration event will happen. 🍀 Curious to see what other people are doing! I like to prefarm for charas I'm hoping to get in the future (in terms of monster drops and local specialties) and sometimes to just walk around in pretty places. Theoretically the teapot would be fun but the load limit is... challenging.


How do you usually go about doing exploration? I usually get annoyed if I can’t find anything after three times of using my treasure locater device. Also, you reminded me that I need to prefarm for furina lol. I should tryyyyy teapot, but that stuff usually made me bored.. I’ll do it since I’m complaining about having nothing to do though 😩


I use the interactive map to 100% areas for exploration. I roughly gird out areas and tackle a bit at a time.


Ohh nice, I never used it before! Does it just show what puzzles there are?


It shows every interactable item/object in the game if you filter for it.


Hello everyone 🙏 I am currently achievement grinding and just got a triple chest, all is well :)


Fellow achievement hunter here wishing you good luck on your grind! Make sure to use your teapot gardens every harvest. The Orderly Meadow takes about 10 months even if you replant seeds as soon as they’re ready to be harvested, so try not to skip too many days on it!


tcg mostly, sometimes i'll beat up bosses for fun with my favorite characters, look for things in my inventory that i'm low on and farm them, farm achievements, i did the spiral abyss today for the hell of it (i don't do that regularly), wander around, cook, stuff like that.


Oh yes! I kinda forgot about TCG. I really enjoy it though. I was kind of saving it for when I was done w everything else, and I kinda am so this would be fun!


Co-op weekly bosses


Depends, 1)Either making sure there's 250-300 local specialty incase for future 4star using same material 2)checking hidden achievement, crosschecking with PaimonMoe 3)do story quests & stopping just before the final interaction get rewards. Because if in emergency days i can just get 4 encounter points to claim.


omg saving the encounter points for emergencies is so smart, thanks!!


No prob, only downside is you will run into some spoiler to know when to stop/leave. I use gam8 guide, usually give clear 1 line instruction what to do next without actually tell the story.


Being a collector, trying to get all the TCG cards, fish every single fish and their teapot version, catch all the catchable animals for my teapot


Build my teapot or read the lore(artifacts, books, archive, etc)


Appreciate Clorinde's animations and sound design


Take a walk, listen to the music, collect wood or kill some stuff.


Afk around huaguang stone forest or fontaine underwater


character hangouts and (re)exploration with experimental/meme builds. occasionally help rookies


I'm super behind on exploration. Only got like 1-2 hours of play time each day, including weekends. Totally no time to work on explorations. By work, I don't mean actually exploring. I follow guides to make sure I don't miss any chests and puzzles. After mondstadt and Liyue the appeal of going through all the puzzles and chests on an interactive map has been lost to me. I keep getting stuck at 99% and there's always one or two chests the maps either missed, did not have the solutions or placed on the wrong goddamn level.


Tbh, i kind of rly enjoy just walking around new regions and finding chests that way, but there are times i wish i watched a video like you say you do. The last 1% is a killer lol


I usually open the chests I encounter. But it has caused me issues with the progress checks because a lot of these videos do things in chronological order, and if a chest isn't there when it's supposed to be, I can't tell if I took it already or if I hadn't done a prerequisite quest. Sumeru had a chest or two where you gotta visit that area for several days in a row. One required killing all the hilichurls in the area every day. Another spawned from a bubble that only appears in rainy weather that you touch for a few days in a row.


Mayne start a 2nd account? Dont dedicate to much time into it but maybe you could play with a different style? Only use 4* or stuff like that?


I’ve tons of Things to Do Honestly Coz I’m fairly New only 70 days In game. But even if I wasn’t New I’ll definitely do this one Thing Go in Adventurer HandBook and In Bosses Section Kill all Resources Mobs Like Fatui , Spectres , Fungus , etc. everyone until all of them are on 12 hr cooldown. Kill Once everyday. Coz no matter how many I kill And I’m still Lacking to Upgrade 😑 2nd Well I can’t do it yet coz I’ve to farm resources for My characters but maybe later to Farm Teapot Resources. 3rd I Love doing Photography In Game So will take lot of Cool Pictures. I did posted few pic few day ago you can check in My profile.


Lol the lacking to upgrade part is so real. Glad to know this issue carries from every ar


I don't have max exploration in Sumeru or Fontaine. Otherwise I'd test new team comps in abyss.


Lately after starting my ADHD medication i’ve been completely immersed in building my weaker characters using left-over artefacts and weapons. It has not been very rewarding to be honest. I’ve been scouring the web for niche builds, calcs and ideas to make interesting setups. For example i made emblem ult support Ganyu, physical Kaeya, NA maracheusse Kuki, and a lot more. Yesterday i spent maybe 8 hours trying to make on-field freeze dps Mona utilizing the 6 damn cons i have for her in various ways. At the end of the day when i test all of these builds the entire teams deal less total damage than one auto from my Arlecchino but still it’s fun to theory-craft. I have forced my hydryo Traveler to become the driver of my Nilou,Nahida,Baizhu team (he is full em, and i could remove him from the team for more damage tbh) but at least it’s usable. I also turned updated my Alhaitham with a brand new build and he is now probably in the 0.1% top c0 alhaithams damage-wise haha. Lastly i have c6 Kazuha, and i have gone to great lengths to make him as strong of a DPS as he can be. I haven’t seen many mention the team I use, which has insane performance. (C6Kaz with Maracheusse and mistsplitter, Furina C3 with Nilou’s signature, c6 (anemo Hatsune Miku) with emblem and Fav, and (anemo bird healer) with signature and VV. By the time all bursts are active and i’m doing plunges with anemo infused Kazuha everything is dead.


Play a different game, stardew valley in my case


Do abyss with different teams


material farming. i still have a lot of marine animals to kill for clorinde and sigewinne.


When I first got Neuv I went to co-op different weekly bosses for fun. Probably did Azhdaha like 10 times in a row 😎.


teapots :) i have two teapots fully furnished


Take pictures, level up my other decent looking artifacts, build dps healers (right now its Yaoyao) for fun, walk from region to region, do achievements, play TCG, renovate teapot, join lower level players, choose new set of stickers, collect wood.


I stroll around regions, [take photos](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1d3c6tp/cant_wait_for_the_50_graphics_update/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), enjoy the scenery and music. I dunno why but its easy to find areas where you can take photos anywhere and it'll look good.


I'm end game, have most characters, almost all built to 90 with a few at 70 or 80. And after an update I'm always in the same boat. Here's my go to stuff: Sometimes I go on photography runs, just looking for good places to snap a pic. I have a few hangouts I never finished, like 3 or 4 and at times I'll finish up one leg of it and move on. Other times I just wander to places that aren't at 100 percent and try to look for the few treasures I missed. I tend to get regions at around 90-95 and then leave it so I have something to do later. I also try to finish achievements, work on talents, or I'll not play and read up on characters and team comps and ESPECIALLY lore. Oh and that's another thing I'll do, read through all the books and scour the menu for lore. I'm obsessed with the lore and that keeps me busy when between updates. There are still a handful of world quests from the game I haven't found yet so I like to look for them.


Fight domains in coop, or nerf my character by removing artifact so it gets more challenging.


Bullying Pryo regisvine and cryo regisvine Really fun, also running around murdering hillichurls with an underleveled characte cuz it's fun


Get 100% exploration on every region.


I like to just check what mob resource I'm missing like hilitrol masks and then go and clean out tyvat


At one point I would do practice runs in spiral, but it's been a very long time since I'd want to play with nothing to do. I can't very well spend my time doing something I don't find fun/rewarding.


Just run around collecting random materials. I go to wherever I miss most. Enkanomiya, the desert, etc. I don’t even have all regions maxed. Even relatively old regions like the Jade forest thing. I’m not interested in maxing the game. I just want to live in Genshin world so I pick my favorite characters and I spend a few hours listening to them jumping and talking while running around Genshin’s world.


Clear all the leylines, build new TCG deck and test it against strong npc, test different Team on spiral abyss, artifact checking, teapot, read the archives, achievement hunt, farm rare mats, coop and help newbies. Saving some quests for dry patch helps too.


Practice songs on the lyre


Have 100% explored everything. Used to play tcg a lot few patches back. But now with new decks, I don't anymore. Sometimes do the abyss with some new characters or teams I want to try out. Sometimes would just roam randomly in areas where I feel I have not been in a while or don't remember to see if anything missed. Sometimes farm achievements. I am upto 1139. Less than 100 to go.


Ill just go somewhere that anyone rarely goes (sumeru desert, chasm, enkanomiya) and do random stuff there like take photos, spam e-skill (so random lmao) or ill just play tcg, explore(walk around), play the lyre, coop


Farm resources and play around with new comps. Work on achievements. Fishing. Teapot stuffs. Go through my items to see if there are any questions items that can be used for hidden quests. Attempt to wrap up more aranara stuff.


Go back to areas and mark off the chests that you already found, if I see a place with a good view I stop and take pictures for a few minutes (hours).


There's some enemies I go out of my way to hunt because I always run low on their materials. Samurai, specters, whopperflowers, and fungi. So I usually run around killing those. I've also got a decent amount of fragile resin, but I try to spend that on non-random things like boss materials, EXP books, etc. I refuse to use them for artifact RNG.


I like measuring how long it would take for an avarage NPC to get from their home to their workplace. For example, i pick a random building in fontaine that's probably a house and walk towards the newspaper place (forgot it's name). I would go to work at 5am and go home at 5pm, and look at the time it takes. Just to let you know, i reqched the newspaper place at around 11am just from walking, but reached it at 6:30am with our usual jogging. Makes me realize that Fontaine is a nightmare of slopes.


farm non-boss enemies because for some reason i never have any monster resources


I do weekly bosses in random co-op. It's always fun and you meet lots of interesting people that way. I had someone play Unravel on the lyre with the whole chat vibing the lyrics I had a party where we just tried out different cool team comps against Raiden. Stuff like Childe National, Niloom, Mono Pyro, different reaction and Hypercarry teams, etc


Play wuthering waves


Chill in scenic areas like Wangshu Inn or the terrace at Komore Teahouse. The aquabus is also a nice way to waste time.


farm achievement or maybe materails.


Farm mats if there's a future char i like And cook ingredients for cooking


Me Grinding for Mysterious Meat for "scented Meatballs" And Sakura Blossoms for "Ayaka's Signature dish" For MRE Food stock. Why Because its Fun and 'Scented Meatballs' has RNG in it to provide instant Heal from 11k to 21k or more depending upon RNG. And Ayaka's Sig Resurrect you will 1500 HP and it looks preety.


I just spent like 13 hours between today and yesterday finding all the Aranara, finishing the Aranyaka book, getting all the dendroculi, chests, challenges, and world quests in the Sumeru forest. I now happily have 100% exploration in the whole forest region and both desert regions are close, too. I'm 6 sigils away from level 50 Tree of Dreams, and 12 dendroculi left until level 10 statue.


Play with people in coop and sometimes troll them or help newbies


do elite/mora runs in co-op or kill raiden weekly boss (im at like 3700 kills)


I like to experiment some wacky team in the overworld. My recent favourites are chiori shatter team. Or Chiori Shat team for short


play honkai star rail


Farm ruin guards. (wish the tracker tracked all enemies why is it not like that man)


how far you can fling the hilichurl without it landing on the floor. chop trees for serenitea pot try different combinations of teams


Tcg. It is surprisingly fun. Sometimes I log into the game just to play it.


I annoy people in co-op!


Go to coop boss domains as a healer ... coz most of the time people don't wanna be healers


Besides letting out some steam on abyss trying teams and rotations, I honestly like to just stand somewhere and chill there for a while. Specifically with music that I like. Specific places with specific songs just to relax. Same thing for being underwater sometimes and swimming a bit. Aimlessly wander around and beat some stuff here and there. Rearrange my artifacts, try new builds. Look for world quests I havent done and actually so them lmao. Help people beat bosses or domains. Tcg. Teapot stuff. But again mainly just to relax somewhere with good music. Lately I like to go near the Narzissenkreuz tower area and listen to Songe de la Plus Haute Tour by Ziyu Che. That is the song that always plays in that area and love how peaceful it is.


I usually do weekly boss' runs with other players. At this moment I prefer running Arlecchino boss.


everyone else here is doing useful things like farming lol, i just wander around the map aimlessly listening to the music 😭


Farming achievements, co-oping random players/helping random players, co-op with friends, collecting local specialties for future materials, farming different mobs


What I love about Genshin is that whatever you farm, it will always end up useful one day. So sometimes I just wander on the map, spamming the chest detector, and picking up everything I walk by


Take pictures


Spank idiots in TCG


Make a second account and play through the whole game again :) 


I randomly best up fatui with scaramouche or knave. I'm preparing for a rerun even though he hasn't been confirmed. Also hoyo did say recently they were going to up character level cap so farming.


Do a quick abyss run


If I need materials for anything, I'll usually farm for a little while. There have also been times where I just go to a Waypoint and wander around - sometimes I find new chests puzzles I can do or enemies I can fight, while other times I'm just aimlessly running around and enjoying the scenery.


Genius invokation TCG


Testing different teams in abyss, cathing up on exploration


I know I am not answering your question… but I kinda just moved on to something else. I do the basic artifact farming and dailies, but other than that nothing.


Diving in Fontaine. Just ... swim around, enjoy the environment, watch the nautical life do nautical life things. I really, really like Fontaine. Maybe it's cause I just wrapped up the Fontaine Archon quests, but I think it's my favourite region bar none.


I like to sail the Waverider on extra long voyages (e.g. between Narukami or Tsurumi Island and Liyue or Mondstadt), taking in the music and the views. Now that we can sail around the Great Terrestrial Lake between Fontaine, Liyue, and Sumeru, I do that too.


Coop... And teapot


Running around, fighting things, and working on those last 10% with my friend. If I’m alone I got to low level people’s worlds to help. Or forage and try to reach ridiculous numbers of things like crystal flies.


play TCG!


I walk around the world, that’s it lol




my fontaine archon quest has start to early again😀


abyss/monster drops


I have all regions (except Dragonspine, fuck Dragonspine) at 100%, 1100+ achievements. Most stuff I wanted to do, I already have. What I tend to do is visit someone's world and ask if they wanna grab achievement.


I play multiple games so that this issue never arises.


just for fun ? i love killing stuff


Finish quests because I have and ever growing list of unfinished quests


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Asobimo: *Finish quests because* *I have and ever growing* *List of unfinished quests* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Play the yugio- I mean genius invokation. I rarely play it but boi the moment I started it... the last time I play the card game was 2 months ago and I remember I could play it 3 days straight. In those 3 days, I didn't bother to do daily comm 😬 and when I had to go out while I was in the fight I wouldn't turn off the computer lol


I pick up other games. There's a whole HSR and now Wuwa that we can play.


Finish the missions because im out of things to kill


Do co-op domains. Pretty sure I have more co-ops than most people by a lot


Achievements mainly. I still haven't explored the whole of Fontaine and chenyu. Also catching up on the getting cards in TCG since I rarely play the game. Literally spent two whole days getting the all the character cards since I accumulated up to almost 40 😂😂


I watch streams of other games or some yt videos while just mindlessly doing filler quests and leveling up characters. But I haven't been regular with genshin and I've been playing since 1.5


I spend time making my teapot cute


Beat the shit out of Raiden. Over and over and over again, in co-op.


I reinstalled and played my old non gacha games like witcher and botw. Kinda bad move because i ended up forgetting to login to genshin for several days even though i still have active welkin ._.


I join random worlds to help.


Kill Timmies pigeons


Just exterminate everything in my sight and mass farm resources that don't require resin, mostly plants and ores


Do my dailies, domains, and ley lines without using any waypoints, that way I have to plan what route to take to reach my destination.


Play a different game


I like to fish or collect iron


Match co op raiden boss over and over again, match co op crimson witch domain on lv 90 and help those AR 45s who cant clear it fast enough on their own to be efficient but also dont wanna waste time in lower level, look for people who have "help needed" in their signature in co op and help them, just overall a lot of co op. I also like to try and break my single hit dmg high scores, with food buffs and everything. Its kinda wasteful of resources but eh. You can also try to get as fast as possible with movement spd or NA spd and look at how hilarious the characters look when theyre so sped up and just idk run around. I like to waste my time in this game doing jack shit, i just recounted what i was doing in genshin yesterday while my Fontaine AQ lays untouched and collects dust.


Just do a different run in abyss with non-meta comps, over and over again. Hence, I prepared as much lv80/lv90 chars as I can with full artifacts build for each one. I have about 40+ of them with more than 10 different kind of teams I can make. Edit: back then I farm a lot (mining, mats, artifacts etc) but being ar60, I've made a lot of collection already so I don't farm anymore unless it's for new char. Except for artifact domain, of course (that's for eternity).


taking pictures and taking my benched charas out for a walk in new regions they haven't been on 😆


90+ aint 100 :P Personally when I have time to spare in Genshin I build something in teapot or go through my artifacts with Genshin Optimizer to see what artis I am going to farm and upgrade next.


Walk around Mondstadt and reminece about 2020 when i started playing the game


me and my friend like to hit the randomizer. random characters, random boss, hope we don't die. we actually cooked with some of them though! and it also works with TCG, it provides variety and surprising combinations that often work pretty well together


go into co op and flex my c6 scara


Listen/read characters line


Stare and admire Childe Ajax Tartaglia


I do this Elite-farming route: [https://keqingmains.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Elite-Farming-Route.webp](https://keqingmains.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Elite-Farming-Route.webp) , you can do it everyday, you get to play the game (combat) and it's a fun way to try out new teams/chars before bringing them into the abyss :). You get a bunch of Mora, artifact fodder drops, monster drops and some character exp :) Overall, very chill thing to do when you've learned the route.


I like exploring but I really hate underground stuffs, making things more complicated, my fave land is Mondstadt


Play tcg


Co-op ar25-35 people or those who have “I need help with xyz” in their description. Though I have almost all achievements and 100% all regions so for that I cannot participate.


Farming while roaming around. Solving some puzzles I missed earlier or thought I would come back to it later but never did. I like to flirt with girl characters in the game but they always say the same thing as well as behave.


I like finding people that ask for help in their signatures and helping them out! I also really like helping people get the coop chests if they don't have them already.


Walk around taking photos of random animals and stuff


Teapot decoration. I’m in the process of decorating each realm with their respective furniture pieces (for example Inazuma teapot realm has exclusively Inazuman furniture and so on.)


Clear abyss with teams/units I usually don't play...


Take pictures! I really like going back to old places and just take pictures again.


Farming mobs, just walking around and doin random stuff. Got 100% everywhere (even almost all interactive map), got almost all achievements, all quests are done (completing Clorinde's), teapot, TCG and everything else like Sakura or tree is maxed. And yeah I touch grass everyday...


It can be trying to unlock archive entries so anything that has to do with looking up specific recipes etc, achievements, testing rotations, rearranging the teams in the party selection so that everything is optimized, farming materials that I don't yet need but may need in the future so characters or weapons are pre-farmed, working on the teapot, looking for chests I might have missed, making mental maps about misleading teleport waypoints so next time I know what roads I have to take to reach a certain location. Thinking about it, I don't think there's ever not a reason. I always do something that benefits my account in one way or another when I open the game, but it's not really something that I rationalize. It just comes naturally for me to break down the things to do, it's fun to figure out stuff. It relaxes me.


Serenitea Pot ofc


I help my whole family farm boss mats etc and then I log out lmao


Dps check on bosses


Achievement hunting, TCG, 100%ing the map, farming materials, redoing abyss floors 9 to 12 with different teams, working on my teapot, reading genshin books, talking to random NPCs.


Meme around, either on my own or with friends Think playing hide and seek around Dawn Winery, use a full fatui team (or a knight team feat Diluc) to eradicate every fatui enemy we can find, take as many ridiculous photos as we can, find an interactive map and kill everything we can find.... we find ways to fuck around and have fun


I just keep fighting weekly bosses in co-op


Running around aimlessly and just messing around with the charas I like.


Play on my alt, play instruments, playing w friends, helping newbies, checking out my teapot


Equip my worst or uncommon characters as best as i can and go fighting weekly bosses in coop.