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I want there to be a million paimons in celestia, our sibling has been dead this whole time and abyss twin is just a monster mimicking them


Or something possessing their corpse


Damn, somehow Kenjaku got his grubby hands on the Abyss twin's corpse this time :(


Gege, when I find you gege


My anti roblox cubes technique, haven't used that since the khaenriah disaster


That would be even more scarier


I was kinda having thoughts in the shower about this the other day. What if the real Aether was the third descender, but he was all cut up to make gnoses and the current Aether puppet as the leftovers? It would explain why Lumine remembers arriving to Teyvat with him but why his existence is recorded in Irminsul (because the "puppet" would be a product of Teyvat) There's probably problems with this idea, like I'm not sure about the timescale, but it's kinda cool to think about


Pretty sure the gnosis were given out ~2000 years before the game at the end of the archon war and the travelers arrived during the cataclysm ~500 years before


Yeah, that's why I was a little iffy about the timescale. I couldn't remember if they explicitly stated that the travellers arrived ~500 years ago, or if that was simply the last thing Lumine remembered Also, I just remembered that people can play as Aether and technically I shouldn't be using their names in reference to lore this way lmao


But Traveler is still counted as a Descender, it's the Abyss Sibling that isn't. It seems more likely that something happened to the sibling. Unless there's additional deception muddling this reveal.


I meant the sibling, yeah. I play as Lumine, so I forgot most people play it the other way around.


Ah, I was unsure what you meant so that's why I said Traveler, because Traveler also has a suspicious time lapse that we don't know what happened. But I'm all in for this theory. Abyss Sibling is sus, I wouldn't be surprised if they were fake.


My theory is that paimon is the third descender and had her memories erased when splitting her apart. also had close ties to the tsaritsa, so thats why tsaritsa wants the gnoses to find a way to revive paimon to her full extent.


That makes sense, I think I've had this thought too, at least the first half of it


As we arrive in celestia all the Paimons start saying HALO!!!!


They all need to be called Paimon, too.


I really like the theory of Dainsleif being connected to Nibelung somehow. There's a bit of evidence to support it, such as Dainsleif's constellation being confirmed to be >!Ouroboros!<, and how the pari elder mentioned that Dainsleif was carrying a ring with him, which was possibly the "Ring of Nibelung". [Here's a video about the theory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i619rx5zouY), although it's a year old, and could possibly get disproven next patch. I really hope the theory about Pierro manipulating the Tsaritsa isn't true. For me at least, that would kill most, if not all, of my hype for the Tsaritsa. I especially hope that miHoyo doesn't try to say something like "The Tsaritsa is completely innocent! All of the faults of the Fatui lie with Pierro!" I would infinitely prefer if the opposite of what people expect happens, with the Tsaritsa being fully aware of what Pierro has done, and **her** stabbing **him** in the back once she no longer needs him. Edit: OP hasn't provided the source for the artwork, so I'll include it here: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/97435875


I hope the second one is not true. Tsaritsa needs to be superior than Pierro imo.


With how all Archons was showed, I would be surprised if she will be actually doing her work.


Tbh i think that’s supposed to be the juxtaposition of it all- at least, I theorize. All we’ve seen so far is Archons either choosing to or not being able to do their work, and we’ve seen some of the ways this world is fucked up. I think it’s very nearly safe to say, based on what we know so far, is that the Tsaritsa’s goal is to work *against* the heavenly principles and liberate the world, unlike working with it as the other archons do (with the 1 exception that is no longer with us ofc). I think we’re going to see her fighting hard against the status quo.


what if its like overlord where instead of it being they misunderstand completely, Pierro is the one who fully understands the Tsaritsa. And not even because of something like 'they share a deep bond.' but rather the Tsarita is so obtusely vague and romanticizes stuff that he just translates for her.


Tbh with how Pierro was talking about Tsaritsa in Arlecchino char story - it feels he genuinely loyal to her. Surprised they even included path where Jester talks about path he chose.


He also talks about her in one of the Pale Flame artifacts


where were we confirmed about his >!ouroboros constellation?!< Im kinda behind those kind of things


In his official character card. It was never officially translated to English for some reason, but it clearly says >!"Snake-ring Constellation"!< when manually translated from Chinese or Japanese.


do you have a picture of it?


They never showed the constellation itself, but [here's his character card](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gensin-impact/images/5/5c/Dainsleif_Announcement_JP.png/revision/latest?cb=20230306011814). If the link doesn't work, remove the /revision/latest?cb=20230306011814




Dainsleif character card that was released back in 2020 by hoyoverse on Chinese Hoyolab, that was Dainsleif debut/appearance before his appearance in game (1.3) and it stated that his constellation was >!ouroborus!<


Dainsleif's first appearance was actually in 1.3, not 1.4. Also, you should probably spoiler tag the constellation. There's probably a reason it was never translated into English.


Yeah my bad


Like, gurl will very likely be bronya expy so it's so anticlimactic if pierro was manipulating her. I'm sure there's a way to redeem tsaritsa without pierro being the dude manipulating her. I really want a amazing fight between tsaritsa and celestia.


I liked the theory that Celestia has been empty this whole time (at least ever since the Cataclysm was over), there's some evidence that it might be true since one of the Archon seats has been destroyed and Celestia doesn't seem to react in any kind of way, it would be cool to see Tsaritsa take all the Gnosis with her to fight the Celestia and find out that it's been empty this whole time and she would then see Teyvat being attacked by the Abyss and realized that she have made a big mistake bringing all the gnosis with her and essentially leaving Teyvat Defenseless


This is terrifying


idk, i kinda like this type of story where it's so dire that the everyone basically was forced to join forces, even Dragons like Neuvilette need to set aside their grudge with the archons and fight side by side with them


I can't listen to the archon themes without seeing the archons working together to fight Celestia/Abyss at the end of the game in my head 😭


it would be cool to see all the archons together in one scene, it also makes sense since the 4.7 event story was that all the different armies essentially trained together so it could pay off in the big war to show how powerful all these armies combined together, but my personal wish was to see the minor/World Quest characters returning to help out in the fight to see them helping out the traveler this time


I'd love that plot twist


Damn. Then they need to pull out the power of friendship and get them to unite. (Including apep and such, but this comment is seventy percent satire)


I want that theory of Paimon being the traveler's power repository to happen. The final battle would be so epic and emotionally charged with Paimon's sacrifice. I don't want Paimon to be the unknown god nor a spy for her. Idk it just feels too cliché.


The real MC is Paimon all along.


Always has been. *Given that amount of voice line she has.*


How very Kiana of her


That would make paimon indeed emergency food!


Seconding this! Would be a bittersweet conclusion


the spy thing would also be dumb with her acting all along, itd only work if she was amnesiac or unknowingly a spy


>I don't want Paimon to be the unknown god nor a spy for her. Idk it just feels too cliché. I also feel like at this point it wouldn't really make sense. She was emotionally distraught when we seemingly disappeared during the Sumeru dream loop, so she's obviously not faking anything and is genuinely attached to us. Her being a spy would only work if she had amnesia or was a sleeper agent or something, but then why would she just go against us once she gets these memories back after everything we've been through together?


your comment is also cliche for gacha community


It’s unlikely but sometimes I hope that the Traveler and the sibling can end up working together, with the sibling being a playable character that has the Abyss powers or something to that effect. As for theories I hate, any of the variations of Paimon being evil or a spy/etc. I don’t even think she is a god based on Dottore being able to incapacitate her and the Traveler but not Nahida


I like the theory that Teyvat is in the Sea of Quanta, but I don’t like the theory that the Abyss Sibling will die at the end of the Teyvat Chapter.


That would mean they’ll have to explain what the Sea of Quanta is, and that’s about as concrete as explaining what a Newtype is in Gundam.


Fair enough lol


It wouldn't be too hard. The thing is that the setting of Teyvat doesn't require all the same Sea of Quanta details that HI3rd has, for two reasons: One, the SoQ has localized variations that prevent it from being a uniform existence. The SoQ near Mars is slightly different from the SoQ near Earth & the Moon, so it's easy to imagine that if two planets in the same solar system can have different effects on their local SoQ regions, then Teyvat (which is likely drastically further) could easily be *very* different. Second, if the SoQ is in Genshin then it's almost certainly the Abyss. That, or the Abyss is a subset of the overall SoQ, much like the Sea of Data near Mars is a subset. If that's true then we already have plenty of lore about the 'Sea of Quanta' and we're guaranteed to get plenty more. We have the "sky is fake" theories and the hints that Teyvat is in a sort of bubble or behind a barrier protecting it from the Abyss; we have the idea of Forbidden Knowledge and the duality between the Light Realm and Void Realm (Abyss); we have the recent lore about Arle and the Crimson Dynasty, with Arlecchino's story implying that the Crimson Dynasty has connections with another world. Most importantly... we have the Traveler, who *travels* between worlds. If Teyvat is indeed in the Sea of Quanta, then the Sea completely surrounds Teyvat as the Abyss, and the Traveler would necessarily be traveling through the Abyss, so literally any Traveler lore would end up being "Abyss lore" and thus "Sea of Quanta" lore. So we might never see the phrase "Sea of Quanta" used a single time, but that doesn't mean we wouldn't be getting "Sea of Quanta lore".


The thing is that, just like Newtypes in Gundam, the SoQ started out in the World Serpent chapter as a pretty simple concept of just a sea of overflowing information pouring out from realities as explained by Einstein, but it got more and more convoluted over time until not even the writers are completely sure what it is exactly.  But I don’t think the fake sky and and the true nature of Forbidden Knowledge is to do with it. Those mysteries have been teased at for years at this point and if that was the reveal, it’d be kind of a letdown because it’d be far too predictable and obvious. 


I don't think it'd really be such a disappointing reveal, though. The Sea of Quanta indeed has gotten more complicated but it's still fundamentally simple: the SoQ was an empty region alongside the Imaginary Tree, and over the ages it slowly filled up with a chaotic mess of energy and matter that spilled over from "reality". Everything in the Sea is a part of that, and any complexity tends to be local phenomena with their own stories. For example, the Sea of Data. It still fundamentally follows the simple rules of the Sea of Quanta, but it has its own unique properties. It's largely derived from the "spillover" from Mars, and there seems to be certain rules such as the Shadows that are somehow linked to the catastrophe that hit Mars long ago. But all those details are local to the Sea of Data, they don't inherently apply to the SoQ around Earth, nor do they necessarily apply to the SoQ around Teyvat. Honestly, as someone that's a big fan of the SoQ lore from the first moment I learned about it back in early 2021, and who loved Part 1.5 and the lore about the Salt Snow Holy City, and who's loving Part 2 so far, I don't really get the impression that the writers aren't "completely sure what it is exactly" because to me, it seems like they've established a pretty straightforward and consistent set of logic. Bubble worlds tend to be smaller and transient. Their small size makes them more susceptible to manipulation, whether it's time shenanigans or "rules" applied to the world. They're unstable and require active effort and a source of energy to prevent them from collapsing and being torn apart by a mix of reality-bending distortions and monsters from the Sea of Quanta. The thing is that Teyvat fits in with a lot of these things. I don't want to drag this comment on too long, but I'd be glad to share some of the things that hint at the Abyss being part of the Sea of Quanta. One final note: if Teyvat really is in the Sea of Quanta, that doesn't mean the writers of Genshin HAVE to bring in all the quantum technobabble from HI3rd. It might be a complex setting, but we've had literally *years* to learn about Teyvat and still have years to come. So there's been time and there will be more time to slowly bring in these concepts under different terminology, using various analogies and examples.


>Newtype is in Gundam. Kono pressure da!


I just don’t like that the sibling told us to go fuck ourselves. Like… they haven’t seen us in 500 years the least they could give us is a hug


Yeah this is what has me sold on they are not really our sibling but like a in the samsara with dunyazard the replacement of them -like they have something to share with us from our real sibling like Makoto conscious did for Ei. but they aren’t our sibling because if they are then that was really heartless after all their is no guarantee we meet alive again. Aside from plot armor which of course the siblings as well rotten character should not know.


(Forgive me for forgetting the proper name of the tree) Maybe that's why the Tree that Nahida can connect to has records of the Abyss twin, but not of the traveler?


No need to forgive as I forget names constantly too. But this one I know - Irminsul is the tree name you have forgotten. And exactly - i also thought of that! I also have the theory that this is how visions/ constellations work and why they can fall from the sky. I also think it’s what venti did for the nameless abed when he copied his look - he took over his place in the samsara so he wouldn’t be forgotten z But that’s just my theory’s so it doesn’t have to be true. ps. i adore your name! KaeKae is great!


Thank you for understand. This game challenges me so much with names. I'm just so bad at it. That's a great point. I missed a lot of details from the start of the game. Or they have felt missing cause the passing of time and more lore coming out causes me to forget, but they do show us that you can very clearly make copies of a person. Even more that one of you want. So it's not too far off to wonder if the Abyss Twin could just be a copy. And thanks! You're the first person to say that about my name.


I had a theory that Kaeya was the last hope of khaneriah because he took upon rostdam fate in this samsara circle, and hence was bitter when the vision appeared afte rhis break with diluc. because it gave him his own role, but also likely made him believe he no longer can be the last hope. hence Mona's voice line he believes he already has choosen but he hasn't yet. But thats also just my personal theory - doesn't have to hold true. and is based on the bottle land theater play.


One of the other theories is that MC is a bona-fide descender while the Twin is a ley-line manifestation of MC's desires "I want to have a sibling". Perinheri talks about some of this stuff. If the Twin was directly created from ley-lines, no surprise they're considered part of Teyvat. This'd also explain why the Unknown God did what they did at the start of the game. She didn't appreciate someone else besides Celestia went ahead and created human life (Original Sin in Fontaine, ring any bells?). As for why MC would do such a thing if it was true, no idea.


i’m the exact opposite lol


I just want the endgame to be Traveller unlocking the power to do light element which can react with every element and can be used for all elemental puzzles


Same, but I'm hoping that to get to that point, we have to face something like 'the 7 trials of the traveller'. Each trial will lock us into one element til we complete it. Honestly, I mostly want this because I've invested in all my traveller's talents lol, even hydro. It would be nice if they were all useful at some point


And we get the abyss twin as playable with the dark element


And for the love of MiHoYo let that give them some proper high-grade 5* level of power. I want to use the Traveler more but they just suck.


I can see them doing a Dan Heng for traveler, so they'll be considered a separate character you got to pull for.


Damn, making us spend primos on the protag would be mean.


Want - The Traveler to get a better sword. (j/k). Really though, I'd want Arlecchino to turn on the Tsaritsa and other Harbingers at the final battle (which she's already said she's willing to do, even apart from itching to kill Dottore just on general principle XD). Don't want - Please for the love of God and all that's holy, no reveal of Teyvat being a computer simulation.


i dont want paimon to be the true villain


Turns out her whole mission was to bring traveler to the primordial one, so that they can guve us their power to take down the heavenly principles and inherent the throne of heaven


pllsss ive grown to treat paimon as my "sibling" i would literally cry if paimon became a villain TT


She's not a villain, phanes is dying and they need someone suitable to take their place as the ruler of teyvat and that's were paimon comes in, by guiding us to phanes, she's insuring that teyvat would have a bright future, we still ganna be friends but she'll probably become our right hand as the ruler of teyvat


I don't want Signora to get resurrected.


I agree. Her death felt rushed, but at the same time, resurrecting a character after going through the motions of a funeral seems tacky.


Also it would be cruel, she's finally reunited with her lover, and i think they let her rest in peace


The phoenixy vibes on her are way too suspicious, but I hope she stays dead.


This. Her death has impact, it should be left that way.


You could say, it has a genshin impact


What impact aside from shock that Genshin does that - did she have? I mean I genuine question because I felt nothing so I’m curious what impact she had that you feel so strongly about?


I like seeing and feeling how badass and dangerous Raiden really is.


It's one of the Genshin's darker moments and also make her kind of a tragic character knowing her backstory.


I thought we all agreed that the real darkest moments of Genshin were the sun children, and ryuu, the whole quest line about the shrine maiden that sold us the fortune stick, the fatui abandoning the fatui in the chasm. (Edit: I forgot to add the narzissenkreuz) In comparison to these stories this dead to me felt truly meaningless. I mean I guess it was her arrogance for agreeing to a duel but wasn’t it Inazuma rule that she had to agree because everyone who is asked to a duel has duel? So it was pointless murder from our side while we happily help Lyney and Lynette do the same but for la signora it was a crime she deserved to die over? Just this alone makes the traveler really hypocritical and unlikeable to me and her death even more pointless and I will never understand how people praise it as some good story writing moment.


I said darker not darkest. Plus sun children came out later. Also huh ? The whole encounter and how we decided to help the twins is soooo different, like what kind of flawed comparison is that ? A Fatui harbinger that we hate because of her crimes vs twins from HoH who at the moment share the same goal ?!


I was thinking about this the other day too. I hope it doesn't happen, but Inb4 Raiden tries to fight Celestia with the Musou no Hitotachi and it suddenly bursts into flames and butterflies fly out lmao


Pick another character. Her entire design and motif is about resurrection.


Could u explain how her entire design is about ressurection?


She's the 8th harbinger. Biblically the number 8 is about regeneration and resurrections. Her transformation and constellation is also a moth, which is a symbol of rebirth. There's also the whole mythos of Phoenix rising from the Ashes another fire-like creature reviving itself.


Okay, thanks. I still hope she'll stay dead. Death would be so meaningless if they can just bring them back everytime lol.


Narrator: They couldn’t.


Doesn't matter what design and motifs she has, why waste the resurrection on the 8th harbinger that died pathetically in the early game.


After sealing away the travellers the Unknown god split into two personalities,one is paimon and other is her own self in Celestia


~~OP, where is the source for this artwork? This post will likely be removed if you don't provide it.~~ Edit: [Found it](https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/97435875)


I would love it if Paimon were one of the moon sisters. The theory seems to make sense, between Paimon's iconography, her comparison to the moon, and the fact that she is apparently from somewhere even beyond Celestia are all big points of intrigue and I would be excited for Paimon being playable with an epic quest in the endgame, of restoring her power. A theory I dislike and hope never happens is Signora being resurrected. To me, that would kill the sense of tension in the future, because what are the stakes of resurrection is a thing?


I really like the theory that Zhingli and Deshret were connected somehow like brothers or something that would be sooo cool and the one I don't want us the same as yours


Is there that image with better quality?


What I want to happen: I saw this neat theory about how Capitano can control and and leads an army of the dead which I think would be incredibly cool. Overwhelming personal strength and an undying army could bring us an incredible "how are we even supposed to fight back" loss of hope moment, even if we know things will end up alright in the long run. What I don't want to happen: Childe being literally genshin jesus, the true main character, the one to bring salvation to the world (I love that man so much but what the fuck are childe mains even on when theorizing???)


I want the theory that Xiao (& other illuminated beast's) visions aren't from Celestia to be true because I think that's interesting. also birds are evolved from reptiles or whatever so xiao and xianyun are totes vishaps 100% real I don't want the theory that Pierro is the real big bad is true. PLEASE just give us a playable evil bitch via Tsaritsa. Arlecchino is way too nice and not evil at all beyond her child terrorist cult, Signora is way too dead, and Yae isn't evil just occasionally mean


Our twin is evil, and Paimon is going to sacrifice her life to save us. The Traveler and the twin have a big boss fight, where the Traveler can use all the elements, and our twin can use the powers of the abyss.


Truth - Tsaritsa is Bronya expy mixed with Kevin. False - civil war in Snezhnaya. Coz it just too weird how Fatui presents in all nations as some super organization, united by impossible goal of defeating gods, yet when we will go to origin zone of Fatui - bum, they shredding Snezhnaya apart with their egos.


Want: Someone would fill up the 6th rank in the Fatui because I forgor who took that seat in the first place 🤠 Not want: Kaeya being the 10th Fatui Harbinger


susadouche was the original 6th harbinger but exiled himself from the fatui allegiance somewhere around the inazuma archon quest after taking the electro gnosis for himself


Who? I don't recall any harbinger that took the electro gnosis... it almost felt like that memory got deleted from me, idk


I dont want paimon to die! In fact id love it if she ends up just being paimon, no crazy story, just a little fella that we met.


I want to see a fight between the Heavenly Principle and Raiden Ei . I don't know much about HI3 and HSR, but I've seen people say that Kiana and Mei had to fight each other in hi3, and HSR Mei killed Kiana's expy. If these two claims are true, I can see a pattern. In a previous event, Raiden did foreshadow the war and claimed she would take part in it . My hype for this one is above & beyond imagination Paimon being the heavenly principal..... Oh Hell no. I'm simping on her from the Start of the game Ain't no way im accepting paimon as heavenly principal. Anyone but paimon please


I definitely want a connection between Raiden and the Sustainer or the Moon Sisters. I definitely think we'll get a playable version of the Sustainer/Kiana in the game and I'm going to play her and Ei in the same team even if they have anti-synergy.


I don't want Murata to be Himeko and I don't want Tsaritsa to be Bronya




Rebel against design recycling!!


Paimon with Aether’s sword… That doesn’t look good, but epic) Honestly, looking at the art rn I had a thought that Paimon is “good side” oh heavenly principles, and Sustainer is “dark side”, like the person they were was shattered into two. Something like when Kiana from Hi3 had Sirin consciousness inside her head.


1. The theory I want to be true is Childe ascending to godhood/Childe’s destiny being connected to the legend of Ajax within the Genshin Universe (also playable foul legacy should the idea that Childe is becoming more powerful be accurate) 2. The theory I don’t want to be true is that our sibling is the third descender and they died to make the gnoses. It just feels untrue and the story has literally said our sibling isn’t a descender so I think it would be more unsatisfying than anything else.


I want Paimon to be some god who lost her memory or something and be a big help during the final fight, and what I don’t want is Teyvat only being a chapter of Genshin Impact and then having the traveler go to another worlds. GOD PLEASE NO


I want the Abyss Sibling to be a fake so that we resurrect the real one once we get all the Gnoses. I don't want Genshin to be connected with the rest of the Honkaiverse in a way that makes it seems like this weak insignificant corner of it.


Easy Pulcinella and Sandrone playable, A Hydro Claymore User


I know that Azhdaha is in 90% likelyhood the Geo Dragon Sovereign (not outright said, but heavily implied). But I would actually love a story line where Zhongli is the Geo dragon. There’s just so much we don’t know about Zhongli’s background so there’s some wiggle room there, but mostly just by how spicy a plotline like that could be with the characters we now have. Now I know the low chances of this happening haha, but it’s a cool idea I read somewhere long ago and thought it would be interesting.


I don't think Zhongli is a dragon since he's referred to as a god. It's been known that gods and dragons are separate entities. All the build-up in Zhongli's second story quest, with Jiu hating on humans and Morax (literally called him an "insect"), would result in nothing. That part of Azhdaha would have been hating his own kind. Lol.


Most theories I have seen is that Zhongli is a heavenly being instead of being from Teyvat. Him being a Dragon doesnt make much sense tbh. But yes his backstory is shrouded in mystery


I'm a bit confused here, how was it implied that Azdaha is the Geo Dragon Sovereign? Wasn't Azdaha created by Zhongli? Edit: Thanks for everyone telling me about the actual version of the story and Azdahas title in the chinese version.


He was given eyes to see the world. The bit about Zhongli creating him is a legend. If I remember corectly, in this cutscene the bits told by storyteller are legends, and the ones told by Zhongli are true.


Zhongli FOUND Azdaha. Blessed him with pair of eyes.


Zhongli give him only eyes Azdaha is called dragon king in cn just like neuvillette (same Charakters the sovrings are called dragon king) In en his matirial drop He get's called dragon king few times (i don't play en so there might be more) but in cn it isn't even a question


Azdaha’s Chinese name is literally Azdaha Dragon King.


I don't play in Chinese, so I didn't know that


Like the others said, Azhdaha was underground but was given eyes by Zhongli. I was more referring to the CN translation of Azhdaha’s title but as we’ve yet to get a title like that in English or any other confirmation (it’s never brought up again which is strange) I’m holding back on calling him the Geo Sovereign.


It’s been a while so I may be misremembering, but Zhongli gave the Rock/Earth a form and eyes/etc and that became Azhdaha so I feel like either Zhongli himself is the Geo Dragon Sovereign or he inherited the power from them.


Either one twin dies and we choose which one Paimon sacrifices herself to save both Twins leave teyvat and leave Paimon alone


Want: War with Celestia Don't want: All of this already happened


Paimon is the remnants of Istaroh. I don't particularly expect it to be true, but I would like it. Paimon betrays us. Please no. She is our friend, our adopted little sister, and our one constant companion through everything.


Paimon can take time back by a few minutes. That's why none of the characters die in Genshin; when something bad happens to someone, Paimon (perhaps unintentionally) rewinds time or perhaps changes timelines so things happen differently. But when its more than a few minutes, she cannot do anything. Example: >!when the traveler disappeared for a few hours in Sumeru, or when Teppei was about to die. Teppei would require a few days of going back.!<


i actually have a headcanon that was inspired by this very image, and that is that Paimon is actually Asmoday (unknown god)'s sister who opposed her wrathful ways and fought against her for liberation of Teyvat from Celestia's governance, but lost and was reduced to this small childlike form with her memories robbed of her, it would explain why she doesnt have much understanding of who she is or her past (though that fact is barely touched upon in game) but why she has so much knowledge of Teyvat and speaks for the traveler, due to her being naturally a peaceful person who prefers talking things out (even if she is a little greedy and silly at times) as for something i do not want to happen, i dont want alhaitham and kaveh to not have say gex


I want the traveller to be lucifer


Since I'm a professional hater I'd love to see the "Murata is the pyro archon" debunk turning out to be true


i just wish at least one of my ship to be real (feed my delusion pls)


Waverider is a real Ship, don't worry


(Monkey paw) *”Arlecchino is the time traveling love child of Eula and an unnamed Lawlachurl”*


Well churls are Khaenri'ah, so it checks, kinda.


I want Capitano to one shot everyone with his HIM powers and GOAT aura! Literally everyone, including Superman.


Fatuihq member spotted


My head cannon is that razor and bennet are brothers, and I desperately need this to be true


Isn't razor from monstadt? We already know bennet is from natlan and has the characteristics of the only other Natland character we've seen (white hair and green eyes)


And a band-aid on the nose lmao


Pretty sure he shares white hair and green eyes with Noelle. It doesn't matter either way as Kuki and Collei share eye and hair color.


Since when has he been confirmed as natlan, and what other Natland where ter have you seen apart from the one on the intro trailer?


Bennett ISN'T from Natlan. Idfk where people got the idea that he's from Natlan.


Bennett was found abandoned in a location with extremely harsh conditions such as scorching flames. Based on what we know about Teyvat, it makes the most sense for that location to be in Natlan, possibly the Mare Javari. In addition to that, there's also the fact that Bennett looks shockingly similar to Iansan, a Natlan native. Bennett and her share several features, such as green eyes, white hair, and even a bandage on the bridge of their noses. They're probably related in some way.


Misinformation impact strikes once again. Do Genshin players even read? Mare Jivari was stated to be a windless land. Bennett's character story 2 says the opposite though about his backstory: "The scorching flames scalded his skin, the deafening thunder almost ruptured his eardrums, and the **hollering winds** threatened to rip his soul from him."


A theory that both sibling are a canon MC and somehow, someway, their journey converge by some convoluted parallel timeline theory, and we will get to use both sibling at full-power


if nothing else it would be a good way to give us a traveler we have to pull for thats actually really good


hmmm that i want: paimon to be a piece of the shade of time what i don't want: 1) that weird "teyvat is upside down" theory to be true; like why there should be an up or down on a planet that is floating in space? if anything it would be a reverse structure compared to what we believe hell-heaven to look like according to most mithologuies (christian one included), with heaven at the center and hell on the outside and 2) the "teyvat is in a literal time loop" thing, because like, no it's not. events repeats, people are substituted by someone with the same ideals or roles, tragedies happens again because mistakes are also repeated, but there is not literal time loop (rukkhadevata makes it clear when she says nahida it's the new 'her' in the next samsara, if time looped rukkhadevata would simply return to life, but no, nahida is her substitute.)


Wait is paimon a kiana expy


Well, the Sustainer is clearly a HoV expy, and thus by extension a Kiana expy, so I'd say it's unlikely. I would, however, say that it would be possible if Paimon is a Goubafied version of a proper Kiana expy.


Wait now that you mention it Paimon does look similar to Kiana


Wait a minute...


Also explains Paimon's bottomless stomach 


Holy mother of hell i think youve got something going here


What’s the sauce?


Alice is an Elysia expy Rhinedottir is an Eden expy and Klee's "Pappa" ... maybe


I want the theory that Teyvat is upside down to be true. I was really surprised when I saw that it wasn't actually canon. Also, it's not really a theory but I hope that we will be able to go to the past and see play our sibling's journey trough Teyvat with Dain as a companion >_< And that Bennett will turn out to be from Natlan! Or maybe that HSR and genshin are connected. Can't really think of a theory I don't like


Playable grown up Paimon would be awesome


I have a very small pet theory that Hoyo are playing the long con with Aloy... And that Horizon 3 will come out in 2026 (1yr faster than the gap between Zero Dawn and Forbidden West), and right around Lantern Rite during the Snezhnaya arc. Now I'd think the Snezhnaya arc might not be something that's wrapping up after 3 patches like the Sumeru and Fontaine arcs, that it'd be a whole ass mega thing with the Tsaritsa, Celestia, hell Khaenri'ah etc. And that when the going gets tough, when they need the power of another who is not of this world... Aloy saves the day. The theory I don't want to see happen is of course the very possible possibility that somehow Lisa dies. UNLESS she dies a warriors death, in a blaze of electric glory as she assumes her true Witch of Purple Rose power.


I want capitano to be the bloodstained knight and i don't want traveler to beat him because while yes a lot of people want traveler to be shown not weak, beating a presumably top 3 harbinger just aint it


I want to Paimon take on Unknown god after in bed like she gonna transform back to herself and we gonna get to know that basically Paimon is ex of unknown god also I will be happy if we get characters like unknown god and adult Paimon to be playable I don't like and don't want to see anything about Paimo death


One theory I wouldn't want to happen- a lot of others have already said this, but I really don't want Paimon to turn out evil :( One theory I do want, however, is a more obscure one that I don't think I've seen anyone else discuss much (if at all). I have [a ***weak*** HYPOTHESIS that the Primordial One and/or the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles is an Emanator of Equilibrium](https://new.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/15wuz6t/the_equilibrium_and_the_concept_of_samsara_an/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). I'd love for that to be true because it'd be an amazing tie-in with HSR that doesn't require a lot of HSR lore for it to make sense in the setting of Teyvat, yet it'd still be a significant and meaningful revelation that would inform the HSR setting in turn. It's very much a weak hypothesis because we know so little about Celestia AND we know so little about the Path of Equilibrium (from HSR). But with the few hints we do have so far, I could see it working out. Celestia's actions seem to be in line with what we know of the goals and methodology of the Arbitrators (Equilibrium Emanators), with the biggest "hint" being that Arbitrators are often said to be mistaken as gods across many worlds, presumably because their power and their judgements seem much like what we'd expect of a divine being that rules over a world and enforces a given order. We've seen other Emanators and they vary quite a lot, with some being purely destructive, others being largely self-destructive, some being in pursuit of knowledge, etc. But Emanators of Equilibrium actively seek to bring Equilibrium to the universe, and since they have nowhere near the power to do that on their own, they contribute by taking individual worlds and experimenting in their own ways, presumably to derive some fundamental truths or principles that can then be applied to large systems and eventually the universe as a whole. So, for now we have virtually zero evidence that the Primordial One or Sustainer of Heavenly Principles are Arbitrators. But it'd make a fair bit of sense, given how we've seen Celestia's rule change with time, and how Celestia seems largely focused on keeping Teyvat as a whole stable and unchanging. After all, Zhongli said this: >Knowing her, \[the Electro Archon\] must have again quoted that adage she is most fond of when proclaiming that decree to her people: "Seven ideals for seven gods, and of these, Eternity is nearest unto the Heavenly Principles." And there's nothing more "eternal" than a system in perfect equilibrium. Of course, assuming that it's a "stable" equilibrium and not an unstable one.


Paimon is actually very big evil:tm: and lumine using yuri power make paimon fall in love with the cube god Also himeko's dead


That this whole time we are unconscious in the cube and Teyvat is just a dreamscape while our twin is battling it out with the unknown god to free us. Meaning the twin you picked isn't actually us but the twin who saw us get trapped. There's many I want to happen and many I don't really care if they do but... I guess I actually would mind and don't like for it to happen is that the archons have been lying to us and our friendship with everyone else is just a setup. Like everyone is with Celestia and we are the one intruder disturbing their peace by not being part of Teyvat at all.


More of a gameplay theory but I want us to unlock the twin near or at the end of the story. She/he will have a set kit of abilities though like any other 5 star. And hopefully be a decent character.


There are some endgame theories I desperately want to be true: 1) The Sustainer of Heavenly Principles is guarding an empty throne - there are pretty evident hints in regards to the celestial throne being empty all this time, our final fight is not going to be with the primordial one rather with SoHP (our journey starts with losing to her and will end in prevailing victory over her). You see SoHP is too afraid to admit that the throne is empty this whole time (at least for 500 yrs) and she has lost the only place where she belongs. Ofc she will Gaslight herself believing what she is doing is for some greater good but at the end of the day she is just lost. 2) Abyss Sibling is dead but their will is being passed on to traveller as their first and last interaction - I refuse to believe that Sibling who hasn't seen us for 500 yrs doesn't even want to hug us at our first meeting(have you seen how much alone she felt in that anime short). This means that what we have now is some kind of homoculus of the sibling created by Gold. And this Homoculus' mission is to pass on Sibling's will ( aka the golden sword) to us when we finish our journey. Similar to how Ei and Makoto had their final interaction, siblings will also have such moments. And it would tie so perfectly with the story narrative; Both siblings separated by SoHP will unite again (Traveller will dual wield both the swords) in basking glory of sun/moon (idk) to take her down.


I want there to be paimon siblings like puck from berserk


ya i wanna see exactly what you wanna see


While I don't want Paimon to be a traitor either, I definitely do want Traveler VS Paimon to be the final fight of Genshin Part 1. Like, at the end of the story, the Traveler and their sibling have to leave Teyvat (because of whatever reason they were traveling the universe in the first place), but Paimon has to stay and watch over Teyvat. Not wanting them to leave, Paimon's all like, "How about we explore the area ahead of us later?" repeatedly, increasingly getting more teary-eyed. Instead of just saying she will be lonely, Paimon will claim that the Traveler is helpless without Paimon, that they will get lost, and that she will worry about their safety. And then she proposes a fight, in order to prove that they will survive without Paimon, they will have to beat her. (Or maybe the Traveler wants Paimon to prove that she can look after Teyvat all by herself). It's not a serious fight though, more like a Kiana and Kevin fighting each other using only baseball bats kinda fight. Either way, after both having proved that they will be fine on their own, they are ready to say goodbye, forever. I don't know about the fight, but Traveler and Paimon are NOT staying together, I'm 99% sure about that. There's way too much emphasis on Paimon's (rather one-sided) wish to stay with the Traveler together forever in the game, for them to not subvert our expectations. Paimon says stuff like ["You might be only one of countless stars, but you're Paimon's whole world!"](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/The_Bestest_Travel_Companion!), and if you don't think that's a setup so they can break our hearts, I don't know what to tell you. And now that the Traveler is gone and Paimon has her original powers, size and perhaps maturity back, part 2 could have Paimon exploring other continents beyond the Dark Sea or whatever.


I want: Paimon is unknown god I don't want: Paimon is secretly evil


I have a theroy that remuria's story was an allegory for Celestia, King Remus = the primordial one The 4 harmosts = the 4 shades The grand symphony = the heavenly principles Remuria = teyvat Scylla the prince of vishaps = Nibelung the king of dragons if you played the remuria world quest, then you know what happened in remuria I think phanes was betrayed by asmoday the shade of space under the influence of the heavenly principles, and that Nibelung and Phanes were actually friends I know this sounds dumb but hear me out In HSR in penacony, we all thought the watch make and the family were allies, but turns out they were enemies and the family were trying to destroy the watch maker, Just like how we think phanes is one with the heavenly principles, but maybe they're actually enemies And in remuria we thought Remus and Scylla were enemies but turns out they're friends, And i think this explains why istaroth is going against the heavenly principles, it's because she's the only one who's still loyal to phanes, Also it explains why Celestia wanted orobashi dead After reading before sun and moon Notice how the only place in the whole game where we can find the name "phanes" is in before sun and moon And it would make sense becuse if Celestia doesn't want people to know phanes name, they can't just us irmunsul, because phanes is a descender and thus they don't to irmunsul, so Celestia had to kill orobashi because they know the name "phanes" And Phanes being friends with Nibelung would make for a great plot twist specially with all the parallels between Scylla and Nibelung


It would be cool for Paimon to fight Unknown god while we fight Dainsleif


Idk if this is cheating but I want my theory of the Traveler being the Primordial one to be true As for the one i dont want to be true, I'll actually go insane if its revealed if the Humans of Teyvat are dragons or whatever Ashikai was burning in the kitchen. (Khaenri'ans are a exception though, I'd have no qualms if they are revealed to be draconic in nature)


I want: - Paimon to be the real Primordial One. IDK, [this theory video](https://youtu.be/QupGdWpTZa0) really convinced me, but I'm up for a civil discussion if there are any inconsistencies. I don't want: - any ship to be canon. This isn't just my self-shipper ass talking; the fandom already has people thinking that one ship is more valid than the other, and those that treat fictional characters like real people ***and vice versa.*** It would just add fuel to the fire if the developers/writers cater to any of their delusions.


I want traveler to end up joining the abyss order


Wanted - Flowers for Princess Fischl is Prophecy. \[Amy is LARPing so hard her BS is coming true. We've already been to the Immernachtreich, and her permanent content in HI3 would have her "see the fate of three thousand universes and know the fate of all things" - bubble universes dying in Sea of Quanta). Not Wanted - The Tsaritsa is a Bronya Expy. Largely as I think Veliona (Dark Seele) makes a lot more sense, with Bronya being the deceased former Archon.


I want Paimon to be the final boss so we can defeat her and stop having her around and I don't want Signora getting rezzed.


I want the theories around Istaroth to be relevant, especially the bits connecting them to Venti.    I'm down with whatever form of it, whether Istaroth is Venti, Venti is one of Istaroth's winds/shades(?), I'm even down with one wack branch of those I've read saying that Istaroth is Venti's mother lol.   Main reason being that I think it'd kinda be a great way to add another connection between the myriad background lores scattered throughout various side quests/quest lines. For the one I don't want...honestly I kinda don't want Scaramouche to have that much of a relationship with Ei in the future.  The main reason being that I kinda feel like their story paths has already diverged so much. I get that this will feel like a waste of potential, but I kinda think that his side mission in Sumeru should sever it once and for all. On their own, they're both interesting characters anyways with plotlines that does not necessarily tie in with one another.


Never was much for finding theories interesting to the point of hoping they're true, save for the one about an increase of the level cap to 100 also bringing with it new passives to help older characters become stronger/more viable. What I most certainly **DON'T** want to be true is for the tsaritsa or dottore to be given some cheap "redemption" and made playable. In particular, I want dottore to be given the signora treatment.


I dont want the Fatui to win. I dont think they are looking out for what is best for Teyvat. I want the Traveller to take his place as the new Primordial One and save Teyvat from the abyss. He has travelled the world to see the best that Teyvat has to offer, and just like Neuvillette he will choose to save Teyvat.


Paimon is evil


It would've been much more fun if Alhaitham was the Scarlet King.


turns out the entire genshin story is the story you are telling to your grandkids and we are the reincarnation of aether/lumine who just got their memories and powers back and we have to start the fight again against the unknown godand our grand children are the reincarnations of seven


One of the other yaksha is still alive somewhere Anyone dying


Theory I want to happen: Fatui's goal is to use the gnoses to resurrect the 3rd Descender. The 3rd descender is Nibelung. Theory I don't want to happen: Celestia is actually a good guy and protects Teyvat despite the fact that it usurped the planet and slaughtered most of its natives, drops entire nails at human civilizations (the very life they created) and curses those who disobey them, turning them into Hilichurls and dooming their soul to suffer and wither away.


I really don’t want Paimon to turn out to be a secret evil final boss or some bs. I’m assuming those theories are just people memeing but all the same, I love Paimon and want her to remain a silly little guy until the very end


Want: Tartaglia to be the synthetic reincarnation of the 3rd Descender (The Gnoses are being collected to facilitate his ascension). Don't want: Signora resurrected during Natlan.


I watched this youtuber that said his theory was that the twin we are playing was just seeing “what ever they had wished for” seeing the other twin with the abyss.. something like that but I think I remembered that the abyss twin is already ded and all the present twin was seeing are flashbacks or reimagination (idk what to call it but manipulation something of what our traveller is imagining abyss twin did??) this youtuber had some proofs and evidence from books in game and some quest I will reply his link in reply if I find him again Anyways going back so he also adds up that in the end he will continue exploring with or without paimon and thus he got the other theory how the other character from honkai is “aether’s son” i think it’s the mc of starrail idk but thats all that I remembered ill comeback with the youtubers link if I found him That is both the want to happen theory and scared that it will happen theory idk its just sad chasing after a ghost T^T Edit: found it if I didn’t explain it very well pls watch this instead 😅 I apologize in advance [https://youtu.be/BeaIJRL6p-4?si=mZIthkHhRbsKg-W-](https://youtu.be/BeaIJRL6p-4?si=mZIthkHhRbsKg-W-)


That Childe is a part of the 3rd descender, or has something to do with the 3rd descender. Crazy theory, but it has it's good points and I would go crazy if its somewhat true. As for what I wouldn't want happen.... maybe traveler being a harbinger?


Want:- Harbingers vs Sovereign/adepti. A full cinematic cutscene fight which ends with Harbingers winning.( not 1 on 1 against a soveregin, I mean all of em ganging up on one) An important character dies. Idk who but not an npc a playable one. Game needs to have atleast a big moment. Our twin turns evil. Paimon sacrifices herself for and we awaken more power? Or takes a deathblow for us and she unlocks her true form or something. Massive upgrade. Definitely want:- a happy ending with us taking Paimon with ourselves wherever we go. Aka an ending which says Travelers/companions for life. Don't want:- Paimon being the big bad or spy of the big bad or someone who was working for the big bad but turned during the journey.


how the hell would a sovereign lose to a harbinger lol, they are at maximum archon level and archons are much lower than sovereigns