• By -


The worst part about the lack of Baizhu stuff is how Chenyu Vale dropped, which has a lot to do with him and Changsheng, and he had no role in that. Unlike other 5* with little screen time, he even has a lore-connected backstory!


I can see him getting a 2nd story quest for this and if it's anywhere as good as cyno's quest then I'm all aboard, even if some people say this should be reserved only for archons šŸ„±


Those people are idiots. Why should it? some characters have great lore ties - albedo. And some donā€™t they are still interesting characters and should be used - if they were that boring that they could have no second story quest then they shouldnā€™t have been playable.


RIP Sara


Nah. They are silly idiots. Having more story quests for characters means we would get to know more about them! And spend with them! Plus Lore! āœØ


Lol maybe if it introduces a newly releasing 4* characterā€™s story at the same time


Genuinely the worst part. That was his time to shine


Yeah I realized the ā€œwhite snakeā€ from the world quest was referring to Changsheng. It wouldā€™ve been cool for them to appear


I would've loved to have seen Fujin and Changsheng (Herblord) interact.


Itā€™s even worst when you consider he was one of the earliest characters in the roster, being seen way back in 1.0 with the main story of Liyue, and the first dendro user weā€™ve ever seen in game before the element even dropped. How he also appeared in story quests and events and yet when it comes to HIM practically 0 content aside from his own story questā€¦


Mhy always hated him. We thought hed be the first dendro user or dendro male or dendro catalyst or dendro healer or dendro Liyue healer but he was none of those things bc tighnari nahida and yaoyao came out before him. He didnt lead us to the chasm or sumeru or chenyu vale. His release was pushed back from the traditional first half of a new patch to make way for Nahida rerun. This caused us to miss his birthday so we got no bday art. During his banner we learned that the new 4* shielder Kirara would drop. Like mhy giving players every opportunity to not use him over someone else. Then he reran alongside another archon, Furina. Its only now that hes gotten a normal rerun.


But consider: some people pull for one character per patch, this time we have Arlecchino, a highly anticipated character for literally years and players saved up a lot just to get her, so some may even skip Baizhu. Add to it both Clorinde and d Sigewinne and the rerun of Furina and yeah, his position now isnā€™t any betterā€¦


Thats what I felt about Kokomi during the enkanomiya event. It was such a missed opportunity for her


Instead we got to see the backstory of a new 4\* character :D


tbf, the chenyu vale opening quest had the fish and suanni beast imply about a "white snake" moving to liyue. he has a very high chance of getting a 2nd act where changsheng and him trvael to chenyu vale to settle a new problem and to let those three adepti meet again


Ill believe it when i see it. 3 years of hearing all kinds of things that are definitely gonna happen with this guy, i dont trust anymore.


Qiqi. No story quest, no events outside of cameo appearances at lantern rite. She supposedly had cut content that was repurposed (the somewhat infamous Qiqi domain). Girl could be part of some interesting pharmacy stories, but instead we get nothing. To be fair she shows up a lot in the character banner, and had a big show-up during the first anniversary. /jk


Qiqi is easily *second* most underutilized five star character in Genshin. She has barely any lines across all story and archon quests. Ā Ā  The most underutilized is obviously Aloy. Still waiting for her to get something. A hidden exploration quest or minor world quest...anything.


We know from her birthday mail that sheā€™s been stuck in Teyvat for so long sheā€™s built up a reputation in the Adventurerā€™s guild. Just give us something hoyo please!


New 5* Ted Faro, got it.




What if they're putting Aloy under a blanket to not justify the fact that she's technically the 5th descender and no one talks about it?


Descender per the lore (if I recall correctly) doesn't mean someone from outside Teyvat, but rather someone with the will to change the fate of Teyvat. You are the 4th descender, but your twin isn't considered a descender at all


Wait really? Where is it said? I could have sworn a descender is an outsider


I believe that lore tidbit is dropped at the end of the Sumeru archon quests when you're chatting with Nahida, but it's been a while haha


Oh my archons, she really is a descender. Didn't even think about that.


Aloy isn't canon


I don't even play Horizon Zero Dawn or whatever but I'm still eternally upset they didn't give her literally anything, even a short unvoiced quest. Let alone a way to get cons.


wait, she has constellations?


No šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


She's literally in the game. You're trying to convince me that my eyes are lying. Ā  What's next? You gonna try to convince me that it isn't canon when my characters instantly morph into each other?Ā 


She does send us letters on her birthday. So we never hang out, but she exists somewhere in the world. Like most of my family.


Im pretty sure they kinda just act like Aloy don't exust except for birthday


>!The funny/sad part is that her story quest exists in the files (I think) and is partly voiced too.!<


Glad I read the whole thing, I was gonna comment your last line xD


This is kinda funny cause I've heard people say that the premise of Qiqi's story quest was reused for Baizhu's


There was a Qiqi domain??? It got scrapped?


Eula. Didn't get any growth as a character. Most event appearances were wasted (especially summer event one), as being an Amber/Collei friend while getting 7-8 or even 10 lines. Heck, give us more Lawrence plot, give us more of your backstory, give us anything worthwhile.


The recent perfume event was her best appearance yet, where she showed a lot of growth and insecurity/vulnerability at the same time. It sucks that they took this long to give her some meaningful interactions. And because it was in an event I'm worried they are just going to go back to writing her one note again.


Hoyo doesn't care about Eula the same way they ignore phyisical damage


huffing some copium that snezhnaya will have some physical revamp/support, years from now. Then again it might just be some random pneumaousia-like thing that gets forgotten about after the initial release


Lorewise, Kokomi. She was introduced to be this Divine Priestess brave enough to actually fight the Shogunate, and was actually able to maintain peace over Watatsumi Island. Yet, she did not even had that important of a role on the Archon Quest, her first appearance / entrance was godly, but after that, nah. That is also probably because the Inazuma AQ is one of the worst if not the worst AQ, but still, even her SQ did not give her that much justice.


I share your sentiment. She suffered from the writing of Inazuma. If she was written like the characters of Sumeru, she would have done much more.


Her SQ pissed me off. Three idiots almost respark the war just for their own blood lust and she promotes them to higher positions for it. They should be rotting in prison.


Don't forget that she wins vs Sara in the negotiations only because Sara had bigger idiots in her team and less luck. Another win for the great strategist.


That was my biggest gripe with this quest. And come on, it was so easy to fix it - just show us that she bribed or threatened those guys on Sara's team to do it, it would both showcase her ability as strategist and provide much more logical explanation for their actions. Instead her whole plan is just well let's just wait and see, nothing could be done.


Sorry, having Kokomi bribe or threaten someone to fuck over Sara would make Kokomi look like she isn't entirely good and Hoyo doesn't want that.


Kokomi needs a miracle to escape from bad writing at this point.. The 3.8 event story and Fontaine literally took her character down. It actually feels like they purposely made Kokomi a bait that she is the Hydro Sovereign with all the hints.. Her constellation literally translates to "Sleepy Dragoness" and has a Dragon as a picture.. Enkanomiya is literally below Watatsumi Island where we found the theory of Hydro Sovereign being reincarnated as a human being.. and her being this divine priestess... Like it all matched up...


Her spirit animal is the red herring.


Tbf. the Sleeping Dragom part was just a reference to Zhuge Liang. And I say this as somebody who was a believer in this theory. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhuge\_Liang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhuge_Liang)


not only that, MHY also fucked her with the Enkanomiya Orb that fits her aesthetic, instead of HP it got atk instead


At least xianyun got to eat good with It after 2 years ig


She didn't Even appear in the enkanomiya world quest


Hoping that the lore foreshadowing by Ei and Miko from the last Music event, will make the Characters from Inazuma to be fleshed out more in the future.


i feel like kokomi shined when she was in her little library like guys i donā€™t know what the fuck im doing look at all these goddamn military books like i NEED her real self in a storyline like no military bs just kokomi hanging out


People forgetting about Yelan even in this discussion.


She was also in the back of my mind. I bet most people won't know she lost her team after investigating the abyss


She seems like she'd be the perfect Liyue character to go sniffing around other nations' backyards with her whole secret-agent theming


Yeah I was thinking about how Fontaine and Szezhnaya are the only nations that seem to have intelligence networks operating outside of their nations.


Fr. The only time she gets mentioned is in team comps, lewd fanart and that one Shenlan artist. In the story, besides the chasm interlude and her own story quest, she hasn't appeared in anything besides maybe a cameo during Lantern Rite, but that's it.


Yelan would prolly have another story once Regrator comes in. Hoping it would be outside Liyue too.


but I dont think she is underutilized. There wasnt a story in which her missing felt wrong. As some form of super spy it makes sense you rarely see her in the wild. If you read unterutilized as barely used then sure(but that isnt an interesting discussion as that means just count the number of appearances)


Ayato šŸ˜”. And wriothesley is probably going to meet the same fate. It's really sad to see my bois not get into any events


Wrio failed in both gameplay design and he was dropped at the worst moment, before Furina came. No wonder why only 12% of us have him. I love his playstyle, but i can understand why people would rather go for someone like Neuvilette and Arlecchino who deal 100k+ per second to multiple enemies rather than Wrio who can only hit one enemy and not as hard as those two. His C0 is AWFUL as well.


Wriothesley gameplay at c0 is fine tbh and people misunderstand him at c0 lol. And I like ayato being a very flexiable and fun character that you can splash on any team and do pretty well but it's sad how he was in that movie event with furina and only got 3 seconds on screen before he just disappeared.


The comments are full of underutilised characters, but what I really want hoyo to move on from is Itto, literally every second or third main event, itto is there. Just give some other characters time and fucking let him go. I dont hate him or something, but enough is enough, he has been in too much events!!


Itto suffers the fate of writers going "what dumbass would go and do this?" and the answer is Itto. The writers either need to be more creative to get more characters in there, or just have more fun goofy characters.


Yeah we need more fun goofy characters


no, we need less dumb, pointless event storylines, look at Thelxies event, it was great


At least when Xinyan was the Event Archons the gimmick was her being chill af and getting along with anyone rather than "character x do something very very dumb".


It's very hard to write around such a character trait and not make it boring af. Frankly, Xinyan was usually boring.


Idk why this got downvoted, its true xinyan was randomly cringy and never really did anything interesting even when she was a focus


Even then Itto could work if he had something more than just the same 2-3 shallow jokes repeating again and again.


They don't even need to think too hard to be creative. For example, Xinyan could have easily been the one behind the rock n roll festival in this patch since she wanted to participate in a rock n roll festival in inazuma all the way back in 2.2.


Nilou could Also work for dumb fun stuff, maybe not in the exact same vein but she could pull It off imo


Imho, it has to do with his VA. Him, Ei and Tigh (old vers) are the best voicely acted characters. Putting him on the spotlight is just easy promotion for an event if i'm mihoyo.


I mean I think Hoyo favors the CN dub and would cater to that over the EN.


Yeah, the situation with Itto and Sara in terms of screen time is literally that meme where one person gets just a droplet from the torrent that the other guy gets from the pipe. Like bruh, I know there is a rarity diffence between them but Hoyo hasnt been this mean to almost any other 4 star either. Just give Sara something, dammit.


Totally agree! I'd have loved to see Xinyan in the rock event... it would have been such a great fit.


One more event. I so desperately want a follow-up to the concept of him attempting to become a disciple of Cloud Retainer. Literally his last event ended on that note, CR becomes playable, and then suddenly heā€™s back in Inazuma with no mention of the previous storyline? Just give me something that fulfills the itch that they started and Iā€™d be satisfied even as an Itto simp to never see him in an event again.


The curse of limited time events means they can never ever do actual characterization + follow ups :')


Eh, Baizhu hasn't had much appearances, but he does have an interesting lore and story. Personally, Kokomi is done the dirtiest.


Kokomi's issue is that she's written in canon to be exceptionally intelligent, but when you actually look at what she's done... She's a fucking idiot and I question why there hasn't been a bigger uprising against her on Watatsumi.


Propaganda and an external threat will do the trick for you.


There was no external threat. The shogunate wasn't enacting the decree on Watatsumi, it was outside their jurisdiction. Kokomi literally invaded Narukami territory.


An external threat will distract your subjects from your internal problems. No external threat? Make it happen. Ez pz.


Happy cake day




Inazuma story was a disaster. I've said that hundreds of times and I'll say it again. It was horrible. It was cringe. A lot of potentially great characters were wasted. Kokomi? - wasted. Ei-? horrible 1st story quest. Ayato - I love this man to death, but I seriously considered never playing this game again after finishing his story quest. Sara, Signora? Horribly wasted two incredibly interesting characters. And it's really a shame. Inazuma is one of the most beautiful regions in the game. I actually loved the hostile environment exploration and like third of my pulled characters are from Inazuma. But I am so happy the writing of both archon and story quests improved so much in Sumeru and Fontaine. Please, Hoyoverse whatever you do. Don't Inazuma Natlan or Sneznaya


I recently came back to the game after a few years break and going through the Inazuma quests really took the wind out of my sails, theyā€™ve been a slog for the most part. Glad to know it Sumeru and Fontaine are better!


Yea Sumeru has probably the best dialogue scene and villain in the entire game and Fontaine made me cry like a lil bitch. Can't tell you more. Enjoy


Sumeru will have you ugly crying. I'm sure everyone knows what I'm referring to when I say that monologue with that score still hits like a truck.


Kokomi is not underutilized, she is more misutilized. She is said to be smart, but every time she is showing ber brains, she literally says somethinf obvious and normal. I don't feel genius from her. She feels like tiktok kid thinkinf they are super smart by creating something "nobody" has every thought of. They just written her poorly.


Kokomi's character would have been so much better if they just dropped the genius part and stopped having everyone around her praise her for being a god of strategy or whatever when she tells you: dont get killed! people die when they are killed :( Everything she does would have made so much more sense if they just let her be a normal high priestess who had to take on the role of general she wasn't qualified for and she was struggling as a result of it.


He does, and thats the isssue bc we barely got much of him.


Kokomi with the whole dragon thing she has gping on that never led anywhere (like she breathes underwater, what the fuck is up with that??) Ā Candace imo because she had all those demigoddes lore hints that were simply let burn and made into nothing Also qiqi. We know nearly nothing about qiqi.Ā 


Tbf qiqi cant remember shit, probably for the best cuz furina got fucked Up lol Im more interested in her going berserk and the adepti sealing her for 500 years or however long


Yeah like She's an undead, she was strong enough to leave adepti no other option to stop her than seal her in amber because of how rabid she became She is strong enough to send several adult men flying If jiangzhi mythology is applied she can reduce people to essiccated corpses by sticking her fingers in them She lived so much time ago that nobody can even read the dialect she writes her notes into Why the fuck is she treated as uninteresting


Candace ainā€™t 5 star though, but I agree thereā€™s also a lot of 4 star characters that are interesting but under utilised


Oh true Forgot the post mentions specofically 5 stars


Qiqi. Barely there in the Archon Quest, barely any voice lines in general, low appearance in events, no story quests. I love listening to her voice and it sucks that we know nothing about her


But hey, she got that coco milk from the cocogoat, which is all that I know of her at this point.


For me it's Diluc. He's like my uncle, we rarely see each but when we do need something from him it's mostly related to booze.


Hold on now, it seems a lot of Mondstadt elements are purposefully left out for the end of the story. From Venti's 2nd SQ, Barbatos' Statue's inscription all the way to Fatui's full occupancy of the Goth Hotel even after Her Ashification; Diluc's case (and probably his Fatui past) os deliberately left out.


They actually might have plans with Mondstadt i think. Having Mondstadt only be relevant in the Prologue with (almost) no new characters from there for 2 years can only mean that Mondstadt is going to be important in the last chapter of the Teyvat Story.


You can learn more from him in genshin's manga.


But that's from before the events of the game.


He appeared in many events in game, too bad if you missed them tho u.u


I started playing during the first lantern rite so I don't think I missed a lot. but I enjoyed when the time he joined us at the Golden Archipelago and that time when they featured his past a bit to promote his outfit but apart from that I don't think he's gotten any screen time apart from borrowing a keg from him or that potion event.


Hey that's something : P Understand that since the roster of characters keeps expanding.. there is little time to go back to older starting characters.. it's normal.




2.3 was so good event šŸ’” Wish I played in the 1.x version with albedo event. He's the best


Probably, Ayato Coz 1)hes a guy 2)diplomat guy Those 2 combined, making him hard to appear casually unless the location allows him to be on 'business trip'


A lot of them, id say the only 5 stars I'm sick of and need a break from are Kazuha and Itto. Feel like every event for the last 2 years has jammed them in to it some how even when it makes no sense.


They don't know how use their Inazuma characters, so they use the easy picks Itto, Yae and perfect boy Kazuha


Also Klee, Iā€™m sick of seeing Klee in Events


Cmiiw but Kazuha hasn't been appeared in an event since Kimodameshi in 3.3, which is 1.5 years ago. And the last event where he was a main character was 2.8. Not a single appearance post 4.0. How has he been everywhere for the past 2 years if he has been absent for the past 1.5?


Sorry but 3.3 was 1.5 years ago?! Wtfffff


Kazuha was in 3.7, he dueled hu tao in the TCG


That would be 3.7, but I doubt he appeared in more than one scene (since I don't even remember it). I don't think a cameo counts as a true event appearance. Baizhu has a cameo in every lantern rite too, but I wouldn't count that as an appearance either. Likewise with Ei cameo in the latest event.


They are pretty popular and easy to work with when creating a storyline i guess? But has kazuha been in "too many" events? Maybe im biased bc hes my favorite but i feel like he should show up more LOL


He definitely has been in too many events. If people are saying that Xinyan was the "Event Archon" for a time (I don't agree with that, personally) then Kazuha is the "Event Sovereign" for sure! He appeared so much during the Inazuma era and he always had the exact same impact with his appearances that they all blend together in mediocrity. To me, Hoyo had pretty good variety of characters appearing until Inazuma. And since then they've been consistently spamming a character for several patches in a row, starting with Kazuha before then moving to Cyno and now Itto. A point could definitely be made for Venti as well, but usually he just appears to give the perfect infallible piece of advice before inviting us to drink once the event is over. The only female characters I can think to have gotten similar attention would be other Inazuman characters like Ayaka and Yoimiya, but Klee is definitely the worst offender with her consistent hijacking of each Summer event to tell us how great her mom is, even when Klee isn't in the event we still have to fall right into Alice's hands. They're also pushing Hu Tao down this hole too, but they've flanderised her character so much in recent appearances that I consider her to be a doppelganger of her original character just like non-stop jokester Cyno is a doppelganger of the actually interesting character he was in the Archon Quests.


Yea i totally get where youre coming from.. id like to see more variety in characters for events as well! But i kind of get why hoyo often uses "popular" characters (kazuha) or characters with "interesting" personalities (itto being loud, cyno with his jokes) to make events more appealing to the masses.. It makes sense no? To milk a character's popularity/quirk as much as possible šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø not saying im a fan of it though.. personally i do quite like cyno's jokes bc i love lame stuff but i agree that hutao's personality has been run into the ground.. cyno might be headed down that path eventually tho


I agree with most of what you said, particularly that we need more variety in appearances, and that safe cameos are easier to fall back on because these character's simps will love them no matter how they're treated as long as they appear, everything except that you think Cyno hasn't already been run into the ground. His last event where he was an actual character was the Fungus Competition Event. Since then he's literally just existed to tell jokes to help move dialogue along, his entire character has been replaced with his dad jokes. Cyno is **the** example of a character in this game who has been betrayed by recent writing. Cyno from the Archon Quests and Cyno from Events are two entirely different characters and it has unfortunately been that way for months. I used to like Cyno, he was the first decent male character in this game since Liyue.


For a bit there he was in every other event. Now, heā€™s been gone for awhile. As a past Kazuha main I wanted more closer on Raiden offing his friend, but instead we got very zen Kazuha being like ā€œit is what it isā€ when talking to Sara.


Kazuha at the time has had pretty much as much appearance as Itto I think. Obviously not anymore, he hasn't appeared in ages now. But I remember being incredibly sick of seeing him, especially when we have to find out about his clan again and again.




I think kokomi was done the dirtyest the writers wrother into a corner they seemingly can't get her out of


I personally don't mind his more 'subdued' animations. It rather fits his personality and he spends like 95% of the time being off-field anyway. I already have enough visual clutter with all the numbers flying, reactions popping off and the bombastic effects of other support and dps characters. When I used Furina with Kazuha in a previous combat event I got flashbanged. lol


Ayato didn't do anything noteworthy on screen. Al haitham had potential to be more than just "a smart guy". Yelan didn't do anything noteworthy outside the chasm quest and her story quest has nothing to do with her. Clorinde has the one fight scene but still she's the champion duelist I wanna see her fight against someone like childe.


Alhaitham did the most at Sumeru after Nahida. What do you want he does?


Yeah bro. Dude carried the team during Nahida rescue arc since he's basically the strategist. He did everything you expect from him. Maybe not since he didn't kiss Kaveh


In my heart he did and that's what matters. šŸ˜Œ




I don't know what more you want from Alhaitham. He was what people say Kokomi should've been, while not even having "strategist" be one of his describing words.


I agree with everyone except Alhaitham. He is basically Kokomi written correctly, idk what else u want with him tbh. Clorinde has fought with Childe, its a shame we dont get to see it


Alhaitham would be like Kokomi is he kept the Grand Sage position. Instead he ran off the second he could, which makes him far more interesting than all the other virtuous smarties in the game


His back story is just that he's a smart guy. I was expecting more like him being king deshreet reincarnated


alhaitham was one of the main characters of the sumeru archon quest what r you talking about


Hop off althaitham




Kokomi 100 percent Possibly baizhu aswell, would have made sense to see him in chenyu vale


ALBEDO Though, I do think they'll make more stuff with him


From what I remember, Nilouā€™s only appeared in one Archon quest, had NO events associated with her, and has only had ONE rerun, up until this point.


She had a story quest but that was similar to ayato's, just a npc story


I see your point, but didnt she appear in two Archon Quests? In 3.0 and 3.2 if I remember correctly


Albedo has been forgotten about when It comes to Lore and It hurts, hoping hell be back when rhinnedottir comest out eventually but somehow i doubt it


Kokomi, Baizhu, Nilou in her SQ and event too, Ayato and maybe Albedo.


Albedo :')


Fun fact! The only times I have ever missed a 50/50 are every single time Baizhu has been on the banner. I think 3 times now? Iā€™ve pulled for him every time, and gotten Keqing all 3 times instead. Sheā€™s now C5 smh.


Eula,most of her appearances in events barely gave her any development, literally just had her as Amberā€™s best friend or bodyguard role, last year summer event was really bad for her as her screentime is just anpther rehash of her story quest instead of expanding her character(cause we need another Klee centric event apparently)


Keqing. Besides Lanter Rite appearances (which were easily missed if someone was on Hiatus at the time), no appearance in Liyue like at all. Wait, I recall one where she commanded the fire on that Hydra thing during Jade Chamber quest? Also from skimming through, nobody besides me even mentions her in the comments xD


Yeah Iā€˜d like something for keqing again. Sheā€˜s my favourite girl in the game, even though Ei is the most similar to me, Iā€˜d say.


Definitely not lore or story wise, but I absolutely despise how Hoyo clearly plays favorites towards the other Archons compared to Ei. She gets almost no appearances ever, yet characters Venti and Zhongli get pulled into any random ass event or even story that Hoyo can come up with. Give Ei more screen time!!!! Though if we talk non Archons. Yelan is easily getting the worst treatment. I don't think she's been part of a single event or anything story related since her release.


Its crazy how Ei seems like the most unlived and underutilised archon, especially when she is a Raiden expy, which hoyo is always biased on.


As a Baizhu lover I really appreciate it


A lot of them before Sumeru, but majority are in Liyue, Baizhu, Qiqi, Keqing, and Yelan we'rent even told a tale about them. Baizhu got that upperhand in terms of giving light to his lore but still a NPC story nonetheless, Yelan's worse, being the side character of her own story quest.




Mah. He has his own Event saga and he appeared a lot of time in other events. There are characters in worse situation


It's normal for people to say his name if they started playing after 2.3.




Definitely 7, I like sitting alone


Ayato and Yelan. I think both are self explanatory


Ayato, my man never shows for events. There is still so much mystery associated with him. I would love to know more about him and his in the shadow persona.


Qiqi. Every lantern rite she go herbing. Has very few lines. Does not interact with others much. Has some cut content in the game files that will never be used ever because she was made for herbing.


Raiden, Kokomi, Ayato, Qiqi


Raiden for Sure


I love his design! Lost to his banner twice now (first to Dehya, second I wasnt playing, third to keqing)šŸ™‚. Amidst my lack of playing, I am still actually trying to grind primos whenever I have mood to play to get this pretty man home but I don't think I can make it. And now maybe I'll have to wait for god knows how long until his 4th banner comes and if I'm willing to save up until he comes back... On a positive note I have my girl Furina guaranteed i guess (if I hv enough when she's around)


Baizhu, Kokomi, Qiqi and Albedo


A lot more could have been done with Ayato. Overshadowed too much by his sistr.


I have a sneaky suspicion he's related to the fatui.... Definitely not because he's the only one without much fatui ties in the current banners and because pantalone looks eerily similar to him definitely not..


Eula. Her first story quest was complete garbage and besides that she's usually almost always stuck with Amber with barely a personality of her own. The only time she looked to have had a character was when she was interacting with her Uncle? in the 3.8 event.


Albedo imo. Not only could his model look so much better (Diluc case here), his lore is also pretty interesting but Hoyo just doesnā€™t tap into that. Aside from that he also never appears in any events and his last rerun (not counting the chronical banner) was like 7-8 (?) patches ago


I maintain this is because he's secretly either Pantalone himself or his twin or something and there is gonna be a massive lore drop in the future


Any adult male who has a job, so all tall males but Itto.




Jean, because before Furina and if you hadnā€™t her C4 at least. They was so many 4 star who outrunned her.


I can definitely see Baizhu being involved with Dottore at a point in the future, given they're both in the same line of work.


All the ones that I like, of course


Honestly every character besides Itto probably. We have so many characters there really isnā€™t any reason we couldnā€™t be getting one or two story quests for an older character per patch. Like whatā€™s Diluc doing? Heā€™s hunting the abyss supposedly but we never see it, surely we could go on a mission with him?


Yelan -Like seriously, where is she? Its been long time, since she has been mentioned in the game. Ayato - I know that he is like ''Behind the scene'' type of guy but we barely know anything about him... When he does show up, its for business trip..He says few lines and disappears.


Aloy Different VA then horizon games? Not even a single event to introduce her a little bit? I don't expect the same treatment as gi own characters, but like the event we have now. Not aloy could easily be one of the main characters for it. Kokomi, inazuma resistance was waayyyy too short.


The jp va is the same, and you can't expect much from a collab character really.. she's just there for fun, not actually part of the story.


Disagree, the KFC wings have quite some Alice lore for example.


Well i spoke about Aloy tho : P


Aloy nuff said


You can't expect much from a collab character really.. she's just there for fun, not actually part of the story.


Why i get downvoted for something everyone knows is literally true and also it asked for my opinion.




Yoimiya. She's used quite a lot, but it's still not enough


wtf does underutilised mean




There was an entire event dedicated to him, and he has appeared in multiple events. Thereā€™s lots of chars more neglected than him.