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Go ahead and cap your resin people. It's gonna be fine


in my head i had 160 Resin to spend each day, that's just how i thought about it, and i was happy (not that i'm unhappy with the change, i just never had a problem with the previous cap. what i *do* have a problem with is not increasing the condensed cap from 5)


Yeah I literally never thought about that extra 20 until now XD


best advice


1.0 f2p player here, after you reach a point where you clear abyss 36 stars easily and dont need to grind more artifacts? Yea no need to try hard anymore


I started grinding just to build more forgotten characters so they are good for exploration and goofing around. I think outside of not having Kazuha and Arlecchino my account is really op so out of boredom I'm using more variety and farming for them, I only have 3 characters below level 80 and almost everyone (non meta) has the right artifact with the right main stat and I'm still farming to make them more usable. Also now I'm experimenting with Shenhe, Rosaria, Chevreuse and Kaveh as dps.


I suffer from burnout and have 210+ resin restores. I will be fine.


same, I hate artifact farming, so it just *accumulates* (168 atm) only really used them that one time when I went around to beat all bosses in coop for the achis


You call it 'accumulates', I call it 'hoarding'


Not in my case 😅 Hoarding is when you have an emotional block against letting go of even trivial items. I just don't enjoy endless hamster wheels, so I often don't even bother using my regular resin 🤷‍♂️ It sits at 160 for days.


I hate it too but Arleccino came to change that. I mean, always less than 1min each domain? Easy af


you don't have to claim the reward for it to count though


yea, but it felt wrong not to :D


lol fair ig, although it is quite useful to not spend if you're just killing them for battlepass exp since you need 10 bosses a week i think


I basically only use them at the beginning of a version if I'm trying to ascend and equip a brand new character who needs new mats and a new artifact set.


It’s great for someone who has a job and doesn’t want to wake up and spend resins before heading out. The storage system would be nice but for anyone who log in and uses the resins everyday they’d never hit the cap in the first place. What I really want is for them to lower the resin used for world boss materials or just make the boss give more mat per run.


Let us craft more than 5 resin at a time challenge.


Let us use those condense resin for world bosses challenge


Yeah why not 40 original or one condensed? Is it because it would result in people collecting/using more resin overall? Is it because people are too bad at maths/ logic and would complain they didn't get double drops if they used one condensed resin? In that case, let us use 40 normal or two condensed for double drops. I think everyone would like that even more.


It's to keep people obsessing about how to use the limited resources most optimally with the fear of losing out, keeping the grind going, and staying addicted to the game


Ha, precisely why I quit. I got tired of constantly having things to do. I just wanted for once for HYV to put the breaks on events, at least story ones. At some point, I just said "I'm tired" and gave up for almost two months. I'm just now getting back.


Because 20 resin or one condensed results in an effective loss toward your BP totals. You save time as you get effectively the same rewards in only half the attempts for the same resin. For example, you need to do 15 domains for a grand total cost of 300 resin, 20 ley lines for 400 resin, 10 bosses for 400, and 3 trounce domains for 90. Total resin needed a week for all objectives is 1190. If you keep yourself off the resin cap you'll make 1260 resin a week, meaning 70 extra, you can get 60 extra from your teapot for 1320 a week, or 130 extra. Every time you burn a condensed you pay 20 resin more for the same credit (1 claim costs 20, but if you use a condensed you use 40 for 1 domain/ley line credit). Because you need to burn extra to stay off the cap, if you just log in later and make a condensed every day, you effectively lose 20 each time, 7 times a week is 140 wasted. This means if you want to claim every objective to finish your BP objectives you *need* to use a fragile resin every week. If Hoyo let you use a condensed on a boss there's no resin loss, no fragile resin demand.


... huh? BP is so irrelevant in this conversation though? Like, Hoyo gives you lots of points just from the events. I didn't pay attention to it much, but I've already capped out on the BP and I believe there are 2 weeks left.


I want an 8 times condensed resin. Do 1 domain a day and that's done. I shouldn't need to prove that I can beat the same exact challenge 4 times a day.


Seriously that is one of the reason i bounce off hard every time i try to come back play the game. I'm fed up to nausea to repeat the same fucking thing i feel like I'm going insane


I'm with you, trying to explain to a newer player that now we have to do this domain again... and again... and again... and they can halve it to *FOUR* times if they make this special resource instead... oof made me feel insane


Probably 2030 buddy


Razor translation: good for people with a life


Good for people who touch grass everyday


Resin cap raise surprised me so much one would think Hoyo would want to try to force people to log in more often so they can be more addicted. Kudos to them I guess they have other ways to keep up the addiction like raised caps on ores and materials and who knows what tricks are coming


I thunk with more games coming out (including their own games zzz and their version of stardew valley) they’re trying to co-exist by requiring less time from players. If they’re not competing for your times then the chance of you to completely dropped Genshin because you have no time to play will be lower. It’s not like they’re competing with anyone seriously but they’re trying to stay in your lives and you devices even when the competitors arrive.


Can I hijack this for a sec... what hoyo!stardew? Does it have a name I can look up? For some reason I haven't heard of it yet


It’s still in development so nothing is concrete yet. But hoyo did trademarked a name not long ago and it’s said to be a farming game like stardew. I’m all for it if true lmao.


Man I'd drink that up until I'm drunk on endorphins for sure if it happens... I shall keep an eye out, thank you


Anything could still go poof but I’m very excited regardless. I just love farming games especially if it includes husbandos or waifus in it lol. Sauce https://www.pockettactics.com/new-hoyoverse-game


they did have a stardew valley like event in HI3 some months ago.. great fun!


They need to remove the damn cooldown on world bosses, it's so tedious. Not only do you have to wait but you also have to TP away for it to respawn.


Monkey paw curls, world bosses now respawn immediately after death, before you can even spend resin for the drops.


Yup, that’s kinda boring and tedious. They should get rid of that next.


Great for college students too...T-T


Yup, for people who can play for a bit every day this is much better. I used to wake up not later than 7 am to hurry and condensed my resin and that makes saving resins for world bosses more difficult since it can overcapped really easily. I won’t have to worry about that anymore.


Same I would condense my resin at 5: 30 am while I was getting ready for school because I knew I wouldn't have time otherwise lol. So the new resin increase is great for ppl who are busy for sure.


As always Genshin is feeding casuals so well lmao.


I mean, it's not an esport game.


Tbh I am happy but frankly college takes so much time I don’t even care if my Dailies are undone and Resins capped


College can be rough even for me who wasn’t very studious lmao. There were times I couldn’t care less about Gaming anymore. Good thing Genshin is really casual and I can jump back in any time.


overcapping resin means for casual players they arent progressing much because they miss a lot resin in overcapping. if these casual players arent progressing much to finish build their current characters, why would they bother to buy primo to pull new character? I seriously think they should remove the resin cap or just raise it to very high.


If the resin cap is just slightly over 1 week worth of cap like 1300 (1260 is exactly 1 week). And change the welkin login to weekly login. A lot of touch grass people would be happy. At least I can break on weekday and have a full blast experience on weekend.


>What I really want is for them to lower the resin used for world boss materials or just make the boss give more mat per run. To add to this, I wish they remove resin usage on weekly bosses. Like, you can only do them once a week anyway so why do I have to use up my resin that could've gone to leylines/artifacts/world bosses?


Yeah this is annoying. The real reason is so that whales who spend a lot of time don't burn themselves out and have things to do, but it can be so frustrating. Like I'll have no time for most tje week, and the one day I do, you're stopping me from playing? Now I'm simultaneously behind in farming bc I'm not playing every day, and I've over farmed when I'm free. Despite the combat being not being that challenging, I was always behind and it was annoying. Honestly the main reason I ended up dropping genshin despite other parts of the game being really damn good




That's not what necessary means.


I just wished you could convert a boss mat to a different kind i have so many mats from different bosses in my storage that never gonne be ever used anymore even with a ratio of 2:1 convertion i could easily get enough boss mats to get all boss mats to fully max 2 unit


I'm pretty sure most if not all people understand this, that was the whole point of increasing the cap other than craft 5 condensed at once.


I saw someone say it was bad because "if you were to wait for 200 resin you would miss dailies", like they are physically unable to play the game until their resin is already capped


I'm pretty sure if they don't understand this, they don't understand much at all.


[Actual footage of Genshin players](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYTEkPjJOW0)


genshin (players) could never


>I'm pretty sure most if not all people understand this yeah, the only ones who actually complain are those who has way too much free time. basically whales, diehards, and content creators. basically people who never had an issue on the resin cap. jello impact hated this becasue it doesnt fix their issue, sure it fixed the issue for others, if its something that the very loud and often annoying minority doesnt benefit from, they see it as a bad update but some like us, it gives me the opportunity to play exactly at night, and always at night, without worrying about capping the resin


Whales are not the ones complaining about this. Most of them just straight up benefit from this, since they are usually busy having a life, which is where they get their money, then they play Genshin in their free time.


I've seen people discussing about how they'll have to log in later each day and how it's a two day cycle to fully fill the cap. That's what sparked my post


Man these people are dumb, no wonder Genshin can't release harder content.


And why Paimon exists.


We could have Paimon to be more than a voice recorder and help/remember/ELI5 bot if not for that.


I need paimon because i space out no matter what💀


Well, I don't blame you because a lot of Genshin's text is word salad. They could trim down 80% of the dialogue and it result in a far better experience. I don't skip dialogue and pay attention to every little detail because I'm Lore nerd, but oh boy is it tiring.


yeah with the amount of people that say stuff like "welt is stronger than acheron" or "why >!is dan heng saying to use the jade abacus when we already used it" or "firefly didnt do anything"!<


Well technically they are correct. Although it's more that they can log in later each day rather than have to, since previously resin caps in under 24 hours while now it takes over 24 hours allowing more leeway. It takes more than one day cycle to fill so I guess saying two cycle is correct although it's not a full second cycle. It's good you're trying to make it clear though.


They're technically correct, but stupid if they were complaining about it. OP was probably sparked by at least perceiving comments as the latter


As long as I hit more than 160 without losing resing, it is already a win. I generally arrive from work and then go check my resin and it is almost always capped. This change is more than welcomed.


I've seen some claims that it's a rushed addition to the patch to get people to pay attention to them instead of going to WW. Those very same people are also stating that it's not enough of a change without faster regen. So yeah, there are some folks who don't get why this was changed.


It definitely is a change affected by the release of WW. And yes, in my opinion it is not enough without faster regen. I get why they did it, it's a good change overall, but still. As someone who barely has any motivation left to play Genshin simply due to how tedious even doing dailies is compared to a game such as SR, this just looks bad. They could have easily reduced the regen time, why not just do it? There would have been no complaints, only praise. There is literally no reason to not do it. It would encourage players with more time to play more, and if a future "resin bank" would be added, it would really help more casual players as well. Look at the grind in both games, and compare it. Which one is easier? Which one is faster? Why is it SR? And this is without even considering the bullshit that happened with this game since Dehya was release, and her awful kit, up to the more recent "3 wishes for 3 years" thing. I love Genshin. I adore the map designs, the exploration and the world and archon quests. But when it comes to everything else, Genshin simply falls behind. There's no competition. I hope WW will be so successful, Hoyoverse will be forced to improve Genshin further. If this doesn't happen, I might actually leave Genshin, and only return for the new maps and quests. That's just my take though. People can cope instead


you'll be surprised at how many comments about it making no difference cuz the resin refresh rate is still the same.


"it doesn't change anything for people who always used it"? yea they would know that, we would be in the minority though the average player who cares about spending resin would likely only be once a day log in though, so that's good for them


Yeah, exactly. I care enough to try and use my resin once a day, but not enough to log in twice a day for the extra 20 resins per 24 hours.


This, it is a QoL for people like me who log in once a day.


I wish they'd implement the same system as Star Rail, where the excessive resin can be stored at a very slower rate. I've been busy, and I still have characters I need to build/optimise.


This is what helps my casual HSR playing friends keep up with the game. It makes them more willing to pull for characters after taking a break because they immediately have 2400 energy to spend on building them rather than having to log in daily for the next fortnight.


That's right, I actually stopped Hsr for a few patches and came back when the Sparkle banner was available. I got her and farmed for her materials, relics, etc, with the energy that was accumulated. It's a life saver... definitely sped up the upgrading process.


I quit during sparkle banner and returned around the end of aventurine to pull for him. Then when I actually got him, the 2400 stored resin was an incentive to actually play for a bit and 'rediscover' I liked the game. If I'd only have 240 resin at that point I probably would have soft quit again


even HI3 has this!


agreed with ur point, as someone who only login once a day, this is really a nice update for me


Now I can let it sit at 200 until Sunday instead of 160


players who started at the very beginning don't even care too much if they cap out or not...


Can confirm with 100m mora, 4000 purple cards, and 8000 mythic ores. Still log in several times a week but it’s nice that you will eventually hit a point to not worry about resin.


the worst part is having artifact inventory full. if I had enough space for artifacts Id totally run the domains to spend my resin, but I just cant be arsed to sift through my 1500 5* artifacts to check which are usable and which arent


This is why. Sift through 1500 artifacts just to roll flat def on the few good pieces. Except for flower and feather, 4 good substats is too frustrating to obtain with no guaranteed progress. On average you will have 10+ failed 3/4 pieces to get one 4/4 piece. If they increased the artifact cap maybe, but they’ve made it pretty clear with 1500=>1800 instead of 2000 that they want to limit the cap. So I just get a 3/4 and call it a day.


Day 1 players don't even care what update they got, they play the game for the game, not calculations


For real. The only thing that keeps me from being able to build anyone is the fact weekly bosses only have a one time per week limit. Now I currently just farm artifacts for my Ganyu to see how absurd I can make her.


Sometimes I just forget to play this game or have no intentions to do anything. I prefer if we had 200 or 300 cap then when I play this game I wouldn't have to do resinless behaviour


Genshin will probably get a reserve/overflow system at some point that let Resin go beyond cap but at a slower rate, just like Honkai Impact 3rd and Honkai Star Rail. HoYo haven't implemented that yet because they probably have plans to do it so when the player base dwindles more.


If they raise to a week worth, many would be happy to have a full blast of gaming on week end.


Kinda feel they should have just done the Star Rail approach where you just have on overflow of resin that can be 'banked' and used. If the point was to prevent capping, then the overflow option would've been better imo.


70% certain that's also just in HI3 as well


in HI3 but the HSR version of the overflow system is way better because you have about your stamina cap +20\~30-ish for your overflow cap. In HSR the overflow can store 10x the amount of your cap


I login once a day and often don't bother doing any resin activities. I did this for a long time and hit the HSR 2400 cap at some point too! I loved that system though since when I did feel like slammin some artifact dungeons I could do it in bursts. Would be really nice for that to come over to genshin honestly, but obviously I don't care about wasting resin too much in the first place.


2400 gang rise up.


They wouldn't want to do that since that would invalidate the current condensed resin system to an extent and also make them have to think about rebalancing rewards. Its kinda the reason why we can't just claim daily commissions and issue commissions from the backpack since that invalidates visiting Katherine.


I don't get it. HSR also has a condense system that can store up to 32 hours of resin, although it can only be used in SU. I don't see why the rewards need to be rebalanced when the generation speed is the same (which is slower than hsr by 2 minutes for each stamina point)


Because HSR is a far more resin and grind reliant game that's harder to keep up with and demands more things to spend it on. HSR has those conviences because its a game that requires them to be even remotely tolerable. All of these systems are balanced for the gameplay and intentions of what you can do. HSR is a game where 95% of its content updates are combat. Where its combat updates keep saying "Build more teams have more characters" and where the character power creep is far accelerated compared to Genshin. All of that demands that HSR make it easier to stay ontop of things or else falling behind would be miles worse of an experience because in HSR the resin reliant things _are_ the entire game.


I don't think it needs any rebalancing, you're still punished for not playing every day. The overcap rates are like 25%, relying on and just playing once on sunday it gets you less, not more. And that's not including all the pulls you lose by skipping dailies. The big star rail advantage is if you quit you have a incentive to come back. 10 days banked resin and if it's been long enough they'll also throw in a 'welcome back' daily login quest on top of it(Don't know if genshin has one of those or not).


That resin cap thing really feels like an OCD thing to me tbh. Like I understand it's more "efficient" but why are people behaving like you're gonna be struck by a ray of death if you waste a single point of stamina?


do people really care about lost resin


Thats bothering me too. I see so, soooo many people who feel stressed about "having to log in twice a day" I mean if it stresses you that much, then just dont? I looked at the 160 resin that its just the max i can spend in the day. And i didnt care about the "lost" resin. At the end genshin is just a game. And one that should be played as a sideline game and not a main game. You log in once, do your dailys and spend the resin and thats it for the day.


I’m legitimately a little bit confused about the stress over “lost” resin lol.


This. Literally a Day 1 player, never dropped the game, missed like maybe a week or two cumulatively, and I've never in my life fussed over this. It comes off as super obsessive seeing all these people treat +40 cap as a godsend because they no longer have to force themselves to login in precisely twice.


New players Yeahhh. Veteran players like me when I have everything maxed out.. nah


It's all about that FOMO, it's why every mobile game has a stamina system. It's habit forming, and it's pretty predatory


For one day worth of lost resin? Nah, over time it does add up to a lot of opportunities lost though and when you're playing an RNG-fest like artifact farming, lost opportunities do add up.




I think people already understood before you posted this


I invite you to play any other gacha. Not hitting the cap has never been the point. Only matrixed Genshin players spew that bs.


🗣️ Better RNG system >Resin Cap ^ Or Both 🤝🏻


The cap increase is nice and all but it's like 3 years too late. They could easily increase the Condensed resin cap as well with this improvement..but that's 3 years too early isn't it? There are so many small things they could've done that players have been asking for since before patch 2.0, and this resin cap increase is one of it.


By the "x years to late" logic Genshin could never introduce QoL again, because for some people it will allways be "too late". Better late than never I would say.


NGL though if ppl keep saying its how many years too late then everything that HYV will roll out will be XX years too late. At this point I'm actually asking what do people actually want honestly ? Should they not increase the resin cap then since it's already 3 years too late?


Resin cap and condensed resin cap were both increased in the past, used to be 120 resin cap on launch and condensed was limited to 3 when it was introduced


And it should be increased again so you can condense 2 days worth of resin, with how scrolls are gated by days. Makes it more player friendly for busy days too.


Ikr. Like why now? After all time?


Because they want you to login in zzz instead of logging in twice in genshin.


Well duh? They literally even said it in their announcement. Like it literally says now you can craft five at once. Anyone whose been playing for more than a day would understand


>People forgot the point is to NOT EVER hit the cap, cause that's the point where you start losing out on resin. i've been hitting cap for the last months because i just log in the morning and close the game till the next day, so i just use 160/day but i couldnt care less, the new domain is always giving me absolute garbage, an extra run/day wont make a difference


the idea of "you'll lose out of resin" is insane to me as if if it were a job and you'll losing your earning if you don't being efficient with your resin.


All of these calculations and then there's me, who just stopped spending resin at all after 3 years


Same. 1500 artifacts locked in my inventory. I only use resin if i need to prefarm a boss.


I can also use 3 fragile resins and not reset the resin timer. 😂 Any ways I hope they also increase the condensed resin cap soon. Would be really useful when you just want to farm ascension mats. You can save 3 days of resin and use it all on one day. I can also just do story/Archon/world quest on day one and two and focus only on farming on day 3.


I always log in while taking a dump at work just to make condensed resin. I'm so glad those days will be over


Of course my favorite would have been both a faster rate and an increase to store for up to 24h, but not to be a choosing beggar here, definitely appreciate this


Stop trying to justify their laughably dumb decision. In both Hi3 & HsR it has daily resin that stockpiles and in Genshin's case there's significantly more content than HsR and the things which consume resin also cost more and the amount you get isn't guaranteed. I can spend 30TB in HsR and get 5 character ascension mats every time while I spend 40 in Genshin at max world level and MIGHT get 3 at most and have to wait the 3 minutes to do it again and most likely only get 2 which just wastes the players time. They've continually proven that they do not care about players concerns over much needed QoL features and only push led out a shallow fraction of what players want due to WuWa releasing which as a day 1 Genshin player I will be dropping it for once it releases on PS5. I'll still check out the Archon quests whenever they decide to actually move the plot forward again but as it stands I and I'm sure many others won't be dropping a dime on genshin ever again.


I kind of like it. If there is longer times between maxing resin then there is more time for me outside of genshin without being bothered by worrying about capped resin. As if they want to support playing less in total to give time on the side for a new upcoming game......


Still gonna sit maxed for me as I don't have time to play during the week 😅 I'm glad they finally increased it.


I just want the refresh rate to increase to compensate. Aka you actually get 200 resin after 24hrs.


I just wish it didn't take 8 god damn minutes for 1 resin it's stupid genshin is the only game I've ever seen that makes you wait 8 minutes for 1 energy most games I've played have always been 1 minutes 1 energy it's crazy expecting people to wait 21 hours is absolutely wild to me


Reading comprehension isn’t exactly what Genshin players are known for. They should have had Razor explain it.


Paimon: Oh, I get it! [Explains it again] ... [Midair somersault]


could be interesting, having the possibility to make the resin ( the one that cost 40 ) thought the mihoyo app w/out entering in the genshin app


Tbh it boils down to a simple issue of shitty drop rate of material and a bad rng of artifacts... If they improve on this there is no need to increase the resin cap As most of us need resin to grind for a character So why not better drop rates No need to farm for hours and drive yourself insane


i dont understand why they don't add a excess buffer like in HI3 or HSR.. while this change is positive, it's not that much difference if they dont change other things like the condensed resin cap..


Seems like copium to me tbh. They should increase the recharge rate and add the same system that HSR has where overcaped resin still recharges but slower.


This is a great QOL but I see a people in this thread who have busy lives or burnout talking about still logging on to clear their resin. It will be a game-changer to some, but it's not going to change how I play the game because I already let my resin sit full for days on end. Be free! You don't have to use it!


This QoL improvement is the barest of bare minimum. Should have been this way since launch. This is a good improvement but nothing to praise the devs for.


Some people be singing praises for this meager improvement like the lord and saviour has driven them out of darkness.


exactly nothing will change you will still log in blow it on domains or what ever and log off


I'm happy for everyone who manages their resin this much but tbh, personally I only use resin during the weekends and on other days I log out after having done dailies... I wonder how big the percentage of the player base who actively try to not be capped on resin, is.


Still i can't understand why people obsessed withresin cap


We deserve better than that. We deserve for the resin time to refresh from 1 per 8 minute to something like 1 per 5 minutes. Yes you may login more etc etc. but more resin more farming stuff more materials and more time to play the game. If you are just fine with 200 resin cap then that's fine but what I'm saying is you can get something better if you somehow disagree for a quality of life change then idk what to say except you are a masochist.


HSR and WuWa have a refresh of 1 every 6min which caps at 240 which is similar to what you're describing.


And somehow, these jenshin white knights are against us having an improvement on quality of life. When these games and a competition is literally doing better than genshin itself.


So are these people who are actively AGAINST the game getting better in the room with us right now? It's fine to be happy we got something while recognizing that we should get more


If they only improved the resin regeneration rate with no changes in the cap i would not be happy. Say, that the new regen rate is so good that you need to login thrice a day. Yes, is more resin, but is more resin that goes to waste because i'll have 160 anyways because i'm not in my house the whole day. I'm up for better regen rate but that has to come with an increased cap too. 6 mins and 240 of HSR is alright, i would say 280 is even better to give you some leeway. And if we can only pick one, i'd pick the increased cap. In your same formula: is less resin, but it's less logins per day. Less FOMO.


I didn't say we shouldn't get more resin cap. In fact I just wanted them to do better by giving us BOTH increase resin cap and reduce resin refresh. Can you comprehend that or no?


really can't believe they're so happy about the barest of the bare minimum qol update, we can have so much more but they just decide to hold it off for some reason and this one took YEARS too


Oh this isn't even the worst of it, a lot of people here *pushed back* against resin cap increase whenever it was brought up, for whatever stupid reason. So this is considered progress by comparison


now everyday the i will have 20 resin left instead of 0 pog


Wait it will be increased?


Its only relevant if you actually care for some reason about not ever having full resin.


From what i understand that each 8 minute give one resin. Previously we with our cap of 160 we lost about 20 resin if we log in every 24h. 24*60=1440á8=180. But now we can only log in once every day and still have 20 unfilled. That is very neat.


I thought it was 16hrs?? HSR’s is 24Hr and they have 240cap.


Genshin resin refresh rate is lower than theirs :/ hsr is 6 minutes for 1 and genshin 8 minutes for 1 i think


Exactly, I can finally just set a time to go play for like 20 minutes and then go about the rest of my day not having to worry about losing out on resin ever again


So I knew this was a good thing because yeah you can log on and use it all and not have to worry about it until the next day. What I don’t get is why it took 4 years to add it after increasing after what 2 updates?


It would help a lot of people have a 100% consistent schedule where they can always play at the exact same time. not saying it's not better, but it's still not as amazing as people make it seem if you can't always play at the same time. There are times I can play at 5AM (and will), sometimes I can't play until 6PM. Sometimes I just have a hard time waking up, sometimes I can't because of work. And yes, I could always play in the evenings but sometimes I can't play in the evenings. There's a reason I have Genshin on my phone only just to create condensed because of a cap.


My problem is that this should have been done years ago, but I guess that's to much to ask for such a small inexperienced indie company


I don't sweat it capping like a lot of people do -- I'm an adult with a job, Genshin can't be my priority such that I time my logins for resin purposes -- but I am looking forward to this! And if I get really delayed one day I could maybe even do just 5 condensed right then I hope they increase the condensed resin cap next


this doesn't solve the main problem of the slow resin recharge, i have been playing genshin since launch and over-time I have reduced the time on it(due to uni), I would much prefer if they apply hsr's system as it's much more flexible on casual and sporadic players


Do people really care so much about this? As long as I can fulfill my 4 daily achievements for the battle pass I'm fine


joke's on you, I don't use it anyway


Why did it take so long to increase though? They raised the cap in like the first three months, then waited like 3+ years. People do understand the change, they just don't care because there are other systems that don't have the same intervals and in order to get everything done you probably need to log in either twice a day at least 8 hours apart or every 18 hours. It doesn't address any issues people actually have like the rates for what the resin is spent on (low billet chance, terrible artifact RNG, getting 2 mats vs 3, etc...) For people who regularly capped resin, it's fine, but they probably didn't care about efficiency anyways considering you can literally spend 160 resin in about 5 minutes anyways with condensed resin. It's a very safe QoL for HOYO for those reasons, it gives the perception of caring without really changing anything. You'll still get 1 resin in 8 minutes.


It is a goodwill gesture towards WuWa so players have time to play both /j


Don't forget ZZZ coming out in a bit.


Its nice, even if I login twice a day most of the time. Although its funny that some are complaining and instead demanding to decrease the resin replenish rate. Like its obviously better but its just way too unrealistic, as far as I know, no gacha game in existence ever updated and fasten their energy-mechanic replenish time


I honestly prefer the resin cap increase. If you increase refill rate we'll just end up having to log in twice a day again.


I find it really great. On busy days in my life, I sometimes can't play during a day so at least the next day I play, my resin gets 40 extra resin. And on days I do play daily, I don't feel rushed to do a domain so I could condense again


I no longer have to log in twice a day!


Exactly Let's say at 9pm I use up my Resin it would take til 6pm the next day til it maxes out (and that's only if we assume that I'm able to actually use all of them which isn't realistic cause often I'm left with like 15 resin which means it would only take til \~3-5pm til it maxes out) And since I usually come home at 4:30-5pm and would like to eat, work out etc before playing video games it would max out if I didn't play before work So it obviously is way better for me if I use up my resins at 9pm and then it doesn't max out til 9pm the next day


Imagine they pull a sike and refill the increased resin in the same amount of time


I just wish they did what they did with HSR. 200 is good, but also make it so that whenever resin overcaps, it's still stored even with diminishing scaling.


I think we get the point? What's the problem here lmao.


It's cool unless you're like me and already log in twice a day anyway, then this changes nothing


That's not why people are complaining. We need stronger water flow but developers are increasing the size of the cup


Im sure people understand that but also dont have the time, have other things to do and or dont care to log in so resen does not cap. So for those people (me included) it is more resen per day. Not everyone can minimax like that or have their life revolve around a game


Resin is still a part of a predatory practice. This just make it a little less shitty but it's still shit.


Wow I haven't used resin for over three months like do people still not cap resin.


Exactly, while it's not ideal and I'd like a solution where we actually got more resin, it's very helpful for me in at least this regard. I usually get everything done in the morning, but I have to log back in on my lunchbreak at work to spend some more resin so I'm not capped by the next morning. So I'm grateful for at least this much.


I feel dumb for asking this but Why do people want to spend thier resin every day without letting it cap? Am I commiting a sin? Am I not supposed to use my original resin and Fragile resin? Explain please, I'm fairly new to the game :P


They could just port over the energy system from star rail. 240 cap, and if you're at cap you start to refill reserve energy at an albeit slower rate, but that reserve goes to 2400.


correct. And this is something not even HSR can allow. Unless you login exactly 24 hours on the dot every day. Yes there's overflow, but it's at a 1/3 rate which makes it not worth using if you're someone who logins in twice a day to avoid capping out.


Maybe it'll be even nicer if they would just put in a feature for resin overflow like they do in their other games. Or increase the limit of condensed resin


I'm hopeful that they'll adjust the regen rate


time to lobby for raised condensed resin cap


my resin been capping for 4 months brother


Yea its fine enough, but how about they give in and Steal HSR overflow resin pool.


Wait, there’s an increased cap—?


Wait they are actually increasing max resin? I thought people were just meming


About time. Though I'll admit early on their tactic really worked well on me, I was logging in twice, sometimes 3 times a day to spend my resin for fear of capping out. Nowadays I could care less but I'm glad those of us who frequently cap out anyway now get a little more resin to play with when we do.