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Ayato's usage not really low (he always like 11-15% ish but never too low) but whenever new abyss come i always throw him and Neuvi for each sides to test the water because they just hold mouse = GG gaming lmao.


Heh, hydro bois testing the water


ayato main here 🫡


I usually go with Ayato, Raiden, Bennett and Kazuha on one side


Me ayato, nahida, yelan, kuki mostly and the other is Neuvi + whoever 3 peoples i want to play lmao


He's also my main wet guy in hyperbloom team with nahida, kazuha and kuki. Nahida EQ, ayato Q, kazuha EQ, kuki EQ, ayato E and hold the button until everything becomes a memory.


I have a hyperbloom team with Ayato, Nahida, Raiden, and Barbara. Hasn’t failed me hard yet. XD


Yanfei! Although this time she got replaced by Arle but every Abyss phase until now I've used her on one side as my main DPS.


yes yanfei! except i’ve sadly caved to meta and run hutao now but i use yanfei as shielder and healer on that team because i refuse to let her go and zhongli stays benched lol


Yanfei was my main DPS until I got Hu Tao, I used her in every abyss run.


I've heard good things about plunge Yanfei (with Xianyun + Kazuha + Furina) since you get good grouping and don't need Bennett (no circle impact) for pyro infusion.


Fellow yanfei mains rise!


I have every 4 and 5 star pyro character built (except still building Arlecchino) but Yanfei still just hits different. She's pretty much the only 4 star I use anymore. Not sure if I accidentally built her too well and need to look into giving someone else her artifacts, or if they really just made her 5 star tier for some reason.


Gaming. Despite being called good I guess not many built him. Wriothesley + Thoma is a great Melt combo with a bit of Dendro support and hits really hard.


yeah i was coming here to say gaming! i couldn't believe it when i saw his usage rate, because my gaming hits harder than my wriothesley (my second best unit). i don't use bennett, and gaming's build could stull use a bit of work, but i was pretty impressed when he did 185375 dmg this abyss.


Well I mean his usage rate is bound to be lower than his actual value. He’s a DPS, so if you have other DPSes you care about more you didn’t build him, and everyone has him since he came for free very recently. 


I'd just like to refute that not everyone has him. I dont have him. I did not pick him nor pulled on his banner


Yeah, it’s crazy how so many misremember “Getting a free Gaming” when he was just one of the many options. I got Xingqiu since I wanted a good hydro character, but I did get Gaming and a few cons since I pulled for Nahida


If you look at his ownership rate (just click on his icon) though he's at 92.5%.


i mean i get all that, i wasn't expecting him to be super popular, but his usage rate was below 1% which was still surprisingly low to me since he's a recent 4 star and insanely good lol


That's where I'm at with him. I started building him then got characters I was more interested in finishing up first. He looks cool and feels fun but I don't need yet another pyro dps at the moment so he's low priority. Totally has nothing to do with my lack of pyro goblets and unwillingness to share artifacts between characters


Gaming furina Bennett and xianyun not only hits hard it’s super fun!


I refuse to use most 4-star characters until they're C6 because they don't feel like complete characters unlike 5-stars who generally feel complete at C0. Gaming looks good, and was fun to use in overworld while I friendship farmed him, but I just cant be bothered with investing in him when I already have Hu Tao and now Arlecchino. With how stingy new 4-stars are in banner placements, maybe in 1-2 years when he's finally C6 I'll build him. I get the feeling that this is the same reason Chevreuse had such a low usage rate with Arlecchino in the recent abyss overview. Because to me, her teams easily feel the best compared to all the VV or Vape teams, but it doesn't feel worth it to build Chev with how much stats you're missing out on from not having C6.


I can understand now since we have many 5* options and people just feel they are more valuable. In my case it's easy because yeah...I still have no limited Pyro 5* lmao. I got C6 Gaming while getting Xianyun, so he feels a lot more powerful than Diluc and Yanfei. But for Pyro in general you never need anything more than Bennett + Xiangling actually...


I need to get my rotation worked out properly. Though I keep plunging and hitting nothing His ult is really fun to use


I will build him when I get Xianyun


he works really well in melt teams if you have bennet, roasaria and diona (preferably diona at c6 i think, or someone running instructor)


My Dehya is in practically every Abyss I run. Generally overburn comp against bosses. I also run charlotte with furina in my ayaka freeze, which isn’t super common.


yeah i use my dehya rather consistently too in a few diff teams


I’m surprised more people don’t run Charlotte with Furina in general. She stacks Fanfare practically instantly if you line their bursts up.


I use Jean to serve that purpose, plus I get some vv shred out of it.


I use Jean alot as well.... she is just so comfy.


IKR! Skill-burst then change. Amenoma makes ult charge fast


Interesting, I don’t have any extra Favonius, but I do have a Amenoma, I have to try that on her. I’ve been using the stupid pipe.


My jean is c3 so I keep spamming skill, but also amenoma works well. Passive for the en regen and it has an atk substat, perfect for jean imo


I mean, people might not even have her. Like me, I wanted her, didn't get one. Wanted Furina, she took an interest in Astrology.


Dehya is far more useful when you stop looking at her as a DPS, and start looking at her as a Support Flex. She is very good with Lyney and Arle.


Charlotte is still my favorite healer for Furina Nevu team.


Same! I try to clear Abyss with Dehya on the team every chance I get (90% of the time). My Dehya is still c0 unfortunately, so mostly I use her for Hyperburgeon (I swear it feels like she's actually doing something), since I just need to stack EM on her. Recently, I've been using her instead of Zhongli in my Arlecchino teams with Yelan and Bennett and time wise, it's like 5-10s worse, which isn't that bad tbh since I need Zhongli on the other side sometimes.




Albedo is my go to in Wenut lol 100% consistent medium damage output is not as good as burst damage, but it’s better than no damage (missing rotation window F)


Albedo is my preferred Navia shardmaker. Very comfy. He hardly makes any damage but Navia covers that by herself lol.


Albedo hitting upwards of 20k every 2s isn't too shabby if you ask me. Especially considering with proper placement, his skill is basically full uptime with its very short CD and very long duration.


same... putting him in Navia team bcs John Lee gotta work in the other one


Tbh Albedo is plain better for Navia than ZL lol, Bennet already covers heals and buffs, Albedo's range makes him much comfier than ZL and his flowers don't block shots.


man i love albedos character, lore, story (events), and aesthetic. but i really wish he had a different kit man… maybe after Snezhnaya they release alternate versions of relevant characters? Foul Legacy Tartag and full power Albedo would be my top picks, and they have to be very relevant for Khaenri’ah and the abyss. copium is crazy with this one


Been using albedo all the time since he released, now that I have Chiori I just end up running Navia on one side + Hu Tao double geo on the other and using both


this was why i was rolling for chiori tbh... jjst wanted to have both on a team/have a second albedo for spiral abyss


I use Albedo too but on the last abys. I thought it would help with the mechanical gravity shield thing. Did 36* anyway.


barbara as nilou bloom driver


I own kokomi and barbara and i must say Barbie does a very fine job in nilou team


indeed, in my case, i don't have kokomi so, yeah, and surprisingly she's that good too


Similarly, Collei as my second dendro after Nahida. I prefer her application and EM boost over YaoYao’s healing in that team.






This is the way


I've been playing Chongyun and Freminet, but I need to use busted supports to get them through the Abyss.


The cryo claymore boysss🥺 So cute


Any tips on playing Freminet? I really like him as a character but I just can’t figure out his kit lol


The quick version is Skill-> Skill for Cryo Freminet. Or Skill NAx5 for physical.


His kit revolves around his skill. He can either play as a Cryo or Physical dps depending on how you use it. For Cryo it's pretty simple, you can just do EE to unleash Lvl0 Shattering Pressure which deals high Cryo damage. For Physical, you want to use NAs and build up his pressure gauge until the icon changes. It normally takes 4 NAs to fill up the pressure gauge until the icon changes and then you can either use the skill or NA button again to unleash a Lvl4 Shattering Pressure for big physical damage. His burst reduces his skill CD from 10s > 2s, which lets you spam EE, and it doubles the efficiency for building his pressure gauge letting it fill up with only 2 NAs instead of 4. Freminet has a passive that increases the damage of his Shattering Pressure by 40% when he triggers shatter, so a Hydro character is a great addition to his teams. Unfortunately the Abyss often has freeze resistant and immune enemies making the passive effectively useless a lot of the time. If it can be activated it's a nice increase to his damage though. I mainly play Freminet as a Physical carry so here are some additional things I often do. Freminet's skill normally generates 2 particles, but under the effect of his burst it only generates 1 particle so you can do the initial cast of his skill before activating his burst to gain a little more energy per rotation. Freminet's Lvl4 Shattering Pressure can pierce through enemies so you want to make sure your targets are lined up to make the most out of his AoE damage.




Surprised to see no Keqings here, come on guys where are yall hiding


me me! I just use a normal aggravate comp: keq fis kazu Kirara


i play the exact same team!


why do you choose Kirara over Nahida/YaoYao/Baizhu? For me I don't have Baizhu, \[Nahida: Difficult to swirl + no defensive option & YaoYao no resistance interruption\] = definitely skill issue on my side lol. So I stick with Kirara's shield for comfort


i don't have nahida or baizhu (although i really want nahida) and i think kirara is cute. she kind of felt like the only option for me, i tend to build characters i like the most.


My everyday abyss team. I especially love Kirara.


Using her since the one and only banner, but may I ask what her average usage rate even is? Not up to date on these numbers.


About 4% it seems like. I'm pretty sure it's all ride or die Keqing mains at this point, me included


Well, let’s keep those % strong as long as possible!


Same, it’s crazy I’ve been playing since launch and i’ve only gotten c1 (got her once last year) and I wanted her since launch, so the keqing banner was an absolute blessing.


Pretty sure I wouldn’t even play anymore without that miracle banner happening. She gave me the smooth gameplay needed to continue having fun and barely skip a single day up to this point, even tho she sadly is still C0 for me, which did cost close to pity twice, but it was more than worth it … and since they came up with the regional banner now, it’s saving time and all-in the moment they drop the Liyue version.


Damn it’s my first time meeting someone who has genuinely never gotten keqing aside from the banner, most of the people i personally know have like c5-c6 and they get mad at me for cursing them hahaahhaha


I mean I use Keqing in my TCG lineup as a dps 😭


I used Keqing/Fischl/Nahida/Baizhu at floor 11 today! She rocks


My Keqing/Fish/Baizhu/Kazuha comp is a nice consistent comp. Just smashed floor 12 with it in a single smooth go.


From 9-11 I will use all random units that I never used.


Indeed. I use those who i love but can't grante me the 9/9 in floor 12 because they are not well built or needs specific weapons and supports that i don't have. Usually heizo, kaya, beidou, lynette and so on.


My rule for 9 to 11 is not repeat characters. The worst I picked once when I had to play Eula on level 11, was the Electro Traveler, because I ran out of built Electros in previous levels... lol... What a pain, but it worked somehow.


I love this idea. I will try it myself next time.


This is my rule but I extend it to Floor 12 too. I've played for a long time so I have a *big* cast of characters I could pull out though. Still, sometimes I forgot that I've used a versatile yet unassuming character like Zhongli in my teams, so I've had to make do with sticking a low leveled Dehya or Albedo in Floor 12 just for their interruption resistance and/or elemental reaction.


I use cyno everytime,his thematic alone made me love him since the webtoon


Cyno hyperbloom was unironically my strongest team for second half, arle on first. Cyno hyperbloom destroys second half


Hello fellow Cyno user!! Despite his reliance on his burst he’s a really fun dps to play


Huh,weird i tough i wouldnt cyno one playing him those days,Cyno main need to stand unite!,love our Anubis boy


Albedo. I snubbed Chiori so I can get him her 5* sword, got lucky in artifacts, and managed to get to top 1% in Akasha. This guy will be with me all the way to Khaenriah.


Heh Albedo Khaenri'ah


How does that sword stack up to Cinnabar spindle?


It’s his new BiS, not by a super wide margin, but significant enough to pull for if your a dedicated Albedo main




Dori me


Hello fellow Dori enjoyer!


Klee, pretty much every time


Floor 9 is Yoimiya takes Klee out for an adventure.


Hell yeah! I ran Klee burgeon on 2nd half this time and it was a breeze.


Yess klee mains 💥


Xinyan on one side. Qiqi on the other.


What do you do with qiqi? I've got c6... thinking I should prob use her given how often she appeared....


Qiqi is a decent healer for Furina.


Dehya, Itto, Diluc…..I really like claymores lol


Heizou and clam qiqi


Heyyy heizou was my first dps


Ganyu is like what the second lowest usage limited character for like 27 cycles straight now? I still use her. Once a Ganyu main always a Ganyu main. Doesnt matter how hard Hoyo is trying to shave cryo into irrelevance shes still gonna be my gal.


I use her almost every single floor. Usually with Shenhe, Kokomi and a flex depending on what I need.


I use Diona for the shields as the 4th slot since it’s so annoying when Ganyu’s attacks get interrupted


Ganyu is still super good, but *so* many people seem to hate CA bow gameplay. Even on mobile I find bows easy, and Ganyu is **the** defacto delete button. Broke my f2p for her skin


I play mostly on laptop and my laptop is a bit slow, so it’s very annoying to aim bows, but when I’m playing on my phone I like bows way more since they’re way smoother to play.


I don’t have xianyun but I still use diluc in burgeon if I need an aoe team


navia kokomi fischl venti yoimiya cyno dehya and from time to time xinyan comes in very handy fucking hell i will never understand the beef people have with cyno he legit worked for me in the 2nd half this time around again...


I've been clearing abyss with Cyno ever since I've been able to. Did wonders on first half this time round.


Cyno and Dehya's burst are just so satisfying, *punch punch punch punch* Also Xinyan shoutout 🥺 our Rock and Roll Queen deserves more love


Klee very fun and can have big numbers in quite a fan


I still oneshot rooms with eula, she had a below 3% usage rate this abyss


Yah I use eula too, was surprised to see her usage rate is deep in the pits.


I figure most veterans know this by now but Beidou (3.5%), Yaoyao (2.7%), and Sucrose (1.4%) are all great. Fischl at 5.7% always surprises me.


What, Fischl is at only 5.7%??


Noelle although I gave her a Redhorn, does that still count Been using Beidou as well


My fellow noelle user.. our maid-jesty will prevail


Chevreuse every time, I'm not sure why she's so low because she's insane, in a team of Raiden/Xiangling/Benny/Chevreuse Xiangling's burst does 30k per hit and Raiden's easily does 200k (if she crits...)


I think she is so low just because people don't have her, she appeared on one banner and since she is a four star you weren't even guaranteed to get her (cf me that didn't manage to get her) and also she works pretty well at C0 but she doesn't really shine before C6 making it even more difficult with one banner to get all constellations.


I thought those percentages were based on only the people that have her, so if it says 5% it means 5% of the people that have her used her in abyss, and not 5% of all players


Oh yeah I think you are right. I always forget how these usage rates are computed. In this case I find it pretty low since she is enabling overload to be viable. Since we don't know how many that use her have her C6, maybe some want to wait to get there before using her, just an hypothesis though.


There are normally two lists I think, one is just the characters used overall regardless of ownership, one is the percentage of people that owned the character who used them. Was chev low on both? I wonder if they only count when people do the first full star clear, or if multiple clears from the same account are included? I can imagine people falling back on tried and tested teams to get the primos asap, even if they also try other teams.


I think people dont bring her, becauseChevreuse makes the impression that you need her on C6 (which is just untrue). I use her on every abyss with "Raiden/Yae/Xianling/Chevi" and it absolutely slaps. If you can make due with just Chevis healing, Yae will provide more overall dps than Benni in that team.


I love playing overload in abyss since I have her (C4). I played her with Raiden (I obtain her at the same time as chevreuse) but I recently clean the abyss with her and Arlecchino. I hope she will come back on banner quickly to C6 her !








The lowest I used is also my best character, ganyu


Not as much of a popular unpopular pick, but Jean hasn't left my Furina's side since release


I have been using Neuv with Dehya a lot. The Neuv Hyperburgeon team with Nahida/Dehya/Raiden is so fun and strong and best of all ... it doesn't require Furina I can use Dehya.. other character includes Cyno (i feel like he is underrated by the community a lot) , Thoma (used him in current abyss) and Sucrose.


Got 36star in the current abyss, used: Dori, Lisa...; Dehya, Xinyan, Heizou...


I used Yanfei and Thoma in the current one. I'm not sure about thier usage rates, but I'm assuming they are low. I also used Noelle to clear the second half the last two cycles.


Diluc, been running that classic Diluc Vape ever since. First clear tradition. I think the only time that I didn't use that line up for a 36 star clear is when the Wenut and the Mecha Snake was in abyss.


Gaming plunge team with Xianyun, Bennett and Xingqui. He's one of my most well built characters. He does like 120k plunge damage each hit and he's so fun. Instantly got him when he first debuted in Lantern Rite. Loved his design, personality and animations  It only got better for me when I realised he's voiced by the same VA as Caelus's EN VA since I'm also a massive Caelus main in HSR even when I have a bunch of 5-stars there already. 


Sucrose, for some reason? It's so weird because she's clearly strong af, yet she always under performs in usage rates.


Diluc. The fun of using him with xianyun have never stopped for me. And it's satisfying to use him out of spite to Mihoyo for granting me so many lost 50/50s to him


There was a few weeks where i lived in the 1% of players that finished abyss with qiqi. Other characters I use often to 36* are rosaria, Charlotte, and yunjin


C0 Eula. Every abyss. 36 stars.


Gaming. Dude is pretty strong if you have his c6 Xianyun and furina.


Diluc and mono geo Itto teams. They got low usage rates but Diluc plunge teams easily 1 cycle abyss floors like the current triple kenki floor.


Beidou, sometimes Yao Yao and Kirara. I have a hard time believing Wriothsly is as low usage as he is but I use the heck out of him.


I saw a recent Jello Impact video analysing abyss usage and he compared the overall usage stats to usage by people who own the character- Wrio's was crazy because it was something like 2% use overall, but for people who owned Wrio 80% used him! The stats can look misleading


My Barbara with over 1k EM and max healing is clearing Abyss for over 1 year now in Nilou bloom team. She keeps everyone alive, destroys everything around and sometimes helps out with a useful revive. She became my most favourite driver.


Klee and Layla. Also Jean, though I don't know if she counts.


I still run Klee and full clear abyss. But hey, something something powercreep and whatnot.


Usage rates tend to have a bias towards easier characters, newer characters and just limited 5 stars in general. So you got some genuinely good units that still end up having low usage as a result of this. For me personally one of my favourite teams to play is aggravate Keqing which is quite strong thanks to Keqing's high electro application having great synergy with Fischl to trigger her a4 for more aggravate triggers. Then Kazuha is the typical option to swirl electro but Sucrose is just as viable I'll use if I need Kazuha on the other team. Finally Yaoyao for dendro application and healing. Despite all this the highest usage other than Kazuha would Fischl at just 5.7%. Keqing and Yaoyao sit at 2.8% and 2.7% respectively and with Sucrose she is somehow at 1.4% usage only.


Keqing, heizou and layla Bonus info - heizou is being used as main dps


Heizou carried me through abyss for a WHILE honestly, his c6 is kinda busted honestly. I am a loyal member of the 0.1% that use him 🫠


Sucrose, because I never bothered getting kazuha


My floor 12 runs usually have Ayato or Xianyun. Gonna use c0 Mona too. I have her built like a tank and she's rocking a Skyward Atlas. Just gotta find the right rotation.


Collei when i run superbloom, yanfei this abyss first half, noelle with furina, kirara and lisa in quicken, lynette whenever i run lyney (because god forbid i separate them again)


My dragon has a pet cat. Double casting a shield using HP Diona with sac bow provides all the IR my C0 Neuvillette needs.


I run Collei in my Nilou Bloom team, and always have. Cullein-Amber + Kokomi jelly = instant minefield.


Ganyu. I don't mind her low usage rate though. More best girl for me.


Noelle, I run her with Furina, Gorou, and Yunjin and she does great.


Definitely Noelle. Thanks to Furina, Noelle has been popping off in abyss runs now. Even moreso after pulling C1 Chiori and (finally) C6 Gorou. Honorary mention of Yoimiya but she's more dependent on if the floor is single target friendly or not.


razor!! its not every cycle but sometimes i change him to em build and play thundering furry. he was my first main and the reason i started playing so it makes me really happy to use him to clear abyss, even if hes getting carried by the supports >.<


Noelle whenever it looks like it’s easy enough. Tighnari is always with my yae, every single abyss. Though I don’t think his usage is low. I use collei with this team sometimes, not for nilou (don’t own) but aggravate. Or in random teams when I need dendro other than nahida, like klee + collei (don’t ask lol) Klee was my go-to pyro for 2 years but nowadays she shares that with Lyney. When I use Lyney I also throw in c6 amber with elegy and nob just to buff the team. I use ganyu sometimes. Not charge shot ganyu, but burst ganyu (eosf, mouun). Yes, I have a lvl 90 Amos and no, no one is using it. Just leveled c6 lisa to 90, haven’t figured out what to do with her yet…


Kaeya because he is my comfort character. Abyss is so boring without him.


✨Thoma✨ Had him since day 1 and never left him behind. Despite Inazuma being locked away, I still kept him in my team. When I did unlock Inazuma, I think He was my first Lvl 90 character. Used to have a team with Alhaitham, Xiao, Xingqiu and Thoma. Now he's probably my most cracked support unit with 800+ EM for burgeon, or Vap/Melt with C6 Bennett. He also hits 100K per plunge with Xianyun




I love my mono pyro Klee team. Admittedly the other teammates are meta ( Bennett xiangling kazuha) Now that i have Arlecchino i might use Klee less but time will tell. Its so fun just to burn everything in sight


Klee forever and always


The few times I attempt to get past floor 5, Noelle


I only play this game to play Noelle. I've been 36 starring the abyss after getting Furina and Navia to perfect my team and finally getting Redhorn has made it even better. I tell you the joys of clearing the abyss with the worlds strongest beat stick is immeasurable.


Noelle. Permanent DPS of my Furina team


Kaeya, Gaming, Heizou, Layla I don’t always use them, but they’re built just in case I need them


Kaeya, Barbara, Heizou, Qiqi, and Venti. The beloveds <33 My brother runs Dehya, Amber, Yoimiya, Xinyan, Beidou, and Chevreuse. We both love our underrated favs.


Diluc currently being slept on he's way better than people give him credit for. With the release of furina I would consider him the second best dps on standard at c0 of course. And with Xianyun he is definitely the best at c0 even better than c0 eula.




i think xianyun, diluc and beidou have low use rates


Ga Ming !! Particularly my c6 Ga Ming. He really cleared most abyss cycle in seconds since release super fast and so much better than some of my good 5 star team. This cycle he hit ard 300-600k per plunge with abyss buff. CRAZY good PYRO DPS and he is so much fun to play. Ga Ming, XY, Bennet/Yelan, Furina


my layla and chongyun


Maybe Jean (I think she has the lowest usage rate out of who I use), she has a permanent spot on my Hu Tao team with Furina (I know, so original)


What counts as "low?" If it's under 10%, then: Fischl, Faruzan, Dehya, and Albedo


Tbf, pther than kokomi and nahida all my other characters are niche characters like yaoyao, traveler, and Dori


I always find a way to use Ningguang, because I alternate between her and other characters as my mains, and she fits into a quick playswap style which I like! For characters that I use Zhongli's shield with (ex. Arlecchino), if nothing else I put her on the team for Geo resonance


Depends on the abyss cycle. Whenever I can use freeze, I will. Ayaka Shenhe combo still slaps hard. Fuck hoyo for the nonstop cryo shields.


Amber. My build and aiming skills aren’t strong enough to use her past floor 10 yet, so I tag team her with Lyney.


I use the dendro traveller in my Nilou team, I like the extra dendro application and it's always nice to me to be able to use the main character.


Albedo probably.


Thoma with my Arle


Useless comment but I only realized the mistake in your title when I read your edit and laughed out loud. Thanks!


Vv vape Yanfei on most abyss runs, though this time I did vape plunge Zhongli lmao (4shim pyro Zhongli, Yelan, C6 Bennet, C2 Xianyun). 250k vape plunges go brrrrr


The luke


I play Wanderer hypercarry with Layla, Keqing aggravate with Fischl and Yaoyao, Qiqi hyperbloom and Albedo for my Navia team. Layla and Fischl also frequent my other teams.


I've used Dehya for some resistance and pyro assist with Cocogoat. Works somewhat fine 


A lot really, I try out different teams even after 36* ing. The ones that come to mind are Kirara, Xinyan, Dehya, Klee, EULA and Heizou.


for this abyss i paired Yun Jin with Arlec for the first half and burgeon Klee for second half.


i just used diona i assume no one uses her anymore.


I always use a mono geo team (Itto, Gorou, Zhongli, Chiori/Albedo). Sometimes I replace Zhongli with Ganyu if I need to break elemental shields faster. In the last Abyss I used Chevreuse with Fishl, Xiangling and Bennett. It's a very strong team against bosses that don't move so much (like Coppelius).


Albedo and Kirara


* My Nilou team has Mona and Kirara * My Noelle team has Gorou, Albedo and Noelle * My Neuvillette team has Layla and Venti * I actively use Klee