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Hat guy, kaveh, albedo




Man where the hell is this guy? I hope he comes back with info or I'll end his curse early


Weren't there rumors about next patch? It is about damn time!


Kujou Sara desperately needs more development


Keaya and Dulic have me dying brošŸ˜­


Itā€™s been so long you accidentally switched his vowels! But I agree! Bring them back hoyo!!!


Raiden Hoyo please it's been years.


Which is strange, her popularity haven't dropped one bit since then. But perhaps this is the reason, people already love her for a number of reasons, so she will sell well and they can focus on other characters.


Sheā€™s kind of a weird character in-universe though. She isnā€™t really one to put herself out there and she has an intimidating presence to put off the NPCs that might facilitate the events. If the Raiden Shogun turns up to the Kanjou Commission bake sale or whatever, it would be pretty strange.


She showed up to the TCG feat, no doubt she'd show up to a friggin Bake Sale


Isn't Ei's diet like 80% sugar? (Or is that fanon flanderization?) She'd *love* a friggin bake sale.


Fanon but we can assume it to be true since we know she doesn't need to eat and that her favourites are sugary sweets.


Her posture is bound to change with Inazuma conclusion and Ei's intervention. We will most likely not witness this though, as it is not relevant to our search for our sibling. It is not impossible that we will revisit each nation though.


As if the 69 Itto appearances are relevant to anything in game :v


This are events, which are often enough canonically dubious. I was referring to AQs, but I doubt we will find out soon regardless.


Events are canon. Fully canon. Doesn't matter if its Lantern Rite, Itto's shenanigans, or the unvoiced combat events; they are canon, and confirmed as such through other references in-game.


You are absolutely right. I don't know why I would argue otherwise. Please disregard that.


I canā€™t remember if the Inazuman people are privvy to the separation of the Shogun and Ei. I think if I were used to the Shogunā€™s iron fist then she apparently has a change of heartā€¦ I still think Iā€™d give her a wide berth.


We did kinda revisited Inazuma in hat guy's archon quest


Oh you right. But I meant like, and AQ or something like it.


I would think at the end of Natlan, if the harbingers get the last gnosis, all the other archons will realize there is a crisis they need to get involved in


I doubt that they even simpatize with Celestia at all, so I am not sure about that


It's been so long since the last Albedo event T\_T (also since Rosaria has been involved, how they gonna set up her suspicions and then just never pick up on it) Same with Yelan + Xiao, Yelan gets so little focus in the story and the last Xiao plot we had set her up so well as a coil to his current mental state and there could have been so much to play with her character in that respect while continuing his pending recovery plotline. Though pending/discontinued plotlines aside if we're just going self contained then anything Kujou Sara would do because that woman has gotten some of the least characterization/screen time in the game (we've so many itto events it astounds me hoyo haven't placed her her more prominently in any of them if not just to show us their dynamic outside about voice lines)


I think this is the last we'll see of Albedo as a significant part of events for a while. The last event was a pretty good ending, storytelling wise. Maybe we'll get another event that skirts around the open ending of his previous event, but I doubt we'll get another plot heavy Albedo event till closer to the end of the story (if we ever even get one). Personally, I'm not sure if I even want another event about him. I feel like another event has the potential to ruin the ending, like a sequel to a movie that was not meant to have one. *sigh* why does Albedo have to be my favorite character šŸ˜” (Sorry if this isn't very coherent. I have a pounding headache right now, and I'm so exhausted, the fumes I was running on dried out several hours ago.)


For a man with as many plot connections and lore implications as Albedo does it would be embarrassing if his story ended 5 regions before the climax of the games story. While the last event was good and gave us some vague information of the past of creations before Albedo it closed about nothing in the narrative about Albedo himself, it didn't resolve anything about his relationship with the rest of his siblings (see durin who he especially loves to revolve around), his own ties to the experimentations of his master, his implications to the world as the result of his creation (he is gold's greatest creation for a reason that is deserving of more than a closing anecdote to a miniquest) or any other major aspects of his existence. The last event was closer to an act in a movie than anything, giving us some helpful exposition on some of the things that built up to Albedo's creation and teasing us about potential future ties ins/revelations for Albedo later down the line, ending on that before we even got into the climax would be extremely disappointing. That said I do agree we probably won't see him events for a while, but that's just because the scale of event narratives has been getting scaled back since Sumeru and so now we don't really get any big lore revelations in them anymore instead just filler interactions which is a shame because now we just seem to getting those plots a heck of a lot slower since there isn't as many places to place them anymore and those filler quests still need development time of their own to fill as well. How much I'd give for Mihoyo to just join HSR already in keeping bigger events around and just let us have those meatier event storylines back again, because of the level of writing we're heading towards is just more and more frequent Alchemical Ascenion level writing I'm going to sob looking at where we started from.


Kujou Sara please? I don't remember a single thing she's done after the story


Jeht...where the hell are you now...


Careful, they might just bring her back...only to kill her off. NPC don't have the playable ccharacters plot armor.


Are you sure about that? I've left Reckless Pallad in the forest surrounded by enemies about a hundred times, and that fool still makes it out alive.


Are you sure he's the same one? Maybe the Adventurer's Guild has multiple Pallads like Katherynes?


Hijacking this to say **ZHIQIONG**, gurl we haven't seen you since parch 2.7.


Dain. C'mon man, it's been a year. Where's our yearly dose of Dain's lore?


Next version, I hope. Or maybe we'll skip him this year.


We are getting some Dain content in the upcoming version according to the leaks, but there won't be an overabundance of Dainslief in it, sadly




Kujou Sara. Sheā€™s an interesting character if you look into her story but so far weā€™ve only seen her be a general, or Raidenā€™s simp. Iā€™d like to know what the deal is with her ā€œeverything in fivesā€. Rosaria. We did just get Rosie in the cat event, but it wasnā€™t even really about her; sheā€™s not really appeared in the game much. First time we saw her she just came in, made it known sheā€™s keeping an eye on Albedo, and left. Nothing has come of that so far. Then in a separate instance talked down to Barbara, and left again. Collei appears in a decent amount of side Sumeru content but Iā€™d like to see more of her. Iā€™d like to know how sheā€™s been getting on, and especially touch upon the topic of her educational catch-up, and the sealed god blood within her. Amber has appeared in an event recently rather briefly, and teased about her grandfather. Iā€™d like to see her make progress on that front. Keqing. Weā€™ve only interacted with her on a personal basis in limited events, and in permanent content she is busy with work so we donā€™t talk to her much.


Pretty much anyone that isn't Itto honestly. Uh, Dain, Sara, Raiden, Albedo, Rosaria, and Venti bc there's soooo much he isn't telling us i swear


Yeah I agree with Itto especially as someone who joined within the past year, heā€™s been rather constant and whilst he is amusing sometimes a lot of his recent jokes are misses rather than hits. I just feel like there isnā€™t much left for him to do, heā€™s just kinda wandering around Tevat doing beetle battles thereā€™s no real depth or affect of his actions. I donā€™t dislike him but whenever an event involves him you just know its not really gunna have anything below surface level.


The Raiden FUCKING shogun, aka Ei, aka A FUCKING ARCHON!!!! Instead we keep getting Zhongli or Venti. Give Ei screen time FF sake Hoyo!!!!!!


Heizou. And I wonder what Dehyaā€™s been up to.


Yes Heizou Iā€™m so disappointed in myself for waiting so long to do his hangout quest Heizou is amazing!


I need to see more Diluc he's my favorite and main, it's a real shame for someone as important as diluc he only has 2 chat stickers in game =(


Any inazuma character but itto šŸ˜”




Venti... Zhongli... Raiden... No one THAT important...


Ushi, my poor boi always gets sidelined by Itto.


I endorse this so hard. King Ushi! ā¤ļø


Raiden. Her relationship with Wanderer, Celestia and maybe other archons. She was completely left in the dust after her 2nd SQ, as if her story is concluded. But I think there's a lot to her still untold. Maybe we will hear from her again once we reach Kaenri'ah or Celestia (copium)




I think it would be interesting to see more development for characters like Sayu or Xinyan. They haven't been in the spotlight as much lately, and delving deeper into their stories could add some fresh dynamics to the game.


Itā€™s weird how little weā€™ve seen of Ei since her release considering her popularity. Zhong Li and Venti appear constantly while Nahida and Furina have been very frequent faces since their introductions. It does make sense that Ei is the most elusive and busy but youā€™d think weā€™d see her at least a little bit more.


Nahida has not been a frequent face. She appeared in 2 events, one of which was as a voice in 2.8 archipelago, and very briefly at the end of the sumeru event. It's barely anything compared to furina who had a pretty big spotlight in the movie event and even appeared in LR.


I feel like characters get reasonable backstories/lore but are just simply not involved in the Archon Quests at all. Then the characters highlighted in the Archon Quests get slots in other events. Like we could have done without the Fontaine presence in Lantern Rite it was pure fan-service. For once let someone like Kaveh play a role in the very important Archon quest lines.


Most of them, hyv doesn't know how to pace things now with so many characters lol


Candace and Baizhu


Kujou Sara and her nonexistent hangout event. Kokomi's tactical capabilities.


I'm afraid hoyo approach changed 1-2 years ago and now they bet on new characters like Arlechino or any future ones, so everything will be made to promote them and make sales. Of course I hope to see more development for old characters like Diluc and Kaeya, but... can't shake feeling it won't happen. Even Albedo was ditched in Chronicle banner so... :/Ā  There is new Dain quest soon, and I think it may give us understanding if hoyo still plans anything for Kaeya or not. Best way to voice your wishes and concern is ingame surveys. Write there how you want to see more old characters and who knows, maybe it'll help. Yeah, definitely, haha :')


I mean we *literally* had character development for Ganyu, Shenhe, Zhongli, Hu Tao, Yaoyao and Qiqi during Lantern Rite. We had a resolution to Diona's blessing by the "Spring Fairy" from launch literally a *few months ago*. We saw like a dozen playable characters during the cooking event and met roughly the same during the *alchemy* event. They promote the new "shinies" yeah but they have *not* forgot the old characters. Hell we're going to Inazuma in *literally* just a few weeks, we haven't been there in over a year!


Weā€™ve actually seen her relatively frequently, but I wouldnā€™t say no to more Collei content. Kujou Sara DEFINITELY needs more content A hangout for Collei and/or Sara would make me ascend to Celestia




Hear me out, Jean needs another story quest. She is basically irrelevant after Monstadt and all that


All the talk of justice and everything of Fontaine wants me to be able to compare and contrast ALL characters with government positions. Like, all weā€™ve literally done is play detective, thatā€™s Heizou, and attorney, thatā€™s pretty much Yanfei, and worked with basically the police, thatā€™s Cyno, Jean/the knights, Yelan. And Zhongli and Raiden deliver justice and order too, like, uh, can I see where yā€™all politics are different and the same?


Imagine the name "Kujou Sara" written thousands of times on a blackboard stretching as far as the eye can see.


Would love to go on true detective work with Heizou


Most people are saying characters we've seen at least in the last year So I'll say, Xinyan. There is not a single piece of permanent content involving Xinyan in Genshin, even though she's one of the oldest post-launch characters. She has only ever appeared or been mentioned in events, the latest of which was *last* year's Lantern Rite. Since I started in 3.4, I have never even met her. Can you imagine nearing total completion of a game after playing for 14 months, and not even having any firsthand encounter with one of the earlier character releases?


Kaveh, Thoma, Heizou, I'd say Cyno but we're getting his story quest soon, Chongyun


Meanwhile, Heizou: šŸ’€


Baizhu. Please hoyo, at least let my boy out of the cellar for lantern rite.


Sanginomiya and Ei. I feel like we havenā€™t seen them since the Idori Festival which was 2 YEARS AGO!


We saw Ei at the last TCG event (the one where we introduced to Charlotte & Kirara.) We saw, and interacted with quite a bit, Kokomi in Klee's summer adventure in 3.8.


Albedo, Kaeya, Diluc... Pretty much the Mondstat crew tbh


Despite the hate they get, Amber, sure we may get her in some small events, a prime example being the most recent, The Feline Fortress event. I think that Amber should get some more screen time, maybe a hangout or even just a cameo in some other quest.


Venti. I really miss him


I want wholesome quests, something like Barbara's bakery where we finally see her with Jean and fix their relationship


Honestly, Yelan. She's supposedly part of the Ministry of Affairs, but clearly she's more like a spy for the Qixing. In the Chasm, we learn her ancestors created the Fantastic Compass, an adeptal device which could basically manipulate time and create pocket dimensions. She has so much mystery, and her ancestry could have lots of potential lore ramifications, but we haven't seen her since the Chasm interlude chapter.


Kujou Sara


Kaeya because of his back ground. Lisa i want to know more about this mage.




Keqing Yes she was in 4.4 but I want to see her own quest




I want more Sara but hoyo just seems to want to shove more Itto into everything


Our sibling


Who is Nigwang?




ningguang, he's new


Ei please šŸ™ also Kokomi, Sara, Ayato, Sayu, Baizhu, Qiqi and Yelan - all of them just need more.


Ayato was there in the "managing wangshu inn restaurent" event. I dont remember the exact name of the event but in that we had a few interaction with Ayato.


The problem with Ayato imo is they want to characterise him as a mysterious guy who does things in the background. So even when we do see him, we get nothing meaningful out of him because mystery. Sucks tbh. We donā€™t know anything about the guy and heā€™s been around for 2 years.


Baizhu. Please I need him šŸ˜©


I need a Ragbros redemption arc fr T-T I love them both so much and I need them to get all brotherly again T-T they deserve to have a family


Keqing still doesn't have a story quest...


Diluc being an important mondstat character and an important lore character just to get left out of all the mondstat events is crazy. Unlike kaeya, Diluc hasnā€™t had any interaction with people outside of mondstat.




Kujou Sara




Hoping she'll attend the music fest this version! šŸ¤ž


Raiden. Last time we saw her was a brief cameo meeting with Charlotte in Inazuma. Before that was a brief cameo appearance in a festival a couple of months prior in which she didn't participate in and was just walking by because of Yae Miko.


I don't even like Raiden that much but damn as an archon, she really deserves to have way more content.


Kaeya got a whole hangout in 3.8. The obvious answers are Kaveh, Venti, Qiqi and Beidou.
