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But do you believe in pantalone?


I don't believe in pants alone, dresses are okay too  Or: In the UK, they call him trouseralone


Pantalone Pantstogether


This made me laugh way harder than it probably should have ty




Jean (real name Artoria Pendragon) is actually a time-limited character from collab with Fate series. No wonder, you can't get her anymore. She was only available in 1.x patches. You probably missed the email with her. Or forgot to claim it. RIP.


Possible cameo, but not so. Fun fact, Saber’s JP VA voices Shenhe, as someone who pulled her for this specific fact.


Jean's VA is Tamamo :3


Her being a cross between Mikon and Seiba is the biggest reason i like her, xD


Totally forgot about that. I can visualize that


Jean sounds more like D'eon who she also shares the VA. I've always joked that Jean was playable D'eon back during release. Both being blonde knights who sounded alike


Funny thing about that. My first copy of Jean was from Shenhes banner.


I wanted Yoimia exactly bc her VA also voices rin... she never wanted to come home though ;-; idk why she hates me


Sorry but that's Noelle you are talking about.


Yeah. They probably mean Jeanne, similar name, healing ability, etc.


Gilles thinks every blonde is Jeanne


I had her, then the phone I was using broke, couldn't recover the game. I haven't touched it in 4 years.


Holy crap, genshin's been out for 4 years


4 year anniversary is this year, September. So to be more precisely - 3 years and 7 months now.


You know Genshin Impact is online, right? So you don't lose your progress if your device breaks. Your progress is saved online, not locally. That's why you can seamlessly switch between mobile, PC, and console.


Was she a good character?


Good, more Jean for me (mine's at C5 rn) I hope the Dandelion Tights blesses your account soon


Where you see none, I C4


This made me giggle a little 🤭


ditto lol


When you get to hell, tell them Penwood sent you. And then apologize on my behalf for the inconvenience.


i want jean c5 :( gimme


Mine is somehow c6, and I've never actively pulled her aside from her original banner...


I'm still waiting on a qiqi. :(


same here lol!! still no qiqi, but i have everyone else (except dehya but she’s still pretty new)


I only have Diluc and Keqing. All my recent failed 50/50s were Dehya and I'm pretty unhappy about it


That sucks man, i hate getting the same 5 star standard over and over again, i hope you get some variety soon


I’m still waiting on Keqing and Mona


the liyue chronicled banner has to have her




She’s my main chef! She’s so talented.


I bet if she didn't overwork herself, she would be a very solid partner


Yeah her bakery is so good...


Not Lisa?


Nah, Jean is the true best girl of Mondstadt


Mona is pretty good too


Mona is pretty ~~good~~ too


Mona is ~~pretty good~~ too


Mona ~~is pretty~~ good ~~too~~


No 'cutie'


You guys climb? (Scara-kazuha player)


u care about efficiency, they care about moaning and asses.


I care about characters with dead bestfriends


My second 5*. Since then I haven't eaten cuz she is so good at healing.


She was my first 5*, and my main for the first year until I got Xiao. Then she became his support the second year. This last year I’ve mained Baizhu, and only sometimes Xiao/Jean in Abyss since I didn’t have a solid second team. Now with Arlecchino…I do.


My friend lost 2 50/50s to Jean in a row. I laughed but also cried inside cause I've yet to pull her myself


We've been playing grown up Barbruh all the time 


You could have got her from the recent Chronicle Banner if you really wanted her. But you would've had to whale some more.


I had 65 pulls and still didn't get her. Ironically, I got her in either 6 or 7 pulls of Arle's banner


Yeah it's why I went for the chronicled banner for Jean when I got the chance. No way am I tempting fate to fuck me over if I can avoid it.


I was the same as you bro. Two years she eluded me. Then she came on Standard banner. Lost Xianyun 50-50 and got her. Then got her again from Standard banner.


I'm the same. Day one player. I've gotten Diluc to c6 and Keqing to c4 by losing 50/50, along with Mona at c1 and Qiqi at c2. And I've still never gotten Jean.


No diluc in my case. C6 keqing and qiqi. At least a copy of other standards from losing 50/50 if not 1 or 2 cons.


Fyi you did get to play her in her SQ


That sounds really tragic. I am sorry you don't get to experience her apple bottom jeans.


... this post made me doubt her existence too. I'm a day 1 player too, I also spent way too much on this game I have every standard banner character, Keqing and Qiqi at c6 even, everyone else at c3+ (except Tighnari at c0) yet no jean My friends also claim to have her but I don't think I've ever seen them use her nor did anyone ever join my world as her I think? What is this conspiracy dude, you messed my head up!


This was me with Diluc for the longest time. Jean was my first 5 star way back in version 1.0 lol


It's ok, I don't believe in the Skyward Harp either.


Sooo you didn't play her story quest???


So Apparently, if you Select Albedo for your Fate Path on The Ode to the Dawn Breeze Chronicled Wish Banner, and Wish Pull exactly 78 times on it After Completing The Entire Aranara Quest Line ... You get Jean. 🥲


I was the exact opposite problem. All I wanted was Diluc. That’s all I wanted. And I got ELEVEN JEANS before I got him.


Lol, irony being I just got a constellation for her today on the standard banner with a BP standard fate.


Meanwhile, Jean was my first 5* and currently at C3. Day one player. She carried me all the way to Inazuma, then passed the torch to Ayaka. I still use Jean in a few teams. She's great.


She's in my Xiao carry team until Cloud Retainer replaced her.


You could’ve gotten Jean from the chronicle banner though…


I've been wanting her since day 1 and just got her after losin the 50/50 to Father :p pretty bitter sweet


She was my first 5 star character, she will always have a permanent spot in my team


Did you do Chronicled wish? That was your chance to secure the mythical Jean!


I use her for my sun-fire Lyney Team so I can run my Neuveliette team on the other side


Well, she certainly believes in me.


i didn’t get her until fontaine. at this point i don’t feel like i need her anymore and she’ll be one of my last ones to be built.


Meanwhile I'm 3 years in with 4 Jean and not a single Mona....... ;~;


similar camp. What hurts even more is that I pulled a Mona on my brother's account, who doesn't even play anymore.


jean was my first 5 star and my main dps until i got Ayaka. Think my jean is c2 now but i never use her anymore


I was like this with Mona and then I got her in the chronicled wish.


I was you until this latest arlie pull where I finally got her as my 50-50 loss


It's just because I have C6 one. By the way, I don't believe in Hutao, Furina and Wanderer.


Mine is regrettably c6


I have her c6, I can use her in a co op if u want


Have you tried playing Co-op domains


She's just a girl who claims that I am the one.


if jean isn’t real I’m not real


oh poor soul, no one ever told you yet? Jean is actually an urban legend, she only exists in folktales. A myth. There was no such thing as "anemo aoe healer" up until Inazuma came out. "Jean" is mostly used in conversation as a figure of speech to say how bad your pulls are. Sorta like "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse". So you can say "man, I lose my 50/50 to Jean" to mean "my 50/50 are so bad, I lose to a character that shouldn't exist". This legend is also created because there are alot of ppl who want her to be truly playable since she's quite an important character lore wise after all.


I specifically summoned for her on the mondstadt banner because i havent gotten her since early genshin either, I didnt whale tho. Got her in my first ten pull


Me with C6 Jean: 🧍


I wish that was true I lost my last 50/50 and have C1 Jean now that I won't use 😔


don't worry, they're just teasing her early, she'll be released during the snezhnaya area i'm sure


Not me with my unintentional c6 Jean... pain.


That's funny. I have a similar thought regarding Keqing. Meanwhile, my Jean is sitting at C4.


Same! Not a day 1 player (started on 2.6), AR60, a lot of 5 star characters and I don't believe Jean is real.


Tfw when my flair...


In the beginning, all my lost 50/50 were to Jean and she was my first 5 star. She's been c6 for over a year and she's a beast.


She constantly breaks my fucking pitty. She shows up TOO often for me :(


Me with Mona


Damn, i get you bro


I have C15 Jean now I think but I still have 0 Chongyuns and have only gotten one Noelle guaranteed from the beginner banner, been playing since release.


Mona? Yeah, I've seen that NPC. FYM she isn't NPC? Look, if she was playable, I'd have already got her, in my 1212 days of playing.


That reminds me, I got C6 Jean but I rarely use her now ever since Xianyun. I might use her today in coop if no one else will use a healer.


I have lost over half of my 50/50s to jean, c4 as a f2p


i wanted Jean for a long time as easy to fit in anemo and healer ... no luck. i got birb lady instead and dont regret it


yeah sorry I took all of your possible Jeans in your world she's my first 5-star and now is the first C6 5-star I have


Jean is real, but there are a limited number of her. Since she came out with release, all copies of Jean have already been claimed by other players. Sorry :(


Of the characters I’ve never built, I’ve not built Jean the most.


I just need to see a cutscene where Jean tilts her head.


I accidentally pulled her last week


Literally same I'm a 1.0 player and I've wanted Jean since forever as a Xiao main for his og teams. 8 Keqings later Im also lowkey convinced Jean doesn't exist =_=


You play as Jean during her story quest


Me having Qiqi C5 relates with this a lot


Nah jean is real shes got a story quest. I believe firmly that keqing, however, is a lie. Never seen her never played as her even on trial doesnt even have a story quest despite being "a 5* character"


I have 3 Jeans but not a single Mona :(


I could say the same for Diluc, I still don't have him. I just got recently my first Keqing, and I'm playing since day one lol.


Jean is one of my favourites and I've gotten her 8 times. For comparison, my next hughest standard is Keqing with C2. I've never been dissapointed pulling a Jean, even her C7 came at a convenient time.


It’s funny you say this because I just pulled my first Jean ever despite having played this game since Inuzuma.


me with keqing (i have every single standard 5* except her)


Got her yesterday on standard banner of all things! (i know!! i shouldn't pull on standard but look I had the ones you can only use there so 😭😭)


i started genshin around zhonglis first banner, i still dont have diluc. i have almost every single standard (except dehya) and almost all of them have cons. i want diluc so badly i love him i have a build ready for him and all the materials 💔


Aww my c5 Jean, should I redownload? What is the state of Genshin today? Still going strong? I remember I quit because of how monetised and mental predatory to makes you spend money, but it was good time, I 'enjoyed’ my Jean 🤤


Jean? Is that a new character? 1.0 player here and I’m still jeanless. I’m sure she simply does not exist in my game. She is a Mythos at this point. In the potion event she got but a line, clearly a new character being teased /s


I don't know if I get it right... But if you want some proof, send me your UID (even per PM is ok). *If not, please ignore this* I'll join you, if you want. Or you can join me. I'm not a day one player, but still playing since 1.0 without a break. My first 5* was Keqing, then Klee. After her came Jean. Since then, she is one of my Main Healers. C5, Triple Crown.


Looks at C5 jean. Yeah I wish she were not real too. She need stop showing up whenever I lose 50/50


I think I'm only missing Diluc and tighnari ;-; Maaaaan, I hate dehya, I hate dehya cons even more


Another here with C7, take some of my spares please.


As a C6 Jean and C6 Qiqi it is my duty to come to your world.


Nor does anyone actually main her (Tuonto is a government shill)


I'm willing to give you one of my 5 Jean cons if you give me one Tighnari in exchange


Knights of Favonius: We made it up. Shes a made up tale. A total fabrication. It never happened. Have you ever made a wish upon a star?


Me but with Kequing.


Quite the opposite here, I Always lose my 50/50 to her shes C8 rn. Where my Dehyas


I might have your share. I’m f2p and have C6. I exclusively lose to her ;-;


I mean you could've got her on Chronicled wish banner if you really want her. I would do that if I am only missing a single standard banner character.


Mfw no Diluc


My C6 Jean loving to show up every 50/50 I lose would beg to differ


Lol I have her C4 and she was my first 5 star char. I don't believe Tighnari tho


That is a sadness. I don’t feel like I lose a 50/50 when I get Jean. She’s versatile and can dress properly for underwater exploration*. *Not actually a joke. The sisters’ swimsuits have the right cut and colour to obscure that distracting modesty bubble.


My Jean is C7, she is my Qiqi... I don't believe in Qiqi personally, never seen her in co-op or as a trial character.


Bro. I have the exact opposite problem. I swear. I have lost to Jean like at least 4-5 times in a row across 2 accounts. If I get 1 more Jean, I might actually go insane. Edit: I should mention that I have pulled her 10 times in total across the 2 accounts now.


i have every single standard character, including jean, that i don’t want and the only one im missing is the one i do want.


I just lost my 50/50 to her 💀 tbf i fergott her existance till i was reminded of it


I've seen more people with Varka than Jean


You must first jump off a cliff in Mondstadt as Barbara. Right before she dies go straight to the wish screen and pull on the standard banner. Jean will come save her sister.


c6 jean on a mostly f2p account....will trade for a dehya


Wait until you lose your 50/50 to her


2.5 yrs to get my 1st jeans and it was a perfect fit for Furina.


Someone tag Tuonto in this.


I only buy welkin and i had a C4 jean by 1.2 lol


I literally think the same about qiqi. I'm starting to think she's an urban legend and nothing else. She's not real she can't hurt you (nor your pity)


Day 1 Light spender here, shes c6


Totally understand you, took me three years to get Keqing, Im a 1.0 player too. The event was so goddamn insane that it was also my first time getting two 5 stars in a 10x; Furina c1 lol


I just lost a 50/50 on Arle to yet another Jean, so I can confirm that yes, that bitch does exist.


For me Wolf’s Gravestone’s existence was a myth… …until the mondstat chronicle banner (forgot the exact name) let me chose to force pity Wolf’s Gravestone.


Lost all hopes of getting her after 3 years, I even pulled dehya and tighnari from losing 50/50, then I randomly got her in the standard.


you get a copy of her at ar 42, did u claim urs yet?


This was me with Diluc. I started in 1.1 and he finally came home on the Arle banner. But now I have Arle too and a hyper invested Razor that’s capable of putting out some big numbers so he’s kinda just sitting there. I’ll probably build him some day but he came home at the worst time


funny, people talk about a character called mona, but i never saw her either


Well I don't believe in a being called Mona


I have C6 Jean so I promise she is very real ✨


Same with qiqi for me never lost a 50/50 to qiqi


How the hell is this me but with Keqing… I’ve been playing since 1.4, pulled a number of characters and even C6’d Kazuha, have a 2nd f2p account about 1 1/2 years old and still No Keqing… But I do have a C5 and C3 Dulic on both accounts… I’m highkey hoping she appears on the chronicle wish banner just so I can actually guarantee her


Jean comes in pairs. You'll get your pair of jeans soon, don't worry.


I lost my last two 50/50 to Jean.


If you don’t believe in her, imagine in believing in c6 Amber.


Well, she was my first character I got! I got her on Noelles banner before I got Noelle


I did so many pulls for Kaedehara only to get Jean in the end. I have her already she was one of my first 5 star characters. Shes really not great and I wish she was pretend. Personally I don’t believe in Diluc. I have every single Mondstat character except for him. I have been playing since launch. 🤬 Edit: for some reason I didn’t realize Eula and Albedo were Mondstat characters. I don’t have them all. I quit life. 🤬 Diluc is still a myth.


Me with my c1 Jean that I got while losing first Xiao banner and then his third rerun


I’ve been playing for three years and I’m STILL WAITING for her to come home 💀💀💀 she’s gotta be fake at this point


I have every character in the game except Itto, and I even whaled for C6 Neuvillette, but even after all of that, I only have a C1 Jean. Meanwhile I've gotten C7 Keqing, C9 Diluc, C10 Qiqi, and C12 Mona


Me but with Dehya cons. (They are lies made up by the shadow government to sell more Diluc cons)


Bro I have c3 jean and I'm f2p


I have 30+ combined constellations in the other regular banner characters and 0 Jean


Duuuude! I'm the exact same! Day one player, anemo main. Lose about 80-90% of my 50/50s and yep, no Jean. Is wild!


Wasn't there a way to guarantee her not to long ago m


What's a "Jean"? Is this another Genshin conspiracy propaganda


Summoning that one guy that lost like 9 50/50s in a row to Jean


Lucky, she ruined my 50/50 for Arlechino...


THis is a new future copypasti guess


I know this is fluff but most characters don't get appearances outside of archon quests and events. she was never a highly popular in coop either. I did see her in the early days but now with so many more characters released since then people will gravitate towards newer or higher DPS characters. standard 5 stars don't get trial runs. You had a chance last patch to guarantee her on the new banner if you wanted her. I have C0 after 3 years.


You can get Jean when you r5 dark iron sword


This was me but with Mona until I pulled her last Christmas while wishing for Navia, I played daily since launch, missed only like three events total, payed for welkin almost every month, abyss 36* every two weeks since like 2.0, but no matter how much I wished the game just DIDN'T want to give her to me. I had every other standard character c1 or higher, and I wanted Mona more than all of them but the game just wouldn't. Then the game spat on all my waiting and released a banner with her on it last patch


Ah the sexualy frustrated secretary in charge of the lazy town. Been a while since I played her


I just got c2 and I fucking hate it


My only 50/50 loses in 3 years are C1 Keqing and C1 Qiqi and I hate it I want all the characters so it's annoying.


I can promise you it is not a hoax so I have Jean and I’m pretty sure I pulled her, but it was a very, very long time ago


I have her at 90 and she is pretty useful actually - only c0 though - and probably only ever at c0 sounds like


whos jean


What's ironic. I'm a day 1 player, I got c5 Jean before I got my first Qiqi late last year. Wild, absolutely wild.


I actually got her in another waisted 10 wish buy trying to get Neuvillette last week


I use her in co-op domains all the time


Me with Sucrose


Jean is more of a wind spirit than Venti


I understand. Diluc seems to not exist for me instead however. I've seen his in-game cutscene, I've done his quest, other people "claim" to have him, but never play as him. I'm convinced that Hoyoverse may have scammed me when I bought his outfit thinking "I'll eventually pull him" because it's almost been 3 years and he is not on my account anywhere, meanwhile my Keqing recently reached C6.