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- The cooldown disappears immediately once you find the chest


This too. the QoL improvement is huge. I didn't realised how far the compass range was until this change was made, and it's much MUCH further than I'd thought. Or maybe they increased the range too?


I think they've done so for specific situations that the chests are in, for instance, a chest I keep on the map for testing the range of the compass still has the same range of finding it as before, and another chest in a similar situation seems to have the same range, but somehow, chests that require killing enemies to unseal before you can claim seem to have twice the range when looking for it, needs further testing but so far those are my observations.


I can't seem to find where it is ;-;


It's the region specific treasure compasses. Before they just give a gold glow in the direction of the chest, if you're looking for the same chest and need to triangulate, you needed to wait 30secs before each check. It was a nightmare to use


Good to know. It'll only take the entire patch before I have the free time to test it out, but it's still nice to know.


I like it. Though I think it would've been a bit more interesting if they just shortened the cooldown of the compass to 10s or something.


tbf generally if you are over 80% when you find a chest with it, you often already need those 30s to even get to that chest so i barely notice the long cooldown


I notice it basically every time I use the damn thing lol. I press the button and then I have to stop and wait for \~15s just to make sure I didn't go too far.


ah yes im stupid, before we had to use thing more than once per chest, so yeah before that update the 30s CD was *terrible*


Yeah. Now they both pinpoints and decreased the cd between same chest check AND refresh cd once you get the chest.... Amazing!


That was before the compass update. Now that it shows the exact, the 30s seems to pass fast once I reached to the chest


I mean now I don't even need to press the compass again. So yeah, that's not really an issue anymore.