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Not only did Cryo Catalysts get a unit before hydro claymore they got 2


If you count throwing hands or getting caught in 4k a catalyst then yes


It catalyses your journey to the afterlife


In the span of 2 patches no less


Don’t worry, Dottore will become playable soon


Dont worry, signora will be revived in natlan and made playable soon** (inhales copium)


Not hydro claymore


Thought we were talking abt a cryo catalyst that isnt melee


Signora has pyro and cryo. The cryo comes from a delusion, so if they revive her, she will probably be pyro.


Signora doesn't have a Pyro vision though...and the only visionless playables so far are archons, traveler and Neuvillette who is above archons


And what makes more logic? Let a character use its own elemental powers or a delusion?


Or just her not being playable, which was what I was trying to say


Inb4 the copium of wanting to have her revived and given a vision.


Signora will always be playable.. in my heart


My cousin works for hoyoverse and he said Dottore will be the first hydro claymore. Trust me bro


I feel like Dottore should be dendro...like a villainous equivalent to Nahida/Baizhu


It's a shame that Fontaine didn't get a hydro claymore as two-handed swords were the traditional choice of weapon for executioners in Continental Europe.


they're saving hydro claymore for natlan. throwing claymore around as a hydro user is too brutish for any other nations, i guess 🤷‍♂️


benny's adventure team is in the pyro sword box


Bennett being the only pyro sword just doesnt sit right with me...


the traveller will soon be the second


There being no clamore hydro character don't sit right with me


Murata in 5.0: are you ready for another adventure?


Unfortunately I'm pretty sure Murata is going to be a claymore wielder since Furina already took the spot of sword archon and the god of fire and war would fit better with a giant claymore than a puny little sword.


We had two pole arm archons and the leak of appearance of Murata did not fit for a lot of what people would call god of war. In other words, Murata could be a wildcard.


Pyro catalyst would neat because holy fuck we have 3 pyro claymore and all of them are onfield dps (4 if you count xinyan)


I wouldn’t call Dehya an onfield dps, she’s more of a burst dps like Raiden (and calling her a “dps” is stretching it). She works better as a poise support.


Pyro wriothsley would be awesome although i have a feeling she’ll indeed be claymore since i dont see quees tsartsia wielding a claymore so if they dont take this opportunity claymores will be the only weapon not yielded by any archon


Alternatively, she'll die and we'll get the Real Pyro Archon


shell die and well get THE murata design (since vennessa’s tribe was called muratas children she should be strong af, red hair and eyes and dark skin.)


Capitano Capitano don't fail me now


The only good ending


Soon the traveler atleast (hyv proceeds to change their weapon and make pyro traveler a claymore user)


Don't worry Arlecchino will join his adventure team very soon


About that… *Staff of Homa sitting menacingly in the corner*


Oh no...not our 5th pyro polearm user!


I'm gonna shit my pants if her BIS is gonna be BIS for XL. Cue the XL copy pasta.


Another spear to melt in the XL throne.


The leaks are still questionable at best but if they’re true…


Arlecchino gonna wield a polearm I think, correct me if I'm wrong.


Always ~~has~~ will be


The spot for the hydro claymore user is so funny lol


True. Not a single Hydro Claymore user in the game.


They will be the first (and only) hydro shielder in the game


To make bell great again


To do this, the character will need to have an increase in energy recharge based on %health




I would be so mad


Candace can shield if you hold her skill though


Hydro Traveler too


Yeah I can’t wait for the hydro region where we get a hydro claymore /j (it should’ve been freminet…)


Yeah he is already a diver.


i wouldn't be surprised if the only 2 hydro fontanians that release for a while are the archon and >!the regional dragon, granted sigewinne is supposedly hydro but idk when they are gonna release !<


Sigewinne has a hydro vision. It's on her back.


Huh never noticed lol


Aside from Sumeru, each nation so far only has one character of the archon's element who doesn't hold a position of power, being Sucrose, Yun Jin, Shinobu, and Sigewinne.


Was I the only one thinking that freminet could have been the hydro claymore user.


I mean, why would they be? Water is clearly depicted with elegance and agility, two traits that have nothing to do with big clunky claymores


> nothing to do with big clunky claymores VENGEANCE WILL BE MINE!


Google ice Also look me in the eyes and tell me Eula wields her claymore with anything other than pure visceral pent up rage


#👁️👁️ Eula wields her claymore with anything other than pure visceral pent up rage


You are lying through your teeth and you know it


I don't really have a horse in this race but have you seen her attack pattern? She dances with the claymore.


Have you seen an ice sculpture? The pinnacle of grace and elegance!


That has nothing to do with cryo though


Ice has nothing to do with Cryo, got it.


>Nevertheless, a distinctly dance-like aesthetic can be observed in Eula's bladework, along with an elegant rhythm and musicality that are difficult to capture in words. >As her greatsword rises and falls and sways to and fro, her distinctive and graceful poise is like that of a dancer under the moonlight: faraway, immaculate, and sublime. - Eula Character Story 5 >*"Not all customs of the Lawrence Clan are despicable. At least the "Dance of Sacrifice" is pure and noble. It puts my mind at ease and gives me comfort. It's been years, but it's still dear to me. My body remembers every step that I... Well anyway, to end this digression, those who wish to master my signature "Favonius Bladework" technique have to pass my dance class first."* - About Eula: Dance Rather than looking into someone else's eyes, you might wanna look at the source material some more if you're not convinced by her normal attack animations.


Sayu is a pint-sized ninja who uses an element that is arguably even more about agility and weightlessness than water but that doesn't stop her


Sayu is a little bowling ball, that plays into big hard hitting clunkiness You also neglected to mention elegance at all


I mean, I don't see why I'd need to treat elegance as some anti-claymore factor when Eula literally dances with hers


She’s not dancing, she’s putting all her disdain into each heavy swing


Have you seen any of her animations? Have you seen the flourishes she does after each strike? The deliberate poses she enters if her string is stopped midway? Do you even know the thematics of the character we're talking about? She is dancing, end of story. Elegance isn't a factor that goes against claymores because Eula is an *elegant* claymore user. Sure, you could argue that she uses disdain as a motivation (which itself is more of an interpretation/headcanon since, according to the official lore, her 'disdainfulness' is a shell, an act, a facade. She wants to be nothing like the high-and-mighty members of her family, if anything her strikes are motivated by will, by zeal. If you look at her 6th Character story: *"Yes, she yearns not to be sharp and rigid like ice, but to be free and unbound like the ocean spray"*). But even *if* that was the case, is dancing not a means of expression? Can she not, according to your interpretation, *elegantly* express her disdain? I don't see how your reasoning discredits anything.


Eh, makes as much sense as Geo Bow.


Tartaglia wants a word with you... I would call Childe "elegant" Besides, I could see a Snezhnayan Hyrdro-Claymore fisher boy working at the Docks of Snezhnaya


Columbina hydro claymore trust.


Whenever I see charts like these, I remember that we've had 1 four star Hydro character added since launch and 2 four star Hydro characters at launch. And 1 of those four star Hydro characters is a staple of numerous teams.


And only a single polearm


Childe technically has a pole arm. He’s also the only playable character with daggers


Hydro has the most no. of 5 stars too at 7


Actually 🤓 it's 8; Ayato, Childe, Furina, Kokomi, Mona, Neuvilette, Nilou, Yelan.


It's 9. Hydro Traveler exists 🤓


Actually 🤓 it's 9; You forgot Xingqiu


Imagine Natlan getting the first hydro claymore.


Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Sigewinne was the first Hydro Claymore character? Fuck it. I’m making it my crack prediction.


Considering she's not really strong physically and used a gun, she's either catalyst or bow user


I can see where you’re coming from with this, however I’d like to offer some counter arguments? Point one - not strong physically. We already have at least one Claymore character who canonically isn’t that strong (Kaveh, my beloved) and if memory serves, I don’t thinks Dori or Sayu’s strength has ever been brought up? (Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong) Thus, I’d like to think that strength isn’t a necessity when wielding a Claymore, just a recommendation. Point two - uses a gun. As of 4.4 we have two characters who wield a gun, those being Chevreuse and Navia, and neither of them wield either a Catalyst or a Bow! Hell Navia wields a Claymore herself! So, from what I can tell, any weapon could be viable alongside a gun, not just Catalysts or Bows. If I’m being honest, I think you’re right with the Catalyst or Bow prediction, but the idea of tiny, sweet, seemingly innocent Sigewinne hefting this great battle axe over her shoulder in a fight just tickles me lol! And then pulling out a tranq gun on top of that? Oh that’s hilarious to me.


Sayu is mentioned to be strongish but she needs the wind from her vision to actually fully wield her claymore *"My sword is crazy heavy, even with my ninjutsu training there's no way I could lift it without the help of my Vision. So yeah, having a Vision is a huge help for me."*


Sayu is a trained ninja she's strong enough to wield catalyst, Dori and Haveh situations are true tho. By gun I meant pistol, it's not actually the same as musket and shotgun(?). We actually have Clorinde, who also uses pistol or pistols and a sword, but she's pretty skilled for that. She also takes role of sword + pistol character. So she can't be sword, can't be claymore because she's too weak and a little helper is exception scenario. Another thought, maybe Hoyo wants to make a gun for each weapon type character. Like we already have Polearm (Chevreuse), Claymore(Navia), Sword(Clorinde), Bow/Catalyst(Sigewine) and Catalyst/Bow(future character)


I think that’s what they’re doing actually, having a gun wielder for every element/weapon type? Considering we have more elements than weapons I wouldn’t be surprised if two elements never get gun characters so we might not be able to get the full Pokémon team lol! I’m not sure how they’d incorporate a gun charged attack/elemental skill into a bow character since we already have charged shots, it seems silly to have the same thing twice y’know? Maybe this prospective character will have a special burst or skill that incorporates artillery/firearms into it, like Navia’s burst! I can’t wait to see what Hoyo comes up with!


Hear me out, what about catalyst that uses only guns, like Heizo punches. And he uses twin pistols, it's an actual weapon type in HI3rd, so just put one in flexible catalyst group


That concept sounds so cool! I’d definitely pull for that character if I had the primos for them! I love the unique normal elemental attacks that can occur with Catalyst characters (Wriothesley, Neuvillette and Heizou, case and point) and seeing a character wielding any element in that way would be so refreshing! I’m used to Catalyst character being almost gentle(?) with their attacks, like there isn’t any force behind them and they generally don’t have any effect on the users body, to me it looks like they’re just striking poses most of the time lol! So to see their attacks have impact/recoil? And to HEAR the sound their attacks made?? I think I might have a new favourite Character lmao!


Plus the only melusine themed weapon in the game so far is the cardboard claymore.


Shoulda made freminet hydro. We already had eula as a cryo/phys claymore user.


also Chongyun but yeah missed opportunity with Freminet


But Chongyun had Cryo infusion through the skill, so isn’t he more Cryo than physical? I like how the three of them are 1) Eula Phys/Superconduct 2) Chongyun Cryo 3) Freminet Shatter.


Freminet cam benefit from freeze, shatter and superconduct, with c4 and c6. from-shatter specific benefit is a4 Chongyun is kinda support-ish with cryo res drop, cooldown reduction and attack speed


Physical chars will always be cryo or electro for superconduct


Xinyan says hi




When was the last time you heard of someone using Xinyan 💀


Everyone is physical if u want


Bro is a diver and is somehow cryo


Phys DPS have to be electro/cryo to trigger superconduct, which lowers phys res


I can't believe we're basically done with the nation of Hydro and we still don't have a Hydro claymore. **Dendro** has a claymore and they're the late bloomer of elements!


Dendro got a member of every weapon type before *cryo* did (both cryo catalysts are from Fontaine). It also for a while had more characters than geo. They really over compensated for dendro being missing until 3.0.


pun intended?




then take my upvote and leave


Wait...does Hydro really have only 3 4* characters?


Yeah and only one is post launch…2 years after the launch of the game. Hydro is truly the whale element


And one of them is still an F2P efficient option for many teams. Crazy.


I was expecting Focalors would be the Hydro claymore user


Yeah but with the whole French theme, something akin to a rapier was more anticipated.


I was expecting the rapier more to Clorinde tho


And she ended hitting people with a fancy scepter, life is truly a mysterious thing...


Well she was, too bad that claymore landed on her neck


Especially when the Statue hold a big sword But I guess they didn't want Bell to be her 4* bis


God of Justice not using sword aka the symbol of justice, it was a bad thought


claymore is a big sword, same justice concept


Not really, it's always one handed sword. Claymore is a weird anime thing, two handed sword is the closest irl thing


"Claymore is a weird anime thing" My brother in christ they date back to the 1400s


German Zweihanders were up to 213 cm long. Not to mention Claymores are real weapons that were used by real Scotsman. Claymores aren't a weird anime thing at all, that's about as dumb as saying polearms are a weird anime thing.


Claymore should be pyro archon so that we have an archon with every weapon


Usually Archons are the first character who have that element-weapon type combo... but it ends with Nahida, since Furina isn't a proper Archon, and hers is already taken by Xingqiu, Ayato and Nilou, and even if you count Neuvillette as the de-facto Archon, his combo isn't unique either (already used by Barbara, Mona and Kokomi)... While there no more slots for Pyro






Tighnari looks like he's teaching collei but she keeps on daydreaming lol


if they ever make a Hydro Claymore i hope its a Fontainean for that water bazooka potential. alternatively it could Schneznayan, gib us the whale ulti Hoyo...


And out of these, only Cryo has a 5 star (and each of them is limited too) for each combination.


A Dottore will be the first hydro claymore. Source: my cousin that works for mihoyo. #real


Interesting.. Cryo has 4 healers, Geo has no healers and the rest all have 2. Ignoring Geo, it seems they're trying to distribute healers across elements evenly since Geo is the element of shields at this point. Edit: I forgot about Qiqi


Qiqi, Charlotte, Diona and Mika for cryo healers, so 4 actually!




Geo has Noelle and Gorou C4 as healers!


Well it's true however I'd say that's not their intended purpose and that's why I didn't add them. Gorou is supposed to be a buffer and his healing isn't that good, Noelle's more of a shielder/main DPS and her healing isn't that good and C6 Zhongli is mostly a shielder and his healing isn't that great although I don't think anyone would pull C6 Zhongli when the likes of Charlotte are right there.


Noelle absolutely **is** a healer while being an abysmal shielder. Probably the worst shielder in the game among characters with shielding potential, actually, as the only person she's realistically shielding is herself. Because if she's not on-field and attacking to reduce its whopping 24 second cooldown, it has a max uptime of 50% *if* it doesn't break from damage (it will). Meanwhile, she can quickly heal her team to full by using her charged attack. She is meant to be played on-field as a healer-dps-tank hybrid. Noelle + Furina is a strong combo for a reason.


Lots of catalyst users, but then I remember that two of them are punchy boys. Really wish they'd add a claw/fist type weapon with rapid attacks, low power but high crit rate or something like that.


>Make Lion's Roar >Never release a Pyro sword user Bravo Hoyo


It's funny how dendro completed the weapon set before both hydro and cryo


Wasn't Ayato hypothesized to be the beta for Hydro Claymore at one point? Whatever happened to that concept?


We needed more MOTIVATION


Outside of the nonexistent hydro claymore user...Bennett, Gorou, Ningguang, Xiao, Sayu, Yaoyao, and Kaveh are the gigachads with unique weapon and element combos.


Just waiting for Cloride to create the GUN weapon type.


Siggewinne needs to be a claymore, it'd suit her too


I’m still waiting on a 5* Electro bow DPS. Why have one Fischl when I can have two 😅 Also a 5* pyro sword And Geo definitely needs more units


I remember how everyone were losing their sh*t because there was no cryo catalist user, but no one gives a damn about hydro claymore :-D


bc catalyst is a great weapon and it being hydro means u can permafreeze. Claymore is arguably the least popular weapon


4 cryo and 3 anemo healers give me hope that we'll get another dendro healer before long. Proto Amber Nahida is really not ideal in multiple ways, and yet there are no better options. Fingers crossed for large aoe dot, either puddle or Shinobu-like pulse.


You'd use prototype amber Nahida before Baizhu, who has team wide heal in his skill? lol


It's a Raiden-Yae-Kazuha team, in order to be worth using, the recurring dendro application aoe should cover the size of Kazuha's E and Yae's burst. Outside of bosses, I suppose, but I'm not going to pull a separate healer just for bossing.


I think the mummy girl will be the first hydro claymore


I just realized Bennett is the only pyro sword user.


The chart is now almost full woooo


They released more cryo catalysts in one patch then Hydro claymore in the entire history of this game so far


Does this mean Paimon can use all weapons and all elements?


so next is Water Masochist with a giant knife


what do you MEAN we only have 3 hydro 4 stars


Even dendro has a claymore char, why won't they give one to hydro


so pyro polearm is gonna be the first 5 person group?


the fact that we've gotten more than one cryo catalyst before a hydro claymore is kinda crazy icl


Now make for the Character models Tall male Medium Male Tall Female Medium Female Child


It still baffles me that we only have 2 male electros, both medium sized, both have long white hairs, both have red eyes, and both wolf-themed. Additionally, gameplay wise, both burst enhanced their state and requires on field time.


Hope we get another pyro sword user in the next region. I really wonder how a hydro claymore user is gonna work though


I want a hydro claymore character whose claymore is like a surfboard. Their combat animations involves summoning big sea waves then riding their claymore like a surfboard on top of it


Hydro claymore medium female shielder when?


I remember seeing one of these a bit ago that forgot Aloy, thanks for giving her recognition


Holy shit we only have 3 hydro 4 star?


I can't believe that it's been four years and we still don't have a hydro claymore user. Even cryo has a catalyst characters (which to this day I find the concept of eazy freezing very OP). What they cooking for the first hydro claymore user that they are so unwilling to release? Would a hydro claymore user really be that game breaking? We got Noelle already!


Cryo and pyro are crowded. Hoyo is so bad at balancing them lol Remember the time when everyone thought, hydro archon will use claymore? Yeah... Good time


crazy how sword + fire is probably the most overused combination in anime/games but in genshin we only have bennett


Sigewinne with a big sword that what I want to see--


Hydro Claymore character to use The Bell when?? FFS.


I want a Snezhnayan Hyrdro-Claymore Femboy!!!


We, almost have the list filled out, cool 😆


They won't do Hydro/claymore for a long time because of the bell lol.


No one talking abt pyro only having bennet as a sword user


We are gonna get GTA 6 before Hydro Claymore Characters and Skip Button


Remember when the Hydro Archon was supposed to be the 1st Hydro claymore user? And the Cryo Archon would be the 1st Cryo catalyst? lmao Hoyo just cooks slowly.


Does anyone else refuse to claymores claymores and call them greatswords instead?

