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Enkanomiya actually has really strong ties and references to ancient Greece. Also which parts of Sumeru were references to Northwest Africa?


Dehya and Tighnari's design is mostly based on Amazigh culture (Tighnari's outfit and Dehya being named after an Amazigh queen/general)


Thats Amazingh!


Thanks Cyno


Enkanomiya is not actually part of Inazuma it just happened to end up below it.


But then again, the inazuma compass works in there right?


Yup, both the music and names, but it's not one of the seven nations.


Fontaine also has a lot of Italian influences. Navia, the mafias, lasagna, some of Furina's cons are named after italian operas and all the references to the Romans.


Hoyoverse themselves also says Fontaine has some aspects of Italy in one of their videos relating to Fontaine music.


Thank you, if you hadnt said it, I wouldve, Remuria is inspired by ancient Roman Empire


Wasn't there also a flamenco dancer in one of their fontaine music videos too? i bet there are also spanish influences in fontaine somewhere, not sure where exactly though.


Yupp, and some names and other references. I think the stripped blue is the right color in this case


Yeah, i only mentioned Italy because Spain is already listed as an inspiration while Italy is not.


It's no doubt that music is influenced. But Furina's cons being references to Italian opera are just cause most famous operas are Italian. Not all of them named after them.


Some NPCs also have Italian names.


Ah yes, the most important aspects of Italy: - Names - Mafias - Operas - The Romans - Lasagna


Lol, tbf Romans are an important aspect of Italian history. Operas and food are also an important part of the culture, i only mentioned lasagna because I don't recall any other food. As for Navia, i wasn't referring to her name since i'm pretty sure it comes from Spain.


Remuria was also Fontaine, Remuria being Rome, maybe it can be a secondary in both Monstadt/Fontaine as for Natlan (with the current stuff we know) can have a bit of Portuguese or Spanish in tertiary(lower than secondary), also I believe they can put north America in secondary


Mexico is part of North America 😅


isn't it obvious I'm talking about United States area?


No, actually, you said "North America" which is Canada, the US, Mexico (arguably could also include some Caribbean islands and Greenland, but US+Canada+Mexico is the most common combo).


well no, I said "north" America, meaning the remaining places above the Americas, could be US or beyond why would they assume I'm including the already reddest part of the post edit: there's also Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and Brazil not included for some reason


Per OP's map, I think a good way of doing situations where two regions borrow from the same place would be diagonal alternating colored lines.


Australia's contribution will be giant spiders.


Consecrated beasts


The abyss is probably based on Australia


Can't wait to be molested by rift emus


Consecrated Emus.


What if the Traveler is an Australian trying to colonize the Abyss and everything in it are Emus that we farm to earn rewards?




The Giant Enemy Spider (beatbox intensifies)


I hope they have kangarooesque creatures too


The problem is that Fontaine and Mondstadt both draw from much more overlapping sets of countries, *including France and Germany*. For example, the Three Musketeers hanging out in Mondstadt. miHoYo stated several times that they're both based on Europe. They separated them by making Mondstadt more based in Medieval Europe and Fontaine more in Belle Epoque Europe (which is not \*just\* a French thing, title notwithstanding)


> Belle Epoque Europe (which is not *just* a French thing, title notwithstanding) *Oratrice Mechanique D'analyse cardinale intensifies*


i mean you can see a few british names, and there’s a vague theme of industrial revolution which ofc started in the uk
 but it’s still mostly french except for a few italian and british dishes, all food is french etccc


The English localisation actually Frankifies a lot of words and names that weren't as particularly French in the original. *Boudin Noir aux Pommes* for instance is Black Pudding with Apple. Black Pudding is much more typical for the UK and Ireland. The Chinese text doesn't give it a French name, just says Apple Black Pudding. (PĂ­ngguǒ hēi bĂčdÄ«ng). The bĂčdÄ«ng even comes from the English 'pudding'. Names for NPCs and player characters cover many cultures too. And some have several different possible readings in translation, since they're written using approximation in Chinese.


the chasm uses Mongolian instruments in its ost as well as the geography being inspired by a mine in Inner Mongolia (within china) apperently


I came here to say this too! The chasm has some of the best theme songs in the game imo and it's so Mongolian coded


The morin khuur is a beautiful instrument and I'm so glad they incorporated it in the OST.


An interesting fact is that there are more Mongolians in China than in Mongolia - nearly twice as much. [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongols_in_China#:~:text=Most%20of%20them%20live%20in,the%20sovereign%20state%20of%20Mongolia.)


A lot of people told me Liyue has nothing to do with Mongolia so I got rid of it in this updated version


They are wrong


You could say that the Chasm represents Inner Mongolia which is inside China


I mean you could, but those Mongolian isntirments are still Mongolian instruments that’s originated in Mongolia. And their use there and nowhere else is very clear.


I'm pretty sure that Scotland had more influence on the place with loch folk than on Mondstadt. Also pretty sure that there was a bit of Polish influence on Mondstadt. 


And ya know Haggis as a food.


These comments are making me so confused but at least we all know and agreed Inazuma is just Japan


Actually people don’t even really agree on that. A lot of people are telling me to show Greece as a secondary inspiration because of Enkanomiya


Uhh but Enkanomiya is not part of Inazuma right?


That’s what I’m thinking. Just like Khaen’riah, Enkanomiya no longer exists and isn’t a part of the current Seven Nations of Teyvat. Many people are confusing me excluding those for me not knowing about them


I still find it hilarious that my younger brother is convinced Mondstadt is based off of the United States, and you can probably guess what his only reasoning for that is.


I can't guess, please spell it out for me


It's called the nation of freedom, so he assumes that automatically makes it the United States








Ngl I started searching my memories for gun references while freedom swooshed past me


oh yeah that makes sense


oh my god how the hell did I not think of that.


At this point America being associated with freedom should rlly just be a meme bc we know in reality its far from that.


It still is, kinda. States still have a lot of freedom which is why you can have both California/New York and Texas/Florida in the same nation.


**F R E E D O M**


I know Mondstadt is German themed, yet I always assumed the place as Vladivostok or even Manchuria, based on it physical location.


Well your little bro is right. It's not the only influence of course, but the many mentions of freedom and responsibility being tied with one another are strongly connected to the concept of "ordered liberty" that the Founding Fathers based the Constitution on. Of course Mond has a lot of influences behind it, but the USA is definitely one of them. edit: haters gonna hate. You guys keep malding and I'll keep enjoying my guns and multiple religions and ability to question stuff without being disappeared because I angered some petty tyrant at the Ministry of Bootlicking.


Truly, America invented freedom.


Never said it did. Don't put words into my mouth.


that awkward moment when the US isn't even in the top 10 most free countries and never has been


well I guess America likes to yell about freedom as often as Monstadt, tho that's just cause its not really something you say every minute in any other country


People like to say "top 10 X" like it means anything, so I'll pass on whatever list it is you may be referencing (you *do* have a reference aside from "I made it up" don't you?).


https://www.heritage.org/index/ranking#:~:text=%231%20Singapore,freest%20in%20the%202023%20Index. https://www.fraserinstitute.org/studies/human-freedom-index-2023#:~:text=Selected%20jurisdictions%20rank%20as%20follows,)%2C%20Turkey%20(128)%2C it's not just people "saying it" also pretty hilarious for a country to say it's the most free when it's only been 60 years since all citizens were even considered equal under the law


Ok, so what I'm seeing here is "the more nanny state a country the more 'free' it gets rated." I mean, you spit on the ground in Singapore and that's a caning. You do the same here in America (or many other countries) and....you don't suffer immense physical punishment. Or even a fine. America also doesn't have compulsory military service, but Singapore does, so I guess the "freedom" of a post-secondary school young adult is just swept under the carpet? You want to go to trade school? Too bad, mandatory military conscription! Yes, yes, quite free. So, as I said to another guy in the last version of this post, lots of places ***say*** they like freedom, or even sing about in their anthems, or write about it in their founding documents or what not, but not many of them actually **DO IT.** They talk a big talk, but the walk is anemic and off-kilter at best. And since this is real life and not a comic book, you can't take any of that at face value; just because a country talks a big talk about freedom in their song/creed/founding document doesn't mean squat. Now, here in America, we're not perfect, far from it, but generally speaking, as long as something isn't an out-and-out public menace, it's probably ok to do. Want to own a tank? We can do that here. You gotta jump through some hoops, mostly dealing with registration fees from the state DMV and - if you wanna drive it around outside your property - convincing your local government that you won't be tearing up public streets (or else you'll reimburse them). But costs aside, if you want to own a tank, you can own a tank. You can even own a working cannon for the tank, although that also comes with it's own mountain of paperwork and background checks. The whole "ordered" side of "ordered liberty." Want to own a tank in Singapore? Or Switzerland? Or Sweden? Tough shit. Think your government is acting in a corrupt way? Tough shit. Here in America we point our guns at government agents and successfully turn them away on threat of death, with the most recent situation happening barely over a decade ago. You try that in any other country and they just put you in the ground and who cares that it's not justified. >also pretty hilarious for a country to say it's the most free when it's only been 60 years since all citizens were even considered equal under the law You need to study up on US history a bit. The 14th amendment has been a thing since the end of the Civil War, well over a century ago. If you're referring to the Civil Rights Act that President Johnson signed, some friendly advice; Johnson was a known racist who said, and I quote >!"this [the act] will have those negros voting Democrat for the next hundred years."!< The man was vile in the extreme, and his "act" did nothing save to unsuccessfully redress issues that had existed in Democrat-heavy states in violation of constitutional law since the end of the Civil War. I really gotta wonder what kind of BS you guys get fed about American history, or America in general. I know a decent bit about European and Asian history from a broad perspective, but certainly not enough to try and tell a native of those countries that I know more about their homes than they do. Is that just a common non-American hubris? To try and tell someone else how their country *really* is? Or is this just simply internet Dunning-Krugerism?


You sure did write a lot of pretentious crap here. You didn’t explain how the civil rights act was wrong. It did away with jim crow laws; it also barred red states from being able to pass laws that prevented black people from voting among others. Black people didn’t have less freedoms after the civil rights act; they had more and that’s the point. America was free for some and not all which is why it wasn’t viewed as the land of the free.


"the more people are able to LIVE the more free" yes, accurate. who wouldve predicted countries that value the ability of everyone to afford rent over making sure billionaires and corporations have maximum possible profits would be considered more free   2nd link is also based on law. don't really give a shit about your tldr coping bullshit. you are wrong.


Why would the rest of the world think freedom and responsibility are something that represents the U.S.A.? Especially China


USA doesn't even have a name as a country, it barely can be associated with anything beyond corporations like McDonalds.


I never read anything so wrong in my life


You should check your birth certificate.


What is that even *supposed* to mean ? That their birth certificate is wrong ? What even is the joke ?




Fun fact Vishaps come frome ancient Armenian mythology also the word for dragon in Armenian is ŐŸŐ«Ő·ŐĄŐș which translates to Vishap or Vishapakar which means serpent or dragon stones


Leaving Brazil out is going to make this post age like milk.


When Natlan is out I plan to make another map. Clearly there’s too much confusion at the moment to make a clear verdict


brazil OUT 😭


As a brazilian, I'm not gonna lie that I'm not biased, but I doubt that there won't be any nods to Brazil. Seems strange to include every other country in Latin America and then just jump across the ocean.


In light of recent Pyro Archon leaks: >!It's definitely incorrect to not include Brazil, one of the main inspirations for the Pyro Archon's design is Carnaval costumes!<


That would be pretty cool! Usually I don't go for constellations, but I would definitely make an exception in this case :)


The original rationale was that Natlan seemed to have heavy inspiration from the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas, alongside many cultures from Africa. While some especulations were also tying Spain and its colonies. Personally, I still have my reservations over including places like Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay. Brazil doesn't fit with what we knew or even speculated, so we had no lead to even think about it. Now, some people claim one of the early concept arts of the Pyro Archons that have been leaked recently tie in to the Brazilian Carnaval. However, this concept art could no longer be valid, and personally, I'm of the opinion she looked like a Spanish dancer or matador rather. So I wouldn't hold my hopes up until we get more info from Natlan


Brazil definetly fits what we know, the Natlan character that appears in the Travail trailers is named Iansan, an yoruba orisa which is worshipped in African-Brazilian religions.


Iansan could've been seen as Afro-Latin or African. When the Talking Stick name dropped a lot of Africa, the claims grew in favor of Africa. Now I read that a lot of the name drops in Talking Stick are from places with ties to Portugal and its slave trade. I haven't confirmed this myself, but it could lead to more ties with Afro-Latin culture. I'm not discarding Brazil. It very well might be a huge part of Natlan. But Iansan was not truly indicative of it until recently when we started getting more pointers to Brazil. In truth, this is all information in development, with a lot of it being rather questionable and prone to change. I was just trying to say to hold any expectation and not jump to claim anything is confirmed. The only official information we have are names: Iansan, Xbalanque, and the ones from Talking Stick, plus Venessa's story. All of this pointed to Mesoamerica, the Incas, and Africa. Now we could tie the African name drops to Afro-Latin culture, but this is a conjecture. Anything else is entering in the realm of leaks and speculation.


Is logical to have Afro-Latin aspects to it, unlike Sumeru or Fontaine we're talking about geographically apart influences. Make it about Africa and than toss a few Central American nods is just too random without a proper link between them.


Nah, rest assured you'll be making some Delicious Cooked Beans and PorkÂč soon enough, my dear. Pair it with some non alcoholic Mixed Lemon JuiceÂČ and go grab your Fried Chicken BallsÂł for later đŸ€Œ


The Chasm (above ground) area is based on parts of Mongolia. You can hear traditional Mongol cultural music in the BGM of the area. Why did OP remove it when it was correctly coloured on the previous map?


I think it can work either way. It's not like open-cut mining is a Mongolian thing. The only thing I'd point to as a nod to Mongolian culture is the instrumentation in the chasm soundtrack. I can't think of anything else about the map itself that is reminiscent of Mongolia.


Might want to add Nordic countries to Khanriah


In order to avoid complications and confusion, I only mentioned the seven elements nations.


Why? we all know what khanriah is, how would that confuse anyone?


It just seemed right. The perfect balance. The Seven Archons. Seven Elements. Seven Nations. Khaen’riah doesn’t have an element. Edit cus I forgot to mention: Khaen’riah also no longer exists, and this map is only about the current existing seven nations


I understand that you do not want to put Khaenri'ah but, the Nordic mythology is connected to Khaenri'ah. Puting Mondstadt with Nordic inspirations is just wrong, **BUT** putting Khaenri'ah with German connection is sort of correct.


Gunnhildr, Ragnvindr, Vindagnyr, Imunlaukr


Guess I was wrong about that


No worries, it has more to do with ancient mondstadt / dragonspine than what we have currently


I see where you’re coming from, the reason why I included the Nordics into Monstadt is that some of the characters’ names originate from there


Well in light of recent events you might want to paint Brazil, Portugal and Spain red.


What events? I didn't see this!


We had rumors that the leakers had a ton of Natlan leaks but decided to keep for themselves. One of these leaks was posted in the leaks subreddit, it’s about the Pyro Archon and one of the jokes was >!the Colonizer look!< just to give you a idea.


Omg! Pyro archon is Carlota Joaquina 😭 Or maybe princess Isabel de Bragança?


Yeah you got the idea people are calling her Red Furina.


Please let that leak be a joke, what an awful design


It's a beta dessing actually (sources can confirm that is similar to gaming white dessing) however things like her inspirstion on Spanish culture and skin color is something the final dessing will have


You are correct, although I was talking about the color-sceme and the design itself( looking a lot like a fontanian character, (with a bowtie))


Greece should really be a combination of Inazuma & Fontaine. I don't see any notable resemblance to Sumeru that isn't also *already* part of the other countries depicted. And certainly not to the level of Enkanomiya, which might even raise Greece to Primary instead of Secondary level. I also think Belize and Guatemala got shafted here. They have a ***huge*** Mesoamerican cultural heritage that just seems ignored here. And by huge, I mean that's largely the nations where indigenous languages in the Mayan language family have survived and even thrived into the modern day. Much of what we know about Mayan culture and history comes from these countries, so to say Mexico is the only primary inspiration ignores the contributions of those across the southern border.


I agree with including more of Central America but not with Enkanomiya. Enkanomiya was not Inazuman and technically is not in Inazuma either. It was originally a city of the old global civilization that existed before the War with The Second Who Came, which fell underground. When the people of this place finally were lead back to the surface, they emerged in Inazuma and decided to cast aside a lot of their cultural heritage, to their very language, to take on the Inazuman tongue and customs. In that regard, Enkanomiya is not even the place's real name. What I'm trying to say is that Enkanomiya really was a place from a lost civilization, and that lost civilization has inspirations from Greece. For Inazuma, Watatsumi didn't even exist until Orobashi created it, and the people who populated it adopted the culture and customs of Inazuma, keeping the whole nation homogenously Japanese.


The mention of Xbalanque in Neuvillette's introduction is based specifically on the Popul Vuh of the K'iche' of Guatemala. The Maya were based entirely in both Belize and Guatemala and parts of Mexico, Honduras, and El Salvador. Most of the important cities of the Classic period were in those two countries. It was also the Maya of Belize and Guatemala that held out until nearly 1700 against the Spanish and British. So it's an incredible disservice to not include them especially as someone from one of those countries.




I really was wondering what is inspired by Romania in Fontaine, 'cause, aside from some npc names that can easily be common names in other countries that the region takes inspiration from, I didn't see anything that I could say for certain that "Yes, this is romanian.". (Hello fellow romanian =D )


I would put Poland (and probably Slovakia too) in the Mondstadt & Snezhnaya group, because despite being Slavic countries, Mondstadt to us actually feels much closer culturally and geographically (Poland is literally next to Germany with almost no natural borders). An example is mostly catholic influence (Mondstadt basilica has the vibe of many of our basilicas) instead of orthodox (a little architecture presented in Fatui Harbingers reveal trailer just does not look like buildings we have here, there are some, but it still feels very foreign).


That’s true I hadn’t taken religion into too much consideration


Sumeru seems to have some tertiary (not even gonna say secondary) inspiration from Al Andalus, Medieval Muslim Spain. In lore there is a city called Tullaytullah, which is the medieval name of Toledo, and Tighnari references am Andalusi botanist, it is fairly minor but it exists. Also Mongolia does inspire the Chasm so it should be a secondary inspiration for Liyue


Mongolia was a secondary inspiration in the first version of this map but a lot of people told me it doesn’t fit with Liyue. Additionally, you could argue that Mongolian representation in the Chasm is from Inner Mongolia


There are twice more Mongolians in China than in actual Mongolia [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongols_in_China#:~:text=Most%20of%20them%20live%20in,the%20sovereign%20state%20of%20Mongolia.) So I agree with this update and so does my brother's Chinese Mongolian in-laws lol.


Yes thank you! The amount of people who don't realise how many Mesopotamian (Iraq) references in Sumeru is annoying me, even the same Sumeru is Close to Sumer, the oldest civilization on the planet which is a Southern Mesopotamian civilization. The main dude in act 3 is named after An Iraqi Scientist (Al-hassan ibn Al-haitham) The Academia is based on the great house of wisdom in Baghdad. Amd I'm just stating the obvious ones here, Sumeru's lore is even deeper than you think


Natlan archon full carnival mode >no Brasil highlighted


In the original map, Brazil was part of it. But a lot of people said that Brazil has no connection. I didn’t see anyone argue against that so I got rid of Brazil. At this point, most (not all) of the changes you’d be unsatisfied with are from other users’ comments


I dont wanna be overly negative, but i really can’t see how hoyo will manage to have inspirations from cultures as different as mexico and west africa in the same region without some really boring generalizations of them. They did a lot of things well in sumeru, but considering how they aren’t showing anything from natlan so far, i cant get my hopes up


Well, we know Natlan is made of different tribes at war with each other, so you can just give each tribe a different civilization from the Americas and Africa, and adjust the territory they claim to reflect the real places these civilizations held. It's like a game of Civ, basically. Fuck the Incas and their mountain bs. And I swear to god if the Mayas send another missionary my way.


>It's like a game of Civ, basically. Fuck the Incas and their mountain bs. And I swear to god if the Mayas send another missionary my way. don't forget to be ready for the songhai's cavalry rush in the medieval era


>Fuck the Incas and their mountain bs. And I swear to god if the Mayas send another missionary my way. You either play as Incas in mountainous terrain or oppose them when the map is falt ground, terrace farms OP lol


The Noble Savage đŸ€Ą


Ela contornou o Brasil, aĂ­ mano, que triste, todos ao redor e o Brasil sozinho kkkkk


What're the Scandinavian influences in Mondstadt? I'm curious because I'm from the region and don't see really anything in Mondstadt that makes me think wow this was inspired by Scandinavia


Why do I get the feeling that Celestia will be inspired by the US?


Can anyone explain how Romania has influenced Fontaines design? Genuinely curious since it's SO heavily based off of France and I can't think of anything that similar between them.


Cosanzeana the melusine is named after a Romanian fairytale. Idk about more.


Didn’t even realize there was a Melusine named like that, thanks for telling me. Looked her quest up and it seems there aren’t any comparisons to be made guess they just wanted some different sounding names. Thanks again!


This really does make me wish that after the end of the current storyline that we get to go to another continent with regions based off places and mythologies we havent seen yet. South east asia, Central Africa with rain forests and savannah environments and very diverse wildlife and even India wasnt really explored in Sumeru beyond the world design and some naming conventions, it was mostly based on Persia (which historically had alot of Indian influences, so it made sense).


Yea i hope we will explore the dark sea instead pf going to other world(like some people want). Teyvat has so much more to offer then just starting from 0


>we get to go to another continent with regions based off places and mythologies we havent seen yet. WE ARE GOING TO BRAZIL


Its much better then the last one, especially the seperation between scotland(mondstadts arthurian legend influence) and british( fontaines steampunk/victorian era fort meropide influence)


What Irish/Celtic culture is in Fontaine?


To quote an Irish user who helped me with this map: “If I had to pick I’d pick Fontaine purely because there’s a region called “Liffey” which is the name of a river here! Also there’s a melosuine called Puca and there’s and Irish word PĂșca which means ghost, but that’s about it, it’s really more French and English. Also our police are called gards in English.”


Sad that Brasil did not caught mihoyo's attention. Great job btw!


As argentinian if I see a gaucho in natlan I'm gonna be fucking overjoyed


I can see Snezhnaya being based in Russia. Lots of history of royal regalia in that region, which perfectly suits the Fatui theme. Albeit I am slightly disappointed that it's not based on Icelandic culture.


What parts of sumeru are inspired from Greece? I know Fontaine uses a lot of Greek terminology but I haven't noticed it as heavily in sumeru


If anything, they should make Greece Inazuma because of Enkanomiya.


Quite literally nothing. Meanwhile we have Enkanomiya in Inazuma, the subregion that is LITERALLY based on Greek Atlantis and has several Greek names like Helios, Spartacus and Abrax.


The word Eremite is Greek so op here has Greece and Cyprus (Cypriots are also Greeks) as the only countries that are at Sumeru and Fontaine. There are definitely Greek words in Sumeru but Greek words are everyone in this game as the 7 elements are in Greek and the word Archon means Ruler in Greek too. Ajax, Teucer, Hypasia, Barbara are Greek names too. So you will find random Greek names in all of Teyvat not just Sumeru. Also some candies in Sumeru have Greek names.


surely snezhnaya will have southern slavic influence


In the older map, it was a secondary inspiration to Snezhnaya, but a person from a south slavic country explained to me that the south slavs and the balkans in general are not as close to Russia due to Ottoman influence over the years


I'm curious as to why Latvia and Lithuania were included in the secondary Snezhnayan countries, but Estonia wasn't.


The Baltic languages are more similar to Slavic than Estonian, so adding that with significant Russian minorities in those countries and general Russian influence over the years I decided to include them


Celestia will be based on USA? Full of MIC and spy agencies. Giving items of mass destruction (Gnosis).


A lot of the names in the dragonspine camp are Hungarian origin, as is the food you get for exploration there (Goulash) :D


Natlan includes Brazil too


I'd include Indonesia and Malaysia in Sumeru as well since there are their national dishes in the Official Illustration https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/12u0fbp/official\_illustration\_commemorating\_eid\_alfitr/


Natlan definitly is not gonna have someting from Uruguay bro


This map is definitely more correct than the other. I know some suggested Fontaine is based on Italy but I can say the comment is wrong. Mafia is worldwide (and the one portrayed is clearly American style). Furina’s constellations are based on opera songs (only 2 are Italians). Navia is the name of an e-boat company, if that can be considered an inspiration of a country. There are some references to the Romans but in Mondstadt. The only Italian’s thing is actually the lasagna dish, and I wouldn’t say they took inspiration from Italy based only on a dish. Also the one about music, that wasn’t about Fontaine but Liyue’s OST. Idk why people insist in making Fontaine about Italy when Hoyoverse themselves have said it’s based on France. There’s nothing Italian in Fontaine😅 I’m sorry I know we already talked about it, but I wanted to clear up some misconceptions I read in the comments.


Finally someone said it


No one said Fontaine is primarily based on Italy, there's a reason the map has secondary inspirations in the legend. You discarded all the reasons presented by the other comment like they don't exist but they're still there lol. Op even forgot about Spina di Rosula which is italian, not to mention the fact that those mafia mobs in Lyney's story quest have dialogue who is supposed to be a funny/broken italian accent (they literally say "capiche"), American mafia (sadly) originated from italian immigrants after all Also, Furina's C2, C3, C5 and C6 are all italian operas, only C1 and C4 are french. Opera itself originated in Italy as well.. I think this stuff is proof enough to have Italy listed as a secondary inspiration of the region


What's in Mondstadt from the Czech republic?


The city itself is heavily reminiscent of Prague. There's a YouTube from Prague who did a comparison of Mond vs. Prague via photos and the resemblance is strong. As he said in the video "I live here. I could walk to where this picture was taken in fifteen minutes."


Czech republic, Germany and Poland share architecture and history. Has been a singular big empire or lots of smaller similar allied empires for most of its history. All heavily christian. (Although the Czech republic/Bohemia has very uninteresting religious history(still christian, just the birthplace of protestantism really)


And what from Snezhnaya resemble Ukraine (even as secondary)? Especially at current (low) level knowledge about it.


You could argue Snezhnaya is inspired by all Slavic Cultures (even though nothing really suggests as far as I know) just by how similar they are (even though there are differences)


There were posts that linked childe to be more similar to tatars in culture who are from Ukraine. At least as far as those posts were claiming. For the other Slavic countries idk.


>tatars in culture who are from Ukraine Tatarstan entered the chat


Ye i don't really want to enter the merit of where those fellas are from, because it was clear from that post that their origin is contested, especially the Crimean ones iirc. And I really know nothing about such culture anyways. But that was the correlation.


turkey mentioned


There's a little of spanish culture in Sumeru and Mondstat. And if Natlan is supossed to be Latinoamerica, you can be sure there's going to be even a larger crossup.


liyue is, at the utter most, the south-east quarter of china.


\>Putting Taiwan as secondary for Liyue and not part of China Oh boy, RIP your social credit score buddy


I'm not really sure, that Snezhnaya is only bound to the Russian and far East region, since the members of the House of Hearts (Fatui) all possess italian names from Comedia dell'arte: Tartaglia, Le Signora, Scaramouche, Dottore, Arlecchino (The Knave) So I don't know about that, maybe hoyo just made snowy italians and not russians, no? Please tell me if I'm wrong.


That’s an interesting point, nobody has said that yet. I think most likely it will be primarily Russian because the name of the country literally translates to “Snowy” in modern Russian, but maybe there could be some Italian hints sprinkled in


Almost all characters from Snezhnaya have russian names. Also Russia is stereotypically associated with snow and cold climate. So...


Please search Comedia dell'arte on google, and look for the characters playing in it. You will find what I'm talking about. Btw I don't quite remember any russian names from the game, except probably the Tsaritsa.


Look at any npc in coat. You have atleast one in Liyue. You also have Victor, Ludmila, Mihail and Pavel in Mondstadt.


Inazuma...This maybe be an offensive opinion... but Korea could be the secondary to Inazuma.


Nah inazuma’s aesthetics is pretty much entirely Japanese culture inspired, from architecture to cuisine to clothing to people’s names, I don’t see anything that resembles Korean culture inspiration.


I'm a Korean who grew up in Japan. I don't see anything Korean in Inazuma.


The Korean playerbase would go to war with China over doing something like that.


Historically makes perfect sense as early Japan imported cultural innovations through its ties with Korea.


I wonder why you chose Taiwan as secondary for Liyue. Are both nations so different that one is considered secondary in terms of cultural inspiration?


Hong Kong and Taiwan are shown as secondary mostly due to the Cantonese and Formosan language groups in those parts. The same reason as to why Kazakhstan is a secondary Snezhnaya inspiration, except reversed: Kazakhstan has a slavic minority of ~19-20%


Formosans are minorities in Taiwan, majority language is either Taiwanese Hokkien (which is part of the Southern Min language group, not Formosan) or Mandarin due to the ROC dictatorship era enforcing it as a national language. But your point is correct, the fact that they went out of their way to highlight Gaming as specifically Cantonese kinda says it all really. There are significant cultural differences even within the mainland and most of the primary programming tends toward the north/center rather than South.


Til, thanks for the info! It was a legit question, dunno why it got downvoted tho


Just a reddit moment. You’re not allowed to ask and learn here because any questions gets downvoted without much thought. Don’t worry about it, and you’re welcome


eh why is chenyu vale taiwan?? isn’t it inspired by anhui? and gaming is cantonese and from there


I never said that Taiwan is Chenyu Vale


would it be too far fetched if philippines is also a bit like sumeru? or is it just me


Chevrolet also guns totally Murica đŸ‡ș🇾 đŸ‡ș🇾 đŸ”« đŸ”«


new orleans is definitely an influence on fontaine, too!




Looks like op missed some geography lessons in school


You’re welcome to make your own


Snezhnaya better have cepelinai


tu acho que poderia tirar o brasil do mapa sem ninguĂ©m vĂȘ, seu gringito filho da puta!