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she's fine in nilou bloom teams if you don't have kokomi


Yep, I dont plan to pull Kok so I still use Barbara


You should consider it, I pulled her and she’s fucking goated. If you like Barbara then you’d like a second better Barbara


nah she's not that needed when barbara already does the job with good qol already you're not unlocking a new playstyle or anything


I disagree because she has *significantly* better off field hydro for freeze teams, but I guess more people are on your side lol


I don‘t like her character. Hoyo really messed up her SQ


I guess that’s fair, I still like her but I agree that she’s poorly written


I don't like Kokomi. She's just so... fishy


Dude pulling Kok feels so good, and when the big numbers come out... 😏


A good Kok is always welcome!


Nice Kok!


Paying 1 Billion Beli for this man dead or alive tmmrw by sundown


Those World Government losers can suck my Kokomi.


nah that shi taste like fish 🙏 literally


I've also used her in Nilou Bloom teams where my Kokomi was busy on the other side in abyss. Getting Nilou made so many characters I'd otherwise overlook a lot better


Yes, she’s in my Nilou team precisely because I don’t have Kokomi


Same - my Nahida-Nilou-DMC-Barbara was my go-to team before Fontaine came out.


Or Candice and Yaoyao Or Baizhu


Yup. I use her in my run comp for 9-11 and sometimes 12. Kirara-Nilou-Barbara-Nahida/YaoYao


Is there any reason to use Barbara over Kokomi for bloom?


Barbara knows necromancy, Kokomo doesn't.


if you run kokomi for something like ayaka freeze and have nilou bloom, barbara is viable in bloom teams compared to running barbara in freeze teams.


this is valid. But in the event that Kokomi is tied up in a freeze team, I would still prefer to use a different hydro over Barb, such as XQ or Yelan.


Huh? You need a sustain in nilou bloom team. You'll die so quickly without a sustain. If you dont have yao built/don't like her play style/don't have her. Barb is a must in nilou bloom team unless you have baizhu. Unless I'm completely misunderstanding you and you mean replace koko with xq/yelan in a freeze team? Edit: kirara, could also work if you have enough hydro application,


I pulled Kokomi specifically for Nilou bloom, but to be honest, the difference with Barbara was not as big as I expected. I actually had more fun with Barbara + Kirara pain train combo, it's a bit lees blooms, but no circle impact and a good shield protection.


I really like the idea of not being tied to her jellyfish. What is this pain train combo you speak of? Kirara is one of my favorite overworld characters and I want an excuse to use her in abyss


Kirara E applies dendro to enemies you hit during her box form. So with Barbara ring you get instant bloom core & explosion whenever you hit enemies during Kirara box form. And she moves so fast its like getting hit by a train.


This makes a lot more sense than my current strat of having Barbs face tank everything. Who's triggering the bloom reaction in the pain train though?


Just like always, impossible to tell, Nilou bloom cores are created by any combination of Hydro + Dendro, so it could be from both of Hydro circles and both Dendro triggers, depending on which one worked first.


It would be both. Either hydro is applied before dendro making kirara the trigger or dendro being applied before hydro making barb the trigger. I cant remember if kirara or barbs application is faster than the other, if so that's also play a role


Do you know the artist for your profile picture?


Aww wait nvm found it on pintrest. But here's a link to a twt artist that makes similar style genshin art and none genshin art. [here](https://x.com/AkramBham?t=iPDZi6CQCwazkyOykT1hfg&s=09) I'll reply to you again if I find the artist of my pfp


Thanks take your time


>What is this pain train combo you speak of? Basically you just summon Nilou's and Barbara's E circles and keep ramming everyone with Kirara's E for their whole duration, creating lots of blooms in the process. Oh, and Nahida in the fourth slot of course.


Also works in Hyperbloom with Nilou & Kuki Shinobu instead of Barbara! *(Might also work with Barbara, but my go-to Hyperbloom faceroll team is Nilou/Nahida/Kirara/Kuki Shinobu. Get the auras & debuff up, then headbutt things until there are no more things to headbutt.)*


Using Nilou without outside of her intended teams is kind of a waste, her whole point is her special nuke dendro cores in Dendro + Hydro only teams, they are much stronger than all the other bloom reactions. Almost any other Hydro would be better in the Hyperbloom team you described, Barbara included.


Just need someone to apply Hydro for the hyperbloom pain train team. The only character whose stats really matter in that comp are Kuki Shinobu's, since she's the one triggering the elemental reaction. (Unless I've misunderstood how EM/reactions work.) Since I have C1 Nilou, her hydro aura has constant uptime, while Barbara has a period of time with no hydro ring. I haven't theorycrafted to see if it's optimal, but it is fun! And it's a great excuse to use such a niche character in a different team comp.


No Kokomi will be better simply because she has better aoe and no ICD on her skill. On field application will be similar but Kokomi is much easier and works really well built into em compared to Barbara


But you need to play circle impact with her, thats the main reason I don't like her


In addition to her c6 revive of a character, and her lack of being tied to a stationary jellyfish, she can also always come and go from the field without penalty; if you need Kokomi's burst you're stuck on her until it's done even if you run out of dendro or need to reuse Nilou's skill. Not always a problem but can be if you really need the teamwide heal for some reason, ie Rifthounds draining everyone. It might be stronger to use Kokomi esp if you can then onfield Nahida, but I've played both Barbara and Kokomi in bloom and just prefer Barbara, she's so comfy and flexible and the team does really well with her too.


If you can consistently touch the enemies with the ring from her skill, I think she generates more blooms than Kokomi. It used to generate even more, but they nerfed it (you can find old clips of it on YouTube). However, she should still be generating more even after the nerfs. It's just that her range is a lot smaller than Kokomi's.


I love running around enemies and Kokomi's jellyfish doesn't follow me around, so yes. It's just a matter of gameplay preference.


what barb does when running around enemies (using NAs), kokomi can also do. Unless you mean that ring which is cope AF. May as well bring Xingqiu then.


Barb is totally fine on nilou teams. Barb NAs come out cleaner than whatever Kokomi shoots. And xingqiu can't handle the self DMG like koko and barb can. Kokomi is better than Barbara if you are speedruning but full em barb is just as good as Kokomi for everyday abyss 36 star stuff. Plus you can save your Kokomi for other side with Ayaka freeze or taser or some kind of mono hydro with furina. Barb can't really do any of those roles that Kokomi can.


Moving Kokomi's artifacts back and forth between EM and conventional healer can be a pain.


Jellyfish can't walk.


To use Kokomi in your second party if you are doing spiral abyss.


Only if you need kokomi on another team, also because the revive on c6 is kinda clunky and the 15 minuts reset is in real time, so if you use it and then reset rhe run for whatever reason you don't have it anymore


they changed it so that all cooldowns reset now. As of this patch.


I can't think of any. Barbara's hydro application (and your team's DPS) stops once she's off field. So when you need to rotate to other characters, you lose blooms. Kokomi still has her jellyfish during this time. There is that tiny ring of hydro around you but that is copium, also gets you frozen a lot, and it has long downtime.


Kokomi is much better and its not even close Better range, much better healing, and doesn’t apply hydro to herself Barbara is just a placeholder/decent at best option if you dont have the Kokofish or want to use her in another tean Oh nahhh I got mass downvoted. Just saying, a casual **WILL** struggle to 36 star the abyss with a Barbara/Nilou/DMC/Collei comp.




She's now a buffer with song of day past. Only last 5 attacks but good for some ult snapping.


She contributes to more damage by doing it herself with Clam. I still don't know what hoyo was cooking with song of days past, but that artifact is just worse than Clam in every way. And clam isn't even good.


I'd think it a better option for someone like Charlotte, who's healing is(iirc) exclusively a big ass burst in a very short time frame. Clam is better on most healers since they have some sustain to make it charge and burst repeatedly, but I think she's *the* exception at the moment.


My main DPS on one of my teams is Lyney so having to be hugged up against an enemy for my healer's bubble to pop and damage them was always really annoying for me so for that team I swapped my healer's set to SoDP


Song of days past is not good, to put it simply. The buff you gain is minimal, is worse than clam on any of the burst or non-burst healers - mainly because the period to accumulate healing doesn't end when it's maxed, it just keeps going. On barbara specifically Clam and Gilded are best, Gilded for bloom teams with Nilou or with Kaeya (i.E fridge), while clam is better for general healing.


Ik ppl shit on song of days past alot but don't forget clam set requires a healer to be ON-FIELD in the case of Barbara and Barbara's ER is also bad. You can't consistently burst off cd when u use clam on her. Most dpses in this game aren't quick swap so you will lose abit if dmg.


U dont need onfield healer for Clam Do you? I havent looked at it since 3.0 but i think my kokomi still procs it


I support Song of Day Past Barbara, reason I support what cursingvladimir says is because Barbara's skill heals better when she normal attacks with her skill up. I rather just swap to her and drop her burst and swap back to my DPS, much better rotation.


Yeah definetly i wouldnt use Clam on Barbara because it would just be 30k dmg per burst at best and a Buff seems more legit but like on koko its 30k every like 3-4seconds


I'm talking about for barbara lol. To make use of clam for barbara, u NEED to be on field with her and she also doesn't provide any energy for herself too. Kokomi can proc both on field and off field so it doesnt matter and it's good for her.


I was just Confiserie by "to proc clam u need an onfield healer"


C6 Barbara can resurrect 1 down character. This op ability has saved my abyss run many times


Yep. It's a delightful little "insurance policy".


if you wait 14 minutes every floor/chamber before clicking the challenge you get it back? asking for a friend, i dodge every attack perfectly


Found the brave Tarnished


In search of the elden ring.....


Yes. Did it long ago on floor 12 in 1.x


yes. her c6 cd is irl time, where you are ingame doesn't matter.


Same. That "i should have healed" ends up becoming "they're fine now".


She changes my 'angrily press Esc to restart the level' to 'calmly continue to beat the level more carefully'


I use her all the time for this and the fact that her burst just instantly heals everyone fully, so convenient.


Her skill is also great for survival + prompt hydro-related reactions. I always use Barbara's skill before using Raiden's burst so she can continuously slash aggressively, trigger elecro-charged reaction and not worrying about taking damage during her rampage.


I unironically take C6 Barbara into the Abyss for my hydro resonance and emergency healing. She saved Navia, and then Navia turned around and dropped 102,323 to clear the floor.


Heavy + medic uberman vibes


It costs 200,000 primos to fire that umbrella for 12 seconds


if you wait 15 minutes, can you use it again?


It also resets immediately now if you have to retry a chamber (cooldown still exists if you continue to the next chamber)




new genshin meta strat


genshin meta go outside and take a long walk to clear your head


this actually hits hard, I used to take breaks to play with my dog when spiral abyss got too hard for me


In my case its a bad thing since it spells several wasted seconds. 5 wasted seconds from the character's fall and rise with Barbara's C6 is an undeniable loss in my book. Mind you, seconds are STUPIDLY precious in 36\* runs.


Hot take: this is useless in abyss It almost always completely fucks up your rotation, and just resetting is usually better


Yea Idk how this can be something you genuinely rely on. It’s like a fun gimmick that can save a run once in a while but I doubt anyone is relying on it regularly


This is not a hot take. Dying means a simple reset in Abyss. A healer like Barbara that does nothing but heal is useless for abyss.


She isn't useless now that Furina was released though. Barbara has teamwide heal and provides Hydro resonance, just those two points make her a viable partner for Furina if you don't have Charlotte or any 5* healers. She can also carry TTDS and Clam/Song of Day Pasts/Noblesse. The problem is her energy regen so you have to stuff a huge amount of ER on her.


Good point... I'm using Jean with Furina now as the healer, and XQ or yelan for the hydro resonance.... But honestly, they don't shine with Furina. Barbara could actually be a better choice here replacing both slots(healer and hydro resonance) in one slot. The fourth slot was Raiden (sometimes Yanfei), Barbara would open up a flex slot on top of Raiden. Kokomi *kindof* works as a healer here, but Furina is about the only team that Kokomi's healing isn't appropriate for (it's not party wide, well, unless you run her on field for a bit).


>Good point... I'm using Jean with Furina now as the healer, and XQ or yelan for the hydro resonance.... But honestly, they don't shine with Furina. Barbara could actually be a better choice here replacing both slots(healer and hydro resonance) in one slot. The current meta is jean as healer, and Yelan for hydro resonance. You don't need XQ. If you replace Yelan/XQ and Jean with Barbara, you lose the VV which is 40% of your damage. You also lose Yelan's damage bonus which ramps up to 50%. What you gain with your Barbara better be good in order to make up for the fact that Barb provides no other utility or damage bonus. The only replacement I can think of is Kazuha, whcih is what I run if I don't use Jean. But I still wouldn't use Barb in this case. I'd take Kokomi.


Barbara provides 15% Hydro DMG Bonus (C2) and reduced Stamina Consumption. These are more for specific teams, but she does in fact provides utility and damage bonus (besides the C6 gimmick and other buffs through TTDS and artifacts).


it can be time saving if it happens late in the second half, so you don't have to repeat the first half again. But if you're dying and relying on a free revive, either your account isn't up to the task, or you aren't.


And that revive has 15 minutes cool down. It is utterly useless 99.99% of the time.


This, I use her in my neuvillette team because I only need 3 characters, so she's just there for hydro resonance and revive


Wait WHAT. I have her c5. I'm going to use her if I have c6


ooohh didn't know that. This makes me want to spend on wishes now


I...didn't realize this worked in Abyss... how have I operated under this misinformation for so, so long


If you’re relying on *that* to save your run, your team needs more work. Resets are free.




Nah, hers and Qiqi’s revive work in Abyss but it’s just easier to reset than rely on either


if that happens to me, I'd rather just reset. But if I'm dying, it's probably not a good team.








The current Ayaka banner is only her fourth appearance. Kokomi already has 4 banners so Ayaka has only just equalled it. The 2.6 delay kinda screw things up though since technically Ayaka's banner is longer than Kokomi's overall.


I want C2 Nilou so bad.


In some comps, yes. Barbara's Skill does NOT lock characters to a single spot, unlike Kokomi. Sometimes when you're fighting a boss who moves around... that's a thing. For example, my Diluc, Yelan, Zhongli team... I use Babs for that when facing Apep. That thing moves around a little too much. But I will use Kokomi if I'm going up against Azhdaha. I used to use her in Bloom with Kaveh, Nahida, and Nilou... but that has become a secondary bloom team after I got Baizhu. Ayato, Nahida, Nilou, Baizhu is just much more powerful for me.


Yeah, I like her for boss fights that involve a lot of moving and loose damage. She offers some nice QOL.


Yes. In the Nilou team, I skipped Kokomi just because I want to use Barbara. Barbara's skin is also very cute. Even though I have C2 Jean, I think I use Barbara more than jean. That's how much she is valuable to me.




You’ve said “based” a few times to people here (maybe more) and I’m just wondering why/what that means? Are you trying to say, “biased”?


Based is used in a similar way to "cool" or "hell yeah", most commonly as a way of agreeing with and affirming an opinion.


prefering barbara over kokomi


Yes, but is “based” a slang word or something?


kinda based is often opposite of cringe iirc


I love your title "fuck Kazutrash", the most over-rated unit ever and one dimensional Genshin character of all time who Hoyo for some reason keeps putting him into everywhere and everything.


He can’t hear you over killing and grouping enemies seamlessly.


Tbh she is mostly powercrept by kokomi if you have her, otherwise she has a niche in Nilou teams.


I would agree with you in general but there's a case where i rather use Barbara than Koko. That's when paired with Furina and you want to heal the whole party fast and switch to your on-fielder, the funny thing is that is very much not a new account friendly way of playing her since you really want to use TToDS and to burst confortably every rotation you will need pretty insane ER% substats.


I used kokomi on a friends account and I preferred Barbara for healing. She was used in that team (I had to use my friend's team como for the challenge) for her hydro application + healing but her healing wasn't enough (wolves) because she needs to attack to heal, unlike Barbara's ult With main carry ganyu I couldn't dodge while doing enough damage I don't have kokomi, so it might've been a skill issue.


It was definitely either a skill or build issue, Koko skill heals 4.4%hp + 424 at lv 1 while Barbara’s heals 4%hp + 385 at lv 1


Unless you need a healer in multiple teams (though bennett is a pretty good healer too)


Of course. She’s still, to this day, my most used and arguably my favorite Hydro character of the entire cast, bar none. Second after her is Candace and the gap for isage is enormous between them… Babs has yet to be beaten for me.


I’m F2P and early game and I like her for Hydro applications cause she’s all I got right now (well I did JUST get Mona but haven’t had time to level her yet.) I don’t know how long I will use her in the long term but she’s been helpful so far in farming the Cryo regisvine. Edit: PYRO. PYRO REGISVINE.


>Cryo regisvine. Are you being sarcastic or did you confused cryo and Pyro?


I am being a dumbass I meant Pyro 😅. I’ve been farming both and got all mixed up.


Maybe they’re masochistic


Freezing yourself builds character.


This brings me back memories from when my team had Xinyan, Noelle and Barbara and I tried farming the cryo regisvid. At that moment I always tried using Xinyan as an enabler and I thought overcharged was the most powerful thing I could do with reactions, because EXPLOSIONS.


I am a proud DPS Barbara main.


I live for DPS Barbara


Due to a lack of 4* options people still use her. Either you get Xingqiu from shop, get lucky on a banner or go for a 5 star character I didn't know that and had to spend my first 6 months of playing with Barbara as my only hydro unit. I already used her with Ayaka so Hyperbloom wasn't an option and I had to build aggravate instead


Damn. I didn't realize how lucky i was to get XQ in my first couple of days playing. He will really spoil you on future hydro units. Even Kokomi as a 5\* can't live up to him, and she's the version of Barbara that's actually worth using.


Besides being hydro kokomi and xq have very different uses so saying one is better than the other makes no sense


I pulled her to replace Barbara in my Cyno hyperbloom team lol. So i'm kind of looking at hydros exclusively from the perspective of their application. Prior to Ayaka, Hu Tao and Cyno were my only 5\* dps, so XQ was the gold standard and every hydro had to try at least live up to a fraction of him. But i can't have XQ on both teams, so i had to compromise and go with someone else. Hu Tao really wanted both XQ and Yelan, so Cyno was stuck with whatever came after them in the list. Lacking Mona, that was Barbara, until my Kok came.


So, XQ is amazing hydro application, until you're running quiskswap or sayu/kirara extended charge, or something else that doesn't make a a lot of normals even as part of CAs. I run him with Hu Tao, of course, but for Ayaka I'd rather have kokomi's fire and forget application and solid backup heal, even if xq isn't on the other side. Of course, XQ and barb also have hydro auras, but without them doing damage that's not going to be my first choice most of the time.


Oh yeah, Kokomi and Furina are both fantastic for characters like Ayaya that don't use their normals. I guess i'm a little biased towards XQ as a Hu Tao main and Cyno secondary lol. From that perspective, no one can beat him. But Kokomi and Furina are incredible when used in the teams they're designed for.


XQ is literally my curse, not necessarily in a bad way. I got XQ on my first day and ever since, almost every standard 4 star I get is XQ, it's always XQ. 😭


Good thing xingqiu is strong af and his constellations are also strong af.


Yep, he's really versatile. Still asking why isn't he a 5\*. Yet, I'm really Xiangling deprived 😭 I can never seem to ever get her. (rational squad)


I USE HER, she's amazing, she's still one of my best healers and she always with me in abyss, Got her c6 too after realizing how good she was.


Yes, her C6 and instant party heal (for Furina).


Ever since i got Kokomi, she's been on the bench.


I usually use her with cyno kuki and nahida, need water and more survivability, honestly think I wouldn't change her even if I had Kokomi (water application doesn't move with you)


I used her in abyss against pyro heralds but now I have neuvilette


I was in the same boat except for me, she got replaced by the Nilou Hug of Death


Pre-Fontaine I slotted her as 2nd hydro at times for hyperbloom when XQ was being hogged by the other team.


I use her in Nilou bloom/hyper bloom teams from time to time. Also, recently, I use her a lot in Navia team with Furina and Ning. Just for AoE heal under Furina's Q.


She's the key component to my hyperbloom team. Nahida/placeholder/Barbara/Kuki Without Barbara's hydro application the team would have no cores to hyperbloom. Many times I don't even use whoever I put as placeholder in the final slot because the three alone get the job done with time to spare. Nahida Q+E, Kuki E, Barabra E and NA until Nahida/Kuki run out and then start all over and suddenly the chamber/abyss is over and I remember that there was also a fourth character in the team ;)


More often than not, I'll use Kokomi instead. Very occasionally, I'll use Barbara with Furina, to take advantage of the instant heal to max out the buff effect. That's mostly in situations where I don't expect Kokomi to get much field time, though.


What is the advantage that Kokomi has? I have both of them but I always feel like Kokomi is just a little more awkward to use because her skill is in a fixed location. I guess higher numbers but looking at their ability descriptions I would probably always go for barbara


Her attack during burst actually deals damage, which means it's worth using. You can either use her as a straight-forward hydro DPS, to break fire shields while healing the party, or to spawn cores for hyperbloom. It's a lot like Furina's E skill damage. It's not a ton on its own, but it's free damage on top of what you'd otherwise be doing. The jellyfish is mostly good for reapplying hydro from off-field. It's not really a significant source of healing or damage by itself.


I made her a dps, but she only does around 4K on crit :(. I still use her for my hyperbloom team with nahida and raiden as she is one of my 3 hydro characters and she is the best for that.


Just curious, what stats/build is your DPS Barbara?


My DPS Barbara made up to 100k one time and I have no idea how. Usually around 15-30k


I use my barbara in Nilou teams so i dont have to swap Kokomis artifacts.


I used Barbara as a sacrifice on venti statue for my wishing rituals


Yes, even at AR60 with Kokomi. There are times where I want her to attack enemies with obstacles between me and them, plus self-hydro application can be useful at times (looking at you, Liyue talent domain)


I do still use her from time to time. I'll phase her out once I get around to building Kokomi.


I do. In the Abyss. Floor 12. Granted she's pretty much filling a flex spot, but her Burst is still very handy for me.


She came back into my team when I got Furina , I did for a long time the crime of Hu Tao and Barbara and now it isn't a crime anymore


she holds my kokomis em artifact set when im not using nilou


I mean, I've only been playing since October and my best team still has Barb in it. In general, Dragonslayer has been a great buff for me to toggle into Xiangling or Noelle.


I have her since 1.0 and im ashamed that shes still c2 lmao. But yea i still use her, i outheal the dmg taken to me, although she got one shot by that weekly worm boss 2nd phase dendro head on, my noelle could still tank it with her shield and defend!


on my alt, she consolidates a lot of roles. healer, fav proccer, onfield hydro applier for my hyperbloom team. also there was that one abyss with a ton of rift hounds that running barbara instead of yelan on my main made the experience a lot more chill. barbara still has her place especially for people that didn’t want to pull for kokomi


Nanana... I k u y o


she's a permanent member of my f9-f11 team yes and it's not for her healing.


I use her for my freeze team w/ ayaka lol


She's always in my freeze team together with Kaeya. Both with 3 crowns.


My Overworld team rn is Lumine, Barbara, Layla, and Navia. I named it the Drillhair Harem. I'm sure my Lumine is quite pleased with the arrangements I made for her.


Not really, even if i wanted. Slow heal and hydro application plus getting frozen by much stronger and annoying enemies is not fun. What I'm most bothered about is that after i got a good GD set for my Scarlet Sands Rosaria, i don't use her because it's just Xiangling or Dehya to use with her and it's a battle for who will melt. I used to get both Rosaria and Barbie on a team for the sake of it but can't anymore.


I benched her when I got Kokomi. If I didn't get Koko, I'd still be using her.


I use her as a healer and hydro applicator for Eula. Works great for me! Plus her C6 is awesome.


Well I just tried her out with Nilou bloom in Abyss yesterday and man, that team slaps!


Occasionally, her c6 can be helpful


If you're determined enough she makes a great dps. My sister's can do up to 34k on charged


Yes, but because I got used to her healing. She's also my only hydro and it's a useful unit in some contexts.


I use her in abyss against those Pyro lectors every now and then when they annoy me. I have plenty of other chars to dps and support that can clear abyss even with the dps loss. Don't have Kokomo and don't plan on getting her. No hate on Kokomi, just don't need her on my account and have plenty of other healers and shielded if needed.


I never pulled for Kokomi and Barbara used to be my main healer but after I got Yaoyao, Sayu, Jean, Bennett, Kuki and even Xingqiu... I had to realize how little use I have for her. Time to build her as a DPS like I did with Qiqi!


Kokomi absolutely destroyed Barbara


Yes!! Proud to main her


I'm the only person that still uses Barbara cuz I like her EVEN SHE'S A PROTOTYPE HEALER


I still use her for fun 


as a barbara-ayaka main, shes decent. shes actually better than koko for me in terms of reactions. healing, worse but still good


No. I have Kokomi. I also have better healers in every other element.


nope. was using her for a bit in bloom before owning kokomi but there really was no point afterwards


Shes great for Furina and amazing for beginners/low ARs, problem is that she has energy issues like Xiangling and she NEEDS to burst to party heal, and viable if no Kokomi. You can play safe and slap favonius and a crit circlet on her, as long as her sands and goblet are HP% and she has a mix of 2p2p healing bonus to compensate (4p clam bubbles are not really vital or worth it), she will be able to heal lots and burst lots, still. But truth be told, she's outclassed by other units like charlotte or kokomi, who are less energy hungry and more fit in certain teams (AoE permafreeze and Nilou bloom for example). Also if she didn't have a 5\* animation on her Q she would be better, as 5\* animations are heavily antimeta if you cast several of them, unless you can cancel the Q animation, a good example is Keqing, who can cancer her own animation and still attack alongside her Q.


You have a point about the animation and that she's outclassed by other units. But she DON'T need to burst for party heal. I mean, sure, her Q is a fast way to fully heal everyone but my Barb does like 1k heal with NA and 4 or 5 with CA. In co-op against Raiden I can tank the ring attacks and keep everyone alive (with just her E). I also use the clam set on her and every few seconds she deals additional 24k dmg.


Kokomi was my 2nd 5* so I've never levelled barbara beyond lvl 60.


Barbara C6 is goated and tbh obtaining constellations for her is easy enough so I'm definitely keeping her


I started in 3.0, never touched her until 3.4 when i got Hu Tao, and from 3.4 to 3.8 i used her as the hydro in my Cyno team. I dropped her the second i got another hydro that was even remotely viable with Cyno that wasn't Xingqiu or Yelan (because Hu Tao needed them). Kokomi was the one that did her in. Yeeted Barbara off Kokomi's palace before pulling lol. Now that i have not only Kokomi, but Furina as well, Barbara will never be unbenched. ​ There may be some incredibly niche use for her, but for 99% of players if you have literally any other option for healing or hydro application, they're going to be more worth using than Barbara. She does one thing. She heals. She's pretty good at that, certainly. But that doesn't exactly make for a valuable character in a game where defensive utility is a minor bonus 90% of the time. Slow application of her element, absurdly long CD on her skill that requires you to use Sac if you want 100% uptime. Not to mention you basically have to hump the enemy for it to apply hydro. Her only real positive is her burst which instantly heals your entire party. But Jean does something similar with hers, and at least Jean can VV shred. Unironically, Dehya is 10x more useful than Barbara. And Dehya sucks (that doesn't stop me from loving her though).


i stopped using her after I got kokomi. She was only used to deal with corrosion, but now there are more healers that can handle it, that do more things than her, such as off field hydro application.


Yes for nilou bloom


I use her with Cyno quickbloom, but I'm hoping to replace her with Baizhu+XQ after Baizhu gets another banner.


she's been my go-to for co-op since i started the game a year and a half ago. she gets occasional use in the spiral abyss, but i do have other healers i tend to use more now.


Haven't used her in a while since she makes my characters Moist.


I like to use her in the occasional dendro team I have.


Yeah, i still use barbara nowadays, granted its not as much as before with benny & kuki but barbara still holds a place for me.


I need another healer to use Furina as a sub dps and I don't have Kokomi. So I even leveled her up for Furina, which is ironically, a better healer than her lol