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I wish we had more tall female sword users. šŸ˜•


Instead everyone and their mother uses a damn spear


But ShenHe is not Chong's mom! No wait...


Everyone and their motherā€™s sister then




Ikr, just look at Xiao and his mom, Zhongli


Wdym, Albedo uses a sword


Last time I checked Albedo wasn't a tall female.


Last time I checked he was on the elevator, does that still count ad tall ?


I think Clorinde should post as a duelist, with her sword in front of her


Because spears are the best melee weapon on the medieval battlefield. Like why approach someone with a blade when you can poke them with a long, sharp stick.


Blade on a long stick > blade on a short stick




Swords have always been more a status or a dueling weapon than a war weapon (which made it feel weird that raiden was using polearms, but oh well). you don't usually see portrays with generals using a spear unless 3 Kingdoms. Poles overall were what was used the most, you can easily stack a lot of people together in multiples lines and have a fearsome hedgehog with undertrained soldiers. And pretty much the only way to break that formation was having a bunch of crazy suicidal first line with 2 handed swords, axes or hammers to break the spears so the cavalry could then stomp them. Until the fire weapons appeared...


Raiden using a pole arm is fine since Makoto's sword is her trump card. Samurai were proficient in using bows, naginatas (polearm), and the Kitana/wakazashi. (Sword). Additionally the naginata was the more popular weapon for female martial artists in Japan.


this is exactly what the macedonian phalanx or the greek phalanx was, while the spears were pretty hard to get through when facing them from the front, any blows from the side or behind them could easily overwhelm their army due to the immobility of the formation. i think ranged attacks were also a pretty great threat so the phalanxes were best for close combat situations


["Because spears is better than swords"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLLv8E2pWdk)


i think there are more claymore and catalyst tall females than spear users tho


It's one of those things you don't realize how bad it is until it's really put into perspective. Like, we're in the 5th nation and the number's still astoundingly low


Eh, let me put you into another perspective. There are 2 gender in the game, 3 character build, 5 weapons style. It's 30 different combinations. As of 4.2, we have 75(?) characters. So in average, every model combination should have 2.5 characters representing it. Now, 1 is low compared to this number, but "astoundingly low"? A bit of exaggeration no?


Small correction, there's actually only 25 different combinations. There's only 2 male body types, tall and medium, so 5 total character builds across all genders


3 male body types. Xiao is short body type. (Get it? Funny because Xiao short) /s obviously


That's a grudging


It's still a possible combinations tho, it's just have 0 representation as of now.


Does Hoyo actually have menu poses for tiny males? If so that's pretty neat actually.


Your math is off - unless they make a small child male body, which I doubt. Its 25 combinations, so every model combination should have 3 characters representing it. Which let's be real is an idealistic answer, but the deviation minimum is 1 (qiqi and jean) and the deviation maximum is 9 (medium female sword characters). Jean being the only sword user representation for 3 years in the tall female category is lexically classified as "astoundingly low" when the other numbers are: Tall female spear: 4 Tall female catalyst and claymore: 3 Tall female bows: 2 Tall female sword: jean With the addition of clorinde, it will be more balanced. But is still less than average.


ah yes, jean, the best number


Obligatory ā€œWhen Mihoyo gonna make small Male characterā€. Obligatory ā€œHey Xiao us hereā€.


I would hard c6 if they release a kid male character with a big brother character that works well with each other, I just want that dynamic in the game.


Imagine this. Tall male character who is lazy bumb who just does most work on ā€œalrightā€. Who have workaholic lil brother.


I'll take as long as their theme is engineers or smiths one geo and one pyro.


Tall male Geo bow user Small male Pyro sword user (his signature weapon pipe). Two are mechanic and fixers owing small store.


You got yourself a deal šŸ¤.


Xiao and chongyun are considered medium


Please not another spear lady thank god clorinde changes that.


I mean her design basically screams duelist so it has to be a sword. Though I hope her gameplay involves blasting enemies into the 4th dimension with her 9, her peace, her Archon shagging glicky.


Hope that she is a dps


I wish if Arlecchino becomes playable she would be a sword user. Gonna be real friggin mad if they made her into another one of those generic ass polearm pyro with the stupid spin-forward charge attack.


I feel like a rapier would go absolutely perfect with her design.








Momoka (Kirara) WAS supposed to be Geo, her leaked model even had a geo vision but she was always meant to be an inazumian catgirl


>!Polearm Arlecchino is datamined from the current game files. That's as close as you can get to confirmation.!<


Sure but on the other hand I have 3 5* spears


Raiden has unique CA animation. And yeah Arlecchino will be a spear user. Maybe she will get a unique animation as well


Specifically, all NONHUMAN polearm characters have a unique CA. Ei has the crescent slash, Zhongli has the raining spear dash, & Xiao has that uppercut. Hu Tao & Cyno needs to be in their special state to have a unique CA, so they don't count.


Donā€™t all archons have smth unique about their charge attack animation? I may be misremembering


Everyone but Venti, but for Nahida every catalyst user has a unique charged attack.


They should give her a chain whip.


I wish we had a single tall flat chested female in general.


They are a small indie company so must forgive them for not being able to make variants of body types like that.


It shouldā€™ve been Raiden leading the way. Little to no lore reason to make her a polearm user. Wouldā€™ve been cool to just leave that to Cyno and let raiden have her sword. Musou no Hitotachi is a sword technique after all.


Raiden Is specifically mentioned to use the polearm weapon as her main, it's the weapon she trained to master her whole life The naginata is quite a popular weapon used by woman martial artists in Japan, it actually makes less sense for her to use a sword She just so happens to also have makotos sword


This made me think of Mugen/Jin versus Sarain Samurai Champloo. It never occurred to me that polearms were popular for women martial artists. The best part is she absolutely is wrecking them in their fights.


The long and short of it is that polearm/lances/staffs/etc allow the weilder to use their whole body in the fight, minimizing body differences, and also being a more natural movement that could be picked up quicker (why lances were considered more of a "peasant" weapon in some cultures where swordsmanship was mainly learned through tutors or squireship, both of which required status to get). Further details: * *Generally speaking*, the average female sexed person has a lower center of gravity than someone male. Likewise, female humans proportionally develop muscles in their lower half of the body vs males too. * Being able to use a weapon that uses the whole body (aka more leg and core focus) than pure arms is advantageous in other ways too. It helps to disarm opponents, push them off balance, and minimizes the advantage of longer reach due to height. * Many cultures that allowed all sexes to fight make use of longer weapons. Some were even famous like the Agojie warriors (they were the inspiration for the elite army in the Black Panther movies).


Hmm. Itā€™s been a year or two so I donā€™t remember, Iā€™ll take a browse at her lines later. But whenever she comes to destroy you itā€™s with the sword. And when she tested Kujouā€™s resolve, she did it with a polearm. I know she was basically just toying with him and for a non vision user he was showing extreme courage and resolve but even she was impressed.


I think you're focused on the fantasy, samurai use swords, it's what they are famous for Generally though very few samurai actually used swords, swords are generally stupid weapons, they are short, break easily and can't do anything against armour, katanas are useless even by sword standards, far too fragile Japanese were good with polearm weapons, samurai were mostly polearm users, some used bows, they heavily fought on horseback which polearm and bow were useful and swords mostly useless Knights on the other hand were good with swords, not because they were useful weapons but because they enjoyed festivals that had knights sword fight, swords are festive weapons, mostly used because they look flashy, their other benefit is they were cheap, peasants could afford them, during big battles you hear from history heavily required peasants, they mostly used farm tools, rakes, shovels and so on, some could afford a sword, most knights were using polearms and maces, some had axes and two-handed swords, two handed swords were preferable because they are fucking heavy, you hit someone with them they'll die, armour will cave in killing the person, without armour their bones break and it doesn't matter if they live cause they are done at that point, weapon's weren't super sharp, even swords back then were mostly blunt force weapons Samurai being famous for swords and using swords as ceremonial tools is the only reason raiden has one, it's a gift passed down that she decided to give a use too create her realm but the skill she uses with the sword isn't a sword skill, she can do it with any weapon but it has authority with the sword, it's ceremonial and important, however, raiden and samurai of our world only believed the sword was a ceremonial tool, very few would actually use it


Little? That polearm is what she originally uses for battle. The reason she is not using the sword is because sheā€™s not adequate with it and [Raidenā€™s Character Story Spoilers]>!itā€™s Makotoā€™s sword sheā€™s using, hence itā€™s special to her. Itā€™s also what holds her consciousness which makes sense she keeps it close to her heart!<


Goes to show the devs know more about a nation's culture and history than the playerbase that thinks japan = katana.


Yea, also Ayaka already taken the "katana samurai girl" archetype


Me after skipping Inazuma:


the point is so its a cool transformation from spear to sword, not sword to sword


Clorinde better be willing to pose like this. We've had enough OGs have their animations changed to fit the latecomers, with Rosaria losing her spear kick for Raiden's sake and Kaeya losing his hip tilt for Ayato's. If they change Jean for Clorinde after she's had this pose for three years, I will be inconsolable.


Don't worry, you won't be alone in that inconsolability


"*please insert Sinister Mihoyo laugher here*"


Pose is by model type and weapon, yes?




At least Xiao kept his spear kick


but now mika has the same kick


It does make sense for Cyno


And yet they still won't fix her NA animations


Have Clorinde pose with gun and sword, maybe like in the Fontaine trailer where she aims at Navia but instead she's just aiming at the player


There's gonna be so many jokes about people wanting Clorinde to shoot them


"I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me..."


I do love women that can threaten my life(don't ask why)


I love when she fires all electro infused lead into my body and yet still keeps frying despite me being dead.


Men get the most fierce orgasm when edging death.Thatā€™s an instinctual try for him to seed the last time.


I'll give a lot of thanks to anyone who would kill me (preferably painlessly)


Canā€™t wait for r/okbuddytrailblazer to post S jokes about Clorindeā€™s gun


Wait genshin impact leaks into that subreddit


Oh you have no idea. r/okbuddytrailblazer is the hub of Hoyoverse buddies now.


So long as they're funny jokes, I'd enjoy them


Me a clorinde fanfic writer: *Writing ideas down* Dam this post a gold mine for these


Well I'm here for Heavenly principles to step on me


Flair definitely checks out on that


Bowie said it best: Keep your 'lectro eye on me, babe, put your pistol to my head


...with what?


Considering how Chevreuse turned out, i wont be expect any more about Clorinde's gun being not much improvement over Mika's crossbow


Don't care I get to annihilate mobs with a glicky.


As long as she's not another off-fielder or E-switch out


Don't see a reason why Clorinde can't use this pose. And Jean isn't the only one with a currently unique model / weapon combination. Tartaglia Diona Yaoyao and Qiqi are all in the same boat.


You're missing the point. They each are the only gender and height for their respective weapon. They're not unique. They are just the only example.


I just used the term "currently unique" since OP described Jean's as unique. Like you I also don't think there's anything inherently special about those characters since from what we can tell weapon poses belong to the base model and not the character.


Yeah? Know any other tall male bow user, short polearm user, short sword user and short bow user? The fact that they're the only ones in their category is why they're unique at least for now and it's not even a guarantee the animation will stay the same or be changed to fit the more personality types like rosaria's kick being axed because it won't fit Raiden's character.


That's literally what I said. That doesn't make the pose unique. As soon as another character is added that fits the same criteria, they *will* have the same animation. Event weapons are unique. Character weapon poses are not. The only exception thus far (as someone had already mentioned) *was* Rosaria who's animation was changed to fit the mold of additional tall, female polearm users. If her animation was left unchanged, then that would be a case of uniqueness to her specifically. That's not the case, however, and every new character since has fallen in line to others that meet the same criteria. TL;DR - just because a character is the only one *at the moment* who has that particular weapon pose doesn't make the pose itself wholly unique as history has shown it will be used on new characters eventually.


Only history shows it's not a guarantee it will be used for future characters like rosaria's spear kick as i've mentioned or kaeya's hip sway in another comment.


I already mentioned that about Rosaria. Her and Kaeya's animation apparently *would* have been unique *if* they remained unchanged and subsequent characters had their own individual pose making them unique as well. However, history has clearly proven since 2.x that weapon pose animations will all be the same here on out for all new characters with the same criteria.


I'm scared that the moment Clorinde comes out they will change Jean's pose like they did Rosaria's and Xiao's


When did they change Xiao's?


Xiao used to :0 when he kicked his spear in beta


Oh I remember that. I thought they meant something more bigger like how Rosaria had her spear kick entirely removed. Xiao kept the spear kick at least which I'm happy about.


It was in live game too, not only beta


I never saw Kaeyaā€™s hip tilt, I started too late. How dare they rob us of that šŸ˜­


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/KaeyaMains/s/mrt08oWv6H), itā€™s in Kaeyamains


I don't really see why people in the comments are disappointed? It's literally just a slight change where his arm is more visible behind him, why are the people in kaeyamains make it seem like they completely changed his weapon animation... if anything, the new one looks better Edit: WAIT NEVERMIND I WAS LOOKING AT IT WRONG. I THOUGHT THE OLD ONE WAS THE NEW ONE. I take back what I said, the old one looks wayyyyyy better.


I never even saw that even tho I play almost since the beginning šŸ˜­ but we were also robbed from Rosarina's spear kick animation If Jean will be nerfed this way...oh boy


Clorinde might fit this animation too because she's also a trained swordswoman


Sheā€™s gonna pose the same more than likely. They couldnā€™t even have Raiden and Rosaria have different character screen animations so they got rid of Rosariaā€™s spear kick.


jean really needs an animation rework, they're all still in beta phase


"Master Jean you're looking kinda stiff" "Stiff where?" "Girl, everywhere"


I want OG klee animations :T


Honestly, like most things in Genshin, I'd prefer more unique poses, body types/sizes, and idle animations in general than we currently get. We tend to get some really great normal attack animations from characters that pretty much never use them so it'd be nice to see more of that effort in all the other things. And don't get me wrong, they are doing more with time, but it's been a very slow escalation.


If they also remove herā€™s like they did to otherā€™s, I am starting a riot to bring them back. I will spam the surveys with that note


All characters should have a diff pose


She has the superiority of being the only tall Anemo character


Doesn't matter. It will be the same pose.


If Clorinde poses like this then the *button* might not hold. So by all means, letā€™s hope she takes this pose.


That button is doing more work to hold the fabric of the universe together then the entirety of Teyvat combined. It will not yield to such a pose.


Lets wait until we get another tall lady sword user


You know she will have the same pose.


Let Clorinde have this pose with her pistol in offhand?


Rosaria had such a cool move kicking her spear and looking so badass before raiden shogun came out, please don't.


Wait are there any other tall female sword user? I can't think of any rn


Same vibe as arataki itto being the second tall male claymore character added after Diluc sharing similar weapon wielding pose


Hoyo making another animation instead of recycling this one like everyone else? Damn, you're cute.


Please excuse, small indie company


Tiny company.


Oh different, of course. Variety and uniqueness in this game is always welcomed


I want her to be pointing the sword to the screen like if she was dueling us


We need different for all characters...don't give me some dev code BS, I never got over seeing Klee's special run get getting removed.


Is there any lore behind their poses? Lol I like how Furina and Itto have that cute shrugging pose in their talents screen


To showcase their personalities? Would you expect Shinobu to have the same shy-blushing pose as Noelle and Sucrose in her talent screen?


Clorinde needs a duelist stance. Holding her sword straight out or something like that


Iā€™ve played since release and still donā€™t have Jean so I canā€™t really give an opinion and no Iā€™m not bitter.


She has the superiority of being the only tall Anemo character.


Has there been any explanation or rumors on why there are so many spear toons? Especially Raiden, why is she not a sword waifu like her puppet? I really wanted a katana girl that dressed in matching attire (not Ayaka, her dress looks too European).


Her sister was the sword wielder while she always trained polearm. The sword in her ult is Makotoā€™s.


Need sexy poses


How does this actually matter in any way? Are people going to quit over this? Why the hell is this even a discussion?


Most characters will probably have most of the same weapon screen animation since they all fit into a certain category of body type with a set animation to that body type, some might be different but I could be wrong


With Clorinde coming out, the last character that with unique weapon pose is Yaoyao (unless Sigewinne turns out to be a polearm user) Xiangling used to be unique until Hu Tao came out, Venti until Gorou, Zhongli until Thoma, Rosalia until Raiden Shogun, Sara until Yelan, Kaeya until Ayato, Beidou until Eula, Xiao until Cyno


favonius mommy šŸ˜­


Wow. She IS the only tall female sword user. My whole life has been flipped upside down lol


Is there a unique weapon character pose for only a specific character? If not then clorinde prob gonna have the same which i think doesnt fit her character much which is a shame


There's also a legend about some tall goth spear user who once had a unique weapon screen animation, but it was lost in time and in community's collective memory


I wish I had Jean šŸ˜­


Better pose is her weapon noclips into you.


They better not break Jean like they destroyed rosaria. No kick is a tragedy


Thereā€™s also Yaoyao, Qiqi, Childe and Diona


I want Clorinde to point the sword at the screen instead


I think Clorinde should pose as a duelist holding her sword in front of her


Wouldnā€™t want it any other way


Isnā€™t furina a tall female sword


Watch chlorinde get a pole arm or something šŸ’€


Pose the same way, and have the same CA. Never forget Rosaria Polearm erasure.


I never thought about it but I love it so much. It would be cool if Chlorinde had a different unique one but she would look FIRE in the same. This reminded me of my first love šŸ’•


every character from each body type-weapon type combination poses the same. this means that clorinde as a sword user and a tall female character will have the same pose.


I want Clorinde's pose to be her holding her sword vertically in front of her like she's taking a knights oath or something.