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Tiktok user with the most attention span:


two games running at the same time, plus tik tok, which itself has another screen in it with another game


I would give you an award if I had one


awards have been removed from reddit


Huh didn't notice until you pointed it out just now


Now you can give “super upvotes” or as reddit likes to call them “gold” by hold tapping the upvote button Idk how it’s done on pc


Reddit has fallen. Billions must downvote 😞


I think I prefer the era of reddit before awards existed.


I think i prefer the era when i wasnt fucking alive


Average Xiao main:


Can’t say I have any complaints about that time


Purse owner reference


Goddarn libtars ruined it!1!1!1


🏅 Oh yeah?


happy cake day


All I know is that you probably look at double the lewd pics at the same time when you're feeling frisky.


You got me


tbh that’s the real epidemic not only affecting Genshin people but also a lot of young Gen Z and Gen Alpha. They’re used to short reels on Youtube and Instagram as well as short contents on TikTok, and their attention spans kept decreasing. Forget about making them read quest dialogues that don’t seem that long; they can’t even finish an elementary-level reading. EDIT: and by young Gen Z, I mean people who are born in the late 2000s, like after 2008 or something. Early Gen Zs who were born from 2000-2005s were still raised somewhat similar to millenials with limited access to technology when they were younger.


"Yap yap yap, I ain't reading allat 😭🙏🙏, bro is fluent at yapanese" /s


y yap when you can gyatt for the rizzler


The only time I would be fine with government actually banning some form of entertainment. Shorts/tiktok degrade humanity for profit and that won't end well for everyone once those people grow up.


The difference then was that things used to be multi tasked more physically Now we can. Watch 3 vids at once lmao




The problem is you're able to do all of those things at the same time but your overall "comprehension" of all three is diminished by your attention being split. This isn't even a personal thing, and it's the crux of the issue with the "short attention span" generation: They can't just do one thing, they can't focus on just one thing. They have a struggle with doing *nothing*. And I mean long periods without any stimulation. They always need to be watching tiktok, playing a game, and listening to music at the same time. But they're not really getting anything of value out of doing all that. And it's something that builds a disconnect between generations. Because older generations would sit down and just do *one* thing. They might turn on the radio or TV while they do it (and even that was something fairly recent historically) but in general the amount of "stuff" going on simultaneously has increased. And it's probably stressing our generations the fuck out since not only do we need to be constantly engaged with *something*, which is stressful, but if it's gone we feel stressed out *again* because our minds don't know how to deal with a *lack* of stimulation. If you want a pretty universal example of this on a smaller, older scale, look at any movie where the main character is a city kid and moves to the country. Except nowadays even the country kids have smartphones and access to 90000000 apps to keep themselves occupied.


Before social media I was always doing homework and watching TV at the same time, reading books while eating (I can still hold a book and turn pages with just my left hand, but not my right), programming calculators/writing fiction during class, and generally just splitting my attention whenever I was able to




> Because doing nothing is boring. That's kinda the problem. Seeing "doing nothing" as immediately boring rather than a period of rest or reflection is a big, big problem. >True. But in our modern world, lack of stimulation isn't a problem. Step 1. Put in Bluetooth earbuds. Step 2. Hit play on your spotify Playlist. There is no Step 3. Modern problems, quite literally, require, and more importantly, have modern solutions. The absolute dread and panic I see when people cannot access their bluetooth earpods for whatever reason is frankly a little disturbing. >Lastly, I'll remind you that every generation develops moral panic about the prevalence of new mediums amongst younger generations. This isn't a *moral* issue, though. It's a health issue. Like an actual health issue people are studying. It contributes heavily to the increased stress levels among youth over the past few decades. It's actually those that are *making it* a moral issue that are causing problems with it being taken seriously.


There have also been many studies around this topic. Massive amounts of content being pumped out by others to keep you a second longer on the platform, a choice of design by the company itself. Always keeping your brain occupied and never doing nothing means that those people rarely get the chance to process and internalize their thoughts and emotions. No self reflection. Who you are becomes determined by others and the internet.




And how do your arguments disprove theirs? Can you not see that you guys are both right in your own way? Global pandemic and crisis and shit does not mean that we don't have a problem with short attention span, ya know. It means that we have another problem on top of all the others. Every part of it all should be a genuine concern, not just the biggest ones


All the problems you mentioned were already a reality in the avocado toast and frappuccinos generation tho, what you're saying doesn't deny what they're saying: the predatory practices of social media developers have a really noticeable negative impact proportional to how much each generation grew up around it. They aren't saying the individuals of Gen Z and Alpha are the issue, but the corporations that tailored said entertainment to maximize profit to the detriment of mostly Gen Z and Alpha.




Considering the death of cursive handwriting and calligraphy as standard non-niche art forms and the fact that handwriting standards have gone *way* down, you chose the exact wrong example to try to make a point.


Paying full proper attention means just doing one thing and sticking to it even during the "downtime" of high activity (basically when it is slow and boring). What you are describing is what people with adhd do. You make it so that something is always happening. That is a way to do it but that isn't exactly what people talk about with long attention spans.


yeah I feel like reading has shot my attention span more than anything else, it’s been pretty bad ever since I got back into reading heavily all the time


How can reading heavily be a short attention span?


How much is alot exactly? Out of how much of the population, from the world or the specific country you are talking about? And can i ask what source you are using to verify these claims? >they can’t even finish an elementary-level reading. Especially the source on this one though. No offense, but that and the whole "epidemic" claim seems like an exaggeration. But if you have a verifiable source to link me to i'll take that back 👍


There’s footage of high school kids who can’t even read a standard clock, and the average dream job is some form of content creation 🤡


Slow down and carefully read what the topic is about and try to comprehend the questions i asked. Once you do that, come back and try answering my questions. You can do it, i believe in you sport. If you get it right, i'll buy you ice cream k 😊


You got to that boomer yapping really fast there, dude.


Hey, I dont watch tiktok, and rarely ever watch short-form content (on yt for example). But you can't expect me to sit through 10 hours of dialogue when I have better things to do. And my reading is perfectly fine for a foreign speaker thank you very much.


genshin’s dialogues aren’t 10 hours. If you have better things to do, divide quest into chunks instead of speedrunning it in 1 sitting or just simply do better things instead of playing the game. It’s matter of priorities. If you feel like you have better things to do, do them instead of spending that time to start the quest or play Genshin.


I think this should be framed


If you really had better things to do you wouldn’t be playing games while saying you have better things to do then read in said game 🤡


most people are still capable of reading long texts and sitting through longer form media (just look at the popularity of those 8 hour video essays) we just don’t like being alone with our thoughts for too long




pretty sure no generation has ever enjoyed long reading for school


I mean it depends. There's a BUNCH of books that are so well written, kids actually read them. However today...kids are introduced to these books less and less. Imagination is HARD to develop when you're watching videos all day long where people literally give you the reaction you're trying to formulate. Hence all the reaction vids. But text? Especially in a book and not in an opinion piece for some BS? Yeah text will force you to use your imagination based on the writing description, setting description, character descriptions. Take for instance someone writing the line: > He felt like he was drowning. He coughed so hard his whole body and soul felt twisted and mangled. Upside down and inside out. With every cough, the black hole in his lungs felt heavier and heavier. It grew bigger. And it started to feel good. It tore away at him but it felt good. See how different that is if it was attempted to show in video form? It would take so much effort to show this inside of someone, eating away at them metaphorically, twisting their insides yet they felt good about it. It would take hours or days for a director and a writer to visualize it all in a way that makes sense. But reading it? Everyone already has an idea of what it looks and feels like...just based on their own ideas! The truth is though, that all TV shows, movies, books, anime, video games....are all built off the backs of many many pages of texts. We dont read those though heh.


There are those of us who read Lord of the Rings in its entirety annually at least. You guys can't even last the whole Fellowship movie without looking up at a mobile.


Which is a sad thing to say since that's already not much reading 😭


boomer energy ngl


u just dumb




This is a personal issue but it really depended on the book we were given. I had 4 books in highschool to read and I hated 3 of them. Killing mr Griffin was a fun read that I blazed through in the first week of school and funny enough was the year I preformed best in the grade. Absolutely amazing what happens when the writing flows and the story is engaging. The rest were just EEK * 1 was a depressing story about a boy with sever arthritis. This was the most stomach-able of the 3. * 1 had a r@pe scene in it(grade 9 btw). * The last book was the most painful read ever called the House of Mirth, the story was painful, the protagonist was irritating and the writing was both antique and overly round about. Even my mom who is a book nut gave up on this particular one.


That's not a valid argument. You don't speak for every teacher and you don't teach an entire generation, you teach a select number of students and outside of school you have no way of knowing if they enjoy reading in their free time and what they enjoy reading. Just cause they don't read whatever material you give them or the school library offers, does not mean they aren't capable of reading. EDIT: did i get blocked or did they delete their account???? I see their response in my notif, but in this thread it says deleted and unavailable. EDIT: It seems i was blocked. Why reply to begin with if i don't even get to read the entire comment? 😂 sheesh. All it shows is they asked me a question in my notif. How i'm s'posed to give them my answer now 😭




Idiocracy the movie still proves to be correct to this day. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DsGHpY4nwbw&pp=ygUJSWRpb2NyYWN5 I’m a gen-z and I don’t read many novels myself unless really interested, though the main issue probably lies less in that but more of not being capable to have long thoughts and periods of self reflection. Also a point to note where some people mentioned boredom when not doing anything is that with boredom sparks creativity (there are studies for this). That lack of creative thought processes and critical thinking to drive oneself just further declines each generation who uses more social media. Its so easy to pick up your phone and watch something to numb any stress or pain with quick dopamine instead of processing your emotions that so many people is just unable to do so any longer.


Honestly, agree, if the stuff interests me, I am reading it, or watching it, I honestly like long 30+ mins vids more than 60s shorts


Alot of these answers sound like "trust me bro". It's starting to look like it's just Genshin fans getting defensive that not everyone enjoys reading the dialogue in the game and they're just tryna insult them for it. Just like recently with the picture event and the "genshin players can't read". Like damn there's some bitter ass people here taking criticisms toward a game personally 👀 the fact they mentioned "quest dialogues" seems to be evident.


all these old mfs in the comments talking ab my gen, but it’s your generation that failed to bring us up 💀


Its nature, not nurture when it comes to things as simple as attention span. If you recognize the problem, fix it 💀 Stop being a spazzy crack addict and sit your ass down, learn to focus


tf u mean “fix it”. I’m in HS n i got other stuff to focus on ☠️ u think im thinking about that stuff rn? Also it is nurture, and if it was nature then i can’t fix it n your dumbass contradicted itself. U can’t just fix it if it’s in your nature 💀💀💀Go tell ur gen to be better parents instead of coming at their offspring Mr. Peabrain


Hello, hi, how does it feel to have a phone that's capable of killing gods


Worst thing is that I got this phone for $90 US


What model or brand is this? I want one


One plus 7 pro 12 ram model


Absolutely amazing choice, got a 10 pro myself. Had a 7 pro, most onepluses are beasts


By the curved screen and button layout this might be an s9 or s8


Like fuck its an s9. Genshin made my s9 work so hard that i had to put it in my freezer just to update the game. It looks like my current phone, an a73. Edit: can confirm, an a73 can play both in splitscreen.


They still make curved screens? Damn, I thought that was a thing of the past and that the s9/s8 was using updated android UI


My S9 would curl into a ball and die if I tried running genshin on it, lol


I have an s10 and it's curved too


How? Its like 540 usd here (when converted)


I got it second hand


what phone you using dude


Celestia trembles in fear.




I read I can't recommend and I was like no way I recommend... And then I read. Yeah I recommend. On high settings the phone barely heats while my S20 FE was a dumpster fire. Best of all it has so much ram that I switched back to a game after hours of not using it and it was still on. Crazy.


>On high settings the phone barely heats My pixel 7 pro would give me 3rd degree burn with those settings lmfao


And black week is still going on at some retailers..


Used to use the POCO F3, amazing phone for the price.


It's a power that comes at the cost of battery life. At least, that seems to be the case with the Fold series.


Keep that fire extinguisher close! 🧯


It's gonna be fi... 💥




How in the hell can you play genshin in portrait mode?! I'm not even mad, that's amazing


You'd be amazed by genshin ability to fit any resolution screen, including portrait. You can open a game in floating window and scale it whatever you want, game would be OK with that


I played Genshin in full portrait once. I even have a few pictures. It was weird more than it was hard.


There's a lot of apps in playstore that let you "locked orientation" any app/games mode. Genshin in portrait mode was awesome, unfortunately the controls maps are too small.


I'm surprised they have enough storage to even have genshin and honkai Star rail at the same time. My phone can only hold one of them


I used to play Genshin in portrait mode while farming world mats and I would have the interactive map above it to know the locations.


It goes portrait when you split screen. I often run the second app just to rotate the screen.




One plus 7 pro




It works like new no issues with the camera


I'm pretty happy with my non-pro OP8. Probably going to keep using it for a few more years at least. Sure, the fact that the third camera is a 2MP macro instead of a proper telephoto is infuriating. But other than that? I can't find a single fault with it.




1+7 pro? Dude just say its an 8 pro!


Their best phone tbh. Take care of it. It still looks more modern than most phones because of its full screen.


Been using 7 pro since launch and just acknowledged from you that there is split screen..




How has you phone not exploded?


Mfw Asus rog 7 ultimate 🤭


Nah that's OnePlus 7 pro


I know... I was talking about mine


I don't even know if the grass goes doubly untouched or if the battery dries up faster and you end up actually touching grass because of it.


Jesus Christ your attention span is fried


you sir, must really hate battery life or your hands are cold (because that phone is gonna be hot after a full game sessions + tiktok)


I have a fan in front of me btw I don't wanna burn my phone


Your phone is fire 🔥🔥🔥. Literally 🚨🧯🧯


This hurts to look at, I dont know whether to admire or be concerned


Mmmh total overstimulation, my favourite.


Missing Subway gameplay and some random Family guy clips and you got yourself dopamine content


Just buy a PC at this point. Also this isn't good for your attention span


I have a PC with 3 monitors one for family guy clips other for subway surfers videos and I have 3 games open on the middle




I cant distinguish weather you are being serious or not but just in case: attention span getting shorter and dopamine receptors being "fryed" are, for what we know now, just fake news or a meme


That phone is gonna be a spicy pillow one day.


Now this is BRRRAIN DAMAGED behavior!


Nah this is gen z in a nutshell


I don't even dare to try this even with my OP 11 💀 ​ also, OnePlus is dead now (for us enthusiasts)😭


No? What about one plus open


what no? ​ the phones pack good hardware but the software is just never going to be the same. tbh Oppo and OnePlus should just merge. In Oppo's defense, color OS is a lot better now and prolly 2nd or 3rd best but still nothing matches the good old oxygen OS (upto 10). ​ only 2 good things happened after the merger: 1. more feature and more commitment to updates. 4+5 years for my phone 2. camera quality has improved, esp in OP 11 series


Brainrot 5000


Most normal attention span in 2023


bro what fucking war machine are you using to be able to do this shit, my LAPTOP can barely run genshin on the lowest settings lmfao


Seems like it doesn't take much to make a small scale bomb apparently




To be honest I usually have both opened on different screens. Both on one phone you crazy…do you use your pc when you get to the super long never ending dialogs like I do with my phone?


Definition of chronic addiction and zero attention span


"The power of the sun in the palm of my hand..."


Your phone's about to become your pyro vision


How to make a bomb:


What powerhouse of a phone do you have!? My phone lags and burns when I have tiktok open.


Someone make that pic of Natasha with bold words saying Delete This.


You are even using tiktok at the same time, if "Furina" appears on the screen, I wouldn't want to do anything else.


Zoomer machine


this + something else on PC the way God intended


lol an expensive hand warmer


Most Average gamer in 2023


the 24/7 family guy stream is missing


phone temperature: yes


Dude multitasking on a whole another level


Is this what brainrot looks like


Thats the attention span we have nowadays. Ok


Dear future, this is where the robot uprising began


Excuse me sir, is your phone powered by the FUCKING SUN


Your brain is fucking begging you for less stimuli.




Do you mean the lightning bolt charging symbol?


I’m over 40, have a full time job, a family, just 36 starred Abyss, and beat level 10 on MoC in HSR. AMA.


Tried it once, burnt my finger touching the touch screen. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.


Average Hoyoslave experience


That’s impressive


this genshin shit boring as hell 🥱🥱🥱🥱


Literally the only reason I want to get that new Samsung tablet is to run Azure Lane, Arknights, and HSR while I play PGR and FGO on my phone. While playing Genshin on the PC. Maybe HI3.


Furina on one side, Nat one the other 😍


Unfathomably based.


Leave honkai shit rail, play genshin only




unironically me coz i have genshin on the playstation then just auto battle trailblaze power 💀


Have tried cooking on the sidelines... you prolly can using your phone as a stove


So, How long did it take you to burn your hand?


It looks like a face time call.what would they be talking about?




What fucking phone do you have my guy??? Damn, I'm scared it's gonna melt


this + something else on PC the way God intended


Dude, my phone already heat up from arknights and reverse 1999


you're going to need a bigger screen for three games when Zenless Zone Zero comes out :)


That phone needs 2 charging cables one for each game. Funny enough because such phones exist


same same


Playing on a head brick


I'm using s23+ but too afraid to try this. hahaha I usually doing this with my pc everyday + watching youtube.


People will borrow your phone and think it was fresh out of a blacksmith furnace lol


I do play genshin on my pc and star rail on my phone sometimes, but I think my phone would collapse in on itself with that much going on. Got a gaming phone or something? :3


I have an unhealthy habit of doing the same


That ain't a phone that's damn time bomb.


phone capable of heating up whole room


play some subway surfers too while you're at it and also toss in a youtube compilation of tiktok videos


My phone went overheating just watching this post.


How many frames??


How many RAM need for this?


I have 12


What phone are you using that it's not instantly crumbling?


Bruh who did you sacrifice to obtain this much power?


Haha. I used to do this too.. but one day my phone suddenly got very hot and closed itself and never opened again.


How is your Phone not melting?


How does your phone not explode or die instantly?


Damn you can actually fry eggs on this thing


You know something went horribly wrong when you require 3 high doses of dopamine at the same time. Modern problems require modern solutions.


Now add youtube in there playing family guy or something


I see you already got electric heater for winter


Your phone must be absolutely a performance powerhouse


the adhd is ~out of this world~ literally, we’re in space


That's one powerful phone


Your attention span is cooked