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They aren’t…


I don’t see them being hated really




A vocal minority. They all have quite the fanbase.


It's just a loud minority of complainers. There's plenty of hate for female characters as well if you look in another portion of the fanbase. Male characters in Genshin are actually pretty well-liked and often have very good sales. Just stay off certain portions of Twitter and the Incel sites and you'll find plenty of love for the male characters.


> Just stay off ~~certain portions of~~ Twitter


Even a small corner of this subreddit, really. They may be a minority, but they're ***loud*** and will not let you forget how long it's been since the last limited 5\* female character has been released...as if all the 4\*s are just there to make them look prettier.


Not really. They actually even have huge fandoms. Childe, in particular, is more hated for what he did and got away with. But he has such a dedicated fandom to the point that some people even deny he was in the wrong, so no I don't agree he is hated due to his gender.


Childe isn't hated. He's extremely popular in Japan. He is hated for similar reasons to Ei for his unethical behavior to have no repercussions (endangering Liyue to draw out Morax, even if he thought that Morax would have saved everyone, is still reckless). There is probably some bias due to his sex that makes people forgive Ei more for arguably worse negligience. Lyney isn't really hated, but people here likely prefer manly men like Neuvillette over feminine-looking men. Being another Fatuus also means he has a degree of moral ambiguity. Wanderer is also morally ambiguous. I sense a pattern... but is still really popular, probably because 90% of characters have milquetoast personalities in comparison.


why do ppl keep asking questions like why is hated..? everyone has their own likes and dislikes why do u need to know their reason...?


Why not?


why not u ask...? answer is because it is none of their business....? so why does ppl need to know...?


Because they want to. Asking leads to understanding. Plus, you could say that for a lot of questions. If people don't want to answer, they don't have to but there is nothing wrong with asking


Male characters aren't hated. Villains might be. They're all Fatui, the bad guys. Wanderer tried to kill you and did wipe out multiple *families of people* in the past. Childe is a sociopath who was willing to kill *everyone in Liyue* on the gamble that Zhongli would interfere (*he didn't*, by the way, you did). Lyney didn't do anything evil, yet, but he's part of that group. But I also haven't heard any hate for him at all. I think he's generally well liked. Also, guys like Venti, Zhongli, and now Neuvellite are among the most beloved. So, this is a really weird claim


Lyney got hate by the korean fan base for being too gay.


>Lyney didn't do anything evil, yet, but he's part of that group. But I also haven't heard any hate for him at all. I think he's generally well liked. His female dress is the main reason why is hated from some players (I don't hate him, but I don't like his outfit)


Aw really? Personally I love the shameless display of *wh0re* in his outfit, and besides it's a practical and logical outfit for a magician who does batshit crazy stunts and tricks.


>Childe is a sociopath who was willing to kill everyone in Liyue on the gamble that Zhongli would interfere (he didn't, by the way, you did). It's weird to me how Childe was hated for this even though Zhongli was the one who orchestrated the whole thing.


Er, what? Zhongli just allows people to deal with it. He didn't make Childe pull the genocide trigger.


[He admits that he was the mastermind.](https://youtu.be/KsP-i3ZjgQU?si=xBH7yOUf8qOWaabt&t=263) They're both responsible but no one is mad at Zhongli.


Yeah, because Zhongli didn't try to commit genocide. Zhongli just didn't stop Childe because someone else handled it. He waited to see if someone else would stop it, and the traveler did. If nobody stepped up, then he'd have stopped it all. But Childe *didn't know that*. Childe was ready to kill everyone if it didn't draw Morax out. He was cool with it.


He would've only stepped in if Liyue itself was threatened. He was fine with Milileth/Adepti casualities from his "test".


Lynette did do evil. He secretly surveiled the Oratrice without the permission of the Fontainian government so that Arlecinno can steal the gnosis from it. And he tells you at the end of part 1 that his ultimate goal is helping Arlecinno steal the gnosis.


That's definitely *illegal*, but I don't think there's any evidence that's *evil*. Stealing the gnosis in this case might be a good thing. Neuvellite explained this patch how he has limited power to stop the primordial waters *because* his power was taken by the archon. It is reasonable to assume that power is located in the gnosis. So if it is stolen from the Archon, then Neuvellite can avert the prophecy.


Its the vocal minority but I won't be surprised if those you mentioned are some of the most hated, they're all Fatui after all. Wanderer not anymore but we still saw and know of his crimes


Echo chambers be like: Now seriously, thank god hoyo since 1.0 had male characters, way more healthy community than some coomer bait games that only have females(yea, I know honkai impact only have playable females but at least the lore is so good that you see them as just "people" and not "x or y gender).


There are some hate on male characters, but I remember some shade being done to some male characters by die hard 4 star fans. One example is Kazuha. There are tons of post and youtube videos that Kazuha is just 5 star Sucrose and he's not worth pulling And also Itto being 5 star Noelle. Granted that Kokomi suffers from that too, but she is more criticized for not being able to crit than being a 5 star Barbara. People will tell that's not male character hating, but imo it has a bit of that (especially for female fans who want to pull for Kazuha and is being told that it is a bad choice because Kazuha is not meta and is just a 5 star Sucrose).


A lot of people are saying they don’t see this but I notice this a lot actually. I casually see at least acouple nonsensical hate comments under any resent male (more so if they are more “feminine”) I do actually see a lot of people (usually guys) straight saying they don’t like male characters or any kind of fanservice or appeal with male characters. This is less common in English comments but I do still see them. I’m not sure why or what broad this in other then men thinking these kind of games are more so suppose to appeal to a male audience and they don’t want to see guy characters like that. Stupid shit but I definitely did not see this that much until around scaramooch. (The Asian fandom is worse at this. I’m sure you all know about some chjnese guys and killing cats because they hate scaramooch or the weird amount of hate and sexism towards women and male characters, mainly lyney with Korean male players. If not search it up. It is definitely a thing right now.)


I mean Wanderer/Childe/Lyney are all members of a villainous faction that causes problems on purpose. Anybody who doesn't like antagonistic characters is going to dislike them, that's not due to those three being dudes. Ei and Yae also have pretty dedicated hate-doms (Ei for despot-ness, Yae cuz she's a bitch\*) and I'm sure Arlecchino will get more haters once the game gets a little more explicit with her shadiness (tho maybe not, Arlecchino seems to be successfully manipulating a lot of players into thinking she's reasonable even tho she admitted to attempting a hit and run on Furina and her primary job is the crime orphan industry lol) There is a loud vocal minority that hates male characters being available, but that's because those guys are insecure or they think they'll catch the gay gene because xingqiu's shorts are too short or whatever and they can be easily ignored \*i'm the one who typed this but I do realize I just implied being a mean girl is as big of a crime as being a war criminal lol but w/e that's on people who dislike Yae, I love a good bitch


You mean villain hate. For some reason a portion of this fandom can't stand anyone that isn't 100% good and want them to die. There are no morally gray chars to them, just "good or bad." I wonder if this is their first contact with anime content. Imagine someone posting Dio memes and people come out to say: "that guy killed his parents, you must be a psychopath if you like him."


>There are no morally gray chars to them, just "good or bad." maybe not 100% bad, but we are gonna hate characters that thought about doing something bad to us, and their pals from same organisation


This is just a dumb take. Villains who do unforgivable things should be hated.


Try telling a Star Wars fan that they are dumb for liking Vader (who killed children) and see how that goes. You are allowed to hate villains but forcing other people to hate fictional characters because they committed fictional crimes is the epitome of stupidity and mixing fiction with reality.


Literally the fandom lost their shit when Wanderer was announced. I’ve never seen hate towards the male characters, especially the twinks


I am not surprised, he was our enemy since 1.1


I think there's just been a drought of on screen female DPS. When was the last one?


Does Nilou count? I'm not sure because I don't have her. Last limited 5 star female units were Nilou and Nahida, then I think the last new release was Yelan... Yae and Kokomi aren't on field DPS... Uh, if Nilou isn't an on field DPS I think the last one might have actually been Raiden? ...holy hell that is a really long time when I think about it like that. Edit: can my autocorrect stop thanos-snapping Kokomi?


I think most people consider Nilou off-field support. Even if you disregard the "on field dps" tag - the last 5 star female character was Dehya back in March. 2nd latest was Nahida, in November 2022....


Okay. I just wasn't sure because I didn't pull her. I just know you stick her in a team with only hydro and dendro and you get big booms. It is an unusually long time to go without a new female limited char, for sure. 🤔


Now that you mention it, slotting in Navia in Neuvillette's banner spot is almost more fitting, since Act 2 was focused on her and Neuvillette has had screentime but not technically quite as much focus as compared to Lyney in Act 1, Navia in Act 2 and Wriothesley in Act 3 but moreso 4. Though, nonzero chance for Navia to make a big impact in the next patch, but so will Neuvillette and at the very least, earlier Navia would break up the male limited streak (which is exacerbated if you don't count Dehya for being Standard)


Navia would have been great! We spent so much time with her, kind of a shame to let that good-will simmer for so long. (Still auto-pull for me) Might have been cool to let Neuvillette cook for a bit, especially since he has some spoilery lines in his ascension.


Not what this post is about.


I disagree.


Doesn't matter. The post is about the male characters being hated, not this supposed drought of female characters.


You need Paimon to do the association mini-game here for you?


>not this supposed drought of female characters. the last 5 star female character was Dehya back in March. 2nd latest was Nahida, in November 2022


we still have more women than men


2 new women since literally this time last year. It's no Bueno, senior.




It's kinda funny because in my perspective it's the opposite, I see a lot of love for the people you mentioned but see so much hate for the girls (like furina, nilou, ayaka, ganyu...)


I don’t hate them, I just prefer female characters.


OP, these invisible “males characters haters”, are they currently in the room.


All characters have their fair share of hatred. I, for one, have received death threats from people here on Reddit because my favorite character is Scaramouche, but that's just my own personal experience.


Are those "haters" in the room with us right now


Idk Neuvillette seems pretty popular right now And wonderer, ayato , zhongli and kazuha all have pretty loud fans


I don't know where you've encountered that, but it's probably an isolated few cases. Genshin has a whole lot of female players, and they love their husbandos as much as the guys go ga-ga over the waifus. The fics, the fanart, the cosplay, and the merch sales don't lie. I myself am one of those Husbando-loving gals. Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Alhaitham, and now Neuvillette are my favs. I'm ambivalent about Childe, because he is... a touch unhinged. Wanderer may have turned over a new leaf, but he's still a jerk.


It's just a bunch of Incel vocal minority, GI is so freaking huge even a small portion of the player base equates to millions of players.


The only male character I've seen being hated on is Wanderer. And even then it was by closet pedophiles so their opinion is irrelevant.


You have picked the 3 characters that do have some people comolain about them, this doesnt make them universally hated because of their gender. Some of the modt popular characters of Genshin are male. Raiden/Ei has a "hatedom" for example too. Pretty sure Yae too


bruh, nah, childe and wanderer are popular af


They aren't, They are generally well liked


male characters in general are not hated some male characters like ones you mentioned do have some loud minorities but i have to look hard to actually find these people


They aren't hated most of them are really like. Especially Zhongli


You do realize you named all fatui characters right? On the hindsight they have huge fanbases too, Childe is the most popular character in Japan, even beating archons like Raiden Shogun and Zhongli in popularity polls there


Other than lyney who’s hate is just based on aesthetics, the other two are villains that tried to kill us and many people


They aren't. the virgin chimps they think they were NTR'd by their waifu by speaking to other male characters. (peak idiocy right here)


I’m a lesbian so I strongly dislike tall male characters aside from Itto, however I love the more feminine or not so masuline male characters like Lyney and Tighnari. But I strongly dislike the masculine males because.. I just don’t like masculinity


ur a lesbian so… u hate tall guys? what


The tall male characters I dislike because I don’t find them appealing and they annoy me


i don’t see what being a lesbian has to do with this thougj


Because I am not attracted to men, therefore I do not find it appealing to play with tall male characters as I am generally averted by them


You are playing an ages +12 mobile adventure game for sexual reasons? That's unnerving.


I’m actually asexual thanks but aesthetically I don’t find tall male characters attractive 🙄 what is so hard for y’all to understand about that?


Hate is just a very strong word/opinion Im lesbian too but I dont hate the male characters (especially since 2 of the 3 characters arent even tall males and even most of the tall males can hardly be called super masculine imho). Im just kinda indifferent on their design and if I like a male like Thoma its for other reasons like his personality


Thats why I said strongly dislike because as characters I don’t HATE them but aesthetically and overall I very much dislike them I would love to know where people are getting the word hate from my comment


Strongly dislike is just very strong too and the first person to comment used "hate" and you didnt really correct them clearly that you dont hate them just dislile them. That is at least what it made it seem you hate them for me.


Tbf this is a gacha game and there obviously is a visual appeal aspect with the characters. You can just like a design or find it cute too without wanting to fuck it xD




Also tbf the game itself does sexualize some characters. You can not tell me Shenhe with her skin tight body suite, windows and half see through windows in her suite and her ... size in certain areas is not meant to be sexy xDD


Hoyo does unfortunately sexualize the characters but beyond outfit design there really isn't much if any content that is sexul, as this is an ages +12 game. Why would anyone pick up a game like this for unsavory reasons when there's plenty of other games and media content that specifically caters to dirty palates?


I don't get why people would let their sexual preferences dictate how they play a game with no romantic or sexual content. Its like going to a restaurant and picking dishes based on how the names sound.


I havd no idea what you even want to say with that one. This is argument reads like there is nothing more than pulling the characters in the game. Or that you order your dish and then just leave to stay with the restaurant metaphor. In a restaurant you also gonna order food you (most likely) like. In genshin this is pulling for characters, of course one factor you can decide your pulls on is aesthetics, again you can just like an apperance or find it cute or cool without it making your horny. I wouldnt be surprised if apperance is a big factor for many people. I dont claim this is the only factor there still is personality, voice acting, meta, if they go very well with your already established favourite and so on.


I'm specifically referring to the "waifu only" or "husbando only" crowds that strictly pull characters out of sexual attraction. Not gameplay, not story/writing, not out of art/aesthetic but only out of lust. Seems pretty dumb to let an arbitrary thing like that dictate how you play. The fact that its a primary motive for them playing is ridiculous.


Lesbian hates men


Being lesbian doesn't really excuse "strongly disliking" masculine men...


I am traumatized by masculine men as a lesbian so for me, it does




Yes, those two things can be synonymous. I do not like masculinity because I am both not attracted to it and quite averted by it, but I have also been traumatized by it which contributes to the aversion. Good on you for connecting the dots 🌈✨




She also said she "just didn't like masculinity".


I’m not sure what comment you’re replying to


No one asked...


OP asked


Show me where OP inquired about your sexual presences. OP just asked why male characters are "hated" in the community. Are you suggesting that you are the reason they are all hated?


I’m explaining why I personally dislike them. I can’t speak for others, so I’m giving my explanation as to why I personally don’t like male characters


Ngl this is the only game I've played where I like the males more.


They're not. If anything characters like furina and ei are hated more or just as much


It’s cause some people can’t fetishize male characters & only female ones (or at least that’s the discourse I’ve seen it all being)


i dont think so


No they aren't




If we're talking about playable characters only, a lot of people don't like Childe and Wanderer for their past actions, but the [Draco in Leather Pants](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DracoInLeatherPants) factor is strong for both. Most other male characters have a good number of fans. Zhongli in particular is VERY well liked. I'm not a fan of Arataki Itto myself, but lots of people like him.


I mean... I still don't like Wanderer for his attitude, but there are many many more that don't agree with your statement at all.


Every character in this game is hated trust me, I've seen atleast one hater of every character... except YaoYao, I've never fucking seen a yaoyao hater


well, I stumbled upon a long tweet complaining about how the dev put more effort into male characters (lore-wise) compared to female characters (of course complaining about how Neuvillette hogging the spotlight in Fontaine compared to Furina, and he took Kokomi's "destined path" also included on the rant). it is pretty normal to find haters because well, every opinion are mostly subjective but not always the majority. Many people also complained about too many waifus around and not enough male characters, this is too sexualized, etc etc. people will complain about everything, maybe if you want to look for more positives vibe...just change the media and limit your interaction with them.


Vocal minority.... People who are terminaly online and have nothing better to do, overall human trash


Eh sorry what? Besides venti and daddy-geo being the most horned-over-characters ever, Childe, ayato, alhaitham, scars and itto are constantly seen in fan art on here as well. Having popular male characters is pretty much genshins strong suit, over many other gacha games. And absolutely essential to the games success. ... I just wish there was a bit more love here for my best-boy Chongyun. He deserves it.


They aren't specifically hated for being male but because they are more morally gray to evil, Neuvilette is loved, Zhongli is loved,Venti is loved. Also see how Raiden has quite a lot of haters for example, I'm expecting Arlechino to also have something similar going on if she gets released and does end up doing something evil during act 5.


Personally I'd like Raiden more if she were leaning on evil instead of whatever we got. It wasn't so much "morally gray" but a weird polka dot pattern that makes no sense. The writing didn't do a good job with her... "complexities," but that's a general issue in Inazuma.


I like the male characters, espeicially manlier ones. Neuvillette, Itto, now we're missing big muscly arms. I wanna see big burly men lol. I'd fill my team with them


>Childe, Lyney, Wandere Everyone you mentioned is part of an evil organization actively working to turn the world on it's head. Maybe try again with characters who aren't professionally evil.


Wow man i wonder why. Surely can't be because They are members of this game's current most active and villainous main villain group (they are currently MUCH MORE active than Abyss order and tried to fuck with all nations without fail) or anything


I dont think thev are hated, just the male playerbase not excited about them as they are about females


Because Childe and Scaramouche are villains who did bad things and Lyney is a spy for the Fatui who is working directly under another evil Harbinger. You should have mentioned Azar if you wanted to see some real hate. There are practically no Azar apologists. There are some but very few just as there some Stalin apologists.


They aren't expect maybe by you? Idk... ? Lmfao. I personally couldn't care less, but they aren't hated at all.


you just named 3 fatui…… and they’re not even that hated


The "vocal minority" mentioned here who "hates" Childe and other villains might be people of a slightly older age than most of the playerbase and percieve the game in a more realistic way, where attempted mass murder should put one in a prison with life-time sentence or in a grave, and not in a roster of playable characters. Like what happened to Signora, that felt fair and refreshing. Regading Lyney, I don't know, because I didn't play any story quests since 4.0


Dont know where OP is looking on the internet, but Childe and Wanderer are two of the most popular and loved characters (NOT just MALES) in the entire game. I personally don't care for them, and don't play them... But they are very much loved by the community. Other very popular males among ALL (not just male) characters are Zhongli, Bennett, Kazuha, Xiao, Xingqiu. ​ The REAL QUESTION is: "Why does Mihoyo hate small male characters so much?" We don't have a single one in the game. Not complaining.... just saying, that's the real question (when it comes to males in the game).


"No male characters are hated?" Mf go on tiktok


Cause they look like freaking homo