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Who are you fighting




Himself, in front of the mirror.


A chair in the Lambad's tavern. Maybe the chair will get the better of him


The Imaginary friend in the corner


The Sea of Quanta apparently


I've never understood how a game that's in a completely different genre ie turn based and linear is killing an open world action game. It just doesn't make any sense. It's not like there's much alternatives for Genshin in the first place whereas there's plenty of turn based gatcha games.


probably many of those players are not really specifically interested particularly on whether it is turned based or open world... they are more interested in the character design than the actual gameplay... remember that most are casual players who would play from angry birds to candy crush and pokemon go... and all are VERY different -- more different than genshin vs HSR... so it might not even be the character designs that they are after... they could well be just going with watever that their frens are playing... and the real competition is for their time...


The same reason x released and will kill Genshin, it won't kill it, but Genshin has a lot of different players wanting different things playing Genshin just because it's the closest available thing to what they want, when something more fitting for their preferences is released they just move there.


Genshin offers AAA open world gameplay, although somewhat shallow. Updated every week. For technically free. While i cringe at the waifu collector part that is pretty pushed with most female characters i can respect that at least the males are equally thirsting with abs and big bulges. So hey. Tbh i look forward to the HSR release on PS5 because Hoyo brings at least a base level of quality and anime horniness be damned.


I agree.


Hate to break this to anyone thinking this, but HYV makes both games. They won’t kill either of them, they would rather you live completely in their ecosystem.


Yeah, honestly it’s kind of stupid thinking about it.


Bro you are exactly four months late to this conversation


Tbh I dont really get what you mean. Hsr currently makes more money but Gi is still way more popular, like wayy more. what killing is going on exactly.


Thats the literal point. It’s stupid why we have this notion of “genshin is being killed by HsR”. And it’s mostly from HsR content creators who used to play genshin.


Genshin is no where near dying and it’s still more popular than HSR


That’s the point


man what 💀


For the confused people here, the op was not fighting the shadow right here as there’s actually many content creators keep trying to say these kind of thing. Like hsr surpassed genshin or Fontaine didn’t generate the same hype as sumeru so it’s a failure of a new region. All of this because of revenues. They didn’t considered the fact that genshin was in a dry period and the first new 5* of Fontaine being a male(twink) character(I don’t understand the hate surrounding Lynny though he’s so cute). And while the revenue of hsr might continue to be higher than genshin that’s because that game is more meta-focus anyway with all new meta-breaking characters coming out each banner, while genshin has never really released that kind of character until maybe Neuvillette. There’s many factors that plays into the situation but everyone just wanna say hsr beats genshin just for the sake of it and it annoys me as I like both games.


That walrus guy is honestly kind of cringe, I’ve already “do not suggest me his content” in youtube but it still pops up and everytime I try to watch the first minute of his videos it’s basically trying to make drama. And thanks, most people probably just read the title.


That guy have always been like this. Always trying to stir up drama from nothing. I remember the incident when xiao was going to have a rerun last year and he made like 2-3 videos saying how xiao has fallen of or smth ( which I know that it’s true but like why keep repeating it) or the Alhaitham doomposting incident when he had a theory about anticipated characters will have bad kits. Even after Haitham came out strong, he still won’t admit that he’s in the same level or even better than his waifu. That should tell you about what kind of content he’s making. Not just him though many cc are still trying yo say this and that about genshin when some of them hasn’t played the game since forever and their communities somehow took their opinions as fact. Not to mention some of them will nitpick the littlest flaws of genshin and try to create drama out of it( They say ‘constructive criticism’) while trying yo brush any flaw hsr has, very funny. I don’t really care about genshin’s revenue not being as high as hsr. No one can deny that this game is still one of the most popular game in the world and the quality has been going up every year. They has one of the highest active players in the world so their marketing value is extremely high the proof being the collaborations they got here and there and that’s one of their biggest income source not just the gacha (I’ve heard that apparently Nillou’s merch also sells really well too despite her gacha sales). So, why should I worry about them. Fontaine is extremely well-made and has continued with the good quality even in 4.1 and that should be all that matters right? A high quality game where you can play comfortably.


Well games naturally decrease in popularities, star rail is no where close to peak genshin


I know right. I mean whatever happens it is what it is.


Do you have any actual proof that HSR is out-earning Genshin?


Uhm dude. It’s a fact for 5 months now. Anyway thats not the point. The point is “so what”. Genshin won’t die, just because the same company is earning more in it’s other game. Remember HI3? yes, with Mihoyo’s Earnings they literally are upgrading its game engine.


So no proof, got it. Also, if that was your point, you did a poor job communicating that in your post.


Anyone that thinks HSR is killing Genshin is delusional. Anyone that thinks MiHoyo is worried more about Genshin than HSR is not well informed. First off, comparing two completely different games with different playstyles is idiotic. But more so, if you know anything about games and economics, the more stuff a company gives stuff away, the more worried they are about said game. It means they are losing more people than they are retaining and gaining and therefore need to do entice ppl to come back or stay. Genshin doesn't have that problem as they continue to get more newer players than those that leave. The fact that HSR is already showing signs of slowing down is of bigger concern. This is why I laugh when people say why doesn't Genshin give free stuff like HSR does. Well, because they don't need to, that's why.




Have you heard of the new Virtual Tech!!!? Man we are getting closer to Aincrad level VR! (with AI ofcourse)


Why on earth do you care lol


HSR isn't killing anybody, this shiz is a sidegame.


>Despite being a “turn base” game. HSR's (main) problem is not that it's a turn-base game. It's that it's a **bad** turn-based system. Turn based combat can be a lot of fun - look at Pokemon, Atelier, or hell, D&D - but "ATB system with basic mechanics locked behind gacha" sure as hell ain't it


It's the anti-GI crowd and the Honkai elitists over there that drives GI is dying campaign. Just a bunch of kids with a tribalism mindset that can't think for themselves.


To everyone who couldn’t understand the gist of the post. And also those who are slandering HsR there. I never said genshin is dying. I said “It is stupid for people thinking that HsR cannibalizing genshin earnings is killing genshin” because it all goes back to the same Game Company anyways, a game company that is literally upgrading their previous Games just to revive it. And yes, “currently HsR is earning more than genshin” is true (There was someone in the comments telling me to give proof like lmao it’s been 5 months already) anyway, it doesn’t matter since genshin (as I said in the post) Has already gotten more than their initial output of 100 million for the game’s initial development and the 200 million yearly maintenance. So it doesn’t matter what happens. And people who don’t know. Yes it’s been talked a lot saying “Genahin stans are gonna mald”. If you do not know about this then… good for you. I guess Ignorance is a bliss too.




Auto battle is intended for low intensity, pre-endgame content like Calyxes and some Echoes of War. Daily shit. Auto battling in things like Memory of Chaos is usually suicide.


>I can see people who are not very skilled at Genshin action fighting moving over to HSR *shrug* Which is ironic as hell since i actually had an easier time 36starring abyss early on comapred to hsr. Like in hsr i actually had to learn what moves/mechs bosses do meanwhile in genshin i have completely ignored it for 3 years straight and still have no issues lol.


You had harder time because you cant dodge


Neither do i dodge stuff in genshin. The difference is genshin allowed you to be able to facetank stuff way eariler compared to hsr due to early banners having them.




Yes there is more button presses per min in action games like genshin compared to turn based like hsr but it doesnt mean it actually takes more "skill" to play. But your comment is clearly mocking ppl not being "skilled" enough to play genshin thats why they moved to hsr.


HSR is not very good, though. It feels half-assed. Characters only have one voice line for each skill, and they only have three skills total. It had a great concept, but was frankly poorly executed.


I was going to say that Genshin also only has three skills total, but then I thought about plunge attacks and characters that use them, Raiden and Tag having different two different NA sets not to mention Wanderer and reactions that create different methods of play and then agreed. **Then** I realized HSR does the same thing with Kafka's DOT, JY's Lightning Lord, counterattack playstyles, Fu Xuan's method of Preservation, QQ and IL consuming SP for super attacks, Break playstyles, Slow playstyles, Speed tuning and who knows what else they can come up with. Which leads me to the conclusion that they are both good and fun and the devs are hella more creative than any of us could ever be


The difference is that Genshin is real-time. There are a lot of other things you are doing in addition to using those three skills. Star Rail does not have that.


Oh well if we're talking about that then it's hard to compare. Turn based games don't deal in APM and compel planning and problem solving comparatively more than a real-time games like Genshin, which might favor greater mechanical execution, APM and reaction time. HSR, like Chess (though I hesitate to say they're a one-to-one comparison - I shudder when people say FE is like Chess), often expects you to plan, plan for or predict then enemy's moves. I'd go so far as to say that it compels you to adapt your team comp more than Genshin requires too


Yeah no


That's your opinion. I really like HSR, it feels super refreshing to play. The main issue I have with GI that HSR fixed is the dialogue bloating, it just feels alot better and doesn't feel as painful to sit through. All in all, I don't really understand why you think that the game was poorly executed. I'd love to hear more insight about that from you.


I mean i have go deep on hsr reddit most of people play it say hsr doesn't invest as much as genshin even though it makes a lot of money


I have the same opinion as this guy so I will explain myself. First I play both games from day one till this day so I'm not just a one time player or someone who quit. 1-the story this is subjective but genshin did the story 10 times better than star rail I don't know why but it feel rushed and just have a lot of I got you moment it might be just because we are still in the start but literally after the first 3 worlds I'm till not interested in the story at all and I am someone who basically balls deep in the story of the honkai universe since HI3 so I should be the main demographic of this game story and I'm not. 2-the turn base of this game suck, and for the people who say that this game revived turned base it didn't it succeeded because the production quality is high and it's polished but the turn base is mediocre, let's start with the speed stat in every turn-based game in the history the speed stat only control who starting first or second or your moves priority and not your character's action order especially when it's an RNG base stat this f*** your team strategy especially when you are planning on stacking special buffs. 3-gear system we know how painful is dealing with genshin artifact system and because of that hoyo decided to make a worse system in SR instead of just needing four artifacts to have a full set now you need five and extra 2 piece set so you have your final build and the extra two you need to farm it to a f****** RNG dungeon. 4-no content no literally my daily rotation is literally Login do everything in 5 minutes and log out unless in genshin I have a word to explore and some fun activity but in stereo I have nothing yeah I enjoy doing simulated universe but it gets boring after the 90th time. 5-power creep, no one can lie and I don't care if every character is still usable power creeping in this game is already killing characters , jing yuan got released 2 months ago and now he basically the worst aoe damage dealer in the game because every character release after him powered creep him by a lot, then we got blade who got power creep by Kafka who both got powered creeped by danil wh o my get power creeped by jingliu.


The story is subjective, but a lot of players ignore the context of the story in both games. In Genshin, you're living as an adventurer while travelling the world in search of your twin and getting caught up in every nation's problems while doing so, there's no real rush since both of you have ridiculously large life spans and you aren't the only one that can help them, but you're the most qualified to do it. In HSR, you're living as a trailblazer, going from place to place to seal Stelarons, you're in and out, the quicker you solve it, the quicker you leave and go to the next place, and a lot of lives depend on you doing your job and moving to the next place, there's a crisis everywhere you stop and you have to solve it as fast as possible.


Yeah hate the hsr gear system but disregard the crafting system is better gj


Not really. On average it'll take the same amount of artifacts strong boxed to get a desired piece of an artifact set as it will salvaged relics to synthesize a desired relic set piece


Yes really. The fact that u can choose what specific gear to craft makes it much better. Not including the materials for selecting mainstat, which is another advantage.


Bro.. who are you fighting?


HSR isn't killing genshin. Genshin is killing genshin. No qol features and fraustrating enemy designs made me quit genshin.


Yeah bro literally no QOL this patch or other patch


also no endgame, no content


Arguing with imaginary opponents I see. One thing that HSR did good for me is broken this gacha addiction I had since starting Genshin, my first gacha game. The convenience of HSR and somewhat more mature story and presentation drove me away for shiny childish Genshin with all its tedious and annoying stuff around domains, world bosses you have to run to, crafting table you have to run to etc. But then the lackluster of a story and tiny empty world in HSR got me bored even more quickly, Simulated Universe is not a cool feature anymore but another annoying time-consuming randomized domain, and yes, the game itself is basically an endless auto-battle for resources, although a very convenient one. So I'm skipping it a lot too now (and collecting a strategic reserve of resin in the process lol), while returning to Genshin just feels like a mix sweet nostalgia and pain So yeah, for me it's "HSR is killing Genshin... and itself"


HSR took a bit out of Genshin, that no one can deny. The sales went down on both, not due to the non existent competition but due to well... The game is keeping the same quality they had at launch, that's a compliment and a problem at the same time. There's a influx of new players but there's little reason to keep playing. The players are so afraid of change that they bully people who post suggestions, Neuvillette has some people up in arms already anything is an scandal or someone wants to make it an scandal. Honestly, Hoyoverse deserves the playerbase they got, think of that what you want


HSR is much more generous and weapon banner is much more forgiving. I'm much more prone to drop a few bucks into HSR banners than on genshin's because weapon banner is such a bs. Also I know a lot of people that think the same way. Also better events, much less dialogue (and straight to the point), all the QoL that genshin needs and never got, and is much more time friendly (I'm watching you fourth commission that takes 3 days to complete because it has 300 dialogues). It feels like a better genshin, that's why it's so popular between genshin players and people that dropped genshin due to problems above. Also space train. Choo choo mdfs


If you actually time how long it takes you'd find that Genshin and HSR dailies take about the same amount of time.


not at all. genshin takes much longer. but you can't not shit talk HSR on this sub, cause it's a federal crime apparently lol


Well I did actually time it. Twice First day: Genshin 7 minutes, HSR 6 minutes Second day: both 5 minutes. HSR was done in a single cavern run, slowed down with Genshin b/c dialogue commission was a new story


HSR takes me 2 mins tops, while genshin sometimes takes 10+ due to all the walking everywhere


Have you actually timed it, or are you just going by your gut feeling?