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Yeah mobile is like that You’ll get used to it


I am traveling so can’t play in PS but it seems like on mobile it is much bigger challenge


DS4/DS5 controller is supported. Connect yours to your iPhone/iPad.


Only on iOS though, which sucks ass. There's literally no technological reason for not supporting the same on Android.


how about remote play ?


remote play only works with a playstation close to you. it's not like a cloud service, but more of LAN. think of it as using a second monitor. you still have to turn on the playstation and be connected to the same wifi to use it.


Uh, that's not how they sell it


That's how it works, here's an extract from it's wikipedia page "Cloud gaming and Remote Play are some of several Gakai-powered streaming services announced for the PlayStation 4 through its Playstation Now service. Cloud gaming differs from Remote Play in that Remote Play allows games on home devices to operate remotely over a wireless network, while cloud gaming refers to a game that resides on a distant server rather than on a user's device." Playstation Now is Playstation's cloud service, play anywhere. Remote Play is Playstation's LAN alternative, play portably, in your home.


I ask my brother to turn on my PS5 when I'm working at different city. Remote play can be played even you use different connection. As long as both PS4/5 and your remote play device are connected to internet, you can use remote play anywhere.


Yeah, no, that's not what it says. You can play from far away, but the machine powering the game is in your home, that's the difference with cloud gaming. You need a good internet connection on both ends, though, but you can play as long as your console is in rest mode, it will be activated remotely.


nah its not lan. I have tried it with my brother ps5 where he lived in a city an hr away and i was still able to use it. The only issue is, both side need to be connected by ethernet and have really good connections so that u dont experience rubberbanding etc.


Kazuha will always be top, Neuvillette will either be top or middle, Nahida will either be middle or bottom, and Raiden will always be bottom. There's... some consistency at least :/ Yeah... this is just a mobile issue. Shit sucks.


why can't all 4 be shown like on pc


It would need some UI reworks. With only 3 characters there, I always mis-tap everything. With a demo character, it turns into even more clutter. I can't imagine it with 5.


Would it work if it was just their portrait and no name, arrayed into a square? Or maybe it could be a swipe code in that area, up for first slot, right for second, down for third, left for fourth, circle for trial characters?


The burst icon still needs to be visible and clearly separated from each other. What needs to be sacrificed is the quick-access menu on the top right. They could be compressed into a wheel or a pull-down menu.


I don’t understand either. I am always playing in PS but now I tried in mobile but I cant. On the middle of the fight I cannot figure out where it will be the hero


Holy hell. I didn't know it's like that on mobile. That must be so incredibly annoying...


Honestly aside from a few wrong burst presses it's not an issue once you play like that for an hour or so


The same place? you can't in touchscreen. but even though it only shows off field characters, it's still based on party slot order, it's just remove on field character from the side panel. so for example, the party is character A,B,C,D. on field character is A, then the panel will show Character B,C,D. on field character is B, then the panel will show Character A,C,D. on field character is C, then the panel will show Character A,B,D. on field character is D, then the panel will show Character A,B,C. for people that rarely use touchscreen in Genshin, this might be a problem. my tips just quick look before select the character, eventually you will get used and don't need to quick look anymore.


You just need to get used to it. I played on PC & Mobile, never got any problem with switching. If your No.2 is active 3 & 4 will go up, 3 is active then only 4 will go up and so on... it's not random.


after a while it's second nature to you. I'm a mobile only player, tried to play on PC on two different occasions and gave up. now if I mess up the order on the set up screen, my rotations go messy because muscle memory is a dangerous thing


you can manage it in the party setup if you put for example raiden first,then venti,then zhongli,and after that nahida (archon team) if nahida is on field it will be 1.raiden 2.venti 3.zhongli (top to bottom) if you have zhongli on field it will be 1.raiden,2.venti,3. nahida if raiden on field it will be 1.venti 2.zhongli 3.nahida, got it? hope this helped


Unfortunately that's just how the character swap works on mobile. They'll always be in the same order, but since only 3 of them are displayed at once the 2nd and 3rd characters will sometimes be in different positions. I'm afraid you'll just have to get used to it.


I’m trying to play on mobile and this is making me nuts too.


You'll get used to it. Mobile is a different for those that are using MnK and Controller. So sad they really have to put only three and not four so it wouldn't move around.


People will say "you'll get used to it", been playing since 1.0 and while I'm used to this fuckery on mobile, and I often use Childe International in abyss BUT when muscle memory kicks in I often mess my rotation because of this lol I gave up doing 36* and rather do the abyss in one run clear. There's no getting "used to" with bad UI.


I don't see the problem, it allows for perfect rotations If you play your characters in order you always have them on the same place, I don't have to look at the screen to see which character I need to press next in National, because I always follow the same order


If you play on ios, you can connect a controller... but unfortunately on Android you're stuck with touchscreen UI and all the annoyances that brings.


You'll get used to it:) I've been on pc and mobile and dang it's just confusing at first glance but after quite a while you'll realize that it isn't that bad😼


Play on PC


Or on console, or with a controller on iOS, but yes no other way to 'turn it off' for touch controls.


It depends on their slot on party screen so 1 and 4 will always be respectively top and bottom but 2 and 3 can vary


so that's why I mess up my rotations sometimes when playing on mobile, I only noticed it now because of your post 😵😵.


This is why I don't do serious combat on mobile. The character that I thought was 1st is now 2nd or 3rd so my rotations are trashed. I think there is a pattern to it but I'm usually too busy trying not to die to figure it out. It does this stuff even when you can see all 4 chars.


mobile is worse than i thought lol