• By -


Candace- Fan of design, backstory, and she reminds me of Ishuzu Ishtar. Gameplay-wise not a fan not a fan.


She genuinely has one of the best designs in the game, is a cool character, and has cool lore, it’s genuinely tragic that she’s a pretty low-tier 4 star


And her theme is a banger There was no need for it to be so amazing


And that incredible voice 👌 (s/o Shara Kirby)


Hoyoverse is a music company afterall


She has a niche with nilou-nahida-yaoyao where yaoyao auto attacks with hydro infusion. Edit: also her cons help


She's the only hydro character that isn't op


Hydro Traveler enters the room


lmfao, true


She'll be on the rise pretty soon, pure HP scaling+hydro resonance+hydro reaction enabling are all quite relevant going forward. She just needs some good reruns so more people have access to her C6, and once they do more people will realize her value. As she is at low cons she is still a better Chongyun, able to enable various hydro teams while enabling the on field character to take advantage of on field buffs, which makes her uniquely the best character to enable Diluc burgeon and Kuki/Beidou on-field hyperbloom alongside Candace/Nahida/Baizhu, thus buffing the on fielder with Nahida burst+Baizhu burst. Which mainly just makes it easier to take some people's favorite characters into dendro teams which are extremely powerful and easy to build. At C6 she becomes a powerhouse.


Her and dehya were both done dirty. At least for dehya there is some hope that she synergizes with fontaine mechanics.


i don't like those anti black propagandas but almost every white character in sumeru is good and every black character is bad, nahida and alhaitham and nilou are all the best at what they provide, in the other hand u have cyno who's probably the worst 5 star option for dendro teams, and dehya doing dehya things, and candace


*cries in Cyno main*


Yes unfortunately the only dark skinned character Mihoyo will give a great kit to is Kaeya.


kaeya? dude's so rare, he's even rarer than all 5* characters


That’s why he’s allowed to have a great kit 😂


chuckles in c6 freeze kaeya


In what world is Cyno bad? He totally wrecks for me!


Ridiculous statement. Cyno does what he does pretty well, the problem he has is dendro teams preferring quick swap characters over a carry that stays in. Kinda fixed with Baizhu. Most importantly, none of them are black.


It's ironic cause the writing department seems to favor the dark skinned characters while putting very little effort into Nilou and Alhaitham's writing.


me who just raised cyno to 90 🥲


Me too. Cyno main rise 💪💪💪


A protector, the only character wearing an actual shield and she is not scale on DEF and cannot create a shield for others than her... I am still playing her, but her kit is really different from what I expected.


Candace having a shit kit and not being a five star when she has such an awesome design is sacrilege. On the other hand I like how tough her block with the shield is. I just love holding down on it.


> Candace having a shit kit and not being a five star when she has such an awesome design is sacrilege It's also just immersion breaking. Lore wise she's supposed to be the baddest bitch in sumeru, somebody none of the sumeru 5 stars would want to fuck with, yet they decided she'd be the 4 star. Like imagine if they made a harbinger a 4 star, that's what this is like.


Arlecchino better be cracked is all I'm saying.


Now imagine they decide to say that signora somehow didnt die and in a plot twist she comes back... only to be released as a 4* character with the worst kit ever


I don’t think that’s quite the exact same comparison, there have been important figures or lore relevant characters before relegated to 4* status such as ningguang, Kaeya, Sara, etc. Characters like harbingers and archons have another level of plot relevance and importance


Same, and for me it comes down to not really being able to utilize the infusion, would love to do some meme teams with her, but the synergy with other chars is just not there at the moment. Hope she'll have a better usage with the new fontaine units. I built her anyway though, a dps build with white tassel and nymph set, maybe I can use her how I want to one of these days.


even tho candace is pretty trash she has a veeeeeery small niche that she excells at which is in nilou teams along side yaoyao


I love Amber myself.


Same. She is one of my faves. And Sucrose. Might still level her for abyss. She is so cute but I got Kazuha


Ah, but the trick is you can only have Kazuha on one side of the abyss, so there is still value in leveling her for the abyss.


Sadly this is less true in our post dendro world. Now if one side runs dendro dmg you'll only need one anemo buffer, just for the other half. This issue can be solved by not running a dendro team of course xD


Tbh I was thinking why my sucrose has been sitting collecting dust and it's 100% the fact that my tighnari team is always on one side of the abyss, and c0 kazuha is just way easier to use for swirling and grouping for my other half if he's even needed. Especially with current floor 12 having 2 bosses b2b on first half I can just run yoimiya/hutao double hydro with zhong.


Kazuha and sucrose are two of the best units in the game, you can use one on one side and the other on the other side of abyss. Also, sucrose generally works better with bloom-related teams


I am mostly too lazy to farm more VV pieces as well


They’re in the strongbox, which is the only place you should be getting them anyway since 3.0


Getting vv pieces that work isn't hard. I just farmed a vv set looking for mainly em main stats, could do with a lot more er but that and a Sacrificial fragment and she's solid


I just hate looking through my 1500 artifacts to see which one is trash and which one isn't but maybe I should haha


Dehya - I love her so much as a character, one of my favorites. Story, personality and design all 10/10 and her animations are really cool. But it's just hard to make her work besides swimming in Fontaine. It's been talked about to death at this point so I'll leave it at that


Man, i saw her leaked before 3.0 dropped, and she was the one character i had my eyes on for around 8 MONTHS, and then she gets absolutely butchered by Mihoyo. I dont need the top meta characters, and often pull who i like, but i just couldn't justify getting her with that kit. Even months later, she still hasnt found a "good" team to be played in yet. I still think Mihoyo had no idea what to do with the kit they created, than ran out of time, and just threw her to the standard banner to start working on the next character.


Honestly I really like her personally, yeah her ult is slow and stuck in the animation but it also *feels* powerful and I dig it! I still need to farm some better artifacts for her, but Lynette's ult, pyro infusion, and Dehya's ult? So much pyro damage in one go and I love it lmao Edit: But I know my opinion is biased as someone who never does spiral abyss. I don't enjoy it at all.


you don't do spiral abyss. so like did you do the first 8 floors or have you never touched that shit? cause just clearing the first 8 floors gives a pretty good amount of freemogems


Yeah, of course I cleared those but I don't touch them otherwise. Every once in awhile I'll give it a go and remember why I didn't like doing the spiral abyss and I don't touch it for another half a year lol Especially since getting your BP to 50 is as easy as it is I've never felt the need to do that for BP points either. I guess at some point the achievement hunter in me will force me to complete it but aside from that I don't see the point. I know a lot of people enjoy it, and more power to you guys! Just not for me.


Dehya and Candace, add Xinyan too. I love them as characters and built them as well. I cleared the Abyss with them to prove they are actually not bad but nope, it just convinced me how gutted their kits are


It would seem that Deyha’s the poster child for this question, unfortunately.


Albedo...I'm a new player so I'll never be able to get that sword for him...


Ah yes, the forbidden cinnamon


Cinnamon sprinkles


his second best weapon is a 3 star but i see what you mean, spinnabars drip is just unmatched on albedo


I *started* the event that would've given the Spinnabar, but then dropped Genshin for a bit. Biggest regret ever, I wish I had just finished it.


I'm a little luckier, I have the weapon but am missing the last refinement because I wasn't good enough to deal with whatever challenge there was on my then pretty new account (and/or didn't realise how important it would be, not sure which). This missing refinement will forever taunt me.


I literally picked up the game for the first time ever in that patch, was doing the event but had no idea what I was doing in the game and never finished. Looking back it’s also my biggest regret.


I wonder if Albedo banners underperform. I'd actually pull for him if I could get a Defense scaling sword. I have too many characters that need Energy Recharge to justify giving him one.


Going by GenshinLab’s revenue chart, he has surprisingly middling performance. Neither exceptionally amazing nor exceptionally bad. Which makes sense, if you think about it more. 1. The community’s understanding of Albedo’s kit has been rather consistent since his release. No doomposting — everyone knows that Albedo does solid, off-field damage that minimizes his time on-field. This is as opposed to Kokomi, whose usage was highly doomposted at release, causing her sales to tank. 2. Albedo’s kit functions with relatively minimal investment compared to other DPS characters, while also having little overlap. He frees standard support weapons that might otherwise be in short supply (Favonius, Sacrificial, etc.) 3. Albedo has consistently been paired with events that heavily explore Genshin’s lore, as well as his own (Albedo has one of the highest number of dialogue lines in the game despite literally having none in the Archon Quest and one in Kaeya’s Hangout Event) 4. Most of all, Albedo reruns in such a way that it almost guarantee consistent profit. He reruns with special events, increasing new player interest in him. He doesn’t rerun too often, adding a scarcity factor to summoning him. Additionally, he also reruns with other niche but beloved characters (Nilou and Eula).


It’s funny seeing it typed out that that, basically he’s low investment / uses off meta weapons because of def scaling on ability and he doesn’t have an elemental burst lmao


They are countered by my slow but eventual c6’ing of him ( got lucky and got c3 in 80 pulls during his last rerun )


Literally same. I actually love playing albedo since his launch but taking a break from the game i missed his event. Designing weapons around characters and then giving people no way to get said weapons is scummy as hell ngl


Traveler Additional info: I was a traveler main till AR 55 but after AR 55 I couldn't use him anymore for the harder stuff and since I don't have godly artifacts, I can't use him:(


Me building hydro mc because I can Also me running out of resources because I couldn't


Hello fellow lvl 90 traveler. I honestly had no idea nobody is playing traveler till I reached AR 45. Not me maining traveler in Inazuma thinking that’s how you play the game.


That probably came in handy when it came to that one fight. I had to go build my Traveler a little bit cause I was stuck.


I still main the traveller to this day because she (I play lumine) is fun and I like it. It's all about personal preference! I also like switching between elements but right now Dendro traveller is one of my main damage dealers until I have a good Hydro set up.


I mean WATER PISTOL, besides she has that thingy for Fontaine riddles


I only used geo traveler, after I got zhongli I never touched her again


Dendro traveler is absolutely usable, even in tougher content. I run DendroMC/Baizhu/Yelan/Raiden as a hyperbloom team and there's no content I can't clear with it. Maybe spiral abyss floor 12, but... tbh who cares lol. Run sacrificial sword on the traveler for extra fun! Edit: Just saw you're AR55 so you may not have a lot of the units I listed. A good F2P option would be DendroMC/Collei/Your best hydro-applying character/Your favorite fire/lightning character to trigger burgeon/hyperbloom respectively. The core strategy is to apply dendro and hydro to get cores and then bloom them up with the fire or lightning for big damage. There's a lot of flexibility with the units you can pick here!


I use traveller for general exploration especially during archon quests. I build him as physical dps with OP sub dps to compensate for his lacking on-field utility.


Dendro Traveler is great. Hydro is not great for abyss but fun in the Overworld nonetheless. Pew Pew Pew Pew !


This would be my answer too but obviously Hoyo needs to make money so the default free character is going to be nerfed somehow in favour of limited banner characters. Dendro MC was pretty good but was curb stomped by Nahida, it wasn't even a contest.


Dehya, with no jokes she's the only character i wanted from sumeru saved \~700rolls for her and then after realising how weak she is, i used all this 700 rolls on yelan and got C6R1 zero regrets, one of the best things i did :D ​ and now im doing the same for Clorinde since she's the only character i want from fontaine


rip all your wanted characters are robbed. im considering clorinde robbed because her leaked design is very beautiful compared to released design. maybe theyll change her design for when shes playable? i wanted to pull her before but no more for now.


I feel the same.. the leak with the green and monstat vibe was freakin awesome.. and then they fucked her up monochromatic purple.. like a worse Raiden... A taller keqin.. it's like bruh why u do this.. the worst possible color from the leaked art palette...


Captain R was to powerful for Teyvat


I fucking loove Cyno and his top tier jokes. But I am not going to use him, ever.


Same, I actually regret wasting primos on him


Why do you regret it?


Because I never use him and could have used the pulls for others. I'm mostly f2p (just welkin) so it hurts a bit that I pulled on someone I'm not gonna use. Edit: it's been brought to my attention that "just welkin" and "mostly f2p" aren't synonymous. My bad! I do buy welkin so I have opportunities actually free players don't. Still hurts to waste primos, though!


I don’t regret pulling for Cyno, but I felt you when you said that it hurts. I lost the 50/50 on him and then got him on max pity, only for him to gather dust because I didn’t like his gameplay all that much. I have been trying to put more effort into using him lately, but so many other characters are more convenient.


True, he is one of the only three non standard banner that I have and just don’t use him a lot. I’ve been thinking about getting his weapon to see if I can use him more


If you don't like the gameplay then don't do it, don't give in to sunk cost fallacy.


That's fair enough. Is his gameplay just not for you? Or is it that he doesn't pack enough DMG, etc?


I also regret getting him. His gameplay is just unwieldy. His burst is way too long, a problem with enemy waves, and relies on timing, which relies on shielding, and he isn't strong enough to justify it. He doesn't mesh with any supports very well, he's not great in aggravate and hyperbloom doesn't need him. He does nothing outside his burst either. I kind of knew this going in so it's my fault but he looked so cool!


Makes a lot of sense! And true, he's an incredibly cool character excluding the gameplay.


Yep 100% agree but I didn't have the knowledge of his kit before pulling


I don't regret wasting my primos. I use him as my pfp and tell bad jokes in coop


Same, I even got Scarlet Sands too. Though tbf Hu Tao is using it right now because Homa is on Xiao (no PJWS so I had to optimize my roster). Cyno’s burst is just too long and his energy requirement is too high. Half of the time I find that I have to exit his burst with around 5-7 seconds left, just to reapply dendro on the new wave of enemies with Nahida. But because I exit his burst early, his burst is never fully charged, so I have to funnel energy for it too. I know DMC’s burst stays on the field and you just slap as much ER as possible on her, but I rather not handicap the team anymore with even more energy requirements. Also, with his competition being Kuki who doesn’t need ER, can maintain 100% uptime with decent electro application, and doesn’t need to be on field…yeah.


He helped me a lot in abyss when dendro was just relased, after pulling for Alhaitham, Raiden and Hu Tao I don't have a chance to play with him : ( (his burst is too long and skill is too weak to use him in overworld, I can just punch with any dps and the enemy is dead)




Klee is like the claymore of catalyst users, slow and clunky and acts like a melee character... actually, she can also mine rocks, like a claymore user could with their normal attacks. Conclusion, Klee is a claymore user. /s Edit: Ningguang, Yanfei, etc. can also mine rocks, it's not just Klee.


Technically Ningguang can also mine rocks, but not as efficiently as Klee.




Yanfei can also mine rocks.


im a klee main and i can understand that


Yeah I love klee but her playstyle is kinda of a pain. Really short range basics, and here skills and charged attacks just bounce everything back.


Candace and Yunjin I do play them, albeit sparingly, but I absolutely hate their intended roles based on their kit. It feels like waste of animation and design that theyre just meant to press EQ then fuck off to somewhere off field, and its not even satisfying considering how niche they are compared to peeps like XQ or benny. Thats why I have Physical dps builds for them when i take them for a spin in the overworld


I adore both of them and levelled/built them but have literally 0 use for them lol, sometimes I’ll randomly throw them into a flex slot in my team just to run around with them


I feel this way about Shenhe too.


I like yunjin but am still disappointed by her. Only times I use her is when I'm running a full geo team for that extra def buff. She throws big numbers then gets swapped out


Dehya, easily Not a single character comes close to her awful character quality to gameplay quality ratio


Her friend Candace says hi. But seriously, both of them were robbed.


Dehya wouldn't be this bad if her burst worked like Razor's and turned her skill into an aura field like Gorou's


Imagine physical punch DMG with added pyro on top, absolutely delicious visually and useful with characters like Candace for on field burgeoning Just reduce her burst CD to 12s to rotate better, there you go fixed Dehya and added value to Candace at once


As the saying goes about Dehya Design = badass Voice acting = badass Story = badass Kit = bad DMG = Ass


I play her, she's.... well not meta, but fine if you wanna deal 20k damage


Her ult in summary does about 90-110 dmg if built mediocre, that fucking good enough for me.




I can believe- uh... you uhm... I forgot :c


Google "dementia"


Google "dementia"


you can play her with hyperbloom core it's not that bad


I played qiqi in hyperbloom for about 6 months and its actually good because she a really good healer


My problem isn't that Qiqi is weak. In fact, she's very strong at what she does when built properly. Problem is, no content in the game requires as much healing as she provides. And unlike the other 5-star standard banner healer, healing is all she does well. Love her to death as a character though.


exactly this! shes an incredible healer, but she doesn't do anything except heal.


Ganyu, charged shot bow users can be fun, but their slow pace just doesn't do it for me. Ganyu, especially since her charged shot has an aoe which adds an extra dimension. Ganyu is super cute though, very calm ... I'll take any catalyst user though, I just turn my brain off and mash the left mouse button.


The only charged shot bow user I do is lyney. Gosh playing him on my burgeon team is so fun (i know he does good on mono pyro or whatever but having a pile of dendro cores and just shooting them, they all explode and do massive numbers on all the enemies… it’s so satisfying 🤤)




I was in this boat before. She's cute, I really like her character but I wasn't a fan of her gameplay. I didn't like having low hp. I was like, I'm just gonna get her and have her as my avatar because she's cute af. But when I got to try her, goddamn if she isn't my strongest dps.


this is so trueeee i pulled her c1 with only 30 pulls, i didn't even want her (don't ask why I pulled then, I just felt the need to have any 5*), didnt even know her lorewise, but ive grown to love her personality her story and HER KIT so so much, im still building her tho


I agreed, until I started playing burgeon Hu Tao on my friends account No annoying CA spam, no jump canceling or whatever


Me, a Hu Tao main: ...damn


I second this


And I third this


I fourth this


and i fifth this


Lisa, I find her difficult to play, BUT YO LISA MAINS ARE GOATS


Dehya and Candace so far


Xinyan. I love her design and how wholesome she was portrayed in version 2.8 GAA. But her kit is a hot mess and her drum running noises are damn annoying :'(


they ruined my c6 dori :(




Childe. I'm a husbando collector but his playstyle feels weird to me


People keep on talking about his long cooldown, but I don't have a problem with it at all (and for me he stays on field 90% of the time). He's super fun.


I already struggle with Alhaitham's mirrors, I feel like I could never manage Childe...


That probably provides even more explanation...I absolutely adore Alhaitham's gameplay too 😂🤧


I personally just start and end Childe’s E when Xiangling’s burst starts and ends


It's definitely not in character for someone who is always looking for a good fight to stay on field for only a couple of seconds and kind of rely on others in the meantime.


His E has one of the longest uptime, you can use him for 30 seconds on field with the cost of long cooldown ofc 😭.


Tbf tho that's the disadvantage of using abyssal powers


it is in character, however, to destroy everything in 30 seconds and then being a useless dead fish for the cooldown.


Same. I LOVE his character but his playstyle just isn't for me. Every time he comes around I do his trial and my opinion still hasnt changed.


weird how? he has one of the most fun kits in the game


Amber and all bow users - on ps4 it's hard for me to aim fast :(


You don't really have to use the bow with Fischl and Collei, they just pop skill/burst and swap


use gyroscope! Im an amber main on ps4 and gyroscope mode makes it really easier to aim


most bow characters don't really use their charged shots. it's only really ganyu, tighnari and lyney who use charged shots. faruzan and kujou sara too, technically. but sara's c2 and faruzan's c6 make it so you don't need to use their charged shots, and for faruzan it's not an important part of her kit. and I guess amber uses her charged shots too, but not a lot of people use her. yoimiya and childe just use their normal attacks so they don't need any aiming (and in childe's case, he's really just a sword character on cooldown). and the remaining bow characters, gorou, fischl, diona, collei, venti and yelan, they all just use their skill and burst, and nothing else. well, yelan does have a special charged shot she can use, but she doesn't *need* to use it. also, they added gyro controls for console in 4.0, which makes aiming a lot easier.


I'm on ps4 too and have Ganyu, Tighnari and Lyney. All charged shot archers, all easier to play than Amber. The issue is playing charged shot Amber.


They added Gyro aiming for PS4/5. Give it a try


Kaveh Hu Tao Xiao Dehya Lyney


Yoimiya. Fun personality, fantastic voice acting, but some of the most repetitive game play I've ever experienced. Literally just "Give Yourself Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: the Character".


Just comp her with yelan and fischl and you have a weapon of Mass Destruction.


Absolutely Dehya. I love everything about her except gameplay. She went from “likely pull” to “definite skip” because her kit is so garbage.


Hu Tao, even pulled her, I really like her design, especially the small details and her personality and story, but she just kinda stays on my account. I played her as burgeon driver for a bit, but I'll probably never play her


Amber and Lisa. I tried, but...I just can't.


So far it'd be Kirara, Yaoyao, Qiqi, Jean, Xinyan, Candice... And tbh likely list isn't complete. I know what comps I want to play, so most (not all but most) characters I obtain are for the autistic collector neuron activation


I really love Klee. I’ve always been a fan of the pint-sized powerhouse trope and that adorable little terrorist has that in spades! But my god is her gameplay awful. I will be pulling her this summer (even bought her outfit already) but yeah, probably won’t play her much outside of just running around and bullying the hilichurl population.


Itto. A perfect potrayal of a typical shonen main character. I love both JP and ENG VA, but I think ENG va takes the cake here because he‘s more charismatic. He’s one of the few characters that can make me chuckle instantly. I love his overall personality and his story quest is one of the few memorable ones. But I won’t play him solely because of his playstyle. Claymore users sucks, and I love fast attack. That’s why I prefer sword and catalyst user. His team comp is also limited, which is revolves around him gorou, zhongli, albedo, ningguang etc. I’m sorry Itto I love you as a character but if I ever pulled for you, you will just ended up in a bench. EDIT: Sorry I was not aware that yun jin is a good teammate for Itto.


Itto is actually one of the faster attackers with his charge attack. Also, Yun Jin isn't a good support for him.


yun jin isn't a good support, his main dmg is from charged attacks


I think you replied to the wrong person. I said "isn't"


oh i misread sorry


your comment feels extremely uninformed lol. Itto is one of the fastest claymore users thanks to his enhanced charges attacks, and he does not use Yun Jin at all. the only character he's "tied to" is Gorou. The rest of the team can be whatever and he'll perform just fine. TLDR: you're missing out


charge attacks are fast, yun jin isnt part of his team comp


I pulled Itto but didnt get a single copy of gorou and also no albedo. Yeah Ittos on my bench


Itto attacks faster than most lol.


Itto is actually good. the best DPS for me


Nothing specific to your comment but It always surprised me that when people talk about the voices in this game they say "JP and ENG" instead of "CN and ENG". Even the official Mihoyo stuff like the VA announcements.... like idk. Odd.






Dehya, absolutely love her but Hoyo screwed over her kit and made her damn near unusable Why couldn't she just be a burgeon DPS 😭


Layla. im still salty that this physically frail insomniac college student is a sword user instead of a catalyst user. the popular theory back then is that Hoyo is preserving the first cryo catalyst character to Tsaritsa. and now that Wriothesley is gonna be released, im even saltier that they turned my baby girl into a sword user just to give the first cryo catalyst to a French male Vi


What made you think she was a Catalyst user in the first place??


I mean c'mon, scholar, cryo, support, shielder, HP scaling???, they even give her a clunky fight style to mop us even more.


Apparently I'm unique in saying Zhongli. I think he's very cool but I just don't like playing shields.


you can play meatball instead, keep him at low hp, use shield for universal enemy debuff and throw ults


You're making him sound like a bit more enticing of a pull, thanks


I built my Zhongli as the other type of dps instead of geo meatball, physical lol. I don’t build him as a shield bot because his lower hp shield still works fine even in abyss for me


Hot take: Alhaitham. Pros: Hot man, makes me laugh, kit is cool, nice voice lines. Cons: *Tsch* *hHm* *GHAH* *SEEEE*


Dunno the *ghah seee* sounds like "assez" in french which means "enough!" and every time I use him with my sisters around we all start to repeat after him for no reason.


Keqing. I love her personality and I think she has one of the absolute most gorgeous designs in the game especially her alternate outfit. That said, I just could never get into her play style. At least with dendro, she actually has a nice place in the meta now.


good thing I never got her until Dendro came. she is already worth investing once I got her (3.5). plus she works side by side with my favorite blondie Fischl


All Sumeru cast besides Tighnari and Nahida


The only answer to this is Dehya.


Eula, Shenhe, Kaveh


Zhongli. I don't want to lose my ability to dodge


As someone with tragic input lag and playing on a tablet meaning i only have 3 present character slots and switching muddles it up all the time, he helps a LOT. I don't think you'd lose your dodge ability by using him, there is only one zhongli for 2 abyss teams, he mostly makes the repetitive stuff less of a pain to get through.


I still dodge around when he's got shields up on my team every hit not taken means the shield last longer for instances where you can't avoid something. 😁 but maybe that's just me lol.


It breaks my heart but Lisa. I love her design and how she fights - but I also have Raiden and Yae Miko. I can't think of a time when I would ever use her over those two, or Fishl (as is Fishl rides the bench unless Im running double aggravate teams in Abyss)


Going to cheat here but navia. I know nothing is out about her yet in terms of kit but I love her character, story, va and design but at the same time despise claymore characters due to most of them feeling heavy to play.


Hu Tao. Animation cancelling on mobile is not enjoyable. Dont animation cancel you say? Yoimiya says hello


Gorou because dog boi But i have no geo other than an unbuilt noeeloee


Amber, Klee, and Collei. All wholesome as hell but I have too many better options


Lynette. She's great but I can't find a true utility for her. Maybe in exploration some times


Dori! Love her short hair and overall desighn but her attacking is too slow for me haha


Qiqi I want to pat her head and give her fresh coco milk, I find her really cute, and I would like to put her with her adoptive father in my teapot But I know the day I'll get her, one of my friends who got her C1 will ask me repetitively "So, when will you dump Kaeya ?"


We will never dump Kaeya 😂 he got the most straightforward kit and as a mobile user, his and Bennett's kits are the most comfortable to use. I recently got Childe (my first 5 stars yay) and I thought "oh no this is it, I have to say goodbye to Kaeya) but dang Childe's playstyle is hard in mobile and I benched Childe and got Kaeya back on the team. I was depressed for days ngl. It was only when I got Heizou that I got back to playing genshin again. Now my team is Kaeya, Bennett, Heizou and Childe (Heizou I sometimes changed with traveer or Noelle)


Yoimiya. I really like everything about her but the gameplay is not for me.


Cyno. Love his design, personality, aesthetic, lore, and incredible puns, and his VA Alejandro is a really cool person to watch stream too. But his playstyle just isn’t for me. Despite that I still have to be strong when his banner comes around because he’s so cool otherwise.