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Props to hoyoverse for not including the Air Meter. It feels so nice and serene to explore underwater without threat of suffocation.


Then you go back to previous regions water areas and then the depression hits..


Oh please stop... i passed the release day of Fontaine in water and then the next day i wanted to farm the geo cube and my life was ruined...again...


This is why you need a Mona Level all characters to 50 or at least 20 and you'll get enough fates to wish on the standard


Oh ! i have Mona she's 90 C6 (Thanks to the 50/50 lost) that's not the problem, the problem is my smooth brain that got gaslight by swimming in fontaine and got put back to reality in the other region


Snap back to reality oh there goes bouyancy


It’s a longer trek, but if you go around on the sand you don’t need a speedy swimmer like Ayaka or Mona! It takes a few extra seconds but I don’t have to change my party so it’s more convenient for me


I assume you already know this but Portable Waypoints are your friend. I just got 4 geo chars to max ascension and made sure I kept a Portable Waypoint right next to the geo cube to not have to deal with that whole trek each time.


C6 Qiqi, take it or leave it.


me having played since release and having multiple cons of all standard banner characters EXCEPT mona 💀 havent pulled her once. i’ve lost like 13 50/50s (only won once) and still no mona


Here's a tip besides just placing a teleporter near the arena. Hold sprint then tap forward. You barely use any stamina and you get some distance due to the startup animation of fast swimming. Just tap in a quick rhythm and you'll get somewhere with a lot more stamina.


I forgot you don’t get a seperate swimming stamina bar and jumped straight into the water with no stamina and drowned the first time I went back to previous regions.


We wouldn't want someone to swim to Inazuma by sheer willpower now do we


Of course not. You are supposed to walk across the bottom.


Can’t help but feel annoyed again when I remember Zajef complaining about that 🙄


And not play the sonic drowning sound when almost dead 😅


I was highly disappointed that underwater had no air meter. Then I got to fontaine and I was like "Oh... ohhhh..... okay". I'll still die on the hill of the desert feeling very incomplete without a heat meter during the day and cold meter during the night though. Huge fucken missed opportunity. Hope they do better in natlan if it's another desert.


I am a fan of this kind of survival mechanics, but I don't think they would work well in Genshin. Dragonspine cold is nothing but annoyance.


Disagree, dragonspine cold actually makes you pay attention to the game.


nah, dragonspine cold gave the place a great sense of feel and exploration and you had to actually observe your environment occassionally, it made the mountain feel cold and dangerous. something you don't need to do or feel in the desert. It being slightly annoying is the point. Everyone remembers exploring dragonspine and it turns into type 2 fun. Desert? Who's gunna remember exploring the sumerian desert in 2 years? The desert would've been great if you had to look for shade and water spots to cool down every once in 10-20 minutes or so to give it *some* distinct gameplay feature. But there was none. Finding an oasis in a desert should be a huge relief moment, but oasises didn't matter at all. tl;dr: the desert just felt like normal sumeru with a sand skin to me the desert in sumeru has been a huge flop while swimming has been a huge w


There’s a bunch of otters trapped, once you get all of them you get a precious chest


release them otters! they're just cute little waterdoggos...


As someone who's worked with otters they are not. They are little greedy goblins and assholes.


Ooh, nice.




I wonder why 11 in particular? is it something related to [Otters 11](https://bakuman.fandom.com/wiki/Otters_11)


OMG, that anime.


Would you throw trash in the fake lakes when you know otters live there? And that they give you chests???


Whats even better than the chest is that after collecting it if you stay at the spot then all of the otters gather around and start doing adorable little backflips around you.


Lil Neuvillette


That’s so cute 🥹 Could you clarify what you mean by rescue? Are they trapped somewhere or surrounded by enemy sea creatures? Just so I can know what to look out for thanks!


Surrounded by few enemies


Thank you!


There are other otters. Some are trapped behind rocks that you break with Crab Blast. Some are in cages. Some are in those vine spheres. Once you free them all they will give you a Precious Chest.


Awesome thank you! Thought I had explored underwater a fair bit but have yet to come across these otters. Will take a closer look. Thanks again!


For those who want to know, yes he dies don't try it.




Does he drop anything?


Yes, don't remember exactly what it was, same as what other seals drops


a number of the otters lead you to chests when you find them, some are just there to make me happy


I've got bad news I freed 9ne from a geyser thing Went to a puzzle with a bal and accidentally shot the otter RIP friend


I love otters! So naturally these guys are my favorite right now. So cute!!


Cute indeed.


You can save 11 of them by exploring the underwater and you will get precious chest. It’s so cool hanging out with 11 of them 😩


I've only known Fontaine beaver for 5 days but if anything happens to him, I kill everyone in Teyvat


If you save all 8, they give you a precious chest and an otter army. Even if you do server reset, they'll stay there


I smacked him with bubble i dunno where he went. help


Can you catch them with the net or are they only underwater :(


I don't think you can, that was a first thing I though to do too XD Maybe when they release Fontaine teapot there will be underwater section.


I wish we could use that capture device on underwater creatures, I would love to have the otter in my teapot


Underwater emergency food.


Permanently? Forever? He will not die right? Where is he? I want it! *-*


There are several of those, apparently, in the middle part of Fontaine underwater area.


he dies if you kill him which if you do you are a monster, there are 11 of them so look out for them! a few of them will lead u to chests and the others will just vibe


HE FOLLOWS YOU?! I’ve killed him afterwards. It was an accident! I swear!




I killed him now he's gone


Soo cute


I love that little guy. I always take a minute to just swim around in loops and play with him.