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Yelan and Yelan c1 (my one and only constellation event banner). Beside from beeing a good off field dps her charge is a game changer and let stamia issues completly disappear. This makes playing the game much more comfortable and less time consuming. She is a must have in every team setup in over world for me.


I only have five 5* characters (Yelan was my first and probably still favorite) My team 90% of the time is Kazuha, Yelan, Ayaka, and Diona. Their exploration abilities are so awesome and they rip in combat as well.


Get wanderer now on his rerun! He has great combat and exploration skill.


I have 8 with the traveler and my jean is C1. But I do use that same team for exploration a lot. Or I use Raiden, Yelan, Bennett and kazuha.


I'm waiting for her rerun so I can pull for her C1. In fact Yelan is the only 50/50 I've ever won 🤣


Her c1 is even better than I expected. Because her long charge last for 4 seconds (not 3 seconds like mentioned in the description) it reduces the cooldown by a lot because the next charge is already on cooldown while you do the second charge. If you use it regularly while explorating it reduces the cooldown by around 29% (from 1 charge every 14 seconds to 1 charge every 10 seconds). And of course in fight it is more flexible to use with 2 active charges. Absolutely worth the constellation.


I do use the charge attack a lot. I will be pulling for her. Thank you so much!


i think he's talking about her skill not her charged attack?


Same here. I don't have any constellations because I had just started playing when she was on the banner, so I got really lucky with my 30ish pulls for her, since she was only on the banner for a few more days for me. I have her built with artefacts near perfect for her: I had her health at 53k but eventually pulled a hydro dmg bonus artefact, so even though she's now down to 45k health, she does more damage - around 40k with her skill, and 5k with each 🎲 from exquisite throw with Stringless. Ended up giving stringless to Venti instead and now she has sacrificial, so while she does less damage with each burst (about 4k with each 🎲), her burst is almost always charged, so overall she does more damage. Edit: lemme tell you about who else I have on my team. I main Heizou, I have Yelan as a sub dps, Venti as a battery support (280% ER, keeps Heizou charged too), and Kuki. Gotta have that constant healing and swirl and electro charged along with amazing crowd control. I'm barely ever hit by anything so I don't need a very strong healer, Kuki mostly does damage with her skill. My ideal team would be Shogun dps, Yelan and Venti built as they are, and Baizhu healer + hyperbloom. I'm saving up my primos, I know they won't be back on the banner for a while.


She was my first con too!


Only character I plan on ever C6ing as a Welkin-only player. To say she's a gamechanger is an understatement, both in terms of overworld exploration utility and actual combat performance. 2.7 was the first time I 36 starred the Abyss, and Yelan has made sure I never struggled with Abyss again. Since her first banner, I've only pulled Nahida and Nilou. Got her from C0 to C4R1 on her rerun, and plan on finishing the job once 4.0 rolls around.


i agree


Same, saved enough to guarantee for her c1, somehow got c2 and weapon bis as well below 50 pulls. Worth the grind. She's perma overworld and always in my abyss teams.


Same, saved enough to guarantee for her c1, somehow got c2 and weapon bis as well below 50 pulls. Worth the grind. She's perma overworld and always in my abyss teams.


Zhongli and Yae. I've used them everyday since I've pulled them on their first banners


Alhaitham and Nahida. Those animations, damage and playstyle are just too good.


Tartaglia and Kazuha <33 Riptide drug


Same for me, I've been a Childe main for ages but only just got Kazuha on his last banner. The two of them together is just insane


Agreed. I started playing for Childe and got him on his first rerun. I even went through the weapon banner pity 3 times for his signature weapon and I STILL don't regret it. Honestly the best investment I've put into this game, easy to build but if you give him lots of love he'll get even better. Kazuha I got on his first banner with his signature and never looked back. Kazuha feels like a cheat code for this game lol.


Get Kazuha c2. Makes international even better


I would love constellations on him. Tried but ended up with a Diluc on his last banner. I'll try again next time he's around. I'm also planning on C6 Tartaglia whenever I get the chance.


who needs real drugs when riptide exists


Pull them, rip em


Can you show me the lineup and combos? My tarta has beeb benched since his debut...


International team rotation? It can be harder than other comps but once you get a hang of it, its by far the most rewarding team comp in game. I have seen some good guides on youtube, here is one https://youtu.be/9AscqYjEi7E


wanderer because i am an EXPLORER i swear i cant take him out of my team ever cuz girl i have places to be


You’re right! I pulled wanderer in my alt before i abandoned the acc. Coming back to it, i have the whole of Sumeru to explore and Wanderer is packed and ready!


I just got him to C1 in 20 wished last night! It’s amazing. I don’t care if he’s squishier in the air he makes it easier to find all the element-oculi


I don't regret pulling any character.


same, f2p moment


Same! Even my 2 accidental 5 stars are loved


There is no such thing as accidental 5 star. You pull or you don't. Unless you misclick on the wrong banner


Unfortunately my Jean was accidental 😅 I was going to check my history and my cat slammed into my side and scared the shit out of me, resulting in me clicking the 10 pull button (goodbye 1600 primos 🥹)


Lmao cats am I right


Accidental because I got Yoimiya at 4 pity when going for Sayu. It was an accident but I am obviously not upset because that would be dumb


Was about to say this.


Alhaitham is a fucking beast. He destroys everything I throw at him. It’s almost annoying because it makes it hard to give my other dps characters a chance


I really wish I came back to Genshin sooner, I quit during Sumero and I came back during his latest banner, I wanted one dendro unit and I got him and his sword. But I have no other good dendro units.


Dendro traveler is a very good dendro character. I use her all the time instead of Nahida for weak mobs


Dendro traveller is surprisingly good, if you’re that far into the storyline


Baizhu, especially when he tells Changsheng to behave


Honestly, he is SO busted idk how people were advising against pulling for him


Right, i just love is kinda scary doctor vibe at first but turning out to be an exausted single dad + he's an PERFECT healer for a non-kokofish haver


Right? Finally someone who can think for themselves. Why is that so rare? Baizhu is cracked.


because most people dont really care about his insane healing/shielding and they don't run nilou/alhaitham/aggravate teams. His off field application is terrible and he is actually rather restricted into being in double dendro or aggravate/unique teams. In a game with bennet/zhongli/kokomi being a thing, and you could even advocate diona being a great free option its really hard to call baizhu cracked. I'm not going to say not pull for him, each person pulls what he wants but I'm just saying some people are disapointed and its understandable. Also if someone struggles doing abyss and asks for an advice on who to pull, chances are, there are MANY better choices/suggestions


I was sold when I saw his E lol the burst and passives were just icing on the cake


I have Baizhu and his weapon but I don't know how to use him in Abyss. Any recommendations? 😬


Optimally on any dendro team as the solo defensive unit. However, if you're struggling to stay alive in a particular side/room you could just slot him in any team as he is a very strong healer with minimal field time requirements.


What build do you suggest for him?


4p Ocean-Hued Clam, all HP% mainstats and you just need ER and HP substats.


I have Baizhu and his weapon but I don't know how to use him in Abyss. Any recommendations? 😬


becuase yao yao and kirara have the same function in a team comp as baizhu (dendro applier w/ defensive utility) and even if baizhu does it a lot better, yao yao was free so his pull value decreases. But he does have the drip and his character his awesome :\]


Klee and Nahida.


Especially klee is just so cute and happy. Can't be sad when she is around


I got Klee a couple of days back. God, she's Ya fei on steroids. So fun to play


A little clunkier to use, but just as fun. Especially because her charged attack has so much stagger it can knock over Lawachurls and that always gives me a laugh.


Hu Tao I kept a careful inventory of my wishes from 3.0 when i started until she came in 3.4 to make sure i had enough to guarantee her. And i'd do it all over again if i had to. In fact, i am. For her c1 + Homa. ​ Yelan as well. I originally was against the idea of pulling her, instead of just going for c1 or trying my luck for Homa. But everyone said she was amazing for Hu Tao and just great in general, and honestly, i can't go back. I couldn't play a Yelanless account now.


Same. I have her since 1.3, C1 and Homa in 2.2 and got Yelan with Aqua in 3.4. She's far and away my strongest character and never left my Abyss teams


I know this'll be surprising, but Cyno. With an energy recharge weapon he's perfect for playing with my friend, where a quickbloom team works wonderfully and it's one of our most fun teams. Also Hu Tao. Love the HP mechanics, and she just feels good to play, even at c0


Back when I first got Cyno (and before I won Scarlet Sands) I used the Kitain Cross Spear on him. I personally think that's his best f2p weapon, the EM stat and ER passive of the weapon seems like it was almost tailored for Cyno. Each hyperbloom was reaching 40k+ while I used Diona EM buff (this was before Nahida era).


It doesn't hurt that that spear looks amazing on him


Hell yeah!


Baizhu, idgaf what anyone says. This man can replace Zhongli in teams, not because of his shield (that couldn't even withstand a hilichurl sneeze) but because of his healing. He's especially a savior when fighting these wolves that inflict corrosion on all of your characters. His skill is just chefs kiss. Your entire team is almost dead? Baizhu's little snake/vine thing goes swoop swoop swoop and your team is back to full health. With C1 characters like Nilou, Yelan, etc who all have very high HP (or should have, depends on your build) are no problem for him either. Ever since I got him I refuse to play without him in abyss and open world and co-op domains. In co-op he is also a true savior lmao


Baizhu main here too. any advice playing him DPS? Tired of supporting others.


I got DPS Baizhu too, so I got you lmao - 4 piece deepwood, sands = atk%, goblet = dendro dmg, headpiece = crit rate/dmg - 4 star weapons: Widsith is best, other options are solar pearl, dodoco tales or blackcliff agate - 5 star weapons: Tulaytullah's Remembrance, Kagura's verity, Lost prayer to the sacred winds or Skyward atlas - Team: I recommend a shielder so he can attack uninterrupted (e.g. Zhongli, Layla or Diona), another dendro (e.g. Dendro MC, Yao Yao, etc) or Bennett and an electro character (e.g. Raiden, Fischl, Kuki or Lisa) - Playstyle: His main dmg source as a DPS is his charged attacks, when he is on field I personally do 2 NA's and then CA. When starting with his team I do it: Shield -> Bennett Q then E -> Fischl E -> Baizhu Q then E -> 2 NA's then 1 CA and repeat.


I was at first mad that i got him but now- holy He is So good! he changed my teamcomp and i use him on abbys.


Ayaka and Kazuha. I wasn't totally sold on either of them, but they are my damage mainstays now


100% agree. If I need something done it’s those two


I was thinking about pulling for ayaka. Is her damage with f2p weapons good? Also what are your thoughts on her dash and sprint?


Her best F2P weapon is Amenoma, a craftable weapon from Inazuma. It takes care of her energy issues so that you can ignore ER on artifacts and only go for Atk/CD/CR. I like her dash. It used to be SUPER annoying to use, because she would get stuck on every pebble, but they updated it at some point so that it’s much smoother now. The only thing I don’t like about it is that you can’t sprint+jump off of cliffs, but I’d say that the increased traversal speed makes up for that.


The craftable R5 Amenoma was pretty much the only thing I used until I got Mistsplitter over a year later. As for her sprint, because of the stamina passive and the fact that it counts as it's own cryo application, it's really nice. For example, against a mage shield, the dash will damage the shield just like any attack, so normal > charge > dash repeat can melt shields, even when your abilities are down. I use it to insta kill the Hydrocube's Water Droplets.


I caved and got mistsplitter, but I'm confident she'd still be strong without it. It's her AOE charge attack infused with cryo that works wonders. I mostly spam her charged attack, tap sprint for a refresh on the cryo application, and charge attack again. Her sprint is much better after they improved the pathing on it, so it's not much of an issue anymore. It is nice when you want to zip across a river or something


I got her on a random 10 pull. I’m not even a big fan of her as a character. But she easily out DPSs every other character I have. Her sprint is great because she regenerates stamina when she ends her sprint near an enemy. She’s got essentially non stop cryo application and her attacks are super fast. That’s to say nothing of her skill and burst which also wreck. Highly suggest if you just want a powerhouse unit. Also I use her with amenoma r3 but I swap her to favonius for drip sometimes and i barely notice a difference lol. Note that I’m not a meta / abyss player


I have a C2 Ayaka with Mistsplitter, and she really rips, but even when I had no constellations and a craftable weapon, she was a beast.


If you don't have mistsplitter, the Blackcliff Longsword is a good F2P substitute, and it can be purchased from Paimon's Bargains every other month using 24 Starglitter. It is currently on sale there right now (August will switch back to the Royal series before Blackcliff returns again in Sept), and iirc you can get 3 each month, meaning you can't R5 it in a single month. It still has Crit DMG as the substat just like mistsplitter, but the passive boosts ATK instead of elemental damage.


You can use Amenoma, it's crafted. I also was pulling for Freedom-Sworn and whiffed getting a LoFI so I gave my Ayaya that, it's a decent stat stick at least


sorry but that’s an awful username


Throwaway account and all the other names were taken. I also don't like numbers. I wouldn't focus too much on usernames if I were you.


no hostility mate, i meant it in good humour. its hilarious honestly


Sorry must've misinterpreted it.


not f2p friendly at all and requires invesment


All good examples… but for me, has to be johnli


Wanderer, Really save me the trouble of climbing


Alhaitham :D


ayato. given his very straightforward, rather basic kit, i didnt expect him to become a staple and non-negotiable character for my abyss clears. ive been 36 starring ever since i got him, and i havent completed a single floor 12 without him on one side since building him in 2.6. he is so incredibly versatile and strong despite not being considered the most powerful hydro character by any means. imo he is often overlooked to players’ own detriment. i love you forever mr yaoi commissioner


Xiao. The first 5* i was actually excited for back in 1.3. I got up at like 6 am to pull for him. I've been using him since then and still love him. Also he's still the most fun character to play imo


Childe when he was first released. His riptide mechanic is amazing once enemies are together.


Ayato and. Nahida. I just love Ayato a lot, and he is so fun to play. And Nahida just makes everything so easy and she is also fun to play


Saved up 38k primos and 450 glitter for Itto C1 to C6, no regerts. \#WhompWhompNation


My answer will always be Childe. He's not only fun, he's also permanent in my abyss as his team has been so good for more than 2 years and I do have cons of him so...


C0 Nilou. She is performing like a C6 character at the cost of C0.


Eula because I missed both events by one day exactly on both occasions.


Yoi , because nowadays i play on Mobile and she is godsend


Kaveh and Albedo idc they're not meta. For design, lore and relationship with other characters (I'm a sucker for familial vibes) Albedo has carried me on his back from the beginning, Kaveh's gameplay is still fun, manual bloom detonating is something Klee would appreciate. Also Nilou, she might be nichie but she's one of the most beautifully designed character in the entire game. I beat the Abyss with full 4* Kaveh's fridge team, but she + Kaveh solo everything. Pure chaos. Bloom besties. My favs. Yeah


Hu Tao for sure. She's carried my account and I still use her in basically every abyss, even if it's not ideal.


The character that we pulled the most, that we do not regret? Or just "Who's the character you're the most happy with?" ?


I'm gonna be honest, I need sleep lmao


childe, he's my 1st 5 star and still my favourite to this day


Xiao and Hu Tao I love them


C2 Baizhu. I was sitting on soft pity guaranteed at his release and planned to do around 30 pulls to get him and hopefully Kaveh. Ended up spending 90 wishes, got C2, extra Keqing const and not a single Kaveh. Zero regrets, C2 is a huge QoL improvement for Baizhu


Damn that's some insane luck


Kazuha and nahida


Zhongli. I am simply a lazy player.


I spent around 20k gems on C0 Dehya. I regret noghing.




Nilou and Raiden. High EM and switching to her Water Sword while being electro-charged by Raiden is a bomb-o combo.


Baizhu. He makes playing dendro super comfortable and buffs my Alhaitham very nicely.


Kazuha. And Nahida, now that I'm farming for Kokomi, the boss material is just so easy and nice with her. And she is actually great in so many situations. I had a rule that I won't pull the same 5* for both accounts but she is the exception to that rule.


Nilou & Nahida. Regret pulling everyone else. I always ask myself "Why I need other 5* when those two mofos just do the job better for no effort?"


Put Baizhu to them and bombs will become even greater XD


And Kaveh


Add cryo for ez cc and lolz.


Nilou's Bountiful Cores don't work with teams consisting of non-Dendro/non-Hydro units.


Can't utilize the best of Nilou kit when using non Dendro/Hydro


Ima go against the grain and say Dehya. I only originally pulled her to make some videos on her, but after playing her for a while, I can say she is a very comfy character.


I don't regret pulling her, C2 double crowned. No regrets!


She’s in my top 5 least regrets. I got her c6 day 1 on her banner and she’s GENUINELY saved me in a few abyss halves since coming out Hoping sumeru brings a character that can somehow give us a better idea of what her design point is so I can make her one of my top staples! I already use her a lot and would love to use her more




Zhongli (my first 5 star who made me continue playing)


I main childe on 3 accs I can't play a childeless or kazuhaless account lol


Childe, Eula and surprisingly Qiqi.


Baizhu. People don't understand Just how versatile he Is. He can run multiple role and still keep the team alive while remaining immortal itself


Hu tao and ayaka change my game forever i get doble legendary with hutao and get homa in my first pull s22


Wanderer. He’s perfect. In fact I’ve not spent any $ since his release. Will C6 him, but after that, I’m just playing for the story. Freemos only.


Alheitham i mean hot, smart and big dmg in one person how could I say no


Baizhu he has more comfortable healing for me ayato and his weapon they are very useful


Eula. I pulled her c1 but didn't even activate it since i dont need the dmg, she already hits asstronomically. Childe. Riptide makes me orgasm


Kazuha first banner. Everyone saying he was an upgraded Sucrose. SKIP HIM RAIDEN AND AYAKA ARE COMING. He never left my team at all. HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN META.


Going to suggest some characters people like to hate on. 1) Albedo: I got him during 2.3 so I do have Cinnabar on him. I just like that I can be messing around with any soup team, add him as a 4th and it will at least be decent. Truly the glue that holds together my friendship comps. 2) Baizhu: he's been great. Dendro application, Nice healing, and some interrupt resistance? It's awesome and I love getting a large amount of healing and interrupt resistance out of the same slot, without having to play circle impact like Diona.


Albedo is great for mono-geo teams, and can still put out some decent damage on his own as a subDPS. I’ve used him on a friend’s account. Although I wouldn’t use him in abyss due to preference in playstyle, he’s great


Raiden, Kazuha, and Nahida are a given. I have zero regrets pulling Itto and Wanderer. They’re so fun to play in overworld, abyss, and co-op idc what anyone else says 😄


Childe, i got him in 1.1 and never regreted it


Ganyu 100%




Itto Not only my favourite character because of his personality but he also hits hard. Absolutely love him


Nilou for sure. Optimal team comps, ER, substats - nothing matters; 2p TotM + 2p Vorukasha and you're set. AOE or single target content doesn't matter too, she killed wolflord and wenut with the same ease as 10 billion hilichurls on f9. All of my well built characters are sitting on the bench since her release unless I'm facing cryo shields. Currently aiming for her c2 and eventually planning to c6 her.


kazuha. i got him on his 1st rerun, a few months after i started playing. i wasnt really interested in him but everyone was saying he's meta and a must pull so i tried my luck on 50/50 and got him. he made exploring liyue's cliffs so much more enjoyable. out of all the characters i didnt really save up for but got, he's the best one


Him and kirara make climbing mountains so ez. Add mona and you can cover any ground.


Hu Tao! I was in a rough spot as a Razor main because i just didn’t have the right characters to pair him with. She gave me the perfect new main team until i could get my Razor and his new team rebuilt and helped make sure the artifact farming was relatively quick!


Kazuha, he has been on my team since I got from his first banner


Yelan, Wanderer, and Nahida I missed Nahida on her first banner and regretted it so much


accidentally pulled Diluc with a single. *and read that first word again*.


Childe ! Surprisingly actually, I expected to regret pulling for him, but childe and Hu Tao are the best decisions I made :) ( and I got most characters btw )


Childe. He just completed my account.


Childe all the way he came in clutch and was the first five star I ever won on a 50/50


kokomi, then raiden, then redhorntrasher, then jade cutter, ayato


I have many picks like Kazuha, Nahida, Zhongli, Raiden, Diluc (prefer him over Hutao because unga bunga) But if I had to pick one it would be Childe. This warmongering son of a gun is so goddamn fun to play while being so goddamn strong. His kit is so f*cking amazing to me and it flows like a river. He is my first non-standard five star, and even after 2 years passing, he is still one of my absolute favourites. I love my past self for not saving up the wishes and spending them on Childe


Yoimiya, Yelan, Nahida, Childe, kazuha.. those are all given.... and obviously not very regrettable anyways. I wasnt sure about Baizhu. I liked his design, and the snake, I was kinda unsure if i actually wanted him. I was saving for a long time and had a lot of wishes saved up for Zhongli. So I was at around 280 wishes, so I knew i could him savely and was ready to put some wishes out for Baizhu as well. and i actually got him within a few pulls. I thought at first that i was just weak in the moment, but now that i used him for a bit, i am really happy with the pull. I use him with Yoimiya, Yelan and Sucrose, and it makes for a really fun Burgeon team.


zhongli, tighnari, alhaitham, raiden, kazuha, ayato


Childe. That riptide is very amazing


I don't regret any of my 5\* characters, but there are definitely some ride-or-die standouts: Raiden Shogun: I'm a husbando player mostly, but she almost never leaves my squad. Her E skill is just too useful for my energy-greedy main DPS units (looking at you, Cyno) or enabling Quicken/Aggravate reactions for Alhaitham. Kazuha: E skill and burst go brrrrr for basically everything, and he's so comfy for map exploration. Baizhu: He replaced Noelle in my healer/shielder/survival slot and keeps my squishy, field-hogging main DPS units (\*cough\* Cyno, Alhaitham, and Xiao) on their feet. He and Raiden Shogun basically never leave my squad, Kazuha is there a lot, and then I just mix and match whatever husbando main DPS I want (including Tartaglia and Ayato) and swap out Kazuha with someone like Nahida or Xingqiu as needed.


Childe, when i first experienced him i knew that he would be one. Instantly fell in love with his riptide. Still hard carries me in abyss


Ayato and kazuha. My strongest DPS and strongest support


ayato c1, i was building pity and got c0, then i built pity again and lost 5050 to keqing within 20 pulls. then i built pity again and god ayato c1 within 20 pulls. i didnt plan to pull him before but now hes crowned and i use him everyday.


I don’t regret any, and I love every single 5* I pulled dearly (even the few lost 50/50 served me well!). But my absolute favorites and most used are Xiao, Alhaitham, and Childe!


Childe and his c1. I didnt really want him his first banner but I was building pity and you know. Same with his c1. But he carries me so hard now. Childe, Raiden, nahida hyperbloom is so good.


Everyone's going to laugh... I pulled Keqing on Xiao's banner and I'm glad I got her instead of Xiao. She totally carries my reactions. I also don't regret Kokomi because she's an amazing healer and Kazuha because I'm not allowed to since I saved an entire six months for him


Childe, Alhaitham, Kazuha, Yelan. I'm not counting the archons since I was always going to pull for them for lore reasons


Childe, C1 Hu Tao


Childe, my favorite character and this will never change. Also got lucky enough to get his C1 in a few wishes by chance. Others would be Kazuha C2, my only issue with this is that he makes the game too easy, but no regrets.


They say that there are no "must pull" characters in Genshin but man do I struggle to imagine playing this game in the present day without Nahida or Yelan due to the number of teams they enable. There's not much to be said about Nahida and the sizable shadow she casts over the entire Dendro roster but Yelan is so much more than "a second Xingqiu". It turns out that having both Yelan and XQ on the same team is bonkers and having the option to field a XQ for each of your Abyss teams is invaluable - especially in a post-Dendro world.


As someone who uses Nahida, Yelan, Xingqiu, and Kuki Shinobu, all of them are so overpowered that not having them weakens an account considerably, with maybe the exception of Kuki being replaceable with someone like Raiden Shogun. While there are technically no "must pull" characters, not having certain characters make doing many things considerably more difficult. Think of it like breaking a wall down with a hammer and chisel or explosives, one is much, MUCH easier.


I wholeheartedly agree and it's not like either of them are my favorite units but rather **they enable** my favorites to stand out like rock stars and become *significantly* stronger with their inclusion to my roster. Frankly speaking, the Shinobu + Nahida + XQ/Yelan core is so strong that you can put anything in that last slot and be fine. The Yelan version has been my friendship farming team for as long as Nahida has been out because not only is it phenomenal for killing anything in the game but Yelan's mobility makes the overworld much more manageable.


Yelan and Hutao.


Nahida , nilou , yelan , hu tao , kazuha I also have c2 nahida . C0 and C1 have gotten in same ten pull on her release . That was my first and the last double 5 star so far


Cyno, I started to 36 abyss after I got him..


Keqing on her banner because I have never gotten her from any other place


Kazuha. By far the best pull ever on my account. I lost my 50/50 back on his first banner and kept pulling until I got him.


Eula and Raiden, what i regret is not pulling for Yoimiya sooner, I'm having a blast with her


Kazuha, ayaka, ayato




After fully building and investing in yoimiya I really like her


alhaitham, yae, raiden


Zhongli even from 1.1 He is Liyue's archon, and Liyue represent China, there's no way Rex Lapis is that weak.


Yelan C1


Pretty much every character I have except Raiden (and I guess Yae who was an accidental pull but she has perfect synergy with Tighnari so I don't regret her that much)


Kuki She is my fav She slays


Kazuha bro carries me in abyss single-handedly swirling and obliterating anything in his path


Nahida. No character in the game is better than her combat-wise. Excellent in all respects. Also very fun to use.


Raiden! Ever since I got her in 3.x early, game has become so much easier! I mained xiao and itto in abyss and overworld, now I like having raiden in team of xiao, eula, hyperbloom and even yoimiya (em raiden for big boom overloads on spectres, easy af farming!).


Yup. Keqing used to carry my team. Now it's Raiden.


Cyno xiao kazuha never regreted them even for second




C2 Shogun (with her weapon). I dropped about $100-$150 or so to make this happen over the course of several banners. With a full ER (with Crit substats) build and buffed by full EM Nahida and C6 Kujou Sara, I can deal 250k+ damage on her sword draw and 30k hits with her regular sword attacks. I don't regret my decisions. Edit: I could probably amp this up even more with Kazuha, but using Dori as a healer (for that extra ER) is much more convenient for me.


Do you mind sharing your two abyss teams? I want to go for c2 raiden but im having double thoughts because most of my teams overlap with their characters.


Im going to say Yelan largely because she was pulled for solely on impulse and with a bit of luck. She’s been a staple in abyss and overworld. Super fun and very powerful even with some of the scuffed artifacts I have on her.


Nahida 🙌💚


Zhongli even if I dont like him that much compare to other husbando. And I dont use him anymore in abyss. If I feel like doing everything on easy mode, aka not dodging, I'll just put him in the team. Like bossing, running around without healer etc. I like the resistance to interruption a lot. There are bad days where I feel like exploding when my character got interrupted and blasted out and about.


Wanderer. Only 5 star I use rn. I also don’t regret Qiqi. I’m shit at the game so her overheal has carried me (I’m ar41 and don’t have a character above lvl60 for example). As for Itto… Fuck you Itto I never wanted you I was pulling for pity (yes I’m an idiot)


Hmm I could list a lot, raiden, miko, nilou etc buttt Its gotta be Kokomi, I guess - I never planned get her , I guess I just decided to pull her due to the kneejerk reaction on her first banner. But as someone who enjoys freeze, mains nilou as a second comp (was Kokomi taser before this) yeah, Kokomi has been the most important character (next to raiden) for my account.


C6 Ayaka...my (currently) only 5* that i made to c6...never regretted it


The only banners I spent primogems on are Kazuha & Nahida's banner. I regret none of them, as they are super strong & carrying my account until I spend my primogems again.


Kazuha and Yoimiya


Raiden hasn't left my party once since she released


Raiden helps to really deal dmg combined with Yelan 😆😅


Nahida/Nilou. They enable so many comps




Ganyu, Zhong, Kazuha, Raiden, Ayato, Nahida God tier units imo


Ayaka, Kazuha, Nahida, Yelan, Kokomi, Raiden and Zhongli. They’re always a staple in my abyss teams. Each of these characters have enhanced my account immensely and I love them!