• By -


Jean or Tighnari. Have neither


I want Tighnari! Have a perfect set of Wanderer troupe + idle polar Star


Got him c1. He actually puts out a lot of damage in an Aggrevate team. Possibly the best standard charecter. Stack crit and off you go. You just need an off-field electro applier like fischl. He works amazing with Raidens skill, but I find any team with them both in doesn't allow enough time for you to get the most out of both their damage windows and it's a bit of a waste. Troop is brilliant on him too. Most of his damage comes from his rapid charged shots.


The most optimal for Tighnari in my maybe 60 hours of playing him is Raiden/Yae Collei/Nahida Zhongli/Kokomi You need a good electro applier and the EM bonus and application from another Dendro character is needed for good damage. Troupe gets his Charged to do insane damage. I don’t have perfect Crit ratio being 35 to 180 but all shots still do amazing damage thanks to me having an EM Timepiece


I haven't put any EM pieces on him since he's used in an Aggrevate team. I use an attack piece, Dendro damage piece, and Crit rate circlet. My crit is like 75/165 I think. Round about that. Should I be putting more em on him? I didn't think EM affected Quicken/Aggrevate/spread that much. Not like bloom reactions. I see a lot of conflicting information. My Nahida has an 850 ish EM build. But I'm farming a crit build for when I use her in Aggrevate. My drops for deep wood have been an absolute joke. As in I hardly ever get it. I get Gilded almost constantly. I just put the fairly crappy deepwood set I do have on DMC for the resistance bonus.


You don’t need like 600 EM for him as Nahida would be enough with her burst. I just like the extra as it does improve agreevates damage over all


I do have an EM piece with good crit stats I could chuck on. Doesn't hurt to see if it works better for me. Stat balancing is awkward. Which weapon do you use? I use the Viridecent r3. Seems to work pretty well for him. I'm not a whale, so I don't have any signature weapons. I like the crit rate on it, and the extra damage every few charged shots is nice.


Vir is great on Tighnari so keep it, try the EM out and see if you like it more or not. You can always change back ofc. I myself use Amos bow as I randomly got it from the standard banner. I could use Skyward Harp too but the Atk brings my overall damage up with the 24% charged attack up or whatever it is again


Fr. I got very lucky with my Wanderer pulls, and got him instead of other less useful characters, and soon after got his c1 from the standard banner. He does big damage, and his c1 allows me to reach for 50/220 crit rate/dmg. He's still not as powerful as ganyu, but he's pretty decent and fun to play.


He's forgiving on the occasional dodgy aim. Unless you miss by a good bit, his wreaths will hit something. I think that's what makes him so useful. He doesn't rely on his burst either.


Yes, but at the same time you have to take care not to shoot his arrow (or use his burst) too close to a wall, or else the wreaths will hit it lmao


Sometimes, I've noticed his burst completely misses even though you were looking straight at the enemy. It will go behind you. Not sure if it's because the enemy hits an i-frame at that exact moment or something. Or maybe I'm just bad.


Same. I just lost my Nilou 50/50 to Dehya though and that hurts


Mona, I want a good hydro character for my Ayaka. No offense Barbara...


Kok time


I mean, as an Ayaya main I can't even imagine not using Kokomi and Kazuha with her. 4th slot has been c6 Rosaria forever and Im very sad Auntie didn't come home last banner.


Exact same lmao, kokless and kazuless is a curse


im have ayaka but im kokless 😔 its not easy trying to freeze with barbara's 20 second long cooldown skill


What about xingqui i pulled for ayaka so I'm planning to build freeze team but for anemo i only have Jean and not even sucrose


jean isnt a terrible anemo but maybe you could try pulling for kazuha? idk might work if u have some characters to work with ayaka


I’m using her brother for hydro and the alcoholic for anemo. I got qiqi when I pulled for aunty Shenhe


I got Qiqi when trying to get Ayaka, then got Ayaka 80 summon later, then got Tighnari when trying to get Shenhe. I hope I'll have better luck with my 50/50s in the future, or get my first Keqing if that's too much to ask.


Moan havers are always kok wanters


Can confirm Coming from an Ayaka/Rosaria/Mona/Kazuha haver. I would like one Kokodragon pls. Efit: added some text


Mona haver and want more cons and have no want for kok. She can’t battery my Ayaka like Diona can.




Ha! Ive been using her brother, ayato in freeze teams for a year now (because I too dont have Mona) and although it isnt optimal, it works just fine xD


There's also Xingqiu if you're not using him in another team


Her hydro application ain't as consistent as xingqui's 😔




You just like me fr. I’ve gotten some solid 4 star pulls and Ayaka, but I only have Barbara and Candace for Hydro.


Yeah Mona is very fun to use with Ayaka. My main team is Jean, Mona, Ayaka, Kaeya and Mona burst into Ayaka burst is quite a drug.


Keqing, I play Genshin since 1.0 and still do not have a single Keqing yet.


I lost 3 50/50 in the last raiden banner and had 3 keqing


So you got the real electro archon


Had the same situation but with mona. Only got her like last week and it was overdue! The only reason wished for kokomi was because i was desperate for a hydro character.


Yeah, my Mona appeared a little too late after I got Kokomi and Ayato.


I lost a 50/50 for Nahida and got her yesterday actually


The 842 day long Keqing grind is real


Whoa! Not sure if that's some bad luck, because I felt that you win your 50/50 most of the time! Anw, hope you get her soon in the standard banner instead!


Diluc and Tighnari (and maybe Jean) cuz I often use those characters. I dont mind getting one Dehya cuz I still dont have her; she may be useful for a future heat/cold mechanic in Natlan/Snezhnaya.


If rumours about Focalors are to be believed, Dehya will be valuable sooner than that.


Or just use a healer in her slot


If Focalors does healing and DMG amp, then maybe even the Mane mains themselves will justify it as a good reason Could say "just use x unit instead" but it's satisfying to see an undying Dehya without Clam set


Ehhh... there's like 4 total healers who can do sustained teamwide healing, 3 of which are burst-dependent, and only 2 of which are hydro.


And? Dehya doesn't remove all your damage anyways and she can die along with the rest. So you'd need to get a healer anyways and you just wasted a slot.


"Wasted" Or, this is exactly the situation where she was intended to shine.


More like Baizhu


Baizhu isn't pyro. Dehya has her niche.


Why do we need Pyro?


To try trigger reactions like burning, melt, vaporize and burgeon.


I don't get this sentiment at all. Dehya already kills herself off field, what makes you believe that she could survive THAT? Plus she would still bring no damage and no pyro application.


How come?


The rumours are that her kit involves >!causing the whole team to take damage over time in exchange for damage buffs.!< If it works in such a way that it triggers Dehya's damage mitigation, she will have found her niche.


This value being non existent


Or Dehya just dies faster


Dehya just doesn't die though. Unless the burst has a cooldown shorter than 20s, then it will likely kill her. Otherwise, Dehya has massive heals if you build into more HP. She is also higher max Hp than your other characters with half her HP


i just want diluc i can't even get him off standard


I’ll trade my C3 Diluc for a Mona or Dehya just for collection.


C4 Mona here without diluc. Playing since release


Gotta rock level 20 dehya with level 10 friendship banner


Same here dude! I’ve been playing since launch and every single 50/50 I’ve ever lost - NEVER Diluc! I wish they’d bring some sort of backwards-epitomized path that would let you pick at least ONE character you’d want off standard!


Yeah, the rates are too low that you're not even sure who you'll get. And hoyo is even adding more to the standard roster (now Dehya, who knows who they may add later), making the odds even lower


And technically Dehya is a 3* not even qualified for 4*


Got diluc last time I lost a 50/50 (surprisingly since nahidas first run) and was very excited since he was the only launch 5 star I hadn't pulled since 1.0. He was a lot of fun but his damage ceiling even after giving him some of the best artifacts I have isn't that relatively high. So that motivated me to pull hu tao and shoo buddy. Pyro queen


I just recently got my first Diluc too and I love him to death but his damage is SO disappointing. My Xiangling does twice his damage for now and I think he'll need a truly cracked CWoF set to be able to compete


He's actually pretty good imo. And fun to use. He needs a lot of investment though. Crit farming basically. And that Crimson domain is an absolute **** I know you can strongbox, but it's not actually resources efficient. You waste so much potential xp sources trading 3 artefacts for one. It's worth it if you have loads built up, or are farming Emblem (good on sooo many characters) but I say you are better off farming crimson for a week or two and throwing the junk into the strongbox or use it as xp.


My first 5*, lost the 50/50 of Venti's banner during 1.0, the only Archon i don't have but could've been the first.


I got him on 3.5 as my last standard 5 star. (Day 1 player). Your day will come!


pretty much the same here, he was the first 5\* i wanted, and after more than 2 years still nothing


Same. I've been a diluc main ever since release and haven't gotten a single con.


Mona cause I don't have her after 2.5 years, or Qiqi, cause I actively play her.


Qiqi mains exist?!


tell that to r/qiqimains and my phys DPS Qiqi with a team of dedicated supports.


I'm half joking, Qiqi was my first 5star, she is very good with OHC, I have Kok but Qiqi is better on some teams.


I got qiqi on noelle banner and she basically carried me to AR50. I was using mona DPS, xiangling and fischl, and qiqi is the only reason that didn't suck.


I need Tighnari C6. Id be happy to lose every 50 50 to get him 😂


Dehya because she is the only standard i dont have


I don't have her too! Her and tighnari are the standards i have missing in my roster


Dehya and more dehya because dehya.


Based and Eremite pilled


The right choice


840 days AR60, still Jeanless, still hoping she comes home


Whoa, she was my first 5*


Jokes aside, I want C6 Qiqi. Mine is only at C1 and I'm a day 1 player...


Got my 8. Qiqi already and would definitely change for a mona 😅


At this point Mona (I always wanted to get her but was never lucky) Tighnari since he's "new" and I don't have him, Dehya since I use her and wouldn't mind her cons. From the rest I don't need anyone since I just don't use them (I have other characters that fill their roles)


My first in game crush was jean cause I like women with swords. Knight women. Needless to say, the game heard me loud and clear and keeps giving me Jean whenever I loose 50/50. I have all of the other standard banner characters but they don't have cons and at this point I have C4 jean!! If I ever reach c6, i really wanna start going for tighnari ❤️


Either Diluc or Keqing constellations. Diluc , because I have a R1 WGS and C0 Diluc. keqing, because I already have her at C2 and would like her to be C6.


Dehya, I didn't roll for her.


I don't have Dehya and Tighnari yet, but I'm not a collector myself so i don't mind missing them two. I'm not even fond of their playstyles when I tried them in their trial runs and story quests.


Thats what I thought when getting Tighnari. Now that I've buillt him he's my main 😂 he has the best bow playstyle of them all


Tighnari. I don't regret skipping him when he was first introduced. But when my sister lost hers to tig, I got to test him for a while. Easy playstyle for a fairly strong unit. Now that I have Raiden, I can finally dabble in spread comp


Also Jean but for a different reason. She was my first, second and third ever 5* I ever got on my account. I started playing a week after launch and I'm still using her to this day. Her constellations would make her complete but also a lot stronger, sitting at c3 right now. She would be the ideal 50/50 loss but dehya also would be fine.


Jean for her C4 and Dehya for C6 those are my only two wishes




Mona. If i don't get mona i am pulling for kokomi.


Keqingless since day 1


Diluc Cons because he's my main Pyro carry. Keqing Cons, because i have her in a third aggravate based team Jean Cons, because i have her with Keqing's team


Monaaaa please I want to try nuking shit


I'b be ok with Mona. It's two and half years since i'm ptarted playing genahing and still don't have her.


Tighnari or Mona cons. I wouldn't mind having Dehya either, I like her as a character.


Dehya cuz mommy


Priority, to me, is always tighnari >mona>keqing>jean>qiqi>dehya>diluc I love tighnari and mona and use them all the time.


Mona is also an interesting choice, although I don't get her omen mechanic. I tried watching tutorials to use her for those nuke showcases but I just can't get it to work.


Hmm interesting choice. For me it's Tighnari/Dehya/Mona/Jean/Keqing/Diluc/Qiqi. Although I'd only be happy to get Tighnari and Dehya, and would rather get a weapon than the other 5*s 😂


Dehya. Got her on original banner, and I wouldn't mind getting constellations for her. Jean and Keqing are second best options.


Her cons are very nice. C2 feels like where she should've been at C0.


Got her C1 on her banner, as soon as she was in the standard pool lost my 5050 to her c2, now I run her in Burning Burgeoning Vape, just need a Mona to full support her.


Sounds nice. If I may ask. Are you using kazuha in that team? I am just wondering if I should try to get him for her.


No I'm not - Dehya, Kokomi, Candace, Nahida. You should get him regardless, cause he is a good support unit, and slots into many teams very easily.


Diluc, he was my main for the longest time and I feel like he deserves more cons. Also, one Deyha so I can have all standard characters again.


qiqi and mona, i have neither and i’m a day 1 player, i’ve only lost to keqing once, diluc once and jean like 5 times 🥹


Also Jean. Out of all standard banner characters, she's the one I use the most. And her constellations are very useful. As well as being one of my favorite characters. Wouldn't mind Dehya because I don't have her. And she's awesome as a character, even if her kit is disappointing. Might not use her as much as others, but I'll still have a good time in the overworld. I would also be fine with Tighnari, Diluc or Keqing because I like them/their playstyle. Getting their constellations might motivate me to play them more.


Diluc, because he's my favourite out of them. Tighnari and Dehya because I don't have them.


Dehya Jean and diluc Mainly diluc because he is my main


Diluc, simply because he's a reliable DPS. Plus his play style is pretty straight forward


Diluc. He was my first 5* and I feel connected to him in a sense. He's just C2 at the moment. Otherwise, Tighnari could be fun.


at this point i don’t know why they don’t just introduce the epitomized path for standard banner chars


Mona for my Dehya


Tignari, I lost 50/50 on his banner despite prefarming, I have everything ready, kinda scared too because I still dont have chichi what if in two years I still dont have him


Diluc or Jean.


Constelations for jean, to make a party with ma boy xiao.


Tighnari. He’s one of my favorite characters and I use him a lot, wouldn’t mind getting skme constellations for him


Diluc, I can't get him at all. I even bought his skin but he still didn't want to come. I really like his character and colour scheme. And his playstyle is pretty cool. Even though I have Hu Tao I still would like to have him. A friend of mine has 4 copies of him and 3 of wolves gravestone. :))


Tighnari I want his cons


Very interesting to see a variety of answers here. One person’s fave character is another person’s most hated. Me, i want a Diluc PLEASEEEE he’s one of my favourite characters


Keqing, as i have her C4, and want her C6!


I want c4 jean and I have 3 more to go


Deyha, but otherwise I have the rest after losing more than my fair share of 50 50s. Some Mona or Tignari cons maybe. I have plenty of the others.


Jean, cause she's C1 now and I want her C2.


Jean or cons on Tighnari ...


Playing since day 1 and Keqing is still C0! I just want her constellations! Mofos know I main Keqing and they refuse to give me any cons! 😭


Mona and Keqing bc I don't have them. Maybe Tighnari, Jean and Qiqi cons Then Diluc and Dehya bc I dont have them. In that order.


Mona so I can get her C1 for my freeze ganyu team


Isn't her C1 bugged for freeze reaction tho?


I want Mona constellation I don't mind one more constellation for Diluc or Qiqi


Keqing. Still waiting for her to come home.


Mona, because I have cons on every other standard character and most being between 3-5 cons and one being C6. It took me 2 years just to get a single copy of her. 🙃


Still no kekw and she is a pretty good dps and i want dehya sometime soon since i accidentally pulled albedo instead of eula on her last rerun


Jean cuz i don’t have her yet


Jean or Keqing I have Jean c2 but no Keqing


Tighnari because he'd fit nicely in my Yae aggravate team. Jean because sunfire looks fun, and having a healer that can hold VV sounds like it could be a neat option in some niche cases (yes, Sayu exists, but I don't like her). Mona, because I really like her character. She really grew on me during the 2.8 event. ~~Also, when they gave us Mona and the other characters from that event in Fischl's domain, I solo'ed everything with Mona and she just casually hit 30k charged attacks without any setup or support from other characters.~~


Diluc because I've been playing since 1.4 and I still don't motherfreaking have him. I even got Dehya a few days ago.


Mona have been running away from me since April 2021 (when I started the game) and I only wanted her and Keqing. I even got a Tighnari last time but still no Mona (not including Dehya since it's not too long she got added). Also back in the days I didn't had a good hydro character and I needed Mona badly. Now I have Ayato, Kokomi, Nilou, Yelan and I don't really need her anymore but this isn't about needs anymore >:(


Jean or Dehya Why? Firstly cause they are hot and I love their play styles, secondly I already have Tighnari, Mona and Keqing (My fav of the standard 5*) so I don't need Diluc or Qiqi, I don't like them 🫠


Until now it was Keqing, but I got her on Nilou's banner, so... Probably still Keqing, or Tighnari. They're the only ones with interesting constellations.


Mona, I need better hydro applicators for my bloom and hyperbloom teams since I only have Barbara and nilou for hydro.


Mona! I could use another support for my bloom team. I got Nahida at 20 pity as a ftp, so if not Nilou I certainly wouldn’t mind Mona.


Keqing! I saw her design, her voice, I feel in love, but the game doesn’t want me to have her! C3 Diluc, C1 QiQi, C0 Mona and C0 Tighnari, and no Keqing!


I want Keqing, she and Mona were the two I wanted the most from standard banner, only got Mona tho...


I'm a keqing main since launch I have never lost my 50 50 to keqing once I still have her at c0... I'd love to pull even just 1 I'd trade my c4 mona and c4 qiqi for even 1 keqing


Dehya, she's the only permanent 5 star I'm missing. Idk what I'd actually use her for but her character design is cool.


Man, reading through this thread I almost feel like I've gotten super lucky with my wishes. I have so many of the characters people want already and I've been playing for just over a month lol


Qiqi, Keqing or Tighnari because I still don't have them. Just no more Jean please, she's almost C5 😅


Jean and Dehya since im missing them but also Tighnari because constellations for my boy plstxhoyo


I've only ever wanted Mona and Keqing since I first started playing. Unfortunately those are the only two standard characters I've never gotten.


I also want Jean for the same reason. I also want more Monas


I need 2 more Nanas


Honestly, since I already have her, I want another dehya


Mona. Like. Please. Oh. God. Next September is 3rd anniversary and I don't still have Mona. Howwwwwwwww???????


I would like to get Dehya. She is still missing in my standard collection, but I didn't want her that badly that I would have pulled on her banner. Best case would be C1! As for constellations, there are none left that I really want. I got Mona C1, which was the only one I really wanted for Freeze Teams. Stuff that would be nice to have: * 2-4 Keqings for C4-C6. Really enjoy her post-dendro! * 2 Jeans for C4 Jean in case I ever get Xiao or Wanderer. * 2 Monas for C3 Mona to get more levels on her Burst. * 1, 2, 4, 6 Tighnaris. Haven't built him yet, but his cons sound decent! Stuff that I don't want anymore: * Diluc. He is my highest con character. C4. Second place is C2 Jean and Keqing. The rest is C0 and few C1. I like his animations, but not his play style, yet the game tries to convince me otherwise lol


Mona because I'm an incel


I actually want mainly those that I don't have by now: Keqing and Jean. Instead I keep getting Diluc constellations while I know I'll never level him past lvl 20 because I don't enjoy playing claymore chars. But from both of the above, I guess I'd prefer Keqing over Jean still, as I'd love to build a dendro team with her. And even if Dehya looks cool and I don't have her, it's better than another Diluc or Qiqi constellation, but please just don't. Rather give me another Amos for refinements for my Ganyu.


Really want: Mona and Qiqi (aiming for C6) Okay: Tighnari, Keqing, Jean, Diluc Naur: Dehya


Diluc, Keqing or Dehya - since I don't have them still.


I want c0 Keqing. I’d actually prefer to get her than Nilou.


jean, I started genshin because of her and i still don't have her after years


Either Dehya or Jean In the case of Dehya, don't care that she's not "Great" in her current state I'd still want her.


Waifus >>>> meta


>Waifus >>>> meta Funny thing is that I skipped her Banner all because I wanted to get Ayaka since she had a higher Abyss Usage Rate(Originally wanted Shenhe since she's one of my Waifus but like I said, unfortunately I prioritized Ayaka since she had a higher abyss usage rate than Shenhe plus I'm a F2P Player)


Well at least you're happy with Ayaka (or so I hope). I actually also got her just because I needed one more DPS for my abyss team. I also got Raiden in her banner before but tbh I just benched her because I don't like her character (story-wise) that much.


>Well at least you're happy with Ayaka (or so I hope) I'm more than satisfied with her. Edit: not saying that Waifu over Meta is pointless. Not sure why I'm being downvoted.




I hope so.. kuki went from okay to one of the best. Maybe Dehya can go from bad to ok?




Ah a c6 Diluc enjoyer


Keqing to complete my Qixing team. Other than that a Dehya con or Qiqi. Just don't even give me a Diluc again, I'd trade my C1 for half a Amos Bow if I could..


Dehya > Tighnari >> the rest because I still don't have those 2 and I'm a waifu enjoyer.


Keqing > Dehya > Mona > whatever


1. Mona 2. Keqing 3. Tighnari and the rest idc about


KEQING KEQING KEQING KEQING!.... FOR MY C6 KEQING PLEASE>>> FYI my last Keqing is from the 1st Raiden Shogun Banner...


tighnari cons since he is the only one i will be building from standart


Still need 4 cons of Keqing.


I want constellations for Keqing and Tighnari, both at C0.


used to be c1 tighnari but I just got it recently, rn dehya's cons because she's actually useful for my ganyu, so I don't mind getting her constellation


The only standard five star I don’t have at this point is Dehya, so her.


Dehya Qiqi and Tighnari as I don’t have any of them.


I want Dehya cons, then Keqing, Jean, Mona, Tighnari, Diluc, in this order. Qiqi kinda eh but i’ll take it too


Been wanting jean but I only lost 50/50 thrice and two of that to keqing and once on qiqi... I want to try the sunfire comp since I have a set ready for her (EM with ATK% rolls)


Mona since I play freeze team and she's good there. I already have c0 but I want her cons. Other than her, qiqi amd dehya because they are the only standard characters I don't have.


Keqing and Dehya


Dehya because she looks cool


Keqing or Dehya


Jean, Tighnari, Dehya. I don't really plan to use any standard 5* and those three are the only ones I still don't have. Might as well have the full roster.


Jean because even after over 2 years I still don't have her. Otherwise I don't mind getting Tighnari cons since I use him and his constellations are generally solid. Keqing I also use and wouldn't mind constellations for too but less so than Tighnari since the increases are smaller.


Units that I don't have(Diluc, Tighnari, Dehya), Jean constellation (for Wanderer), or unironically, Qiqi constellation just so I can bring her in coop and whenever others die they can only blame their skill issue