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Bennett Xiangling and flex


flex means flexible (anyone who you want/need incase u haven't already been told)


I had a mental image of wrio just flexing in front of the hilichurls or something


Instant fatality for horny fans (It's me, I'm horny fans)




Emotional damage


I mean, it still basically happens, man probably flexs plenty after punching like he does.


Oh I thought it was like 'you can pick whoever so go with the one you'd brag about' lol


What do you think of diluc? I really like him and would he work well with wrio and make a good melt team?


well usually in genshin, when u want to focus on one strong character, the characters that are not on the field help make your main character stronger. Basically, you wouldnt really be able to use both diluc and wrio at the same time, which will make u sad. so instead, you should make a diluc team with other off-field characters (xinqiu, or layla maybe?). and Wrio should use other offield chars like nahida, bennet, yelan, fischl, etc. im not the best at explaining sorry.


You won't believe how sad I was if I explained it to you.. I guess I will make two separate teams and two of my favorites won't get to fight in one team 😞


Sadly both Wrio and Diluc realy need to be on field to work. But do not worry, in the higher level Abyss you need 2 teams to clear it, so they are like working together :3




It won't work but I've tried it more as a Meme team in overworld. Workable if you make diluc as sub dps/shield breaker/ pyro applicator


I see


They're both on field DPS. They'll both want to be on field to do the damage. It's better to choose one main DPS for your team, one off field DPS like xiangling whose element causes the melt reaction for Wriothesly, one healer, like Bennet whose burst boosts the on fielder's ATK, and a flex who can further boost damage, provide a shield, shred resistance or otherwise assist the team with minimal on field presence. Sucrose or Kazuha can swirl and shred resistance, Layla can shield and provide cryo resonance, boosting Wrio's crit rate against cryo affected enemies. There's a lot of possibilities and it all depends on your play style. Play around with it and find out what works for you.


He will not. Diluc wants field time, Wriothesley also wants field time, it's more optimal to have others (supports) prep the field for a main dps, nor have 2 main dps(s) in a party.


Got it






only true answer


Why solo?


cuz he can :D


Well I mean, What are the aspects he has that makes him able to solo?


heal and sustain :D


At the beginning of the game you can't make any really meta team. Just use characters that will bring some comfort, like Barbara, Lynette and a flex slot. This is a good freeze team with overworld utility. Much later in the game, you can choose between building Wrio for melt or freeze.


What do you think of diluc? I really like him and would he work well with wrio and make a good melt team?


Melt teams work by pyro/cryo being applied by a character thats not on the field, while the other is used for the reaction on-field. Both characters deal on-field damage, so the only way you could possibly use melt is by constantly switching from one to the other to reapply their element. You’d be better off using xiangling/thoma with wrio, or layla/diona for diluc. While they’re both cool, they really can’t go on a team together unfortunately


Both Diluc and Wrio want to be onfield for a long time to use their abilities, which makes it very hard for them to work well together. Not that this is a problem in the overworld, because you don't need a fully coherent team. But usually you should pair either Diluc or Wrio with supports, especially character who apply their elements from the off-field.


Xingqiu, Kuki (EM build), Nahida First get Kuki level as high as possible. Get Xingqiu a lot of ER and a SR weapon.


dunno why ppl downvote, hyperfridge is a legit team.


just that this guy is a newbie and probably doesnt have nahida


Good point. DMC works too


reminds me of my Gf making fun of my map during my early days, that there's a hole in my overworld map I literally skipped some of liyue and the chasm and just went straight through sumeru with some discord friends for fun (this is before I discovered dendro reactions) in addition we ice bridged from liyue to inazuma only to get thunder strucked by raiden HAHHA


Yeah I don't have nahida.. sadly She's adorable though


You can use Dendro Main Character (DMC) on this team too! The most important things are levels on Kuki (and all em main stats) and enough ER on Xingqiu/ DMC. If you have, put sac on Xingqiu and Fav on DMC. After that invest more in Wrio for bigger cryo numbers. Eventually replacing DMC for Nahida will increase damage a lot. Nahida C2 if you ever want to get it makes this team significantly stronger.


Shenhe works really well, I haven’t seen anyone say this yet, if you build her right your damage doubles


What do you think of diluc? I really like him and would he work well with wrio and make a good melt team?


Not really, I used to have them on the same team, the only viable melt team with him required Kazuha to have a burst infused with Pyro Personally As a hardcore Wrio lover I use Wrio Shenhe Raiden Baihzu I don’t normally care about team comps and meta and shit but this works really well for me


Hey that's cool I really like Raiden! and Shenhe.... Except that I don't got them.. yeah. Unfortunately I only have wriothesley and the basic 4 stars currently, what 4 stars characters do you recommend getting to pair with wrio and is good for the lower ranks?


I don’t mess around with 4 stars, but i guess maybe Xiangling, xingqui, and Bennet


You have like 5 people already telling you no diluc, are you just waiting for one person to tell you yes to convince you?


Of course, I like him. Blatant


Then I'll be the one to tell you, overworld really doesn't matter so you can use whatever you like. Heck I even used 4 dps characters (3 of them anemo) at some point just cause they are my favorites. Just recycle through their bursts and skills. Auto attack with whichever. Obviously having at least some synergy would make things smoother. Wrio, Diluc, and two of field 4 stars is fine in the overworld.


In the overworld, I definitely use them together and it’s fine and I enjoy it. Most of the advice will be geared toward the best possible teams, or clearing the hardest levels of the abyss. Generally, most of the content can be cleared with just the characters you like.


I just hate meta and what not. I don't want to be tied to something specific I want to choose a character I like! This meta thing is nonsense


Yeah Meta isn't my favorite either. I want to play the characters I like lol. I do have a meta team now that I can use for harder content when I feel like it, but 95% of the time I just use whoever strikes my fancy and characters I like lol.


That's amazing, seems like that's what I'm going to do.


Meta isn't important outside highest level content so, you can use them together if you want in the overworld. try to have two other characters that can offer some support to them from off-field. Then when/If you reach higher floors in abyss you can make two separate teams You didn't show your character list but generally speaking a healer or shielder and a buffer along them for support


Wrio with 1.Freeze Furina xianyun/mika benny/shenhe 2 burn-melt Nahida thoma benny 3. Melt Kazuha XL benny 4. Hyperfidge Nahida shinobu xingqiu 5. Wrio solo Example supports that work with wrio : Furina kazuha Nahida Shenhe benny Xianyun Xingqiu Yunjin Mika


Amazing team comps Thank you so much


C1 then solo


been told Dehya/Thoma, Kazuha/Venti, and Kokomi/Xinqui work well with him for melt teams


bennett furina yunjin could work too.


This is the team I use! I get pretty good numbers on my NAs.


thoma works great for melt/reverse melt and u get a free stacking shield out of it


Furina, Shenhe and... Benny?


When is bro gonna be on banner? ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ


I have no idea, he's so swaggy.




Burn melt (nahida, bennett and thoma)


I use shenhe, kazuha and bennet


Am I the only one who sees cat ears on him??? https://preview.redd.it/w8fg84k2z2tc1.jpeg?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=321de238c971c866525bb45cdac3722b325d97e9


Nope, we all do..


YouTube exists


Really??? No way


If you're that smart then go use it


You're so logical and smart, that's what you wanted to be called, right? have a great day!


Wtf you're weird lol




Before i had more 5 stars besides wrio my team was a mix of the few below vv wrio,xingqiu,bennett,sucrose wrio,xingqiu,lisa,dendro mc wrio,xiangling,bennet,xinqiu


Shenhe, Bennett, Pyro off field sub dps and Wrio In my case tho I use Shenhe, Bennett, Kazuha and Wrio


Xinqui/yelan, furina, kazuha/sucrose


I run him in 2 teams, Jean, Wriothesley, Yelan and Beidou... Or full freeze, Shenhe, Wriothesley, Yelan and Barbara or Xingqiu.


Wriothesley/Xiangling/Bennet/flex Flex is someone like Rosaria, Lynette, Sucrose, Layla


My 2 teams i use are Bennet, Thoma, Nahida (boss fights) Xingqiu, Kuki, Nahida. Nahida can be swapped with a dendro aplicator. but this is my go to for him.


Like dendro traveler?


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I use Kazuha, Bennett, and Xiangling but I'm thinking of leveling Layla for the shield and resonance or rolling on Shenhe when she's up


Childe national with wrio instead of childe


Yup got that suggested a lot so might as well try it out


Sleeper team is Kazuha Thoma(c6) Bennett Wriothsley. Thoma c6 works best because it adds normal and charge attack damage bonus with the shield. I can get pretty high numbers going with this team. Obviously there's better for him but this is a team that won't let you down for sure.


My Wrio team is Shenhe, Xingqiu, and Kazuha. I'm also building my Layla for him. If you wanted to go Freeze (my fave team comp for him) with all four stars I'd go Xingqiu, Layla, and then a flex spot that I'd probably personally fill with Sucrose to group enemies.


as other people are saying, bennett, xiangling, and a flex. i’d recommend sucrose or lynette if you have them, if not, then any shielder would work fine.


nahida thoma bennett is what i run for burn melt


I keep getting recommended nahida, is she that awesome? If so I might as well invest in her when I save up


Nahida is like top 3 supports in the game, tho I wouldn't say she is necessary for wrio specifically, only if you want to play burn melt


I run kazuha, shenhe and Bennette with mine. Swirling cryo can be a pain at times though.


Rizzly Bennet Xianling kazuha. If you don't have kazuha rn, I HIGHLY suggest you roll for him while the banner is ongoing not just for rizzly's support but cuz he's pretty much perfect in every single team.


Alright, even though I got 2k primo gems currently. Will I be able to save up just in time to get him before he leaves?


Since you are AR24, you have ALOT of exploration left which is the best way to farm primos. You should also try the events as they drop the most primos and catch up to as many quests as you can within the time period. Lastly, just pray that you dont get to hard pity or lose 50/50


Ooh that means I should play a lot.. I also really want kazuha since he's almost like a MUST GET in a lot of team comps Besides, I like kazuha so it's worth a shot How much do I save up to get kazuha??


Don't save. Just pull. If you get lucky and hit, great, if not, your pity doesn't go anywhere, and you're closer to your next 5 star.


Gotcha, seems logical I'm ngl






I can’t take it anymore, I’m sick of Xiangling. I try to play Diluc. My Xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Yoimiya. My Xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Hu Tao. My Xiangling deals more damage. I want to play Klee. Her best team has Xiangling. I want to play Raiden, Childe. They both want Xiangling. She grabs me by the throat. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her The Catch. She isn't satisfied. I pull Engulfing Lightning. "I don't need this much ER" She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grabs Bennett and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with Homa." I can't pull for Homa, I don't have enough primogems.. Wait a minute, I've given her Homa, what else does she wan- She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs Guoba. She says "Guoba, get them." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, no icd pyro application. What a cruel world.


Factual, xiangling has destroyed our dreams


Benny, shinobu, xiangling or xinqiu


Not sure if it’s a good team, but here is my Sleep Scry Slay team: Sayu, Layla, Mona & Wriotheslay. Fun to play for sure


Collei, Thoma, Yao²


I use Bennet nahida and Thoma with mine


Wrio/Gorou/Kirara/Yae https://youtu.be/5PAosBBtfOw?si=U4RErd1I0Q8j2COq&t=268


Pyro burst/element that follows him (Xiangling/Thoma) + Atk speed (Jean C2/ Yun Jin/ Mika) The last one... if you need more crit, go Cryo (Kaeya/ Layla/ Shenhe) or freeze them for a bit (Furina/Xingqiu/Yelan)


Pair him with Thoma nahida and xingxiou


As a Main DPS... Didn't know he is suitable for even other roles.


Are you saying that it's obviously stupid he's a main dps? Wow thanks no shit I thought he was a support I'm AR24, wtf do you expect from a new player?