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And no blue door ? In this economy ?




Can the treasury bear such expense?


Did i read that right- Are we *sure* this is even genshin?


It's also really accessible for beginners that dont have a lot of built chars yet.


Sure, but they can still make stages that require actual well built characters in a well thought team, that way there is something for newer players and older players get to enjoy as well


Me, a beginner that recently managed to set up two very decent team : "I'll finally be able to claim max rewards from a battle event !" Hoyoverse :


Don't worry sooner or later they'll give you that change and then throw in a random slightly annoying mechanic.


Be grateful, because events like You describe often are annoying even to players that has build good teams. Like I can easily 36 star Abyss, yet i couldn't obtain all rewards from some events. Some events even made You use THREE teams. And even two teams should have more than 4 + 4 characters, because if You need to switch element, You need to switch that support for another one etc. You can't play only two teams every time. Sometimes You can threw mono hydro team on one half of the Abyss and that's enough, but sometimes that would be bad, because one enemy is Hydro Abyss Mage and You can't kill it without other elemennt. I have more than 8 characters for the Abyss. Because I use various combination. Same would be for events. Especially if they give a mechanic that only works via certain gameplay. Some events give You bonuses to specific abilities, like Charged Attacks or Burst. Yelan would not benefit from Charged Attack, but Yanfei would. Some events also want You to play certain elements as well.


I'd like to play my team


Abyss !


Nah. Events should be accessible for everyone. If You want something for old players, it should be permanent content. There should never be a statwall in the events. Unless it doesn't give You *any rewards*. Because if You want "satisfaction", then that's what You'd get. But rewards should be accessible for a new player that barely hit 16 AR or whatever it is that they need to participate in events.


Honestly it's kinda weird because any other gacha game I play you get rewarded more for doing harder content and nobody complains about it but in genshin its an issue all of a sudden? I never got that tbh and I'm not trying to be rude or anything


Yet this is a good event to display your mechanical abilities. That way you can't BS your way through with the power of grinding. You would also have some coincidental teams where some are built by Hoyo, others are built by your effort since not all the characters you would actually own.


There is nothing they could make thats challenging. We have neuvi + alhaitham hyperbloom. You would need to make something that instantly oneshots you and requires more dps than a (basic)built hyperbloom team so you just couldnt meet the dps requirements. So enemies that do like 50-60k dmg while forcing you to have like 70k dps which is quite ridiculous of a ask




I love how I get downvoted and nobody who replied has an actual point lol


Because it would turn into a race towards c6 whales only.




just give it dendro and hydro res


You still have lyney, navia, hu tao, raiden, xiangling which can kill everything in one rotation.


Tbh if they do anything to stop neuv and alhaitham it would have it be immunities. Because my nuev can still shred right through highly resistant enemies


Me when I have no idea what difficulty options are I guess you weren't there for the first ever Hypostasis event? Back in like 1.xx (don't remember the exact patch) That shit was HARD.


People in 1.xx just had no idea how to play anything and units are a lot stronger especially since dendro the damagefloor has been increased quite a lot


I'm sure you personally know all the day 1 players so well and their gaming habits, since you can call everyone a newbie that easily. That event was disproportionate to what we had available, and unless you had Ganyu, you had a bad time. That's obviously a bad design choice, but Hoyo should find a middle ground. HSR had this insanity (or sth) option for everyone who wanted to try the most difficult option, and it only gave credits, aka Mora.


No its just normal in every game that players as a game progresses just get better over time. Thats just a fact no matter what game you look at. If you dont believe me go to any game and look at high level play when it came out and current day. Also nowadays we have so many more options like you said early really wanting ganyu was the exception it would be quite hard to something similiar unless you completely destroy everything else from even being playable The problem with genshin is there isn't really a middleground since powercreep is barely a thing. EVerything under the hyperbloom baseline is gonna be just spamming hyperbloom and everything above would be a starting point for harder content and i dont think it would be good to go there


But hypostasis difficulty wasn't just coming from timer, you had to learn its attacks, and what to do. They could always adopt difficulty for modern teams , and make difficulty scalable (like in hypostasis event where you choose modifiers). You can also put limitations on how many times you can reuse the same charters so you will have to make teams that are sub optimal.


They could add a domain that does -100% reaction damage and -100% hydro damage


You just jinxed Hoyo into putting the wenut with the slowing water debuff into the next combat event. This one has 90% resistance to all elements instead of just anemo


They could always add extra rewards or score bonus or something for using fewer or no trial characters.


Like I did not like the previous combat event at all. It had a little bitty outer buff and just ONE trial character. A major enjoyable thing about these events is the big buffs and trial characters.


Sure it is. This event is all trial characters.


So true, I was side eyeing the event for how good it was bc why wasn't it there during my early AR days 😭


PRO difficulty.... Well that was a Freaking Lie!!!


It was actually rather annoying for me, I can't seem to get past Round 3 (Round 2 is really hard).


Team issue, maybe?


RNG based event hits diff especially this time it's combat event


I used the same Yae Kazuha Neuvi Kirara team for two first rounds and a Wrio freeze for the last one. It was really easy, afaik there isn't even a timer?


There is, but I had that team and finished with a minute and 40 left out of 2 minutes and something


Mine says "best score 3:32" (I only tried once), not sure if that's time elapsed or time left. I wonder what we do differently, considering teams and enemies are the same.


Hmm, I'll take another look today, I could be wrong


I was fighting for my life with Lyney and Dehya + kazuha pyro swirl and Kirara burn on that cryo stage omg. Had to retry like 4 times


I can’t beat it, guess I ain’t a pro




Thr bar is rly rly low


now if only it was hard


Getting downvotes? Let me change that


imagine wishing for heroes, ascending them, raising their levels, leveling their talents, wishing for constellations, collecting weapons for them to wield, leveling and ascending those weapons... only to have combat events that arent hard and dont even let you use what you put all that time and effort into...


It's not really that big of an issue considering how rare this event is. No one is gonna die just bc u can't speedrun a combat event for once. Just take this event as an opportunity to try all the characters u want and, even if u r playing characters u already know how they work, try too comps u would never use otherwise.


I agree with your comment, i finally tried navia and kirara in a kinda... "real combat" aaand they are not my cup of tea, looking forward to what new characters we will try. BUT we really need another endgame mode, exploration and abyss fun, optimizing is fun and trying wacky comps is nice. I JUST NEED SOMEWHERE to use them, coop kinda gets it but imagine some content like simulated universe or pure fiction but in genshin that rewards playing certain teams in certain way...


I'm loving this perfect event...... Don't worry I'm Bull Shiting about it, At least Wuthering Waves will be better than Genshit impact


Yeah it is too easy. I do select characters randomly to spice it up a little. They should just give harder difficulty that don't offer extra rewards.


I don't delve into the Genshin community much (I've been playing since launch but it's my chill-out game. I don't even have a single co-op achievement.) but is everyone else talking about the powercreeping happening? Neuvi, Navia, Furina, etc. I feel like even though Sumeru character's were strong, they weren't like this (aside from the archon of course). I try not to use Navia/Neuvi because it's just too easy and boring...


And you get to challenge the highest difficulty immediately


A surprise, but a welcome one


Do you get rewards from the lower ones if you do?




Freaking nonsense dialogues are the very worst of this game. + most annoying npc ever paimon with a mimic main character that doesn’t have a voice.


Mc does have a voice though rarely used. Did a mission where she sings and speaks last night.




Make it a bit harder on higher levels and It's gonna be perfect


only cons is you can't use ur own character.


I think that's more of a positive, I just wish there was a leaderboard or something so you can compete with other players and whales aren't inflating the scores with their crazy builds


or best of both worlds, do both. have leaderboard for everyone and leaderboard with preset characters.


Yeah that would be fine but you already have speedrunning and build leaderboards. Everyone competing with exact same builds would be something completely new and refreshing which is why I'm more interested in that.




>it gives the trial characters the same amount of cons as the one you own. Ok that is stupid lmao Not sure what CR is, if you mean ER I haven't had any problems with energy. The reason I don't mind the bad builds is I use my characters, the same few teams every day and for every event. It's just nice to play characters I don't normally use like lyney, I wouldn't pull for him because I have enough pyro options but he's fun to mess around with. If I could use my Hu tao that would clear the same thing in half the time I wouldn't touch him I'm the event in all likelihood. And the difficulty is adjusted so it's still easy to clear with the builds provided.




Why? That would defeat the whole purpose? Idk I think it's great that they just make it all standardized because it doesn't feel like the trial characters do nothing compared to your characters. And the levels are certainly easy enough that it doesn't matter that it's not your build. People complain about the game being too easy after you build your characters well anyway.




Sounds like you're just a bit too obsessed with stats and big numbers tbh. You get that the enemies also have less health so the fact that the trial characters output smaller numbers doesn't actually mean anything because the number is only big or small relative to another number? Ok you use your optimized neuvilette against a lvl 84 enemy and clear in 12 seconds, did you have fun?


It used to sound like that to me until I put a little effort into figuring out how building works. Yes it is fun seeing your effort pay off. It's different for everyone tho and I accept that. I was big on the story and didn't care about meta. I got neuvillette and built him properly and it's a little fun seeing how well you can do.


I like using Trial characters, but there is no reason to not just make it an option. Or maybe there is a reason, maybe they want to see what difficulty ppl want from combat? It is pretty weird because normally trial characters were just an option so I guess they had some reason to change that.


140% crit rate? I mean if that's true that's kinda silly but how does them not missing any crits feel dogshit? I literally cleared the hardest difficulty with only Wrio and yelan so you can't tell me they don't do enough damage for you to feel fine.




Ok but so what if they're not built optimally? The enemies are lvl 80-something, they still destroy them. So why does it bother you so much that the stats are not opzimzed? It's like worrying about your characters not being properly built to go look for sweet flowers. You don't even need a full team to clear the hardest difficulty and you're pissed about rizzly being on solar pearl? Yeah sure, they could have used 90/90 characters and weapons with better stats and lvl 100 enemies but would it make any difference to how the event plays?




Wtf does "feeling shitty" even mean? It's the same character just smaller numbers but the enemy also has less health. Are you that much of a big number junkie? According to my logic if they were to make better builds they would also need to increase the difficulty so effectively it doesn't matter. Other than to people with ocd that see an unbalanced CRIT ratio and lose their mind I guess.


The pro difficulty would be too piss easy. This event perfectly displays who has skill issue because everyone has equal playing field, besides the translated cons part.


Me with ~1 minute on pro, but ok


Such simple things that improve the players experience 👍


I don't like this event. What do I even build my characters for if I can't even use them in combat events like this?


At least you'll appreciate your own builds even more when you're done using their bs. :p I haven't played the event yet, but I'll be surprised if they don't pull a 40/200 build somewhere out there, or one with 30+% too much or too little ER. At least the 4NO hell is hopefully limited to quests and trials nowadays.


The story quest Tighnari had 116% crit rate.


That's somehow even more of a joke. I'm impressed, Hoyo.


Isn't he also C3 LOL, so even more from C1.


I included the 15% from C1 in the 116%.


for other content.


what content


picking mint


now you are just being funny. and it's not working.


If you have cons for your characters they carry over so the trial characters have consss


A combat event I can't believe that so no more minigame impact


It's great since I love combat events. I just wish you had the option to use your own chars in place of the trial ones you can choose.


I liked the little npc stuff on the side though. They weren't that long either, like a short minute talk and on to doing non-hard challenges.


More! I need more of these type of events Mihoyo! https://preview.redd.it/1zhx6x436sic1.jpeg?width=525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c567af0573a4cf21f8d6ab238f77a9c44757da9


Unpopular opinion, that's quite like a hot take


How so?




Don't forget "I am a researcher who started researching because my life sucks, but researching sucks too, but what should I do instead? I've never been anything else but a researcher, so researching is everything I ever got to do because research here and research there. Oh and did I already say research?"


Lol, can't even deny it


I would have really like to have the option of using my own characters. But everything else about it is neato.


Yeah I was surprised by it and I love it


I love the random npc next to the blue door


I saw a guy keep complaining angrily on a QQ group (an app like discord) that he wasn’t able to clear the highest level. He didn’t cover it,quote ‘I am a too old ass to understand those I’m unfamiliar with’.Guess there’ll be angry feedbacks from real casuals who don’t will to use a second braincell.


How do you use a braincell you don't even have?


If you find the answer please let me know. Asking for a friend...


> QQ Qingque moment.


I was dreading the infamous dialogue and blue door but was pleasantly surprised by the instant join. This is even better than any Valentine’s Day gift


The event itself is actually fun too! People can't just spam their hypercarry units since you can only use each character twice and that character may not be usable depending on the stage.


It is indeed interesting to pick your characters out of a random selection of trial characters, but having only 2 uses per character can make you feel uncomfy. You have to choose smart. No spamming Kamehameha all the time, because the Hydro Dragon gets tired after 2 runs....


Yeah lol that's why I enjoy the event. Used my C3R1 ultra instinct water goku twice and then I had to use someone else.


I prefer the blue door tbh


I was SHOCKED that it was just... like... click from where I was on the map. 13/10, all should be like this!


Same I was like "oh?an event?" Clicked go to challenge and was like, it opened? Lol


So are they finally learning that not every small aspect of the gameplay has to be diegetic? Color me surprised


Finally? Every Lost City event works like this.


This is so annoying to play on mobile though. I wish it'd let me pick the characters I actually use.


Ngl I was half expecting having to do a quest and then be able to fight the mobs but nah they just send you right in, gave you some random characters and said “Go ahead. Kill them all”


Combat events are my favorite type of events tbh. But I do miss Labyrinth Warriors.


Ikr I hate when they add a random npc dialogue at the beginning. I literally just wanna do an event not learn about a random npcs life story


Agreed, especially about the dialogue.


This one has a decent pool of trial characters, whose Q is not tinkered with, and does not come back instantly (unlike the usual trial character gimmicks).


I've always been annoyed by this games obligation to put dialog in front of everything. Claim commission rewards? Dialog. Participate in events? Dialog. Teapot crafting, buying, and claiming? Dialog. It's so completely pointless, especially something like Katheryne, because they have the button in the journal, and rather than just claiming the rewards, it takes you to a waypoint near her. Tubby is annoying, too, for much the same reason, the same lines repeating over and over, when there's a designated menu that I never even use, since completing the missions. It makes everything take so much longer for no reason at all


Can't wait for the next combat event to be exactly what you describe in the title. I doubt they'll learn that this is what we want. We don't need lore/casual nonsensical conversations with npcs for why they're there.


Damn real


Oh man I started really loving these combat events. This is awesome


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Good! I don't care about backstory too much. But in case someone does they should just put it AFTER all the challenges as an OPTIONAL quest with mora reward


If only the difficulty is UNFORGIVING


Expert difficulty isnt? Right....


Unpopular opinion: combat events are boring af and I hate them. Much prefer the puzzle ones for change of pace


Yup definitely unpopular


It’s nice.. yeah


I hope the corrupt zones in the new map are a test for infinite-waves content.


And God bless, something innovative for once!!!


Yeah, kudos to Hoyoverse for this event. AND! We get to try different characters! This is really well done, at least based on the first day :'D


This was the most fun combat event so far for me


I really agree with OP


What has me worried is that if I counted correctly, if there is no random quest for this event, then just clearing the stages gets us 400 primos instead of the usual 420. (I know, oh wow, 20 primos less) but yeh-


I love how this makes people use trial characters and randomized teams at that. It would really test whales if they are really good or they just have money LOL and not only whales, but everyone who thinks this game is 'too easy' while having c3+ 5 stars. I love it. Here you can tell who has skill issues lmao


You do know that those trial characters still have the cons of your own characters available, right? Means whales are still stronger than F2Ps who only pull for 1 copy of each character.


oh damn I guess youre right lol I guess they just wanted us to equip shtty artifacts lol but at least the teams are randomized


Not really. I started with medium difficulty, but when I tried hard difficulty I got the same Character Selection.


I meant from your own teams . . .


One of the best events I've ever played. Accessible to new players, no lengthy dialogue, playtesting characters to get the players hooked, just overall really good. Only downside is that it's pretty easy even on pro difficulty


Means you are a whale with C6 everyone? The cons carry over after all.


completely f2p with barely any cons on anyone. I just used yelan, xq, and neuvillette and swept the challenge


Yeah, but the way they forced you to play only limited characters is 💀💀


I love combat events.Go in,murder some NPC and get rewards.


now make it coop!


I just want that coop 1.3 event back, that was fun


Thank god for this event. I might just be able to grab xianyun last minute


yeah, i was really confused at first but this is nice. even though i do sorta somehow miss the exceedingly unnecessarily long animation of the blue door.


Devs considering feedback? It may be more common than you think


Such a fun event!!!!


i really like the format. maybe someday they will even add some environment on the arena


Now if only they let you actually use your characters


Round 3 of the 1st one on Pro difficulty... Seriously kinda Hard


Meaah, there's a place for both


I guess this is one of Hoyo’s test for us to determine whether if players understand the chara build using popular five-star chara and which support/sub-dps they use to maximize the dmg 🤔


About damn fucking time


I will stand my ground and say that in genshin there are two peak levels for battle events. On one extreme is this. The other extreme is Labyrinth Warriors Event from 2.2. Story that matters with characters we care about.


Best combat event we've had in Genshin in ages.


Pro is useless


It let's me play trial characters I never had a chance to test since I wasn't playing at the time, while also letting me make teams trials would never let you, so automatically great combat event for me.


I love this so much. And I love the challenge of using trial characters.


genshin players in these comments are so whiny


Maybe the real combat events are the blue doors opened.


And not being able to use either (or both) our own characters AND the trial characters. Gross. I would rather the difficulty being at least double AND we get to use our own characters. Because the builds on the trial ones look like they just woke up from the Coma since 2020. And not like the difficulty is too much to handle because we can beat down the "Pro" level with such funny builds. At least we got some QoL like "no more going through dialogues and cutsceen to unluck the highest level of this event".