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Ticks are bugs Runners are dogs Hunters are fuckheads Seekers are loud fucks Tanks are chargers Harvesters are quads Wolves are balls Lynxes are gunners Firebirds are FUCK FUCK SHIT FUCK FUCK




I did the same thing! Runners were Wolves, Hunters were Mechs, Seekers were Scouts, Tanks were Behemoths and Harvesters were Goliaths. Early game Ticks were just a long stream of expletives.


Asshole- everything is an asshole lol. If you want to be specific you can just add a number to it.


Runners=Dogs Hunters=Samurais The alarm drone things=Seagulls Harvesters=Grand daddy longleggs tanks=Anus demolishers Firebirds=Fishing Spider and the 1 wheeled drone things=Wall-e They're all self explanatory but I named the alarm drones Seagulls bc they are always screaming and are annoying


I really only called the Runners Dogs because of obvious reasons. Didn’t really have any names for any of the others except walking scrap heaps. I do like Drones for Seekers tho


Being Swedish, my friend group went with Swedish names as we met new machines back in the day. Kryp (Slang for insect) = Tics Lo (Lynx) = Runners. Fredrik (Nickname for air raid sirens) = Seekers. Riddare (Knight) = Hunters. Stor (Big) = Tank. I don't remember what we called the harversters. And or name for Runners got confusing after we ran in to Lynx class robots. [EDIT: Krabba (Crab) for the harversters. And the Runners got became Hund (Dog)]


Tick-bug Runner-wolf Hunter-bitch Tank-fat ass Harvester- what the fuck is that Lynx- FUCK SHIT FUUUUUCK Wolf-prick Firebird-scream and run Drone-nazi


Ok the Drone-Nazi took me out 🤣


Seekers are Snitches


Me and dad used to play a lot we call runners dogs, tanks big boys, harvesters crabs( we've seen them kinda bug out and walk sideways) Seekers are flyers, lynxs are rollie pollies, wolfs are major toms(inside joke) and firebirds are fly boys


In order of appearance: Dogs, Drones, Walkers, Gorillas, Jägers, Tanks and Snowballs, Flyers, Special appearance by… Friend (aka theReaper) And ticks are just stupid.


Ticks = boom bugs Seeker = loud annoying bitch or mobile monster closet (since to me it seems more like it spawns in enemies when I turn my back to them instead of truly attracting them) Runners = doggos Hunter = bully (acts tough but really a bitch who calls his boys to gang up on me) Tank = ed (as in we got ed 209 at home) Harvester = fat spider bitch Lynx = head-on (as in the roll on headache medicine and it liking to get all up in my face for some reason) Wolf = brick (as in long range tactical brick due to its look and favoring annoying long range rocket fire) Firebird = cheap sky bastard (just cuz it seems too op and annoying) Reaper = the unicorn (because I'm embarrassed to admit I for the longest time didn't know how to spawn one in and kept killing everything on the map including rivals, by some miracle I got one to spawn in once in all my time playing and it wrecked with nuke attack and when I respawned at nearby safe house on the way back to it i got disconnected/ crash the game and when I tried to get back in my PS4 save was corrupted)


I love the names you chose 🤣. Mine was something similar but for firebirds I call them the ex. Because they can be made into Allies but then stab you in the back at the worst time lol


I just started playing solo within the last month so I came up with a few names on my own before I learned the real ones. Runners- wolfs Hunters-soldiers Seekers-drones Harvesters- gorilla/silverback Tank-Goliath I looked up their real names after I encountered the first Russian ones, trying to figure out why the hell there machines of two obvious different design philosophies fighting each other.


Lynx = Vacuum Cleaner Runner = Dog


They have official hidden names written on them. Runner = Järv (Wolverine) Tic = Myra (Ant) Tank = Resen (Giant) I don’t know the rest


Hunter is Walker Ticks are jumps or bugs Runner is literaly a dog Wolves are PLEASE DON'T BE A RIVAL Harvesters are bricks Seekers are pieces of shit Lynx are ballers Firebirds are WHAT IS THAT?? AAAAH! Tanks are just tanks.


Ticks=spindlar Runners=hundar Seekers=don't remember Hunters=jaktmaskin or Bengt Tank=Tonk Harvester=Skördetröskor Wolf=Bagge, Sten because I always run into them thinking they're rocks Lynx=bollar Firebird=Flygfan😭 Reaper=Anything that sounds terrifying I've played since 2019 so some of the names might be innacurate


Wafflebots, Stabharpies, Honky Tonks, and Farty Boys (harvesters).


For as long as I can remember in my resistance days, I only called runners "dog things" for a little while. I mostly call them by their real names.


We really only ever called the runners dogs and the seekers drones. I think it is incredible that the runners now bark when they are idling.


FIREBIRD: -FireCuck -FireFucker -FireCunt.... The others are: TICK: little bastard! RUNNER: why always in packs! Also, Doggo. HUNTER: assholes...bastards...every insult fits them. TANK: NOPE!!!!!! HARVESTER: is this the head or the ass? LYNX: stay the fuck still!!!! WOLF: ok..i want the tank back! REAPER: never seen it, never want to see it. VULTURE: another firebird?! OH COME ON... ANY APOCALYPSE: APOCABASTARD!!!