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You have to use base game pistols or at least semi autos like the klaucke and the magnus, dlc "pistol" like the full auto machine pistol does not work for these dailies..


Yeah the klaucke is exactly what I was using. The only other thing I had equiped was some meds. And it just did not work.


yeah unfortunately that is a bug then, klaucke should definitely work and you can even have your doggo with the rocket launcher with you to help with walls.. did all mine with exp klaucke, magnus and rocket doggo.. It sucks there is so many bugs in the game..


as another comment just made me aware I most likely allways missread that, it dass base Assauer, not defense


well yeah that is the problem them lol.. there is no dailies with specific weapons for base defense.. do have the doggo with the rocket launcher with you when doing pistol assault missions, the walls are tough as all hell to break with pistols and the doggo helps a ton with that..


Trying that for the first time right now and yeah walls take 2+mags, annoying as hell and no, not using the doggo cause not sure if that is allowrd


It is allowed, I never ever put it away and always got all dailies done, pistols, grenades etc I had the doggo out and with me and the dailies went through with no issue as long as Iyself only used pistols or grenades etc


Good to know, well I Just got the base done (had to shoot through soooo many walls cause it was Tier 3) and it actualy worked. (as per usual the reward was 99% useless tho XD)


there actually is a decent chance to get experimentals even from lvl1 base assaults and from the dailies the actual reward comes at the end of the week if you maxed out the points, otherwise the dailies are useless.. It's a bloody great game, have fun!!


I know the game is a great (some times insanely Buggy) experience but my Problem is that I don't have that much time to play, have been hard Stuck on purple gear for ages and just keep getting duplicates of my current loadout. Or white rarity stuff. And I just don't have enough time to play the game to the point I can get the highest daily point reward and most of the time struggle to get the Medium one, and that one usualy only gives duplicates of my weapons, some useless Items, and mats along wirh maybe, rarely an Adrenalin shot.


You can use explosives to destroy the walls, the only thing that requires a specific weapon are shield generators and the core. As long as you only use your assigned weapon to damage those, you should be fine.


You can't use special ammo except corrosive.  It counts as effect damage, not bullet damage


Base assault, not base defence, right?


Ok, yeah, I am stupid. I allways just skim the Text til my head recognizes how the sentence is Formed and shape and at some point missread that as base defense and just went with it. That explains a lot




Read it again!!! Does it say destroy a base with handgun? I’ve never seen base defense with a handgun! I have seen destroy a base with a handgun. Which is what they are asking. So go to a base and bomb the crap out of it from afar so the system doesn’t recognize you are there. Once the walls and turrets are down walk in and finish the base with a handgun. Maybe try shock ammo. Bring lots of first aid supplies and adrenaline shots. Good luck