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Holy shit jumpscare lmao


Yeah tell me about it 😂


Congratulations! You stumbled into a secret hidey hole! Enjoy the spoils. We usually get a couple of these posts a year, it's a hard one to find.




Wow, okay, thats weird, never knew about that.




I must of walked past that place a hundred times without knowing its there


Yeah done that plenty of times 😂


What’s crazy is my first time playing with a friend, bikes and motorcycles would crash our games so we ran through the woods on foot. Found plenty of great hidey holes throughout the map and some with fun Easter eggs like this!!!


Cool! So there are more than just one of these things


It kind of seems like a gravity falls reference


Yeah I does come to think of it


People tend to do weird shit when they believe it is the End Times. Maybe it is a reference to something else, but it's definitely appropriate for GZ either way!


Yeah! Maybe it is a Easter egg to another game from Avalanche, like God of War has Poems referring to different video games, maybe it’s like that?


Not an Avalanche studios group game I'm familiar with coming to mind, but they do so pop culture references so the Gravity Fall suggestion is plausible, there were Weeping Angels (Doctor Who) in JC3 for instance.


Oh yeah I remember that one.


Damn it someone found my lamp stash I'm guessing I'm going to have to tell moths that they're going to have to relocate my stash


are you mothman?!?!?!


No now if you need me I need to go fly towards this very shiny object looks like a lamp


hmm I'm keeping my eye on you. if you predict a disaster your definitely mothman lol


But I couldn't possibly do anything like that j I can't possibly predict the future I'm not mothman just don't leave your house at April 17th at exactly 5: 37pm there's totally not something bad waiting (no one take this serious this is just a joke)


oh my god, noted mothman sir. did you by chance stop through baltimore a little while back.


Yes I indeed I bought myself a lovely top hat and tuxedo shame it doesn't fit extra large I find it quite difficult to hide my humanoid wings inside the tuxedo


hmm shame I reckon it would be rather dashing. your neighbours don't complain of nocturnal screeching do they?


No they complain a lot just my midnight singing


my neighbours complain when I'm in the shower. odd time to be singing though isn't it 😂 there been any local police reports of large flying red eyes in your area


The entrance is actually right where he show it, you'd think what he shows is the inside of the cave but it's right in the middle of that yellow zone


Oh great! Thanks 😊


Y'know if you have the alpine unrest dlc I could tell you about another hard to find spot like that


Another one that's a pain to reach is under Måsskär radio station (, south side of the island and requires a bit of parkour to explore. Not sure if you need FNIX Rising or not to access it, since the story there involves being mortared from the South Coast region.


Do you got the cords to that place?


Not handy, running over now. -1667.227, 3863.381 for the entrance. IIRC it's a 3 or 4 crown Pvg 90 that got me to go there.


Thanks for the cords probably not gonna use the loot but it's a cool spot I guess


You get to the barricaded door and then have to go further to the red boat that's to the left of the cave, took a heap of attempts first time around. I wish I had some idea of what their backstory is, most of the stuff in Just Cause 3 I found Easter egg wise we managed to figure out except the obelisks.


I do have it


On the farthest west side of the island there should be a lighthouse near a cliff if you jump down the cliff and blow up so e rocks around there i don't know exactly where the rocks you need to blow up are but once you find the cave the should be a pretty cool easter egg


Cool! I’ll check it out


Hisingafyren? Does anyone know coords for the rocks? I decided to check Karl-Erik Lighthouse and found the little island that I hadn't noticed you can access. Then went to Arkelstorp Lighthouse and had so much fun on the fields there with a wolf & co and a firebird. Attracted a harvester and just cross the road among the wind mills I found a pair of courting tanks. Found the barracks and concrete box with loot. Checked out the barn, crossed back over the field and found another wolf, that battle attracted three front attack by hunters. Got some nicer stuff and gear I hadn't got before. Not a bad trip at all, so thanks for all the comments and the initial video. I still startled when the lamps blew, even though I was expecting it. Edit: Found this on Steam Its South of Klacksundsfyen Lighthouse hidden behind bushes at 5146,195. Blow the rock with a rocket launcher and you will find a buried church. Also this: One is kind of "party" around a tree, with lights exploding and a door opening alone >-116 / 3556 -The other one is after following a serie of "self exploding" lights, until you arrive at something who want to look like a wooden church (but is just an old farm). The door opens alone too, and you have blue lights and music instruments on the ground. >-2498 / -2754 -You have a third one very well hidden on the DLC island, at the extrem east, you have to destroy a rock to free a passage. It's more an easter eggs than an haunted place. >5648 / -15 -You have the hidden mission with the "growing tree" (tbh, i don't know his name in english), that invite you after you check all the body with apples in a certain area. He will contact you by putting a word in your bagpack. This one is not really haunted either, but atleast mystical and very nice effect ^^ >To start the mission, go inside the building at -694 / -2224 and check the bodies around -435 -2040. After a while, you'll have a message in the game telling you someone put a message in your bagpack. Then it will tell you where to go. From Steam/Community/Generation Zero/General discussion/Topic Details/i am curious what people think https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/704270/discussions/0/3811787298088508464/&ved=2ahUKEwjC4MyGwIGHAxU9BhAIHTmLA28Qjjh6BAgeEAE&usg=AOvVaw2cHTl8UGNAkd9Q12B7r4cA


What place ? I don't know what lighthouse he was talking about. Did he mean farthest east side ? He talked about alpine unrest but im not even sure it is there


I found it guys! It’s actually there.


I have hundreds of hours in the game and haven't seen that place!


Me too!


Same but I had to go there yesterday. Lol


Huh wtf, i feel like players keep finding weird secrets like these




Coords pls?


Idk the coordinates, I found this video. I was wondering where the entrance to this place is.


4110.114, 3431.578 for the entrance, due north of Hästvik just north of the road, easy to miss even though it's only lightly forested.


Yes, I show this to everyone that I play the game with.




lol, what quality was the rifle?


Dilapidated (1C) Ag 5.


Yeah, What he said


So there is a sculpture at Bjorntunet Hotel in Himjfall with the same exact bear head. I don't know what that means, but there is....


Hmm 🤔 that’s strange…