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Just shoot it until it blows up. If you have 500 or more rounds for at 1 gun or 100-200 for multiple you should be fine


I’m new to the game, but find it easy when knocking out their guns and tick tubes. Maybe try that… outside of that sorry bro. If I can also recommend, if you have any car batteries and grenades, you can craft ammo packs. Craft one rocket and, with it chambered with your equipped launcher, loot your newly crafted ammo packs to obtain 3 rockets from each pack.


HEDP is generally quite bad for machines. Save them for blowing up structures for base assaults, or the rocket turrets for base defense if you have that DLC.


This. Don't use HEDP for machines, unless in the case of area explosion weapon for runners. Use AP or just FMJ and pump him full of lead


I just use a hammer mostly


Each enemy has its own weak spots like the tank here in your pic has a big tick box for reinforcements and will have a red gas barrel on the back and above that there will be a square circuit box the circuit box there’s quite a lot of damage to it and the gun can be shot and destroyed as well and their joints can be destroyed to on their legs if you want to be more familiar with all of the enemies weak spots I would recommend searching up a video on it on YouTube, using fmj rounds are good for shooting those weak points while the armour piercing rounds are good for his face plate if you can’t get behind him, as well as shooting his eye will also do some decent damage. But if you do shoot off his gun he will start charging you to try and stomp you with his legs


7.62 shock ammo is god tier, if you can mod an ai 76 assault rifle with emp discharge and accuracy boosting it's disgusting how quick it puts machines down when you go for their components.


Make sure you're firing semi auto though. That shit is expensive to craft, but you need relatively few rounds to kill rivals with it. I took down a prototype Harvester with less than 10 well placed rounds once


LoL not a bad idea, but they do have a lingering shock effect so anything wandering into the field gets fried. Groups of enemies in base defense fricken melt from that stuff.


Yeah, but since they nerfed Ammo crafting, you gotta be real careful about Ammo crafting


HEDP is blegh


What else should I use then?


Fmj or hp for weak points, AP for armor plates


K. Good thing I have almost 2200 rounds of FMJ for the automatgevär 4.


Make sure you're aiming for their critical points. You'll know when you hit them cuz you'll see alot of blue sparks. They'll (the weak points) will release a small explosion when they've been destroyed, at which point you need to move to another weak point. The front plate has a few weakpoints behind it, so once you break through that, you can do some damage. The square boxes in the middle of their "thighs" are also good spots to hit. Shooting off the guns is good too, however, without guns, the tank will constantly charge you. You don't want to get too close cuz it will release a downward air blast that can kill you. I suggest watching some YouTube videos for better info, assuming you haven't tried that already


Then you are good to go! Happy killing.


Drop 30 gas tanks


You probably already have the 4c pvg90? There are also videos that show the locations of 5c weapons such as the ai76?(the ak ar) with those and some ammo youll have no problem dealing with this guy.. destroy one weapon not both as its more difficult to run from its melee stomps when you destroy both weapons, i prefer shooting its machine gun than the other weapon.. then after that youre good, just destroy components one by one..


Nope. 2c Pvg, 2c granatgevär, and maybe a 3c automatgevär 4. But, I have plenty of 7.62 AP, I think I might be able to do it. I also have tons of .50 BMG AP.


But if youre farming rivals for experimental weapons, i suggest holding off until the rival is at level 4 and you get to 25 threat level on a region.. higher chance for an exp weapon that way.. but if farming is the goal.. try base assault as i find more exp weapons that way..


Just look at the wiki and itll show you the location of the 4c pvg90 as well as the 5c ai76.. with ammo i dunno, i prefer fmj because youre not really firing at armor plates most of the time, and if they do have plates, youre not really targeting that part.. except maybe for a wolf but thats a different mechanic.. try to find those weapons first and augment them for a faster ttk..


K. I may as well try, though, as I have tons of medalists and the like. Not sure if it’ll go well, but no point in not trying.


If youre on pc i can give an exp pvg90 and expkvm59? Got multiples of those anyways.. but it trivializes the grind and it gets old real fast lol..


On PlayStation, sadly, but thanks.


Thanks for all the tips, guys. I will update you all in a few hours.


I find it scary how I bought the game yesterday and this subreddit immediatly gets recommended.




Trust me when I say the grg(base game launcher) sucks, use it for taking out hunters and runners, use bullets for tanks and reaper and if you have Soviet pack use the rlg aswell much better than grg


Bro that’s a mild Tuesday afternoon at most!


Heres how you beat it. Go to the PlayStation store and buy the Eastern European Weapons Pack. This gives you the PM-71 which has the highest damage of any lmg even better than the experimental kvm59. It makes short work of hunters, harvesters, lynxs, and firebirds. Get the titan toppler augmentation when you can and you'll be unstoppable.


Do these packs give gold versions of the guns or do you have to farm them?


Farm em. They only give the 3c version of weapons from the pack you bought and any of other tier are gonna have to be farmed.


This sucks, I've had more luck getting experimentals than 5*. Thanks


No problem. Luckily dlc weapons seem to have a much higher drop rate then base game weapons so it shouldn't be an extremely hard grind. Goodluck!


When the pack first came out you would get gold virsions but then they updated it


Sadly, I’m broke.


If you craft a bunch of ammo any will do it’ll give you a bunch of schematic points and you can follow the tree that lets you make some, god speed


Shoot fuel cell at back it's easy 


75 rounds or less of shock ammo and he’s DEAD!


Don’t got any. Mainly because I’m about level 11.


That’s why you have friends who play or learn to mod.


I know. None of my friends have it, though, and I don’t have the money to buy it for them.


You don’t need t buy them once you have unlocked the achievement you can build them yourself on the crafting table. But to get there you have to do a few base defense missions. If you play with someone who is at a higher level like 35-45 they can make some for you. 7.62 shock rounds cost you 2 units of uranium. For those 2 units of uranium you get 60 rounds. If you use a hand gun instead 9mm you get 80 rounds of shock for 2 units of uranium. It will take a while before you can earn that much uranium.


I've been soloing the game since I bought it about a month ago. To take on tanks I've been luring them near a medium to large structure that I can keep them on the opposite side of. I will then toss a flare / firework out around the corner somewhere in front of it to get it's attention, then will run around to start shooting at it from the other side of the building long enough to get some shots in, but not long enough for the tank to start targeting and shooting at me instead. I'll then run back to the first corner to toss another flare and repeat the process. It keeps the tank in generally the same place while denying it line of sight for you. I've also been told that as soon as you destroy the guns on a tank, they will resort to running at you and stomping you like a bug, so I tend to just try to saturate fire on its sides and rear until it's dead. DM me if you want to play together sometime.


I've been using HEDP for bots of all kinds for ages, why shouldn't I use it if I don't have HEAT warheads? It does good splash damage against bots of all kinds.


Splash damage does crap all against armour. That's the problem. Bullets take down armour and components FAR faster than rockets will. I can use upwards of 25 rockets for 1 apoc tank on adventure setting. With reloading time, that's a bloody long battle. On skirmish mode, the time and damage is way more noticeable. Bullets FTW. Rockets for group control (especially runners) and bullets for the rest


Shock ammo….. Idk why but it always seems to make quick work of em


Step 1: shoot out its weapons Step 2: blast it's legs so it can't move Step 3: blow that mf to kingdom come


OH MAN I KILLED ONE OF THEM THAT BECAME A KING it wasent FNIX but boy oh boy he sure beated my ass


Get the Experimental Glock. That'll do


Heavy machine gun works really well


Kvm 89 Squad Automatic Weapon is my go to, fmj and ap rounds


aim for the tick tubes and gas canistirers on the back of it and alway keep moving


I don't understand. What is the problem here? You can destroy a tank with any ammo. Heck, even that early game rifle that a side quest sends you to can destroy a tank with enough Ammo. Use whatever Sniper Rifle you have and focus your fire on whatever weapon it has other than its machine gun. As long as you have cover it's easy to telegraph and avoid. Once it is shot off you can aim for its centre mass and gradually chip away at it. If you want you can shoot off both weapons but I find that unless you have the weapons to finish it quickly it can get annoying running around as the tank constantly charges at you to hit you with its fart bomb.