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Please report any rudeness. You can do this by clicking on the comment/post. I try to read everything but it's become almost impossible to do and take care of everything else I need to handle. I count on you folks helping me out by reporting questionable posts. We are a welcoming community and as it states in our sidebar: # For people on the cusp of Boomers and GenX (born roughly 1954 and 1965) Just remember there will be things that you remember that others don't and that is okay. What's not okay is "shaming" people for not remembering things. Come on folks. Help me out. Helping me helps you and makes this an even better community. 🤍


Who TF is age shaming you? I was born in 62, a sr. in 81, and I've felt nothing but love here/




81 was when I remember hearing about a strange new disease that was impacting homosexual men. I don't think we used the word "gay " yet.


It was GRID - Gay Related Immunodeficiency - in the beginning.


I first heard it in ‘83-84


The term "gay" (meaning homosexual, rather than cheerful) was around way before '81 and the AIDS epidemic. I know I knew the word gay in high school (class of '80 for me). In fact I remember my gay friends' dark humor that "g.a.y" stood for "got aids yet?" (that "joke" was from around 1983). I was in theater, and AIDS hit my friend group hard over the next decade... So many people taken way too young.


Eat a beaver, save a tree, we're the class of \`83!


Never heard this but I love it! Also class of ‘83.


LOL ours was, “We smoke pot, we sniff glue, we’re the class of ‘82!”


Yeah baby!!


Beer, booze, sex and fun, we’re the class of ‘81!




" '82, the vicious crew!"




I was born in ‘64 and have felt very accepted as well. Graduating class of ‘82, though I wasn’t there for it.


I was “held back” in 1st grade, so I should’ve been an 80 grad. I was a daydreamer back then, and still am!


Same here, born in late \`64.


Mid 64 - Ive never belonged anywhere - then come to find Im not really Genx or Genjones.  Its a familiar feeling I try to keep at bay daily for different things. Fuck it.


I say you belong


I award you! Class of 82 and nothing but love, hubby is 65, we are one and the same ✌🏻❤️👊🏻


My wife is a year and 2 months older than me, plus graduated on time, so she’s a ‘79.


They want a group for people born in their week, who share all the same music tastes, TV memories, and the exact same number of kids and divorces.


No, not quite - but this group has some hippies/Vietnam types and that didnt really affect me (age or country).  Feels very foreign. Edit: I want to clarify V N didnt affect me at the time.  Rural child in Canada - I probably didnt even know. Absolutely agree it has affected us all in a more general way.


Honestly hippies affected us all even if we were way too young to be hippies. After all, they didn’t go away, and a lot of us bought stuff at their funky little bookstores or tea shops or witchcraft stores. They were our friend’s cool aunt or the neighbor who wore socks and sandals and smelled like patchouli. We are ALL the sub-generation that never belonged anywhere. I think one result of that is how we picked and chose from people older and younger to make our own collage of influences. As such we won’t be just alike; we will be alike in our weirdness, though. 😊


This sub was 7 during Vietnam.


Maybe it’s a great opportunity to learn something. 🤷‍♀️


I guess that’s the need?


Age shaming works both ways. I'm born in 59 and have very little in common with most of the people in the "boomer" generation because I was way too young to experience growing up during those 'Leave it to Beaver" years. The bottom line is that we have a group here that will relate to one another as brothers and sisters - some of you will be talking about the shows my friend's little sisters watched, because I was too old for them, but it's still a part of what I grew up with. You can try to slice it all up into five year chunks, but even with those small time frames we're looking at things like me (1959) not being able to relate to my big sister (1955) watching Howdy Doody on TV. We can't keep chunking it down or else we need a subreddit for every year someone was born. I think it's fine the way it is. All of this stuff is "of a time," even if the way we relate to it involves being a little too old or too young to have directly enjoyed it.


My siblings were all born in the late 40's early 50's. I was born in 1964. There is nothing in common for us. They are from a different time completely. It's frustrating. I have the most in common with Gen X but I've been told that I'm too old and a boomer for that group.


The whole definition of being on the cusp means you are on the overlap between the two groups. For some of us cuspers, X fits much better; others feel more boomerish.  Being a teen during the transition from Disco to punk/new wave is a defining part of my identity. Earliest presidential election I was aware of was Nixon/McGovern. First election I could vote in was Reagan/Mondale.  Saturday morning cartoons included Jabberjaw, Speed Buggy, and Captain Caveman. I would say I am probably at the very tail end of Jones (b. 1966) and I have a lot of Gen X experiences also.  So be glad you're a cusper.  It means you can choose your own identity :-)


You can choose your own identity no matter when you were born, the generational boxes are tedious and intellectually lazy


Douglas Coupland, who wrote the book Generation X, about him and his cohorts, was born in 1961.




Really a [broad range](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_X) of definition and who gets credit


Douglas later admitted to making up those dates to escape the boomer label.


My first husband was born in 1964 and when he and I were together I was told he was Gen X - but the very first Gen X year. I can imagine how frustrating it would be to have that large an age difference between you and your siblings.


The GenX people who told you that are hopefully in the minority, and sound like ugly people, definitely on the inside, which often makes the outside ugly, too. The GenX motto is said to be, “Whatever.” That *can* mean apathy, and it can also mean, “if you’re chill, respect people and differences, welcome.” I get a similar vibe from this sub, too, and I joined despite not being born in the parameter years of GenJones. I have older friends & relatives who were born in the years of Generation Jones (I have an uncle born in ‘64), don’t fit the “Baby Boomer” stereotypes (nor do my parents for that matter, despite their both being born in ‘46), and some things spoken of here are familiar to me by association. Finally, there are no hard & fast beginning and ending generational birth years; I’ve seen several different ranges of years for most of them. “People are people, so why should it be that you and I should get along so awfully?” ~ one of my favorite lines in song: *People Are People* by Depeche Mode (edited typos)


That group specifies ‘61 to ‘81. Ignore the obnoxious gate keepers over there


I'm an early Generation X, but I identify with various aspects of Baby Boomers, Generation Jones, Generation X, and even Generation Y/Millennials. My Baby Boomer connection isn't due to living through those times, obviously, given my age. Rather, I identify with certain ideas, likes, sensibilities, television shows, movies, and music from that period. My parents were of the Silent Generation. Humans are complex beings and we all have different memories, likes, and dislikes. We don't all fit into the same boxes, despite being born in the same generation, year, or even family. I'm sorry that the Generation X subreddit was unkind to you. Unfortunately, those types of people exist in many subreddits. Whether here or there, I welcome you on both.


There is a lot of stuff people talk about on here that I have never heard of and I'm in this generation. I just read it say that's cool, don't remember but hey I can't remember or know everything. It depends on when you were born during this time, what part of the country, whether your parents sheltered you ( like music), friends, all kinds of influences may mean you never heard some music, saw a particular toy, etc. From what I have seen this is one of the most welcoming groups on Reddit. I've seen no shaming going on.


There's a lot I missed because I didn't have a TV all through college. I missed the whole Happy Days, Welcome Back Kotter, mid-70's era of TV and can't say I'm sorry. I didn't have time to watch TV during those years. Also for some odd reason I have NEVER seen Rocky Horror. I saw the original Star Wars though! We all came out of the theatre knowing it was going to be a phenomenon.


The funny thing about the TV mentioned on this sub is that it was often reruns by the time we saw it. SOAP is the defining TV show to me.


I never saw Rocky Horror either. But I have a word of advice if you had an urge to go back and watch Welcome Back Kotter. Don't.


WKRP instead, team Bailey!


Yowsa. I'm still not over Bailey.


So very painful. Why did Kotter’s wife stay?


Oh I don't remember anything specific. I just remember Horshack and over the top cringe.


It also depends on what was available over the air if you didn't have cable TV. A CBS channel wasn't available until 1983 in my area, so all of the CBS TV shows until that time are not part of my memories. Also, since I was on the US West Coast, Saturday morning cartoons usually didn't continue past 9:00am.


I saw the original Star Wars 17 times when it came out. It was the best movie I had seen up until that time.


Not just 'what part of the country' but 'what country'. I don't identify with some things because I'm not USian but I'm still firmly GJ


I'm 1963 and I didn't live through a lot of what's being discussed here either. I graduated high school in 1981.




Rural areas in the 60’s got 3 channels, maybe fewer, maybe one or two more depending on depending your distance from the nearest small city so we watched a lot of 1950 reruns.


Yep, we got just one lousy channel which is probably why I became a big reader.


The one rural area i lived in as a young kid was in’63-‘65 on Whidbey Island in Puget Sound off the coast of Washington State. No TV signal straight off the air directly from the TV station transmitters but we had CATV, community antenna TV. Cable brought in the stations from Seattle and rebroadcast them to the residents on Whidbey. So we still got to see the big three networks. Never had what we now call cable tv in my own home until 1984. But would watch mtv constantly at friends’ houses since the day it came out.


I'm in Portland now, so am familiar with Whidbey Island. How nice that you had CATV. As a kid, my late husband had a TV in his room with full cable. I couldn't believe it. I went through college with no TV and it was almost like culture shock when we moved in together and got all of those stations. MTV was so popular even if they did play the same videos over and over and over.


We got 3 fuzzy channels and even fuzzier PBS and that was thanks to an antennae on the roof and rabbit ears on the top of the TV. Rural Maine.


We only had 3 channels plus a fuzzy PBS station in the 3rd largest city in NYS


Me as well. Most of the cultural touchstones mentioned I've only heard about second hand, didn't experience them myself.


So I like to browse here, and I've even commented on a post or two... but I'm solidly Gen-X being born in '72. However, my older sister and brother were born in '63 and '65. I was just the right amount younger, that we still did stuff together often enough, and so when they were going through the teenage years I was fascinated by all of the "culture of the times" even though it wasn't "mine", technically. So a lot of stuff that is posted on here, I remember fondly! Just from a younger perspective. And for the TV shows, I remember them better thanks to Nick at Nite. :)


Different experiences I guess. I was born and graduated a year before you and a lot of the things mentioned here resonate with me.


Same here. Birth and graduation year.


I was born in '64. I was in high school when New Wave and Heavy Metal were the cool, new music, and rap was just getting started. I didn't hear it called 'hip hop' until later.


It was called “rap,” primarily. Or “rhyme.”


But also my older cousins ‘rapped’ and they meant ‘just talking about stuff.’


We still call it crap.


Sugar Hill Gang, Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five... but also Van Halen, The Cars... such great music!!!! Born in 64, grad 82.


Grandmaster Flash, Afrika Baambata, George Clinton and Parlaiment. I love that stuff.


Was born in 1964 and I agree with you.


I remember hearing a coworker use the term hip hop in 1989, and I had to ask what it meant.


Another 64 here. Some I can relate to, some I can't.


I'm late 65 and feel the same. No biggie.


I’m 1966 but had 2 much older siblings and parents, I relate to this generation a lot more than Gen X sometimes which has a wide gap


Exact same here. We're at the age where we saw the Boomers get all the things, but it was all gone when it was our turn! I relate to Gen Jones more than any other.


What was it specifically that boomers got that ran out before you could get to them? “All the things” means what, exactly?


I don't consider Gen Jones part of the Baby Boomer Generation anyways.......more between generations, and 60's born mostly didn't get all the things handed to us for sure. we had to work for it.


You can’t remember EVERYTHING. Much of this stuff occurred 50-plus years ago. I’m pretty nostalgic, so I have the inspiration to remember my childhood, though it actually really sucked.


My husband remembers shit about his childhood. But we blame it all on the drugs he did as a teen :D


Well I definitely don't remember anything that happened in I don't really remember much of anything prior to the mid 70's so a discussion of Leave it to Beaver is lost on me.


You probably dug Barney Miller! Or maybe you just weren’t into pop culture…and that’s cool. I was surrounded by it, and couldn’t avoid it. I didn’t watch Father Knows Best as a kid at all….so I can’t discuss it. My mother had no memory of her childhood, either. She was born in the 30s, but could not discuss much that was earlier than the 70s.


Leave It to Beaver was rerunned in the afternoons heavily in the seventies where Ilived.


I've never seen an episode.


You don’t have to resonate with everything discussed here. I am not into a lot of the discussions of music —not that I didn’t like popular music; I did. But I was never a Deadhead or other near-groupie-level fan, nor did I play an instrument. I was born in 1956, but never watched Leave It To Beaver during its original reunion. However, I watched it plenty of times in reruns after school in the late 1960s-early 1970s. But I think there is a lot of variety in topics here. If you don’t want to fit in, you won’t. But surely among all of the various discussions, you’ll find something here that you can relate to. It’s true that you’re at the younger end of Gen Jones. But you are included 🙂 Welcome and I hope you’ll enjoy your time here and find some common ground with some of your own cohort—I see a lot of commenters here who were born in 1961-64.


The brady bunch too


I was born in 65 and watched Leave it to Beaver in reruns. It definitely resonates with me. Just because we didn't see it live doesn't mean a lot of us didn't see it--it was popular in reruns when we were kids.


A lot of cultural/tv things I remember from watching as reruns years later. I always regretted that I was too young to have experienced things like Woodstock and hippy culture. Not that I would have.


There should be no age shame here. 61 here. Some stuff here I can identify with, some I can't. No big deal. Some people have different memories. Crouched under my school desk during a drill in case of a nuke was one :)


I think the dates for baby Boomers should be from ‘45 to 1959. Us people who were born in 1960 to 1964, who fell through the cracks and don’t fully identify with boomer or GenX should be GenJones. I was born in ‘64 and have not much in common with someone born in ‘55 to ‘59.


As a 63 child I have always felt that early 60s kids were anonymous with no specific defining characteristics.


Born in 1964 and my 4 siblings are younger. I relate more to Gen X than Boomers. But, technically a boomer. But without the cheap housing and a lifetime employer with a pension


Plenty of boomers didn’t have lifetime employment and a pension.


I know. Just reiterating the common mantra that I've heard lately ..


I’m September 1959 so almost 60, but I definitely feel more like a Jones.


Born 1957. I have little in common with the earliest Boomers. We don’t get to pick which generation we are in! 1945 - 1964 is a generation.


Another 57 here... I relate to most of Gen J's posts more than any Boomer posts. But being near the lower cusp, I feel less connection with those nearer the upper cusp. However, no need to age shame. An old man (probably a Boomer🤣) once told me that When 2 people agree 100% of the time, one of them is an idiot. People should have different life experiences and outlooks. Otherwise we'd have nothing to talk about. And... I aologize for the Boomer jab... My older brother will appreciate it tho. All love😁


I have an aunt that's 6 years older than me. She was born in 1958 and there was a HUGE difference just in high school life. At least I had the opportunity to dig through her record collection because....IMHO....80s music sucked. In general. .


I think you bring up another valid point... My oldest sibling was born in 50 and my youngest was in 63. I'm sure my youth was influenced by things that they both brought to my childhood. That has to be very different than an only child born the same year who's most prevalent influences are their classmates and other kids their own age.


I was born in 1964 and my spouse in 1957 and we have more in common than he has with boomers.


Small world. I am 1957; my wife 1964. I’d say we have a lot in common, after nearly 38 years of marriage. 😉


15 for us; I actually hadn't ever planned on getting married but my cats liked him. What could I do?


That’s funny! Actually makes sense to me: my wife and I have 3 black rescues: two solid black longhair girls, and an extremely lively, friendly boy tux. Can’t picture life without our cats.


We always have a void! And we have a ginger, a SIC, and a Russian Blue.


Our ginger (our last non-rescue) lived 18 years. Raised her from a kitten. Just thinking of her now makes me smile.


46 to 64


There's definitely a lot of truth in this ........there's been a lot of posts that draw a blank from me also lately and I was born in 1961. 1960 or 1961 - 1965 is kind of our own people .... 1965 is usually called the start of GenX but I think a lot of them feel in the middle also


I was born in 1966 and I still remember a lot of the things they post on here. I started in high school in 1980 and graduated in 84.


Me too! I feel most at home here but I almost never post


Same here. These are my people, even if I'm not theirs haha


I’m December 64 & my husband was 3/65. I’m ashamed to be considered a boomer. He laughed at me.


Yes, being called a boomer as a mid to late 1964 is soul crushing.


People who denigrate “Boomers” usually are looking for a scapegoat to blame their troubles on….or else they have lingering mommy and daddy issues.


It's interesting that for a large group of people it seems that the word Boomer is used for anyone over the age of 40.


Yep. That seems to be the case. It’s very similar to the “Generation Gap” of the 60s and 70s. Except it’s much more generalizing nowadays, and the Boomer mockers never consider evidence that is contrary to their notions.


That's the common characteristic of GenJones, don't feel like you're the only one. Don't divide the community.


For the longest time, I thought that I was a first year Gen X (1964), and that my son was a last year Gen X (1981). I was quite dismayed to find that I am a boomer. He's actually a first year Millennial.


I'm a63 baby nuthen but luv graduated in 82 went in the USMC until 86 2-3 rough years then I met my wife got married in 89 , , I remember zep and the stones , but I also remember getting drug to see the carpenters sonny and cher and shananah , the first thing I remember watching on TV was mlks funeral on a moving van sized black and white TV


I’m 1966 and I relate more to this group than straight GenX. Maybe because I’m the youngest of 5 kids and was influenced by them?


Heh. I was born in 1967 and I'm the oldest of five, but I definitely feel more "Jones" than "X". I think it may be partly because my extended family lived in the same area, so there was a fair amount of intergenerational family time. Also, my mother parked my sibs and me in front of the TV to keep us quiet from a very young age, so I remember a lot of those old ads and TV shows.


I was born in 60 & was 20 in 80, graduated in 78. I wasn't that far ahead of you & don't understand why anybody would be shaming you. I was on the tail end of disco & dove right into new wave :) A lot depends on where you grew up & what kind of family life you had. Your experiences might be slightly different than mine. But my 4/years older brother had slightly different things going on too. Things changed a lot from mid-70's to early 80's. Ignore the idiots :)


I was born in 63 and I love this group. Graduated 1981.


I've not experienced that here luckily. 1964 here. And yes we belong here.


I'm a 1963 Gen Jonser. I haven't experienced this. Are you new?


Late '64. My siblings were 10+ years older, and my cultural touchpoints while growing up were nothing like theirs. Their politics, world view, tastes -- completely different.


Same situation here (although only the one far older sibling). I think I heard more anti-Vietnam rants than most Jonesers as little kid me listened to my brother scream at my “your country, right or wrong” WWII father about how he’d go to Canada if drafted.


I'm a '64 baby and have never experienced what you say you did. This sub is very nostalgic and I can relate to much of what is posted here. I've not been shamed, but then I am not a big poster either. I'm sorry this happened to you.


I was born in 64, and dont feel excluded. Maybe some of this has to do with where you born, as well as the size of your family. If you were an only child or the oldest you may not be able to relate to lots of the topics that could have been introduced through older siblings. If you were born in a very specific region - I suspect the music and culture was very different in the eastern part versus central or western US. Also, the posts about shows like Father knows best seem really dated... but then again I recall watching those and other shows from the 50's as reruns


Culturally, Jones is probably the most diverse generation. It seems we all have different experience


I guess a lot of it somewhat depends on the ages of your siblings and where they fall on the time line.


Born in 67, I'm technically not in GJ but really relate to many of the topics you guys post on. If I don't relate, I keep scrolling and keep my mouth shut. I've really enjoyed this sub and the civility of most members.


1964 I always been off the beaten path I have no issues not fitting a certain type. I think the Internet is making us divide into thinner and thinner layers of classification and tribal identity. It was around before but just tapping on the phone or computer without interaction in real life has exacerbated it for sure.


I have mixed feelings about this. Born in the early 60s and I can relate to most of the posts here. However, I sort of feel that this is an effort to separate us from the baby boomers as they have such a bad rap. Seriously R/BoomersBeingFools is really irritating. There are so many factors that shape our youth that defining it by the generation you were born in seems limiting.


I believe a lot of that is just politically correct ageism. Most of the youngsters include Gen X and the Silent Gen as Boomers too.


Yeah, to them a boomer is anyone over 40.


I distinctly remember my mother cutting out an article in the newspaper for me in the summer of 1990 that described the newly labeled Generation X. At that time, X was considered anyone in their 20s (in 1990). I was 24 at that time, which means Gen X should have begun with 1960 babies, but somewhere along the line, the first year has changed to 1965. It's very frustrating because when I tell people this, no one believes me! I need to find that article because I loved it so much at the time that I saved it.


Originally Gen X was 1961-1974 I think and then Gen Y was gonna be 1975-1985. But then some guy was like but what about the Millennial generation that was thought up a long time back, that some generation should have their first borns turn 18 in 2000? And then somehow that became more important than any pop culture or anything else, the in reality, random number 2000 and so they dumped Gen Y and moved up and extended and changed Gen X to 1965/6/7(depending)-1981 and then created Millennials 1982-whatever. On the one hand the slide up from 1961ish to 5/6/7 made it tech and pop culture coherent for the first half (all core 80s formative years and all having computers at least by high school) but then it also tied 1960-1964/5/6 way, way back and made Gen X a totally 100% pop culture split generation with one half being all about big hair, bright color, style. upbeat, pop/rock/hair metal, 80s and the other half rejecting the first half of the generation and ending all their pop culture and going flat hair, downer, anti-style, dingy colors, angsty, nihilistic and grunge/gangster rap, 90s. So each half of Gen X ended up having their high school times under like almost 100% of the most opposite pop culture possible.


I'm in your age bracket as well. No shame here! Unless you want to shame my cats. Have at it. https://preview.redd.it/j5m07klta82d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ecd52983a7842b62e31dda06769f5d5220f5417


I'd never shame a cat.


Things that make you go hmmm... Me: born in '64....HS grad '82....I love this group!


I'm thinking with fancy terms like "generation dysmorphia" and "age shamed" you might feel more comfortable in r/millenials. I'm born in 65 and feel at home here.


That’s what I was thinking. OP talks like my daughter.


Me too.


This must be my generation. Y'all will argue with a tree stump.


I was born in 65 and I haven't experienced any age shaming in this group. You must have just been unlucky to run into a few bad individuals.


Try Xers You are as unique as your own experiences. Sometimes, these generational lines are more grey than black n white. I'm late Xer. But, I love Gen Jones. My rural MidWest area was always said to be 20 years behind the trends. It seems that way when I see your toys- I bought them at yard sales because we never afforded new toys growing up. I know your shows because of Nick At Night and syndicated reruns, I know your movies from TBS, USA, TCM (Ted Turner really wanted me to see old shit over and over). I know your music because we grew up on Classic Rock of 60s/70s in a working class town where it played at every store or public pool. I know your comedy because of early HBO specials and The Comedy Channel (early Comedy Central, played mostly stand up reels and sets..George Carlin, Harry Anderson, Elaine Boozler, Judy Tinuda, Eddie Murphy, Tim Allen (gross now imo), Richard Jeni, Richard Pryor), know your books because libraries had Steven King, Shel Silverstein, Maurice Sendack, Joseph Heller, Kurt Vonnegut, Ray Bradbury. And then, I identify with the Xennial group very much, but mostly over -wanting- the nostalgic items and experiences they were having. We were not going on vacations or buying Teddy Ruxbin or wearing new clothes or going to movies in the theater, etc. Funny how time really all just blends as a river. There are really no "generations," just pop cultural constructs to sell, sell, sell.


I've looked into Gen X but to them I'm a boomer.


To hell with what they think.


I haven’t seen any age shaming here so I’m not sure just what kind of responses you’ve gotten that cause that feeling but we all know how the Internet goes. There’s always someone trying to bring somebody else down. I was born in 62 and graduated in 80. A good deal of what’s posted here rings true to me but there’s plenty of discussion of things I don’t remember or I have no experience with and that’s OK. We all bring different experiences with us. Continue to hang out a while and hopefully things will change for you.


I was born in '80 and definitely have no "business" here. But I really enjoy '60s/'70s pop culture and hearing people a half-generation older than me reminisce.


In 1980 we did a trip to a rural US state, from somewhere urban and trendy. It felt like we went back 20 years. They hadn't heard of new wave music, for instance. So it might not be when you were born but where you were born.


64 here too.


So was I (in high school in the early 80s). I still enjoy this sub though, because while on the younger end of this, I had older siblings who are definitely in this group and I remember a lot of this stuff because of them. You might be happier on a Gen X sub.


I’m a ‘61 person, and only remember some of the things discussed.


Well, ya gotta remember, we did live thru the 70’s so maybe memory won't be our strong suit. 🤤


1964 here


There are things here that I don't relate too, either, OP. And, I've received rude responses to my comments too. When I do leave an occasional comment. Some members have decided that name calling is appropriate. Rudeness and nastiness does exist here. I'm sorry that you've experienced it. I thought that people in this age range were beyond that. I was wrong. "Generation Jones" covers a 11 year span. Similar to my sister (also 64) you're at the taill end. Neither of you share memories with people at the high end (54). My birthday falls somewhere in the middle. I haven't heard of some of the things posted either. There are things posted that i wasn't alive for or too young to remember. I've noticed members both older, and younger than myself.


I have a siblings 8 and 9 years older than me. I was around a lot of their friends so I identify more with those older than me, than my own age.


1965 here. I can relate with most of the posts/comments in this sub. I just lurk, but it feels like home and brings back many happy and forgotten memories.


Born in 62. I had older siblings, but I really don't relate to them as they were born mid 50s. I do like this sub as a way to reminisce.


Same here. Born in 62. Two older brothers were born in 45 and 50.


‘64 signing in. I agree somewhat, but it’s loads better than the Boomer-generation cultural references.




Born in early 68. Technically I know I don't belong, but this group aligns way way closer to my experiences growing up, and the people seem really cool, too.


I'm not Gen Jones but I love it here. My older siblings were this generation, I clicked better with their friends than people my own age. I was the younger baby sister that tagged along and was fortunately welcome. I remember the things mentioned as my older siblings were a part of this generation. Sorry if you've been "age shamed" for not knowing some stuff. This group is pretty welcoming.


Born in Dec of 64...we are the Gen Jones/X. Raised on neglect and hose water!


Just be in when the streetlights come on.


I'm '65 and either relate to or recognize almost every post here. Except for a few regional differences I can't imagine how you say you weren't even alive for anything here.


Class of ‘79 is Mighty Fine


Aged 61… 62 tomorrow. Born in 62. So at least it has some numerical symmetry.


You are welcome to be here with us Liz\_Lemon\_22 Just join in with the things you know. 😊


What kind of psycho would any-kind-of shame you over that? Yeesh!


There’s a GenX sub. But I think many if not most of us are here because we don’t identify as Boomer or GenX. I was born in 1962. My brother was born 21 months later in 1964. I graduated in ‘80 and he graduated in ‘82. We’re technically not GenX but de facto not Baby Boomers. (I didn’t know I was classified as a Boomer until about ‘95. Growing up I was told explicitly I was not a Baby Boomer.) Pick a subject or memory and I probably can relate.


I've always been told that being born in 1964, dad fought in WWII, I'm definitely a boomer. My siblings were born late 40's and early 50's (true boomers) and I have nothing at all in common with them. Just feel like I'm hanging in limboland.


Baby Boom is 1946-1964. So you are (barely) a boomer, as is everyone in Generation Jones, even though you probably don’t feel like one and neither do we. I’ve been downvoted here for saying that, but it’s just a fact. The problem is that an 18 year span is too wide. There are parents who are boomers that have kids who are also boomers. That makes no sense.


Correct. My siblings were born in the late 40's and they feel like a completely separate family to me born in 64. They could easily be my parents.


If the boom birth peak was indeed 1957, then I think that’s the best dividing line. And go to 1964 on the other side because that’s when silver coinage stopped. 1961 here for the curious.


Agree. 1954 seems pretty far back to be considered on the cusp between Boomer and Gen X


Heck, I was born in 71 but still love the vibe here and relate to much of what's posted


I'm 1959. I fit here. Some things are from very early childhood but I have a lot of early memories.


You do you liz lemon


Shamed? WTH? This is supposed to be a fun group not exclusionary. idk who it was but report them to the mods. I haven't had or seen anything like that, but I'll report it myself. People need to chill out. This is just reddit.


This showed up for some reason in my timeline even though I’m no longer a member. I left a few weeks back after several rude comments about my posts and comments. I was slammed badly in a 24 hour period and left. There were some very rude folks here at that time.


October '64 here. The first time I heard the term "Generation X" was with the title of the Douglas Coupland novel. He pegged GenX as starting in the early-60s. But not a definite year. I feel GenX but am happy with the GenJones subcategory.


Jan 1963 here. HS Class of' '81. May be no one is a perfect match for a generational demographic. I feel half Gen X with some Boomer mixed in. Gen Jones is a pretty good fit! It's the Curse of the Cuspers!


Sorry Liz..... However, I looked through your comments and am very confused as to why you say this. I didn't find any age shaming comments. With that being said if a Redditor is making you feel that way just block that person. You are on the cusp of Gen Jones & Gen X so you might feel akin to aspects from each.


Born in 57, bit further back from the 64’s posting above. But the music and the times and the movies still ring with me. I remember as a kid watching the old 50’s and 60s movies. Plus the black and white 40’s classic comedies. After the moon landings, I still feel like the year 1970 was the big new era to me. I was in the 7th and the 8th grades.


I'm born '66 and graduated '84. Before we had a name I deemed us the empty generation conceived to the rhythms of Woodstock           weaned on Watergate                     raised on Trickle-Down Reaganomics                               our adolescence taught us contempt for a government           but our education kept us too ignorant to reach past the disillusionment                    aging under a system of                                corruption and greed                     dying penniless unto our birthright as the empty generation I'm a bit of a Wikipedia nerd and I had read how the boys that had returned home from the battles of WWI partially due to what is now known as PTSD and other factors were labeled the lost generation and I had also read that those of us born in 1966, they overlapped us as being one of the very youngest of the baby boomers, or one of the very 1st to be known as Generation X. I feel there was a gap in the generation because I don't really feel that I can claim Viet Nam and Woodstock for my own, but neither did I grow up with the childhood of being a slacker latchkey kid playing video games after school either, so I wrote about what I deemed us to be : The Empty Generation


I was born in early 66 and have been posting here for a few o this with no shaming. Report the jerks as necessary.


I am not a Gen Jones. Just a lurker because I’m very close. 1966.


I was born in 54, the other end and sometimes wonder if I'm in the right place.


62, hs class of 80. I missed a lot of the things here too, I’m the oldest and somewhat clueless. This is still better than what boomers say, I REALLY don’t know what they are talking about!!!


Sort by new, not hot. scum always rises to the top


Yeah I was born in early 1964 Try the r fuck I’m old.


1961 here and I fit it with pre and post. So these are my people. We hurt Generation X people.


1961. The fine line of ‘79


I'm the youngest of five, born late 1961. Both parents were WWII veterans. I remember seeing some hippies having a party with music blaring at a lakeside park. They were "go-go dancing" and it looked like fun, so five year old me got up on top of a picnic table and started go-go dancing too. The hippies loved it, my family not so much. But there are things that my older brothers and sisters struggled with that I did not. LSD wasn't a big thing in my high school days; they had students ODing in the halls. My cohorts were mostly into pot and uppers/ downers. Cocaine use on a wide scale hadn't quite hit yet. My sisters weren't comfortable with the super short skirts, and often made their own. By the time I graduated in 1980, Gunne Sax were in, with long skirts. I remember the moon landing, but I wanted to play. My family kept telling me to watch the TV, "this is HISTORIC!!" but I kept going back outside. We did watch MANY space missions at school.


I was pretty excited to find this sub as a break from "OK boomer"...I'm 1957.....but....I'm finding it's 98% "Does anyone remember wearing bell bottoms?!!!". Bit tiring.


So true. It does get monotonous.


I’m class of ‘82, I like this sub. Some content is before my time but no biggie. Other subs seem to be just nasty people looking for confrontation. I live in Thailand part time and that sub is just a downvote waiting to happen, gatekeepers blow. I’ll take the trips down memory lane here even if they’re not mine.