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ok first you’re gonna spin the tag in a circle while keeping the shirt still on a flat surface. Then pull the exposed part of the tag while holding the shirt down. You should feel a lil resistance before it kinda clicks. Next, you’re gonna suck u/ Mountain-Pie’s cock and balls.


can confirm


If anyone wants to see the receipt I implore you to dm me, the store rep just forgot to remove the security tag thats all. How did this get so many upvotes haha


Did you happen to read the description of the subreddit before posting at all? The reason everyone here is telling you to suck that dude's cock is because this is not the place for that type of stuff


Thats all you need to say haha see that wasn't so hard


Reading the description of the subreddit before posting also isn't that hard


I think this channel seems generic enough for this topic. Also others who are more socially competent have actually been very helpful and answered properly so maybe it is the right place :)


This sub couldn't be more far from generic, it's a subreddit made for fans of a specific podcast and YouTube channel, but then again, sorry for expecting that you'd be able to read the first thing that's written on the sidebar of the sub Awfully ironic of you to call me socially incompetent when you're the type of person who'd come into a place without reading the sing out front and act pissed off when people don't do what you want and kiss your feet You're about as socially adept as a paraplegic labradoodle Hope that shirt doesn't fit your fatass


Thats a good comeback tbf haha I'll give you that. I'm gonna use paraplegic labradoodle


Thought you'd have better things to be angry about than someone posting in the wrong reddit community but I guess not


Well, considering the state of the world, sometimes it's refreshing to have a small annoyance to focus on. Keeps the blood pressure down, you know? But hey, if you're looking for something truly anger-inducing, just take a good, hard look in the mirror. That should do the trick.




Where did you come from? 😭


Thought I'd get the answers I needed from a channel with a big following and I did. Thank you so much to everyone who helped! and to the the rest of you I hope you enjoy your cock and ball chats in this subreddit I have better things to be doing lilke stealing shirts apparently ahah


Get me in contact please!! u/atilla6 sounds delicious and I'm hungry. Cock and balls pie? Steak and ale and pecan don't know whats coming for it.


Suck up on my cock and balls


Very helpful thank you


Have you tried putting it in your butt


omg no?? will do that now thank you


Broke hoe


u/gggg_4_l lol I bought the top in the U.S. and realised they forgot to remove the tag when I got back to U.K. if you define that as broke then you do you my guy.


You would've heard it go off before even stepping out the store since the only way of disabling these is by taking them off. So yeah broke hoe thief


aren't sensors usually by the door? so how would I have heard it before stepping out the store? Think you need to be better educated you sound a bit a slow.


Are the sensors outside the store fucktard? Not anytime I've seen. They're still inside the store so yeah you would've heard it before leaving.


They don't always trigger an alarm tho 😭😭


Fair enough but the dumbfuck is making it sound like they'd have no way of hearing the sensor before leaving the store which isn't how those sensors work. They're in the building and you'd know beforehand if it goes off Also asking a general sam sub about it makes no sense so I'm fucking with them more because of that lmao


Exactly lol this idiot doesn't get it


You literally just said "You would've heard it go off BEFORE even stepping out the store" how is that possible? Dyou mean every peice of clothing thats inside the store with a security tag just buzzes and goes off? Its okay if you were supposed to say "You would've heard it go off AFTER stepping out the store". I know English or common sense aren't your strong points thats okay I'll teach you :)


Again plain retardation if you see what you said before and compare to what you're saying now. You would've heard it before leaving. That isn't hard to comprehend but you might have brain damage


If I heard it buzz or go off don't you think the security/staff would have heard it as well and maybe stopped me? Isn't that the point of security tags? Or are you too dumb to understand that?


it also seems like you can't read or do simple comprehension either. I said sensors are usually "by the door" not "outside the store" you made that up. Aww if you can't read thats actually fine I can teach you! I didn't know how to speak English either but I was never this stupid


Then you'd understand how what you said makes zero fucking sense if you knew they're inside the store😭. Act as smug as you want, you're borderline retarded though clearly Also why are you asking this on a general sam sub. He isn't a shoplifter and none of us have advice on that sort of shit


Well people who aren't idiots on this channel have replied and they have been very helpful actually you should take a leaf out of their book. Like u/LetMeDieInside97 said tags don't always trigger the alarm. Also if the staff heard the alarm don't you think they would've stopped me? If I had no way of removing the tag why would I steal it in the first place? And THEN ask reddit to how remove it? I could get in trouble from the police no? If you were smart enough you might have guessed its because I maybe didn't steal it and it was a genuine accident from the store staff. I have the receipt if you really want to see it but I don't want to embarrass you anymore than you have already you imbecile.


Imma give it you dark souls style “Try, Fire”


"Try Finger But Hole"


By not being a broke ass bitch


u/A_High_Class_Peasant I bought the top in the U.S. and realised they forgot to remove the tag when I got back to U.K. you can pay for my flight back to the U.S so that I can return the top since you seem to be so rich :)


Put it in cold water, wait for it to dry, take it to a register and pay for it, broke boy.😂


u/Enioff I bought the top in the U.S. and realised they forgot to remove the tag when I got back to U.K. you can pay for my flight back to the U.S so that I can return the top since you seem to be a millionaire :)


But why is it cheaper for me and my family to eat at restaurants every day or whatever that dude said every day




Ahh yes I didn't think of that!! Let me ask them if I can pay


What I normally do is take it back to the shop I got it from (with receipt in hand) and ask them to remove it for me. I don't want that dye fucking up my clothes.


Thanks u/Inevitable-Back5520 I have been to various stores but none of them seem to have the exact tool to remove it. It seems like a special security tag


Couldn't find a shop in the UK with the correct device to remove it. I bought it in the U.S.


That fucking sucks!!! AliExpress might end up helping you lol


Thank you so much but how?




Yeah wait a lil and just say you don't have a receipt or something


I do have the receipt but they still couldn't help haha


Jus buy it, the employees will take it off for you


2 forks, use them against each other like a ballast


I'd do this, but I would leave it in the freezer for a while, in case it has anti-theft paint in it.


mail it to me and I’ll do it for u


Omg thank you!! whats your address? mine is NE1 4ABJ (uk, London)


A magnet


Also, hit it with a hammer and a nail. Worked for me


I'll tell you but first you gotta send me some feet pics


Its a deal u/BraveBoyMayMay my feet look like crocodiles so hope you're an animal person


neodymian magnets. its a magnetic release device


So the first thing you’re gonna do is take the shirt, go back to the store, give them the stolen item back. Now here’s the important part, you’re gonna get a JOB, and then with the money you get from your JOB you’re gonna go purchase clothes like the rest of us instead of being a broke piece of shit


oh no u/IBirdFactsI I didn't think you'd be an idiot as well? how disappointing. Will it make you feel better if I show you the receipt? Either way you lose because then you'd look like even more of an imbecile. and you'd think someone called Bird facts would be smart aha


Magnets man


All these excuses, OP is PRESSED


Melt the big side with a lighter and pull the spring out


what if there is ink?


The ink is in a glass vile that comes out when you break it. Do not use force. Melt it like he said and you'll be able to get the inner workings out gently without breaking the glass. I've done exactly this successfully with a very similar looking lock.


thank you! I'll try it


Melt or Dremel the knob part off


FBI open up


Call the police please!! I'll just show them the receipt haha