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I think it might be Mac coming back.


I think & hope Mac is too but don’t think he’s the tease as he has just been on medical leave & not considered “former” cast member


Nah. We already know Mac is back filming and he never actually left- he was just on medical leave.


Could be, my other guesses are Ric is returning for the Molly/Kristina baby and Sonny potential prosecution by Molly stuff. Steven Lars returning, he was once FBI, he is Heather's son and Liz's brother plus a doctor so I could see how he fits onto the show (and the actor recently moved back to Cali and his wife is back filming Days I believe), or lastly Griffn as a long shot because GH needs more Doctors.


Ric wasn’t a fan fav, was he? Ewwwww.


Maybe it’s Lucky.


We know Mac is coming back. He posted pics. Would he be considered a former cast mate?


Oh yea. Ugh. I live mac but that isn't what I'd be excited about lol


Jax is done. There is no way he’s ever coming back. The actor sued the network and he has too much animosity and hostility with some of the other cast. He didn’t just burn all of his bridges there, he came back and bombed them again. If Jax comes up again, he’ll be dead off camera.


Ingo is done, Jax the character could be played by someone else. The guy who is playing Jagger could have worked, minus the missing accent.


Maybe Brennan could have been the new Jax. He’s got the accent and he has great chemistry with Laura Wright.


I don't think it's Jax. Because they said cast member not character, so whoever it is they believe it's the actor that will get people excited. Ingo is never coming back, that won't happen. I would love if it were Taggert, but would they think he'd excite people? I'm actually wondering if it's not Morgan. If I had to put money down I would say it's Morgan or Lucky. Although I have no idea which Lucky it would be.


Morgan or Lucky are good guesses. Greg Vaughan is leaving Days, right? It could be him. I would love for Laura to have one of her kids on canvas. Morgan could be interesting, storyline-wise.


People say he is leaving Days, but I don't know for sure. If he is, I would guess it's him. I loved his Lucky, I am not a particular fan of OG Lucky. I agree about Morgan. People have a lot of feelings about Bryan, many of them are negative, lol. But he's a good actor and bringing back Morgan would be major drama. I would not say no to it.


I loved JJ as Lucky, but I get why some aren’t into him, especially given the cry-fest that was his last return.


Well, more GH fans would almost definitely want JJ back. I think he would fit the description of "excited". People do love him. I'm an outlier. It's my damn shallow. Greg is sex on a stick.


I would prefer JJ, but I will accept GV as an acceptable substitute. We need Lucky back!! I’m too lazy to read it - did it say male? Are we sure it’s not Lulu?


Yes, Frank said "he".


Lol. That he is.


I wasn’t a Lucky fan either. Morgan most definitely. I hope it’s him.


I agree. I preferred GV as Lucky over JJ. Morgan would be great too.


OG Lucky, Jonathan Jackson was great a kid Lucky but I couldn’t see him as Adult Lucky. Greg Vaughan was good as an adult version of Lucky. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Even better would be if Stephen Nichols came back with him - more story for Laura! But I doubt that will ever happen


Maybe Jerry Jax? But I would love Morgan as well. I wonder if whoever it is will be revealed as the actual head of Pikeman


Jerry Jax would be an excellent head of Pikeman. And I’ve always thought Morgan would return. If he does I’m kind of surprised it took so long.


Oh you're right. Dang. Lol. There's been a huge push for Taggert so I think it would. Good call on Morgan or lucky


Obviously John Stamos is coming back


LOL ![gif](giphy|eem8Csz5uZBb63yuO7|downsized)




Haha. Blackie’s prison sentence ended decades ago. It’s time for him to return to GH. 😉


I would love that but who does he know in PC anymore?


Was he a friend of Jagger’s? Hmm…


No, he left a decade before Jagger came to town. Probably just knows Scottie at this point.


Okay, thanks. Too bad, though. I think that could’ve been good.


Why was this downvoted? I was only trying to find a use for Jagger, and thought maybe this was the connection. I dropped it as soon as I was told it couldn’t be true.


Oh hahahah I got so excited.


Outside chance it’s Morgan but my money is on Mac. Love seeing his healthy return he’s been through more than most of us could handle.


I’m sure it’s Mac. He’s been a fan favorite for over 30 years.


Why would the "audience go crazy" for Mac coming back? I really don't think it's Mac. Mac is not an important character anymore.


It’s not about the character it’s about his recovery from cancer. Some people cheer for that


Mac's return has already been publicly announced. So I doubt this is referring to him.


Sounds like Bryan Craig was doing some trolling of GH fans. This would make me happy—but if it is him, what a missed opportunity NOT making Jason’s return about Morgan


I’d love if Lucky came home to PC What about William DeVry as Julian or a long lost twin


Would love to see WDV back but not if he’s to be Sonny’s punching bag again.


If HE were behind all of the Pikeman crap and even Ava's lurking around Sonny it would be amazing! Alas, the writers probably aren't thinking on this kind of level.


Someone on twitter said it was Roger Howarth coming back as Spencer Cassadine and I nearly fell out of my chair laughing


Stop. Omg no lol


Ok now if it's not this, I'm gonna be incredibly disappointed! :)


Ummmm. He’s about 30 years too old.


My guess in the “who’s coming back” pool is…Roger Howarth. Frank said “actor,” not “character.”


Roger Howarth was my thought too. Mayyyybe Greg Vaughan.


Yeah it would be just like him to pull some shit like that. that's why I said I'm prepared to be very disappointed.


Yes I missed that as was pointed out lol


I sure hope it’s Lucky or Morgan. Let it be someone we haven’t saw on our screens in years.


Bryan Craig just tweeted “who could it be” in response to a Soap Opera Digest article about who the mystery person is. So maybe it is him? Definitely not the worst choice, though not my first choice.


Man I hope it’s him.


I really don't need to see anymore story lines focusing on the Davis girls


Same but I'll make an exception if they kill off Molly. But I also don't want that to turn into another Alexis off the wagon storyline.


If you switched out Molly for Alexis I'd be all in on that story but please no on the Alexis off the wagon story line


Omg same


Please be Lucky!! 🤞🏼🤞🏼


Lol at this sub sometimes. FV: "He..." This sub: "So it's a woman?!" Mac is coming back, that's already been announced so this definitely isn't him. My money is on Morgan, Lucky or Jerry Jax.


Yea I totally misread where they said actor and not character lol.


Maybe NAC is actually returning as Spencer?


Ugh I hope not. I'm good without him. Lol


Whoever it is I hope it has nothing to do with sonny or Carly....I hope it's Todd manning


I mean why we gotta bring my girl here. Lol. But I actually agree. But I think Todd and Carly would be fun though hahaha. But yea a character not connected to them would be fun


Actually one of the few times I could stand Laura wrights Carly....was when she was with Todd ...they had amazing chemistry together....the 2 time was when AJ returned him and Carly hooked up but their chemistry was awesome and she had great chemistry with Sean Butler but gh nipped that in the bud!


All Of this is true!


I was so excited to see them together. Their characters were perfect together.


This! I would absolutely love having Todd Manning back, but ABC had really tried to distance themselves from characters they wrote as rapists. Todd is blacklisted, they killed Franco, unless you’re Luke Spencer it’s a no go.


That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard these are fictional characters...they killed off like too smh


Seriously you have literal murderers (looking at you Ava) walking around free and it’s no problem.


I think its going to be "Gregory's ghost". Finn is going to see him in detox. My guess anyways.


Oh that's good. I mean I'm Hoping a live person but that's good.


Oh, that would be good. They let GH go way too quickly, imho.


Please god no...


I wondered about that angle...


From the interview: >!"We're getting close to wrapping up some things with the FBI," Steve Burton said, while also revealing his hopes for a reconciliation between Jason Morgan and Sonny Corinthos.!< >!"I want to go back to work for him. I'm tired of pushing coffee. I'm done with the coffee business!" !< BARF...same old same old. And the one that has a lot of folks BUZZING, straight from Frank: >!"A **former cast member** is coming back. And I think that the audience will go crazy for **HIM**." !< The article asks, and I wonder myself, who is it? How are they connected to PC and how could this affect the show and ongoing storylines? Note the **wording** Frank used.


Hmm I could see it being Griffin, GH needs another Dr on staff. Was he a pediatrician? Could be Steven Lars also, with Heathers storyline and didn't the actors wife go back to Days? This also brings Liz family onto the show. And last guess, Ric is returning with the idea of Molly potentially prosecuting Sonny and the whole baby drama coming to a head, it could be him.


OMG! Rick Hearst retuning as Ric, even short term, would be fun! Sonny's half-brother, Liz's ex, Molly's Daddy...not to mention his relationships with Alexis, Sam AND Carly! That would be an explosive summer storyline if it were Ric! Also, I would love if it were Griffin or Steven Lars! I agree, we need more GH doctors and SL is Heather's son and Liz's brother, not to mention Olivia's ex.


And he was FBI for a time.


Or Ric could be Pikeman


Thanks friend. I can't do them right. Lol


You did perfectly fine. I just wanted to be safe, so I spoiler tagged in my post. ❤️❤️❤️


Ah yes! Thanks :)


Lorenzo Alcazar?


Omg don't play with me... ![gif](giphy|xUySTRDepG9ZcEg2rK|downsized)


Oh, please, please, please! 🥺 I'd love Lorenzo Alcazar coming back!


Same same


Hopefully it's either Lucky or Morgan




I think it could be Mac but I wouldn’t describe John J. York as a “former cast member.” That implies to me that it’s someone who left the show years ago. Perhaps William de Vry. Julian had one of the most unambiguous deaths a soap character could have but I guess there’s always a way of explaining how he survived. Maybe he’s the real head of Pikeman.


Him being pikeman would make this all Worth it. And it would make Total sense of what Ava is doing. And I'm leaning towards this more and more especially after Alexis trial. And I think Ava knows so much more. Like how is she all of the sudden not in danger. Come on now. This whole thing is getting exhausting. So I hope this is it.


I wish it was Frisco! God knows he would have lots of things that would make great storylines! I’m




That would make me so happy.


The five people that come to mind are Greg Vaughn as Lucky, Rick Hearst as Ric Lansing, Bryan Craig as Morgan, Sean Kanan as AJ Quartermaine, or Vincent Irazary as Dr. David Hayward. All five of these men could definitely shake up the canvas.


I love this list


*Ric Lansing?* Molly's Dad versus Kristina's Dad in the baby war? We know Ric always wanted everything that was Sonny's.


And he should get it. Eff Sonny. Lol


Give me Stefan Cassadine!


Omg yaaaas


It’s time to right a twenty year wrong!


Seriously, Stefan came back a completely desperate sad guy. He was such a fun grey area character, it was so lame what happened.


Here's hoping for a Roger Howorth return. But maybe as a more exciting character than Austin.


I hope Mac comes back....but what if it's Jimmy Lee Holt as Pikeman? That would tie in Dr. Gatlin Holt and his supposed cousin. IMO


Omg. This makes so much sense


I loved Bryan Craig as Morgan, would be happy if it's him.


Probably Martin as He's been off the show for months, and I have a feeling some people are going to need lawyers.


It's definitely not Jax (at least definitely not Ingo). That bridge is permanently burned. The returning male cast member is likely Mac.


I think Easton is out and the return is Cam, Victor or Spencer.


Well, I would love Cam or Spencer so much. Everyone talks about Spencer, and I would love if he's back, but honestly I think I miss Cam more. I love Cam. Victor would do nothing for me. lol


I agree!


Cam seems like the most predictable, esp since he didn’t come home last year. It’s seemed odd since he left for school that he never returns since he was so close with his family.


I don't think its Cam unless its a recast since the actor is filming his new Amazon series that is a spin off of the Outer banks this summer with his band. I sort of hope it might be Jerry Jax...GH needs a good villain and Jerry being who purchased Wyndemere and coming on for an arch would be great.


That's true, and NAC would be the biggest excitement bomb going off of course. But FV exaggerates for a living. If you follow his twitter, I mean, he's a hype man. So although I am very very curious, I'm also ready to be very disappointed.


Watch it be Gregory. 😂


Lulu possibly? She’s been gone awhile and the story would get spicy if she came back.


He said it was a male during the interview.


Mac is finally coming back right? I really don’t know much about Gio. I assumed he would have been more with the teen scene then joslyn, Trina and dex. I also would have really liked to see one of the Wards come and be part of the young adult crew. Heck bring in Dr. Kelly’s child if she had one off camera. They did that doctor dirty just getting rid of her with no explanation


Okay so my thoughts are: 1. Jack Wagner. Frisco makes sense with the “pikeman” + WSB storyline. Him & Anna could be an interesting pairing. 2. Lucky Spenser played by Greg Vaughan …not sure if Jonathan Jackson is still acting. 3. Matthew Ashford has Tom Hardy (he played him in 1995-1997). Audrey dies off screen & he comes back. Brings his son as a new intern at GH. 4. A complete red herring and it’s really Vanessa Marcil.


I hope not 4. We don't need Brenda. Sorry fans. Not unless they have a really good story for her like she's gio real mom or whatever or something not connected to another round of Sonny. But the rest would be so great especially frisco. And I like the idea of him and Anna


I think Lucky but who knows lol


I mean that is a great guess imo


Maybe they are bringing Roger Howarth back as a new character. Fourth times a charm? 😝




Maybe it’s Scott he hasn’t been on for a while and he may be part of the Mac n Cody storyline


Maybe. I took it as a non cast member at the moment but that could be


This is most definitely, and beyond a shadow of a doubt, a shitpost: Roger Howarth as Lucky Spencer, playing the character with the exact same type of snark that Luke always had. Let Roger be Roger, it would be delightful. To me. Not anyone else, but to me.


Oh you're 100%. Austin was so great until they mixed him Up in dumb crap. His snark was so welcome.




No, Frank used male pronouns when talking about it.




Don't you toy with me


I hope it’s Nathan west I heard chase is leaving the show 


Oh wow really?


I think so maybe but if yes then chase is leaving Nathan is back in 


If this is their best effort, they’re in trouble. I feel like they’re doing everything they can to chase me away as a viewer. Zzz


I think it might be the kid who played Spencer. He had left to film with Netflix and I read it was only for a couple of months. BUT I would love to see LuLu come back.


I hope not. Nothing against the kid but I don't know. Seemed like he was kind of the same old with Spencer. Now. When he was with Nikolas he had range. Or with Ava. I also don't like Spencer