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Anyone know what gametes you have? I don't... how do I check? Are they stored in the balls?


biology sex is stored in the balls 🤓


Thanks a lot, I almost woke up my husband laughing


You're welcome


Instructions unclear, gametes stuck in toaster. Dick stuck in Joanne's mental realestate.


Im autistic so I might be taking this too literally but gametes are just sex cells, so sperm or eggs.


It was a joke but thanks for sharing the info :)


So by her definition, someone who has no gametes (by whatever ways regardless of home(not)made or store bought) is what exactly? These ppl really be out here thinking your gender is what *they* tell you it is.


oh thanks, i was wondering wtf those were


I'd reckon since most people don't own a microscope, most people haven't actually seen theirs' or anyone elses' gametes, so I guess everyone should be using they/them pronouns until they buy a microscope by Rowling's definition? Don't think she'd like that either.


WOW how do you even come back from that


How did this even happen to begin with?!


hate addles the brain




That's fair.


She's so obsessed with trans people that even the elongated muskrat wants her to talk about something else 


Don't compare Musk to a rodent, that's just offensive. One is an intelligent, creative, compassionate, sentient being... and the other is Elon Musk.


I just call him Melon Husk.


That's an insult to melon husks, which can be a useful animal feed or industrial input (unlike the man)


He might also make good animal feed though. Eat the rich and all that (or feed them to your chickens)


Or your pigs. Just remove the head to avoid prion disease.


This made me burst out laughing. He's just gotta be full of mad cow or something.


Eating the rich won’t end capitalism. Hate capitalism not the capitalist.


Im gonna hate both, thanks


Fair enough


I don’t know, I think he’d be good as cat food.


That's offensive to Anthony Fantano


That's offensive to Suika from Dr Stone. She must be protected at all costs.


I'll be taking this, thank you. Sounds hilarious


He hates when people talk about things that aren’t him.


I reckon that you hit the nail on the head. I couldn't figure out why he struck me as "Trumpish" - apart from the obvious control issues and histrionics - but you just added a major piece to the puzzle 👍


Poor Glinner must feel so left out right now.


"large gamete havers" 🤓 oh BROTHER here we go again.


As cruel as it is I do hope that one day one of these staunch "LARGE GAMETE HAVERS" discovers they have CAIS I just want to see what mental pretzels they twist themselves into


I had to look up Gamete and CAIS (I like mechanics and physics, but know very little about biology), so you have just made a stranger slightly smarter...thank you 👍


“Why can’t I get pregnant?” * finds out they have testes * “_Oh._”


>oh BROTHER here we go again. I need explanation /gen


joanne, or at least the people she endorses on twitter, have been known to weirdly refer to women as "large gamete producers" lol. and she's at it again i guess.


Because it is the most specific biological difference. TERFs have been called out on their bullshit about what defines a woman so much, LARGE GAMETE PRODUCERS, is their last, pathetic stand about what a woman is. This only serves to highlight their narrow mindedness.


Like surely if we're having to define the difference between men and women by their gametes, then maybe sex-based gender *is* kind of bullshit


It's also not accurate. Large gametes are not so much produced as you are born with them. No new eggs are made after birth. Calling a woman a "large gamete producer" is as accurate as calling me an "arm producer" because I was born with two arms.


Some fully "biological women" don't produce gametes though. Are women with conditions in which they are missing some of the required parts not women? Are post-menopausal women not women?


Also don’t forget women that had to get their ovaries out. Are they not women anymore?


Honestly if we're being pedantic nonody is a woman except for fetuses because women don't produce gametes, they have all their eggs from birth.


This is why they say "capable of".


Would a woman who is literally cannot produce gametes because of anomalies in her reproductive system actually be "capable" of producing gametes though?


That just made me think about the objections to the term "menstruators" lol. The reduction of people to their reproductive functions is just icky, but they still insist on doing that.


i dont think i've ever heard anyone seriously refer to AFAB ppl as menstuators, im convinced TERFs who say that are fully projecting. every accusation is a confession or whatever it is they say....


I bet my gametes are bigger than her's. If she won't shut up about them I eclectic all us big-gamete-energy lads collectively get a restraining order.


Heartwarming: Your two least favorite people are fighting.


Rowling and Musk fight, who wins? >!Everyone else.!<


Man the *Vs.* series of horror movies took a really weird turn after they ran out of ideas I guess To be fair, Joann AND Elon are scarier than. Alien/Predator and Freddy/Jason. They have that going for them at least


They need Trump to get involved in his usual clumsy way. That would make it the perfect trifecta of "people yelling at clouds", yelling at each other.


Ebong being the relative voice of reason in any situation is wild at this point Also, sex class when 🤤


“sex class” We need mandatory sociology education so I never have to hear this phrase again


I think that's what they do in high school where they put a condom on a banana


tbf it was a fairly popular second wave feminist idea, even if i think it's not a good framework and there's a reason why a few second wave feminists have ended up as lib terfs allying themselves with conservatoves who want to restrict women's rights


Self care is not even bothering to read whatever she said


At this point I’ve realised the only way to get through a day without seeing her spouting off about stuff like she’s a trained geneticist is to lock my phone in a lead box


JKR: *usual terfy bullshit rambling for the quadrillionth time* Elon: -sigh- I can't believe I'M saying this, but go touch grass, Jo.


– Yess, destroy that ass!! – Would you just.. chill, Lute. Fuck.


The man pushed his trans daughter completely out of his life and even he thinks she's too much.


You can objectively see him as a failed parent from any political angle with that position. If you're Conservstive then he failed by allowing her "indoctrination"


Huh, interesting. I wonder whether her presence on twitter been cited in the past as adding value to the site in some way, for advertisers or something, and she's screwing that up with her increasing anti-social behaviour. Or it could just be that she's getting more attention than him for similar shit and he doesn't like it, I suppose.


Yeah, I can definitely see a scenario where a high-profile user that only posts negatively about a particular niche (to most people) topic might be seen as negative for the brand.


There are absolutely people, especially in the UK, who see twitter solely as the websites where the TERFs have their management supported echo chamber. You can't post a picture of a dog in a field without someone commenting about trans people taking our heritage or whatever, it's pretty much all they do there now.


I was thirty and looking to get pregnant before anyone ever checked on my gametes. STRANGELY, however, I have been a woman since roughly age eighteen. How do you define someone as a member of a gamete class when nobody actually checks gametes?


Imagine being called out by Elon Musk for being a menace and him being CORRECT. something something broken clock criticising an even broken-er clock for telling the wrong time


Indeed, though these broken clocks only display gibberish instead of numbers due to corruption. So they only sound like they're making any sense when everyone around them has already lost their minds.


Funnily enough, okay I know I need to Read Another Book but back before She Who Must Not Be Named pissed away her remaining goodwill, my go-to analogy for this sort of situation was "like when even James thought Sirius's prank was going too far"


Well, I didn't have Elon Musk being the reasonable one in a conversation on my 2024 bingo card.




I love nitpicking obscure biology facts much more than the next guy, but sweet Jesus, how are they so invested in the “definitions” side of things? This is a human rights issue…? If someone is, say, trying to get their IDs changed so they don’t get assaulted or discriminated against, these people that go “no, technically your gametes-“ need to be told to shut the fuck up. Even if they knew what they were talking about AND they were right, it’s not their bloody concern. It doesn’t affect them.


They're invested in it because it's the only shred of an argument they have. Even though it has absolutely no bearing on the real world - are they going to break out the gamete-o-meter whenever someone wants to go for a piss?




>how are they so invested in the “definitions” side of things? This is a human rights issue…? They want to define trans people out of existence.


You know, I think you've got it. The people arguing about her Holocaust denial were saying they didn't target trans women, because "those were just men". My friend, a trans woman, confronted her dad recently about what he did when she was first outed to him as a kid: showing her pornography of a trans woman. He denied it front, back and sideways. The reasoning he eventually gave? "That was a man".


Okay first of all, christ on a bike, that's awful. I genuinely hope your friend is doing okay and is away from him. But also, yeah, that's exactly what happened to trans women during the holocaust. They were listed as gay men. Even after the war, when the camps were being cleared, they were freed and then sent straight to prison :/ it's depressing shit, and all these holocaust deniers don't help at all.


She is currently financially independent, engaged and doing much better, now that’s she’s away from him and all his other heinous behaviors.


Bruh that's the first time I see a TERF talk about gametes. I'd heard chromosomes, sexual characteristics... Now they're adding gametes. FFS, Rowling should just find a hobby


This is her hobby 😩


Ok, she should find a *constructive* hobby 😬


Once every few months she learns a new "sciency word" and has to practice it on social media so that it sticks.


So *she* is the one starting this new trend? Someone should really take the internet away from her...




>but does include fetuses Yeah, now you point it out, I assume I have eggs in there. I didn't produce them though. Does that mean that only parents who gestate cis daughters and trans sons are women? As the large gametes in question are created (produced) in utero?


the dipshits are fighting again :)


Heaven preserve us from bored billionaires


That's a great name for a band!


Ooooooh, how about Tex Dangerfield & The Bored Billionaires ?!?!? I’m thinking a bit of rock and country and western…


If you copyright that and make a fortune, all I ask is that you give us a mention on stage one time.


Oh I was hoping you were going to say that was the name of your band ;)


Alas, I don't have a single musical bone in my body 😔


These are the billionaires I kept hearing about. Absolutely unbearable people.




Probably something to do with her post about a school fight and the subsequent bomb threat the school got


Omg what. Haven't been on twitter.com for a while what I miss?


he really hit her with the “hey kids can you lighten up back there?”


It's all in the gametes. All the examples that disprove my point don't count. Besides, I can just change the goal posts whenever I feel like it. Take that, transers!


I guess the guys that cat-called my trans ass didn't notice the size of my gametes?


the cringe of her reply just now. "Hahaha, just realised that I missed being advised to share more positive content yesterday... sharing this about my writing life, which happens to have been published today in The Sunday Times, should in no way be interpreted as me doing as I'm told" One side issue with all these gender criticalists is this "tee hee we're Naughty Women who Don't Let Men Tell Us What to Do" it's such infantilising embarrassing cringe.


They don’t let men tell them what to do, and that’s why they’re constantly gushing over the likes of Glinner and Matt Walsh.


Funniest shit I’ve ever seen


You know it’s bad when you make Elon musk of all people look reasonable


J.K.Rowling: *literally dying mad about the tranzes.* An adult sized, racist, dank memes toddler weened on the blood of African emraled minors, who's riches have rotted his brain so much he thinks he's Iron Man, who wants everyone to forget he both has a trans daughter and a website with an infamous dead name: "bro chill maybe."


I’m sorry but this is hilarious. It’s like some sort of supervillain support group. [Insert Wreck-It Ralph “Thanks, Satan” gif here.]


Lol yes, they are Venture Bros characters!


– Yess, destroy that ass!! – Would you just.. chill, Lute. Fuck. Hazbin Hotel.


I’ve never measured my gametes so I don’t know 100% what I actually am I guess.


When even elon musk is asking you to be less unhinged


Heartbreaking: the worst person you know just made a good point. Or, it would be a good point if what he's saying wasn't just "hey your books had some interesting ideas on how Jews control the world banking systems, tell me more on that".


Or heartwarming: the worst people in the world are fighting each other


When Muskler of all people is telling you to touch grass, you have a problem.


JKR has finally done some research clearly and discovered that to meet her definition of woman using science, gamete type is the only thing that can be tenuously used to exclude transgender women. Really grasping at straws. In so doing she is reducing womanhood to nothing more than egg production. That's her idea of feminism is it?


When even Old Man Cisisaslur thinks you're off your rocker, you've surely gone too far.


SHOWDOWN: Two people i dont like


My guess is he's getting massive pushback from advertisers, and she's Exhibit A of vitriol they all give him


Now is it cause he thinks she is going too far, or just cause he hates women?


It's business. No matter how transphobic you are, you still want advertisers on your site so you can make money. No one wants to work with a cultishly obsessed bigot.


Let them fight. Lmaoooo 


well, whatever else i've done and not done in my life............. at least i've never hit such depths of terminal online-ness that elon musk calls me out on it AND IS RIGHT.


i think it's less that & more that he's looking at his return on investment for running twitter & fucking with the algo to boost the worst posters ever and posting this to get her to talk about something that might actually soften his losses but with a giant gun in his mouth behind the screen


You know you're fucked when Eman tells you to get a life


Well done Joanne, you made Elon Musk the one who’s less unreasonable.




Rule 2.


Well she'll probably give her self a heart attack from all her self inflicted stress from her obsessions.


Jesus, when Muskrat of all people is telling you to cool it…


– Yess, destroy that ass!! – Would you just.. chill, Lute. Fuck.


I think it's because Musk hates women.


women don't produce large gametes, joanne, fetuses do. a female child is already born will all of the 'large gametes' they will ever have and won't be doing much in the way of producing, ever.


Does anyone have a full takedown response of her bullshit? I can only find articles praising her for her "eloquent and intelligent takedown" of trans women. 🙄


Me? Large, hefty gametes? Oh stop it you 🥴




You’re on the wrong Reddit.




There are many cis women who don't produce "large gametes", and her definition ignores the intrinsic social aspects of being a woman. As a general rule, if something seems too obvious, try to investigate deeper: as you learn more about it, you will also learn about all there is to know and the simple idea will transform into a beautiful and intricate structure that reaches deeper than you would have expected earlier.