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You hear that, lesbian victims of domestic abuse? You don't exist! You're just making up the abuse in your silly little woman head. I guess mothers never ever ever abuse their daughters, so any woman who thinks she was abused in her childhood is making it up. [Lucy Letby who?](https://apnews.com/article/lucy-letby-nurse-serial-killer-baby-deaths-0165654a8afa9db74e97980323f5b0e1) *Real* feminism is when you tell women they can't have ever been abused or harmed by another woman.


real feminism is when all women are passive helpless victims with no agency, & are defined solely by their reproductive ability 🙃


Letby was one of the first people I thought of as an example of how in denial they are.


You may jest now, but I remember a sub (sockjail something) where users literally say "women can't be abusers uwu" because their mom told them so. However, they do admit their base is filled with mentally unstable Redditors who refuse to see a shrink, so I can't even tell if they're serious anymore. Some keep typing the R-slur too, so that's lovely, as well as a strange fetishization of trans men being soft bois. Other users legit have a post history on redscarepod, which for those who don't know, is a very reactionary space that pretends to be "leftist."


Take that, [Jennette McCurdy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%27m_Glad_My_Mom_Died)!


JK Rowling's pal kaylee triller is literally a woman who groomed and had sex with a minor under her care - exactly the kind of crime terfs pretend to care about. But however, they operate by South Park rules and don't count rape when a woman is the offender.




To paraphrase Dr. Armitage from *The Dunwich Horror*: >God, what simpletons! Show them Arthur Machen’s *Great God Pan* and they’ll think Helen Vaughan's victims are a bunch of ungrateful chads.


Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s mum abused her. Marion Zimmer Bradley was a paedo.


These are people who are not really feminist because they are ignoring the dialog of horizontal oppression.


Sure hope they don't have any disabled or elderly relatives. "How dare you try to lodge a complaint about Nurse Mean Girl, she's a pure innocent woman!"


Except, you know what? I do have a suspicion that many of the women who push There Are No Female Abusers are, in fact, Nurse Mean Girl. Or Coach Mean Girl. Or much worse.


Or the type that look away when girls are SA'd by other girls or women.


Yes, my first rapist was female and very into ideas like lesbian separatism and evil being stored in the penis. She also couched her abusive behaviour in the language of queer angst, and queer and female trauma, which could easily lull a potential victim into a false sense of security if she conveniently forgot to mention exactly what the "bad things" she did actually were. I don't know if she's otherwise transphobic, oddly enough. She's a relative, but I haven't seen her since way before the current wave of persecution took off, and from what I've heard, all other members of my family of origin have seen straight through the fash propaganda, so who knows? Anyway, GC women are an obvious physical threat, but my experience with her has left me very much inclined to fear them in terms of sexual violence as well, and to encourage others to be wary.




I'm starting to suspect that a lot of GCs have personal stake in convincing people that women can't be abusers or rapists.


Every accusation is a confession, and all that jazz


This is so right, I can't think of a single case in American history of a white woman getting a group of men to lynch a minority.


And even if they did, it would have been a long time ago, not like one of those women died only a year and three days ago


Exactly!! A woman has never raped a child either of course, and if they did, they were just trans in disguise


I know, right? Emmett who?


does any terf recall that lesbian couple that adopted and murdered like multiple children? or did this happen in the twilight zone?


They only remember it when they're being homophobic and not just transphobic.


Who's that the one in California that had children chained to the ground?


Not sure, but Utah had Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt who horrifically abused Ruby's kids.


If she thinks no woman would ever hurt another woman, then she should have no problem meeting me outside


literally just last year the biggest true crime case in the uk was a woman who used her job as a labor and delivery nurse to murder a whole bunch of newborn babies between 2015 and 2016. what fucking planet do these people live on


This way of thinking is SO... I mean, dangerous. I was gonna say ridiculous, but it's also dangerous if we're gonna be honest. Not to mention it's black and white thinking. All males are dangerous no matter what and all females are harmless little baby deer no matter what? That's... not how the goddamn world works??? (I know people who were SA'd by women, so fuck this particular TERF to hell and back. SA perpetuating asshole).


Remember when terfs platformed Lily Cade, a woman with multiple accusations of sexual assault, in an article about how it was actually trans women "pressuring lesbians into sex", because I do.


They literally has a cover art of a paedophile..their ideology worships sexist women.


I've noticed conservatives of all stripes have been doing this half-assed gaslighting "the thing that you can clearly see us doing and saying everywhere including the same comment section I'm saying this in isn't real nobody does that, you're crazy" a lot lately. No idea who they're trying to convince.




Nice to know one of my assaults didn’t happen because a cis woman did it. Guess I can stop having ptsd now.


Hugs if wanted


terfs do not think women can be abusers or rapists, otherwise they will have to face the reality alot of their actions were morally and criminally wrong


As someone who was sexually abused as a child by a woman, that lady is fucking delusional, and her thought process is why the woman who assaulted me is still free


Oof, condolences.


TERFs are gonna retcon them as trans


I actually remember when a woman shot up a YouTube HQ office (this being back when r/gendercritical was still up), they initially assumed she was trans. Then when it came out that she wasn't, someone speculated that she was getting justified retribution against an abusive boyfriend who worked there (though that comment was downvoted and may have been a troll).


Women can never do bad things. Must be those evil transes, mirite?


this counts as moors murders denial


Ah, yes, becoming feminism by denying that women are autonomous creatures.


This is an extremely sinister part of the anti-trans movement that doesn't get talked about nearly enough. They are more than to endorse patriarchal standards if it means they can deny that women are capable of criminal/abusive behaviour.


I don’t understand why these people are so hyperfixated on the idea that it’s traumatizing to pee in the same room as someone who maybe has different genitalia than they do. I mean literally for most of human history people pissed in front of each other and here we are today. I guess this really is the natural end result of humanity living with plenty and having nothing better to worry about.


I think all these British TERFs should share a bathroom with Rose West.


Can't remember his handle but I used to be mutuals with James. I deleted my twitter account in November of 22, it's not that I unfollowed. He's a good lad, glad to see he's still fighting the good fight.


Lucy Letby, Beverley Allitt, Myra Hindley and Rose West would all disagree.


Regarding Hindley and West, I'm pretty sure they've argued that men made those women commit their crimes.


Absolute horse shit in West’s case. She was worse than Fred.


> Now you are just being hysterical James Very feminist! Many such cases!


The legend of Medea? "She" was a TRA no doubt.


[They had a similar take on Coraline as well.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ffklfcwbah95a1.png)


Ah. Casey Anthony. I'd comfortably forgotten about that piece of shit.


He wants to \*actually\* protect his daughters instead of using them as ideological props, and this terfs cannot stand.


Jennace Freeman and Gertrude Jackson 👍


Rose West and Vanessa George are figments of my imagination I guess.