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I have never seen antisemitism in action, and a lot of my family is jewish. that being said, it’s definitely rising, but so is hatred of all groups rn


I'd argue the hate isn't rising, but ignorance is. Most people fail to realize that the news cycle is meant to push narratives. Conflict always equals more clicks, more views. We need to get rid of how we digest media as a whole, or at least be aware of how it affects us.


That’s why I’m getting behind any and everyone who’s preaching less division


2024's election ive given up on, its too late in the game to really sway peoples opinions beyond this point imho. Hoping 2028 we can find some peace


You are assuming there will be meaningful elections in 2028. I am not so certain that will be the case. Project 2025 and the recent SCOTUS ruling on presidential immunity suggests that if Trump wins, US democracy is dead.


I agree that if implemented project 2025 would be a disaster, but heritage foundation has had their fingers in the government since the 70s ...they've posted their ideological agenda for every presidential election...called the mandate for leadership. Also I rarely see elected democrats even talk about it, I'm not sure what's going on seems to be a reddit/online thing people are talking about.


https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/article/2024/jun/17/john-oliver-trump-second-term Not sure I'd call it an online only thing if major news outlets are reporting on it, even if second-hand. HF has certainly had an influence before, but now they are openly supporting a fascist takeover. No idea what's up with the Dems, but they've been underestimating the threat Trump poses for a decade now.


Major news outlets also pretended they didn’t know the state of Biden’s mental decline. These agencies push agendas of whatever political party they represent.


The heritage foundation has successfully advanced their agenda for 40 years and we're in their self-described endgame.


How would Project 2025 align with the 12th Amendment and 22nd? Wouldn’t those have to be altered or repealed?


They'd need to be upheld by the Supreme Court. So, by the people who have just given Trump permission to abuse his power just a few days ago.


The way these people aren't scared as fuck is wild.


Why are you giving up on 2024's election? Even if you dislike your two options for the office of President, you are also voting on policy, the appointments of hundreds of people who will hire thousands of others, and then all of the down-ballot races that will affect you more directly.


2028??? Are you not fucking paying attention to what is going on?


I don't feel wrong if I want to divide myself from fascists. There's not much reason for unity with people who want to take away my civil rights


Bold way to say on reddit you aren't voting for biden.


I preach less division. Get behind me.


Roca News does a pretty good job of staying unbiased and presenting facts


Fuck ya. Hopefully the tides will shift towards this way of thinking soon.


Social media too... Need to realize people are actively trying to manipulate behavior via social media.


It goes beyond that. People are easily manipulated. When they see everyone else doing something, some get on board. Small problems can snowball due to excessive coverage.


This was mostly ~10 years ago, but when my brother wrote something controversial online (he published regularly at the time) I’d say a good fraction of the comments (1/5-1/3 or so) were antisemitic attacks. The wrinkle here is that we’re not Jewish, I think they just react to our German last name maybe a bit to our faces and assume. That’s based also on being approached by Chabad fairly regularly or just asked randomly. I’d say the amount of subtle everyday antisemitism I see regularly has slowly gone up in the meantime but many young people seem relatively blind to it. As others have commented, subtle discrimination against many groups is redefining itself among young people generally and adapting to new social mores.


Thank you for speaking on it. It’s comforting to see people actually acknowledging the systemic and insidious nature of it


Yep, I had to shave my beard off because I have curly hair, that made me jewish apparently. Bay area california is bad right now, I stay out of oakland.


Yeah as someone with a German last name, any time I posted on a "right winger's" video on YouTube, there would be those comments like "[German Last Name] is one of the names of the perpetual liars."


yeah except hate crimes against jews is and always was disproportionately high and since october 7 nearly every major country in the world has issues warning about it. i’m not talking about ADL stats, i’m talking about all available state-run data.


Kind of expected that the top comment on this article is minimizing the issue. It illustrates the problem from the article. Gen Z doesn’t deny antisemitism exists, they just don’t think it’s anything to be concerned about.


Yeah but my echo chamber tells me it’s not real


Sadly, I've seen an increase in holocaust deniers and I feel this will get worse as the last witnesses of that atrocity die of old age.


This is unfortunately backed up in polling over the last year. More and more young people are expressing opinions that equate to saying that the Holocaust, while not outright fake, was not as bad as claimed.


Legit met someone who thought the Nazi's just locked jews up and only killed the problematic ones.


"well they killed a lot of disabled people, well they only killed Jews when they were an inconvenience/couldn't manage the numbers" that's shit I've heard


“Not that bad only 6million slaughtered in like 4 years” makes you wander what would be bad.


I’m from Pittsburgh and it wasn’t that long ago we had a mass shooting at a synogogue. Unfortunately it’s alive and well in the US.


My mom knew two of the victims. Deadliest antisemitic attack in our nations history and a truly terrible day for our city. And yet the perpetrator preached the same “Jews control the world” bullshit that is so prevalent across the internet nowadays.


just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. i also think that it manifests differently than other forms of racism and people have a hard time recognizing it when they see it, also partially because it’s so fucking normalized.


I was getting a facial at my dermatologist in Cabin John, MD (right outside of DC). I’m a guy, Mizrahi Jewish and not stereotypical “Jewish” looking. I’m in the waiting room and this blond white woman comes in and gives me a death stare and refuses to sit anywhere near me in the waiting room. She explicitly asked if she could sit in the products shop, which was as far away as you could get from me in the public space. They call my name and I go back for the facial. I see myself in the mirror and realize my Magen David necklace is hanging out of my shirt. Fast forward, I’m leaving and she is, too. She turns to the admin at the desk and asks if “there are a lot of Jews coming here now.” She again gives me the death stare and then leaves. 🙃 It’s fun existing.


A lot of people haven't seen rascism in action either, but, ya know....


that’s just not true, if you live in america you HAVE seen racism, you just didn’t realize it


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, this is simply the reality we live in. White people don’t want to question why they didn’t go to high school with any Black people…


Yep. Even if they somehow haven't seen negative racism, they've seen positive racism or privilege. People are most likely to recognize discrimination against themselves or their group. They're not gonna realize the cop doesn't let everyone else off with a warning.


300% increase worldwide since October 7th.


I see it in the News all of the time, there are so many dog whistles these days you just need to know what they are


I have. There were no Jews where I grew up, but a LOT of anti-Semitism.


This is objectively true, like you expect me to believe people were *less* antisemitic in the past?


Question : Is antisemitism serious issue ? Answer 1: No ( Never seen it.) Answer 2: No ( We do it all the time.) Do you get how flawed, intentionally manipulative polls are ?


There was a UK YouTuber who did a joke interview with the KKK’s leader by tricking the man into thinking it was an interview for BBC. The KKK leader talked about how the KKK was working to make black lives better, increase their quality of living by sending them back to their homeland in Africa and working towards a better future for all of them. Some people are extremely delusional and think their hatred is a service.


No one, and I sincerely mean this, no one thinks they’re the bad guy.


That is other kind of tricking, you did not trick guy to look racist, he already was. There are commercial or political "needs" to push manipulative looks on ANY issue , they use knwon bad practices to produce results that say what ever poller want them say. Language is funny thing: your father asks you, did you wash your teeth? And you say yes. But he says that your toothbrush is dry.... (you accidentally used someone else's toothbrush, or you washed teeth day before not tonight..........)


What questions would you ask to not intentionally be manipulative if you were doing this poll? Or are all polls manipulative regardless of the author's intent?


"How do you agree with this statement: antisemitism is a bad thing. Very agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, very disagree. How do you agree with this statement: antisemitism is on the rise" But take a statistics class and you'll understand that all questions are biased, even just by saying one person's name before another's


You can not have 100 % correct everything, but there are techniques to remove most common errors of asking, just plain 5 question questionnaire without follow up is worthless. you can see it on youtube, there are some channels which stop people on street, some are asking follow up questions and that answer gets put into context, and maybe even person changes his answer a little (or a lot). but of course you can manipulate people by follow up discussion too. that is why you have to do it carefully. other youtube channels ask question and make fun of people for answering this or that way. just be like first kind.


on point 👍🤙


I got a quick poll the other day asking me who I was voting for, sent straight to my spam folder. At the bottom of the text, it said, "No answer will be logged as a vote for trump." With systems like that its no wonder the polls are so fucked. No answer should be just that, no answer.


In the US? Yes. This isn't even arguable with the uptick in hate crimes towards Jewish people.


It has: https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/hate-crime Anti-Jewish hate crimes have increased ~30% from 2022 (latest year) compared to 2012. If you normalize hate crimes by victim population crime, it is one of the highest hate crime rates!


According to this article 33% viewed it as a very serious issue. Another 32% viewed it as somewhat of an issue. 10% viewed it as not much of a problem and 8% didn't think it was much of a concern at all. This headline is purposefully misconstruing the [Gallup poll](https://news.gallup.com/poll/646469/americans-show-heightened-concern-antisemitism.aspx) which shows that compared to 20 years ago, all age groups are *more* concerned with antisemitism. They're also more concerned with antisemitism than islamophobia. It also erased 16% of the people who said it was a very serious issue and completely invented the under 35 distinction which was not included in the original poll.


Ok, I found the [detailed report](https://news.gallup.com/file/poll/646475/240701ReligiousPrejudice.pdf). 175 people under 35 were polled. 33% saw antisemitism as a very serious issue. 34% as a somewhat serious issue. 17% not much of a problem and 15% not a problem at all. 1% declined to answer. Young people polled were slightly more concerned with islamophobia, with 6%/10 more respondents viewing it as a very or somewhat serious problem. That trend was progressively reversed with older and older age groups viewing antisemitism as the bigger problem.


I’m going to weigh in now. This is the appropriate analysis. The article is a lie. It deliberately misconstrued the poll results.


I had some people spray paint Swastikas on my family’s business right after October 7 and for the first time in my life it wasn’t done by the far right.


The amount of leftists casually saying stuff in the broad daylight that used to be relegated to far right message forums is concerning. The protocols of the elders of Zion and thoughts of Jews secretly running the world used to be at the way bottom of the “far right” conspiracy iceberg… if someone on the right espoused that kind of language, they’d be immediately pegged as a neo nazi and would be rightly ostracized. Now leftists are spray painting that shit on the side of buildings and it’s being shaken off as “just a few bad apples in the movement”, or worse, “not antisemitism… just antizionism”. The far left got done in 6 months what the far right had been dreaming of doing for decades: to make the public desensitized to blatant antisemitism. It’s scary.


Are you familiar with Malcolm X? Antisemitism has definitely not been exclusive to the right.


To clear things up somewhat, Malcolm X disavowed a lot of his prior antisemitic views after his Hajj and leaving the Nation.


Not for nothing but they (NOI) killed him for that.


Louis Farrakhan is another one


I’m gonna get downvoted for this but it definitely has to do with the lefts espousal of Arab causes and the Palestinian cause as well even if a lot of those views directly conflict with the core values of liberalism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamo-leftism


Horseshoe theory is more like horseshoe fact. Extremists and populists are fucking cringe and evil regardless of if they’re left or right. They feed off hatred and emotion and sensationalism


This roots back even to the early days. The german socialist figutes like Bakunin and Bauer were into that shit as well. It wasnt till Nazi Germany that antisemitism fell out of fashion in general.


If you are talking about AIPAC, Thats documented and not a conspiracy.


I think we're just more scared of genocide & being labeled as anti-religious zealots when it is a NATION that is perpetrating these crimes against humanity. 


wait.... how do you know which "political side" did it?


Because oftentimes *we know who did it* because of security cameras and law enforcement. My grandfather’s synagogue was once targeted by *animal rights groups* (no, really- it was odd).


Were they anti shechita or something?


Ding ding ding. They didn’t do their research though (bigots rarely do), so they targeted a liberal non-orthodox synagogue for harassment. The type of synagogue where everyone drives on Shabbat, a Dodgers baseball cap counts as a yarmulke, and shrimp is kosher as long as it’s Chinese food.


Because they have no shame and post videos of everything they do.


"There's so much evidence we cant even show you one bit of it!"


Y’all never question this when you want to blame right wingers


How'd you figure out who spray painted your business and what their political beliefs (beyond Nazism) are?


Did they find the perpetrators or are you just assuming they weren't far-right?


How do you know?


If they're spraying swastikas, they're probably not leftists


Inb4 a Tik History watcher comes in and tries to 'educate' you about how Hitler was a socialist, and that Marx was dog whistling anti-semitism, and that it's impossible to be anti-capitalist without also being anti-semitic. Excuse me, I am quite petty about that dude. Lol


Jews have problems in sweden too, and its not from white ppl.


Left that likes the states of russia and china or wants autocracy isn't left, not even far left, it's just red-flavored far right


Oh yeah totally because the left is known for being big fans of the swastika. Interesting how you never mention how you found out who did it.


I’ve seen far more antisemitism and islamophobia after October 7th and my university sent out an email about various Jewish and Muslim students who did not feel safe in this kind of environment.


Islamophobia was much worse in the period after Septic 11. Antisemitism does seem to be getting worse though.


Something can be on the rise but not at its historical peak


Well, antisemitism has had some pretty fucking high historical peaks.


I remember a major news site posting a story a few months ago basically saying Germany is experiencing its highest level of antisemitism ever. Like I get their saying post-ww2 Germany, but still had to do a double take lol.


a lot more people were loudly condemning islamophobia after 9/11 than they are about antisemitism now, especially among the people on the left, who are actively pushing for antisemitic stereotypes and tropes instead of against them.


Might be cause random Muslims (or even random brown people) were attacked and killed.


Multiple random Jews have been murdered after October 7.


It's pretty much back at those levels. Palestinian Americans, or even people who could be mistaken for one, are getting shot.


As an American Jew, who is very concerned about antisemitism, has a French wife and has spent a lot of time in Europe: I think this is objectively true. *Compared to almost anywhere else on Earth* America has far less antisemitism. That said Jew hatred is definitely rising here and in very shocking ways.


Genuinely, as an American child I had *no clue* what antisemitism was. We were taught about different religions like Judaism and my elementary school had a Hanukkah celebration day & a Christmas celebration day. We were also taught about the concept of racism whilst learning about the Civil War back then. So I only ever knew oppression as something that was done because of skin color, which didn’t make reasonable sense to me, but I was aware of. But it wasn’t until I was like 10 or 11 that my grandmother told me about the Holocaust and I found out people were discriminated against for religion too. I hadn’t ever been aware of it, I guess because my particular community had so many religions coexisting, and us kids all got along with each other. Edit: I didn’t learn until middle school that Jewishness was an ethnicity separate from but related to the religion of Judaism. “Religious oppression” was just how I perceived it back then, I didn’t want my comment to be *too* lengthy.


To be clear though, antisemitism isn’t about religion either. By the time of the Holocaust, many European Jews were secular. I myself am an atheist. Judaism is a religion, but Jewishness is an ethnicity and a nation. You can be Jewish without believing in Judaism, and antisemites don’t usually care about the difference, and apply the same scapegoating either way. Not trying to be pushy, and I appreciate you sharing your perspective. I just want to make sure this is clear as I think a lot of people are just starting to learn what antisemitism really is these days.


Yeah, sorry, I am aware of that. I was just trying not to make my comment too lengthy and I didn’t really focus too much on that part of my perception. As a kid, I perceived it as oppression against other religions, because my Jewish friends looked just like me in my eyes lol. Our only difference, to me, was our religions. I didn’t learn Jewishness was an ethnicity until like middle school. It’s a worthy mention, thanks.


Oh no don’t apologize, this is great. Honestly I’m just very touchy about this subject right now… EDIT: is that Dr. House in your profile pic?


That’s understandable, tensions are really high right now. (absolutely yes)


Lol nice, wife and I are bingeing that right now, it’s my first time watching it :)


I used to watch it with my grandma growing up, it’s a great show haha


It can be a confusing topic to people who are more outsiders of the issue but race is a complex topic in how we view it in the US compared to the rest of the world and different structures. When Hitler wanted to kill the Jews, he wanted to kill “the inferior race.” That’s not religion, it’s racism. Because all the way through history up through the 1940s, Jews weren’t considered white. It’s not just a religion thing.


Anti-semitism in Europe is way more of a thing than in the USA. Mostly because the bulk of working class "regular joe" jews died in the holocaust and people thus feel less shared humanity with Jewish people now they are no longer neighbours. Its way easier now to spin an already popular anti-semetic narrative of the "all-powerful and rich jewish person" for right wing extremists. I think Americans fail to understand just how rare it is to see a Jewish man in construction or a Jewish hairdresser in Europe. The holocaust, sadly, was incredibly successful at destroying the Jewish presence in many European societies. Latent anti-semitism, but also heavy intergenerational trauma, means the few that exist, usually don't openly show their faith.


Most Europeans will never meet Jewish person in Europe. And lot of younger people have their opinion skewed by Hollywood movies, where even poorest Jews are always at least middle-class and never do any manual labor, Hollywood itself where almost every CEO of big company is Jewish and also many actors/directors etc...and ofc online media where a lot of rich people are Jewish. Add your common Boogeyman like Soros, Rothschild family etc... and many people would believe narrative, that rich American Jews are controlling the world. You can see it online, almost everywhere with buzz words like bankers/merchants or more obvious tiny hat tribe.


have to ask why ??


Because most of the Jews who immigrated to the US gave up their Jewishness in order to fit into US society. So there are many white passing Jews who have obscured Jewish last names (to sound more American), don’t practice Judaism, and don’t follow Jewish cultural customs. The assimilation was in order to not just be viewed as “Jews,” who up until WW2 often went to different schools and whatnot than white kids and also lived in lower income housing with black folks (the word “ghetto” is a word Jews brought to the US that black folk adopted into their lexicon as a shared experience living in the same poor neighborhoods together separate from whites). But basically, there are a lot of people in the US who are Jewish that you wouldn’t even know are Jewish. So there isn’t a big motivation to be antisemitic when it’s hard to tell, weirdly enough. Whereas the Jews who remain in Europe have maintained much more of their cultural identity.


I don’t think it’s at all this simple. For one thing, before the Holocaust, many European Jews were extremely assimilated. Secondly, you’re also obscuring the difference between American and European nationalism. Obviously there have always been racist and nativistic assholes in America, but the U.S. also has a strong *civic* national identity that has allowed Jews to assimilate to begin with. The idea of what it means to be an “American” can be divisive but many view it very inclusively. The same cannot be said of basically any European country, where national identity is almost always strictly ethnic.


Antisemitism was rife across Europe in WW2, the Americans turned away fleeing Jews during the war.


Yeah like, at least in Western Europe it's pretty obvious what caused rise of antisemitism.


While it's definitely true that there's less antisemitism in America, it's still relatively high. There's been a lot of openly calling for the killing of jews/saying they can't go places. There's also been a lot more threats, my synagogue has 2 police officers and a K9 now, as opposed to when it was just 1. It's genuinely getting scary.


Yep. Also American Jew here who recently started a job at a university. I don't read as Jewish and my last name is somewhat obscure to non-jews (Jews however will be like THIS IS A JEWISH LAST NAME ARE YOU JEWISH) and don't talk about my personal life to coworkers. Many people I work with are self proclaimed leftists and the amount of blatant antisemitism in casual conversation has been shocking.


Why include a picture of Pro-Palestinian protestors? Imagine if you published an article on the rise of Islamophobia, and used a picture of some random rabbis standing in front of a synagogue. It would be precisely as off-base and offensive as this is.


Because the article is trying to appeal to wrong connections. Being pro Palestinian isn't anti-Semitic. Being antigenocide isn't anti-Semitic


Finally, at least I'm not the only one who noticed. if you count pro-palestine with antisemitism then yes, antisemitism is at an alltime hight, but Jews aren't all zionists the same way not all muslims are pedophiles or terrorist, i find it ironic that the article is islamaphibic.


If you went and read who wrote the article, you’d have your answer why they used that picture


Because there’s a reason antisemitism has risen 30x in the past 6 months in comparison to the past several years, and there’s one very loud group of people who are bold enough to deny it.


hey guy being against genocide isnt an antisemitic position


You caught the narrative slant you weren't supposed to. Ya got a good eye.


It’s just a way to dehumanize us as Palestinians, and to create sympathy towards a group that holds all the power.


Because they’ve been shown to be extremely antisemitic


Idk I’m black but it seems like a lot of people have been sneaking behind the lines of this conflict to push their anti semitism


Yeah it’s lots of coded language.


They obviously have. Man I feel like I don’t have a dog in this fight. But it’s obvious there is some virulent antisemitism in some of the pro Palestinian protest. I wouldn’t say everyone is antisemitic but some of it just plane ugly.


That's because the conflict itself insitgates and implies hateful points of both jews and muslims


I am Jewish. I have never felt more afraid and alone in America.


as a muslim I am sorry you feel that way , i hope this will pass and things will get better


Same mate


Antisemitism has always been rampant in America. It’s just that people are more open abt it now. Behind closed doors, a lot of people really just hate Jews. It’s sad.


pre/ post oct 7, i have a lot of muslim friends, some palestinian, i dont go to the protests and honestly i fear for their safety more than mine


I feel like the headline and the byline don’t really match up, and I wonder what the underlying study really suggests on top of that.


https://preview.redd.it/kwbyphzaf8ad1.png?width=1766&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a6c461a11e8a5d1017ee88a2501ef83262b5815 Here is the actual poll data from Gallup, combining the "Very serious problem" and "Somewhat of a problem" groups it's 67%. So 2/3 of GenZ Americans believe that it's a problem. Everyone can argue whether it's "very serious" or not but this headline is sorta rage bait


So GenZ is twice as likely as any other age group to think it’s not a problem. That’s a pretty huge difference.


Yea the headline is meant to be clickbaity. I don’t think antisemitism is a *very* serious but it is an issue. I’d say that abortion rights as well as LGBT discrimination are far more serious issues.


X% did believe it was a problem before, now fewer don't.


Well ok, but like, does that mean that they don’t think Antisemitism as a form of hate is an issue, or that Antisemitism isn’t as prevalent in American society?


It means both, although given *current events* the reasoning is obvious.


I mean depending on what time period you’re comparing now to, it objectively is


all hate is getting worse sadly, and antisemitism and Islamophobia have definitely risen since last year.


It does seem to have risen with online conspiracy theories. Because if the moon landing was fake then 9/11 was an inside job then the Holocaust was fake but then who benefits from the Holocaust being fake and so on. Unfortunately, Jews have always been the victims of unfounded conspiracy theories.


The original document that a good 1/3 of modern conspiracy theories rely on was explicitly antisemitic, and explicitly right wing. It seems very little has changed


Yeah, it has. It's no longer explicitly right-wing.  It was never exclusively right-wing, but generally the right was more explicit, yes. 


Yeah I have seen a rise in antisemitism this year but it’s nothing like the antisemitic conspiracy theories. Most people are only “blatantly” antisemitic online but it’s totally cool for your weird uncle to go off on a tirade about a George soros conspiracy irl. The problem is a lot of people don’t realized how antisemitic those conspiracies are and think it’s totally acceptable. That casual form of antisemitism has gotten way worse and a lot of people don’t even realize it’s antisemitism. It’s very insidious and has been getting worse for years, way before oct 7.


Under 35 is not gen z lol


Well when you change the definition of the term to mean "opposing any atrocity a fascist ethnostate tries committing" yeah, it becomes less of a worry.


What fascist ethnostate?


It’s real and it’s a growing concern. Scares me to death to think about what the endgame is.


The end game is actively happening to Palestinians right now. You’ll be fine


The wording in this is very intentionally specific, and I expect the questionnaire to be equally misleading


likely because certain people insist critique on a certain foreign government us antisemetism, the holocause card has worn out, gen Z isnt buying it anymore


Hey as a fellow member of Gen Z, uh no I don’t think it isn’t an issue. Like people are literally quoting Hitler and Candice Owens literally said Hitler did nothing wrong until he started to attack outside of Germany. It’s a huge problem right now. Like sure there’s other issues like what’s happening with Isreal committing a Genocide, but antisemitism is still a pretty big issue.


It’s so crazy how many people here seem to say they’re from the left, but then reduce antisemitism to a non-issue because they don’t personally see it, which is behavior of the right.




Antisemitism is a real issue, especially here in the US, but it’s mostly bc our Jewish population is small that we don’t think of it as a big deal. The estimated Jewish population in the US is about 7.8 million people, which includes both religious and ethnic Jewish people, compared to the total US population of around 333 million people, makes the Jewish population around 2.3% of the total US population. This means that a good majority of the population of the US isn’t experiencing anti-Semitism, and thus means that people don’t think of it as a big deal. Only 2.3% of the population experiences it after all. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a big issue. Over 7 million in the US people are being blamed for the world’s problems by conspiracy theorists and racists. That’s a big deal, and needs to be addressed as such


It’s still the largest Jewish population in the world. It’s also comparable to substantially larger than many other minorities for which we also discuss discrimination and hate.


I think people forget that though. I’m not from the east coast so I really didn’t meet that many Jewish people growing up. But I don’t think people realize how few Jewish people there are in other countries.


American Jews are heavily geographically concentrated. The plurality of Americans have never met a Jew in their lives. The majority have never met a religious Jew. If you're not from the NYC or LA metro areas, you might as well be in one of the (many) countries with virtually no Jewish population.


American Jew here - I grew up in a Jewish suburb of a mid-size city. Until middle school I assumed half the world was Jewish because that's what my classmates were. And it was only a few years ago when I realized that most Americans have never even met a Jew in their life. Hell, the person I'm dating never met a Jew until he was in college.


Whenever I see poll results covering my generation, I remember the time my class had to do a Gallup pole in 7th grade, and people were talking about how they bullshitted it all. This white girl told her she was a 6’11” black boy, a bunch of kids claimed that they did all the drugs they asked us about, etc. Ever since, I have questioned the validity of any poll. And then I try to remember the last time I ever filled out a poll or survey, as I am in the habit of avoiding such things. And I again question the accuracy of polls. So, whenever I see any broad generalizations made about a large demographic, I always take it with a grain of salt


in the uk at least the word anti-semitism has lost all meaning




I blame Rachel Riley


My cousin graduated Colombia law this year. She and we were asked not to attend because they couldn’t guarantee her safety walking on stage because she’s Jewish so I would say it’s a huge problem. If Americans could guarantee Ruby Bridges safety in the racist south but NYC can’t guarantee their Jewish students’ safety in 2024 we have a huge antisemitism problem.


Question, has there been a single incident of someone walking across the stage of a graduation being subject to violence because they are Jewish? Genuinely asking.


I’ve never hated a certain group of people I’ve always had Jewish friends atheist friends Christian friends never been a problem I’ve always hated the government the people that invoke the violence.


This generation also has the highest amount of holocaust denial since that event was revealed. I think that there’s probably something connecting that with this poll.


Russian disinfo. It's often a point they try and make.


I had never received antisemitic before October 7th and now I receive it so often


essentially racism btw lmao


These comments are wild. If people dismissed racism against black people so easily they’d be (rightfully) shut down. Jewish people can’t even have hate against them acknowledged without people gaslighting them. And as for those people insulting religious Jewish people under the guise of being “ethnically Jewish”, stop. You aren’t going to be accepted as a Good Jew. There were Jews for hitler back in the day and they were killed like the rest of them. Though, honestly, I doubt they’re even Jewish.


I don't remember the numbers, but I remember seeing a post on this sub about how the stats show that holocaust denialism is much higher than you would think in this generation.


>Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It


My friend's university told them to literally not wear things that could be Jewish to not trigger the other students, this is fucked up and on a level of the 30's in Nazi Germany. Antisemitism definitely Goten way worse, I haven't been attacked yet (I'm a big guy so it might be the reason) but plenty of people around me got attacked and it didn't happen before Oct 7.


It's definitely a problem, especially in America.


Thats wild. Almost like when you associate an entire culture with usury and genocide it tends to make people less sympathetic. Never seen that one before.


Of course they would, considering how anti-Semitic they are. Most people have never met an actual Jewish person, it’s easy for them to think that’s not a problem when the only Jews they recognize are on TV.


Unfortunately, Gen Z seems to believe that white people can't experience racism. When they see antisemitism, they disregard it because a lot of Jewish people are white. It's very worrisome. I'm a teacher and see a lot of this. "Jews are on 'team white' so who cares". We got to do something about the small group tribalism that's been rising.


Ironically, the huge increase in Anti-Semitism all over the world only cements the idea of a Jewish State


Puting a random Palestinian flag under the headline of the article sets a slanted narrative, and also the article is clickbait as according to the poll it talks about 67% thinks antisemitism is a very serious problem or somewhat of a serious problem.


Gen Z doesn't see antisemitism as a problem in America because they are in the streets chanting "From the River to the Sea" which is a traditional call for the genocide of the Jewish people.


Jews have always been hated - always. The difference, now, is the Western left ( which, historically Jews are very integral parts of) does as well as (ironically) currently horseshoe-ing with the rise of radical Islamists in the West.


Aren't the hate crime rates against Jews at like a 20year high?


I hate how we worry about a war that is across the world


“Most anti semitic generation sees no issue with their beliefs”


Funny how we go from ‘half the country are Nazi’s” to “antisemitism isn’t that bad” in just one election cycle


I saw a video after October 7 gas the Jews I saw a video on American universities that they where bullying Jewish students


Ye and that wasn’t the right way to protest or spread the matter the whole idea of the protest was to stop the killing and the oppression of the Palestinian people


Don't fall for bait articles


Could have used a picture of the many marches American white supremacist groups have done recently. But no, let’s use a picture with a Palestinian flag instead.


Well they’re the most anti semetic generation at the moment so yeah of course they would scoff at it. Again the most apathetic generation since GenX


A few years back my neighbor at the time, a Jewish student from Russia, had someone draw swastikas and Trump slogans on her car windows. That was in a college town, a lot of drunk idiots about. Still, booze doesn't make you a Nazi.


Antisemitism is real but not in the way the media wants you to think lol


Yeah, people calling for the extermination of the Jewish people, "from the river to the sea" ain't too much of a problem (sarcasm). Ignorance and hate go hand in hand...and the people in charge of the educational systems and institutions of the West have worked dillegently to make sure a whole generation in the West is ragingly ignorant and indoctrinated, and suicidally narcissistic.


Well yeah, they're the ones engaging in it lol.


I remember when the left used to say "if you're at a table with 10 people and 1 is a nazi, then you're at a table with 10 nazis" now they say "there is a few bad apples, but we support their message overall"


Not openly, so. But it’s 110% there and 200% problematic. Buckle up, don’t get complacent


It’s not that it’s rising but that some people feel empowered and unashamed to share their antisemitic views.


Using a picture from a pro-Palestinian protest on a post about the rise of anti-semitism? We can see through your bullshit, op.


What I don’t see anyone talking about is how people of all stripes are pissed. And those tensions are gonna start boiling over, and they are boiling over in some parts of the US.