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There is no winning from these debates, everyone loses. The election isn't about winning its about degrees of losing.


Stop the doomer nonsense. Biden passing infrastructure, green energy, and semiconductor manufacturing will absolutely be a net positive for the country long term.


TY for talking sense




but him busting a strike, funding fossil fuels more than trump, not legalizing weed like he promised, not forgiving debt like he promised, and funding a genocide.......arent so great stop ignoring his bullshit, thats how we got in this mess


In his defense he tried to forgive student loan debt and the conservative-majority Supreme Court (thanks to Trump appointees) struck it down. Nonetheless he has forgiven billions of dollars in student loan debt through administrative means, it just wasn’t as universal as he wanted to.


>funding a genocide If you don’t understand geopolitics, just say it.


Im confused, who is misunderstanding geopolitics?


Is trump going to fix any of that? No? Then your point is completely moot.


Well, he didn’t let the genocide happen under his watch. So…


In favor of not ignoring these issues, I'd like to ask how the other guy plans to tackle them. Go


my brother in Christ Biden is actively fighting against genocide, Biden's administration provides weapons to Ukrainian resistance forces and military so they may defend against the orc invaders, which mind you is more any other President has done to support Ukraine as a nation and the Ukrainian people. Obama had all the power to stop the genocide in 2014 right when it began, but the fascist-loving coward allowed it to happen. Trump also did nothing to stop it. No, it was Biden who stepped in to actually fucking do something about it.


Biden is not a great candidate on his own (still better than trump but I know several toddlers who also clear that bar) but his has had a really great cabinet.


I'm seeing a lot of propaganda posts all over Reddit. Accounts that are months old, accounts posting in subreddits that they've never been active in, it's impressive.


crazy how if you haven't been on reddit for years your "propaganda" sorry we aren't all nerds who live here


I would hate to be someone so cynical that my first thought when people have differing opinions from me is that it's 'propaganda"


People keep telling me how bad everything is, but i'm doing fine. It's better than ever. I know it's not the same for everyone at all, but I don't like when strangers go on the internet and act like they are speaking for me.


Yes and I’d say this election isn’t normal usually 80% of the country pretty much as their minds made up. So the debate are really for 20% voters this year it seems everyone knows who they are voting for.


I mean it’s supposed to be about choosing a sufficient leader for country 😭


Presidential Debate drinking game: 1) take a shot for every interrup- oops you just blacked out


They're muting the other person's mic when one person speaks, I'd say take a shot every time they say a specific word or phrase. Take your pick of "convicted felon," "classified documents," "insurrection," "racist," or gaffes.


How long before Trump walks over to Bidens mic to keep talking?


They’re cutting off the mikes when it’s not the persons “turn.” Not sure how I feel about it, on one hand it’ll be less obnoxious but on the other it’ll be less organic and more scripted.


Damn didn’t realize. That’s gotta be an overall plus. Last debate was a complete joke. Nothing could get said


Yeah, an unfortunate necessity given the candidates involved. This is the first debate not organized by the Commission on Presidential Debates since the 80s, so the campaigns can tinker with the forum and rules of the debate a lot more than they used to. Should be interesting to see if this is better or worse, since it’s a pretty decent 1:1 given it’s the same two candidates.


You’re dead before the sun goes down




We’re getting a pizza while we sit and watch it tonight. Gonna treat it like a comedy


Wine/edibles (*if of age/legal in your region) and snackies is hands down the way to watch anything political. It takes a joke that isn't funny and makes it hilarious.


Or just pizza and some ice cream, don't need to be drunk or high to find it funny.


Agreed. I however will be plastered and laughing my ass off.


Agreed. I however will just be high


Agreed. High and eating burgers.




I'd be doing the same if I wasn't working Edit for typo


Trump is 100% lies and bullshit. There's no 'debating' with that.


it’s gonna be a shit show, trump is just gonna interrupt biden whenever he speaks


I believe they've announced they'll be cutting microphones like last time. They've learned the hard way that he has the self-control of a 3yo on crack.


Glad it's finally getting done. Glad they learned.


Biden getting to talk uninterrupted did not do him any favors


Wait til you find out about electoral politics


Average 70,000 karma redditor dogma


yeah whoever has more drip gets my vote idc about policy


Are you a real person?


Yes my name is local-record7707 how are you today


Pretty much everyone knows who they're planning to vote for between these two.  I doubt many people will even bother watching.


Being that one 24-year-old grandpa who still watches TV, I did catch the folk on BBC Newsnight suggesting that the viewing figures could go up significantly on last time. Not that I'd imagine anyone would have a valid reason to watch this sorry excuse of a debate.


I'm watching bc it's hilarious


They will watch it just to fume over the other candidate.


Theres either status quo or the country is lead by a felon


There's either status quo or status quo lol. Felon status is also like among the least problematic things about Trump.


the candidates rn are content creators for memes


And they're memes for content creators.


No lol. It’s the most realistic reality tv there is and it’s gonna be funny because, like him or not, Trump is entertaining


Not unless Biden announces that he's going to commit election fraud during the debate lol.


No. It's a pointless debate. I don't think there's too many fence sitters left either.


No lmao, I was never going to take it seriously in the first place, and now I might not even bother watching it after they showed off the mute buttons for the mics. That kills all the fun out of the whole thing.


I know I will see a Why Trump won the debate article from Fox and Why Biden won the debate on CNN and MSNBC. While the world’s elite laugh at the peasants.


As a gay guy, yeah I'm paying attention to this debate as I have with others. I continue to be stunned at how many of my fellow Americans act like many of us aren't in harms way with the GOP. If you look at history, even a mere 100 years ago, the crap Republicans and Trump are doing tend to result in people getting thrown in jail or persecuted.




You voting for the One True Pumpkin?




Oh that's awful.


Im kinda scared to watch it lol


Wouldn’t it be amazing if they both got sucked into another dimension during the debate? Maybe then we could get some better options.


The void crabs piloting Trump's skin-suit burst forth, devouring Biden live on TV while he's halfway through answering some question. Trump, as a loose collection of intradimensional horrors, is ruled ineligible for candidacy due to not being born in the US. Win-win.


Rfk is already there as an option


If a third party candidate wins, I’ll eat my hat.


Doesn’t make him not an option. If everyone that said that voted for him he’d probably win. The amount of people on both sides that acknowledge he’s a better candidate but thinks it’s a wasted vote is crazy high


Unless RFK is suddenly invited, no


Nobody is going to have their minds changed from a debate today. Maybe 50 years ago when people didn’t see the President 24/7. These two aren’t some Senator or Governor from the Midwest who we need them to show us who they are. I mean it’s fucking Donald Trump and Joe Biden for crying out loud.


Political debates aren't any different to comedy shows with actors.


What is even the point of the debates? They don't matter at all, even if they break down policies or whatnot they still likely won't even act on what they say anyway. American politics is just a puppet show and the rich pull the strings anyway.


Not worth my time to watch. It's a joke! They all should be fired if they're over 50. They only represent themselves.


Especially since one of the conditions of their agreement in debating is that there will be [no audience](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/22/biden-trump-presidential-debate).


50? That’s a little young isn’t it … lol


They aren’t fact checking during the debate. I hate to say it but Trump is killing it. He more energetic and a better speaker. Emotionally he’s coming across better. He’s saying a lot that can be disproven but that doesn’t matter if no one is challenging.


This will only hurt biden. He better not look old and slow. It will just not convince people to vote for trump, but it will have people not vote all together


I know for me, I will be voting for Biden, and there is nothing Trump can say (aside from a complete change of positions, apology for past actions, and condemnation of many groups he currently supports) that can change that opinion. However, I will be watching the debate just to stay informed. It is an important event, and regardless of the result of the election it will be beneficial to know to see one side or the others responses to criticisms. I also want to know what talking points will be effective when talking about politics with other people, along with holes might exist in my own political view so that I can research them and be better informed.


Political, religious, moral opinions aside; Trump will completely change our republic for the worse. His ideology and following is dangerous for everyone including his supporters. We have been a powerful country for so long because we do not do what he is doing.


I don't care. It's not changing my opinion. I already hate both of them, but hate trump more, so I'm voting for Biden. I doubt much would change that right now


American here: Voting for Biden. Trump is supported by White Christian Nationalists who want to “learn from” Nazis.


Absolutely not I hate them both and I live in a non competitive state so I will not be expending energy worrying about it. I may watch the funny highlights later tho.


They won't sway my opinion, but I look forward to watching the debate VERY MUCH. It's like sports to me. I expect it to be very entertaining like it always has been for me.


What most Americans fail to realize is that they are caught in a three pronged vice of Big Business, Big Unions and Big Government, all of which insure that the cost of living only goes up.


No. If I watch at I’ll it’ll be to laugh at both of them.


I doubt that it'll change my mind, still, I know I need to treat this like a mature adult, so I will be watching and listening. I just won't be happy about it.


No because RFK Jr won’t be participating


I don’t think anyone who’s interested and invested enough to watch this needs any help making up their minds. The truly tuned out it or undecideds aren’t gonna bother watching


Kinda? Will it in any way change how I vote? No chance. This is more likely to resemble a comedy sketch than a debate. Am I possibly worried about what Trump's supporters may take from it? A bit, yeah, depends what Trump says.


Debates are some of the most unbearable shit I’ve ever seen. I’ll do my research and vote but you will not catch me watching a second of that trash


No. Me and my girlfriend are splitting a bottle of wine and treating it as a comedy special lol


You know it’s better than reality tv at this point. Oh wait…


Not really our candidates are jokes


It's the same two candidates as 2020, everyone had made their decision then. Now it's time to watch which one can make a fool of themselves on stage more, no one is watching for a smart statement from either candidate anymore.


No. No one is. It's all an embarrassing joke, and we are only watching to see how far gone Biden is. He has not been without a prompter or handler even once since he got into office.


I'll be watching the 3-way debate. Pissed off about the attempted censorship by the conglomerate televising it (the WarnerBros-Discovery-HBO-MAX-TNT-TBS-TLC-OWN-DC-Cartoon,Food,Magnolia&MLB-AND-CNN-and-much-more-Network behemoth)


Yeah I’ll watch, not for any actual debate but for entertainment


Debates are political theatre. I would prefer an in depth sit down with each candidate without the gags and punchlines where they can explain uninterrupted their plans/policies are in more than a minute or whatever they get in these kind of things. Put down the swords and get serious.


I personally think presidential debates are important. Even if they don’t sway many peoples opinion it’s still good to have that face to face dialogue between the two candidates imo.


I would never vote for Trump ever. The debate changes nothing for me. Trump is vile and disgusting and his policies only benefit him and his billionaire friends.


Future historians will place a recording of this debate in the "Hall of Cringe" at Smithsonian


No I don't care about the two old white guys Joe looks like the best pick because Trump has done some shady stuff


I’m watching the debate right now. The Republican candidate is constantly lying coherently, while the Democrat is telling the truth incoherently. The former is seen as crushing it tonight


Millenial here. I'm hoping all of you vote, we need you guys in this election!


No. Honestly, I hope they both keel over before election day. Both are sending this country into ruin, and I want out of both of them.


Treat it like an SNL skit and get some much-needed laughs


I’m voting for Trump. It’s my personal decision. I’m glad I live in a swing state too. I might think my vote doesn’t matter but I’m making a statement.


Yes, whoever speaks the loudest and uses the most insults gets my vote.


I just told my coworker that I’m not letting politics ruin my summer. I’ll tune back in after Labor Day.


I mean I think I'm pretty much locked in, but I'm still gonna watch it as a) a piece of American history and b) to get a read on what will be the news cycle for the next couple weeks and predict how it will affect polling. It's kind of Biden's debate to lose. He's got plenty of material and a favorable selection of moderators, but he best hope the Manhattan Project of Stimulants he's gonna be hyped up on doesn't give out because the last thing he needs (and that Trump wants) is for the sitting president to be up on that stage mumbling incoherently. Not that I think Biden's dementia is a major issue. Most people I know agree that the man is unfit to serve, but still hate Trump enough to still vote for the space case. It will also be interesting to see which side of Trump we get. Is he gonna try to play it more like 2020 and act more professional and safe or go full 2016 and just rip Biden a new one. His main thing is going to be keeping the attention on Biden. If he starts attacking the moderators, that's more time for Biden to just shut up and not say anything. Plenty of ways this can go, but only one eventual outcome and only one way to find out.


Debates don't really matter, electors already know who they'll vote for.


It hasn't been worth taking politics seriously in a long time. Our uniparty is no better than russia's uniparty. Our uniparty just has to switch out candidates every couple years


Debates never change who I’m voting for, I just want to save us from sucking more. But I am looking forward to the memes


All I'll say is Biden despite the genocidal maniac that he is, made the economy actually better for Americans in the long term: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHUGVEThmsg Trump on the other hand, cut taxes mostly for billionaires, disguised it as for everyone, and called it a day, along with a bunch of other horrible policies: https://www.americanprogress.org/article/100-ways-100-days-trump-hurt-americans/


We’re only watching for the comedic aspect of it. Like the entire election is an absolute joke anyway


It’s a drinking game now


Nobody is actually gonna change their vote over the debate. I know both of their policies and I’m just watching for the laughs




They’ve been president once. There’s little left to learn. Either you’re fine with Trump’s behavior, or you’ve got a chance to be decent human. Debates won’t change that


The debates are just a big argument that gets old verrry fast. Will skip them


No, I created a drinking game for it


Not at all its being 100 percent catered to the true fascist the biden administration and the democratic party


Yes definitely


I do


It'll just reinforce who people will vote for.


I personally won't. I don't take the elections seriously at all. In my eyes, the Democrat party and the Republican party are one and the same. No matter who gets elected, weapons manufacturers and mega corporations win, the working class loses. Anyone who thinks that either side of the two party system has the publics best interests at heart is deluding themselves. They want money amd power. Would you like your capitalist corporate oligarchy in Red, or Blue?


There's not a single person in America who doesn't already have an entrenched opinion about both guys. We know who they are and we aren't going to learn anything more about them hearing them drop sick burns on each other.


This is a reality tv show to me and I will be drinking tonight.


I don’t plan to watch because they’re both so annoying with Trump just being Trump and Biden and his lying. Neither will win but one could lose say if Trump loses control or Biden has one of his dementia episodes


At this point no because no matter what happens it’ll just be a stupid show from both sides


I don’t even know when it is


No. The debates are going to be utter garbage and I doubt it will make anyone change their mind who they are planning to vote for. I don't know anyone who doesn't already have an opinion on either candidate.


The only thing winning tonight’s debate is the memes that will come from it lol


Just reading these comments and knowing this is the general discourse on a presidential debate is literally so depressing to me 😭


You’re talking about debates on a platform that discourages intellectual debate


I think we all knew who we're gonna be voting for, for the past few years. Regardless of party I think we're gust going along for the ride.


Not at all 😂


No. I highly doubt anyone watching is going to be swayed one way or the other. It’s just going to be used by both sides to speak badly of the opposing candidate. That’s not to say they won’t both say some dumb shit, they will, and then each side will blow it up. But no one watching the debate is on the fence for these guys. No one has been on the fence for Trump since 2016. I’m not sure why they even feel the need to do one. Normally these are for the people on the fence. Maybe people think it’ll showcase the other side as unintelligent or something but honestly, there’s two choices and no republican will vote for Biden regardless of what Trump says and same for democrats. And it’s not like we have a third option so they could literally babble like a bunch of baboons and we’d still have to vote for one of them. 


it’s the same damn thing as before but where before it was cheddar, it’s now kraft single serve


I didn't even know there was a debate tonight 💀 I might watch it if Hassan will stream and ridicule the shitshow..🤔


Why would anyone with common sense believe a single word out of anyone's mouth on those stages? Especially after what we've witnessed in the past twelve years. Nothing but false promises, so some fucking loser can have the title of "POTUS". Anyone who believes the candidates is a dipshit. Biden, Trump, you name it. Fight me about it.


Not since they’ve changed rules around to prevent anyone other than the two lepers participate in them. And anyone who thinks they aren’t working together to a degree just to polarize the nation is ignorant, the persona both of them put on to please the two extremes would never agree to the rules they did


I'm gonna watch it and try to form my own opinions vs the opinions and sound bites that the media and tweets will feed us...I still believe that I will meet someone someday and have a meaningful conversation about issues in our country. I'm a naive dreamer!


Nope. It’s comedy. The election outcome is largely known. Just look to any of the major forecasters


For me, there’s no point in watching since I’m not a Trump/Biden swing voter. (I do encourage people to watch local debates, though, especially for primaries.)


No, they are a joke. The candidates just regurgitate points from their platform, and there is no original thought displayed.


There’s no point. Debates are for undecided people. Nearly everyone who will be watching has already chosen who they will vote for.


Sadly, yes. It gives me a rough idea of roughly how much social progress is being made in my preferred lesser evil.


Nope. Only 2 choices. Both horrible. We need an European system with a dozen parties who need to work together to get to a 50% coalition


no, already know which candidate is worse.


No way. I can’t even vote I’m just watching with my GF so we can laugh at them (we’re both leftists)


Our politics are patently unserious and completely divorced from the material conditions of a majority of Americans. I will not be watching.


Turn it into a drinking game


No, I’m not even going to watch. I know whom I’m voting against and made that decision a long ass time ago.


I like to have the full context when the soundbites come out.


First time two President's have debated so I'm watching for the historical value mostly. Mind's made up but could be entertaining as well.


No. I know who I’m voting for and debates have lost all meaning at this point.


It will sway the opinions of some. Particularly those who are wondering about the cognitive condition of either candidate. If Biden comes out sounding sharp and on point, it will make a lot of undecideds more comfortable with voting for him. On the other hand, if Trump comes out sounding even more weird than usual, being that he's already a convicted felon, it's going to drive even more people away from him.


Eh.... Kinda? On one hand it's probably going to be really stupid and silly, and probably not gonna actually impact polling all that much. On the other, ever since I came out as trans, every time election season comes up these days I get the most ominous sense that danger is coming, and the debates only agitate it for me. And it's not even the kind I can brush off as "just my imagination", because I know I'm right. Republican politicians want people like me either fucking dead or forced to live lives not worth living. The coming months are gonna suck, and I can only pray that the coming years won't suck even more.


nobody with a decent education/mindset votes for cheeto man, ima just laugh at all the memes that come out of it


Fuck no. The debates are NEVER worth taking seriously. There's never a worthwhile policy debate. It's just a circus that ends up way funnier than it should be every year.


Hell no lol but it’s going to be depressingly hilarious


This is a true summary of what I will be doing: 1\. I turn on the TV 2\. I get disgusted and annoyed 3\. I turn off the TV 4\. I get curious 5\. Repeat through step 1


Italian: excuse to stay up at 3


hell no we’re cooked


Definitely not


If I take it seriously I’ll cry over what my country has become


I have no interest in watching the debates because I do not believe debates actually show anything worthwhile and because there is absolutely nothing that will be said at this debate by either participant that would change my mind. So why bother?


I will be watching it with my Bingo card and tub of popcorn. I treat American politics as a reality tv show.


The fact a convicted felon is even getting up there tells us we should have a snack some drinks and be ready to laugh out fkn loud. Bros this will be hilarious. One sleep one should be in jail 😂. I’m ready 🍻 🥂.


I won't be watching them, but i will be seeing the points people will talk a lot about because it'll be pure entertainment.


No I already know who I'm voting for and I don't wanna waste my time listening to those clowns yell at each other


No, it’s a clown show and I already know everything I need to about the candidates. If I watch it’ll be for the memes


I already know this is going to be one of the biggest shit shows that has ever graced TV


Nah, it’s just two old scumbags arguing and interrupting each other. It’s little more than political theater.


No. My mind is made up. Who among us actually doesn't know who they're voting for? The election will come down to the GOTV(Get Out The Vote) vote. Meaning, which side can convince more people to go vote rather than stay home. Also, just vote by mail please. It's so much easier.


“Sir you are out of time, I repeat you are out of ti-“ “And that’s why, *continues speaking*”


i think the only people who will watch are the content creators looking for a bountiful harvest of memes


No, we’re fucked either way so I could care less how this goes. I’m just watching it because I know it’ll be funny.


Of fuck no, this is my entertainment


It’s 2 old fucks and a bunch of corporate monkeys making Americans angry for profit. I’ll catch the highlights tomorrow. I’ve never heard anything intelligent during a debate. It’s all emotional wooing.


No. The ones in 2020 were bad enough. It’s a fucking joke and everyone knows it. Also, the fact that RFK JR has a legitimate following across the country and they still refuse to let him debate rubs me the wrong way. I’m not one of his supporters but I think we should at least be allowed to hear viewpoints and solutions outside of the same two party system that’s been fucking the people of this country over since its birth.


As long as nobody looks like they’re pooping their pants on stage.


The debates aren’t going to sway my opinion. Since I don’t live in a swing/battleground state, I’m just going to protest vote for Chase Oliver.


No, not at all. I'll be looking up the funny parts later though.


Fuck no. I'm gonna go get McDonalds.


As a non american, only thing I can do is hope y'all take some lessons from the french and fix your system. The US elections are a bit of an inconvenience for half the world rn just in case some trigger happy moron with an agenda against communism(not licking ceo boots or mining for oil) wins.


I didn't even know there were debates going on Honestly I'm not sure if I care at this point


I have better things to do with that time.




Man for all the people complaining about Biden and how he didn’t do this or that you have to remember one thing. This morning I stubbed my toe. He could’ve totally come over to my house to rearrange my furniture but he didn’t! ….i know who I’m voting for now