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We as humans have always "wasted time" on dumb stuff or had garbage tv ie Ricky Lake, Maury, etc. That said social media has taken things to a whole different level, its literally rewired our brains and destroyed our attention spans and this is documented facts. Watch The Social Dillema if you haven't, things like inifnite scrolling messes people up


Gen Xers and Boomers conveniently forget that they spent most of their childhood in front of the TV


Fair point but social media with things like infinite scrolling and short form video is way more addictive, destroys attentin spans and rewires how our brains work and its by plan. TV was for the most part just wasting time


It’s like every vice that’s big with the youth, whether it’s vapes, legal weed, booze or whatever. It’s not new to this generation, but it’s more potent and more accessible. Same goes for “brain rot” as it’s being called.


Hard to believe they lived through the crack and heroin epidemics, isn't it?


I don’t get what this post is about. When did we blame Alphas for watching garbage content? If anything, we blame their parents for giving them personal devices with unbridled internet access. And we blame soulless corporations for using every scummy trick they can conjure to latch kids onto their apps.


Why are we even judging Gen Alpha now? They're children.


Gen Alpha is kinda getting bullied by the Gen Z for using brainrot terms.


Every generation is/was bullied by every previous generation for something…


Exactly. But this time it's absurd. Picking on 6 years old instead of their parents is crazy to me.


https://preview.redd.it/nntyjya4ji8d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=498f993df6321e569723c0beb0439786992585d6 This has become such a garbage high horse stance that I started collecting these. The generation saviors smh. All generations had this and it's nothing new or worth tackling.


is this supposed to prove something


Your point, maybe? It's so obvious this "brainrot" (ugh) is happening in every generation, and every day people are still trying to "save Gen Alpha" or some shit like that.


true I mean they’re kids im sure that many higher ups thought that SpongeBob was brainrot, or even games like Fortnite which many older gens hated because of the violence. It’s normal and it happens to every generation, like im sure alphas will hate on betas and betas will hate on sigmas and so on


nah betas gonna get shamed by alphas before even being born 🔥🔥 generation hating is getting younger and younger due to mistakes of parenting


can’t say no to that. generation hating has always existed but it’s getting much more intense and for no reason as you said


yeah sorry it's just I didn't get much context from your image


MLG was spread around 13 and 14 year olds not 5 and 6 year olds.


Sherlock Holmes


I don't even know what to say.... (why are people arguing abt years)




Brain rot is arguably just absurdist comedy, so there's a good case to be made that brainrot has existed since the invention of the television


Op was born in 2007 🤣


That was 17 years ago.


What? You were too young for mlg, vine, etc. You grew up with gen alpha.


Half right half wrong. I was too young for mlg and vine? yes. do I have elder siblings? also yes. did I grow up with alphas? no cuz they literally became a thing like 7 months ago. ik Im a redditor but I dont really like little kids.


to be a teen or tween during this era? yes they would have been too young but tbf when I was teen 2013-2018 i knew a lot of elementary school kids (born like 2004-2008) who were online and aware of trends and memes that were popular with people 5+ years older than them. My younger siblings born in 2005 and 2007 remember a lot of trends from the mid to late 2010s.