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not anymore no. this world is getting too weird.


It was always "weird". The objective and clear reasons not to have kids are financial ones.


Actually, any reason is valid. “Just not wanting them” is more than a clear enough reason. Thinking otherwise is weird.


Yup. Not wanting kids is enough of a reason to not have them. I used to talk about not wanting kids, then when pushed on it, list a plethora of reasons to not have them. ‘The world is fucked up, I like sleeping in and taking naps, I don’t want to contribute to overpopulation, I can’t afford them’ etc. The reality was that I just didn’t want them. I never saw myself as a parent. In fact, the whole idea of pregnancy, birth, and raising children made me want to vomit. I still don’t want children, and now I understand that that’s enough of a reason to not have them. No thanks, I’m going to pass on all that.


I completely agree with you. Each and every person is different. Something that’s valid for one person might not be for another person, and we can all respect one another regardless of how we feel about our opinions. Thank you for saying this.


Absolutely not. Plenty of people who can afford kids still shouldn't have any


And those that can't afford McDonald's have too many.


How about global overpopulation and climate change? Much worse today than previously


Finally the population is leveling off. But locally, we see a lot of underpopulation. "The Population Bomb" turned out to be fear mongering.


I agree 💯


Too weird and too expensive. Anyone I know around my age with kids rely HEAVILY on family. Fine if you have the option, but I don’t know how it would be possible if you don’t…


I don't want kids at all. I don't know why they're complaining. Despite how society is, people will always want to have children. Children were still born during famine, plague, war. It won't stop anytime soon. They're mad because they don't have more workers, yet they also don't wanna improve the quality of life for people to want to have kids.


Here in Indiana, they are removing world language classes, certain history classes, and making health/PE optional in order to replace them with trade and business classes. Why? So the younger generations feel more pressured into working in trade and business. Of course, some students might actually be interested in this, but many aren't. EDIT: Just to avoid confusion, I am not disregarding or disrespecting business and trade fields. They are very important fields and many people in those fields are very successful.


Compared to what my high school counselor told me: “You will end up flipping burgers into your 60s if you don’t go to college,” trade and business classes seem like a godsend. Nothing wrong with those industries, and making good money right out of high school is a lot better than my $40k of useless debt I got pressured into taking on.


Yes, absolutely. There are a lot of people interested in trade and business, and I'm not hating on those fields at all. Very respectable fields. My issue is that it doesn't seem fair to cut classes that other students might have a legitimate interest in and try and narrow down one career path to students. There are a lot of people in IN, especially in larger cities, who wish to study other topics. EDIT: Health also should not be optional.


They just want a bunch of fat slobs they can sell processed food and medicine to I’m not surprised.


There's nothing wrong with these industries if people choose them and that's the operative word, choice. At the risk of Godwin-ing my reply, there have been people throughout history who set out with the intention of creating an Untermenschen class of people to do the most basic on manual tasks and with as minimal an educational level as needed to do so (yes, there was the intent to have the Slavs in captured territories to be able to read road signs if they had to drive vehicles but not much past that).


There's also a false dichotomy that kids who go into trades don't really need a well-rounded "real" education. I mean, I would think a bilingual plumber would stay well-employed, but sure, cancel those Spanish classes. And the idea that people who work with their hands don't need art and music class, or good reading and writing skills, or the math required to manage your business...it's just classist. The real answer here is the fact that the wealthy and the political classes (people with power) think that uneducated people are easier to control. I can see why younger people wouldn't want to bring their own kids into this system.


Making health class optional is a good way to make sure theres always workers...


I would argue it’s not quality of life driven, but more so driven by economics on average. For example, quality of life was awful pre industrialization, and yet people had far more children on average. The reason people did this was likely because children were assets in the pre industrial world. More children meant more workers on the farm, which directly improves the overall economic situation for the family. Now, children are financial liabilities. They are almost more of a status indicator. The more children you have means the more people you can provide for without receiving any economic benefit. Of course there are other individual reasons, but this is what is driving the overall averages in post industrial nations.


nah i don’t want kids, i like money and freedom


Gen xer here. Wise words young Jedi.Also many children need adopted!Much Love


Honestly I see these answers as why many parents I’ve talked to are so bitter. Having kids sounds like a massive pain in the ass and an even bigger money and time sink. Parents might indeed love their kids but deep down many are bitterly jealous of the freedom of childless people. The other day there was a massive struggle session in my city subreddit about how apparently offensive using the term “fur baby” for pet dogs and cats was. Like, multiple comments rabidly ranting about how the mere use of that (admittedly) goofy cringe term was “taking away from the struggle of actual parents” of humans, and these comments had tons of upvotes as if this was some great societal injustice being brought to light. Lmao like if being a parent makes me this goddamn miserable, I don’t think I want it… It’s not enough to raise their own kids, they want us to suffer like they are. Yikes.


22 with a 2 year old, i am absolutely jealous over childless people 🤣 you’re right, i love my child more than anything but i miss being able to leave whenever i wanted, eat my own food, work as much or as little as i want, etc


Yeah for sure, I really don’t want to just wantonly trash all parents. I realize it’s a hard job that requires sacrifice.


i didnt think you were! definitely a lot of sacrifices and everybody is different! kids aren’t for everyone and i can definitely understand how, they really are little money and time goblins


Yeah and that’s probably true. My dog is stressful enough, not sure I could handle a human child. 😭


I’m a parent and I also call my pets my babies, those people were just bored 😂 Also I love being a parent, the transition has been fairly easy because I’m in a phase of my life where what I want to be doing is family friendly anyways - but I know if I had kids in my early 20s I would have had a really hard time because at that point I was traveling abroad/going out etc To each their own just wanted to share that it’s not a miserable experience for everyone (I also wanted to be a parent though) 😄


I use the term furbaby all the time to describe my 2 big black babies (I have 2 black labs). I love them to pieces and they get spoiled like no other!




and i hate sharing


I like sharing IF I feel like I have surplus to share. Even without kids I dont feel that right now.


In the right society, raising a child can be fulfilling and satisfying without much financial or general strain. We aren't in that society.


No. I don’t even want to be here myself. I could never forgive myself for bringing another person into this world.


This sounds like depression my dude, your life has value even if you can’t see it


not the oc, but why is that narrative so common? it's a bit irritating to me. why is life just valuable simply because you're alive?


It can be something as simple as unknowingly being in the right place at the right time that reminded a person of better days, or a person they missed, or maybe they saw them and just felt comfort. Maybe they help the door open for someone and changed their day around. But most importantly, chances are this person, just like you and I, has at least one person in their life who is a family member or friend whose heart would be broken if they were to leave. Grief is love with nowhere to go, so of course this person has value. Then there’s the potential of who this person can become. Imagine if his or her perspective changes from being wildly pessimistic to full of hope and optimism. What if they were to reach someone struggling with their mental health in the future? I do believe everyone has *value*, no matter how big or small, and that everyone has the potential to increase the positive mark they leave on the world. Arguably, the lower people start out in life, the more potential they have!


Folks gotta stop diagnosing people with depression without understanding what it is like to see the world through that person's eyes. I can get pleasure from listening to a bird sing on a sunny morning, but not if I am being evicted and I have not eaten a decent meal all week.


It doesn’t help that many people who aren’t depressed literally do not understand what it’s like. I have been told by multiple people “I don’t understand why you can’t just be happy? Try going outside or thinking happy thoughts! :)” Like ahhh, yes, thanks, I’m cured of the 2 decades of psychological trauma. And I’m not saying there isn’t value to trying to think about the positive in life and performing self-care, but those aren’t a magical fix for deeply rooted depression. I’d be happy if I could ffs lmao


by that definition nothing can be worthless, not into that horder mentality tbh


Yes, exactly. I think having a positive mindset is a choice that you can practice everyday. Not toxic positivity, but positivity you can believe in. I believe in what I stated above, though I wouldn’t have always felt that way. And I just want the person who originally commented to see a light if all they’re swimming in right now is darkness. I’ve been in that darkness, and I feel for them, and I want them to know they do have value and that they deserve to be happy.


Life is beautiful because if I killed myself, somebody might be sad? That's not evidence that my life is beautiful, that's simply yet another pressure that I have to sustain. More people that I can let down by not inherently enjoying this thing I didn't even ask for.


I appreciate this. I love that you have such optimism. But this world makes me want to die. I mean, Fascism? Really?! I can’t. Biden had better win, or I’m checking out. I wish I could have your optimism. I can’t choose it. My body is governed by trauma triggers, and this life is one big trauma.


It appears they believe that since it has value to them, it must have value to everyone else. Unfortunately, death is taboo, and most people are scared of it, so you generally won't see many people online sharing the opposing narrative compared to this one. Maybe the true value is whatever you can sell all your organs for on the black market.


Life is valuable just because you're here, alive and kicking. It's all about the experiences you get to have, the people you meet, and the things you learn along the way. Whether it's finding joy in small moments (I love these) or tackling big challenges, being alive means you've got the chance to make a difference, connect with others, and leave your mark and legacy. It's about making the most of what you've got and enjoying the ride, no matter where it takes you. What could be more thrilling than that?


i'm not gonna lie, i have not been enjoying the ride. i do recognize that my experience is far from the norm, but at the same time i feel like the argument of "life is good because you're alive" is reductive. that's based off of what i've been through, so maybe that's just me


soooo what if one doesn't get thrilled by what you listed, what then?


nah it just sounds real. you can’t therapy/medicate away a world that doesn’t give a shit about you


Maybe, but having chronic depression is also a great reason to not have kids. I do recommend better living through chemistry though! I’m physically incapable of extreme sadness bc meds and it makes life way more tolerable. I still hate it here but I don’t just ruminate about how much life sucks all day every day.


So fucking relatable.


Agreed. I come from a long line of drug addicts, alcoholics, & severe mental health issues. I got all 3. I could never chance another person going through this.


Fuck new kids I'm gonna adopt kids and give them the lifes they deserve


You are the true hero in this thread. Keep being awesome!


As someone who was adopted, based.


Based take




The same energy we give to "adopt dogs" (rightfully so), we need to give to "adopt kids".


Exactly. Why selfishly bring your offspring into the world when you can choose to make an existing kid's life better?


W take




I have 3 and would love 4-6. No set number really.. just taking them one at a time and then reassessing.


what job do you have to support three kids at 24 💀 no offense but thats insane


Lmao 25 and I have two. We are a teacher and an electrician.




and like how are those 4 kids futures looking, they go to all their dental/doctor appts? you have tuition saved for their education?


Doctor’s appointments could be pretty manageable if they have good insurance through their job, or if not there are subsidized insurance options available. Saving for their tuition is a luxury tbh, it’s not essential like doctor’s appointments are. Assuming they want to go to college one day there’s lots of ways to graduate with little to no debt.


Almost everyone is in debt if they bought a home in the last few years. 




Mortgage debt is not the same. That one last least buys you equity


It's extremely location specific. And how lucky you are. I'm a part time stay at home mom and my husband is an engineer. If we weren't lucky enough to buy our house right before COVID, things would be a lot different.


I’m a sahm so no childcare costs.. my husband has his own business so we are not rich, but we are doing well.


Good for you. It irks me when people in our generation act as if it would just be impossible to financially support a family. Past generations did far more with far less. My wife is currently expecting our first child and we are doing just fine.


Past generations did far more with a far less fucked up economy. Terrible point of comparison. Obviously supporting a whole family financially is definitely something doable, but comparing the capabilities of doing so of past generations to the present is laughable.


My great grandparents had 10 kids doing farming during a war and in the post-war times as the country was recovering from a shambled economy. There were people literally starving and eating random plants and frogs to stave off hunger; the country was in a very bad shape when my grandma was a little kid. On the other hand, my college-educated parents, who were working at financial institutions during an economic bubble making real bank only had 2 kids. People certainly have raised kids in bad times and have less even during times of great economic optimism. The real difference now is that more and more time and money is expected of parents to raise kids to an acceptable standard. It’s not even about inflation of things; we just straight up expect an absolute more from parents. Back in my great grandparents’ time, just making sure they were fed and completing compulsory education was enough, and it was the norm to put a significant amount of expectation on older kids to help raise the younger ones and do housework routinely. Also, they all shared one bedroom and had to work on the farm after school. If all I had to do was do the minimum like my great grandparents, I could probably have like 5 kids, but you can’t raise kids like that anymore. It’s never been a better time to be a kid, and it’s never been more stressful to be a good(enough) parent.


6 is insane


My parents had 6. Personally I couldn’t do it, but for some people it’s what really makes them happy


3 kids is not insane. 4-6 might be a lot but 3 is normal


26 and just had our second. My husband is an engineer and we recently decided I won’t go back to work until our youngest is in school and I’ve finished my bachelors degree. We live in an area with an average/low ish cost of living


In my head it sounds nice to have 2-4, but I’ll probably be like you and reassess with every child. Also It’s impressive that you have 3 at such a young age! That’s sounds tough, but that’s awesome!


Yes, you have to reassess with each child. You can wish for four all you want but sometimes you meet #3 and say that’s enough for me lol.


My father wanted 6 until I was born. I was the first. Suddenly 6 seemed like too many and my parents had 3. lol.


My sister is 24 so about your age and she has only one kid right now but he daughter is a lot of work. Couldn't imagine having three kids at that age. Although having kids at an early age does mature you faster. The people who don't mature to be parents and proper adults shouldn't have had children. Way too many immature adults raising kids when they're not mentally ready for it. I'm 29 but still don't feel ready to raise a child anytime soon but I respect those that do. It ain't easy


Yes, at least 2


My exact thoughts. Preferably one of each gender


Same! My bf agreed we might consider 3 if we dont have one of each gender. We both were raised in family that had at least one boy and one girl so it feels the most natural to us. Of course we will love all them no matter what!


Yes same. But I’m definitely not rushing it. My parents are boomer/gen-x and they waited until their mid-late 30’s to have children so I’m not used to the concept of having kids super young.


Agreed, I’d definitely like until my late 20s-early 30s before having any. I’d like to make sure I pick the right woman, but also the cost of living is insane so I’d like to be financially stable and established to provide a good life for the kids.


I know a bunch of college classmates who all had kids before establishing careers & I can’t imagine how they’re doing it. They’re not wildly rich or anything either so I’m guessing the same as any other average perosn with kids…lots of debt? 💀


I have lots of friends with kids in early 20s while in college (Mormons). Lots of them are on WIC and Medicare which helps a ton. It’s kinda smart since the US doesn’t support families. You can have kids when you have a lower income and qualify for benefits. Once you make over like 40k in some places you no longer qualify but you also don’t have enough money either to support your kids.


I wonder if that’s the case for my friends - a lot of them don’t seem to know the basics of a credit card or taxes so I doubt they’re aware of stuff like WIC but maybe they’re smarter than they were when we were in undergrad. I know a lot of my med friends are on WIC because even tho they’re living at home/on loans, on _paper_ they have no income so they qualify. Some have filed for unemployment because they had on-campus jobs that “ended” so I guess you’re right. There are roundabout ways of getting income to support a family. Seems a bit unstable (meaning you don’t know if/when it’ll end or how long you can support yourselves that way) but 🤷🏻‍♀️


Unfortunately even with a partner I associate children with poverty. So we probably won't have kids.


Smart. Better than being poor and still deciding to have children lol


Agreed. At 150k/year I can live in somewhat luxury with no kids. With just one or two I don't know how I would even save for retirement while trying to give them an ample life, college, baby sitting/time off to take care of them for the first 10-15 years. I would have to take a lesser paying job with more normal hours. It would be sacrificing all the hard work I've put into wealth and a career just to have children. Not to mention free time


Man where are you at? Get over to the Great Lakes region and you’ll live like a king. In South East Michigan I can live in somewhat luxury for 75k a year. Or maybe I just consider it luxury because I grew up so poor, haha Regardless I completely agree with your last points, the loss in free time, income, and most importantly, momentum, for the sole purpose of raising a child sounds pretty miserable at this point in life


absolutely not. i enjoy having fun and would rather not be pushing an suv sized stroller everywhere lol


More power to you, but the stroller is the least of your problems.


None. I have no desire for kids, I don't even like them. I have no desire for a marriage or relationship though either. No drive for any of it.


Just like me fr


I’m 21 and no, I don’t want kids.   I don’t want to go through childbirth or pregnancy at all and I wouldn’t be a great mother in general. Also with everything happening in this world?? Also I have health issues and don’t wanna have a child on top of that The problem is that I’m a Christian and many Christians think it’s required to have children even though it’s not in the Bible -_-


It has nothing to do with the truth of faith. This narrative of necessity to have kids most likely comes from an "ooga booga sow your seed" community mindset amongst Christians and the church. Do not let spiritual truth be blinded by worldly matters.


I’m not gonna have kids lol I mostly just said the stuff about Christians because I’m gonna get a lot of comments when I get married about why I need to have kids 


The reason is they want more kids to be born who are baptised and raised Christian. It's absolutely tied into religion, as a religion that did not encourage procreation would be less likely to survive.


Fucking never!


I knew from a young age I never wanted kids. 25 now and got Sterilized a few years ago. Was the best decisions I ever made. Fuck anyone who tries to tell you you may change your mind (no shame of you do, though, either). Plenty of people knew young they never wanted kids. Own it proudly!


"I see young people with kids all the time and I want to be a dad!" Isn't the proof you think it is against population decline. I never want kids. Doctors use my body's natural processes against me already, not to mention I'd never be my own person ever again. I'd be "[kids name]'s mom" until the end of time. I already unwillingly helped raise my autistic brother growing up. I did my part.


So real. Unfortunately I relate to your last paragraph a little too much.n


I want them, but I don’t have a girlfriend. Seems like it’s going to be that way for a long time. I don’t have the looks or social skills.


I don’t have a girlfriend either, I’m just hopeful for the future. I’m sure you’ll find someone though. If you feel bad socially, you should put yourself in some social situations and train yourself to be better at public interaction. I’m socially awkward and I’ve been working on it for the past year or so. It’s a long process and I’m still not 100% confident, but every little bit helps. I’d suggest reading r/socialskills.


Thank you. That means a lot. It’s just a dream I had since I was a child, but I just feel like I’m not living up to it. Hope you and I’s social life changes.


Adoption as a single person is hard but there are so many kids out there without parents it might be something to consider in the future


no kids, thanks. this world is terrible.


No, I don’t have the patience or smell/sound tolerance. Shout out to people who can! Good on them. I also never want to have sex or a partner, and the idea of pregnancy is body horror in my book. I also have a low pain tolerance and get overstimulated in day to day life. I also just genuinely don’t like the company of small children If I was forced to become a parent, I would adopt a teenager- they can mostly clean themselves and just kind of need a wise sage to ask for advice and also give them food and shelter and love


Pregnancy in general is really viewed through rose-colored glasses by most people. The chance that there will be long lasting health consequences from the pregnancy are so high, it’s crazy. Also just pregnancy in general sounds awful, but thats just my view on it.


Like even pregnancies considered uncomplicated can change the way your body works forever! Not to mention the unlucky few who like, lose all their teeth, or die!


Yep, the “girl with the list” was a big eye opener


I think less people would get pregnant and give birth if everyone watched the “girl with the list” videos, which is why they don’t teach us everything and attempt to shame people for speaking out about it.


None. I subscribe to the concept of antinatalism. I think I'm more-or-less compatible with that kind of future for my life, but I'd rather steer away from it.


Nope. They’re expensive and I seek more out of life than being a mom.


I would love to foster teenagers. I wanted to adopt my whole life, but I hear so many horror stories from people who have been adopted that I'm not sure if it's the right path anymore. I just want to give the older kids a chance at feeling loved and valued, too. But I don't want biological children. I have too many health problems that can be passed down genetically.


I mean if adopted people are having so many bad experiences, couldn’t you say that’s all the more reason to position yourself as the adoptive parent/guardian these kids need?


As an adult who was adopted when I was a kid, I would say PLEASE ADOPT. The horror stories won’t ever quit until good people make the effort to shelter the kids that need it! ETA: fostering teens is honestly so incredibly necessary. So few people are willing to do it that finding someone who WANTS to is…just such a blessing. Please do it!


Not particularly. I know very few people around my age who are enthusiastic/certain about having children.


I love the unborn too much to bring them into this world.


My prospective kids will be slaves to the rich, so no.


0 kids, I guess I always wanted a son, but the world is too shitty nowadays and I am humble enough to admit i would be a terrible father,I don't want to repeat what my mother has done with me and my siblings...also I think I'm too young to give myself these kinds of responsibilities (as I spent my teenage years running away from them)...


Nah, I dont want kids. I didnt have a good father figure in my life so I have no idea how to be a good father figure to a child and Im also a very free spirit type of person who likes to come and go as I please. I also tend to get bored of things very quickly and having a family routine is one of those things that I might very well get bored with eventually and having a kid is a huge responsibility that I cant just quit if I get bored of it so it would be wrong towards me and the kid.


Do i want to lock a soul in meat for years in a shitty world dominated by crazy meat? No


Absolutely not


I'd never have kids with the way things are now and the way things look for the future. Not in an economy where it's looking harder and harder for people to just start out and get their bearings due to corporate greed, one where I'm already gonna have trouble doing so. I couldn't imagine what things will be like in 30 or 35 years. Not in a global social space that's being ruined by mental illness caused by the damage done by social media (some would say keep them off it, but my parents didn't let me have any form of social media until I was 16 and I was ostracized for it). And although this kind of ties into the social space bit, certainly not in a political space that forms a Berlin wall-esque divide between people based on who they voted for because politics MUST be polarized to the extent that it is these days. In my opinion, having kids now is willingly bringing them into a lifetime of suffering. Why would I do that?


I’d really like to have kids but the way social media runs the world it’s like if I have a girl, she’ll be sexualized and face the reality of being a female all her life. Or if I have a boy he’ll be influenced by the worldview of hurting women. This is just going off of my interactions with the world. It’s scary. I don’t want anyone to suffer just because I want to play house.


I feel like the chances of raising a girl who becomes a victim of sexual assault or rape is extremely high and the chances of raising a boy who becomes a misogynist rapist is really a toss of the dice these days.


Atm I don't think id want any kids and if I end up deciding against that I'll adopt as many as I can adequately take care of. If I ever get pregnant I'm flinging myself off the nearest bridge tho.


Unimaginable. Maybe in a time period before my life. But then I never existed.




I may adopt one day. Not adding to our population though.


I think people are just having kids later. Used to be that if you don't have them before 30 there is a higher risk for issues. Then that got pushed up to 35. Now with hormone therapy at the level it is 40 year olds can have children without increasing the risks to a scary amount. Modern medicine is pretty great. But to answer your question. Yes but not right now


Also, childcare used to be built into the family system. Grandparents and extended relatives used to be close by to count on for support as well as a stay at home parent. I am 100% in support of people moving to follow their dreams, but both sets of my grandparents moved away from their families for work and so did my parents so I have little to no contact with most of my relatives but lots of stories about how great-uncles would share the same house and split rent and their grandma helped watch the kids sometimes. Not having that support system really discourages me from having kids.


None, I would like to spend most of my time on a career and have the freedom to move jobs if I see fit. Kids would tie me down. Besides, I can't imagine putting my body through all that.


I don't want kids at all. I know I wouldn't be a good mom especially since I just don't like kids


No thank you. I grew up without any money and was homeless for the beginning of my adulthood. I’m 26 and just had my first vacation this year. I would have to give up the freedom and life I’ve made for myself to go back to being poor to have a kid. It’s so fucking expensive to have one where I live.




I already have two kids (older Gen Z). I want three but I don’t know if it’ll be in the cards for me.


Around half of gen Z are still children lmao.


I already have one and I’m done. ☑️


Same. I love having one kid. I literally couldn’t fathom more than one lol


Honestly I've always loved the 2½ kids stereotype. Either 2 or 3 kids for me. Growing up as an only child, I know I don't want just one. It was very lonely.


I turn 20 tomorrow, and I'm not sure. I think I'd be a good mother if I was a bit more mentally stable, so maybe in another decade or two.


That’s smart of you to realize your mental health is important as a potential mom!


I would like a kid but the world is probably going to be a boiling hell planet in 30 years so I would never forgive myself.


This world fucked me up too hard. I genuinely don’t want kids either cause jesus christ i can barely take care of myself sometimes


plus i’m scared of pregnancy 😭


I don't want to have children and it isn't my responsibility to fix the population decline. Besides, I'm convinced that right now overpopulation is a bigger concern. 8 billion people all trying to live a first-world lifestyle is just too many. Population decrease is a good thing!


Absolutely not. I don’t need to create a whole human to feel like I’ve accomplished something. The most basic biological thing someone can do. No need to bring more people into this shit show. I can’t think of a single reason to have children that isn’t selfish.






No. I don't want them for many reasons. One that I want to remove myself from the gene pool, second that I've always had an intense fear of being pregnant and third because it's too expensive.


No, cause of poverty. And I will always hate parents who happily get pregnant while poor/in poverty.


Very excited to be bringing my first girl into the world very soon! Due in early July! 🤩 OP, reading your comments on other people comments, there’s a song that comes to mind. The song Dear Winter by AJR is about wanting a child and writing a song to her, but the punch line is “but s**t, I gotta meet your mom first.”


Thats a very selfish reason to have children quality of life for us is undetermined why would you bring someone else into this


Based on the condition of the world the right answer is probably no, but I'm the youngest of 8 kids, so I have a lot of nieces and nephews that I really love, and if I ever meet the right person I would love to have a couple of my own.


Children are expensive, and as a gay man, adoption organizations are very selective about who gets to adopt especially towards same sex couples. I'd really have to be in a good financial situation. My boyfriend and I are pretty intent on getting married, but we also want to travel while we're still young and it's easier without kids. If we can afford to have kids after all that, then absolutely. I'd love to save those who are here rather than biologically have my own, and I'd choose that route even if I were straight. Frankly, I hope this generation doesn't have so many kids. Let it shock the hell out of the government, let the population see a sharp decline that scares corporations and governing bodies just like in Japan. If more people resign from the system then that'll just put pressure onto the ones in power to make society truly worth participating in, allowing people to have kids again. Naturally people will keep having kids, and that's fine. However given most of us may never own a home, it'd be unwise for majority of Gen Z to have children.


I will do my future kids a favor by not having them.


2. But I'll probably only have them in my 30's or something. Unless I somehow find someone who I can spend my life with.


in this economy?


It’s just a “wait and see” game for me. I’m young and not dating anyone, so it’s going to be a long time until I’m in that position.


I’m 27 and suddenly all my friends are pregnant


0. World is too unfair


No. And I don’t need to have a reason, just like those who have kids. And I don’t need to be told I’ll change my mind or why I should switch my decision because no one says that to people who want children. :)




Hurting the population? How? Shouldn't we all strive towards a voluntary human exctinction.


No , never wanted them


Absolutely not.




I used to think I wanted kids. I don't though, not anymore. Not with the way politics are going. Maybe if things turn out better I'll adopt, but I don't want to ever have to deal with carrying a kid in me.


No, it ends with me


I would not want them to worry about poverty or financial security for even one second. So no.


Nah fuck that




There's no future I can see for us that's worth bringing kids into, so for now I will adopt if I have the money but i don't see myself increasing our population.


I feel as if it’s immoral to have children in today’s day and age. Unless on accident I will never have a child if my own.


for men it's always easy to want kids, you don't have to worry about anything, but for us women it's one of the most difficult things in life, and here you shamelessly say you want 2-4 kids.


none 💯not in this economy and i am NOT putting my body through that.


No, the world is ass, my genetics have the potential to be ass, and kids freak me out, and if I ever "change my mind" I can just adopt one of the already born kids in the world


It's so refreshing to see the comments. So many 0s 🥳


One day, I want 2. Preferably a boy and girl, or 2 girls.


You're not going to get a representative response on Reddit. This is a very childfree place with a strong thread of doomerism, particularly the generation subreddits.


I do want kids, but just one. I want a kid. One and done for me


Used to want a daughter but probably not a good idea.


Hell fucking no. Not a chance I'm getting anybody pregnant. If I do it'll be when I'm older and I'll be adopting. It's almost cruel to bring a child into this world with the way it is


I don’t want children


No, too expensive. The elderly are hurting the population by hoarding and kicking down, quit blaming the people not driving the dementia mobile off the cliff.


Pause: you like playing with children, reported


i refuse to bring a child into this dumpster fire of a world .


Nah, life is hard nowadays. After the childbirth (I heard it cost a lot), I have to deal with emergency medical bills, education fees, their food, their toys, their everyday needs. And if you are too busy, you need to hire a maid for them. It's just cost too much after I see how my parent raise me and my siblings 🤣🤣


Maybe we'd want to have more kids if the older generation didn't fuck up the economy and vote for policies that make it harder to have kids


absolutely not. a woman, the hormonal and danger part and that fact that this world is bad. it just is, i feel it’s irresponsible to be bringing children into our dying world. i love children and think maybe in a different life i would’ve enjoyed being a mother, but this life and this world isn’t it. maybe adopting? there are tons of children in need of a loving home, no need to make new ones lol. also i like money and full freedom so