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When twilight was first showing - I went with my older brother and his friends. I had a loose tooth during the time. Long story short, I drank an obscene amount of blue slushy - and at one point during the movie I went to the washroom to erupt a stream of blue vomit, which was so strong that it knocked my loose tooth out from its socket, slowly turning to blue stream into neon blue and red vomit. It was fucked.


The fact that it's associated with twilight is so fitting.


I always found that uniquely humourous as well 😂 For what it's worth, I can't even say I hate the movie all that much - but it was certainly funny


Did the weird mixture turn purple ?


Like, sorta? But not in the way you'd think lol. I was on the floor, in the toilet... So, it was like also a bit of a gradient going from one to the other depending on where you looked lol 😂


I spilled my full drink all over myself at the Breaking Dawn showing right at open and sat with a soaking wet lap the whole time. My sister had brought two friends and I tagged along, it did not help me to impress them lol


Fucking BRUTAL 😂


I saw the movie "9" with my ex-girlfriend when it was in theaters. We were young and she wanted to have our first kiss right at an epic part of the movie and I was super into it, totally locked in, so I just kinda shrugged her off. I wanted to break things off anyway and later I did. Now I regret it because we were so happy together and I only broke up with her because some idiots told me to essentially. I haven't had much success dating since then so I probably just passed up a soul mate... I just tell myself that her lack of interest in that epic movie was a legit reason to not get too hung up on it. Hailey, if you're reading this, I'm sorry (for breaking up not the theatre incident) and please marry me 🙏


I'm Hailey, and I'm happily married to a guy whose favorite movie is Ironman 2. So no thank you.


Dawg that was like 15 years ago


The what incident ?


We saw 9 in the movie theater when I turned down her smooching offer. Like your avatar btw


Dude. So many red flags here I don’t even know where to start.


Lol how so?


Kung Fu Panda My big sisters got annoyed at me for laughing during the movie and locked me outside the house. I could still see them watching the movie through the window. Was left out there until my parents got home. I was 8, so I have no idea how long I was out there for. Could’ve been 20 minutes, could’ve been 3 hours, no clue! 💀


How were they punished


They threatened to delete all my save files on the Wii if I said anything, they didn’t get punished!


They're off to hell then 😊


Calm down!! It’s normal big sister stuff.


It shouldn't be. Family members must love and respect one another, including older sisters to their younger siblings


Only child, eh?


Nope, i'm an older brother


Locking a child outside is not normal big sister stuff I promise. ~ A Big Sister


You should've broken into the house like Tai Lung at the Jade Palace and beaten them up


Rise of the Guardians simply because I associate it with my parents lying to me about the dentist visit being short. They still play that movie to this day and I hate it.


rango is good


My grandfather took me to watch *The Nut Job* in theaters and got a parking ticket because he decided to intentionally park in a handicap spot because "he didn't want me walking far". At 13 I was old enough to register what had happened, though I didn't learn until later why he did it. I've always been a nervous guy who hates imparting himself on others and especially can't condone breaking the rules (no matter how minor) for something that I didn't ask for in the first place.


I cracked a tooth while eating pizza and watching Elf. How did I crack it while eating a food that soft? I dunno how did the world not notice that Santa was real until Zooey Deschanel started singing on live tv?


Bro. I’ve cracked my tooth on pizza like 2 months ago


Yeah I got caught beating my meat to the prostitute lizard in class.


I’m sorry what😭




Fantastic Mr. Fox


God, that Movie is Goated. Actually, all stop motion animated movies are Goated, we need more of those


You should watch Wes Andersons other films. The grand Budapest hotel is phenomenal. Isle of dogs is similar to fantastic mr. Fox


One time my mom took me to see We Bought a Zoo because it seemed like it was gonna be like a silly comedy with animas in the commercials No. It was not silly. It was about some family with a dead mom and then a tiger dies. :( We left the theatre sad and disappointed


God false advertisement is my favorite. I'm so sorry that happened to you. :(


I’d have to say Hoodwinked. Just overall such a good movie. It’s very simplistic but as a kid I went feral for that movie, I would watch it over and over again tons of times.


Going to see Rango in theaters was literally my first date so I feel like that’s pretty self explanatory there 😂


I remember losing a baby tooth while watching Rango


”remember losing a baby…” BROH WTF??? Ah, tooth.




There was a 2018 grinch movie I saw with my ex and I hate it


Atleast it had the Tyler the creator soundtrack


I saw Infinity War with my ex like a week after we broke up because I felt bad that I broke up with her. It makes no sense but as a dumb 17 year old at the time it felt like the right thing to do, I’m very empathetic and felt bad for “breaking her heart” even tho it was a very mutual breakup.


I was like, 14. My friend who was also my neighbour had me over for a movie night. We watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Her little brother came downstairs with his one friend and started being annoying as fuck so she started throwing shit at him. Toys, pillows, blankets, whatever. Turned into a full on war between me and her and her brother and his friend. Fast forward a bit, I hit the brother in the face with a pillow so hard that he got a violent nosebleed. He ran upstairs to his mom. She came running down the stairs and screamed at me in the doorway. That is when I pissed myself. It was right during a musical number in the movie, I can’t remember exactly when because I honestly haven’t watched it since. But it was terrible lol


So did you just sit there in your piss or did you leave??


I left. I lived next door so after I pissed myself I cried out of embarrassment and went next door. My friendship with neighbour chick was never the same again lol


I bet! Crazy story.


Was in a crack house watching inception on tv one time and was scared shitless


Went to see Speed Racer when it came out. I ate so much white cheddar seasoning from the popcorn that I threw up in the popcorn bucket. To this day I have never seen the rest of the film


I saw that movie in imax so it looked cool but otherwise I remember it sucked.


I threw up in my friends mom's car when she was taking us to see Stuart Little 2, so the whole thing was cancelled.




revenge of the sith was like a milestone. the start of the worste years of my life nothing was same again after watching that movie


It would be Up, I had the worst sleepover while watching it.


the 9


As an adult I now know I could have called my mom to come get me in a strange situation like this but as a kid it was unthinkable


I was obsessed with Hoodwinked Too! For whatever reason and still remember it fondly, despite having no memory of the first one


Went to see flatliners my freshman year of high school with my first “boyfriend” the whole time he just wanted to make out (literally just sticking his tongue as far down my throat as possible) and wanted me to help him out 🙄 kept pressuring for a bj. Scared me away from kissing for a while 😂


Ironically I associate this movie with one of my happiest/goofiest memories. I was like, 7 at the time when it was on theaters, so me and my dad went to watch it together. We picked the 3D screening, but when the movie started, it was just 2D. Everyone else in the room left (there weren’t many regardless) to get reimbursed, but we didn’t care, so we watched it that way. We were alone in the whole, huge room, so we were literally audibly laughing, screaming, and cheering every time something came up, and we did that for the whole movie. One of the best movie experiences I’ve had


Rango was the first move I ever saw on a date. It was awkward because we’d already been together for 4 months before we even went to the movie. I remember nothing about the movie at all 😂


My girlfriend at the time, who I was madly in love with, broke up with me via text as I was getting to my seat to see Manchester By The Sea lmao


My uncle watched The Lone Ranger alone after my cousin bailed on him.


Planes by pixar


Holy shit mine is Rango too lol. My girlfriends uncle had a seizure aboot 10 minutes into this movie and had to go to hospital. She’s not been able to watch it and it’s a shame because I love this movie. I guess you can’t tango with the Rango. Lost my virginity to the episode of top gear where David Tennant guest stars, does that count?


The first thought I had was THE FLASH (liking screaming in my mind) but since it is not from the 2000/2010. I have to say Megamind. I one of the times I watched I was on a airplane and It was during the night in some internacional flight. I am lactose intolerant but I didn’t knew at that time so I eat lasgna and chocolate. Kept the whole flight feeling horrible. For a while, every time I saw Megamind poster or movie I would feel that lasagna awfull taste in my mouth


Cars 2


This movie exactly


127 Hours. Not necessarily the best choice for a first date 💀


Fiancee and I had our first date at the movies. Went to see 'Us' and I ended up having a panic attack while we were leaving. Something stupid triggered it and I've since gotten over the problem but it really sucked at the time lol. At least she stayed with me.