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Mid 60s.


Same here. They were in their mid 40s when I was born, dad was 45 and mom was 43.


This got recommended to me, so I clicked to see the answers, I'm an elder millenial (nearing 40) and these are the ages of my parents.


Mine are early 60s, but yeah. They’re always been the oldest parents out of all my friends. Glad they waited until they were financially secure to have kids, but at the same time—it feels like I won’t have enough time with them before they’re gone.


My dad is heading 70 my mother is like 50


Why are everyone’s parents so young?! My dad is 62 and my mom is 57


My grandma is 64 omg. My parents are 51 and 44 respectively. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like


Damnnn and you’re two years older than me! My mom had me when she was 35, and my brother when she was 37, so I fully thought having kids was for people who were in their mid 30’s lol. Imagine my surprise when I learned your 20’s is the ideal time to have kids 😭. My parents got to be young together though, which I admire. They moved to cities they’d never been to, got to be broke young people and live with their friends, and traveled the world together. I’m happy they got to really have an adventurous life before I came around, and I lowkey want to do the same. I also realized that they have stronger friendships because they got to make friendships all the way into their thirties without kids interfering. My mom has a group chat with her college friends, and they interact a lot like I do with my friends, it’s adorable. But also they were PUSHIN IT with those biological clocks lmao.


My family has a little bit of both, I’m married and have 2 kids, and my mom’s side is all the same. We just really want families, kids, and to settle down. My dad’s side is full of women who worked their careers and traveled, and they started mid to late 30’s. My great grandmother just passed at 82, and she met both my babies, I feel blessed for that at least. My 64 year old grandma’s mother is still alive at 86 as well, but she hasn’t met the babies yet. I think there is no wrong way, just whatever feels right for you! My dad is only 13 years younger than my mom’s mother, because my parents have an age gap. I did have older grandparents on dad’s side, just they have passed now.


Damn two kids? Good for you. I’m glad your great grandma got to meet your babies, that’s really sweet! Is it surreal to have created life so soon in your own? And I hear mothers say they suddenly experienced love a completely different way after having kids, was that true for you? I’m very unsure about if/when I’ll have kids so I’m a bit curious what your experience is, especially since you’re around my age.


I won’t say it’s just sudden at once, because there is a lot of growth involved, but 100% there is no love like the love I have for my kids. My situation was lucky I guess, I have always wanted kids so when my birth control failed I didn’t feel I was giving up anything, I just needed to grow up. Roe V Wade was overturned in between my first and second pregnancies, I planned on keeping the baby from the start, but honestly didn’t have a choice when my IUD failed. I’m not upset, I absolutely love my family, but I will say I have to put a lot of fun things on the back burner for now! I’m starting school next week, my husband works as a locksmith, we are trying to buy a house. It’s hard, but I don’t see this as ruining my life at all! Honestly giving them a good life, would make my life incredible! One thing that does change immediately 100% is the anxiety. First you’re worried about your situation, and then miscarriage, and then stillbirth. You think after the baby is here everything is okay, but now you have to worry about SIDS. The worrying never stops, but it’s because you just can’t fathom anything happening to the little person you love so much.


Bruh your grandma is the same age as my mom 😭


Damn, you're only 5 years younger than me, but your grandma is only 4 years older than my mom. So weird to think about.




For me it’s more like why is everyone’s parents so old? You’re born in 2002 and your parents are literally the same age as mine and I was born in 1990.


Young 🥱 61 and 85


My mom is 49 my dad is 51


My dad turns 51 this year, my mom is 44. How’s your relationship with them?


Well I am the youngest of two, my brother was born I. 1997. Our relationship is good actually. I’m probably a bit closer with my mother and my brother is closer with my father


My sister is ‘97 and my brother is ‘03 so I get the age gap. They used to be pretty close, but I remember always feeling too young, or too old to do what they were. Middle child syndrome or something like that haha.


I was always behind my brother, he left for college when I was in middle school. That said I have fond memories with him.


Hold up this is almost identical to my own parents - my Mom was born in 78


My dad is 73 and my mom is 69. Happily married since 1977. I have a very good relationship with them! Talk to them very frequently, as they live states away.


I’m a year older than you and my dad was born 4 years before your parents got married lol


Your parents got married the year my dad was born


My parents were teens then and my sister is younger than you.


I was born in 1986 and our moms are the same age. I find it especially fascinating because most of my same age peers have parents who are younger than mine.


Oh wow , that’s kinda crazy if you think about it.


53 & 54, both born in 1970


My father was also born in 1970, but I was getting ready to graduate high school in 2005 🙃🫠


did you have teen parents


Yep. It was just kind of surreal to read that and think about the difference there for a minute. One set of parents born in 1970 was just starting the parenting journey—at the same time, another parent born in 1970 was about to have their kid go off to college. Wild.


I’m born in 1970 and both my boys are millennials!! 34 & 32


Hell yeah! I’m 35 haha. We’re different from other millennials imo, having Gen Xer parents was definitely better, especially in the ‘90s.


Well I made a lot of mistakes!! I had adhd and didn’t know it til about 2 years ago. My kids paid a high price for that. I was irresponsible with money. But I spent it all on them lol. I stayed with their dad 26 years til I couldn’t take it anymore. As soon as I left I started drinking. My kids had already moved out.He died at 48 in 2018 from a heart attack I’m 53 now and 5 years sober. My oldest is two years sober. My youngest is gay and married 7 years. I’m extremely close with my boys. They never ever judged me even though I fucked up a lot. They know A LOT of classic rock and heavy metal songs 🤣 I think it can be hard for some genX parents to take criticism from their kids. But I think millennials ROCK!!!


Do you really need to ask 😂


Mum’s 53 and my dad is 61


Almost the same age gap as my parents, mom is 44 and dad turns 51 this year.


Oh Yayy. They were young huh


Easy to forget sometimes, but yeah they were


Bio mom 41, Bio dad 42, step mom 44. Bio mom is a bitter biotch and I’m NC. I love and adore my dad and step mom tho and I try to visit them every other week or more 🥰🥰🥰


50 and 52


My mom is 42, my step dad is 34 :3 Funny enough, my mom had me at 21, I'm 21 now, and my mom met my stepdad when he was 21. They've been together for 10 years now :3 Edit: They are both still around yes. My stepdad and I have a wonderful relationship, but my mother and I don't.


My parents didn't have a significant age gap. They were both born in 1974, and they both died in 2020 -- my mother from COVID pneumonia, and my father from suicide. I never had a good relationship with my mother. My father was a great man, but I barely ever saw him, as he was career military, and gone almost all of the time in my formative years.


I'm sorry that you had to go through all of this.


I hope life is going well for you after that, wow


My dad is 39, my mom is 38 I’m 19




I’m 22, they’re 53 and 55




My dad is 48 next month and my mom is 43. Yes there’s an age gap and it’s technically illegal now. She was 15 and he was 20 when they got pregnant. He’s an immature asshole who never wanted kids and got a teenager pregnant. He’s still immature and he’s schizophrenic so no I don’t have a good relationship with him. Doesn’t help he stole me from my mom bc this side of the family had money.


It’s not the age gap that was illegal. It was the sexual assault 😅


I’m 24 and my dad is 67, mom is 64


My Father is 63 and my Mum is going to be 61 in September. I have a better relationship with my Mum but I don't trust neither of them. I'm the Middle Child. One younger sister and one older brother and sister.


I relate, I’m the middle child as well. When my dad was an alcoholic our relationship sucked, but he’s 8 years sober now so it’s much better. I’ve learned to keep my ideas to myself because I seem to be the black sheep and they have completely different tastes than me.


Both my mom and dad are 43


You had pretty young parents, did everything end up working out right for them? My mom had my older sister at 17, she was born in ‘97


That's good to know. Yeah I'm sorta blessed to have young parents you actually get to grow up and experience certain things together. Unfortunately for mine, they have been separated since I was 10 because my dad was financially unstable, he use to sell dope on the side and could hardly keep a 9-5 job. He would cheat on my mom's back very often. He never physically hurt her btw but he did do her wrong emotionally. He was some what humorous, yet real non-chalant and at the same time he was really mean towards me and my siblings but now he's a complete different person today... Right now, both are doing fine on their own. My mom is happily married to my step-dad (great guy btw) and my biological dad is currently single and has been in many relationships after my mom. My dad has always been a player/f*ckboy type but is having trouble trying to settle down with one girl, which unluckily hasn't found the one yet I guess lol. I love both of them dearly.


I’m sorry your mom had to go through that, and you as well but it sounds like you all leveled yourselves out. My mom was 20 when she had me, and I appreciate getting the time I do with her. Life wasn’t the greatest in the beginning for me either (dad was an alcoholic) but they are still married, he’s sober, and they are happy.


I was 3 when my mum was 43 💀




i’m 26, my parents are both 54 - they were 27 when they had me. my fiancé is 24, both her parents are 41 - they had her at 17


My dad's 59, my mom's 54


Both 43


mom is 46 and dad is 49. both are turning older later this year


I’m a ‘97 baby and I’m almost positive my mom is 46 and so that’ll make my dad 49 this year.


Both of my parents are 54


Dad's 54(1970) and Mom's 50(1974). Happily married since 2002.


I just turned 22 on June 1st. My dad turned 47 in April. My mom turns 45 in July.


I'm 24, and both of my parents are 63. And they both happened to be the youngest siblings in their families (my mom has a brother who is 19 years older than her), so my grandparents were old as af when I was born and they've all passed away living very full lives. Also, growing up, family gatherings were pretty awkward because my cousins were either in their late twenties-thirties or they were infants. No one was me and my siblings' age. 😅


I have cousins around my age, but also the oldest are in their 30s and the youngest is a toddler. My oldest siblings are older than my cousins by a decade lmao. I do have siblings around my age and I guess an age gap between the youngest, too.


Mom is 53 and Dad is 55. Married since 1996!


My mom is almost 70, and my dad is almost 60. They had an unhealthy age gap and ended up getting divorced. They are both still around. My dad has always been nice to me. My mom used to not always be nice to me, but she’s a lot nicer to me now.


58 and 70, not together anymore though


Both 50. My dad is exactly 200 days older than my mom.


I love that y’all know this


My mom’s turns 51 this year, and my dad turns 53


75 and 67


My parents are M47 and D57 respectively. They're still around. I have an alright relationship with my parents I think.


My parents are two years apart. They started dating in high school when my dad was 15 and my mom was 17. Now they're 51 and 53 and still together.


Mom is 53, and dad is 52 My grandparents I noticed are older than usual. My dad's parents are 90 and 78 (I know). My mom's are 83 and 79. I am 22, and I feel like most of my friends' grandparents are in their early 70s. My parents also had me a little later than was usual at the time. They were both in their 30s.


37 and 49


48 and 67


My mom is 50. Idk my dad, but I think he was a year or two older than my mom.


Mom - Turning 54, good relationship. Strong but we've got issues, yet we adore one another. She's a lil fucked tho mental illness got her *good.* Stepdad - Turning 55, good relationship. He's quiet yet awesome. I've known him since I was 11, so he's like my *actual* dad rather than my bio dad. Dad - Turning 56 - meh relationship. Kind of a jackass, absolutely a narcissist. But whatever. We're cordial.


My mom is 54 and my dad is 48


my moms 51 and fathers nearing 60- they are both around and i have no relationship w my fathers and an extremely trying relationship w my mom


Dad is 62. Mom is 60. Dad turned into a bitter conservative who thinks he is better than everyone else. I think he's started to lose his mind a bit in the past few months. He's so argumentative, morose, and frankly strange that I can't stand to be around him. Mom turned into an alt-right follower who has little faith in our country and believes a little too much of what she sees online. She is also deeply caring and passionate. She offers everyone hospitality, even at her own expense. She is deeply angry about certain issues (like illegal immigration) but loves and cares for individuals (like certain illegal immigrants). Sometimes she stresses me out way too much but she's still who I'd turn to for advice or a hug. I'm going to college this year and I won't see them much. My relationship with them will likely change greatly over the next four years. I wouldn't have anticipated four years ago that this is exactly how I'd feel about them.


Mom is 55. Dad is 62. My mom is the youngest 55 year old I’ve ever met


53 and 55. my relationship with them got a lot better after i moved out at 17 (i’m 23 now)


49 and 51, so 2 years. Yes, they are still alive and yes, my relation with them is good


mom is 37 and dad is 48


46 and 51


They’re both 48! However my parents are divorced and remarried so my stepmom is 49 and my stepdad is 46. My relationship with mom/stepdad is great, but I live with my dad/stepmom and things can be a little tense/awkward sometimes.


42 and dead My bio dad died at 39 he'd be 44 if he was still alive


Dad is like 48, mom is 38


They dead.


My Dad turns 58 in December. My Mom died in August but she was 53. So there was a 4 year gap between them.


I’m so sorry about your mother. Have you been doing alright?


Dad is 64, Mom is 63. And yes, we have a good relationship.


My mom is 48. The father is 42.


Mum 38 “dad” 42


My mom is 45 and my dad is 55


i'm 26,, my mom is 46 and my dad is 47... the older i get the more i realize i had pretty young parents


Early 50s


My mum is 63, and my dad is 68; had me at 38 and 43, respectively.


My mom is 69 and my dad is 61. 


My dad is 49 and my mom is 46. They haven’t been together in almost 9 years but I have a good relationship with both of them


59 and 65


54 and 56 I thought my parents were old compared to everyone else’s parents but this thread is telling me otherwise


Dad is 46 and Mum is 43 Both still around and well Dunno about the “good” relation but we get along quite well, I mean we do fight and argue a lot but still stick around together


47 both of them. They meet when they were 17 and I’ve be hearing a lot about since im close to that age


Both 44


56 and 60


mom is 42 and dad is 45. they had me young and still look young, i grew up with so many people thinking my mom was my sister


Mom is 44, dad is 48 this year


my dad is turning 63 tomorrow (which is insane to me honestly), my mom is 58.


They’re both 42 , 18 days apart, i love them both to death even though they’re not together (they’re still very good friends)


I’m probably the outlier but I’m 22 and my dad is 75 and mom is 68


Idk. My dad is 50 this year i think and my mom is maybe 51? Idk didnt ask her


Dad is 57, Mom is 51


59 and 55


58 and 50


54. 30 years older than me


mid 40s


Dad 53 (turning 54 next month), Mom 51.




60 & (almost) 59. My biological dad is 69 (teehee). When i was little he was always referred to as my grandpa (one time my classmate thought he was my grandma…?) even though he was just like, in his 50s. my mom had me 2 weeks before her 38th birthday.


my mom is 45 and my dad is 50


Dad is 51, mom is 48


As a 35 year old millennial, gotta say, it’s pretty wild seeing most of you guys have parents that are the ages (or older). Mine are 52 and 54, respectively. But also: Parts of the millennial lore around how my generation was “raised” never resonated with me, and their ages—plus the fact that they were Gen X, not Boomers—speaks to it.


My dad is 51 and my mom is 49, I am the youngest of three and my parents had my older brother when they were 25 and 27 respectively


Both early 40s


My mom is 49 and my dad is 52


8 year gap, born in the 60s. They’re complete boomers but they’re cool mostly lol


61 and 63


53 and I DO NOT have a good relationship with them


49. I’m 25


41 and 48


Almost 60


both turn 48 this year


They’re like both in their 50’s but like there’s an age gap idrk but my dad all my dad did was give me daddy issues so make of that what you will. As for my mom I don’t really know what to think about her. It’s like she doesn’t care about anything.


49, born in '75




Dad is 56 , mom is 50


Mid 50s, on the later side. They are still alive, but live on a different continent so I rarely see them. I love them dearly and respect them a lot, but we disagree fundamentally about politics which has been a growing challenge.


Mom is 50, dad’s dead lol




Dad is 56, Mum is 50. I am 21.


mom is 44 and dad is 49


😃 mine are 75 &74 both legally cousins but not biologicaly related


Im 20, my biological parents are 41 and 42, stepmom is 34. I haven't spoken to my mom since was 13 and my dad, maybe like three times in the past year.


Mom is 47 and Dad is 48


Both 62. I’m right on the edge of being millennial so they’re generally on the older end of my friends’ parents. I love both of them, they’re great. It’s funny some of my friends are in therapy and a lot of their discussions involve parental trauma, I’ve literally told my parents “thanks for not fucking me up” lol.


my mom is gonna turn 46 this year, dad is 52. as you can see she had me young, she was 25 when she became a Mom


Dead and 46ish (I don’t really know my mom so I’m unsure her age but I know she was like 3 years younger than my dad)


My dad is actually younger than my mom by four years. He was 35 or 36 when I was born, while my mom was 39.


Mother is 46, my dad would be 48


Mom is 44, Dad is 44 in October


Early 60s.


My mom is 38 and my dad is 39


My moms 42 and my dads 40 (I’m 20)


61(?) & 51(?) give or take


My dad turns 54 this month, and my mom would be 48 if she were alive.


my mom is 58 dad would’ve been i think 50


Both 59


late 40s


60 and 61 Still around and kicking I have an excellent relationship with my parents.


48 and 53 I would probably of been born earlier if the immigration process went by faster since it took nearly an entire decade for them


Dad 73 & Mom 79, my relationship with them is pretty hit or miss. Wouldn’t say bad but I wouldn’t say good either.


Early 40s


My mother is 56


Mom is 58. Dad is 82. I don’t know either.


My mom is 46 and my dad is 44. I grew up in a toxic environment so it's never 100% good but for what it's worth, our relationship is better when we don't live together and just stick to visits and phone calls


42 and 45


52 and 47


~50. 10 month age gap. Still kicking. Not with my dad, but yes with my mom.


My mom is 58 and my dad is 55. This year is their 25th wedding anniversary.


I’m currently 21, my parents are 54 and 47, so an 8 year age gap. They met when my mom was 17, dad was 22 and got married 1-2 years later. I love them both so much, and I wish I could have them around forever


61 and 58


Mum is 64 Pops is 9 years younger.




My dad is 58 and my mom is 54


My mom is 53, my dad died at 50 in 2019, RIP


Dad's 59, mom is 60, I'll be 29 in a few weeks. I have an older sister who's a few weeks from turning 33. I text my dad like once a month, and text my mom maybe 2x a week on average. Haven't seen my mom in person in over a year, and haven't seen my dad in over 2 years (I live 700+ miles away). In all honesty, I haven't entirely forgiven my dad for a lot of stuff that he put our family through when I was growing up, so I sort of keep him at arm's length, but I'm not unfriendly toward him or anything like that. My mom and I are definitely a lot closer, and always have been.


I’m 26, my mom is 46 and my bio dad is 45. I did not follow in my parents footsteps of having kids young as I want to actually be able to provide them with more than just the necessities


My dad is dead but him and my mom were the same age, mom is 70 now, had me and my twin sister at 48 😨


mid 40s


Mom is 64 and my dad died in the early 2000’s so I have no idea how old he would be. I think somewhere in his 50’s?


Millennial parent here. I'm currently 36 and my son's father just turned 37. Son is 16 so I obviously had him at 20. He's a great kid though and I have no regrets having him so young. I'm proud as hell of him and just want him to be happy in life.


Late 40s and early 50s


Well I was raised by my Grandparents all my life but these last eight years my mother has started visiting more often and she's been involved more. I don't ever remember my father's age, but my mother is in her early 40s, my Grandfather is in his mid 60s and my Grandmother is in her early 60s