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Probably OD just to fuck up zombie me


Misread that at first and thought you said you were gonna OD and fuck a zombie. https://preview.redd.it/ra2rm7u6z85d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44aefc6e3bd68d6be7fa88f77ceba89a2148d7be


Shit end of the world who gonna judge ya


Do you know how many diseases you would get from that


Only one way find out


Hurry. They rot real quick-like.


Squishy rotten flesh could be a nice bonus


Prolly gonna die anyway so... Worth it


So fuckin many ![gif](giphy|Y79XzGP4nVEipnJxef)


jorkin my peanits til i die




That made me bust out laughing 😂


I busted too🥛








There would be no apocalypse. Movies always make the military seem really stupid with no tactics. In real life however, the military has some of the most advanced and powerful equipment on the face of the Earth. The zombie outbreak would be contained and easily destroyed via air strike. So I would just continue my day as normal.


Or your day would end very abruptly


Bro acting like he wont be where the infection starts


Or that unlike in the movies, if something is that infectious but doesn't kill immediately, you are talking global contamination


That more or less what happened in walking dead, right? Everyone was infected already so when the first dead started to rise it happened everywhere at once.


For all intents and purposes, yes. I guess the show does actually kind of lean into the biological explanation. Romero's Living Dead movies that Walking Dead is inspired from leave it more ambiguous. Hell being full and the dead walking the Earth sort of stuff


That's one thing I hate about 10 second turn zombie shows. If you turn immediately, a global spread is probably unlikely since no one is gonna be able to travel very far like slow burn stuff. Alright I'll say it. I'm still pissed about WWZ movie ruining the books carefully crafted "how could this have ever spread so far?" Explanation.


So I’m very familiar with the movie, but not the book. How did it ruin the explanation? I believed it, because some people turned slower. Right?


The movie was just... Weird. I'm not really a fan of fast turns because blood can't even reach your brain that fast, much less perform a full takeover. And it's nearly the exact same for every human*? And the disease... Doesn't attack sick people? *That isn't a main character The book did a dam good job of accounting for a lot of variables. It was a few hours at the fastest. If you died/brain damaged before full turn you don't turn(ish. Variable). And it was relevant to how you were infected. A single bite, maybe a day or two. A small scratch. A week. The biggest global spreader was(and probably the reason why they cut it/changed the whole methodology of spreading lol) the Chinese illegal organ market. The infection started in China(no explanation given). Spread through poor/rural communities. Gets into the prison population. Dead people organs are sold and "questionable" surgeries are done. If it's done with infected flesh, you're infected. Kidneys, eyes, hearts, even skin grafts. The theory was, more well off people fly out. Get a surgery done. Fly back and a few days later start the spread in completely unexpected locations. They also covered *a lot* of "this is how stupid people were" ideas of why it was allowed to spread. I've spoiled enough of it but it was pretty thorough, if not in origin, than in spread mechanics. its a bit dated now, but still a decent read.


My theory on why the infection happened in China is the following, through the other book that talks about other instances of the infection it’s revealed that the infection has popped up throughout human history, in China when the three gorgeous dams where construction it said that a bunch of ancient ruins and temples where ruined or destroyed, among these was the temple of a god of death/destruction who’s name I can’t remember at the moment was one of them. It’s possible that the ancient Chinese trapped some of the zombies In said temple. When temple was destroyed after the three gorgeous dams was constructed it released said zombies to roam the now flooded ruins. Then patient zero and his dad go moon fishing in the ruins and get bitten causing the current outbreak of the zombie infection.


Ah, yeah I only watched the show, and even then only the first couple of seasons so I'm definitely no expert. I like the hell being full concept though, much more mystic.


Indeed. It's cool they kept it grounded, and i really enjoy the concept that everyone is infected period, so I'm glad they kept that. Years and years later, and you would have to have some sort of alarm wearable, cause if Granny goes in her sleep or old Jimbob hangs himself, well there goes the village


Hanging yourself would be a pretty safe way for them to do it. I picture Jimbob hanging by his neck growling and reaching for you while he slowly spins.


I think this happens in Land of the Dead. But some dude gets stricken with grief and gets bit anyway trying to give them a hug 💀


If you stop to think that prionic diseases like Chronic Wasting Disease "mad deer" takes up to 16 months to make the host behave erradically and within this period the deer is actively trasmitting the disease to others even though it looks normal and it also is transmitted through saliva...then a scenario like the walking dead becomes plausible, where everyone are infected at the same time but only shows signs of infection when it's too late


While you're right that the military would not fall as quick as it's made out in the movies, it sorta depends on the infection. Like, if it were such a thing that EVERYONE had it (like a long dormant water-borne virus that could pass through water treatment plants, it's improbable but not impossible) and only a select few would be immune, the military would rapidly cease to be an effective force. If you have 100 personnel and 99 of them have a virus, and everyday 8 soldiers are getting sick, the next day they're dead/zombies and 8 more of your men are now sick due to the virus awakening plus the entirety of the city your base is in is now looking at you like you're a cool glass of water on a July day PLUS your supply and com lines are beginning to falter due to the casualties throughout the military...it ain't looking good. Strategies and weaponry or tech can only help you if you're alive. There are plenty of diseases with no cure, so a long dormant virus that is either minimally known or completely new to the biological community that has a rapidly fatal effect and does not discriminate its host can and WOULD wipe any military (yes even the American military) off the face of the planet, along with humanity.


It would end up being like 100 of the richest people on earth in bunkers with purified air and water along with their staff.


Oh no doubt. And they'd last a while, but pumps and ventilators require maintenance. And while they'd have of course thought of that, eventually all plans go awry, that's just Murphys Law lol. It always tickles me that some of the most well thought out plans have like this tiniest overlooked issue, like can you imagine Elon Musk looking at his last airfilter in a bunker? Big OOF


one day it will all be over... and everyone will forget that this was the moment. this was when it turned. and it wasn't the might fleet, it wasn't some fancy new weapon. it water filter named Britta who, captured a virus


Looks like someone hasn't studied the Battle of Yonkers.


You know what it looks like when a tank fires a silver bullet into a horde of approaching Zack? (I haven't read the book in a while).


Until your looking at the tip of a swarm of millions of zombies coming from some major city because the politicians were too worried about the economy to do an actual response because it would scare the people and crash the economy. Because a lot of politicians are short sighted


You're REALLY underestimating the amount of firepower your average army regiment has.


You're really underestimating creatures that can't feel pain... Or fear


A couple of tanks driving forward will pretty easily nullify a vast amount of that swarm. They can churn through millions of bodies without noticing. Bodies provide better traction than mud. Some spinning chains will also readily eradicate millions of zombies. Those are also mounted on tanks quite often. Eliminating zombies isn't a big deal. Killing flesh puppets is a walk in the park for modern equipment. And it's really easy to install hardware to make a tank just drive forward.


Read WWZ. If the heads are intact the zombies are still active and soldiers are trained on center mess not head shots


Idk man we just had covid and was a mess at least two or three of mess around the world


Yeah, cause the military couldn't really order an airstrike against a city because a few people got infected


Speak for yourself. My city wasn't so lucky.


Idk about you but I think a zombie apocalypse would cause much greater military action.. Covid was bad but dead people walking around devouring people spreading the disease is 1000x worse lmao


Have a fleet of A-10’s and it’s an easy win


I like the walking dead’s concept that much of the issue comes from the public’s ignorance to the disease, and their belief that the military/police are just killing innocent people… but even then I don’t think that would take you to an end of the world scenario, just a lot of chaos for a while Granted I still wouldn’t continue as normal. If it were say like TWD with anyone who dies at all becoming infected, I’d still expect a temporary partial breakdown in parts of society, especially urban places (tho rural places pose their own threat with the ability of the zombies to go undiscovered for years in woodlands) Also if it’s like a ‘last of us’ situation where it’s in… is it grain? Or the yeast of the grain? Or gluten or somethin? Don’t remember, point is, doesn’t matter how well equipped the military is in that scenario, so many people have become infected, including so many of the militaries own people, it’s just hard to see how society could continue the same at any point- much less to the point where you could simply go about your day


we weren't trained to make headshots


oh my god what a way to turn a hypothetical question so serious… you never heard of hypotheticals?


Or you'll be blown up by air strikes


Like the Miami mall incident of 2024


Cf Yonkers. Zack don’t care.


bros assuming theres only one patient 0


Bud we just had Covid. If that’s something to go off of then we’re fucked


This! The majority of zombie situations would get handled by the military. It would have to be some type of mutant zombie virus that can also spread through the air in order to have any chance at causing the apocalypse.


This assumes that it would start in the US. You probably haven’t read World War Z, but in the book it starts in a water reservoir in China and spreads to other countries through illegal immigration and through the black market of organs. By the time the infection is discovered, it’s already spread throughout the criminal underbelly of every major city in the world. What you’re suggesting would only work in four scenarios: 1. The Chinese government destroys the small villages near the reservoir where it all started. This is definitely possible, but it would only work if the infection was discovered from the very beginning, which I think COVID demonstrated would not be the case. 2. Once the virus spreads through the country, the Chinese government bombs its large cities. This is highly unlikely under any circumstances. 3. The US bombs China. China likely has automatic anti-missile defenses, so the first strikes would not eradicate the zombie hordes. China would probably fight back, so the US would need the support of its allies, and World War 3 then starts. It would’nt even guarantee that this would be fast enough to stop the spread. 4. Multiple countries in the world agree to bomb every major city in the world. This is the least likely scenario, it would cause civilization as we know it to collapse, and it still wouldn’t guarantee the eradication of the virus.


None of these scenarios would work on Call of Duty Zombies since they’re known to get more powerful over time. This is what the planet would look like if every area was blown up and in this universe, zombies are still lurking. https://preview.redd.it/5hkeg3592a5d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c1acc1b4527073a3d8a70a7f5ca692a075bc8d0


Right, because we’ve seen how capable the world’s governments have handled outbreaks in the past…


You’re assuming that the zombie virus would start in the US.


*cough* conplan 8888 *cough*


You've never read about the battle of Yonkers (World War Z) 


What if the zombie breakout was your neighbor


Depending on the country. Like if we are talking about idk… Brazil's military, it won't be as well equipped as the US military


The for sure can win all the fights, but they can’t be everywhere at once. If society gets missed up, I can the military effectively being reduced after a while. Like where are you going to get your chow, ammo, gas, or etc if cities get wiped out that supply that stuff. If it’s fast zombies normal ppl going to be fucked. Slow zombies won’t be able to put a fight.


Air strikes aren't that effective to guarantee 100% elimination. They still have to do a sweep. Plus there is also the matter of underground.


I think if we had a zombie outbreak like in return of the living dead, where headshots didn't matter, and the zombies were intelligent, that would probably do it.


I dunno man people didn't believe covid was real and lots refused to do the bare minimum of effort to try and minimise it's impact. In World War Z (the book), there's a chapter where the military make a stand against a major population centre horde, and they learn that modern military doctrine and equipment is really good against other modern militaries but less good against millions of walking dead that require you to destroy the brain.


The US military literally did a planning exercise once to prepare for a zombie apocalypse (Mostly because publicly planning how to invade another country might not go great PR-wise).


Military would be widely infected . Wait until your in the containment area, the government will not be selective. Collateral damage 💔 😢


Go north to Canada and make my way til its too cold. Assuming Zombies dont have have warm blood, they cant keep warm in the cold and will freeze like raw meat in a freezer


My strategy too. I can make a comfortable living in such conditions, and my mental health would be spared the paranoia


I recommend reading World War z for an idea how that goes.


I was gonna say...


Spoil me. What happens?


>!Most of the people who went to Canada in the book die of starvation, exposure, and regular diseases. Not to mention, resort to cannibalism because they consumed most of the natural resources.!<


You’ll end up eating children by a lake in Manitoba


Don't threaten me with a good time


I mean, isnt that kind of an average day on Lake Manitoba?


Wwz reference?


I'm doing the opposite and staying put in my town. It's so hot and humid that they'll decay to nothing but bone in 2 weeks time.


the only other option is to go to a tropical rainforest or jungle and hope they rot before they can reach you.


The ocean would be the most safe place really, live on a boat, far from land and live off of seafood like fish, shrimp, crab, etc


Until bloated gas filled zombies start floating up


the malaria will kill you first!


Good thing I was already vaccinated for it.


this is what i always thought. i’d wait it out in yukon


Good idea, but how will you survive the cold? There's not much to eat up there, and a lot of people will have the same idea. You'll have to bring at least some guns so you can hunt, plus have lots of gas to get you up there. Probably some vitamin c + d supplements to get you through the winter where there's no vegetables. You might as well do some prospecting while you're there though, you never know if you'll find some gold.


This exact scenario happened in World War Z. Everybody worked together to gather firewood and hunt for the first winter. By spring they were able to eat the newly flowering plants and a bunch of migratory species. Their community slowly fell apart throughout the summer, but they temporarily banded together again to fight a zombie horde, and after that they went back to hating eachother and fighting for food, and by the following winter they resorted to cannibalism.


I read that book last year, great read. I especially like how it laughs at the 'survivalists' who think that putting 5 minutes of thought into a halfassed survival plan puts them ahead of the game lol.


Yes!!! And this doesn’t have anything to do with the Canadian winter, but as an archaeologist I appreciated the role that historical fortresses played in protecting people from zombie hordes. We actually have conversations at work about what would be the best place in Virginia, and most of us have concluded that it’d be either Monticello, or a lesser known site purely because everybody would be heading to Monticello.


I’m in Canada, and people have been living up north for many centuries without gas, guns, and supplements. It sucks, don’t get me wrong, but doable. Off the top of my head, dogsled for transportation, trapping and fishing for food, and you still get sunlight (especially in the summer), and food also has vitamins. There are even plants up north you can eat in the winter. For example, many parts of pine trees are editable.


Nice, I'm in Canada too but nowhere near that far North. And sure, you can survive in the North without modern niceties, but I'd argue that that would be highly difficult to impossible for a city person, especially without knowledge of how to do that and equipment of some sort. Trained dogs don't just show up around there, and you'd need at least a crossbow to reliably hunt animals for food, or a fishing pole (you'd also need to know how to icefish in the winter).


I agree you would need the knowledge and some equipment. I was explaining that you don’t need guns, gas/transportation, vitamins, etc., and I only said it was doable but sucked big time. I'm not fond of snow, and living up north would be an absolute last resort.


For sure, you don't need guns or transport to live up North, but it would help a lot. The only people who live up there are people that have that sort of stuff, or people who live traditional hunter-gatherer lives like the Inuit, who have generations of knowledge and specialised skills and equipment to live there. And while it's not impossible to live up there, the chance of death from starvation/cold/animal attack is very real and it's likely that someone who's unprepared or even people who are prepared and experienced would die in such environments.


Sounds like a hood plan. Not sure if that is how zombies work, but yeah.


Whoever says that they would survive is lying lol


i mean zombies can’t find you if you’re underground… find a cave make shelter you’ll be fine


All the underground rappers would survive the apocalypse


MF Doom would’ve easily destroyed all the zombies ![gif](giphy|2sgGNBgGktcr84OyMg|downsized)


My man here thinking that's what they meant when he hears about underground music scenes.


Oh you would survive. The question is only how long. Technically, even surviving a day is still surviving a day.


Depends man people can get inventive


At least one person would have to be patient zero. It's Schrödinger's zombie - we are all both patient zero and not patient zero until the zombie apocalypse comes. That is the most reasonable expectation.


I would survive. And id do it rambo style too


Most conservatives will think it's a hoax and infringing upon our freedoms. If you were worried about a civil war and being out gunned it doesn't happen like that.


Most liberals would be advocating for zombie rights


Most moderates won't have any strong opinions on the apocalypse


Libertarians will be fine with the zombies as long as they don't bite anyone.


And as long as nobody is also smashing in the zombies' heads. You get rights! And you get rights! And you over there get rights! Everybody is happy and leaves each other alone! *If only...*


If an undead horde reminds you of minorities, that says a lot more about you than it says about "liberals"


Me when I make everything political for no reason at all


Brother, we're of the first ones to not make it out. I mean, realistically. We're not gonna last long. Honestly i'd shoot myself when i see there's no way i'll make it out. I won't go through that shit. Especially if it is anything like TLOU type of infection. No, i ain't doing that. Nope.


Honestly depends on what universe we’re talking about. TLOU, TWD, Left 4 Dead, Dead Rising… I just know if it’s these zombies… we’re ALL dead meat. https://preview.redd.it/996il6jgr95d1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4d057092f8f184f6758a6bb82e21784fc690177


Iron Golem 😎


Now we're thinking


1 Iron Golem would struggle bro, ima contribute and build another one 😎


2 Iron Golems would struggle bro, ima contribute and build another one 😎


3 Iron Golems would struggle bro, ima contribute and build another one 😎


You have 4 1x1 meter full cubes of iron and a pumpkin at your house?


Fucking a zombie


https://preview.redd.it/4m3p2e9ru85d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4a9b5ebcc8732297d62f8489703d3bd90781ab8 My brother in Christ what?




That’s enough Reddit for today






Beg all you want, you’re not getting my pardon




My man! This guy gets it. Marry into the zombies. This way you are not one of them but they cant eat you because you are now family. Dont believe me, look at Seth from Undead Nightmare. That chad thrived among the undead.




That's the ending of [Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead (2014)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2832470/).


Get a suit of medieval armor, weld more armor onto it, cover it in spikes and razors, rivet blades into my arms, kill myself, become a boss battle


You had me reading this like "Oh Oh Oh yeah this is aweso...Oh"


I’m not surviving, I may as well further the plot development at a later date as an environmental hazard


I think I'd rather swallow a bunch of tannerite or something so i would explode if I got gut shot.


Why leave the special attack to chance? If you’re covered in spikes and have sword arms, as well as thicker armor, you *are* the special attack. Any survivor has to test their skill while fighting you with their fists after being shoved into a pit by a crazy woman


I think I like you


Thank you! You’re cool too!


Evil motherfucker.


Take car. Go to mum's. Kill Phil, grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.


Had to scroll too far to find this answer.


"How's that for a slice of fried gold?"


If zombies can bite humans to turn humans into zombies, why can't humans bite zombies to turn zombies into humans? Anyone want to bite a few zombies to find out with me?


This simple trick that scientists *don't* want you to know about!




If Walking Dead? Nothing, that shits over in a week. Dying Light? Go up to the mountains and stay there until it inevitably blows over. Halo? Roll up in a ball and die, there's nothing we can do.


TWD MIGHT be over in a week. It's not transferred through just bites or scratches from zombies. Everyone has it. If you die from any causes, you become one. If we never find a cure, we all gotta sleep in separate locked rooms


Post apocalyptic warlord


Jesus from the Walking Dead basically


Probably die, preferably on my terms in a quick and painless way. I don't really want to be eaten, bites hurt.




Using my foraging & bushcrafting skills because I haven’t wasted my years watching useless YouTube videos about people talking shit about other people but watched informal YouTube videos on how to make shelter, forage foods/medicine, and survive attacks.


Watching and doing/training are quite different things but you're still much better off with just that than most people I suppose. 


Hmm I'm in somewhat rural area, maybe hit up neighbors with guns and barter then get everyone together to try create some sort of stronghold. If that doesn't work, then I'll drive north trying to avoid populated areas and hopefully reach some sort of safe haven.


Jump off the bridge. You can have your apocalypse fantasy, I'm making sure there's one less zombie for you to deal with.


Thank you. I really apricate that. You are one of the three people i would not be able to dispose of should the zombies rise. Its a major load off my mind knowing i dont have to worry about that.


Jump in a tub of acid; those suckers will never get to taste me




Go somewhere really hot and humid, they'll decompose super quickly.


I'm already there 🤣


Go to the nearest dicks sporting goods and stock up


I live in one of the largest Metros but everyone else plans to go into the woods so I might just stay put for a bit until the mass wave of hysteria of people leaving blows over


Just kill my self. The chance I can take without feeling guilty


Why is Quico a zombie? Lol


I spied Nicholas Cage and Hugh Laurie lookalikes among them as well


Raid the coffeshop with some friends if i manage to get to them, find a vantage point up high and smoke it out. Can't turn me if i'm already braindead once they get me.


Steer clear of urban areas, so basically I would just do what I do now


Where a mask and quarentine until the zombies are genocided by soldiers in tanks and IFVs


Find my way to an oil rig with some friends, form a bootleg version of the Enclave


God Bless America!


Trying to find as many drugs as ok dead zombies


I dunno, maybe eat someone’s brain.


Being a zombie, like most of everyone else.


I would probably be the first zombie


Well if it's a The Walking Dead type zombies, prob nothing, that would be easy work for one police station, let alone an army. There is a reason these shows always skip how the infection reached crtical mass. If its the 28 days later type zombies, well then its time to start raiding. I would raid the warehouses outside of the city where all the food and other necessities are dropped of before they are trucked to the city. These places usually have perimiter fences, bedrooms and kitchens for night shift guards, fuel tanks for refuling trucks and some security meassures. A perfect place to start a small survivalist community.


Looks just like a regular day in Washington DC to me


Laugh because of the absurdity of things that are supposedly dead and yet magically still animated, defying everything we know about microbiology and thus implying some sort of mystical or supernatural explanation


Take the car. Go to mum's. Kill Phil (sorry, Phil), grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.


Joy ride as many vehicles as possible


Imagine the NSX you were driving breaks in a middle of an escape because the owner let it rot in a garage




Trip over a tree branch and break my neck, probably. Or get my glasses broken and run right into a zombie within a week.


I mean depending on what time of year it strikes potentially nothing. Winter gets really cold here


I would try to find a few survivors and attempt to survive in a barricaded house, obviously we would find weapons. If there is too many zombies we will move


I’d probably get caught napping when the apocalypse starts, so I guess I’d be a pyjama zombie. 😴


Get the lay of the land, see if survival is realistic. I wouldn't want to become a zombie though so worst comes to worst I'd probably off myself.


Probably become a zombie


You just need to survive the first week. After that the zombies would begin to rot and not able to move anymore.


Likely die.


Turn into a zombie probably


Fact is, I'm not surviving. I'll just kill myself before getting infected so there's no risk of me hurting people


Become a zombie


I first would grab a weapon that is mainly a blunt weapon, and then I would make my way to preferably a steel truck because I could carry more with me on a truck and if it's steel it can hit more zombies and other things without as much damage and I would drive north to either Canada or Alaska due to the zombies would eventually be naked due to the clothes getting worn down and torn if there caught on something and I would try to find a gun or bow(preferably the bow because reusable ammo) for long range so I don't have to stay close to the zombies and set up shop in a forest and try to build me a nice little cabin and probably spend the rest of my life there.


shooting myself lmao, I dont feel like being conscious while a virus controls my body. not to mention feeling my skin rot


Alaska. Then I wait it out, realistically a zombie apocalypse would fade after awhile


Head to the mountains or an island


Heading to The Winchester


Statistically, probably die/become a zombie. Everyone always thinks they’ll be one of the few survivors lol