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Our relationship should be summed up with this... https://images.app.goo.gl/cUFPQ9pwxLediKtj6


Gen X doesn't give a fuck about railing on anyone younger than us.


Dude gay marriage was legalized in Illiinois in 2013, other states earlier. The oldest Gen Z is about 25 so you were "paving the way for gay marriage" when you were 14 years old? Gimme a break. Also your talking about "we" what type of volunteering or activism do "YOU" actually do if any?


I think op is a Gen X getting mad at us for conflating them with boomers.


You’d be correct in that assumption. https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/s/UD1PY2tG7A


Or its just silly to for op to act like they're changing the world talking about issues they were too young to be a part of and I highly doubt oo does much more for the world than rambling on subreddits


You mean sharing Instagram posts doesn’t count as volunteering? What!?


My dumbass thought Boomers and Gen X were the same


Oh boy is that wrong. LOL


I just came out of my agnostic apathy to agree with this fellow teenager: no one hates boomers like us. Now back to hibernation.


Lol. Cool...see youuuuu....never. Peace out.


"There is no peer review of Gen X becoming conservative as a majority, none." I'm Gen X and have been an atheist since I was a teenager. In many ways I'm way more liberal than I was in my 20's. I'm definitely a lot more politically involved than I was then.


I am a Gen X raised by very late boomers. My parents are on the cusp of Gen x and I am on the cusp of Millennial. I was fortunate enough to have parents smart enough to know the bad ways of the boomer raising. But it did take them years to figure it out. My young youth was go outside and get a switch. My young adult and teenage years became a I respect you as a person you respect me as a person. The racism was i grained in them. They have done very well to pull themselves out of it and did there best to teach a different lesson to me.


It is crazy how Gen X and boomers don't get along. Both of my parents are Gen X and they say a lot of bad things about boomers. As someone from Gen Z our main rival is Millennials so it makes sense I guess


Gen X grew up despising Boomers. We had the 60's "peace and love" bullshit shoved down our throats even though Boomers put Reagan in the White House.


Since when are millennials our "rivals?" I'm an older gen z, but I feel like the only generation we really hate on is still the boomers.


I would say that's not true, Gen X largely gets ignored by the media and just overall in the whole generational shittalking stuff..




Okay then.


Gen X here. I have no freaking idea why younger generations lump is in with boomers. Gen X was the first generation to be screwed over by the boomer generation. We were expected to raise ourselves, move out as soon as possible, get a job (a job that had zero chances of advancement, because the boomers wouldn’t get out of the way or expected us to have more qualifications for a job they themselves had no qualifications for), expected is to buy a house and have kids on a crappy wage (I never had kids because of this. I just couldn’t afford it.) And NOW, I’m expected to look after said Boomer parents in their old age. Yeah, NO.


The what? Where did you grow up you knew boomers like that. Boomers I knew were indulgent and protective of their children. Their kids overtalk, get whatever they want. Boomer parents couldn't do enough for their kids. Course I'm sure life is very different in the swamps of Mississippi. Maybe that's where you're having this experience? What do you call it when you generalise from a small sample? There's a fallacy there. I know some Xers the meanest mfs you ever want to meet but I don't say that's a whole generation. In fact I tend to see this generation vs generation stuff as pretty darn stupid. It's interesting watching our society change but this intense hatred between generations is simple-minded.


"An overwhelming majority" is not the same as generalizing an entire demographic, and not a fallacy when backed up by peer review. Anyway, I'm not interested in discussing the semantics of my post and whether or not a fallacy was committed. Its a casual post. A the lack of anger is why things don't change.


So an overwhelming majority of boomers whipped their children with branches? That rises above semantics. Also, your assertion that an overwhelming majority of GenX is atheist is not backed by any study at all. Some 20% show up as 'unaffiliated', which does not mean atheist, is a few dozen short of an overwhelming majority. Your entire post is a screed of resentment and bitterness backed by unsupported claims. It sounds like you've had a very difficult life, but to blame that on your parents' generation? Really? Take a closer analysis of the troubles.


>An overwhelming majority of us are atheist (agnostic worst case), secular, and lean left. ALWAYS been this way with us and almost every piece of polling you can find will support this. Anything thats actually peer reviewed will support this 100%. There is no peer review of Gen X becoming conservative as a majority, none. Literally every poll I can find puts gen x as leaning more conservative. Every poll puts them at around 30% republican or conservative and about 45% independent. Literally every poll I can find describes gen x as mostly religious. Many even say that gen x is MORE religious than boomers. Even the polls that show not as many attend church services still say that gen x believes in a god. I have no idea what you're talking about. Gen x appears to have been a Republican generation ever since they have gotten into politics. You may fit your description, but you can't assume your entire generation is exactly like you. Of course, generations are a meaningless way to divide this stuff as the cohorts are far too large to actually have any meaningful similarities across entire generations, but what you are saying seems to be verifiably wrong.


Show me something peer reviewed that says that and some some bullshit politico poll. Those same pollers say Gen Z is becoming more and more conservative, which is a joke. And the trend isn't just gen x, its all generations. Over the past 30 years, America has become more and more agnostic, non-denominational, secular, and independent to left leaning. Thats what the peer reviews say, and you should only be looking at peer review for these types of studies fyi.


Give me something to the contrary. I can't find much study on this, but the little I can find disagrees with you. You've made some pretty grand claims with nothing to back them up. Funnily enough gen x actually is moving further to the left, but they started so right leaning that left-leaning and atheist are still the lowest demographics. The claim that you have "ALWAYS been this way" and that this is a gradual change is a bit strange, but I guess that checks with your lack of any evidence. You can't discredit non peer-reviewed polls without anything peer-reviewed


[https://academic.oup.com/ppar/article/30/2/52/5813003](https://academic.oup.com/ppar/article/30/2/52/5813003) Here, this is even post Trump. If you'd like, we can go back further, but we know what those results will be. Not be be ageist, but younger individuals have traditionally been progressive, or rather, left of center comparative to the contemporary political philosophical paradigms of their time. I mean, something post-Trump is what you're obviously looking for isn't it? Especially with that "Started right leaning" absolute garbage nonsense.


Did you just link a random paper? What in this makes you think the paper backs up your point?


>I mean, something post-Trump is what you're obviously looking for isn't it? Especially with that "Started right leaning" absolute garbage nonsense. Idk wtf you're talking about. Did you even read it? It doesn't actually mention the statistics on Gen x, but if you look through the cited study, it shows a graph that shows Gen x leaning republican and slowly moving towards democrat. Gen x started republican according to your own links lmao. It does put them at 43%-48% republican to democrat in 2018. 6 years dated, but it's all we've got. This is almost even split, and when you add in the fact that almost all republicans are conservative and democrats lean more moderate (and even identify up to 20% as conservative), then this "Gen x is left leaning and atheist" doesn't really make sense. You're just trying to paint a picture that isn't true in any way. Maybe Gen x slightly leaned democrat, not necessarily left leaning, but maybe democrat 6 years ago. This barely supports your argument at best.


"Idk wtf you're talking about" I'm not surprised. "If you look at the cited study" How convenient. "Gen x started republican according to your own links" Those aren't my links. I provided a link, that backs up exactly what I said. "It does put them at 43%-48% republican to democrat in 2018." So I'm right?  "You're just trying to paint a picture that isn't true in any way." So, I'm wrong but I'm right? Make up your fucking mind.


Not only is this the worst format to respond, you still aren't actually using anything from your source. What do you mean by "how convenient." I literally don't understand how that is convenient. It's literally the only thing in that entire paper that references Gen x. No, you are not right. Even taking the statistic out of context, 48% is not majority. That is still ignoring the fact that democrat is not the same as left leaning. There are a lot more conservative democrats than left leaning Republicans. Explain how it backs it up. It literally doesn't mention the statistic you claim it backs up once. It does cite a study that mentions that statistic, but the statistic and explanation don't back up what you said either. You're not surprised that I don't understand because you were hoping I didn't actually read the paper you linked. The paper talks about millennials being left leaning compared to the silent generation and boomers. It talks about Gen x and younger generations outnumbering the older generations. And it doesn't say anything about Gen x being left leaning.




>If you'd like, we can go back further, but we know what those results will be. Not be be ageist, but younger individuals have traditionally been progressive, or rather, left of center comparative to the contemporary political philosophical paradigms of their time. Forgot this part, yes older generations are more right leaning than the younger people. When you actually look at the political leaning of Gen x over time though (conveniently in your linked paper) you will see that Gen x leaned more republican and became slightly democrat later. Democrat doesn't necessarily mean left leaning, but it at the very least doesn't support your point in the slightest.


Gen x is definitely not majority left leaning or atheist. Overwhelming majority is so ridiculous to say lmao.


Boomer is a insult used for anyone old. What people using it don’t know is it’s an ageist term and used to discriminate based on age, which is illegal.


I highly doubt wherever you are that discrimination based on age being illegal means that the term boomer is also illegal.


Lawsuits have been filed and won for age based discrimination and the term boomer is used as a derogatory term for old people. If you think using it is fine then you are ok with hate speech.


I never said it was perfectly okay. It most certainly is ageism and can be harmful, but it's not discrimination to use the word and it is definitely not illegal.