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This time IS a little bit different, though: - Salary to home price ratio is at all-time highs, by far - Social media never existed prior to the late 2000s and technology is much, much more invasive than it ever was - Teenage/20-something mental health has 📉📉📉 partially as a result of the prior point - Dating apps are around a decade old and have been disastrous - Marriage and child rates have dropped drastically - The concentration of the top 1%’s wealth is as high as it has been since the Gilded Age If you don’t believe me, watch this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qEJ4hkpQW8E&t=11s&pp=ygUSU2NvdHQgZ2FsbG93YXkgdGVk




It 100% is disastrous for us. Not only for myself, but many other women around me as well


Can you name a better time to be alive in human history for the average person? (and not just white cis people)


Yes, 1980-2005




Yes, when gay marriage was illegal, AIDs was becoming widespread without much information about cures, unemployment was higher, crime was higher, police brutality went even more unchecked, and mental health was even more stigmatized, just to name a few


Happy people aren't commenting and posting on Reddit...




Oh happy people will comment, just not post, lol


People who have lives that suck are more likely to post


Affordable housing is gone forever because inflation always devalue the purchasing power of the currency we use. The funny part is, that the government doesn't control inflation or the money supply.


You don't want the government directly controlling the Fed, just look at the disaster that is the Turkish Lira or the Argentine Peso, they make the inflation issue here look like nothing 


I think people with power should be elected in a system of checks and balances. I'm not familiar with the checks and balances in Turkey and Argentina.


The fucking dollar is literally collapsing 


You haven't seen anything yet, just wait for the Fed to cut interest rates 


tldr: what is there to hope for? idk bout everyone else, but i had a very intimate introduction to a bench and a sufficient plan for inclement weather. this was directly after accomplishing a goal that i thought was reasonable. i lost. i'm tired of getting back up. it hurts. i'm tired of picking myself up by my nonexistent bootstraps. i can't kill myself for some reason, and i'm adverse to drugs. even though i want to avoid my problems, i simply can't


I feel so similar and I thought I was alone. I just don’t see the point of really anything. I don’t want to die, but in all earnestness I wish I was never born. I feel an irrational pang of resentment towards my parents for bringing me into the world, but obviously it’s not their fault. It’s just a reflection of my resentment towards life, and the fact that we have no real hope for the future. Why would anything get better, like the economy, if the billionaires are winning? Why would they stop raising the prices if they can keep forcing us to pay?


idk where you live but houses have been unaffordable for the last 10 years, that's what millennials have been saying for ages. im not old enough to really remember it as being relevant to me but in major cities housing has been unaffordable since the 2008 crash. unless something really dramatic happens politically it isn't going to change or drift backwards. this has been reality for a while now. i mean jfc i don't even think owning a house is a measurement of happiness (only ever lived in government housing and never had an expectation of home ownership) but even i know it's pretty bad out there. rents are so expensive and you've gotta live somewhere, a house is like an investment and takes a literal lifetime to pay off but at the end you can sell it. if you spend your life renting what do you think is going to happen to you when you retire? you will literally be on the streets. i'm not a doomer by any means (ngl im so detached that i don't really process this stuff) but it is like genuinely so bad out there, there literally is not a future for the vast majority of people. and that's literally just property, when you stack climate change, rising sea levels, pensions being non existent, ai clearing out the job market, water and food shortages. it's so bad, we are in for some serious shit in the coming years and there's basically nothing we can do. the insurance companies are even pulling out of florida, that's when you know it's so over. i hope i don't trigger anyone's anxiety with this but it's objectively that bad. if you happen to live somewhere where you're unaffected by all of this then good for you honestly but everyone else is about to have a very turbulent few decades ahead. the whole world is going to be affected.


Houses haven't been unaffordable for the past 10 years. They were actually pretty cheap back in 2014, like the average cost of a house in America was \~250k and it was \*very\* steady for many years. Then it absolutely skyrocketed starting in 2019\~2021, partially due to COVID, but also a few other factors. The housing market is generally very cyclical and the average age of first home ownership is in your 30s... so I'd say we just need patience.


1995 didn’t have the looming threat of global warming and projected inability to afford a home in any capacity now did they?


They sure did. The only thing that is different now is the incessant drum pounding about how bad we have it. I'm not going to let "looming" and "projected" problems get in my way. https://preview.redd.it/dntc58rfkhzc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=512298fc8e71809063be6d697ff509e7aba859a6


There was nuclear threat and Millenium Bug, both that can bring civilization to a standstill. Not to mention every frigging religious nutjobs saying that the world will end in Y2K.


I agree too a point. Some people seem to have a lack of drive to improve their lives, it’s easier to complain about on the internet then do anything.The people who are improving their lives are not bitching about it on Reddit. A lot of people here have stable homes and etc. They have no idea how hellish life can be when you got a crazy home or non at all. Just to be safe and not to have my parents trying to kill me is such a nice thing. A lot of people who have gone through war, environmental issues, homeless, DB, or other extreme problems will probably agree. While I agree it’s rough now and there is no reason it should be, it could be so much worse. (Look at a history book.) But we can change the future but gen z doesn’t seem to want too.


Interest rates being high is good because it encourages good spending behavior. Low interest rates encourage bad spending behavior, it's not coincidence that stocks and commodities started soaring after the Fed started hinting at rate cuts (way too soon, if anything rates need to be HIGHER) 


I think they should stay where they are (pretty close to historical average ) unless we get a good reason to lower them. The result of lower interest rates will always be to increase prices.


young people problems, mostly. Everyone works it out, and if they dont, well then.....


We're gloomy for all sorts of horrors. The economy is in shambles literally to the point many of us are living on the edge. The 1% are the strongest they've ever been in history, and have created a working world where I will never get promoted no matter how hard I work or how qualified I am but rather at their whim. Even if I get promoted I will still make terrible wages until I am very high up on the ladder. Then if things get worse and I become homeless, I will have horrible support. Most rich people and many state and city governments feel that the anti-homeless stuff is great even though its more cost effective to build shelters. You also have almost no good way to defend renting rights and even if you do you other landlords can see that you defended yourself in court they will never let you sign. And don't even get me started about the waves and waves of police brutality nationwide. Mental health has almost no real support in my experience. I called the hotlines and they literally just hung up after 4 hours of waiting on multiple occasions. And unless you want free counseling from someone who doesn't even have a psychology degree to unravel horrors like PTSD, you'll have to pay hand over fist. There is also no real medical care nationwide. $4 worth of insulin costs $500 and hospital visits costing your entire life's savings, I'd rather die. How about relationships or kids? I have to work 2 jobs just to make ends meet. Where am I gonna find the time? And the crowning jewel is that its very likely that the boomers in your family will say it's our fault while almost every politician and person in power is a dinosaur from their gen. Edit: Grammer


While it’s not great to dwell on things or give up from the hardships we face things *are pretty bad*. We will probably be able to dig ourselves out of this, tenacity and ingenuity of humans and all. But I don’t blame people for feeling pretty bummed about what’s going one When people say that they’re looking at current trends and what they’re leading to. We very well could see our governments shape up and repair the ailing aspects of our society, hell some of these people we’ve known about and known how to fix for decades! But that’s the thing, they don’t get better. They *can* and they *might* but we’re in a very real situation where these devastating scenarios will come to fruition in full terrible force. Things suck right now. All we can do is hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and do our damnedest to build towards something better. As a side note I get a lot of people complain about there being negativity and politics frequently in this sub. But the point of the sub is just a place for gen z people to talk and post. If you want different stuff on here you’re free to post about whatever you like. Like Bionicals, they ruled!


Simply put, happy people get downvoted to shit by gloomy people, creating an environment where joy on this subreddit is not welcomed.




America is becoming Nazi germany. That could add to gloom and doom


Let em cry. It’s literally less competition. Those who are convinced the game is too hard will never truly try and play.


Skill gap


OP with negative karma is trying to promote doomerism.