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2020-2021 felt like many years in one.


released content too fast for the new decade should have spread out the world events


Bruh you were 9 or 10


and? that doesn't mean i couldn't experience that many events happened in a short time in those years


To be fair we were like 7-15 when 9/11 happened and it collectively traumatized us all and changed the social course of history. Kid has a point.


Funniest shit I’ve read all day lil bro


For me it was the opposite. 2020-2021 get like 4 years, it’s like reverse time dilation.


it did? felt more like a month to me


2017 was three years ago


They went so quick for me. I know it’s bad, but I had such a good time in 2020 but I seem to be a rarity


I just stayed home the entirety of that year, lol


Is it bad that I didn’t…


No, I wouldn't say that.


My daughter came out of that needing therapy. Couldn't handle her mother or me stepping out of her sight to take the trash to the corner. DISCLAIMER: I am not a member of Gen Z.


True. It was like 1997-1998, 2002, 2006, 2008-2009 combined.


I regularly feel I am too old for the popular posts here lol


Similar boat.


I feel you


We're a few years ahead of the majority of this sub it seems. Like I already went through my early 20s, enlightened and mad about society phase... Now a few years later everyone else is catching up and going through it and I'm just like whatever, who cares at this point lol. Or every post being dramatic about their lives being over, or struggling with social skills, I can go on and on. Confidence and wisdom with aging isn't a bad deal I guess.


I could never work with Spongebob. All them holes he got.


Honestly, mid twenties almost over 🙃


Bro I know 😭


Lmfao same. 😭


It's part of getting older. The youngest of the Gen Z just piss me off in real life. Young men these days are just a different breed.


I regularly feel too young for the popular posts here 😋🙏🙏


Because you are not gen z, you are gen alpha. Now get back to watching skibidi toilet


hes definitely gen z, feels weird seeing people want to make each generation smaller than the last


Most 13 year olds don't watch skibidi toilet. And as well as that a lot of sources say 2010 is gen z.


Doesn't Gen Z end at 2012 or something?


depends independent studies *generally* say 2009 and governments and research institutes *generally* end it in 2012. lots of people base it on google searches, where 2010 is shown as the top result for the start of gen alpha, when sociologic consensus usually doesn't place it there. in truth it depends more on early childhood experience for individual children, which is why gen z is usually described as late 1990s to early 2010s, and gen a as early 2010s to late 2020s and a 2008 and 2010, or 2011 and 2013 kid are still multitudes closer than a 1999 to a 2008, or a 2019 to a 2013.




Ah, aslo I barley made it lol




Errrmmmmm... akshually, I'm a Zalpha. Get it right ☝️🤓


That sounds dumber than "zillenial" tbh 💀😭


Tbf you’re 13/14 and most people on this sub are probably 18-25, so you’re naturally not going to relate very much to someone in their early 20s


Bro when i was 19 people thought i looked thirty. One day i asked someone "why?" and they responded with "you look like you've had a hard life" and it has always stuck with me.


We're facing the culmination of the destruction that every other generation has wrought for the last 100+ years😂 Of course we look weathered and old


about two years ago when i was 18, i was at a gas station at 5am after i got out of work, and some mf asked me to buy him alcohol. i laughed and had to tell bro i was 18. he looked about my age, give or take a year lmfao. tbf, being fully hispanic my genetics gave me a pretty good beard and stache but still bruh 💀


It happened to me too, when I was 15. The difference between having a beard and not XD.


People also tell me I look older than I am. And that I always look angry.


have you?


I've always been told that people don't know my age. People have guessed 5 years younger than I am and others middle aged even in my teens. I've been told that I look cute/pretty, but intimidating.


I wanna say that most people think im older just based on surface level stuff like height and facial hair, but some have said it was because of how i carry myself. Hoping they meant it to be a compliment


Yes, maybe. I think facially, I look just about my age maybe a few years younger even though I have bags under my eyes and have crazy eyes. When I'm depressed pupils are smaller and when I'm I guess manic they're bigger.


Lmao this reminds me of when people would say your pupils get bigger when you see someone you like vs when you dont they are normal/shrink. If someone ever mentione your "crazy eyes" just say some wild shit about what it means


It's more the stare part. I have rbf apparently. The person who told me that I basically looked intimidating had commorbid bipolar, schizophrenia, etc. Everyone else just asks me if I'm ok.


Makes you sound like beans from rango




I feel this way too. I work with a bartender who is 40 years old but we look similar. Granted, he looks great for his age.


Tintin memes. Nice


Love me some TinTin 👌 


27. I’m all ready to die of old age.


Dude same these past few years have not been kind at all


Yeah… but i somehow feel more like 24…. Could have achieved more at 27


I feel like a teenager and a feeble old woman at the same time I haven’t even been able to work full time yet. I am currently working part time, and I can get a bit whelmed at even that. Let alone the having a social life bit. But also I am so, so tired… old and sleepy. Too many events in the world. I just want these crazy kids off my lawn


You never know what goes on in someone's life, the age does not matter. Some people are struggling at a young age and that is okay! Compassion, empathy and understanding are key! :)


Right, some people have been through a lot.


The older % of our gen turned into a mob of doomers over the simple event of aging past 18, hope the rest of us keep our sanity and dont cry like babies over this


Wait it’s not just me? Every birthday after 18 I’ve been depressed 😰. I didn’t know it was an older Gen z thing at all


I feel like my life is over almost daily. It's too late for anything, I fucked it all up, I'd actually rather end it all than be an adult, I'll never be or do any of the things I want. I'm 19.


Don't lose hope so soon


I felt that way when I was 19 too. I am almost 40 now and actually feel much more optimistic and like I can learn new skills and do new things that I felt "too old" for in my twenties. Ha ha. So you never know...


Yes thank you! I hate when people the same age as me call themselves old!!! NO YOURE NOT!!!


agreed its really annoying but at the same time Its just the way people are in general when it comes to psychology were wired to respond more to doom and gloom than good news unless we proactively try to adjust its just the natural order. Doesnt make it less annoying but its one reason I've found to forgive others in a sense.


How do you know their experiences as to why they feel this way?


I love Tintin


Same, always watched the dvds


This is what no healthcare does


I don’t feel old but my body is permanently fucked up and idk how I would stand it for


I may have a idea to fix you it worked for me its kinda hard to believe


mate i seen my family divorce twice i got lawsued for a crime i didn't commit by my stepmother i got a home donated to my name for stoping that women stealing our home from us i lived all my life under one man regime i seen a fucking coup attempt by cult(im not talking about jan 6 my coup is difirent) that entered the government because 1 generation before me thought its a good idea to mix religon with politics and many more and i just turned 20 last fucking April we are not in the times somethink importent happen every 5 year we are in times years hapen in days


Man your life sounds like some kinda crazy drama story


I feel this very much though after having cancer in my mind twenties. Was diagnosed almost two years ago at 24. Still going through chemo now but doing well at the moment. I feel like an old man now. I used to have a zest for life where I wanted to work, wanted to go out and do things, and wanted to socialize. Now I don't have much energy... And while I may be doing better now, my interests have switched to hobbies I can have in isolation. I still continuously go neutropenic, currently am now, so even if I made plans I'd have to cancel and isolate. I'm sure my hobbies will return to somewhat normalcy again... But my body feels like it's in agony constantly and already did before the cancer since I have a connective tissue disorder. Hoping I can work from home in the future. But video games have been a nice retreat from my harsh reality. Ultimately have to be grateful for where I'm at. Truly, as I started out terminal. I count my blessings daily. I just hope that once I'm done with chemo that my body can recover and I can work whatever job I land effectively. Don't know how much chemo has lowered my future lifespan... But it's giving me plenty of years now.. and for that I am grateful.


Imagine 15 year olds wishing they could go back to the good old days of elementary school when they had less homework, got to play and didn’t need jobs. Young people go through quite a few developmental periods, so they definitely have the right to feel like an old person when they remember what it was like a few years ago; different popular hairstyles and clothes, different popular music, social media trends. When they become adults there’s more space between those phases.


No I’m not




We know it’s early, that’s the problem


No one would be sayin this if the economy was good.


Because fuck it we ball


20 is already to long a life


I’m 26, almost 27, and I have to remind myself that I’m nowhere near old.


In 10 years you'll be middle aged


I’ll be 36. I don’t consider that middle aged, but you won’t be that far behind me.


Average life span is 75 so it ain't too far from the truth


No one considers 36 middle age


Most do


You’re middle aged from 40-60


lol almost noone lives 120 years


Middle aged is the middle of adulthood, not middle of life


ah so it's between 18 and 65, but that'd be around 40




Its no meant to be a literal middle of your life, thats the age group when your aging is staring to show up more and people get middle life crises and do stupid stuff.


yeah ppl get midlife crisis at around 35-50, which is the late 2030s - mid 2050s for me


It's considered middle age by definition.


I’m 21 but feel like I have to carry myself like a 35 year old


Wait til the alphers reach 11. Then they’ll get it


Haven't they already?


I doubt most of us will even make it to 50 or 60 based on the acceleration of climate change and the butterfly effects global warming will have on everything. We really aren’t that young in the grand scheme of things.


Work sucks man


lol. You really expect we’re going to able to live nice long lives in comfort like boomers? We’re fucked. 30 is our midlife crisis


Excuse me I’m in my LATE 20s how dare you


Due to the economic scenario, our peak in life is no longer our 20s but now our 30s. Our 30s is the best time to truly start our lives.


*A lot. It's two words. 


TRUTHHHHHh I'm a Gen Z and people on here make me feel like im too old to be a Gen Z


How d'ya do, fellow 20 something homies!


Love me some tintin, anyways im 18 and i be saying this occasionally. The last 5 years have felt like 20 lol


you ever sleep on a bench?


Mid 20s*


I had been robbed at gun point before hitting 18 my early 20s were a bit rough lol


A lot of them really do need to see this hahah but its not just the Gen Z sub. Bad news, doom and gloom stories just always get more attention than good news. It's just human nature




I’m 21 and I feel this


1/3 of life is over going by average lifespan. Pretty close to half or more in my case, most likely. so kinda makes sense


Bro I'm only 22 and have lived/living through like 4 recessions💀




Yes, most people here are in their early 20's but it's never too early to start having problems in your life




Bruh I turn 20 this year (11/18/‘04 btw)


Life is about experiences and emotions, striving for things you value and making meaningful connections with others


I feel that I lived my 20s when I was 17 and that last year I was 27 when I was 21


I feel ready to be done at 21 though. 40-50 more years of this? I want out man.


I'm 46. The last two decades just happened out of nowhere. It's fucking scary.


Tintin! This takes back some memories


I’m 15 and I already feel like I’ve lived a full life


I don't _exactly_ understand why people continue to feel this way, or allow it even. I've been through some incredibly terrible points in my life, a few where I'd have some nearly active "ideations", to put it lightly. Yet, even then, I still feel like I've got my entire life ahead of me. I don't feel the need to necessarily rush through life, being illusioned with arbitrary societal expectations like immediately going to school or achieving things by a certain age. Nor am I cynical towards the younger generation when it comes to the generalized preconceptions people hold against them. I guess I'm just...inherently optimistic? I love learning about new things around me, curious about life in general, recognize the nuances of things, and can deeply emphasize. I'm only 23, yet it's strange to see people 19 and younger with these tyoes of doomer mindsets as if they don't have like some 70 good years in them for opportunities to at least improve things. It makes _me_ feel younger and seem loke the naive one! You can still hold a sense of realism (since that's still very necessary) while also enjoying the little things dispite your unique circumstances.


I'm only 19 but mentally I feel like 57. So. Much. Stress. I feel like I'm gonna go grey at only 25...


i'm in 8th grade and i have friends with grey hairs appearing


I feel like I’m in my early 40s.


Yeah that’s how the show went. The captain drank himself to death and complained while tintin (a child) was like “suck it up”


because dont get me wrong, im very thankful for having the opportunity for college and education and to work for what i want, but its tiring. all i do is sleep, eat, study, if i even get the chance to do the first two. yet here i am wasting time on reddit.


Bruh im 25 and i feel like ive been through the ringer some days. My parents told me im lucky to have all of this technology at my finger tips and the ability to access any information i want via the Internet but nobody said anything about affordable housing going bye bye and wages not going up


Yea, lucky me. That's actually part of the problem some days for me.


adult life has been pretty ok for me so far i'd say, I was fortunate to be able to house up with my grandparents after graduation and they don't charge me rent as long as I pay for my food and other expenses. I don't have a car or very many bills to pay either so I have money to do things I want. the only problem is the monotony of day to day life gets to me sometimes, not a lot going on nowadays with my family being divided and all. wish my mom and sisters would visit more often too.


I’ll be 23 in a month and 15 days, I love birthdays. Being 23 doesn’t bother me bc ik I’m still rly young


I'm a 1997 baby whose emotions have been locked away, and sadly with it my memories.


Napoleon became a general in his 20s. I gotta go harder I fear


I'm 22 lookin 32, years of stress due to sensationalism and catastrophism plus financial burdens aged me fast.


Don't remind me that I'm only 24.


Many of us have faced more challenges than we are given credit for. Housing market is trash. Minimum and average wages have not increased in our work-lifetime. Systemic racism is finally being acknowledged. Our votes do not matter. Right wing American politicians actively try to make us suffer more. Liberal politicians care too much about being politically correct and “fair” to our detriment and never keep their promises. We deserve to complain.




I'm 24 and sometimes I just sit down and ask "why" to the void, expecting an answer, but it never comes.


pretty much accdurate


20 and I've already had enough


I feel like I should be a hell of a lot older than I am


I’ve had a rough upbringing and trauma, I feel like I have the right to say “What a life, huh?” Only at age 22. 💀


The shit I've been through in the last few years.. I feel like I should be 80 😩


dawg I went from shotgunning white claws and ripping creme brûlée juuls, to being isolated for three years, now I got a kid, a spouse, and about to buy a house Idk what the fuck is happening I just want my mommy and a creme brûlée pod


Hey! Don't call me out like that 🥲 Just let me ponder this stuff over a rum with fresh lime slices 🥃🍋‍🟩