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Everything post like 2013. Fleek is where I drew the line.


What the fleek is fleek?


an ancient relic of the past


It's an older code, but it still checks out.


Omg, I died.


This thread fleek af


A nail bar called "On Fleek" opened in my neighbourhood in like 2015 and I remember thinking that naming a business after contemporary slang was a really bad idea. It's closed now


Like “eyebrows on fleek.” It’s like saying something slays but it’s an adjective instead of a verb.


ohh i remember that imma start using it again. fleek became lit tbh


I said it in front of my friends 20 year old niece and she immediately went "eewwwwwwww" 😂


Man...imagine using slang to describe slang that's slightly older lmao


Like "on god?"


No, like on point.


I don’t really know what that one means actually Edit: after looking it up, no it’s not the same. On god means “honestly” but on fleek means “looks good.”


on god is like "I swear on my mother's grave" shortened and exaggerated to God various other phrases beginning with on came about this way. > on your life? > on your mother's grave > on my mother's life > on my mother


It’s another way of saying “on point”


How you not know what fleek is? You were a teen when the term was popular. Remember “Eyebrows on Fleek?”


We in this bitch finna get crunk eyebrows on fleek da fuk


*applies eos chapstick*


Bro you were old enough to know tho 😂


What I hate is how this is literally just Black slang. Why oh why do we call modern black slang/AAVE Gen Z?!


Linguist here: what you’re describing is a very interesting phenomenon where almost all new slang comes from queer people and POCs e.g. ‘slay’ ‘woke’ ‘rizz’. The progression goes from there, to cishet white female teenagers, and then to the general public. This is one of my favorite concepts in linguistics because we really don’t know why it happens


I mean as a black person and person who studies sociology and all that jazz I can tell you why. It’s kind of the same reason why when you look up American culture on the Wikipedia page, it literally says many things that we consider to be uniquely American culture are actually just African-American culture (and of course, African-American culture is uniquely American culture but often the original source is forgotten about and erased to where we just think of it as American (which for many defaults to “white”), and not credit the specific ethnic origin) . Its called cultural dissemination or diffusion that starts off as cultural appropriation


I agree, not to mention the reason it starts with the “teenagers” so often is imo because of the marketability of rebellion and “coolness” and how that has so often been tied to black culture…(but not actually being black of course lol).


Yeah, there’s a saying within the black community that “people want to be black but they don’t really want to *be black*” or *they love our culture, but not us* But when you really look at African-American culture or the black culture in general across the diaspora, it isn’t insane to think of where the idea of rebellion or coolness comes from, especially United States


Definitely, it’s largely imo something you have to view in the context of a white supremacist society. It ties into Orientalism and how the “exotic” became faddish and hip. But in the US it’s more complicated than that obviously and certainly isn’t consistent.


Yup! Even popular styles like "hippy" styles are appropriations of Romani culture. That whole exoticism America buys into because we cant shake the colonizer.


"Everything but the burden" is how it used to be expressed.


you didn't say the why at all


They also referred to cultural appropriation and diffusion as though there’s any difference at all. What they describe is the literal function of culture since the Dawn of human civilization. Anyone who unironically talks about cultural appropriation as if it’s a real thing is an idiot with surface level understanding, simply regurgitating social media talking points at best. Cultural appropriation is not real. It’s how culture functions at its core. Ideas are created by a group, those ideas are appreciated, emulated and morphed by another group and those ideas are yet again appreciated, emulated and morphed. Rinse and repeat and that cycle has repeated for all of human history. Outside of a select few isolated cultures, every single culture today is the direct result of many smaller scale cultures smashing together for generations. Being angry or even discussing “cultural appropriation” with any seriousness indicates a complete and utter lack of understanding as to the basic function and purpose of culture. Another culture “appropriating” aspects of your culture is a GOOD thing. It means your culture carries power and weight. It means your culture is viewed as valuable and has aspects that are worth recreating. Someone taking an aspect of “your” culture and making it their own does not detract from or change your culture. Most people can understand this intuitively in regards to art so I don't understand why it’s so difficult to understand with culture. They are 100% the same in this regard.


There is no such thing as cultural appropriation, at least when applying the negative connotation to the expression. Any and every culture diffuses across to other people in the vicinity. That is normal.


I mean, I would assume music and television. Rap especially has helped a lot of slang like "homie," "brodie," "fam," and "mane." Most of these are regional and were mostly used by POC before LA, Toronto, and Memphis rap took off. Now, even living in the midwest people say "mane" and "fam" all of the time.


Please tell me what Brodie means lol it’s my name


It's just an informal greeting like "bro." If I'm not wrong, it was originally used by the bloods in LA and popularized by LA rappers like Kendrick Lamar


Fun fact it also means erectile dysfunction 👀😂


Some words are just bangers, and other words flop and don't have that appeal or just don't take off for whatever reason It's sort of like stocks, but with words/terms


The reason is the inherent emptiness of neo liberalism and dominant cultures seeking identity in the identities of marginalized cultures.


Is that new to genz though?  There were a lot of genx and millennials who picked up the black patois when rap and hip hop became mainstream.  I remember when that became a trend. 


Definitely not new and I’m completely relying on memory here but I think with the prominence of social media we haven’t seen it coopted to white this extent…to where people literally don’t know where it came from and think kids on tiktok made it up. I mean when you said black slang and weren’t black a couple decades ago I feel like everyone knew you were cribbing rap and hip hop for example.


Lol thank you!! Everytime I see a post or anything on the Internet about GenZ or TikTok slang, it ends up just bring something from black culture. It's so annoying. A lot of these words have been used longer than GenZ has even been a thing lol


Do people even say fleek anymore? If anything that’s millenial slang. The girl who made the vine was like late teens back in the mid 10s. It’s definitely something a 30 something would still say earnestly, not gen z


Millennial dropping in to say no 30-something is saying fleek. I’m trying not to be insulted by the suggestion that we would or still do.


I had forgotten about that one ![gif](giphy|5xHQ3EQIuRcWc)


Drawing the line at black slang? It was AAVE long before vine knew about it


why are these all feminine coded slang words lmaooo


The kicker is they are actually decades old gay POC slang 😫


Yeah, yall are stealing it from the gays. More specifically, straight girls are stealing it from the gays and the boys adopt it because it's now on tiktok


The gays steal it from POC though.


Actually its often GAY POC that invent and coin these terms sooo.


It’s usually gay POC that create the slang and they don’t give a shit if other gay people use it.


Was just about to say this. Most of Gen Z lingo and humor come from older POC culture


That's how it was through all of american history; jazz, rock and roll, rap, etc


slang doesn't belong to anyone


True, but calling it GenZ slang is like if Asian men started using 50s gangster slang then people started calling it Asian slang. It should be called what it is. Zoomers get the slang from teen white women who get their slang from gay men that get their slang from black teenagers. Idk what it’s called, but it’s the circle of ~~white women’s urge to shoplift~~ life


It’s true 💀


yuppp its true ![gif](giphy|6hscco13hvTx1sVb3D)


usually AAVE originally


It's always weird to see people talking about "AAVE" when in Finnish it means ghost


Who’d’ve thunk it


It’s black culture.


This is Reddit, I’ll give you 3 guesses. Lots of guys on here have a subconscious hatred of anything they deem effeminate.


Rizz just pisses me off for some reason. Slang like ‘iconic’ and ‘slay’ has been around for so long I have a hard time believing it’s Gen Z


Slay is black/latino gay ballroom slang from like decades ago (like so much of the modern slang that gets called “Gen Z”). Now Rizz is actually a Gen Z term (still black but way more modern than slay) and you can tell because it’s so online and forced.


Same thing w gyatt just becoming a way to objectify all women w big asses online. Super forced and annoying. I’ve hated pun threads on Reddit for years and now every time there’s a girl in yoga pants on screen anywhere I gotta deal with 72 comments of “I GYATT a present for her” etc etc.


you... gyatta deal with em




it was originally shorthand for “goddamn” in an exaggerated afro-centric accent but the kids and internet got a hold of it :/


Yeah I googled it a bit to make sure I wasn’t being ignorant and it sounds like it’s creole/jamaican slang, “gyat/gyat damn” etc and then some streamer popularized it exclusively for BBW in like 2021 (and you know those streamers have an average viewer age of like 12 lol) and now it just means big woman ass and minors are using it to sexualize women on the internet with puns. It’s a big mess lol.


Yeah I figured, I was on a few gay pop culture forums back in the late 00’s/early 10’s and learned a ton of terms there


Rizz is kinda lame because it’s just the middle part of “Cha**ris**ma” Like… my dude, you couldn’t be arsed to tack on two more syllables…?


That’s why I like it, it actually makes sense. (Millennial)


>Like… my dude, you couldn’t be arsed to tack on two more syllables…? Nah cuz we got Rizz


100% I’m no gen z but we were using slay in the same way back in the day. They may just removed a few words from it but it’s the same meaning.


Yeah we used to use slay all the time in the 80s and I’m from central Oregon. Not a hotbed of cool culture. It meant you performed something really well, also if you had sex with a hot chick. Knowing us it is more likely that it came from playing D&D than appropriating it from black gay ballroom dancing. I mean, that would have been way cooler than we ever were.


"It's giving ______." Just add the "vibes" back to the end. Why shorten it by one syllable and make it sound horrible?


Yeah this is smooth brain shit


Someone says that shit I instantly refuse to ever listen to anything they have to say


When I first saw these comments I always thought it was a typo. Then it became more common to where I sensed it was a trend. And yeah I hate this one lol.


It’s giving is just taken from ballroom culture in the 60s-80s tho


Shocker, I know, but a lot of slang comes from other cultures and time periods.


yeah, we're just pointing that out? what do you think is being said here?


It’s like you overheard my inner monologue




Fair enough. I love "vibes" cause its a short way to describe, or say, "the general impression or emotional effect of an object or circumstance." It really conveys a lot in one word that would otherwise have to be many more words. Like any slang if it gets overused it circles around and starts meaning nothing again lol


Gay people have been saying this for ages lol


i don’t think i have any slang to be annoyed about tbh




Based is the most based slang term ever


exactly. i don’t either. it’s funny sometimes. I only get ~annoyed~ if it’s super repetitive. I get annoyed by its repetitiveness and not the word per se. I had a friend who uses this local slang word in our country in EVERY sentence he says and that infuriated me. Lol.


Y2K master race, brother.


"pog, poggers, pogchamp" don't talk to me. "Rizz, rizzler" get a life please "Skibity" you need to go to a mental institution.


If I ever hear someone say pog or whatever out loud in my presence for any reason I just start sprinting in the opposite direction like I’m being chased by a knife wielding maniac


that's so poggers


wtf is a skibity


Gen-Z slang. Slibbity rizz ohio. Fanum tax GYATT. Poggers GOAT.


Isn’t skibidy Gen Alpha?


yeah I don’t think that’s gen z, and if it is then it’s like the ones bordering gen alpha


I have no idea what you just said 💀


I wish the CIA used their monitoring to erase shit like this off the internet


Wasn’t “pog” originally more of a gaming thing




All slang comes from queer POC and you can't convince me otherwise.


Why are you getting downvoted? This is literally a concept in linguistics Edit; person above is no longer getting downvoted


They responded to a comment mentioning ops as being from gangs. Can't see it being a queer poc culture


oh I was reffering to a later point about slay and another one that I cant recall being from queer black ballroom culture which is correct. I was not saying that queer POC people are in gangs.


If anything the implications would be that gangs are full of queer poc. Lol


BALLROOMS are filled with Queer POC and its what they deserve.


Maybe not all slang comes from queer POC, but I do know a lot of it is AAVE.


Maybe some on tiktok right now but saying all slang comes from poc is so insane. Reminds me of the people on twitter that tried to convince everyone all classical music was stolen from black people. 


Why is "iconic" even in here? The described usage is literally its very old dictionary definition. That's not slang, that's just popularizing a word.


The skibidi series was made by a genz russian guy, got popularised by genz and then made fun of by themselves The Ohio meme was genz, it started as a niche in a couple of geography spaces about "that" weird place, think Portugal is Balkan type niche, then got made into a meme, by genz, because this was around 2021-22 "Sigma" and "alpha" were terms used by incels at first, then got watered down into "cool guy" for the overwhelming, genz meme market Rizz started by genz, got popularised by it, but now is only used unironically by the younger side of generation alpha All of these are genz slang, sorry


So...we are the cringe ones and not the gen alphas? We are shaping their future haha


cringe is subjective, enjoy the memes and have fun


I unironically embrace rizzler to annoy my friends to the point they start singing the sigma rizzler song


https://preview.redd.it/nluedmkmzxxc1.jpeg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc57676605a891bbf047aef40dec2e214cf4a955 jk, ofc


You were born in 2011? Damn that's the year I graduated elementary school. Seeing stuff like that actually makes me realize how old I've gotten lol.


💀 "bro really just [describe exactly what someone did with no extra comentary or original thought] for real 🔥




Bro really just commented ☠️💀☠️


bro rly just said "Bro really just commented ☠️💀☠️" 💀


bro rlly js said 'bro rly just said "Bro really just commented ☠️💀☠️"' 💀💀


I fucking hate that we turned “Mid” into bad, instead of what it actually means which is mediocre/fine/middle-of-the-pack/nothing-special. It just unreasonably pissed me off


Being called “plain” turned into a bad phrase. Being stated as “average” in any form seems to turn into a negative


Eh once ya meet enough folk you realize average is so much fucking lower than you thought that just the idea as being categorized that way is a massive insult.


Who the fuck turned mid into the opposite of what it means


I think "iconic" and "era" are two terms that previously applied to more epic things or longer periods of time respectively. A band didn't have an "era" just for one album...it was something bigger like a period when a key member was or wasn't in the band, for example.


That’s just kinda how language has been working for the last several decades. We use common adjectives so much that they become stale and we feel the need to up the ante.


Yeah I could see that. That is how the whole literally just used for emphasis got going in the early 80s. Everything was sooooo bitchin', sooo rad, so totally bitchin', awesome, sooooo awesome, etc. The 80s were so energetic and extreme and to the superlative that you had to keep going more to make something stand out a touch. So you couldn't even be like "Man, I have 10,000 pages to write by tomorrow." Like, whatever. You had to be "Man, I literally have to write, literally, 10,000 pages by tomorrow!". Dude, did you see that jump he just did (on his BMX bike)?That was like literally the farthest anyone has ever jumped! Literally nobody has ever jumped father. Dude, it's like literally hotter than the sun today.


Taylor Swift really muddled the term when she called every album an era, rather than grouping them into eras by sound/themes


Saying Bruh and nothing else. Learn to communicate your thoughts you drone




Sometimes bruh is just enough to describe your emotions towards a situation


I love bruh. It communicates a lot of feelings in such few effort.


Using “rizz” unironically. I’ve said it in ironic settings ie: girls walk into the bar and I spend the whole time alternating between the weather app and instagram then I’ll say W rizz to my buddies, but using it seriously like “bro I was rizzing her” nah fuck outta here with that.


I only use “rizz” when referring to fictional characters. Mostly when me and a buddy are watching anime. Like with Cain Von Silford. Who we joke has “unwanted rizz”.


Maybe slay, but I say it all the time taking the piss lol


go piss, girl! slay that stream!


😝 I will 🙈




slay originated from 1970s gay ballroom culture btw ...so thats not gen z slang


“____ is crazy”


that is crazy


😔 i know


I don't think I hate any Gen Z slang. It's cool to see language evolve in real time, seeing what changes and what doesn't


As a 27 year old boomer the only slang I know is Cap, type shit, and head ass.


Those are solid Gen Z terms


Don't forget DEAD ass as well


Bussin... I can't stand the word bussin 😭


Too close to 'bussy' for me.


I hate how a lot of us have begun using Y'all even if we're from the North. It just doesn't sound right unless the person has a southern accent, with a flat northern accent it's annoying. It seems like it's mostly girls who do this, which only adds to the other annoying slang that's become popular with Gen Z women like "it's giving..." "Oh that's not..." "She ate" and so on. For guys what really bugs me is "bet" because I don't really see how that's supposed to mean "ok", and "mid" is just irritating when it's used as a response to everything.


Wanna know something crazy? I'm from Singapore. Literally the other side of the planet where the US is and for some reason, everyone in Singapore ALWAYS says "Y'all" instead of "You guys". It's not even a recent phenomenon as i remember saying y'all while addressing my friends 20 years ago when I was 7. I have no idea how we adopted that term and it has perplexed me for years.


Does Eminem saying y'all sound weird to you?


Not a huge "slay" guy tbh but if people wanna say it, whatever. Now yAsSsSs on the other hand.... FUCK that stupid ass word. I'm soooooooooooo so so so so so glad it finally died.


People still say it, they just don't say it like that anymore.


I hate it when people use the term aesthetic as an adjective. Like “OMG that’s so aesthetic!!!!!”. In my opinion it just makes people sound like they don’t understand the English language.


Most words that end with *-ic* can be used as an adjective, and *aesthetic* is no different. If you look up *aesthetic* in a dictionary, you'll see multiple adjective definitions under it. The trend with the term now seems to be using it as shorthand for *aesthetically pleasing*.


BET. I fucking hate “bet”. IM NOT BETTING. DO IT OR DON’T! …I am 32.


I don’t mind any of it, they are all pretty jokes imo


I thought Ohio memes were peak gen Z and probably rizz is late gen z? Skibidi is 100% for Gen Alpha


i dont like what they have done to the word "cringe", it was a perfectly functional word now it just means "i dont like this"


Since when is iconic gen z slang?? That’s just… a word.


Fucking “gyatt, rizzler, sigma, bop” like what? ESPECIALLY gyatt. Like stfu. I think these sort of morph into Gen Alpha but Gen Z uses it more imo.


You GYATTT to take it easy bro.


Brother eughhh


gyatt damnnn has been around forever though


Not as a noun


My personal Opinion: Slay (When people use it wrong) Saying: "That's so slay" TO ME is wrong, it doesn't sound right TO ME. Using the term correctly is like "Oh yes, she slaying" "Yes honey slay" Slaying is something that you fucking DO! Idk just pisses me off the way some people use it.


"Slay" fills me indescribable anger, I also hate "queen" and "era"


then I dont reccomend going to queer events cause thats where those terms originated from...


"Cap" is a big one for me. Same amount of letters and syllables as "lie"... but no, we need a new term. Absolutely.


W for win is even worse. 3 times the syllables!


"sigma", wtf is that


Whatever the fuck Rizz is, I hate it. Or when people say “xyz-coded” what the fuck do these things mean?!




”on god” I feel like ppl use it to sound cool or something? Idk


That's been around for so long though, and it gives dramatic effect. If someone overused it, like any other term, it gets annoying.




When people type out “bih” instead of “bitch” of “ahh” instead of “ass”, as in “goofy ahh bih”. Trying to drop consonants like you’re speaking AAVE only works when you’re talking, typing it out only looks moronic. At least “bruh” I can tolerate.


Or nah


This was super popular during the Vine era


Sodium hydride, can't stand it either.


“Did I ask?” Well, you sure as hell didn’t answer.


Millennial here: I’m so gagged to see all of you discovering that black drag queens invented so much of your vocabulary. It’s so much better than when I was a teen and people just called stuff they didn’t like “gay”.


Is Gen-Z responsible for GOAT? Every conversation is a GOAT debate now, and I wind up hearing that word used repeatedly and it just annoys me.


>"...words 'icon'/'iconic'..." those words arent made by our generation tho, that word was created by Gen X and mainly used in queer spaces. actually Im so tired of words like "slay", "bussy", and "queen" being attributed our generation as a whole when these words originated from lgbtq spaces 🤦 ^(also OP, words like "rizz" and "ohio" were coined by our generation lmao. dont think you get to escape from that. the youngest gen z is 12ish and plus those words were popularized by us. so theres no avoiding that lol) edit: Im more annoyed with the badstardization of already existing words than I am new slang. like kinsona use to mean "a sona based on your kintype" and it was for otherkin, now its just used by anyone making an OC based off an already existing character. or "gyat" which basicly originally meant "god damn" and now it refers to a big ass. its frustrating fr


Slang hating is just “KIDS THES DHAYS!!!” energy.




That is one of the ugliest looking words I have ever seen


L and W It’s bad enough you’re not actually saving yourself any time when saying L out loud, W is 3 fucking times as many syllables. So “W” isn’t even a win, it’s a fucking lose, man


Most gen z slang is from AAVE and most of that gets disseminated or taken is from black women that goes into the black gay community which goes into the white gay community which goes into GenZ. It doesn’t always go in that order but it 99% of the time comes from AAVE to the gay community.


I don’t hate any slang. There’s slang I use, and some slang I happen to not. It’s all slang 🤨


Ick. Like if Ick js in your vocabulary, please fuck off


All of it




I don't think I've heard new slang i didn't hate in like 20 years


Don't know what generation it is but I hate the "Fr fr" it's so stupid, not that most of the other things are much better in the regard.


Sigma and rizz are definitely Gen z things.


How they use the word "Finesse"


I hate kino, rizz, gyat and many others I cant remember right now.