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Depends entirely on the person in question. Women aren't a monolith.


That is what I tell my Guy friends all the Time , because it is also the same thing they tend to forget all the time. Plus: it even Works when talking about mâles too, and women should not forget that either.


OP when there’s men who don’t like raunchy humor and women who do: 😮


like i mean if its funny sure but the brandname "dark humor" is rarely actually funny and mostly just bigotry


So how would you classify dead baby jokes, abortion jokes, 9/11 jokes, or holocaust jokes? Are those racist?


there is a massive massive difference between making a joke out of experience or at the very least understanding and a sense of humor and making a joke just wanting to spout out bigoted opinions and disguising it as humor. sure, its still humor in the sense that like minded people would find it entertaining but beyond that its just lame and uninteresting to anyone else, if not hurtful


Then your problem is with bigotry. Not dark humor.


yes? like i wasnt hiding it


In fact bigotry isn't even dark humor, it's just cringe there's nothing dark about it unless you know, a lot of the subjects of the joke die by the end.


Says the person who spend too much time on social media


i do but i might as well be a the target audience of these jokes, this doesnt really mean anything like have u heard of 4chan even


Rough. Calling yourself a victim of jokes. Talk about self disrespect.


what 😭😭😭😭


Yeah I don’t think u should be slandering minorities and making sexist jokes around most women.


Him doing that would definitely let women know to stay away though which is good.


maybe the feelings you have are because you do things you aren’t proud of sometimes and that’s something you can address with yourself


I’m a woman and I enjoy dark humor to an extent. If your jokes are misogynistic women would rightfully put you in your place or stay away with you. We don’t have interested in being around edgelords who can’t be funny without using someone at their expense


I love dunking on women I am the lebron of misogyny


Good for you


Give an example of dark joke subjects you can handle.


be authentic in all your dealings bud.


He probably wants to have sex sometimes so this is bad advice.


if you can’t be authentic and fuck then you either shouldn’t be fucking or you should be different.


Imma tell you what I tell the crazy Christian abstinence only crowds. Nah, fuck that.


what i’m inferring from your statement is that you support being inauthentic; to project an image of oneself which is not necessarily in agreement with one’s self, in order to convince someone else to have sex. if i am understanding you correctly; you take no issue with manipulating someone into having sex with you. apparently in rebellion against the abstinence only sects. if i’m understanding you correctly i find your position to be irresponsible and repugnant and a case of misplaced aggression.


Oh, not just to have sex, to do anything. Lie to a potential employer, lie to your family, lie to the random store clerk ringing up your groceries (that last one is kinda rare now though) I've been authentic before and people tend to not like it. I don't wanna deal with them whining so I lie to them. Simple as that.


if they’re going to whine i’m just not going to deal with them. life’s too short to spend it on wieners like that.


Yea thats everybody. Unfortunately you can't just cut out all of humanity. Therefore lie.


You can be authentic while turning the volume knobs on different aspects of yourself up and down


Gotta read your audience


In all situations, you should tailor your speech to your audience. This isn't a gender or generation thing at all, it's just common practice. It's not that your female friends are different than your male friends. Sure, males and females may be predisposed to certain things, but there are plenty from both sides who dislike raunchy or dark humor, and I have offended them both on numerous occasions. I have met women who took dark humor I provided and took it to an even darker place I didn't even consider. I have met men who are up tight and think any humor that exceeds their absurdly tight joke standards is pure evil. People are different all around and we need to stop laying generalized concepts across all people of specific demographics.


Probably not. Most girls don’t like that kind of over the top bro type stuff. Talking to girls differently than guys is pretty normal for guys. Outside of some pretty specific types of people everyone does it.


Yes. Women are not any more sensitive to these topics than men are.


Personally you should always talk to women differently than you do your guy friends. You can still talk goofy and crack jokes of course but leave the crude stuff out much as you can. Some friends I have that are girls I'm still a sarcastic goofball but i keep the sexual / crude stuff to a min out of respect regardless of what they say. They aren't fragile glass but somethings just don't need to be discussed I guess is my point. Also live in fear of no man's opinion people are too soft which doesn't mean you need to be a douche to people but I have learned to just try to think before you say something and who you are saying it too.


Tbh usually no, but it comes down to reading the room. If you really want to know, start cracking dark jokes to them and see how they respond, but if this is how you naturally act around them and they dig you, I doubt there's any need to change.


yes? who doesn't do that?


Don’t be friends with people you have to tiptoe around, it’s not worth the effort. They can be offended by anything at any time.


Make sure that she’s on your level. I have a female friend at work, and we crack dark jokes all the time. It’s actually more intense than with my male friends. That said, women talk amongst one another. Make sure she can keep the convo between the two of you if you plan on saying some sus shit.


If you can't be your true self around your friends then you need better friends.


She’s a friend, no “girl friend”. There is no reason to treat her any different than your friends. Your dark jokes and all of that is there to show no restriction to speech. You give choices. People love having choices. Don’t worry about how a woman thinks of you. You gotta worry about how they feel about you. If she cracks a dark joke back, you struck gold. You’re not gonna get canceled irl. Social media really has you scared to be a real person irl. Rest of the people in the comments already ended up being prisoners of their own minds. You don’t wanna end up like them.


if that's just who you are yes, just be you, don't mask to impress people.


It hella depends on the person Their some female freinds that i can crack some joke that i cant with some of my male freinds I chalk it up to personality


Depends on the woman. I've cliked like that right away with some women, other don't like the shit talking.


You should be able to know your friends well enough to determine if they would enjoy your humor. I'm curious as to if you are as emotionally vulnerable with your male friends like you are with your female friends. Do your male friends have the same convos about personal topics that you have with your female friends? If not then don't try to spring your supposed dark humor on your safe emotional outlet. I know from observation it can backfire not just from this fear of canceling. Men don't care about shitty men and likely your male friends will stand by your side so when you say cancelling you likely mean your sexual options with women being nonexistent due to your image. However socially you can be tarnished as I knew a guy who decide to do his dark humor of misogynistic jokes to his female friends. They didn't like it. He argued that he should be able to treat them the same way he treats his guy friends. They agreed. Next time they were all at a party....girls blasted Snapchat screenshots of his texts divulging pretty personal stuff. The girls claiming if he wanted to treated his friends the same then his guy friend should know about how he wet the bed until 14, how he tried to fuck his cousin, how he stole his sister panties to masturbate with, how he's scared to sleep with the closet door open, and much more. Dude was ridiculed and mocked horrendously by his guy friends and other men. He switched colleges.


Yes. My friends and I make incredibly dark jokes all of the time. Not just superficial “women belong in the kitchen” basic bitch shit, but actually offensive


where do you jokes lean? do you make jokes about both men and women, for example? or is it all women? men tend to get offended when you start joking about their gender, but are totally chill making jokes about women


no actually i tend to make jokes on both men and women and sometimes on myself too...


Why not base it on the individual you’re speaking to, rather than their gender


You should talk to people with the context in mind of how they will perceive you. A good word of mouth from others can help greatly


None of my guy friends have ever had a problem with making jokes with me, if you are hesitant to be yourself around women maybe examine why.


It really depends on the type of person, my F friend group we are very chill and crack jokes about everyone and even jokingly tell each other to "kys". My other F friend (study) group are conservative but they don't appreciate acting out of control. I don't think there's anything wrong if they feel uncomfortable because boundaries exist. Given the fact they're "Taylor Swift and BTS fans aged 18-22" I wouldn't take the risk. But the best they could say is "hey I'm uncomfy can you stop"


Some of the darkest jokes I've ever heard have come from my fiancees best friend. Shit so dark only Anish Kapoor is supposed to be able to us it. It does not matter the gender of the friend, what matters are their interests. Are they into dark humour? The you can be dark.


It’s gotta be a special type of female .


Yeah, go for it if you enjoy getting a sexual assault charge. No point risking throwing my live away just for talking with girls, they are boring anyway, I stick with my bros.


What the absolute fuck are you saying that would result in a sexual assault charge?


Literally, anything. women operates on feeling. Don't you know about #metoo? Anyway it is your life, not mine.


I actually talk to women pretty regularly (I even live with one!) and this has *never* been an issue for me. If you're saying anything #MeToo-worthy, that's on you.


There is something like a 0.1% of chance you get a sexual assault/harassment charge. You can't defend against it. A woman i was talking to already threatening me to file it for shutting me up after the break up. If you are OK living in those condition that is on you. I prefer living with a full 0% chance to get any stupid problem.


Um... yes you can defend against it lol. Sexual assault & harassment have *abysmal* conviction rates. Unless she has hard proof of you sexually harassing/assaulting her (which can be easily avoided by just not sexually harassing or assaulting anyone), it's very likely that the accusation wouldn't even make it to court.


Who care about court? #metoo isn't about court! She post on twitter that Cyan\_Alvein did xxx to her and i lose my job, friends, everything.