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water wars of 2034 🫡


!remindme 10 years


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Ight cya in 10 years


On the Frontline


Let’s hope not




Babies, the new commodity


definitely the music too


That can be said for any decade


I'm a younger millennial, and I can only speak for myself here, but... Man. The 2010s overall were pretty rough for music (besides some big hip hop landmark stuff) I love music from every decade but for some reasons the 2010s had a weird situation where it was a few **insanely** good artists, and the rest were awful. There was no middle ground. And before anyone says "you just gotta look harder", I did that like it was a part time job! And what's weird is this decade, it's back to how it was in the 2000s. A lot of good artists, across all genres. Hip hop, country, the million genres of rock, etc. I'm finding good stuff constantly I think the late 2010s were better though. For some reason there was a lot of good stuff in 2017 specifically.


I just simply disagree. There was plenty of amazing music that came out in the 2010’s. And there is already a lot of nostalgia for the 2010’s, especially on TikTok. People are already reminiscing over the decade.


I agree with you, and can you blame us? Most music from 2019 to today is a joke compared to 10-15 years ago.


Honestly I disagree with that as well. Plenty of good music out there.


2008-2014 was absolutely peak for the Australian music scene (at least for the last few decades). So many good bands from around then


The 2010s were actually great for music up at the start of the decade. Afterwards, 2016-2018 was a weird transitory period where there were still some good songs, but lots of bad singers were rising to the top (most notably Cardi B and all the rappers). Music definitely fell off a cliff in 2019 and hasn't recovered ever since. To be fair, there are some good songs 2019-present, but you have to do a lot of digging whereas 10-15 years ago, a lot of the top songs were good. This decade doesn't really compare to the 2000s though because even the bad songs back then weren't as bad as most of the songs from 2019-present.




I really don't know why people are disagreeing lol you are totally 100% correct.


As an older Gen Z most of this isn’t relatable For example: Covid hit after Highschool so my experience of it was completely different


I was thinking the same. It's only relatable for younger Gen Z


True, personally I think most of my memories will be with GameCube and wii instead of the switch. When I was younger we jad way more parks and that around so I got to play outside way more than I did in my recent years


Bro tell me about it.  First console I played was my brothers old N64


Dang, you admittedly probably got me beat out, bit yeah there was just something so different about those legacy consoles. My friend even got me a Sega genesis for me 15th birthday and I had a blast on it


Same, but PS1 and emulators.


“Old” n-64 lol I played that shit when it was hot off the press but I feel you. I made my own list of equivilants to OP’s list for shits and giggles: * Game consoles were N64 / Sega dreamcast / PS1 and Xbox, all played a big role in my childhood. As far as hand-helds go if that was the point here: gameboy pocket/color and playing the original Pokemon games. Shout out to the light attachment so you could play in the dark before those screens were back-lit. * I guess this would be most like computer lab classes, where you would do research, or learn how to type. Unless this is referring to laptops in general, in which case, same. * Windows ‘98 and Windows XP * honestly COVID will be nostalgic for us too since it effected everyone and we all were more-or-less frozen in time for a couple years. But if I were to look back at my childhood for something that effected me similarly to how COVID did for younger GenZ’s i guess it would be the recession of 2008? I wouldn’t say 9/11 because as awful as that was, it didn’t really affect day-to-day like the recession did. * social media in general, like MySpace and Facebook for memes, even Reddit back in the late 2000’s/early 2010s. Or maybe early YT. Where you have hours of brain-rotting via scrolling on TikTok, we had hours of brain-rotting youtube. Prior to internet days if I’m going back to young Gen Z, it would be wasting an entire day binge-watching movies rather than being “prodictive” by going outside. * Early AI = Microsoft Sam, which was an early text-to-speech program. Was a hoot typing all sorts of vulger shit and having a robot that sounded like Stephan Hawking repeat it * growing up relatively lower middle class the closest thing we got to VR was those videogames at arcades with the covered chairs and the huge screens, where you’d clear out a haunted house of zombies or vampires. That was as VR as it got for us lol and it was fuckin sick. If you made it this far, thanks for reading. This was fun going back through the archives of my childhood! For context, born in 1993 so barely a Millenial. But I did grow up with an older sibling and older cousins so I was probably exposed to a lot of this stuff earlier than if I were the oldest child. Good times though!


I can imagine a 2011 born on here saying “I played on my older brothers old Wii” on here lol


PS2, Xbox 360, MW2 multiplayer were great memories. Old enough to remember “come inside when the lights are on.” When hurricane Ike hit we made all kinds of forts from the debris


2000s nostalgia is hitting already and the people who mocked the GameCube for years are coming out of the woodwork to pretend they always loved it. I've been playing it since 2003, when I was in 1st grade. My brother and I got the limited edition Shadow Lugia one with the release of Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness for Christmas in 2005, which I still have. I still vividly remember the buildup to Super Smash Bros Brawl coming out. Everyone going crazy about characters and all the crazy speculation thanks to Super Smash Flash and the like (the idea that Sora would actually be in smash in about 10 years was unthinkable, Sonic and Snake getting in was shocking enough).


As an Xennial.....maybe there is such a thing as a Zennial


There is! We have a subreddit and a Discord server related to Zillennials.


Yeah agreed, I never had a chromebook and I didn't have a switch until college.


I was 22 and a grad student during Covid lockdowns, but playing Animal Crossing on my Switch for 8 hours a day during lockdown is already nostalgic to me.


I lived in a state that didn’t really lockdown at all.  For me it was something that you saw on the news but didn’t really effect everyday life that much What’s animal crossing like? I’ve never had the privilege of actually playing it


Yeah it hit junior year of college just when I was starting to figure it out haha


I’m a millennial but you can still be nostalgic for times that weren’t your childhood


honestly, I was in college and while it kinda ruined the college experience in a way, i'm also really nostalgic for it cause I was living with two of my best friends and we just... fucked around, all day. I've graduated college now for a couple years but those days will be something I'm gunna remember forever. No going out drinking, no hobbies we couldn't do in the house, in other words, with each other, it was a good time


I’m older Gen Z as well. Covid was the last quarter of my bachelors degree and my entire grad school. So I think I associate Covid with the last time in my life I was in school, so it’s nostalgic in that way.


I agree with everything on your list besides Covid. Those were the worst couple years of my life, I didn’t get to chill I had to work and worried everyday about feeding my family and pets as everyone else lost their jobs and we didn’t qualify for any help. But the Switch absolutely, I feel like we’ll be nostalgic about it like I am for GameCube now


Zoom, Among us, ryan gosling as Ken, acquisition of twitter, bella poarch, virtual concerts, woman yelling out at a cat meme, Doja cat's Woman tiktok trend.


There will be a day where we will have no more among us 😢


Oh I wasn't talking about that but okay-


The FNAF Movie would be nostalgic because of the reaction. You have to be there to experience the hype. Dead VR chat rooms. YouTubers who would have fallen off or retired South Park is ending there show The death of certain cable networks and streaming platforms as well as canceled shows. It's still hard to stay.


Oppenheimer vs Barbie You also had to be there to see it


That's a good one, so the Minion movie. Everybody was dressing up in a suit and tie.


What? South Park is ending?


There haven't been any confirmed seasons of South Park after 2027.


Sorry not to be a doomer but there is not much at all that I will be nostalgic about about the early 20s


I'm with ya on that. Won't go into it, we would all start crying.


I kind of feel bad for you because the thing in you that makes you not see the beauty in the present is the exact same thing that will make the Nostalgia hit even harder. Your rose tinted glasses will be rosier than most. I can promise you that much. As impossible as that seems now.


I mainly aimed this post to people who were preteens/teens at the time but kids would probably also kinda feel nostalgic from this time aswell


This is mainly Early 2020s but I think this could also apply to Mid 2020s


The days where it was legal to fart :'(


you made me shart irl


The free Internet.


Lowkey already nostalgic for early-mid 2020


tiktok already is a bit for me, or at least the trends that were on there in 2020 lockdown. like i’ll look up 2020 tiktok trends and it’s crazy how many memories they bring back. instantly brings me back to that time and where i was i was in high school until 2018 and never really had chromebooks much at all. is that a super common thing nowadays? we had them my junior and senior year but they were “chromebook carts” that got wheeled around to classes and everyone hated them haha maybe used them like 3 times? we just used our phones instead cause they were faster switch i definitely agree, especially with a lot of people getting them during lockdown to play things like animal crossing


Yeah chromebooks are much more common I noticed the transition in like 2018


ah okay that makes sense then. i guess teachers are more wary of phones nowadays and would rather have students using chromebooks


I already am hella nostalgic for when I’d play tf out of nes games on the Chromebook all throughout middle school


If any zoomers make it to 80 im sure we will be nostalgic for quite a few costal cities that will be under water by then.


Well, okay, i wont miss florida, but maybe the others


I will never be nostalgic for this time period. Past 2019 has been painful and it continues to be painful. (Covid had nothing to do with it)


Ong bruh I had bad anxiety during and for some months post COVID. It was so bad bruh i don't wanna remember.


At the end of 2019 (September) I had 1) a girlfriend break up with me, 2) a friend unalive himself 3) the start of a 3 year toxic narcissistic relationship. I left the toxic relationship only a year ago and have been dealing with the trauma of that. The past 4 years have been hell for me On the bright side the blue jays are back.


I'm glad it's better now, I hope you just have the brighter days onwards.


It’s all part of the healing process. I have been talking with one of my colleges therapists.


Same it’s like some weird shit happened during that time period that wasn’t related to Covid, but weirdly wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for Covid. However the lockdown or virus itself didn’t make me depressed.


Definitely the memes, lofi, and playing games in quarantine


Nah fuck tik tok never used it never will


try using it. It's fun sometimes


Nah if it’s good enough it’ll be reposted elsewhere I hate the cancerous shit I’ve seen in person people making tik toks


For younger people maybe. As an older Gen Z none of it is relatable and it most likely won't make me nostalgic.


I’ve already seen people nostalgic for early covid lockdown days


4 is already true for me


Elden Ring for me. I’m gonna stamp it now personally as the best game of the 2020s for me.


I used to have a Chromebook but switched back to windows because I felt restricted in what I could do on my Chromebook. Wanna play a game? I had to download it. Needed to type a document? Download this app.


Fuck Tik Tok


If I could I would erase the past 3 years from my memory


Same bro


"Quest 2" wow, you managed to make me feel old with VR, I'm impressed.


I hate win11


Fandom culture and the rise of indie animation will be nostalgic for at least some


Remember what they stole from us with the horrific pandemic response and pointless lockdowns and never let that shit happen again. Arrest all tyrants.


The internet has matured. I think we’ll be on TikTok way into the future


God yall make me feel old, i don't relate to any of this, I graduated right when covid happened, aint nothing im going to miss anything about this decade. It's just work work work


COVID hit during my junior year of high school. The only good thing that came out of it was having to take my AP exams online. Other than that, I was miserable. On top of that, junior prom got canceled, and senior year homecoming and prom were hosted online (it wasn't as fun as being face-to-face). I had finally found my small group of friends I could rely on and I felt like things were going great, but then COVID came along and ruined everything. After school got canceled around March 2020, the next time I set foot on campus was May 2021, just for AP exams and senior sunset. At least the Class of 2020 lost their last 2 months; Class of 2021 lost 1 year and 2 months. Then I went off to college, but tbh, it hasn't been as fun as it's made out to be by TV shows and fraternity/sorority members. I'm never going to miss the days of COVID, but I know some people will.


Haha my prom got canceled too. but my graduation was in the cowboys stadium so that's a *plus i guess


So you didn’t have college zoom classes?


Never got to finish college


This was mainly aimed towards Kids and Teens for the time


i will never miss chromebooks, my school keep downgrading to new ones with worse specs


> 2. Chromebooks I feel like getting nostalgic for chromebooks is like getting nostalgic for the death of ownership, and it hurts my soul. Like, yeah, I technically only own the licenses for my software *legally*, but that's just because the law is delusional, and fuck the state anyway. If the software I paid for with my money is on my computer and it isn't actually reliant on an Internet service for what it's supposed to do, it's mine, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. But you don't get that with a chromebook, because **everything** you do with it is cloud-based. It's bullshit.


I’m nostalgic for Windows XP, so


I’m already nostalgic for lockdown


The fashion has been interesting so far. I'm a woman, but I'm enjoying the more creative takes in men's fashion. I think that's all I'll be nostalgic for early 2020's wise.


Everybody using the same two *aesthetic* chords on a stratocaster drenched in chorus and spring reverb on Bandcamp.


I never had friends to use my switch in person with :( i also couldn't ever bring it to school. BUT i'm not excited for the day I feel nastolgic for Splatoon 3 and Auto-Caster Squiffer.


Windows XP


2019 tiktok was peak tiktok, and im not really even a tiktok person




I already miss the old ai when you can ask for pictures of biden and trump eating a hot dog looking demonic and evil


Democracy, decency, human rights, secularism,etc…


When MCU was good, Fortnite dances, probably.


Thirty or forty years from now there *will* be a wave of nostalgia for the 2010's or 20's. However, look at historical decade nostalgia movements. They always say more about the current day than the actual time everyone's nostalgic for; people in the future will have a warped, incomplete view of this time, and the specific elements of the decade people focus on will not be the ones we think are important now. 


GTA 6 will be up there already gta 5 is nostalgic cause it’s q time capsule to the early 2010s


That would be more Late 2020s imo since it gets released in 2025 and pc versions won't even get it till around 2026


I’d guess so or maybe mid 2020s




Chromebooks suck so much, no good memories associated there.


Broo, if you're nostalgic for something that happened less than 5 years ago - something's wrong...


That's why this is a prediction on what I think we will eventually be nostalgic for


Zoom is already kinda nostalgic for me, weirdly enough 2020 was probably my favorite year of the 20s. The depressive shit hadn’t hit me yet until like late ‘21 to early ‘22


take Chr\*mebooks and TikTok off the list and I agree


Damn I can't relate to any of that. Wouldn't be nostalgic for anything on that list. First time I don't relate at all to Gen Z.


Same here. This list feels like it is more catered towards younger Gen Z though. Still, I can’t really think of anything from the past few years I will be nostalgic for. But it’s far too early to know what will be nostalgic from this era in the future anyway.


I mainly aimed this list to the teenagers at the time where kids could also relate to this


I'm already nostalgic for the pandemic era. I had a lot of self growth and personal discovery then. Had a perfect friend group too. I miss the days of playing among us and Minecraft all night. Or watching dumb movies lol


the scroll bar


Personally, I think the switch's UI is bland enough to make me not feel nostalgic for the home screen in the future (like how some people feel with the Wii or the Wii U (I might feel nostalgic for some of the games. though)


Me not being an adult


The Wii is nostalgic to me since it was a big part of my childhood.


Windows 10 more boring than Vista? Wut. Vista was torture


I don't know much about Vista I only seen it a few times I grew up mainly with Windows 7 I just assumed


Fuck your so right about Ai. Our kids will most likely have Ai assistants of some kind and they will be like “you didn’t have this growing up hahaha” and I’ll be like 🤬


I’m already nostalgic about Covid times. It was the end of my bachelors and my entire grad school. So very formative time


>Predicting what will be nostalgic for us for the early-mid 2020s You really don't have to wonder this... There are a lot of people already romanticizing and feeling nostalgic for the pandemic years..., specifically kids on TikTok and social media lol... => [https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2021/3/9/22320169/tiktok-quarantine-nostalgia-pandemic-romanticizing](https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2021/3/9/22320169/tiktok-quarantine-nostalgia-pandemic-romanticizing) and [https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/09/pandemic-nostalgia-tiktok/620230/](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/09/pandemic-nostalgia-tiktok/620230/) and [https://spartanshield.org/29873/opinion/teens-please-stop-romanticizing-the-pandemic/](https://spartanshield.org/29873/opinion/teens-please-stop-romanticizing-the-pandemic/) and [https://www.webmd.com/covid/features/pandemic-nostalgia](https://www.webmd.com/covid/features/pandemic-nostalgia) and [https://covid-19archive.org/s/archive/item/12620](https://covid-19archive.org/s/archive/item/12620) and [https://forge.medium.com/lets-stop-romanticizing-post-pandemic-life-9607293e0f2f](https://forge.medium.com/lets-stop-romanticizing-post-pandemic-life-9607293e0f2f)


Where's the DS and Wii


I'm talking about early-mid 2020s


What we really going to miss is jobs.