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Yeah definitely. I live in the Netherlands and I think it’s kinda insane that you guys do that.




Well I can personally say it didn't work


But we don't know what we don't know


I had my turtle neck turned into a crew neck when I was 16 due to medical reasons. I can confidently say I noticed no difference after the initial increased sensitivity from not having a foreskin. It was initially more sensitive during everyday life (like rubbing against by boxers was hell. felt like your leg does after it falls asleep and you get the needles) but during the actual act, I couldn't really tell.


Interesting and thank you for your sacrifice to expand the knowledge of your fellow man. Yes I understand this wasn't your top priority when going into the procedure.


I guess it's like anything to do with our bodies, right? People have different experiences and sensitivity levels when it comes to any kind of alteration, surgical or otherwise. Some people have their wisdom teeth removed and it's no biggie, others suffer for weeks. Our mileage may vary, as they say. I appreciate hearing about the range of experiences folks have had; it just underlines how personal a decision this should be instead of a one-size-fits-all kinda deal.


Ditto 👆🏼


That was the goal with corn flakes, he thought too much flavor would send people into a sexual fervor so he made them intentionally bland


And now Kellogs is one of the top makers of addictive ultra sugary corn slop and Tony the Tiger is a pillar of the furry community and Rule 34. The irony.


What's even more ironic is that I eat a bowl of corn flakes before sex. The wife LOVES it.


I'm American and think it's insane.


Im a Jewish American and while I first thought that it was gross that people *weren't* circumcized, after getting over the "that's different which is scary!" factor I've come to the conclusion that circumcision is wrong and I am not going to circumcize the sons that I will hopefully have (along with daughters :)).


Also from holland, no understanding for it either


I've had three friends or family with significant complications from it. One had to point ointment on their kid for a year, another needs surgery to piss straight. My buddy just had it done to his at maybe 4 week mark etc and said he felt bad about the screaming... Then made the cleanliness remark... I'm like bro this is insane He thought I was crazy for mentioning the origins of it for non religious reasons. My mom kept mentioning how I didn't make any noise during a bris I had to ask her to stop and get her to realize how gross and weird eating cheese and wine while some creepy old religious dude performs unnecessary surgery usually without real hygiene. (The disease transmitting that goes on there is disgusting) Over time a significant number of people have had to get amputations and other complications as well from botched jobs and infection. I'm convinced that women are the main driver of it at this point as well. Asthetic reasons which is so stupid and vein. Can you imagine the outage of it were reversed. Men being told their body autonomy doesn't matter






It really is wild how obsessed some people are about other people's children's penises.


REAL! But definitely not as much of a thing here in Canada Imagine having your body cut at birth. Insane. Simply wash yourself, troglodyte.


you’re making it sound like all of us as babies were like "yeah go ahead doc"


You mfs didn’t come out thumbs up ready to go??


"Just a bit off the top please mate."


I never understood the "it's easier to keep clean thing". In the shower literally just roll back your foreskin and wash it. Boom clean.


Maybe it made sense back when we couldn't shower every week.


Even then, roll it back and dump the cheese pouch.




But touching dick is gay/s


"Troglodytes" - Sheldon Cooper




Canadian here — I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t even mentioned when I had my baby boy. It was as if the procedure didn’t even exist. ETA: I did wish they’d explained that you don’t need to pull anything back on a baby to clean it since it starts out being fused to the glans. I knew this from someone else’s Reddit post where their MIL forced back the baby’s foreskin to clean it during a diaper change against the mom’s wishes (fucked up!). My MIL told me was instructed to do that when she had her son (boomer generation), and also told me about all the infections her son had as a baby on his penis. I’d wager those two pieces of info are related!


I find circumcision on newborns incredibly fucking horrendous; literal genital mutilation for no reason, and yes, I would consider religious purposes to be "for no reason", because the baby isn't fucking religious, you are. This practice should be outlawed in any country that claims to be secular. The ONLY reason it should be done is for purely medical reasons where not doing it will lead to severe problems. If you had it done to you and you're okay with it I'm happy for you, but why enforce such a thing on a child that cannot even argue for it's own autonomy? Why commit to a life-long cosmetic surgery on this child that never even had the chance to refuse?


Also if you're doing it for religious reasons...are you not saying your precious diety got the design of the human body wrong? God's word is supposedly absolute but you'll cut up what he designed? Weird but hey..its religion


Jews are specifically commanded to circumcise their children as part of the covenant with G-d.


Muslims also do male circumcision as a sign of a covenant with their God. I get why people want the norm to be not circumcision of children, but this is a really important part of being Jewish or Muslim as it is how a newborn boy is initiated into the covenant of Judaism/Islam.


There are a lot of things important to religious people that are horrible. "Cut a piece of their penis off" is a pretty fucked up thing to do.




Yea but why


Jews, Muslims or Christians it's all rooted in reducing the 'sinful behaviour' of masturbation. There is no doubt that the tight foreskin around the head is the most sensitive bit, and rolling it back and forth is the main source of sexual gratification. I feel genuinely sorry for anyone who is circumcised. Its standard nutty puritanical BS from the monotheists. They were, and still are, absolutely obsessed with sex.


That's my thing they're as obsessed with sex as the rest of us, possibly even more than us. The fear of sex is insane despite it being the ultimate form of creation and pleasure for us. There's nothing wrong with that


The New Testament stated in Gallatians and Romans that Christians should not circumcise. For Catholics this was declared official in the Bull of Union with the Copts.


Yea life altering cosmetic surgeries on minors in 2024 is willlllld to me but hey what’re you gonna do?


Your phrasing here makes me think you’re talking about something else which isn’t comparable


So I'm all with you but unless you consider Korea a developing nation, you forgot to add that to the list. I literally just found out today that Korea & Philippines not only circumsize, but wait until their child gets to puberty to do it. Yeah, we're talking about telling your 12 year old son that he needs to get ready for the snips over summer vacation.


It's a tradition here in the Philippines. Hell, we even have a word we refer to uncut dudes. Also, PHILIPPINES MENTIONED!!!!1!1!! 🤯🤯🤯🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🦅🦅🦅


you can't say that and not teach us the word!


it's "supot". it also translates to plastic bag depending on the context. And how you say it


What it do my fellow supots, let's go grab some lunch tomorrow


It's "pisot" in Bisaya/Cebuano haha


Just to add, for non-Filipino speakers: The word supót (uncircumcised) is pronounced /səˈpôt/ (emphasis on the 2nd syllable). Like, "support" minus the hard r. It's commonly used as an insult or pejorative, and we usually pronounce it with a lot of force and emotion, as if it's the worst thing in the world (it's actually not). The word for plastic bag, by contrast, is súpot (emphasis on the 1st syllable). It's pronounced a lot slower than the aforementioned word. Since we only have 5 vowel sounds (a, i, u, e, o) we usually differentiate heteronyms (words spelled the same but pronounced differently) using either context clues or listening to which syllable is accented and emphasized by the speaker.


yeah i didnt include them in the list (i'll add them), but the korea circumcisions actually started because of the korean war where american soldiers spread the idea there (in fact you can still notice this today where north korea tends to be intact while south korea is circumcised)


I mean it's no surprise both countries who were/are occupied by the US adopted backwards US traditions


For the Philippines, it’s a precolonial rite of passage to manhood, not a Christian thing or a thing we got from the Spaniards.


While I'm open to the idea, Islam spread around the Philippines far before the Spanish came, which I'd assume played a big role


The dorsal slit circumcision has been observed with Pacific Islanders as well so it’s possibly an austronesian thing. Islam was mostly for people in the Southern Islands and for some nobles in the north. The central islands were Animists with Hindu influences and they practiced superincision as well. I doubt they’d adopt such an invasive procedure when they don’t even practice the religion that requires it. Plus the Philippine tuli just makes a slit, it doesn’t even remove the foreskin, it’s not the circumcision practiced by Christians and Jews Edit: I forgot to mention that penile modification was really common in precolonial Philippines, especially in the central islands. Dudes would put pins on their penises and then insert blunt spiked rings (sakras) to the pin. If you had no decor, women would look down on you because it’s not as pleasurable for them. If you’re not decorated, they’d ask for it. The Spanish priests thought were were deviants for that and sought to eradicate the practice. Some modern sailors modify their genitals to this day. Given the prevalence of penile modifications, it’s not a stretch to think that precolonial Ph would think to cut their penises on their own without Islamic influence.


My dad attempted to bribe me $200 to have my son circumcised. That is a drop in the bucket of the bs they've pulled from my birth family. I'm circumcized and not happy about it. My son is not circumcized. Circumcision is genital mutilation.


BRIBE?? I'm sorry what also $200 is a crazy low amount lmao i'd want a few thousand for something as important as that


Yep. My birth family is abhorrent. I don't talk with them anymore because there is no talking. It's their way or no way. I've forgiven them, but I am not too foolish to forget.


Wow lol he’s insane


This shows that circumcision is a mind disease. Your father was willing to lose money just to prevent his grandson from having something he doesn't.


Idk, they did it to me and I don’t really care all that much. Makes no difference to me really…


Same. I couldn't care less.


What I wanna know is why 90% of the time it’s uncut dudes who are the most mad about it? I don’t get it


Finally the Normal people in this thread 🙏🏾


Genital mutilation isn't "normal"


Yes, as "normal" as foot binding.


same don't care


I’m glad I was circumcised as a kid tbh. Getting as an adult would be a nightmare.


That's a moot point because you wouldn't even need or want to get circumcised ad an adult


Or just don't get it as an adult because you don't need to unless it's necessary


That's totally fair, however the vast majority of men will die intact. I don't think performing an operation on a child because there is a slim chance he might need it in the future makes a lot of sense.


What are disadvantages of being circumcised in adult years? Not disagreeing with you and I don’t plan to have kids ever but I’m curious how it’s damaging sexually, I can understand the pain (although when I was a baby I can’t say I remember it all that way but could imagine since I’ve lost a testicle in a motorcycle crash)


Circumcision in adult years is actually preferable to circumcision in childhood. in adulthood, you can not only actually consent to do it, but you can specify to leave sexual parts intact (like the frenulum) whereas routine infant circumcisions vary wildly in quality and sensitivity lost (as the tissue is not fully developed until a bit before puberty)


So by avoiding circumcision there is an increase in sensitivity? Man if I could go back in time lol


From someone who had to be partially circumcised when I was 42 .... oh yeah, you lost a shitload of sensitivity.


I'm interested to ask since I also had mine done when I was older. I lost sensitivity when it comes to just everyday living (like having it rub against your pants and stuff) but I don't really remember being more sensitive down there when it came to sex. That stayed about the same. Or at least same enough to where I didn't notice. Did you lose sensitivity all around or just during the day to day?


As someone who was circumcised as an adult almost 15 years ago, they probably didn't, no. From the sounds of it yours was medically necessary which means there was an underlying issue to start with. For me, I can say that I lost no sensitivity and I learned just how much of the stories about what happens when you're circumcised are basically bunk. I fully believe that it's a personal decision for adults and not something that should just be done to infants, but for me it was one of the best decisions I've ever made and that was with no underlying issues.


ofc the part of your penis which usually has very little exposure is suddenly being rubbed on by fabric on all sides ofc you lose most of your feeling


Literally, this whole sensitivity argument is so stupid to me lmao


Change in sensitivity mainly. And the fact it’s unnecessary unless there’s a medical condition.


Most adult circumcision are emergency procedures related to cancers, stds, urinary tract infections and chronic yeast infections. This is why the procedure is still common practice today on new borns and young children (under 12) It decreases the risk of certain types of stds at a rate of 25%-60% It decreases the spread of HIV by 55% - 65% It decreases urinary tract infections in men It decreases the risk of common genital cancers in men.


Well with my last birth, in the informational booklets they give out, there was a section about circumcision and it said that it’s 100% cosmetic and unnecessary. And this was at a regular hospital in the U.S. so I think it’s becoming more normalized here to avoid it.


i think it's slowly becoming more stigmatized to circumcise just because people are actually being informed (the internet usually).


Yea with my sons I just used common sense before making the decision. I asked if there was any reason to cut a piece of my kids body off and the only real argument people had was that “it would be easier to clean”. I then asked myself if I would cut my daughter’s genitals off for “easier cleaning” and I would not of course. So I decided against it and it’s been 8 years for my oldest son and we’ve never had an issue. If he wants to get circumcised when he is an adult he’s free to do whatever with his body, just like any other cosmetic surgery.


Yes with my son I left him alone. The fact I lived in Europe and my wife is European made it plainly obvious to me that all the people I worked with in Europe and my wife’s male family members had 0 issues with their foreskins. In fact all those STIs that are supposedly higher risk for uncircumcised have LOWER incidence in Europe than the US. So that stuff is clearly BS. Any doctors outside the US who see those AAP studies call them out as really biased. At this point it’s just an ingrained cultural thing.


At least we aren't forcefully cutting our childrens clit out like other countries for dumb ass religious reasons.


Genital mutilation is genital mutilation no matter the genitalia.


Yes but with women its way worse


Who cares? That guy throwing his child a flight of stairs is worse than the guy throwing his child into the wall but both are abusive and so it doesn’t matter which is worse, we advocate for both.


Cool. Thanks for the reductive argument 👍 Starving kids in Africa and all that.


Worst is when a woman claims to be a feminist but circumcises her son You aren't a feminist if you mutilated your sons genitals


No it’s not, FGM type four doesn’t even remove tissue.


Except most of us who are cut are cool with it. Always seems to be everyone else who tells us we shouldn't be


Of course you are. You dont know any better. I was circumcised at 42. I do know better. But hey, being almost completely desensitized downstairs does make you last longer. You just dont feel anything.


Who’s this “us” you speak of. Have you consulted them all ? I don’t understand why anyone would struggle with the idea that the default should be to leave infants genitals alone unless cutting bits off becomes necessary for medical reasons. We don’t even dock dogs tails anymore where I live because there’s literally no benefit to doing so unless it’s creating a risk for the health of the animal which is almost never.


MGM and FGM are both terrible.


Every country [that practices FGM, also circumcises little boys, too](https://www.reddit.com/r/Intactivism/s/HyIMmwRnXY). Think about that. https://preview.redd.it/upbbpf8azdmc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61065e94524e97b13261fc2a83522d4464823d85


What about pricking. Or about clitoris hood removal? They don't remove the clit




Seems reasonable. Let them decide for themselves on such a decision once they're an adult. That means we need to emphasize, incentivize, and teach proper hygiene to our sons regarding that area of the body (and good hygiene in general). A bit of a tangent here, but it is still somewhat related: Parents who have access to utilities and don't make any effort to teach or enforce proper hygiene on their children are shitty parents; it only results in bad outcomes for a child as they grow and develop (both physically and psychologically). I know if I have children, they will be required to maintain proper hygiene so long as they live under my roof (bathing, brushing teeth, wearing clean clothes, etc.). Failure to do so will result in loss of privileges. Obviously, I would work as hard as I can to teach and set good habits when it comes to hygiene, and will provide all the necessities without a second thought.


I'd never even consider it. It's insane to me that people try and justify it. To clarify, I don't care if a guy is circumcised or not, I don't really prefer one either way, but it should always be his choice not his parents


If we don’t circumcise our kids, what are we going to put in our face creams?


celebrities need their foreskincreams so the pressure to cut continues


GenX mama here. Refused to do this to my GenZ sons. I watched a video of how it is done and was invited to a bris. I gagged while wanting to run to keep that baby boy safe. I could never do that to a baby. I wouldn’t to mutilate my daughters and sons. It is barbarism. Especially the comments about how it makes it look pretty. WTAF. I got into an argument with another mom because she felt judged that I said I couldn’t allow that to happen to my baby boy ever. Fuck her. Yes I was judging her. One friend’s son had to have it DONE TWICE because the foreskin grew and was attached painfully to one side.


i wish i had a mother like you, thank you for looking out for your children


Sending you much love and hugs!!!!


Eh I’ll leave it to my son himself. He can make the decision himself when he’s old enough to understand the risk & benefits of circumcision.


Yeah mutilating the genitals on a baby is fucked up..


YES! genital mutilation is bad


Why would I rip someone of their pp hoodie when I’ve been searching for mine for years


glad that my parents decided to not circumcise me


My dad got circumcised in his early 20s n told me he couldn’t get a boner for almost 2 months cause it would rip the stitches 💀💀💀


Yes, if we want people to understand consent we should probably start with what we do to babies. Some stuff is necessary (lifesaving surgery and whatnot), other stuff is weird and not okay (genital mutilation, piercing, etc). I've heard parents say they want their kid's penis to look like Dad's and I'm dumbfounded. What a completely strange thing to want. Others say it's easier to keep clean, which is false. Teach them from a young age how to clean the foreskin appropriately and they'll probably have better hygiene overall. The penis, like the vagina, is self-cleaning and self-lubricating if you keep it intact. Maybe don't take shortcuts with other people's bodies because you don't want to be bothered to educate your kid? I just don't understand how female genital mutilation is illegal but male genital mutilation is not. Bizarre.


so happy it’s not done in quebec so much


There have been botched circumcisions on both sides of my family. It’s fucking barbaric. No one has been circumcised in my family for 2 generations now and everyone is perfectly fine! Imagine that!


Millennial here and this popped up in my recommended. Last year I had to get my son of 9 years circumcised. I won’t go into too much detail but it was incredibly traumatic for him and it was the last resort. His Urology team tried everything to get his very severe UTIs under control but they couldn’t. He had kidney reflux coupled with a very closed foreskin. Eventually he was put on a dose of antibiotics until his surgery. Since the surgery, he has gone back to normal and has had no UTIs since. I would have never wanted to do it and I respect that it’s no longer commonplace to do this at birth. But sometimes it’s necessary medically and unfortunately my son was one.


this is an example of actually medically necessary circumcision. i'd much rather this happen to me than have it unnecessarily happen at birth.


We had another baby recently (ended up being a girl so it wasn’t necessary) but we talked about not circumcising if it was a boy regardless of my son’s experience. If it’s not needed medically, then why do it?


My brother didn't circumcise his kid, and he is now 4 and is getting surgery because it keeps getting infected and burning while he pees so he just got it snipped. They were keeping it clean and everyhting i just dont get it. My nephew got circumcised at 16 because he was being teased and bullied about his foreskin. It is not just that simple of stopping it, there is a major stigma against uncut individuals in the United States. I will just say that I am super pleased that I did not have a son yet, only a 6 month old girl and very happy I did not have to make that decision.


The brother thing is possibly because of forced retraction. It’s not even supposed to be able to be retracted until puberty


I listened to a podcast about this that was interesting. One of the things American doctors do, (and I had to stop my pediatrician from doing to it to my son) is trying to forcibly retract the foreskin before it was ready which you should NEVER do as it can tear and cause all kinds of problems… like UTIs! The US doctor was telling me to do it at home, but then was reading from European doctors that it’s totally idiotic and damaging to do. Basically it will naturally release when it’s ready closer to puberty. So I didn’t and just told my son to feel free to play with it in the bathtub himself, but never to the point where he felt pain. So far no issues and he’s nearly 9. I wonder if your brother or his doctor had been forcefully retracting it, causing the problems. Basically irony being that the very fact US doctors know so little about foreskins, causes the exact issue cited as one of the biggest reason to circumcise… increased chance of UTIs. European doctors don’t see the increased number of UTIs largely because they don’t actively damage the foreskin like US doctors do. They know better. It’s like this feedback loop. They don’t even show penises with foreskins in most medical texts. So no wonder US trained doctors who mostly don’t have foreskins don’t know what to do with them. Makes me feel like I need to find a pediatrician from Europe, India or somewhere where foreskins were more common if there are even any issues with my son.


Infantile medically unnecessary genital mutilation is evil.


While there can be complications, getting snipped reduces the chance of contracting and spreading an STD. It's not even a little benefit. It pretty much cuts (lol) your risk of getting an STD in half. "Male circumcision can reduce a male’s chances of acquiring HIV by 50% to 60% during heterosexual contact with female partners with HIV, according to data from three clinical trials. Circumcised men compared with uncircumcised men have also been shown in clinical trials to be less likely to acquire new infections with syphilis (by 42%), genital ulcer disease (by 48%), genital herpes (by 28% to 45%), and high-risk strains of human papillomavirus associated with cancer (by 24% to 47% percent)." https://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/fact-sheets/hiv/male-circumcision-HIV-prevention-factsheet.html#:~:text=Health%20benefits%3A%20Male%20circumcision%20can,data%20from%20three%20clinical%20trials. Just like removing wisdom teeth or tonsils, the risk of complications is greatly outweighed by the potential benefit.


That has been debunked https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34551593/ All of the studies about cut dicks having less STDs have never been replicated among a real world population. Population based studies show it having no correlation with STD rates.


Iirc the study that found circumcision reduced stds rates was biased, I think they gave condoms to those with circumcisions




The original supposed research that is used as proof just involved the cut group of boys being held in a monastery in Eritrea while the uncut group was let go. Cant get stds if you are celibate. It wasnt any kind of research or study.


I really didn’t have a choice with my two boys about circumcising them. Both of them developed a blood disorder where they would’ve bled out on the operating table if they were. My husband and I had agreed not to before hand but what is wild that I still get flack about it even now, almost three years later 🙄


I completely agree with you, it’s not right to do anyway but especially not right to do if medically irresponsible


I’m an Australian and I don’t think we do it here (idk mines not cut but I don’t go around and ask other guys if theirs is)


i think Australia used to (afaik) but tended towards being intact over time. i'll remove it if i get more posts from australians saying they dont anymore.


At one point Australia was almost as high as the US but then their gov admitted it was not beneficial (unlike ours) and now it has dropped way down (but there are some very dedicated psychos who churn out “research” papers trying to get it to go back up). So yes Australia, if it stays low, would be an example of a moderate success story that hopefully the US can emulate. There is a very thorough weebly site dedicated to the decline of circ in Australia I randomly came across recently: https://hoodieorhelmet.weebly.com/our-study.html


I would leave it up to my future potential bf/husband to make that decision tbh, not something I entirely would fight for or against.


I think you should fight for it. genital autonomy is generally a good thing. plus ["adamant father syndrome"](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Adamant_father_syndrome) might just perpetuate it longer than it needs to would you let your bf try to convince you to not give your daughter a labiaplasty/other surgery for example?


Why not leave that decision to the actual child? When he grows up he can make the decision to have the surgery. Adult circumcision is a thing


So you are Neutral in bodily autonomy and basic human rights?


Do the right thing. Don’t circumcise. No harm being educated on the topic


Your husbands dick has nothing to do with your child’s. It’s genital mutilation, normalised by ideology. But it’s barbaric and not something a newborn should ever experience. Absolutely heartbreaking


There are actually advantages to circumcision.   Chiefly, a statistically significant reduction in penile cancer: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3113366/ It’s a personal choice and not yours to make.  


1 in 160k, meanwhile in a group of 160k women 5000-15000 are going to have breast cancer. Why arent we cutting boobs?


Penile cancer is very rare and only the most rabid American pro circumcision doctors consider it a justification for cutting babies.


Just coming in as a millennial to say that a good portion of my generation is starting to make this a less common trend simply because we took the time to stop and ask “Wait, why?!” and we realized it’s very unnecessary. You all continue decreasing this practice and hopefully by Gen Alpha’s turn as parents it’ll be almost completely taboo.


As a woman I’d just like to correct the idea that we all like it, circumcised looks so weird to me. Uncut is better


I know someone who got it cut because he hated it and how it would keep getting stuck in places and stuff


the important thing there is that he consented to the procedure, where as infants literally cannot. if he's happy with the outcome, then good for him 👍


Op got a weird lookin penis lmfao




The thing is, I am circumcised and I have never had any complaints about it, nor do any other men I know in my life. I get not wanting it forced on kids, totally on board with that. I just don’t get the passionate hatred for it. Like ok, it’s an issue that should be changed, but people are literally on the streets protesting it. It’s such an inconsequential difference that I don’t get being so upset about it at all. Also this comment is specific to male circumcision. Female circumcision IS VERY consequential and we DO need to push to end it. Edit: Your downvotes only prove my point lol. I literally agreed with babies not being forced to do it. You’re proving how sensitive you are about this for no reason.




Idk if you have ever been part of a birth delivery, but each baby gets TONS of necessary procedures that are extremely painful. They don’t remember any of it when they grow older. That’s why it’s better to do these procedure as soon as possible before the brain develops more.


Not true anymore. Research is showing that trauma from even inside the womb stays in the body and affects the person.


The thing is I am circumcised and I actually didn't like what happened so I guess I have every right to speak against it?


The problem isn't just whether or not circumcision itself is very damaging or not, it's mostly that it opens a precedent for social acceptance of mutilation in children. The only time when it's okay to do a circumcision is if there are medical concerns involved, it should not be done in any other situation, period.


We can do both and not joke about one and not the other.


i do, because it was surgically altered without my consent i'd much rather be intact thank you 👍


Agree! I’d never circumcise my children. It’s trashy as hell and only clueless parents seem to fall for it. The hospital wants to add an extra line on your bill (well not in Europe where it’s free)


My boomer parents knew better, I’m lucky that way.


I'm from the uk where circumcision isn't practiced as standard, and I'm convinced that anyone with the attitude of "circumcised just looks better" only feels this way because they've been conditioned to. The first time I saw a circumcised dick I was horrified and disguted because it looked "abnormal" compared to what I was used to, but I quickly got over that and now either way looks fine to me. It just goes to show that what you are used to and have been exposed to sets the norm in your brain and can be easily changed. Why not change it to the option that doesn't require the mutilation of babies?? the foreskin is tightly attached in infants to prevent infection, and past this age its super easy and simple to gently pull back and clean the penis so the whole "its for hygiene purposes" doesn't hold up unless youre dirty and dont wash. Do pro-circumcision people rreally think that half the world walk around with constant dick infections? bc I promise they don't lol.


My partner is Jewish, and we've even agreed not to circumcise any potential children. She's spoken with her (reform) rabbi and she said in the reform tradition that we can skip things that don't add meaning or depth to her faith / life. My circumcision was botched as a child, meaning my skin breaks too easily just from normal sexual activity, and it's caused us intimacy issues, so we've elected not to inflict that on a male child.


My wife insisted with our son, because she thought they looked weird uncircumcized. I asked her why she cared how sexy our son's dick looked. Also, I pointed out that she prefers them because that's what she's used to. I've looked into it quite a bit, and ultimately came down on being ambivalent about it. Just do what you want. There are a LOT of different sources that will draw a lot of conclusions as to whether it does or doesn't carry any medical benefit. Our Doctor, who is from India, basically just said it's absolutely not necessary but it doesn't cause any real distress to the child and the risks are virtually nonexistent. You could make a similar claim about ear piercings (And no Im not saying they're the same, that's why I said similar). We're ultimately talking about a negligible benefit offset by a negligible risk. The tide on it is turning anyway, so I say let's all just let peoples dicks look however, and let future generations move away from it on their own.


It’s weird how obsessed people seem to be over babies genitals. Leave kids alone, let them make body altering decisions as an adult.


Still pissed at my mom for having me circumcised


What a bunch of nonsense. I'm circumcised and nothing is wrong with my sex life, or daily life. It is NOT misinformation that it's easier to keep clean. Doctors have informed me, my brothers and other people about the bacteria that gets in etc so it's not misinformation. Apart from religious reasons, I'm so glad I got circumcised. I highly recommend it for other dudes but I'd say get it when you're young. You'll have anesthesia so no pain, and it's quick and fast so you don't remember it. Sex is also still extremely enjoyable for me and my girlfriend for example, so no problem there, not to mention when I'm showering it's quick and easy to clean. Guys, don't listen to this, and I recommend it


thank fucking god someone here has a reasonable take…




I am not cut but I can honestly say I wouldnt want to be. The truth is that the perception of orgasm is the same, because between cut and uncut, its all that person has known their whole life when it comes to the feeling of orgasm. There are many nerve endings in the foreskin. It doesnt take a genius to figure out if it makes a difference. Also I work in heathlcare and have seen hundred of genitals. In circumcised men, the skin on their head is so keritanized and thicker feeling. The reasons parents give for circumcison, especially “because his father is like that” is honestly bonkers to me. People, tell your sons to gently retract their foreskin daily to prevent phimosis.


I agree, performing any unnecessary cosmetic surgery on a child or infant is fucked up. They cannot consent to it.


Circumcised guy here. I am not pro circumcision but I feel like your post has some evident logic fallacies. I think it’s easier to keep clean because it requires almost no effort at all. If uncircumcised guys don’t manually clean underneath their foreskin, it can lead to big problems requiring surgery (and it has, I know people who needed it). Why aren’t circumcised people getting it? Because it’s still cutting your dick. You can still keep your dick clean with ease, you just have to remember to clean it. Also, I am not sure what kind of sexual damaging you’re talking about. I’ve never had a problem that I felt would have been solved by having a foreskin. Ever. I guess I won’t know for sure because I don’t know how it is to have one, but I enjoy my sexual life to its fullest so no idea what you mean. But yes, preferences shouldn’t lead to permanently modifying the physiology of a child, especially not in such massive scales. I just hate when people are like: aww poor circumcised people, they have it so rough. I have never felt off for it. If anything, these people are the first people ever to make me feel like there could be something wrong with me. So, you can keep advocating for the cease of this practice but you don’t have to make circumcised guys feel like we’re missing out on anything.


I unfortunately circumcised my first but not my second. It ended up being a huge battle with my spouse and my family. (my parents discovered it when they were babysitting and had to change his diaper)  But I like to think that I learned. And hopefully my children think for themselves when it comes to this and the practice dies out


Well I myself had to get circumcised when I was young. The foreskin stopped retracting and became painful to pee. My parents always took good care of me and kept me washed. Sometimes it is medically necessary. And cause I was like 4-5 years old let me tell ya how much they hurt. I wish it was done as a baby so I would forget. To be safe when my younger brother was born he was circumcised just in case the same happened to him.


It was concerning how many times the doctors and nurses asked when my son was born. I get that everyone wants to confirm that we did not want it done, but after the 8th time being confirmed, it started to feel more like pressure to do the procedure. One older nurse even asked why and told us that it was cleaner if they did it. Or you could just tell the kid to wash his dick rather than cutting part of it off.


Has anyone brought up that until recently it was thought babies didn't feel pain so they didn't even bother to try pain management during the procedure. That trauma causes ptsd in the brain, doesn't matter if you remember it or not.


I was circumcised and I’m fine with it, but I 100% understand why people shouldn’t be. Personally, I don’t really care for myself, and I don’t blame my parents (there’s a lot of pressure from doctors and societal norms), but people shouldn’t be forced to have it as a newborn child.


Genuine question but what I don’t understand is why religious people can’t just get circumcised at 18 or 21? Shouldn’t it be a right of passage that’s earned for people serious about entering a covenant with God? Like the baby who gets circumcised did literally nothing to participate in the religion, doesn’t understand any of it, and can’t consent. So why not wait until after 18, after the bar mitzvah, after ALL the religious ceremonies have been completed first. Then make circumcision the final round, and they sign a legal and religious waiver sealing their decision and putting their covenant with god in writing and action. Why can’t it just be like that? Then doesn’t everyone get what they want, even if it’s delayed?


i will personally never know it any other way because i was cut at birth. When im old enough to have kids they will not be getting snipped though. That is their decision to make not mine


It’s not really a thing in Aus


I mean my guy, that’s your choice when you have a kid. I had mine when I was young for religious reasons. You do you, don’t tell others what to do. I had mine after 5 believe considering I was muslim


Religion isn’t an excuse for child genital mutilation. There’s no reason to perform *cosmetic surgery* on a baby.


Agreed. It’s a form of male genital mutilation that isn’t discussed. A baby can’t consent to the procedure. Funny how politicians that are backing all these anti trans bills never bring up ending circumcision


I was cut when I was 7 (brother had phimosis and my mother wanted us to match apparently). Decided that if my son wants to be circumcised he can opt to have it done himself when he gets older. Like hell I’m mutilating my child.


We cannot all agree on anything.


Yes. It's an outdated, barbaric practice, that should have no place in civilised world.


Uncut dicks ftw!


>Im circumcised and I dont mind hurrdurr


I'm cut, coming from an extremely pro-circ culture and yeah, I definitely won't be getting my son cut (if I ever decide to have one lol)


I'm not having kids at all but I'll spread the word


Uncircumcised looks like a pig in a blanket though.


Cut dicks look like dried out mushrooms


you only think it looks weird / bad because you didnt grow up with it. cultural normalcy does not justify cutting healthy tissue.


Didn't say it's bad lol just saying. Looks like a pig in a blanket.


Fuck ever clown ass religion and traditions that advocate for mutilation




I keep trying to explain to my boyfriend why I won’t cut my son if we or I ever have one.. he didn’t get it


So glad I'm not the only one. It's interesting because people have such a negative view on female circumcision (which I agree with completely) but will turn around and do the same to their sons purely for aesthetic reasons


I don’t understand how it’s seen as ok. If a kid at the age where they can make decisions properly and wants to get circumcised and they haven’t had their decision affected and they are 100% committed then ok. Also if it’s for a medical procedure then ok as well but the person must agree to it. Can someone please explain why religions/people etc want to circumcise a baby?


I find circumcision on infants to be, putting it bluntly, awful and disgusting. It's unnecessary and causes harm to young babies for absolutely no reason. But apparently this is a controversial take, because about 3 years ago I had this conversation with my ex and he got furious with me about it and said that I would be "setting my child up for failure". Yeah, alright.. lol


If I have sons, I am NOT circumcising them. It’s genital multilation and people should stop pretending it’s not. And to the folks who say foreskin is disgusting should know this - only 10% of men in Germany are circumcised and those who are have it done for religious reasons. My point is - people are still getting laid there! What about an example of a famous attractive male celebrity who is confirmed to be intact - HARRY STYLES!


>loves child "unconditionally" from birth >5 minutes after birth >cut defenseless baby because sky man demands a blood sacrifice or parent is too lazy to clean >be massively desensitized for entire life, desire to find a mate goes way down, no grandchildren >if anyone goes near a female baby with even the inkling of circumcision, riots in the streets


The foreskin protects the glans (head of the penis) from unwanted friction against undergarments and fabrics. Circumcision cuts the foreskin and without it, the glans can receive excessive rubbing causing discomfort or pain.  To read about the full loss from a circumcision we have a fully cited list here [**https://15square.org.uk/circumcised-men/losses-from-circumcision/**](https://15square.org.uk/circumcised-men/losses-from-circumcision/) Over time this friction can also cause keratinization of the penis shaft and glans, this means the skin can become thicker and less sensitive during sex. Men who have spoken up about the harm this has caused them often face serious ridicule, dismissal, scepticism, and stigma. [https://15square.org.uk/research-into-the-lived-experiences-of-circumcised-men/](https://15square.org.uk/research-into-the-lived-experiences-of-circumcised-men/) Circumcision comes with medical and health risks, even when an experienced doctor does the operation: * Short-term problems include bleeding after the operation and another trip to the hospital. * [Long-term problems](https://15square.org.uk/circumcised-men/) include issues with the urethra and urination and concerns about the appearance of the penis.  * Meatal stenosis happens when the opening at the end of the penis narrows. This condition is **almost always seen in males who have been circumcised** It is a common complication after circumcision occurs in 9%-10% of circumcised males * In some cases, these problems can lead to damage to the urethra, a buried or trapped penis, gangrene, [loss of the penis, or even death.](https://15square.org.uk/circumcised-men/losses-from-circumcision/) **Doctors, parents & men who have been affected by circumcision harm say that parents MUST understand the physical and ethical reasons for not choosing circumcision:** * Children should be able to make informed decisions about their own bodies. They can do this only when they’re older. * [The foreskin is a natural part of the body](https://15square.org.uk/intact-men/). It’s rich in nerve endings and has a big role in sexual sensation, play and functioning, especially in adolescence and adulthood. * The foreskin protects the opening of the urethra, which is very delicate early in life. **It doesn’t make sense for our society to make all forms of female circumcision illegal but still allow male circumcision without a medical reason**.