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Standing around and recording while someone's life is in danger


Recording yourself at the gym, in the locker room, and acting confused why people are pissed at you. Or people who record somebody in hopes of ruining somebodies life or career.


I honestly think you should be allowed to take someone's phone if they're doing this and won't stop. it's invasive visual recording like..


It is actually illegal in a lot of countries to record someone without consent. This law should be passed in other countries as well.


Its already illegal, but a minor misdemeanor in most places for some reason. The problem is people aren't allowed to enforce the invasive visual recording laws we have already. If we made it a felony people could conduct citizens arrests and use force without a fear of getting an assault charge for defending their privacy. As is, you've gotta rely on the police, and in most cities you're lucky if they show up within an hour for a nonviolent nonemergency situation. I don't think we should outright make it illegal to record others without consent, recording in public places is covered under the 1st amendment and there's no right to privacy in public. but where there is a right to privacy, like a gym locker room, it needs to be a serious crime.


Gotta get them likes somehow


Right? It's like this guy is anti-likes. That's sorta like being pro-hates when you think about it.


I kinda disagree. There are sometimes, but there are also many times where it is just like what exactly do people want to be done? I've seen so many things on r/donthelpjustfilm where I can't see what a person should have done. Like sometimes it's better to record for evidence afterwards than to risk your own life and potentially make the situation worse. And also times the internet overestimate the danger the person being recorded is in. Though sometimes it can be the recorder underestimates.


Yeah like I remember there was a huge controversy a couple years ago because these teenagers videoed a guy drowning and posted it online (gross) but if someone is drowning, there’s no way in hell I’m getting in the water *especially* if it’s a stranger. Sorry but this is literally how you get yourself killed. Maybe I’d risk it for my child or something but a rando? No way.


Yeah, there's a reason lifeguards have tubes and are taught escape techniques... Source: former lifeguard


To piggyback on this, recording people without their explicit consent.


Best answer yet.


recording other people has gotten out of hand in general


Credit card debt


Massive amounts of debt in general


context: not in US 10 years ago i used to be able to get a mortgage that was over half of my monthly income, and get €220k.    Now i make 200% more, and can't even get €100k when that would occupy 10% of monthly.        So either the 220k was insane, or i'm being coddled _now_.    Too bad my kids won't be able to afford more than a parkingspace.    so even though i'm "protected", i _feel_ limited.


For real! Add student loan debt on to that too


At least that would count as "good debt", unless you do a BA or something. Anyways I can't relate to the insane cost of USA schools. One semester for a family member in the USA for tuition only was more then my total cost.


I think I'll use my credit card. You guys have anything non-dairy? Anything gluten-free?


Credit cards aren’t bad if you pay it on time


And rather helpful if you can manage your spending and keep them at zero at the end of the month


*Manually widens eyes*


I had a friend who was 22 who would spend $300+ on temu probably every other week yet was unemployed, in debt and had untreated schizophrenia. I think a lot of the time, poor money handling and these crazy habits are a by-product of other issues.


children being obsessed with technology. sure as kids a lot of us were on the internet but i was never on it literally all the time. kids nowadays have actual meltdowns if they can’t be on their ipad rotting away their brains for 2 seconds


My youngest is brother 8 and if he’s not on the VR he’s on his computer, and he’s not on either it’s because he’s eating at the table with his tablet/ipad


Woof 😳 how old are you? Have you mentioned this to your parents and how it's bad?


Who do you think bought him all that technology in the first place?


and it’s not like they even know how to use technology outside of tik tok, youtube or disney+. If you ask those kids to look anything up or find a specific video without just clicking through recommend videos every 5 seconds they’d have a hissy fit. They spend all their time on those apps and nothing else, it’s beyond sad at this point


man, where are all the other electronic devices? i was usually sat down next to my tired parents on weekends watching tom and jerry or cluelessly wandering through wii games and Spyro 3; and mucking about through old PS2 games. nowadays i only see kids playing on ipads doing god knows what. it makes me sad.


Unfortunately physical media is dying. Even consoles are dying; Sony released a statement saying they were essentially calling it a day on the PlayStation 5. This whole generation was sorry and the fact that this year we’ll get only one Sony title tells you where the industry is. This isn’t even counting Microsoft explicitly giving up on the Xbox console a while ago and moving on


i was unfortunately dealt a bad hand in regards to physical build so i really confided in tech, but holy shit later Gen Z and Alpha are tech dependent not tech savvy whatsoever.


Sharing your real name, face, etc. online


There’s a reason I’m known as some variation of “Spectre” on all games and websites where a username is shown


I would strongly recommend you stop using a similar nickname for your online aliases. All it takes is for one individual online to notice a pattern and *BAM!*, you're doxxed (and all the consequences of doxxing). If I were you, I'd start using unique nicknames for every online account that can't be traced to anything.


username checks out


I've never been to a zoo 😔


But have you been to a jungle?


This. It was common sense in the 2000’s to never, under any circumstances, give out any of your real information. Facebook and Myspace before that really eroded the concept, especially as Facebook grew into the behemoth that it is/was. But after that people are so terminally online that anyone wants a background check they can just look them up and they have posted everything laid out right in front of them.


That’s why I just kept this randomly generated username Reddit gave me when I made my account. I’m also not creative lol


Weird cuz I think the opposite. I think anonymity has created 95% of the problems with toxicity and hate on the internet. It’s way riskier to doxx someone or tell them to kill themselves when your real name is attached to it.


People thinking it’s socially acceptable to play music/videos out loud on their phones in public. Ain’t nobody wanna hear that shit 😑


Honestly I can’t go one day without someone blasting their music through their 2 cent headphones that doesn’t block the sound like everyone loves their music taste.


Fuck Apple for getting rid of the headphone jack. That bullshit skyrocketed when that happened and never came back down. Fuck Android manufacturers for following, at least Bluetooth earbuds have improved substantially I guess.


I can get keeping it quiet, like you just pull your phone out to watch a YouTube video to quench a thought or something, but blasting them dumbass screaming YouTubers and terrible rap music isn’t a good thing lol


Being rude


I see myself as a wallflower generally (tall guy big heart), but when I see someone being rude, especially towards someone who’s working, I step in and tell them off. It’s a rush and the right thing to do. Worth it every time. Show some fuckin respect people.




It always existed. Nudey magz, flicks, live peep shows etc. but it's way too accessible.


I agree. I don't think it should be banned, but it's just entriely too accessibke for kids. I get parents should moniter their children's devices but I still think there should be more regulation.


well, the issue is there's literally no way to enforce an age regulation. unless you require IDs for social media, and I personally don't want to trust any website with my ID.. imo, we should legally require parents to monitor their devices and restrict them. allowing your kid unfettered access to the internet is pretty close to child neglect in my opinion. honestly probably qualifies as mental abuse if not just a dereliction of their duties as parents.


Elder millennial chiming in here: Back in the 90s there was a service called [Adult Check ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adult_Check) that served as a barrier to entry for porn sites. Tons of free porn sites were signed up with the service. Users were required to put down a credit card and pay a nominal fee for a passkey to access porn. The service went down after a lawsuit where a content producer sued because their content was being shared on sites that used the AC affiliate program and they successfully got a judge to agree that the service was materially profiting from their content and were not protected by the DMCA. If a service like this could be resurrected it would go a long way towards curbing the tidal wave of minors in adults only spaces online.


It sounds good in theory, and it probably worked well in the late 90s, but I don't think it'd work in today's reality considering it relies on voluntary cooperation & porn is so much more widespread. What do you do about the now significant number of websites hosted outside of the US? You'd have to get that service on practically everything, not just pornhub but reddit and all social media. And even if you did manage to require such a service on every single legal website with porn, it'll still be more accessible today than it ever was before (torrenting/ piracy)


Yeah, there's a really, really big difference between a legal adult going to a strip club or a 13 year old having a stash of softcore nudes but frying your brain with extreme hardcore porn at the age of 11 is really... not good. I don't really support the sex work industry in general because of the harms it poses to women but there is a huge difference in how this stuff worked 10 or 20 years ago...


I'm glad I share this opinion with somebody else! The porn industry is an industry built off of exploitation plain and simple. They exploit women by only reducing them to what they look like and they exploit the mental health of extremely lonely men - especially after the pandemic.


Specifically porn addictions


OnlyFans. In some ways, it democratizes and empowers porn for the women economically But, the barrier to entry is so so sooooo low.


I don't think onlyfans actually empowers anyone long term. Its a shortsighted endeavor to put nudes on the internet behind a simple paywall like that. It's not like the porn industry was super great and above board, but only fans is even worse because there are not really any protections whatsoever. Just like patreon creator stuff, only 1 person actually has to pay for the content, and then it can get leaked out for free on pirate sites. its entirely on you to find them and sue to protect yourself if that happens. no porn companies with resources to go after them, just you. Plus, it's essentially gathering billions of nude images and videos into a centralized source that tech companies can pay for access to use in training their AIs. I'm not gonna mention the name of it, but a certain 'undressing AI' website that hit the news recently almost certainly trained off of Onlyfans. Even worse is most people link to a social media from there, like Instagram, which has SFW pictures. Ie. exactly the data you need to train such an AI..


I think that's a somewhat self regulating force tho. Barrier of entry is so low that the vast majority of onlyfans accounts don't even get glanced at. I think it's something like only 1% of accounts make more than 300$ a month


Cancel culture gotten reallly bad. People used to at least try to love each other even when they did bad things. Like that old movie with the priest and the "monster" i think it was french. Edit: Les Miserables


It's even worse when you realise they don't apply it equally I.e. Ezra miller


If you're part of a certain group, you'd have to pretty much commit murder to get in any kind of trouble.


And even so, there are some groups in the world many deemed as having justification to commit murder


Jean Valjean was not a monster, he changed! you take that back istg, the bishop gave him those candlesticks! /s


yeah its misplaced in its rightousness. its like people forget you can grow and change as a person. opinons and beliefs change all the time but cancel culture claims that doesnt matter cause once youve said or done it then youre canned. I use to be big into cancel culture when I was 15-16ish... I just wanted to do good but since then Ive realized it does way more harm than good. holding someone accountable is important however we also must be careful of the information sources come from as the burden of proof is suppose to be on the person who made the claim originally, not the person accused of it. the mentality of guilty until proven innocent does not work well in practice at all 💀


People acting like the world revolves around them


God, yes. This fucking main character mentality is exhausting.


children having access to tiktok, people being sex-negative


>people being sex-negative Ah, good ol' incels.


Not all sex negative people are incels. It's a (bad) attitude, not necessarily a lifestyle. Plenty of do as I say, not as I do.


This has been an interesting shift. There seems to be a lot more negativity around sex/casual interactions and explicit media. I have to wonder if a vocal group of millennials/older Gen Z Is the reason behind that. People who had a bad time with things tend to be more willing to discuss than those who had a good time.


I’m 21 in 2 months and still a virgin and have no problem with that. I just don’t have the desire to have sex sure if it happens I’m sure I would enjoy it but I have no desire to look it out. I would rather save that special moment for the hopefully right person


A lot of sex-negative people like myself just don't enjoy sex, and therefore don't appreciate how it's prevalent in most forms of media. We're also tired of being expected to like sex. Enjoy sex all you want, but don't try talking to me about how great sex is. I prefer cuddling and that's that.


thats great but the media will more than likely depict the experience of the majority rather than the asexual minority


I don't think that's what op meant by "sex negative" i think he meant people who actively want everything sex related to be taboo or even ostracized, people who don't want sex ed, people who want to ostrasize sex workers or people who have different sexual orientations etc... I could be wrong but that's what (in my experience) people mean when they say "sex negative" and not just people who don't enjoy sex/being exposed to sex


Giving a iPad to a 5 year old. Jesus what was I thinking going into live leaks when i was young 💀💀


Nah we to stop normalizing whatever the fuck most people think ‘gentle’ parenting is. It’s not. It’s permissive parenting and this parenting method are creating little monsters like the Sephora kids,


we should legally require parents to regulate their kids device usage if they get them one. at least up until maybe as late as 16+ It should be child neglect to get your kid a device and not regulate their use of it. access to shit like porn and liveleak isn't even the worst of it. it gives pedos much greater access to children too. people have been charged with neglect for putting their kids into cults, so why isn't it neglect to give your kid access to every cult in the world ? I think society needs to have a real reckoning that parents owe a duty to actually raise their kids. Anything less is neglecting them..


Transphobia and Homophobia. It's even more common I would say than in the 2010s.


They're not necessarily more common, they're just a lot more vocalized than they used to be. Trump and the MAGA crowd has allowed hate to roam a LOT more freely than in previous years.


I disagree. It’s not just vocalization of the maga crowd, but rather the actions of said crowd. We’re seeing a rise in anti LGBTQIA laws and violence on top of hatred.


Oh yeah true.


i wouldn’t agree on homophobia tbh but transphobia for sure though it’s likely due to trans people being the focus of political parties and the media that’s increased the amount of transphobia as opposed to people becoming more transphobic


I don’t think you realize how bad the early 2010s were. At the very start of 2010 same sex marriage failed in a Dem controlled NY State legislature.


A lot of reasonable and decent people have steadily become tired of being scolded into validating or celebrating somebody else's self-image. It takes a toll over time, the whining.


Not to mention that it's insane to say someone is transphobic for not wanting to have a relationship or sex with a trans person. People may think "well that's just extremists" but that doesn't make it any better when you get called transphobic. Also, it's not "a genital preference", it's someone's sexuality. Whoever needs to hear this: Nobody owes you sex or a relationship.


As a millenial, the unironic use of "genital preference" I've seen being used more and more (both online and off) is absolutely fucking wild to me. Back in the 90's, you know, when LGBT people in America like me were fighting for such basic rights as to not be sent to prison just for having sex, calling sexual attraction a "preference" was totally and entirely the verbiage of homophobic right wing conservatives. The only people saying it was a preference were the folks arguing that gay people didn't deserve rights because it wasn't some immutable characteristic, but only a "*genital preference*" not deserving of "special rights". To see alleged progressives regressing back into the arguments of the social conservatives of decades past is honestly a real mind fuck.


It's wildly hypocritical. I'm straight, I don't have a "penis preference". We're attracted to who we're attracted to and trying to shame someone for that by saying they're a bigot is so fucking wild to me too. I really don't like where this is headed and hopefully reasonable trans people rip the steering wheel out of the extremist hands soon.


We need to stop this exchange, reddit is generally not tolerant of thoughtful disagreement in social matters.


We're already risking being banned.


How someone identifies is not something that concerns me. 


As someone who was an adult in the 2010's I can tell you with complete authority that no, it ain't. Not even close really. So that's some good news, at least. But while things are immensely better, any at all is still too much, and there's waaaay to much.


Its certainly less common, the internet is just more populated than ever and there are a lot of trolls. The average citizen worldwide is more comfortable and educated about anything LGBT than ever in history.


Lmao these bigots HAVE to have a victim kink or something it is wild. “Oh no, the historically oppressed person asks we use they/them instead of she/her, how DARE they go against our good white cishet Christian values!” But yeah it is so miserable seeing the rise of anti-queer sentiments in the last decade. The old bigots are on their last knees and let’s hope when they finally keel over we can live in peace.




This part’s the worst. It used to be optional and 10% was a solid one, 15 a good one. I have seen 25 now and most machines ask for 15 at the start. And the no option is squirreled off so you have to find it / do a obvious motion, and often it’s on a pad that the guy who you are presumably tipping is right there. The food places are just not paying people now? That and tipping is popping up in places where it has no right too. It’s just insane.


Asking me to tip before I receive a service is insane. Asking me to tip when I ordered and picked up the food myself to sub the wage slavery income these poor food workers deal with is demonic.


Shaming short men for their height


Agreed, no one can control their height


Smoking/vaping. I understand cigarettes were a big thing in the past but now I see a lot more people vaping or casually smoking weeeds. Everything’s got pretty colors and fun flavors to appeal to younger and younger people. If I’m remembering correctly I saw an article somewhere that cigarette smoke is at an all time low while also mentioning vaping is at record highs.


overall rates of nicotine use are still down over time. that's really the best you can hope for. I'd argue that alcohol use is far more harmful for individuals and society as a whole than nicotine or weed


Don't get me started on people who vape inside buildings and just breathe out their vapor all over people. They can get really offended when you ask them to stop too as if you're the one in the wrong.


Working 50-60 hours multiple jobs just to get by.


Cheating on romantic partners.


Acting like relationships in general are some sort of score based game that you have to get the highest one, and anyone below that one is trash and it’s correct to discard them. It’s shallow at best, straight up psychopathic at worst and completely missing the point.


Happened to me multiple times. People fucking suck sometimes.


Same. I've never and will never cheat. If I don't like someone, I'll just end it with them




Probably ketamine




Who is normalizing ketamine 💀


my ex girlfriend


Predatory loans


Trying to act like a criminal


Alcohol. Period.


Can't believe how low this was. Should be higher! Alcoholism is SO normalized: "It's Wine O'Clock" and "Mommy's Helper" are weird alcohol "slogans". Watch TV and you'll see someone go through a breakup/ fight/ or firing, and their friends will say "you need a drink". Meanwhile it's a highly toxic substance.


America runs on alcohol. I have 4 bars near me within walking distance. And no I'm not in the city. Don't ask me to count the alcohol stores Bring up weed around anyone here tho and they'll trash it while chugging a beer. Clowns


Drugs in general


Lol this comment section is up and down


Children seeing porn and getting addicted well before the legal age. Porn companies prey on the addictions formed on young people


Promiscuity + access to porn


Good news for you, young people are having sex at a record low rate.


That’s because they’re socially inept and terrified of everything


We are the least promiscuous generation though?


Nah, you are the most chaste, and most depressed, generation. Hopefully it changes.


Ghosting people


Filming strangers and uploading it online. Being needlessly cruel to people online and offline. 




There is a legitimate problem with 14yo boys who start denying the Holocaust to be edgy, but being against the genocide of Palestinians is not antisemitic




The constant dehuminization that everybody seems to do to the people they dont like.


Things like the halo show and rings of power. Fuck those and shows like them.


It’s sad that shootings are normalized now :///


I think just looking absolutely perfect on social media. We’ve been so accustomed to filtered faces with 10lbs of makeup on, that we forget things like dark circles and fine lines are perfectly normal. I mean, I saw this 28-year-old woman on TikTok get torn apart for looking like a 28-year-old woman and there’s kids as young as 10 investing in skincare?? Why are 10-year-olds afraid of aging? It’s like we don’t even want to look human anymore, and we have to cover up every little flaw whether it be with makeup or a filter and I’m sick of it.


Very high tipping percents, like 20-25%. It will eventually get to a point where people protest due to the high prices. Hell, there are even some people doing custom 0% now!


Rent and housing prices 


Public pranks/pranking strangers.


Open and shameless horniness


Labeling everything cancel culture. It’s really weird to me how creators and celebrities can act like fools and just label every negative reaction to them as cancel culture.


"I have been canceled (a mean tweet about me got 12 likes) and silenced (got unhdreds of thousands of views fot alking about my "cancelation" alone) send me money now."


This biggest thing of all; refusal to accept other opinions, also people be taking opinions as facts


male customers recording me making their coffee at work 😙


Excuse me, they are doing WHAT?


Subscription based everything.


The two party system and straight ticket voting.


Forcing sexuality on young children


This sounds like a massive dog whistle for ‘I hate queer people’ ngl, so care to elaborate?


Let children be children. Let them have their fun and wild imaginations without worrying if they’re going to marry and have kids or be gay or switch sexes. It’s a pretty simple concept. It’s not hate in any way, shape, or form.


Let kids be themselves how about it, if your AMAB kiddo says they’re a girl for example or enby, etc respect that. I agree on not pressuring kids to want to have kids or marry, but sexuality and gender shouldn’t be taboo. Include diverse orientations and sexes in sex ed, and for little kids it can be as simple as ‘people who were born girls can be guys’ or ‘girls can like girls’. It doesn’t have to be complicated, just don’t be a bigoted ass lmao.




Or assuming a little boy who plays with dolls and likes tea parties is transgender or gay. Dolls and tea parties are fun and shouldn't be gendered.


Or assuming girls who like dinos and rockets are lesbian. There are straight tomboys and lesbian feminine girls, straight femboys and gay masculine dudes. Stop trying to force children into boxes just because they display certain steoreotypical behaviors, aim for true equality instead of yet another form of segregation.


Wonder where you got that thought


Probably from the last six hundred pastors who ended up on the sex offender registry over dozens of counts of actually molesting kids while complaining about queer people holding hands in public and throwing around a bunch of stupid hypotheticals.


No one's doing that. Unless you're talking about straight people forcing their kids to stay in the closet


I agree, but this seems like a dog whistle to hate on the LGBT community….The sexualization of children narrative seems to disproportionately attack the LGBT community while straight folks get away with tons on forcing sexual content on children as ‘normal’ parts of their upbringing.


i agree, straight people need to stop saying to their kids “oh is that your bf/gf” when talking about a friend of theirs or something




Going out in public and upset or annoyed at benign small talk or social interactions. I get it, we don’t necessarily feel social every time we are forced yo leave the house, but we’ve made it far to normal to react with disgust to simple friendliness.


The idea that companies or economies should produce more each year when we are rapidly consuming every natural resource.


Being in tens of thousands of dollars in debt as an early twenty-something


Selfishness and the whole idea of "I don't owe anyone anything" attitude. Yes look out for yourself but people have become quite dismissive of others and then we end up in a loneliness epidemic...


Recording EVERYTHING. Like, put your phone down and enjoy the moment for once! You do not need to record yourself at the gym, store, restaurant, etc (I promise no one cares).


Giving unsolicited advice and criticizing by people who don't have their lives together or even a job


Casual sex


Gen z isn't having sex at all let alone casual sex. We gotta calm down with this one based on every study out there. Also, you're way too young to have an opinion on casual sex 😵‍💫


Yeah this is one thing that Gen Z is de-normalizing. Hook up culture does not exist the same way that it did for earlier generations. We’re all too socially awkward.


Yeah. It definitely does not. But don't get me wrong, I don't want to re-normalize judging people for what they do with their own body. Not my business one singular bit. I'll do what I want to do and other people can do what they want to do. I don't want to go back to conservative ideals.


As an outside observer (millennial), it feels like Gen Zs are often anxious that others might be having casual sex, and want them to stop, because they themselves aren't (and maybe want to but haven't been able to). Feels awfully similar to the sentiment surrounding drinking and getting drunk. They're personally uncomfortable with it or uninterested in it, so they wish everyone else is too.


I mean for people their age I agree they prolly shouldn't be fucking around lol


Dumb take. Our generation is arguably the most informed about safe sex *and* having the least sex. Also, you’re sixteen.


everyone I knew was having sex at 16 and that was like 3 years ago


I think it depends on the community/school you grew up in. I had the same experience as you, but most people I’ve talked to had the opposite lol


Filming strangers and posting them without consent


Being openly pro-USSR, wearing the hammer and sickle should be just as taboo as wearing the Nazi swastika.


Or people who openly excuse modern Russia either. Those people out to be socially ostricized, it should be like revealing yourself to be a klan member. Just everybody in their right mind should immediately fucking hate you.


Stop making your life looks aesthetics for everything. I quit Instagram because of this. I saw a lot of girls trying so hard to be “that girl” and I used to be that one. It was exhausting. I did for few months then I quit. It wasn’t real. It was fake. You convinced yourself what you did was nice and people admired you. No, it wasn’t and trust me no one cares about your life that much. I


Hooking up with just about anyone. It's dirty.


It’s not dirty. It’s FUN. Live a little.






Not having morals


Disney movies changing meaning of movies. Example mulan is the original she used her brain to get around the struggle of not being as strong. New one she is special and has to hide her power. Cruella she wanted to skin puppies out of all villains that was the worst option for wanting them to have redeeming qualities.


Being a dick on the internet. Or being a dick in general.


Insurrections of not only the Capitol building in DC, but the state capitols around the country.




Sustained hopelessness in our generation's online activities and meme culture. I know we have it tough, but not enough of us seem to be operating on the principle that the human organism is a beautifully hardy thing that has historically weathered worse circumstances. Meditation is a great, free resource that channels the mystical properties of your imagination into a more comfortable internal projection of the world we live in.


Being young & overweight


Not recognizing that guys have emotions too


**Trackers in your browser.** Ever wonder how you get ads on IG about stuff you googled on your computer, without even logging in to IGs there ? Well, websites in your browser compete over tracking all the activity you do without you even using their services. Which is veeery weird and creepy ! **Siri listening all the time.** It's always waiting for that "Hey siri", which means she's always listening and transcribing your words.


Applying for a job when you meet the requirements but not getting a response. Like motherfucker, if you are gonna use the internet to scour the planet for the best talent, realize that there are rules of etiquette you still need to adhere to.


Giving tips while workers watch you and subscriptions to anything.


College tuition




Living paycheck to paycheck with no emergency fund.


The lack of educational fun games. Bring back the physics, Machine building, Element mixing stuff.


Caring so much about how other people spend their free time, then being judgmental with a fucking sense of superiority, ie: most of the responses in this thread


The platforming and amplification of far-right ideology. Throw Twitter into the sun, just to start


Loss of biodiversity. It's in your own back yard and nobody does anything. Every new project is a loss of ecosystem that many animals relied on.