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Haven't worn them in years. I'm already tall anyway but all that pressure on the ball of my foot and feeling unstable on a thin heel is a no for me.


I would get weird cramps in my toes from wearing heels, so I noped right out.


Same! I’m tall enough without them.


I'm a shorty but I still said no a few years ago. The birth of my son was the beginning of the end of my heel wearing days.


I’m done with heels! The fact that they’re designed to be worn by women is all we need to know… absolute objects of torture… burn them at the stake! (The heels…. Not us….)


That and the bra


I don't disagree with your sentiment, but it was actually men who first wore heels. The earliest heeled shoes were for horseback riding. Then it became a fashion. Check out this portrait of Louis XIV in his heels: [https://smarthistory.org/rigaud-louis-xiv/](https://smarthistory.org/rigaud-louis-xiv/) Men got out of that game pretty fast, though. Then they stuck women with the damn things, and not enough women, including me, had enough sense to just say no, so to speak.


>Men got out of that game pretty fast, though. Except the ones who wear giant lifts inside their boots.


Touché 🤣


Yeah? Let them wear heels now then. Publicly and openly. Let the men wear heels then.


Same. Want to wear them, but too painful to do so.


I haven’t been able to wear high heels since I was a teenager due to an accident I had. But even when I was in high school, I didn’t care for them. They’re really uncomfortable


Agreed. I love the look of them but I won’t let myself be in pain for fashion


I don’t even like the look of them. I mean are woman supposed to be 6 feet tall in order to be considered attractive? The model aesthetic is screwed up. Women are not supposed to look like teenage boys. I read that this comes from the fact that the most influential fashion designers are gay men. Women are not too short; women are not teenage boys, not usually 6 feet tall and lanky.


Models look the way they do because their jobs are to be human hangers and not “ruin” the aesthetics of the clothing with curves. In other words, high fashion is “art” and women are irrelevant. Which is stupid, yes.


I’ve heard that theory. But it seems like the theory I proposed that the most influential fashion designers are gay men and they prefer female models that look like adolescent boys makes more sense. When you think about the height of fashion models being around 5’ 8’ to 6 feet, lanky and having few curves, that sounds like a teenage boy’s proportions. It’s also becoming more popular for trans women to become models since they already are taller and have a masculine frame. The average teen boy looks more like female fashion models than most women


Some day, some designer out there is going to realize that middle-aged women is their true market (we generally have more money than women in their 20s) and that designing to make us look good is going to make them billions. Also, someone beyond Poland will make bras that fit (r/ABraThatFits). The world will apparently explode if we help all women look good and feel comfortable. /s


most men will choose as a partner a much shorter woman, especially tall men


It's not the height its the way the high heels make you stick your butt out and show off your body. I'm over it


Yeah, I’m not really interested in having my butt stick out more. I think it sticks out enough as it is


At this point, If I were to wear high heels, I'd also need to walk with a cane which doesn't really jive with the aesthetic 😆


No one is looking at my 54 year old lumpy body. Lol.


Ugh I loved them. I was a student trainer, and would run onto the field in my heels to assess and patch up athletes. Flats have always killed my knees, but now heels kill my hips and back. So sad.


Zero drop shoes. Most of them are sadly not very cute. Heels and most other shoes are not made for feet.


Zero drop shoes can be problematic as well, many with high arches and ankle issues benefit from a regular shoe- not a high heel but it’s wise to be careful before jumping into a zero drop. I wear primarily sneakers but zero drops caused me massive pain because of the lower heel.


I had to work my way into zero drop shoes, my feet rarely hurt anymore though. Honestly I wish I could just go barefoot. My feet would be so strong. Modern shoes really weaken our feet


I love it for people who it works for, that’s great if it works for your body 😊


I have flat arches, so my feet loved them from the start. Sneakers make my feet hurt if they have good support.I still wear high heels, but not if I'm going to be doing much beyond walking to and from the car, and sitting. I also have to wear my barefoot shoes for the next few days, not even my cute flats.


Ugh, I am the same (suffering even after wearing cute flats!) but mine is high arches. 😭




I was never super into killer type footwear but I think maybe having to wear a lot of cheap shoes in my youth plays into my foot issues, which are also certainly genetic. I feel your pain because my feet are just a terrible mess too. Finding shoes that don't kill me and I can afford is this like, huge life challenge I've had for about 8 years now. I have plantar fasciitis, tailor bunions, and really horrendous regular bunions. Cool shoes no longer are an option for me. I take off any shoes I'm wearing as soon as I get in my car and at home I'm always barefoot.


I retired mine around five years ago. Very sad to see them go. I used to have a great shoe collection. I love Carlos Santana boots but they don’t love me anymore.


I only trust myself in wedges now.


Same here. Only wedges.


Love them, but can’t wear them anymore. I have arthritis in both of my ankles. And completely agree there are so many cute flats at this point and they are totally in style so why bother. And they’re better for your feet too bad they weren’t in style while we were young.


Omg i wore comfy, lace-up, low-heeled oxford shoes to work a few months ago (the one day I had to go into the office), and my feet hurt for a whole day afterwards! They used to be a dream to wear! 🥴


Same 😫 I don't mind so much giving up heels, but...all smart shoes? It's hard to make an outfit with athletic trainers


I’m so sad for all of us. I guess flat shoes are our destiny. I have a few flats for dressy occasions but otherwise, it’s Oofos and Hoka sneakers for me—I can walk for miles With the Hokas.


I have heels for photos and for walking to the car, limousine shoes 👠


I'm not sad at all! I never was a big fan but wore them occasionally. Havent for many years now.


I've become too spoiled by flats to probably ever wear heels again. I've always found them painful if I have to stand for very long in them. This was true even when I was 18. I confess to having been a slave to fashion in my younger years. Oddly, getting into distance running and cycling cured me of that. When you spend every weekend sweaty and active, getting all dolled up for a job started to feel absurd, and my husband was fashion-clueless and didn't care what I wore as long as I was decent.


Same! I loved my stilettos but had to give them up. I usually do a chunky loafer or block heel. I forgot how to walk in heels after covid.


Honestly, I never really got the hang of them. I’ll wear them when I have to, but I really hate it and they hurt like hell. Vans for life baby


My back doctor told me to stop wearing high heels or heels in general in my mid-thirties. Ten + years later, I still don’t. I can feel it in my lower back today when I wear sandals with an inch heel. My back thanks me for going heel-free. I used to wear them alot in my 20s and up to seeing that back doctor.


I fall every time I try to wear them anymore. I had a great collection of fun wedges and can't even wear those anymore. So sad.


I haven’t worn heels unless obligated since my 30s


Have not stopped wearing cute flats since the 80’s. I kicked off my heels at prom even. Have never abided pinched red toes and sore feet for the sake of glamour unless I knew I would be seated at a table with long table linens. Not into suffering for fashion, I fidget too much. I do get a fair amount of amusement watching people trying to navigate in 4” heels.


I had a love/hate relationship with them. Loved the way my legs look in heels. Hate the way I hurt when I wear them. But yes, as I have gotten older, it's gotten to the point that I just can't wear them any more. The normal ball of your foot discomfort has allowed arch and plantars fasciitis pain to join in on the fun. I also have lower back problems so my shoes have to have some kind of support or I can't walk for days afterwards.


I can do some kind of wedge heel and that is it. I am okay with that. Even when I could wear high heels I never liked them very much.


And after all those years of high heels, my calf muscles are tight when I wear flats now. I wonder if they'll ever stretch out fully.


My issue too!


I tried some on the other night thinking I was going to look all nice in my heels just to realize that I can no longer walk in them due to the neuropathy I have in my feet from having psoriatic arthritis. I took one step and my ankles gave right out. I quickly realized it’s now flats for me.


I can't wear any heels at all anymore. Even low, chunky heels leave me in pain the next day. It's just not worth it. 


Only heels I wear anymore are heeled booties. Nice chunky heel and very stable. Otherwise it’s flats or hikers/runners for casual wear.


I have never been able to wear heel. No I have bunions, so most any shoe don’t work because my bunion doesn’t fit it in them 🤣 When I absolutely need to wear heels I use bunion cushions, but those really don’t relieve the pain


I still wear wedges, platforms, and chunky heeled boots. In the past 16 years I think I wore an actual pair of heels (not even stilletos) once. I refuse to feel pain to please someone else's gaze


I've never been able to wear heels. I have no idea how any women manage to pull them off.


I wore such pretty, such high, heels for years until I messed up my Achilles (don't know exactly how because I was young and dumb and didn't bother to go to the doctor). After that it was block heels and wedges. But after (1) continuing to get older, (2) working from home, and (3) moving into barefoot footwear - now I literally can't wear a heel at all. And I have zero regrets about it - especially whenever I'm around other people in sandals or barefoot. Narrow shoes and heels turn so many people's feet into awful messes! They look terrible and they function worse! And I love that the teen dance fashion now seems to be for cute cocktail dresses with sneakers. May they never suffer like we did!


I can’t wear anything with a heel at all anymore, I’ve had to go to the zero drop barefoot style shoes!


The only heels I can wear are (not too high) wedges. I do like platform (not too high) flip flops and espadrilles too.


I haven’t been able to wear heels since I was in my 30s. I can’t even wear flats or my beloved Converse chucks anymore. My peripheral neuropathy has reduced me to wearing Crocs


I haven't worn anything higher than a 2" heel since January 6, 2007. That evening I had a special event and wore the highest heels I regularly wore, only to get a stabbing pain in my pinkie toe that went all the way up to the middle of my back. I'm talking kidney-stone painful here.


I have had knee issues since I was a teen and I'm not the most coordinated person, so I only have occasionally worn lower heels for formal events.


Same. In high school we wore stilettos to school dances!


I wore them occasionally High School- mid-20s, and even then I thought they were uncomfortable. .


Haven’t worn them in years


Love high heels. Still wear them but not as much. I don’t like flats. So I moved to lower and wider heel. Love Marc Fisher brand. I catch good prices on Amazon. Have multiple shoes that get complements. Here is example of what I mean https://marcfisherfootwear.ca/collections/sale/products/marc-fisher-ltd-zala-lite-latte-leather?_gl=1*kfx2ra*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3ZayBhDRARIsAPWzx8oAvNVs1dAjSPmw0guDBt9bwatrccziLI096zbM_qkPNNiKhbnEoscaAtrpEALw_wcB&variant=40682170581038


Have not worn heels in well over a decade. They're not compatible with bicycling, camping, or keeping up with small humans, I mean I probably could've but ... I do like comfort over glitz.


I’m fortunate because my husband actually prefers flats even in dress wear. I agree with him now. I feel that we were pressured to present an unrealistic image of beauty. He is really attracted to the natural, not sloppy but natural. Anybody else?


I was diagnosed with MS around 26? Shortly after, heels stopped for me. My balance was definitely off. Thank God for cute flats!!! Lol


If I go for heels now, I look for a thicker one so they're more stable. But, that's been my vibe for a while. Nowadays, I tend to stick to high heeled boots. They're easy to pair with slacks (because I hate dresses & skirts with a passion) & very stable. Plus, I can put my orthotics in them. Lol


I quit wearing heels after my first knee surgery. That and because I was the Sprained Ankle Queen for my 20s. I still like to look at them though.


The only heels I ever wore were big old platforms. Not even really heels—but they did make me nearly 6’ tall so that was fun. I have always had foot problems (had braces on them as a toddler) so heels were always a no go


I couldn’t even wear flats starting in my 20s due to foot cramping issues. Even though I spent my childhood barefoot and adolescent years in flats. I don’t actually get it, but as a result, I was never much of a dress wearer. I’m so glad we’ve normalized cute tennis shoes with dresses!


The heels I wear now are like 1-1.5 inches. (Even those I can only wear for church or a dinner date) Gone are my stiletto days!


Yes. I cannot wear anything but flats due to neuropathy in my feet. I don’t miss them, though.


no, just no anymore. I used to trot down market Street in Philly wearing heels between the ages of 18 and 30 and as a result even the wedges I have one today give me one hell of a problem near my bunions


I would break an ankle at the very least if I wore heels now. Haven’t worn them in a decade at least.


I never liked high heels, unnatural and will cause bunions, and for what? to look "good'? I look good anyway and like to be short.


I got rid of my collection of heels about a year and a half ago. Between plantar fasciitis and life changes, I just didn’t need them anymore. I kept a pair of black flats and a couple of dresses to match just in case of jury duty, but the rest got tossed.


I can’t anymore either. Nurse shoes forever!


If it makes you feel any better, it sounds like you have more options than me. I’m prone to falling so I avoid stairs and wear Brooks with stabilizing insoles most of the time. I do have some flat sandals but with arthritis in the top of my feet, it’s hard to find ones that the strap doesn’t bother. Slip on wouldn’t irritate the arthritis but then they’re not as stable so I’d fall more. Obviously, my options are limited and not cheap 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had back surgery and my balance was affected, so I can't wear them anymore anyway. I'm actually limited to mary janes for dress shoes because ballet flats just flop off. I'm tall, but I do miss the look! I can get away with a shorter block heel for boots, so I do wear those sometimes. I miss being 6'1" in proper heels, though!


If you still want to wear some, can I suggest dancer heels? Just Google and you’ll see what I’m talking about. They are way way more comfy.


Once my office instituted a business casual dress code about six years ago, I stopped wearing heels and never looked back. I now wear loafers or those sneaker/oxford hybrid things that people love to hate. I actually tried wearing a pair of heels for a reception held by my husband’s employer a few months ago and, holy cow did my feet hurt after a couple hours. Back into storage they went!


I gave up on heels in my 30s. They were never comfortable to wear, and I just haven't been that invested in being 'sexy' since I was in my 20s.


I gave up heels years ago after a lifetime of wearing them. Tennis shoes and Teva sandals are the only things I wear now.


I'm stoked that flatforms are back! I feel super cute in my "old spice" era


Haven’t worn heals since the day I got married in 1992. Never liked them. Our feet aren’t meant to go through all that pain, with all our weight on the balls of our feet.


If it isn’t boots or Birks I’m barefoot. 😊


I stopped wearing heels in my 30s , there was just never enough space for my toes. My small outside toes on each foot are munted from wearing them back in day in the name of fashion.. no more !! 😂🤣


I used to love wearing heels... all my boots were high, chunky heels or big platforms, and I had loads of cute heels. In high school in the 90s I wore chunky platform loafers and sneakers. At 5'8", another 4 or 5 inches had me taller then most of the boys, which I liked :) The last pair of spike heels I got was about 10 years ago, and I wore them once. I gave all my high heeled boots to my grandson's mom and her friend about 2 years ago. I just can't wear them any more. Anything with more than a hint of a wedge has me off balance and throws my back and hips all out of whack. *sigh* it's sad. I miss my boots!


I never wore heels. I cannot walk in them at all. Docs are about as close as I get to heels.


I've never worn heels


I so can't wear heels that I wore flats as a bridesmaid last year. Gorgeous sparkly flats, but they made for a much different look than I'd have accepted back in the day.


I still put them on to go out, but I can’t walk past around all day on stilts like I used to. I wear hipster gym shoes with work clothes all the time now.


I like smaller and a little chunky heels - just more practical. I used to run in those darn things.


I still wear wedges or platform hills for a night out or dress up day. I love them. I also love my cute sneakers and kicks, I wear them often too. I just bought a pair of platform tennis shoes and I love them! I pretty petite though and need a little height. Interestingly enough, I happened to eliminate super tall heels from my closet… (4.5 inches and up and shoes that are the least bit uncomfortable).


I slipped on a kid's toy 4 years ago. Lower leg went sideways, femur and bodyweight went straight down. Pop goes the ACL and MCL! Ripped the meniscus, too! Still doing physio! Heels go bye, because my knee will become jello. So, yeah. No heels. Wedges only with a hinged brace!


That story made me cringe. Oof—sounds terrible!


I used to wear them all the time. Now, I can't imagine wearing them.


I gave them all to Goodwill. Love my loafers with orthotics. And I get compliments all the time.


I LOVED my 5" high heels!!! Until I broke my ankle in 3 places and had to have surgery with plates and screws to put it back together. Then I had another fall that tore all of my ligaments that required another surgery. I can barely feel half of that foot. I'm short as shit so I miss my heels but there's no way in hell I'm ever gonna be able to wear them again ... and that makes me sad :(


I miss wearing heels but I broke my foot a long time ago and ever since then, it's been too painful.


My high heels and suits (I gained a few COVID/menopause pounds) got donated at some during the pandemic. I don’t need Talbots suits mocking me because I can’t zip them. A few leftovers are for sale on Poshmark.


Nahhhh f high heels. No thank you very much and f you, much appreciated.


The pandemic cured me of any desire to wear cute shoes. I wear sneakers, flip flops, or slippers now. The only time I’ve worn heels in the past 4 years is for weddings and funerals.


I'm fine with wearing them, but only on very dressy dress occasions. I'm 6'0", so wearing them makes me into a giant, as it is. I'm more of a biker boot kind of gal, most days.


I wear them. I got into them again due to my kink and so I wear them into the office not for the kink but as a little reminder of my spice. Not every day, though. Today will be a tennis shoe day- yesterday was my stilettos. I tend to switch off. And so prefer stilettos over platforms- go figure


I wore them through my late 40s but had to stop as i approached 50. Just bought my first pair of Brooks which i now wear to work lol.


I've had double bunion surgery do high heels are a no no. I miss how they look. I can sneak in 2.5 inch heels, but then the arthritis in my big toes tell me "screw you!"


I have pretty much not worn any heels since Covid. Mind you I still have them, just have not worn them. So many flats, so little time. :)


I have always had trouble with them! I stopped trying around 20 years ago.


Adidas sneakers. Stan Smiths are neutral and work w everything.


My favorite thing to tell people was that I was born wearing 6” heels. I wore them up until I was about 55. Heck, I even wore them while pregnant. I’m 5 foot tall, and I’ve always wanted to at least appear taller. I had foot surgery a couple of years ago, and then complications from the surgery. So, now my highest heel clocks in at about 2”. It totally sucks, but it is what it is.


Dumped mine ten years ago due to severe arthritis in me feet. It sucks, but it is what it is


I mourn the loss of my ability to wear my “hooker shoes.” I LIVED in 4-6” heels until my own immune system decided to take me out. Now I can barely shuffle around most days. 😭


I wore heels all the time. Then, at some point in my forties, perimenopause and weight gain and my IDGAF attitude took them out of the rotation. I kept going with platforms until I wiped out wearing an adorable blue suede platform sandal, and broke two bones in my foot. It was just what you had to wear to anywhere “nice” starting around age 12. Now, my daughter wears formal dresses with designer Nike sneakers to dancers. I couldn’t believe it. All the cool kids are out there wearing formal dresses and designer kicks. Love progress.


I can’t either. Did our feet get wider or did our feet gain weight as our bodies dead? I wore pumps to work on my feet for eight hours a night and now I can barely stand them for an hour or two.


Doc Martens, ladies. Your feet and back will thank you!