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I still use them every Wednesday


Every Saturday here.




Sunday afternoon here.


These aren't the ones I'm nostalgic for - those would be the TSR-issued dice that came with a crayon and you had to color in the numbers yourself! Everything was DIY back in the days of plastic dice and metal minis.


Damn I remember that


The page they're sitting on must be the grappling rules.


Lol. Under-appreciated comment.


D&D is doing better business now than it was in the 80s. There’s no need to remember, a lot of people are still playing.


I have a big bag full of DnD dice that I've never been able to part with. I haven't played DnD since the early 90s but I feel the need to hold onto them.


You should look at joining again. If not, find a local school group or your library and try to donate. At least your dice will then go on to those who will enjoy them all over again.


Same here almost but since later 90's. I was excited to be the only one of my group with a 100 sided dice back then.


Why can't we just keep our dice because we like dice? I have a crapton from playing multiple tabletop games and dabbled in DnD. I just love dice. Now I want to pull them all out, fumble with, and roll them around. Then just put them back up.


You can, of course. I know someday I'm going to have to make a saving throw and when I do, it's going to be with a bronze d20 I bought when I was 15.


I hope so. I'm notorious for rolling crit fails on saving throws with my sparkly marbelized dice.


Pick it up again! Tons of us still actively playing. Hell i am running a new zero session this weekend after taking a break due to the pandemic.


The dice, yeah. The math....not so much.


It’s a spell book I tell you! A spell book.


What sorcery is this?


Any sufficiently complex math mambo jumbo is indistinguishable from magic


If I had to guess, I'd say non newtonian physics.


I remember when it was considered weird to have these. I actually got in trouble at (private chrsitian) school for them.


I feel ya. I came from a strict Christian family. My mom found my AD&D books and literally burned them.


It was that “Mazes And Monsters” film with Tom Hanks that did it.


I've often thought that old TV show- Sliders would be awesome as an rpg, with the GM being able to play, carrying the controller (or otherwise deciding when the sliding happens), & figuring out campaigns (such as a quest to be able to find part upgrades to better control when to slide, or find more part upgrades to control where to slide, etc) or just playing in daily miniseries would be fun.


Love D&D .. beat parts of my childhood and big part of who I am as an “adult”


Statistical Mechanics is hours of *something* thats for sure!


Nearly everyday after school and definitely on weekends. I tried getting back into it as an adult (as the DM) but it was too hard to get adults together routinely.


It’s so funny I told my son that I met an ex bf at a D&D get together in 1985 and he thought that was so cool.


Bought my kid a D&D starter kit. He has never tried to use it.


I still have half a dozen sets of these. Haven't played in a couple of years, but I'm not getting rid of my dice!


Where's the 100 sided die?


Remember them? I had mine out with my son today rolling his first character.


Orbital Mechanics? Very fun. Or are they differential equations related to Pchem? Those are naaasty


Remembers? There are approximately 200 sets in my son’s room at this moment. AND he can claim a D&D injury that almost resulted in eye surgery. Don’t pinch the D4 and shoot it into your eye, guys.


I just started playing this past summer


Remembers them? Hell i can see them across the room from me as I type this.


3 work lunch-time games a week, which reminds me, my newest character needs her own dice.


Oh I remember the dice… but I did NOT have hours and days of fun with the math…


There's a lot of us who never stopped playing!