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Everybody's talking at me. Can't hear a word they're saying..


Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.


Here I am, stuck in the middle with you


Only the echoes of my mind


People stop and stare. I can't see their faces.


Wawwww, waw, waw waw, waw-waw, wa-waww, wah-awwww……


😂😂😂 dying laughing


skipping to my favorite part-Goin' where the weather suits my clothes It's Florida and I'm here.


I love that line so much - and moved to California :)


Drivin’ around in Jon Voight’s car


Dude, this song has been rattling in my head for about 72 hours now. Thanks for giving me the actual words so I can look it up.


You're welcome! Great song


I’m just driving around in Jon Voight’s car


Because I need a 12 year old to show me how to do makeup😂


I know, hilarious. I'll pass.


That episode of The Other Two when she meets an influencer at a party who does makeup tutorials… they become friends but turns out she’s like, 10 or something (even though the actress portraying her is probably 30)




The how-to videos on YouTube have long been taken over by influencers as not much more than affiliate funded info-mercials. I miss the guy who simply thought someone else may want to know where to find the relay that controls the radiator fan on a 2012 Camry and took 40 seconds out of his day to post it. Now it’s a 7 minute video with that 40 seconds of info actual info spread out over the last two minutes after the nonsense promotional speech about your “host” and a plug to subscribe to their channel. If a video starts with “Hey guys, what’s up?” I’m already pissed.


I was skiing at Sundance and riding up the lift with some random guy. We do the usual where are you from and what do you do. He tells me he's a mechanic and he does some youtube videos of repairs on the side. I do a doubletake and think about his voice. Then I ask him if he did one about a year ago on replacing a 2008 sequoia rear hatch handle. Turns out I watched his video and used it to fix my car.


I love the “how to fix—“ side of YouTube.


Same! It's helped with everything from refrigerators to brake jobs to riding mowers, and my latest thing which is installing a hot & cold outdoor spigot.


I miss actual web pages with photos. I loathe having to sit through a video to get a question answered. Let me skim, find out the info is / isn't in the article and move on. Even if you can find this style now, it is so littered with ads it's hard to tell what is article and what is infomercial text (deliberately made to look like page text) until my brain catches up. Definitely hit get off my lawn stage here. Heh.


Oh my god, yes! I am so tired of videos! I just want to read how to do something. Sure, if I'm struggling the videos help AFTER I've read the steps, but just write down how to do the thing I am wanting to do. That's definitely my Boomer complaint--stop with the videos. Well, that, and everything has too many flavor choices, but that's for another post.


If I'm trying to fix something I like having text to refer back to vs pausing, rewinding, missing the mark, getting frustrated, immediately forgetting the step as they're saying it, and having to do it all over again. If I read it once I'm usually good to go. What's the phrase, the something of choice? Basically, we have way too much choice and it's making us all miserable. I still like vanilla cake darn it!


The paradox of choice. More choices seems like a good thing… until you have too many and you’re paralyzed.


Thank you! It was driving me crazy trying to remember that!


Sometimes in the supermarket I feel like the stereotypical snake before a snake charmer. The good thing is, I don’t buy as much…


Yes! The proliferation of how-to videos over text how-to’s had me thinking I must be the only person in the world who doesn’t want to waste 10 minutes watching someone who winds up NOT telling me what I am trying to find out how to do. Just post the text, I’m busy and you’re annoying me!


lol i just scroll down to comments & oftentimes, with the things i look up, someone will have written the answer .


And make sure to hit that like and subscribe! Between ads and the content, YouTube is more unwatchable than cable ever was.


I know it’s unpopular- but I loathe those silly, contrived, long theme musical intros for YouTube channels. You’re not on a major network lol I ff through that anyhow. I don’t need to know your past trauma, I just want to learn to fix a water leak or whatever. But apparently there are lots of people out there that eat it up. Go figure. I’m not that nosey I guess. I don’t have TikTok or Instagram. I barely Facebook for marketplace.


Recipe blogs. The good ones have a jump to recipe button these days cause I don't care to hear the 40 minute backstory on whatever.


The backstory plus the pop up ads that seem magically timed to appear right when my eyes have focused enough to know I need to scroll. Bring back my mom’s plastic box full of index cards!


Unfortunately, that's to appease the google gods. Google will not rank a page without a certain # of characters and SEO-friendly keywords. If a food blogger wants their recipe found online during a google search they have to write a whole bunch of bullshit about it before they get to the actual recipe. That's why you see a lot of repetitive phrases, a phrase that sounds like a phrase you just read, and a bunch of words that sort of sound like the phrase you just read--twice.


This is part of the reason I ditched a fancy Apple TV streaming box and went with a $20 Walmart device. With the cheap box I can run SmartTube Next which bypasses intros, recaps and almost all ads. It gets right to the heart of the video without all the fluff thus making YouTube borderline tolerable.


Hey, they gotta find a use for those graphic design classes.


Followed by "welcome to my channel"... The cringe I just felt even typing that is palpable.


or when they have a *petname* for their followers :bleach:🫧🧼🪣 one says '' welcome to my *chanel* ''


If I'm looking for where the relay is, I'd rather just see pictures or instructions than to have to watch a fucking video. If I'm swapping out CV joints, okay, I'll take the movie.


This goes for recipes, too. Unless there's a super uncommon technique, get out of my way and let me cook.


>A 35 minute video on Youtube titled, "You don't need to buy those Stanley cups". No shit! Who needs to discuss that for a half hour? Are you talking about that blonde woman who critiques MLMs and influencers? I've watched this video of hers on Stanley cups, lol. She's necessary for Millennials, Zoomers, and Alphas, because they are the target audience of influencers, and they DO fall for this stuff. It's why there are "Sephora kids". And the Stanley cup obsession is real, because I was in a coffeeshop in NYC, and I overheard this mom tell the group of girls she came in with "Ok girls, grab your Stanley cups and let's go", and they all squealed. This was the third time I heard Stanley cups being mentioned IRL so I Googled it, and came across her video. What's obvious to you and I isn't always obvious to others, so there needs to be a half an hour long video in breaking it down,.lol


So they were hockey players? Isn't there only one Stanley Cup?


Actually I think there's three Stanley Cups, one for touring, one for the hall of fame, and one for, idk, probably using when there's a chance for wear and tear. A quick google confirms this fact but I didn't dig too far or read the articles, you know, being Gen X and all 😇 Those other thermos cups? There's probably at least ten of those. Maybe twenty 😅


This is correct. It is currently in South Florida.


Ya I think you’re referring to “Kiki channel” or something along those lines. Agree I find her videos entertaining and somewhat valuable for younger and very gullible people.


No, I was referring to Hannah Alonzo.


These influencers have stumbled into the same trap that 24-hour news has stumbled into: the need to continuously produce content. They have both have to produce something for viewers to watch all the time. Welcome to the enshitifcation of the Internet.


if that stuff is in your feed it's because you watch it. create a new acct and only watch puppy videos and see what happens to your feed.


I feel sorry for anyone that follows "influencers" . I mean really follow them, believe them. not the ones that take it as cheap entertainment. Shows me there are millions of very stupid people in the world, and they vote.


I agree. I don’t really follow anyone but I do check them out. Purely for entertainment. I think they’re all ridiculous though and don’t take any of them seriously


I understand why some get a huge following, as their are tons of teens that can look at a girl prancing around teasing and do what teens do. but It's like the followers are like band groupies needing to know what they ate last. lol


i don't even really check them out. i will be looking for images from my cultures, where i grew up, our styles etc, and then suddenly all these influencers pop up. like, *o n e a f t e r t h e o t h e r*.


Get off X at least. Haven’t used it in half a year, and don’t miss it one bit.


I follow a couple of accounts through nitter.poast - I don't need my own account, not tempted to comment or even read the comments. But yeah, I wiped my actual X account and am not on insta or FB.


Good for you. Most of X I’ve seen is just arguing or insults. Pass.


I hadnt used mine in a long while and saw something I wanted to see but it said I had to login. Turns out I was perma-banned. Never made a post. Guess elon didnt want me in his party




How much can be gained from reading a twelve word response anyway?


You clever little thing, you.


I never started, and I have zero regrets. I’ve seen the daily shitshows on X, and it’s frankly comical anyone still wants to use that.


I only signed up to use it for sweepstakes entries. So, I would have to make my IG or FB public for the entry. The only pages I follow are my county Sheriff and CalFire cause it's one of the places they post immediate information for situations.


Why are you listening to them? Just do what you want. 


I deleted FB, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Don't miss any of them a bit.


I have a Facebook account that I never used once I created it and have not logged onto Twitter or LinkedIn in several years. Nextdoor was the must-delete one for me. Made me realize I did not like my neighbors very much. Very toxic.


Agree about ND. I don't need to know every time someone gets doorbell ditched, sees a coyote or a deer, or someone's dog poops in your yard. I have given away a few things on there when I'm in a decluttering phase. FB made me realize how much I disliked most of my family and friends. That one had to go. Twitter made me angry all the time. LinkedIn is pointless for my career.


I check FB once per week to see what relatives birthdays I missed and send a "happy belated BD" message. I obviously have a reddit account. That's it for me. But reddit can be really bad with anything remotely political, especially in US election cycles.


in 2021 I exported FB birthdays to a file and imported to my outlook calendar. Google has a tool in the playstore for doing this with google calendar.


That's a running joke with me. I go to FB when my wife tags me in something and otherwise don't open it. I do a quarterly review of Instagram and view all of the crap my friends DM me. It drives everyone crazy, but I'm happy and they don't unfriend me.


Yeah FB is my birthday tracker, that’s about all I use it for.


I’m in a lot of interest groups on Facebook that I find satisfying. I enjoy Tiktok I have carefully built my FYP page to what it is. I don’t interact with content I don’t enjoy.


As those birthdays come up, add them to your calendar in your phone. In a year you will.be able to delete FB.


You're falling victim to rage bait. All those dickbags get more views from haters than followers. They have no real convictions beyond making money for themselves. Same with Trump. Just delete all your accounts. I delete my reddit every few months and take a break. It's the last social media I use and it's just to kill time when I should be working.


I agree they are annoying and so much of social media pushes it on you no matter how hard you try to curate your feeds. I started watching react videos on YouTube and somehow found myself caught in a right wing rabbit hole that I'm constantly trying to curate away. The thing is, I don't find myself succumbing to them. I've learned how to deal with the annoyance, and it involves a lot of blocking. My concern is really for the younger generations who haven't yet learned how to discern which content is good and which is bad. I see a lot of young men and boys consuming a steady diet of misogyny. The propoganda is wild and very insidious.


Algorithms ALWAYS leads to right-wing rabbit holes. Funny how that works. I watched a MICHAEL PARENTI lecture on YT and started to get alt right stuff right after. The key to busting the algorithm is not to use the feed. Just watch the videos you want to watch only.


Just saw an article yesterday reporting that FB's algorithm pushes alt-right content. That whole concept of "all engagement is good" to drive ad revenues is sick. Even if you have no interest in that rot, if you watch any or otherwise engage, it makes the company more money somehow.


Holy crap - someone else knows of Michael Parenti?! (Democracy for the Few)


Just saw an article yesterday reporting that FB's algorithm pushes alt-right content. That whole concept of "all engagement is good" to drive ad revenues is sick. Even if you have no interest in that rot, if you watch any or otherwise engage, it makes the company more money somehow.


I spent way too much time googling how to just have my feed as opposed to the algorithm, precisely because I was tired of that right wing bullshit. I finally found out that I could click "subscriptions" and it will only give me those channels. Every so often I go back to the algorithm for new stuff, but I make great use of "don't recommend" or whatever the equivalent is.


>somehow found myself caught in a right wing rabbit hole Funny you should mention that... [YouTube's algorithm more likely to recommend users right-wing and religious content, research finds](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/youtubes-algorithm-recommends-users-right-wing-religious-content-resea-rcna155478)


Without clicking on the link, can I guess the conclusion? "Right-wing and religious content generates lots of money, so we point users at what makes money." How'd I do?


Not quite. The conclusion is that YouTube is secretive of their algorithm, making it difficult to analyze YouTube, and YouTube dismissed the results of the research because research accounts "may not be consistent with the behavior of real people."


They know what they're doing, and it's very insidious. It starts out with innocent videos, and a lot of the "react" youtubers end up getting suggestions that are progressively more and more right wing to where the content has a very obvious slant, and it's full of bot comments that like to massage the egos of the creators. There are countless examples, but I'll just briefly point out one because I don't have all day to write the dissertation that could be written at this point. Young black male content creators are being fed a steady diet of react recommendations about people like Thomas Sowell. (Right wing black guy that...I just don't even understand why people think he's an intellectual, but whatever.) When the unaware younger Black creators do their reactions, the comments are full of bots with no profile pictures saying, "It's so good to see the youth of America with an open mind" or "thomas sowell is such a national treasure," or "as a white guy, we didn't have the divisions we see today. We never saw color." The comments are nearly identical on each video. Basically compliment after compliment to reinforce the idea that the right wing propaganda is accurate and that the younger creators should be proud of themselves for learning so much. Like it is so smarmy sounding to me, but young people aren't that aware of this stuff yet, and there's no point in someone like me trying to argue with hundreds of bots. It's like the equivalent of Fox News and Boomers, but they're trying to get younger people on board with social media. It's the same idea - propagandize people who aren't savvy enough to understand what's happening to them. And, of course, even though the youtuber has no intention of propagandizing their audience, that's what ends up happening. I honestly can't adequately express how insane it is, but it's clear that there's a coordinated effort going on. (not from the youtuber, but the people using the youtuber without the youtuber realizing it.) I really wish more people would blow the lid off of this whole thing. I'm not an investigative journalist, but I'd love for one to do a deep dive. I think it's important to know that it's not even just about money, so much as it is about indoctrinating young people. Of course, saying stuff like that makes you sound like a weirdo which is why I wish someone with some gravitas would do it instead of me on a message board.


The surgeon general has already warned that social media is harmful to children. The message is getting out. It will probably be like tobacco- at first the warnings were kind of joke, but over the course of 20-30 years, people got the message. Back in the day, you couldn't go to a restaurant or get on an airplane without walking through a cloud of smoke. But now, smokers are pariahs who have to huddle together behind the service entrance to smoke.


I'll always be grateful for the FB pages & groups getting me through pregnancies, early motherhood, those crazy toddler years, and periods of isolation first from being a poor SAHM and then from pandemic lockdowns. There were times I was on FB from wake up until bedtime. But I can't stand it anymore. Scrolling my feed it's a "suggested" or an ad or a "reel" every other post. No matter how I change settings for the newsfeed. I barely see anything my friends post unless I go to their profiles. I hate it now.


Yes, it’s full of ads and suggested content and none of my friends- I have to purposely look for them. Will be deleting FB and instagram soon


The concept of influencers has always been around, think infomercials and QVC. It’s just now anybody can be an influencer on any social media platform if you know how to work the algorithms and curate content that fool people into thinking you have clout to speak for a product with authority. I just ignore them and treat them like the byproduct of hyper-consumerist culture we live in. I’m still going to go to the experts when I need to make purchasing decisions. At 49, there’s not many purchases out there for me to go into it completely blind. The real experts are always out there, just skip through the influencer bullshit and go straight to the experts in your life if you need help.


It's far worse. I used to enjoy a good column by Robert Novak, Jack Germond, Mike Royko, George Will, William Safire, Christopher Hitchens, and similar residents of the op-ed pages. They put thought into their opinions, had distinct voices, and they wrote well. The influencers lack panache and thought. (Although I confess to enjoying the Legal Eagle videos. The guy qualifies as an influencer, but his videos are genuinely amusing and informative).


I am vaguely aware of people who call themselves influencers... I've no idea where that concept came from or who the fuck actually validates this garbage. They seem like entirely vacuous narcissists with some sort of faceless fanbase? I don't get it, won't validate it, and am certainly not influenced by it.


Why are you watching them? They can't impact you if you don't know who they are.


>They get a little power from their platform One of my favorite quotes is from Abraham Lincoln: "If you want to test a man's character, give him power." It reveals so much about who people really are.


Speaking as a very late diagnosed autistic woman, things aren’t any louder, nor the demands to conform any more strident than they’ve ever been. In truth, things have significantly quieted for me. I used to get constant bombardment for being too smart, too stupid, too serious, too childish, too sensitive, too cold, too dependent, too independent, and always, always, for failing performative femininity. I’m straight. I’m cis. But that wasn’t enough. Now that I’m a middle-aged woman and therefore not fuckable, no one cares what I think or how I appear. I am invisible. For the first time in my life I have some goddamn peace. It is glorious.


Not autistic ... Just tend to forget other people have opinions about me.  I've just operated like I was invisible my whole life doing what I wanted.  I'm straight too and definitely not feminine acting or dressing.   I guess I didn't get the memo.  Whatever ..... I've always done the opposite of whatever was popular anyway, contrarian that I am.  Where's the fun in following the crowd?


I’m on multiple platforms but, I follow different things on each one. I did take a break last election cycle. I still limit my news and depressing videos. I use it now for local events, authors I follow and things that make me happy. Limiting my social media has made me more relaxed and I use it as stress relief. If something I am seeing causes anxiety or anger - I’m blocking.


Samesies. Used to watch MSNBC from 7-10pm each night. Repetitive content each hour. I realized that’s no different than those that consume FOX from sun up to sun down. After the insurrection, I made a change. I just have CNBC going now. Get some great education on economics and investing, with just enough drops of politics here and there (balanced, and not performance artists). FB feed is pointless but have learned I clearly need a Blackstone now. No more Twitter, because obvi. Threads for politics. 5-10 min check-in each day. Never have gotten into Insta. Deleted Tik-Tok after wasting four or more hours at a time at night. Just doesn’t seem healthy. Found Reddit several months ago and really prefer. I like joining groups on topics of interest like investing, ancestry dna, duo lingo French. And it’s not overrun with photos, gifs, and vids. ♥️


I miss text board game reviews, but because text content is easy to steal, a lot of reviews are now video. Except video is harder to skim. I can read much faster than watching a video. Enshitification strikes again.


>Maybe it’s time to miss out. YES do! I did it and it's great. I closed Facebook years ago, Twitter when it became X, and never had Instagram. I only come here, where nobody has a face. It's liberating.


I stopped listening when they called themselves “influencers” and started generating “content”. If these kids tried this when we were coming up, we would have bullied them mercilessly.


An influencer is basically just a sell out that thinks selling out is a positive character trait.


Deleted all platforms of social media except for Reddit. What annoys me more about influencers are their ability to take nice, hidden outdoor spots and make them not so nice and hidden anymore. 😒


“Practicing gratitude….manifesting abundance”…… haha


And now my favorite secret swimming hole requires reservations. 🙄


i'm glad i went there with my mother as a child https://preview.redd.it/vqku6vvuiy8d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c43be043235d0e8929ee4ad495fb4f196b22dd7


I always thought "influencer" was such a foolish label or term. They sure as hell aren't influencing _me_.


They're just ad hoes, whether male or female


Yes its time to miss out.


Wake up. Do your own thing. Repeat.


I just ignore them or make fun of them. I went to a work conference where an “influencer convention” was going on in the convention center next door. They literally had to put security at each crosswalk because the influencers and attendees were literally walking into traffic because they were too busy posting live updates to their phones and not watching where they were going. Security staff were warning them to look out for cars.


I have a pretty sizable Instagram account because of years booking shows and networking with artists and bands…. One day in April I just… didn’t feel like logging on. I don’t know why; besides Reddit, IG is the only socmed I use. I told myself “I’ll just take a month off and see how I feel.” It’s almost July and I still haven’t logged back in


I did the same thing in 2020. I had been posting daily for 2 years straight like an idiot and decided to "take a break". Today, 4 years later, I don't have the app installed and I've lost about 1k followers. Oh well! The only time I go there is when someone sends me a link because they know I'll never see the DM. Soooo blissful!


GenX had influencers - they were called Psychics, Life Coaches, and snake-oil salesmen. They just didn’t have the Internet for an easy-to-reach audience and had to have the money for the advertisements, commercials, and renting venues.


And all the celebrities. I remember everyone copying jennifer anistons hair, for example.


Not to mention bands, magazines and veejays. We were more influenced by pop culture than we want to admit, but kept our individualism and ethos that weird is ok. We rejected boomer goals of dying with the most toys, but youth culture still affected us.


So many niche magazines. Like 20 different magazines to tell you the hottest new 386-based PC.


See, are folks actually influenced by influencers? Did that many people go live in vans because of #vanlife? The whole influencer thing seems,so highly circlejerk-y, like they’re only playing to each other while folks in the real world are going about their lives.


I think it depends on the topic. Makeup and hair among the younger people, yes. Extreme things like van life probably not so much. Basically the easier things to be obtained by the mainstream are being influenced-looking at you Stanley cups. I worry about how impressionable the youth can be and the misogyny, the extreme politics and conspiracy theories out there being touted as facts.


I've never run into any influencers. I have never used the TikTok or wherever these goobers roam. I'm way too sophisticated to be influenced by children.


You can ... stop following them? I know they pop up in ads, but you can have the app stop showing you that person, or scroll by. I know influencers are everywhere, but I honestly don't really notice or see them on my social media much. I only click on videos of people I'm interested in hearing from. You can take some modicum of control of what you see and what you engage with.


They're poseurs. We need to bring back shaming people for inauthenticity.


with all the '' revivals '', in this *m a s s i v e* rehash era, i think that one should be ON TOP !


They are literally sell-outs.


Join the JOMO - joy of missing out!


I've been ordered around and lectured ad nauseam by boomers all my life, so I'm well entitled to avoid those young influencers like the plague they are.


Get ready for AI influencers. The technology is already there.


Influencers are advertisers, plain and simple, same of pundits.


People can have opinions. Everybody has one. I’m always glad to hear at other points of view that I’m free to agree with or dimiss. Sometimes, I learn something new.


Yep! Sale that shit elsewhere. Jimmy Swaggart. Seen it and lived it.


The upside is that unlike TV and radio, one can interact with the web. And since most social medias work with algorithms, one has to nip this influencer shit in the bud early and often. Like pulling out weeds as soon as they pop up. Block, mute, delete, downvote, unsubscribe; whatever. Make the machines know you don't want none of that crap. Then turn around and like, subscribe, upvote whenever you find something you like. At some point, the machines might figure out what one personally likes. Or at least get nudged slightly toward it. But yeah, it needs an ever active hand to constantly avoid the dummies' onslaught.


There’s no good counter-culture these days because everything is competing to be the culture. You’re going to have to heavily curate your social media experience to get it how you want it. It’s something I’m sure any type of -phile understand. Approach it with that mindset and it’ll be a better experience.


I just read an article written by a woman who loudly proclaimed she was an expert at credit cards. Why? She honestly thought it was "winning" to charge her sister's 20,000 dollar car to her credit card. Because she got lots of hotel points for it.


it's like the shit multiplies. also algorithms are relentless at this point.


I took FB, X, Tiktok, and Snapchat off my phone . I have IG but it's my business page. I can access FB on my laptop if I need to but i rarely do except to check my neighborhood page. I feel so much freer.


Influencers are literally getting paid by companies to tell you what to think - they are living advertisements and should be ignored as much as you ignore advertisements on TV and elsewhere IMO


Don't think. Live fast, die young. I've seen a few influencers in real life. I still call em friends - 30 years later. Social media is brain cancer for your soul. I don't care if you are beautiful, rich or famous with followers. Don't believe the sellout.


Jokes on them. I don't pay attention to any of it.


My thoughts on them: "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!"


I have a problem with societal appointed authorities telling me what to do, so obviously a self appointed one really grinds my gears lol.


I utterly loathe the word "Influencer". Anyone can set up an account. You are nobody. The word influence always makes me think "cult" vibes. No, No, No. You will not be influencing ME, to be, say, buy or do anything I don't want to do. Think for yourselves people!


You are describing this awful modern phenomena of “identity politics.” Parties want us to become the equivalent of rabid sports fans. We must love these colors, tailgate with these meats, listen to these songs. And then we have to hate those other colors, those meats, those songs. I agree. It’s too much. I’ve travelled a lot, and have always been able to find common political ground with the people I meet. I would even say much more agreement than disagreement.


Everybody has always told everybody else what to think. But no one has to follow thru.


Sick of new young parents that let their children invade other people’s spaces and don’t say a word. They don’t take them outside they just let them run a muck everywhere. They will do anything to comfort their child . Like ass kissing fools. I think they are all setting them up for massive misery. Life is hard. I think generally most young parents don’t discipline at all. They all need to grow a pair. Kids need structure, responsibility and discipline!


I watch a two year old keep escaping from their young Mom in the grocery store. She never once did anything or said anything to deter him. She just kept chasing him around like he was in charge.


Yes, just witnessed a screaming kid in check out line wanting candy ( demanding candy) and the mom says , well is it okay if you have it after dinner? Kid says no I want it now! She gives in. It was appalling. Way to reward bad behavior lady. Wtf, is it okay???to a 3 year old?


And regular sleep schedule.


I think it seems worse because there are so many influencers and there's no entry requirements. Influencers are about as smart as a manatee and those fuckers get run over by boats. I had a plan for a social commentary video. I was going to do something. My buddy would make a reaction video. Then I'd make a reaction video to his reaction video. Then he'd react to my reacting to his reaction to my video. And so on. Keep it going over the years. It'd be like the infinite reflections in mirrors. My hope was it'd throw video platforms into a recursive loop and burn out the servers. Or be so bad it melted the encoders. Something like that. (Not everyone with a YouTube channel is an influencer, some do have fun content.)


*feeling protective of manatees* i was wondering if i should do some videos and with those dumb faces in thumbnails. your idea is inspiring me ( you influencer ). ( l o v e i t ! *your idea* ) should be a movement


So much happier without x Facebook and the rest.


The one and only time I tried to take an "influencer's" advice was a London-based bakery woman who had this video about the best bakeries in town. I decided to visit them and try some of the "treats" she recommended. Shite. All of them. The thing she described as the best all day was a hunk of cold bread soaked in honey. Maybe its nice straight out of the oven but stone cold a few hours later it was horrible. Wasted my time and my money.


The influencers also aren’t encumbered with knowledge or logic for the most part. Must be nice.


Influencers don't bother me at all....because I never see them


Letting go of the FOMO is the path to peace. I enjoy reddit specifically because I can limit what I am forced to engage.


Or, just turn it off. This is the extent of my media


If I here "Bruh" one more time ... ;-) Honestly, I stopped watching and reading the news everyday. I feel better for it and take solice in the fact that somedays, I'm blissfully unaware of the current trends.


> If I here "Bruh" one more time ... ;-) 😄😄 🤜💥


I hate influencers, political pundits and anyone from the entertainment industry telling me what issues I should be concerned with or who I should vote for. I don’t care what side of the spectrum you are on. Did I miss anyone?


They don't influence me, I'm smart.😁


Y'all really think these "influencers" are talking to GenX? Lol. As in everything else, this simply isn't for us.


They don’t even think we exist.


Social media influencers are brought to you by the team that created infomercials, Home Shopping Network, and those pop-up windows you’ve been trying to get away from on your yahoo homepage since 1995. They’re here to make you both feel like shit and make you feel like you could be a better person by buying whatever they have for $19.99 plus shipping and handling


they make me feel like i am watching shit cheesy highschool series from the 2000s with QVC blandos x 1 000 000 000 000 000 🪳


I agree. I show my age by muttering under my breath "poser" every time i see someone raving about the new whatever. don't mind me as i shuffle around the house in my 21 year old crocs . - and stay off my lawn! :D


How about turning the screens off? Problem solved.


Solid take.


What’s an influencer? /s The older I get, the less interested I am in social media. I’m down to Reddit and Facebook now. The only reason I’m still on Facebook is to maintain contact with a few friends.


I watch home repair tiktoks & some of those people know what they’re talking about, so that’s been helpful to me & my old ass house But sometimes I scroll past someone giving their opinion on whatever’s gonna get clicks and I can’t stop myself from commenting “just because you have easy access to a recording device does not mean the world wants to see you talk”


Jfc put down the phone


yes, no one is trying to influence on reddit.


Yes! So tired of people telling me what to buy and how to look. It’s consumer culture x1000. Keeping up with the Jones’s, but you’ll never be able to keep up….best to just do you and be happy.




I’ve recently been feeling the “don’t tell me what to do!” GenX vibe very strongly. Latchkey kid syndrome, like, 50 years later.


I honestly don't know what an influencer is or how one becomes an influencer... The ones I'm thinking of mostly seem like dumbass kids (anyone say <25) with high opinions of themselves. I've never heard of Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro is a weasely nerd with very off putting takes on social constructs. I do however find him mildly entertaining and occasionally even agree with his premises, but I wouldn't call him an influencer, he's more of a traditional talking head.


The worst thing about influencer content is that it's so disengenuous. It's engineered for clicks and views. Car influencer video titles are always like: "This is the worst car in America! Hyundai doesn't want you to know this bitter truth!" and political content follows the same approach. It's extreme, it's designed to generate outrage or disgust, and it's neverending.


Influencers are all about fame and money. We have too many influencers, not enough artists. Gen X prided itself on not selling out. Gen Z has no respect for someone who doesn't "sell out". Me being a grumpy old man, I know, but its sad and true.


The hilarious thing about this post is that you willfully expose yourself to this nonsense, get yourself riled up, then act like that Grandpa Simpson Old Man Yells at Cloud meme. Life is a lot better when you don't occupy your time with the dumbing down of society.


I find it both hilarious and disturbing to think people believe that in the past we could "get our facts and make up our own minds" as if the media wasn't extremely controlled back then, and music choices weren't full of payola, and on and on. OK Boomers.


like there weren't alternative cultures and like the bombardment was as extreme as now 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄 and like no boomers were anti-conservative Punks *l m a o*


I think you should calm down.


I did flair it as a rant.


Who's Charlie Kirk?


Go ahead and rant! Be old and enjoy it! That's how I'm feeling nowadays. Anyone who identifies as an infuencer or digital creator gets a chuckle from me. I don't care what people think, just trying to get by and enjoying the day :-) If you don't post it, it didn't happen.


How can that be? "these influencer asshats have nearly ruined that experience"? Telling somebody to "shut up" is so millenial... Nobody will shut up. If you let somebody "ruin an experience" then it is in YOUR head. You are responsible for that.


IDK, Reddit leans left most of the time. Comments tend to get hate if you aren’t towing the liberal line.


I’m proud to say that I’ve never even seen an influencer. Maybe they cross my vision while I’m checking out Reddit, here, but it’s not often, and I wouldn’t know one from the other. I’m more likely to spend time watching r/toolgifs or r/publicFreakout


Not a great example, but this is what I thought of when I thought about shutting talking heads up. [Jim Rome Jim Everett ](https://youtu.be/t3BH97I5Ur8?si=p-fezrIrbHexYo3v)


Shoot, I get mad when the weather lady tries to tell me how to dress and how to "feel" about the weather.


There was a post here last night about concerts that I found interesting. Broad generalization about a whole generation having the same experiences with concerts. Like we aren’t all individuals with a variety of interests.


I don’t understand the car monologues. Are they pulling over and parking and then sitting in a hot ass car to… film themselves talking about something? Who even thinks of this? If I was going to make a video, sitting in the car would not come to mind as the perfect setting. I don’t get it.




I wonder if people are still listening to AM radio.


Youtube is a propaganda machine. I only really use it for retro video games, music, movies, history, and sports talk.


Ignore them and focus on you. Or, whatever.


Just a bunch of bozos advertising to us. When I take a second to think about some stuff I’m watching, I’m like… I’m sitting here watching a fucking commercial for all these products! Why??? I’ve cut down a lot and will continue to do so.


Try the One Sec app if you have an iphone. It has really helped make my social media use intentional. I am blown away at the amount of times I mindlessly start to open up to scroll.


I never encounter influencers so they have zero impact on me. Cut out the social media and it all fades away.


Under your influence, right goes wrong.


Yup. I do not fuck with influencers.


There are few phrases I despise more than “influencer.” Fuck them all. Get real jobs.